(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
(Office of Origin: OBO/FO)
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
1 FAM 281.1 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Director of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO):
(1) Reports directly to the Under Secretary for Management (M).
(2) Assists the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary for Management with formulating policy on the worldwide buildings program abroad for the Department of State and the U.S. Government community serving abroad under the authority of the chiefs of mission.
(3) Has the rank administratively equivalent to an Assistant Secretary.
(4) Formulates and directs the implementation of buildings policies abroad to provide safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities for the conduct of U.S. diplomacy and the promotion of U.S. interests worldwide.
(5) Acts as the Senior Real Property Officer (SRPO) for the Department of State.
(6) Advises the Secretary and the Under Secretary for Management on buildings operations matters abroad and supervises the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations.
(7) Establishes program priorities abroad in accordance with Congressional mandates and policies of the President, the Secretary, the Department, and the bureaus.
(8) Ensures that facilities abroad are maintained in accordance with generally accepted standards for U.S. Government asset management.
(9) Develops and defends buildings abroad appropriations and authorization requests in the Department and before the Office of Management and Budget and Congressional committees.
(10) Decides on the worldwide priorities for the design, construction, acquisition, maintenance, utilization, and sale of real properties and the use of sales proceeds.
(11) Develops the Long-Range Plan documenting the re-capitalization and the sustainment, restoration, and modernization requirements of the Department's overseas diplomatic facilities.
(12) Manages the Capital Security Cost Sharing and Maintenance Cost Sharing Programs and coordinates with U.S. Government agencies operating under Chief of Mission authority.
(13) Serves as Chair of the Industry Advisory Group, the Washington Interagency Housing Board, and the Interagency Facilities Council.
(14) Establishes and directs the implementation of an energy conservation program for posts abroad.
(15) Provides direction and guidance on building matters abroad to regional bureaus and other agencies.
(16) Has overall substantive and coordinating responsibility for the following Department regulatory publications:
(a) Subchapter 280, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations, in Volume 1 (Organization and Functions) of the Foreign Affairs Manual; and
(b) Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 15 (Overseas Buildings Operations) and its related Foreign Affairs Handbook (15 FAH) in its entirety.
1 FAM 281.2 Organization
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
An organization chart of the Bureau of OBO is found in 1 FAM Exhibit 281.2.
1 FAM 281.3 Authorities
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
OBO operates under the following authorities:
(1) The Foreign Service Buildings Act of 1926 (45 Stat. 971), as amended, 22 U.S.C. 292 et seq.
(2) The Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-399), as amended, 22 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.
(3) The Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-113), as amended, 22 U.S.C. 4865.
(4) The State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (70 Stat. 890), 22 U.S.C. 2670.
(5) Delegation of Authority No. 548 (88 FR 89001).
(6) Other authorities established per statute or executive order, as appropriate.
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
1 FAM 282.1 Principal Deputy Director (OBO/PDD)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Principal Deputy Director of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/PDD):
(1) Reports directly to the OBO Director.
(2) Assists in formulating and directing the implementation of policies on the worldwide buildings program abroad for the Department of State and the U.S. Government community serving abroad under the authority of the chiefs of mission.
(3) When so designated, the Principal Deputy Director serves as Acting OBO Director.
(4) Has the rank administratively equivalent to a principal deputy assistant secretary.
(5) Supervises the Managing Director for Operations (OBO/OPS), the Managing Director for Planning and Real Estate (OBO/PRE); the Managing Director for Program Development, Coordination, and Support (OBO/PDCS); the Managing Director for Construction and Security Management (OBO/CSM); the Comptroller (OBO/COMP); the Executive Director (OBO/EX); and the External Affairs and Strategic Communications Officer.
(5) Performs such duties as may be assigned by the OBO Director.
1 FAM 282.2 Office of the Executive Director (OBO/EX)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Executive Director of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/EX):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Director of OBO.
(2) Serves as the principal adviser on human resources, facility and general services management, and information technology services to the OBO Director and the Principal Deputy Director.
(3) OBO/EX is responsible for emergency coordination and continuity of operations for the Bureau.
(4) Provides direct management oversight to the Deputy Executive Director, who oversees the day-to-day operations of the Office, and to the following OBO/EX offices:
(a) Human Resources Division (OBO/EX/HR);
(b) Information Resources Management Division (OBO/EX/IRM); and
(c) Management Services Division (OBO/EX/MSD).
