(CT:ORG-621; 03-21-2023)
(Office of Origin: GTM/EX)
1 FAM 231.1 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-586; 09-10-2021)
a. The Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent (DG) reports directly to the Under Secretary for Management (M). When the Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary are not available, the DG may exercise certain authorities of the Under Secretary. See Delegation of Authority 244-1.
b. In consultation with the Under Secretary for Management, the DG manages the operations of the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) and is responsible for the operation of the Department’s:
(1) Foreign Service and Civil Service human resource systems; and
(2) Family Liaison functions.
Most functions are carried out by delegations to the Deputy Assistant Secretaries for Global Talent Management (GTM), the Director of the Global Community Liaison Office (GTM/GCLO), the Director of the Office of Casualty Assistance (GTM/OCA), and other GTM office directors. The DG personally decides human resource and family liaison-related issues, when appropriate.
c. The DG coordinates human resources policies of the Department of State with those of the other foreign affairs agencies, including:
(1) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID);
(2) Peace Corps;
(3) International Broadcasting Board; and
(4) Some elements of the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce.
d. The DG serves as Chairperson of the Board of the Foreign Service and the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, and also serves as Chairperson of the Executive Resources Board (ERB).
e. The DG has overall substantive and coordinating responsibility for the following Department regulatory publications:
(1) Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 1 (Organization and Functions) subchapter 1 FAM 230, Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM);
(2) Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 2 (General) subchapter section 2 FAM 113.7, Community Liaison Office; and
(3) Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 3 (Human Resources) and its related Foreign Affairs Handbooks in their entirety.
f. The DG has substantive responsibility for 1 FAM 014, Organization Control, Policies, and Functional Statements (with CGFS and A/GIS/DIR).
1 FAM 231.2 Organization
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
An organization chart of GTM is found in 1 FAM Exhibit 231.2.
1 FAM 231.3 Definitions
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
Abroad: Any locations outside of the United States and its territories.
Schedules A, B, and C: These schedules are appointing authorities which cover a very wide range of positions and are subject to change. For a complete listing, see 5 CFR 213.
U.S. Foreign Service employees: U.S. citizens who are members of the Foreign Service.
Worldwide: This refers to all Department of State locations, both in and out of the United States and its territories.
1 FAM 231.4 Authorities
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The DG is designated as the head of the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM). Formerly known as the Bureau of Human Resources, the bureau was created as a result of the realignment of the Department’s human resources functions on November 23, 1975. (The position of Director General of the Foreign Service was created by the Foreign Service Act of 1946.)
b. The human resources functions performed by the Bureau of Global Talent Management are carried out under the applicable laws of the United States, principally those contained in Title 5 of the United States Code, the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 U.S.C. 2651a, the U.N. Participation Act, authorities transferred under the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, enabling legislation of the foreign affairs agencies, and implementing Executive Orders, regulations, and directives.
1 FAM 232.1 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Talent Management
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Talent Management serves as the principal deputy to the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent, assisting in the formulation and implementation of human resources policies and programs of the Department and the Foreign Service and other organizations under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State.
b. As designated by the DG, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Talent Management oversees the activities of various operating elements responsible for administering selected human resources programs of the Department and the Foreign Service.
c. The Principal DAS serves as a member of the Training Policy Committee.
d. When so designated, the Principal DAS serves as Acting Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent.
1 FAM 232.2 Deputy Assistant Secretaries for Global Talent Management
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The three deputy assistant secretaries for Global Talent Management under the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent assist in the formulation and implementation of the human resources policies and programs of the Department and the Foreign Service and other organizations under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State.
b. As assigned by the DG, they oversee the activities of various operating elements responsible for administering selected human resources programs in the Department and abroad.
c. They undertake specific supervisory responsibilities as designated by the DG.
d. Any GTM DAS, when so designated, serves as Acting Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent.
