(CT:ORG-674; 10-18-2024)
(Office of Origin: WHA/EX)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA):
(1) Reports directly to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P);
(2) Has the responsibilities of an Assistant Secretary that are stated in 1 FAM 112; and
(3) Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 150, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA).
1 FAM 151.1 Organization
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
An organization chart of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA) is found at 1 FAM Exhibit 151.1.
1 FAM 151.2 Authorities
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA) authorities include:
(1) 22 U.S.C. 2651a and 22 U.S.C. 2656, which are the general authorities of the Secretary of State for managing the Department and conducting foreign relations;
(2) Delegation of Authority 233, dated May 1, 1996, Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act of 1996;
(3) Paragraph (e) of Section 2, Delegation of Authority 293-2, dated October 23, 2011, Authorities Under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and Other Related Acts; and
(4) Other authorities, as appropriate.
(CT:ORG-218; 07-28-2009)
See 1 FAM 113.
1 FAM 153.1 The Executive Director
(CT:ORG-218; 07-28-2009)
See 1 FAM 116.
1 FAM 153.2 Florida Regional Center (WHA/EX/FRC)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Florida Regional Center (WHA/EX/FRC) reports to the Office of the Executive Director (WHA/EX) and provides regional management and support services to posts throughout the entire hemisphere.
(CT:ORG-647; 01-08-2024)
a. The chief of mission of the U.S. Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States (USOAS) serves as the Permanent U.S. Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS). As Permanent U.S. Representative, the incumbent represents the United States at the Permanent Council and other OAS bodies.
b. The deputy U.S. representative serves as deputy chief of mission and acts as Alternate U.S. Representative on the Permanent Council of the OAS.
c. The USOAS serves as the central coordination point for communications between the U.S. Government and the OAS in Washington, DC and all permanent and observer missions accredited thereto, including any OAS-related Inter-American Organizations of which the United States is a member; e.g., Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Pan American Institute for Geography and History, and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.
(CT:ORG-218; 07-28-2009)
See 1 FAM 114.
1 FAM 155.1 Office of Policy Planning and Coordination (WHA/PPC)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
a. The Office of Policy Planning and Coordination (WHA/PPC) provides strategic review, analysis, and recommendations on country, sub-regional, and regional policy matters; identifies gaps in policy and emerging needs and develops recommendations for the Assistant Secretary and the principal deputy assistant secretary (PDAS) to meet requirements and mitigate strategic risk; and prepares public remarks for the Assistant Secretary and the PDAS.
b. This office manages, in appropriate coordination with the Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H), WHA’s outreach to Members and staff of the U.S. Congress, including strategy, briefings, travel, and testimony.
c. This office provides broad oversight, guidance, and coordination on U.S. foreign assistance programs in the Western Hemisphere, including guidance to both field and domestic offices on program management and evaluation, and donor coordination.
d. WHA/PPC helps develop and implement bureau policy on such functional issues as democratic governance, organized crime, counterterrorism, international organizations, political-military affairs, and human rights, including coordination with specialized bureaus, offices, and agencies, and representation of the bureau in interagency working groups.
e. WHA/PPC organizes policy talks with governments outside the region and other policy outreach to advance bureau objectives.
f. Other responsibilities of this office include those stated in 1 FAM 118.1.
1 FAM 155.2 Office of Regional Economic Policy and Summit Coordination (WHA/EPSC)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
a. The Office of Regional Economic Policy and Summit Coordination (WHA/EPSC) develops recommendations and coordinates action within the bureau on economic and financial policies relating to:
(1) Latin American debt problems and other financial and large-scale problems (Financial Division);
(2) Overall economic aid allocations, including in support of social development initiatives, and specific support for implementation of the labor and environmental provisions of free-trade agreements;
(3) Energy policy, including support of U.S. domestic legislation on energy security and diversification, as well as agricultural policy, which cuts across trade and energy due to the emergence of biofuels;
(4) Environmental, science, technology, and health policy;
(5) Trade agreements, including foreign policy elements of negotiation and implementation of trade agreements, and unilateral trade preference programs such as the Caribbean Basin Initiative; and
(6) Regional economic integration initiatives, recognizing both the strong desire in the Hemisphere for integration and the benefits to the United States of the stability and prosperity that more integrated trade and investment in the Hemisphere would produce.