(5) Serves as the property management officer (PMO) of the Bureau in accordance with Department policy with the authority to delegate this role to the Deputy.
(6) Serves as principal adviser to the Bureau's Director, Principal Deputy Director, Comptroller and Managing Directors on information resources management. Develops and implements information technology policies to enhance the Bureau’s IT program through timely, cost-effective, efficient, and secure application of information resources. Ensures that resource commitments pertaining to the Office are targeted to meet the Bureau’s performance goals and the Department’s strategic goals.
(7) Oversees implementation of training and professional development requirements in collaboration with and in support of all Bureau directorates and ensures alignment with respective Department and Bureau strategic plans and mission statements. Coordinates with designated subject matter experts across the Bureau when establishing policies pertaining to training at the organizational, occupational, and individual assessment level.
(8) Manages special programs, as funding is made available pursuant to cross-Bureau prioritization and allocation, that are established in alignment with respective Department and Bureau strategic plans and mission statements.
(9) Coordinates and communicates with the various Bureau offices on overall Department and Bureau management and administrative policy requirements.
1 FAM 282.2-1 Human Resources Division (OBO/EX/HR)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Human Resources Division (OBO/EX/HR):
(1) Provides human resources services, including advising, developing, and implementing actions as pertains to position classification, position management, recruitment and staffing, assignments and transfers, equal employment opportunity, career development, counseling, performance appraisals, awards, reporting, and special projects for all employees (direct hire Civil Service and Foreign Service, and Personal Services Contractors).
(2) Provides advice and assistance with talent management policies, procedures, and operations.
(3) Develops policies and administers the human resources authorization system for both direct hire and personal services contract staff.
(4) Develops and implements retention initiatives and actions to maintain an effective workforce and works with the External Affairs and Strategic Communications Office and Bureau Directorates on recruiting initiatives.
(5) Serves as principal OBO Talent Management contact with Department of State Office of Global Talent Management and other offices to update and integrate OBO’s talent management programs with overall OPM and Department human resources policies, guidance, standards, and procedures.
(6) Assesses talent management conditions throughout the organization, identifying problem areas, and developing corrective measures.
(7) Develops control procedures for personal services contract staff.
1 FAM 282.2-2 Management Support Division (OBO/EX/MSD)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Management Support Division (OBO/EX/MSD):
(1) Formulates OBO’s internal general services administrative management policies and procedures and is responsible for administrative oversight, management activities, and business operations.
(2) Implements and manages the Bureau’s security program for staff and domestic facilities, ensures security clearance requirements, provides knowledge of security regulations and procedures, and coordinates domestic facility access control liaison on personal and physical security with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS).
(3) Develops, integrates, and manages the Bureau’s plan to ensure response and recovery from any domestic emergency, and manages the continuity of operations program (COOP).
(4) Develops, implements, and coordinates emergency activity plans in partnership with the Office of Operations in the Bureau of Administration (A/OPR) and with DS representatives. Assists with emergency management awareness and training.
(5) Provides overall direction to OBO staff regarding the Department’s travel regulations and serves as the Bureau administrator on travel management. Formulates travel procedures and processes consistent with Department policies and provides travel guidance on travel orders, travel claims, and travel lodging. Requests diplomatic and official passports for OBO employees and provides visa and passport services.
(6) Manages the Bureau’s space requirements in coordination with Bureau Directorates and the Office of Real Property Management in the Office of Operations of the Bureau of Administration (A/OPR/RPM). Manages and assigns all OBO space allocations; conducts office space allocation surveys and promotes efficient use of space assignments. Provides project implementation management and resources and moving services and ensures that space is consistent with DS security standards.
(7) Manages procurement of furniture, office supplies, and non-expendable equipment (excluding information technology (IT) hardware and software). Requisitions regulatory and specialty publications forms. Operates an off-the-shelf supply room; and serves as principal custodial officer for the Bureau.
(8) Provides courier and mail room services.
(9) Responsible for receipt of goods and services. Confirms authentication of bills for payment. Monitors the Imprest Fund;.
(10) Directs and administers for OBO:
(a) Travel card and U.S. Government purchase card programs;
(b) Repair and maintenance service contracts;
(c) Parking program; and
(d) U.S. Government-leased vehicles and shuttle/van services.
(11) Serves as the Bureau's Records Management Officer and manages the Bureau's records management program in accordance with 5 FAM 400 in conjunction with other Bureau Directorates with records management responsibilities.