1 FAM 233.1 Office of Career Development and Assignments (GTM/CDA)
(CT:ORG-621; 03-21-2023)
a. The Office of Career Development and Assignments (GTM/CDA) administers the open assignments system, under which Foreign Service members are assigned to Foreign Service positions for the purpose of professional development and fulfillment of the Department’s Service needs.
b. GTM/CDA offers career counseling to Foreign Service members, including guidance on assignment choices, obtaining onward assignments, professional development, and regulatory matters related to assignments.
c. GTM/CDA maintains and updates the professional development programs and associated guidance materials for members of the Foreign Service, in accord with Service need.
d. GTM/CDA coordinates and processes the appointment and resignation of candidates for, and incumbents of, chief-of-mission and other Presidential appointment positions under the jurisdiction of the Department of State.
e. GTM/CDA offers guidance and counseling to Department bureaus and offices on Foreign Service assignments and professional development, including guidance on the open assignments system and regulatory matters related to assignments.
f. GTM/CDA administers and develops the policies, practices, and regulations on open assignments, professional development, career counseling, and the other programs within its jurisdiction in accord with Department policies on affirmative action, diversity and inclusion.
1 FAM 233.2 Office of Civil Service Talent Management (GTM/CSTM)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Civil Service Talent Management (GTM/CSTM) develops, monitors, and administers programs, policies, and procedures and evaluation criteria for designated Civil Service human resources (HR) management functions, including merit staffing, career development and training, performance management, executive resources management, and position classification.
b. GTM/CSTM analyzes HR management issues, evaluates alternative approaches, and designs Department-wide policies to meet identified or anticipated needs. GTM/CSTM reviews and evaluates pertinent statutes, regulations, and case law for applicability to Department programs and operations. GTM/CSTM develops Department regulations and drafts and responds to legislative and regulatory proposals in support of assigned programs and functions.
c. GTM/CSTM provides policy interpretation, direction, and procedural guidance to HR service providers in general HR management and practices in the specific functional areas of classification, staffing, performance management, and executive resources management.
d. GTM/CSTM serves as liaison with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on matters related to designated Civil Service functions.
e. GTM/CSTM manages an HR Accountability Program to assess the overall delivery of HR management services and adherence to merit principles. GTM/CSTM conducts accountability and program evaluation reviews and audits. GTM/CSTM identifies best practices and major and minor deficiencies in services, prohibited personnel practices, and misapplication of law and regulation. GTM/CSTM evaluates compliance with audit and evaluation findings and recommendations.
1 FAM 233.3 Office of Employee Relations (GTM/ER)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Employee Relations (GTM/ER) administers and develops policies, plans, and procedures for:
(1) Leave;
(2) Emergency visitation travel;
(3) Travel of children of separated parents;
(4) Voluntary leave transfer program and voluntary leave bank program;
(5) Family and Medical Leave Act;
(6) Visitation and rest and recuperation (R&R) travel;
(7) R&R posts for State and participating foreign affairs agencies;
(8) Telework and Domestic Employees Teleworking Overseas (DETOs);
(9) The discipline program for Foreign Service and Civil Service employees;
(10) Adverse actions based on performance; and
(11) Offers managers guidance and tools to improve performance and manage conduct issues in the workplace.
b. GTM/ER administers and develops policies, plans, and procedures for employee benefits and services programs, including the:
(1) Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program;
(2) Workers compensation programs;
(3) Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP); and
(4) Bicycle subsidy program.
c. GTM/ER manages the regulations process for GTM. GTM/ER issues human resources (HR) regulations for DGTM, GTM, the Foreign Service, and the other foreign affairs agencies. This function includes:
(1) Coordination of the preparation and clearance by appropriate offices of new and revised HR regulations, and tracking their progress; and
(2) Drafting, editing, obtaining appropriate interagency management clearances, and publication of approved HR regulations.
d. GTM/ER coordinates Department campaigns and drives including the Combined Federal Campaign, Feds Feed Families, Take Your Child to Work Day, Work Life Wellness Month, and volunteer programs.
1 FAM 233.4 Executive Office (GTM/EX)
(CT:ORG-592; 11-03-2021)
a. The Executive Office for the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) assists the Director General (DG) through the provision of executive management and administrative services, including management analysis and strategic planning, financial management, human resources management, information resources management, and general services for the bureau. GTM/EX is also responsible for emergency coordination and continuity of operations for the bureau. GTM/EX plans and supports the Department’s annual retirement ceremony and Foreign Affairs Day.
b. GTM/EX is comprised of two offices, the Office of Management Resources and the Office of Technology Services.
c. The Office of Management Resources (GTM/EX/MR) has five divisions that provide both internal support to the bureau, as well as services for the entire Department as follows:
(1) The Resource Management Division (GTM/EX/MR/RMD) formulates and executes the budget for the bureau and also authorizes and approves funds for travel and transportation of effects associated with the assignment, transfer, home leave, and separation of Foreign Service personnel and their dependents.