b. WHA/EPSC coordinates support for the periodic Summit of the Americas:
(1) Leads interagency development of U.S. commitments to carry out social, educational, economic development, and democracy goals agreed to at the Summit;
(2) Participates in multilateral negotiations to develop Summit agendas, declarations, and shared commitments;
(3) Monitors progress on agreed goals between summits, both domestically and through the multilateral Summit Implementation Review Group meetings; and
(4) Provides staff support to the National Summit of the Americas Coordinator.
1 FAM 155.3 Office of Andean Affairs (WHA/AND)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Office of Andean Affairs (WHA/AND) is responsible for the countries of:
(1) Bolivia;
(2) Colombia;
(3) Ecuador;
(4) Peru; and
(5) Venezuela.
1 FAM 155.4 Office of Brazilian and Southern Cone Affairs (WHA/BSC)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Office of Brazilian and Southern Cone Affairs (WHA/BSC) is responsible for the countries of:
(1) Argentina;
(2) Brazil;
(3) Chile;
(4) Paraguay; and
(5) Uruguay.
1 FAM 155.5 Office of Canadian Affairs (WHA/CAN)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Office of Canadian Affairs (WHA/CAN) is responsible for Canadian affairs.
1 FAM 155.6 Office of Caribbean Affairs (WHA/CAR)
(CT:ORG-674; 10-18-2024)
The Office of Caribbean Affairs (WHA/CAR) is responsible for the following:
(1) Antigua and Barbuda;
(2) Aruba;
(3) The Bahamas;
(4) Barbados;
(5) Curaçao
(6) Dominica;
(7) Dominican Republic;
(8) Grenada;
(9) Guyana;
(10) Jamaica;
(11) Sint Maarten;
(12) St. Kitts and Nevis;
(13) St. Lucia;
(14) St. Vincent and the Grenadines;
(15) Suriname; and
(16) Trinidad and Tobago.
1 FAM 155.7 Office of Central American Affairs (WHA/CEN)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Office of Central American Affairs (WHA/CEN) is responsible for the countries of:
(1) Belize;
(2) Costa Rica;
(3) El Salvador;
(4) Guatemala;
(5) Honduras;
(6) Nicaragua; and
(7) Panama.
1 FAM 155.8 Office of the Coordinator for Cuban Affairs (WHA/CCA)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Office of the Coordinator for Cuban Affairs (WHA/CCA) is responsible for Cuban affairs.
1 FAM 155.9 Office of Mexican Affairs (WHA/MEX)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
The Office of Mexican Affairs (WHA/MEX) is responsible for Mexican affairs.
1 FAM 155.10 Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (WHA/PDA)
(CT:ORG-263; 04-03-2012)
See 1 FAM 114.2.
1 FAM 155.11 Office of Haitian Affairs(WHA/HA)
(CT:ORG-543; 02-12-2020)
The Office of the Haitian Affairs (WHA/HA) is responsible for Haitian affairs.
1 FAM 155.12 Office of Migration Affairs (WHA/MA)
(CT:ORG-647; 01-08-2024)
The Office of the Migration Affairs (WHA/MA) leads interagency efforts to develop and advance policies to manage migration to the United States and throughout the Western Hemisphere.
(1) This office identifies, analyzes, and advises on migration policy, in collaboration with posts, bureaus, other agencies, and regional partners.
(2) This office responds to emerging and long-term migration challenges, as the Department’s focal point for migration policy formation and interagency coordination.
(3) WHA/MA leverages and unites Department-wide expertise to guide and inform policy discussions on migration affairs among the federal government and regional partners.