(12) Serves as liaison to other bureaus to coordinate OBO’s administrative and domestic facility maintenance needs and to ensure compliance with overall Department policy guidance, standards, and procedures.
(13) Designated as the Assistant Property Officer (APO) for the Bureau. Establishes and oversees the OBO Property Survey Board in accordance with Department asset management requirements. Conducts the annual inventory of Bureau assets as required per 14 FAM, implementing necessary measures to ensure compliance and full accountability of assets per the scope of 14 FAM.
1 FAM 282.2-3 Information Resource Management Division (OBO/EX/IRM)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Information Resource Management Division (OBO/EX/IRM):
(1) The Director of the Information Resource Management Division serves as the Bureau Chief Information Officer and directs all aspects of the OBO information technology (IT) program.
(2) Centralizes all functions and resources related to the execution of IT projects for OBO while ensuring sufficient government control and oversight of personnel performing tasks within each assigned effort.
(3) Formulates plans, architecture, strategies, budgets, policies, procedures, and standards, and provides program management, in conjunction with Bureau Directorates, to ensure success in IT initiatives throughout OBO.
(4) Determines performance metrics, measures IT service performance, and initiates changes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
(5) Determines OBO business, technical, and user requirements for information technology, in conjunction with Bureau Directorates, and implements solutions based on Federal regulatory statutes and Department policy.
(6) Formulates internal policy, provides program direction, and establishes standards regarding the organization and maintenance of OBO’s automated database assets.
(7) In coordination with the Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM), manages the operation of IT systems in OBO and supplies; manages and maintains hardware, software, peripherals, and allied equipment to ensure continued and uninterrupted operational capability in accordance with OBO and Department policies.
(8) Serves as principal OBO contact with Department and other bureaus’ information resource management offices and others to integrate OBO IT needs with overall IRM policy, guidance, standards, and procedures.
(9) Provides and coordinates information technology training for OBO users per Department, IRM, and OBO plans.
(10) Manages the OBO information systems security program per Federal regulatory statutes and Department policy, including personal, physical, industrial, and information systems security.
(11) Implements service level agreements with both internal and external stakeholders to consolidate and align the support of OBO server management, desktop support, wire management, and printer management with both IRM and OBO organizational elements.
1 FAM 282.3 Chief of Staff (OBO/COS)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Chief of Staff (OBO/COS):
(1) Reports directly to the OBO Director.
(2) Directs the flow of action and information documents to and from the OBO Director, ensuring coordination and completion of actions.
(3) Manages an automated recordkeeping system to properly document actions taken by the OBO Director and other senior officials.
(4) Serves as the OBO Director’s liaison with all Department offices and bureaus, to include the Office of the Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries and other U.S. Government agencies, relaying, interpreting, and offering guidance on issues relevant to the OBO Director and OBO.
(5) Supervises the special assistants to ensure the timely flow of information.
1 FAM 282.4 External Affairs and Strategic Communications (OBO/EA)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
External Affairs and Strategic Communications (OBO/EA):
(1) Reports directly to the OBO Principal Deputy Director.
(2) Develops, implements, and manages the Bureau's outreach programs including strategic industry partnerships and relations with the press affecting OBO activities and involving the OBO Director, senior officials, or other representatives of OBO.
(3) Supports and coordinates the federally-chartered Industry Advisory Group.
(4) Develops and implements plans for providing information on OBO’s work and issues to media and the general public.
(5) Serves as the Bureau spokesperson, prepares press guidance, and provides information to reporters and journalists on OBO projects.
(6) Coordinates requests for media interviews with OBO personnel and seeks clearance from GPA.
(7) Serves as speechwriter for the OBO Director and provides presentation support for the Principal Deputy Director, Managing Directors, and Comptroller.
(8) Manages the OBO Photo Library.
(9) Manages the OBO Internet site content and all digital media platforms.
(10) In line with GPA and Department guidance, establishes branding standards for, coordinates preparation of, and reviews Bureau presentations and most publications.
(11) In conjunction with EX, prepares and disseminates Bureau-wide communications, internally and to Department colleagues.
(12) Leads and coordinates the development and implementation of a Bureau-wide recruitment marketing plan.
1 FAM 283 Comptroller (OBO/COMP)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
1 FAM 283.1 OBO Comptroller
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
The Comptroller (OBO/COMP):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Director of OBO.
(2) Advises the OBO Director on OBO’s budget, financial planning, and policy matters.