(2) The International/Domestic Support Division (GTM/EX/IDSD) issues permanent change-of-station travel authorizations to Foreign Service and Civil Service employees and their eligible family members (EFMs).
(3) The General Services Division (GTM/EX/GSD) provides administrative and general support services for the bureau.
(4) The Human Resources Division (GTM/EX/HR) coordinates human resources services for the bureau.
(5) The Records and Information Management Division (GTM/EX/RIM) develops and coordinates the records management program for the bureau and also maintains official human resources folders for the Department and controls access to them. GTM/EX/RIM administers the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act for the bureau. GTM/EX administers requests for the Department that involve human resources issues, as well as provides employment verification services for the Department.
d. The Office of Technology Services (GTM/EX/OTS) has three divisions to manage the bureau’s automation and information management program. OTS is responsible for all aspects of the approximately 70 applications that comprise the Integrated Personnel Management System (IPMS) to develop, maintain, and manage Department corporate human resources systems, including systems of record for both domestic and overseas employees.
(1) The Program Management Division (GTM/EX/PMD) provides project oversight, budget planning and execution, architectural oversight, security management, and user experience/usability standards and 508 compliance
(2) The Systems Oversight Division (GTM/EX/SOD) is the official human resources data steward, provides expert advice and technical guidance in the use of all IPMS components, and provides Help Desk, Training and Change Management support to all users.
(3) The Systems Solutions Division (GTM/EX/SSD) develops, manages, maintains, and monitors the Department’s HR platforms and systems.
1 FAM 233.5 Global Community Liaison Office (GTM/GCLO)
(CT:ORG-586; 09-10-2021)
The Global Community Liaison Office (GTM/GCLO) is an advocate for quality-of-life issues for Foreign Service and other U.S. Government agency employees and family members assigned to posts abroad. GTM/GCLO represents concerns to management, develops programs, and provides client services, particularly, but not solely, in the areas of education, family member employment, and crisis management. GTM/GCLO plays a key role in evacuation preparation, implementation, and support. GTM/GCLO sets policy for and manages the Community Liaison Office Program which provides similar services at posts abroad.
1 FAM 233.6 Grievance Staff (GTM/G)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Grievance Staff (GTM/G) advises and assists the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent and senior officials of the Bureau of Global Talent Management with regard to grievance matters involving Foreign Service and Civil Service employees.
b. GTM/G investigates grievances and prepares recommendations, in the form of decision letters for the signature of a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Talent Management, for the resolution of grievances submitted under the Foreign Service Grievance System (see 3 FAM 4400) or the Civil Service Grievance System (see 3 FAM 4700).
c. GTM/G oversees implementation of remedial action, as necessary, to resolve grievances.
d. GTM/G represents the Department in cases appealed to the Foreign Service Grievance Board.
e. GTM/G maintains liaison with the Office of the Legal Adviser (L) and the Department of Justice regarding litigation arising from grievance cases.
1 FAM 233.7 Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (GTM/OAA)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (GTM/OAA) develops and coordinates disability policy, initiatives, practical applications, responds to concerns regarding access to the physical and virtual environment, and implements the Department’s Selective Placement Program, which promotes and facilitates the placement of qualified individuals with disabilities.
b. The Office of Accessibility and Accommodations’ Accessibility Division (GTM/OAA/AD) oversees accessibility standards, coordinates the Section 508 program (Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794d), provides multimedia captioning, description services, assistive technology equipment and devices, information, and communication technology support. GTM/OAA/AD:
(1) In coordination with the Chief Information Officer, works to achieve the goals of the Department’s Section 508 program. This includes:
· Providing subject matter expertise regarding Section 508 reporting requirements, evaluating all General Exceptions requests for Section 508;
· Monitoring, managing, checking, collecting and disseminating standards and information regarding the Department’s compliance of existing Information Technology (IT) solutions;
· Ensuring accessibility is incorporated in agency IT lifecycle and acquisition planning;
· Establishing training requirements for IT Accessibility Standards;
· Collecting metrics and data to measure compliance; and
· Reporting Section 508 Program maturity to the Office of Management and Budget.
(2) Supports and obtains required approvals for the Department’s Assistive Information and Communication Technologies (A-ICT). Provides assistive technologies, software and hardware, subject expertise and support of reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.
(3) Provides multimedia captioning and description services for Department programs in support of Section 508 and individuals with disabilities.
(4) In collaboration with the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO) and the Bureau of Administration (A), promotes equal access for individuals with disabilities to Department facilities, transportation vehicles, and emergency management activities.
c. The Office of Accessibility and Accommodations’ Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Division (GTM/OAA/DRAD):
(1) Is the decision maker on all requests for reasonable accommodation.
(2) Provides reasonable accommodation solutions for qualified employees and job applicants with disabilities, including but not limited to: testing accommodations, modified work schedules and telework, unpaid leave, job restructuring, assistive technology, ergonomic and other assistive devices, accommodation assistants, and reassignment.
(3) Consults with and advises Department Bureaus, Offices and Posts, domestically and abroad, regarding reasonable accommodation.
(4) Oversees and administers the Department’s American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting Program, Mobility Scooter Program, and Personal Assistance Services (PAS).
1 FAM 233.8 Office of Casualty Assistance (GTM/OCA)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Casualty Assistance (GTM/OCA) provides administrative assistance and support following the death of a direct-hire U.S. citizen Department of State employee serving abroad or their family member, or of a Department of State employee in the United States.
b. GTM/OCA also offers support to all direct-hire U.S. Government employees serving under Chief of Mission authority and their family members, including locally employed staff (LE staff), and Department of State employees in the United States who are victims of terrorism, mass casualty, or certain other critical incidents, whether the victims are killed, injured, or impaired. GTM/OCA provides a single point-of-contact at the Department for employees and families, and is an advocate within the Department, with other Federal, State, and local agencies, and in the private sector, providing assistance with respect to benefits and compensation, counseling, community services, and other support. GTM/OCA also may assist employees and family members in cases of terminal illness.
c. GTM/OCA has established crisis-support teams and trains volunteer members (consisting of GTM employees from various offices), which may be called upon to provide family support in the aftermath of an incident involving multiple deaths and/or injuries. See the GTM/OCA website on the Department of State’s Intranet.
1 FAM 233.9 Office of Overseas Employment (GTM/OE)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Overseas Employment (GTM/OE) develops, coordinates, and administers human resources policies, regulations, and procedures governing Locally Employed Staff (LE Staff) and Eligible Family Member (EFM) employees at posts abroad, including:
(1) local compensation plans (LCP) covering both foreign national and U.S. citizen LE Staff abroad;
(2) direct-hire, personal-services agreement (PSA), personal-services contract (PSC), and Family Member Appointment (FMA) employees hired by the Department of State and other participating U.S. Government agencies attached to Foreign Service posts abroad.
b. GTM/OE monitors posts’ administration of these human resources systems and provides policy interpretation and procedural guidance.
c. GTM/OE takes the lead on interagency policy, legislative, regulatory, and procedural issues for LE Staff and EFMs employed abroad. GTM/OE serves as the lead office for the Interagency Working Group on LE Staff personnel policies.
1 FAM 233.10 Policy Coordination Staff (GTM/PC)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Policy Coordination Staff (GTM/PC) serves as Department coordinator for modification of the human resources system and for coordination of Foreign Service and Civil Service human resource policies, programs, and procedures.
b. GTM/PC recommends changes in human resources policy and programs; ensures coordination of policies and procedures within the bureau and with other bureaus and their integration into the overall priorities and goals of the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent; and monitors implementation.
c. GTM/PC provides regular liaison with the American Foreign Service Association, American Federation of U.S. Government Employees, other agencies, and the Congress, the public, the press, and other media on matters of human resources policy on behalf of DGTM.
d. GTM/PC performs a wide range of policy planning and implementation functions including human resources research, long-range planning and studies, and coordinates bureau action on all human resources issues, including legislative issues, litigation, labor-management partnership, collective bargaining, public affairs, regulations, and equal employment.
1 FAM 233.11 Office of Performance Evaluation (GTM/PE)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Performance Evaluation (GTM/PE) develops and administers human resources policies, programs, and regulations affecting performance evaluation, promotion, tenuring, and separation of members of the Foreign Service, as well as the Department’s incentive awards and suggestion awards programs. GTM/PE develops and administers appropriate training for users of the Foreign Service appraisal system.
b. GTM/PE organizes, advises, and provides staff services for the review and appraisal of the performance records of Foreign Service members.
c. GTM/PE implements the decisions of the Under Secretary for Management and/or the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent regarding tenuring boards and other review panels and boards for Foreign Service members.
1 FAM 233.12 Office of Talent Acquisition (GTM/TAC)
(CT:ORG-597; 02-09-2022)
a. The Office of Talent Acquisition (GTM/TAC) manages and coordinates the recruitment, assessment, selection, and hiring of new Foreign Service employees for the Department.
b. GTM/TAC provides a Staff Director, Registrar, and staff for the Board of Examiners of the Foreign Service (BEX), an interagency body including all Foreign Service entities for which the Department has the lead. BEX is responsible for developing, evaluating and conducting assessments and examinations for all Foreign Service Generalists, Specialists and Limited Non-Career Appointments, and for coordinating with other bureaus to create and issue vacancy announcements for Specialists (GTM/TAC/BEX).
c. GTM/TAC is responsible for recruitment activities to attract, engage, and recruit highly talented and diverse candidates for Department careers, internships, and fellowships. The office coordinates with other entities in the Department to coordinate recruitment strategy and operations to ensure sustained availability of talent representative of the diversity of the United States (GTM/TAC/REC).
d. GTM/TAC manages various student internship and fellowship programs on behalf of the Department, including the substantial Unpaid Internship Program, the Pickering and Rangel Fellowships, the United States Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP), and the Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship (FAIT) (GTM/TAC/SPF).
e. GTM/TAC is the sole hiring authority for Foreign Service positions, including Foreign Service Generalists, Specialists, and Limited Non-career Appointments, Recalls and Reappointments. The Registrar team oversees policy and operational matters involving Foreign Service hiring, manages rank ordered lists (registers) of Foreign Service candidates, extends offers and manages all onboarding functions for the Foreign Service (GTM/TAC/REG).
f. GTM/TAC provides related services to other foreign affairs agencies on a limited basis as provided by agreements with those agencies.
1 FAM 233.13 Office of Organization and Talent Analytics (GTM/OTA)
(CT:ORG-616; 02-07-2023)
a. The Office of Organization and Talent Analytics (GTM/OTA) provides overall leadership and coordination in the development and implementation of policies, plans, procedures, and standards for classification of Foreign Service positions domestically and abroad, and for senior Foreign Service positions worldwide.
b. GTM/OTA administers, interprets, and disseminates policies and procedures for Civil Service classification appeals.
c. GTM/OTA conducts standards reviews and development projects (for the Foreign Service) to include coordination of the review and comment on draft classification standards.
d. GTM/OTA plans, develops, establishes, interprets, evaluates, and advises management on U.S. Government-wide uniform foreign affairs agency and Department policies, procedures, activities, and/or strategies affecting a wide range of compensation program areas.
e. GTM/OTA conducts evaluations, policy development, and operational activities associated with the Department’s organizational review and approval, and position management programs.
f. GTM/OTA establishes and maintains the Department’s organizational and position management policies and procedures as outlined in 1 FAM 015 (with CGFS and A/GIS/DIR) and 3 FAM 2610.
g. GTM/OTA approves the establishment, abolishment, or reprogramming, as appropriate, of all Department-of-State positions.
h. GTM/OTA directs a workload measurement program and manages the Department’s full-time equivalent (FTE) system.
i. GTM/OTA allocates FTE ceilings to Department bureaus and realigns allocations based upon changing needs and priorities.
j. GTM/OTA conducts reviews of all bureau program plans and budget submissions to recommend and justify allocation of human resources.
k. GTM/OTA defends the Department’s FTE requirements before the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
l. GTM/OTA provides workforce planning for both the Foreign Service and Civil Service.
m. GTM/OTA analyzes human resources management issues and develops management systems to permit more effective use of available resources.
n. GTM/OTA supports the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Talent Management (DG) in his or her role as a member of the Under Secretary for Management’s team.
o. GTM/OTA conducts special studies and/or coordinates Department programs related to position classification, position management, occupational structure, compensation, workforce planning, or resource planning.
p. GTM/OTA provides analysis of general human resources management issues of interest to the Department’s principal officers.
q. GTM/OTA is responsible for organizational control policy and oversight as outlined in 1 FAM 014.
r. GTM/OTA advises on all structural changes as it relates to creating, abolishing, realigning, or merging organizational entities.
s. GTM/OTA conducts strategic organizational studies to best align the strategy (mission/vision) of an organization with its structure, processes, workforce, and customer service delivery model.
1 FAM 233.14 Office of Retirement (GTM/RET)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Retirement (GTM/RET) administers the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System and the Foreign Service Pension System for participants for the Department of State and other foreign affairs agencies. GTM/RET:
(1) Issues policies and regulations and operates automated systems to manage these programs;
(2) Determines eligibility for benefits and authorizes payment, adjustment, and termination of benefits under these programs; and
(3) Counsels U.S. Foreign Service employees and their families about these programs.
b. GTM/RET helps OPM administer the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System for Department of State employees (including Foreign Service nationals (FSNs)) covered by these programs. GTM/RET:
(1) Helps prepare retirement records in conjunction with bureau executive offices, CGFS, and posts abroad for submission to OPM; and
(2) Counsels U.S. Civil Service employees and their families about these programs.
c. GTM/RET helps OPM administer the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program and the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program for Foreign Service annuitants and certain Department of State employees and their dependents, described as follows:
(1) Maintains records of health and life insurance enrollments and authorizes collection of premiums for coverage of annuitants under these programs;
(2) Manages the FEHB program for former spouses of Foreign Service employees and annuitants; and
(3) Manages the program for temporary continuation of FEHB coverage under Public Law 100-654 for all Department of State employees and Foreign Service annuitants.
d. GTM/RET helps the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board administer the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) for Department of State participants. GTM/RET manages TSP open seasons for Department of State employees.
e. GTM/RET conducts briefings on the Civil Service and Foreign Service retirement systems at periodic retirement planning seminars.
1 FAM 233.15 Office of Talent Services (GTM/TS)
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)
a. The Office of Talent Services (GTM/TS) supports the Department’s human resources (HR) delivery model through its client services and Department-wide programs. The HR delivery model allows client bureau liaisons to provide strategic HR services within the bureaus and enables the Department to increase quality and value in core administrative services.
b. GTM/TS performs Civil Service classification, recruitment, and personnel actions for client bureaus and offices throughout the Department.
c. GTM/TS administers or provides operational support for a number of Department-wide programs including:
(1) Employee and Annuitant Services (Tier 1 in the tiered-service delivery model
(2) Pathways Programs for Students and Recent Graduates (Internship, Recent Graduates, and Presidential Management Fellows Programs)
(3) Reemployed Annuitant (REA/WAE) Global Registry
(4) Shared Leave Programs (Voluntary Leave Transfer and Voluntary Leave Bank Programs)
(5) Transit Subsidy Program
(6) Foreign Service Family Reserve Corps (FSFRC)
1 FAM 233.16 Office of Presidential Appointments (GTM/PAS)
(CT:ORG-616; 02-07-2023)
a. The Office of Presidential Appointments (GTM/PAS) leads and executes the Department’s presidential appointments program, encompassing the Department’s senior leadership and overseas Ambassadors.
b. GTM/PAS serves as the customer service provider to the White House for U.S. Government Presidential commissions.
c. GTM/PAS accords diplomatic and consular titles to U.S. Government personnel overseas serving under Chief of Mission authority.
d. GTM/PAS manages Foreign Service Commissioning for the State Department and on behalf of other Foreign Affairs agencies.
e. GTM/PAS is the only office within the Department with the authority and responsibility to operate and oversee the Great Seal of the United States on behalf of the Secretary of State.
1 FAM Exhibit 231.2
(CT:ORG-578; 04-13-2021)