(3) Oversees the Bureau’s financial resources, policy formulation, analysis, and coordination.
(4) Directs the Bureau’s development and coordination of policy and information papers in support of its Congressional and legislative activities; and coordinates response to inquiries from other external entities (such as the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), the Government Accountability Office (GAO), and other agencies), and from Department senior management and other bureaus.
(5) Serves as OBO’s representative on the Senior Assessment Team (SAT) and the Management Control Steering Committee (MCSC), both dealing with the internal controls on financial transactions and issues pertaining to the Department’s Audited Financial Statements.
(6) Provides direct management oversight to the following OBO/COMP offices:
(a) Office of Financial Management (OBO/COMP/FM); and
(b) Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OBO/COMP/P).
1 FAM 283.2 Office of Financial Management (OBO/COMP/FM)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Financial Management (OBO/COMP/FM):
(1) Provides accounting, budget formulation and execution, and financial management services for OBO programs.
(2) Formulates and directs preparation of documentation for the annual budget for the Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance (ESCM) appropriation submissions to the Department, the Office of Management and Budget, and Congress, and prepares notifications and reprogramming required by Congress.
(3) Maintains budget and financial controls system to ensure OBO program budgets are executed consistent with enacted appropriations, committee reports, apportionments, allotment authorities, approved operating plans, and statutes, e.g., Foreign Service Buildings Act.
(4) Directs the financial planning and resource allocation process for OBO programs.
(5) Receives vendor invoices and processes payments for OBO domestically administered procurement actions.
(6) Provides policy guidance to OBO managers on budget and financial management issues.
(7) Conducts financial reviews of overseas post ESCM spending to ensure the appropriate use of OBO resources.
(8) Identifies areas where financial systems should be modified to permit more workable procedures or effective reporting.
(9) Analyzes accounting input from other elements, both internal and external to OBO, for propriety of charges.
(10) Determines the cost accounts and financial reports that will best serve management.
(11) Accepts, issues, and maintains all fund authorizations for multiple appropriations and program reimbursements.
(12) Ensures OBO’s compliance with OMB Circular A-123, Management's Responsibility for Internal Control, the Department’s Internal Management Controls Program as required by the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act, assessing the effectiveness of internal accounting and administrative controls.
1 FAM 283.3 Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OBO/COMP/P)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OBO/COMP/P):
(1) Manages the Bureau’s engagements with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO):
(a) Monitors and evaluates ongoing communications between OBO and the OIG's audit and inspection offices to ensure comprehensive, consistent, and accurate exchanges;
(b) Coordinates all written communications and compliance updates to ensure accuracy, clarity, and timeliness of submittals;
(c) Chairs entrance and exit briefings for OBO management with the OIG; and
(d) Manages OBO's responses to OIG Hotline Complaints.
(2) Liaises with the Department’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H) and manages Bureau engagements with the Hill:
(a) Coordinates, prepares, or directs the preparation of congressional correspondence to constituent inquiries, briefing papers, congressionally mandated reports, Questions for the Record, regular and ad-hoc briefing requests, as well as responses to follow-up questions related to Congressional hearings or other requests for information from members of Congress or their staffs;
(b) Coordinates the development of OBO's legislative proposals and manages their progress with H; and
(c) Coordinates responses to all H taskings and the review of proposed or pending legislation.
(3) Manages OBO's responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and ensures accurate and timely submissions.
(4) Coordinates the Bureau’s overall strategic planning process to include development, performance management, and progress reviews. Manages the development of the following primary strategic planning products:
(a) State-USAID Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) – participates in the development process to ensure OBO’s equities are included;
(b) Annual Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (APP/APR) – reports progress made at the end of each fiscal year on OBO’s equities in the JSP and identifies performance targets for the next two fiscal years;
(c) Functional Bureau Strategy (FBS) – coordinates the development, production, and updates of the strategy throughout the life of the strategy;
(d) FBS Strategy Progress Reviews – reviews progress made toward achieving strategic objectives to ensure alignment of policy, planning, resources, and support program decision-making;
(e) Bureau Resource Request (BRR) – develops the annual bureau budget request in coordination with COMP/FM; and
(f) Prepares the OBO Director for any high-level Departmental briefings to discuss OBO’s overall strategic progress, priorities, resources, and direction.
(5) Develops, coordinates, and manages the clearance process for OBO policy directives (PDs) and procedures.
(6) Facilitates revisions to OBO's volume of the Foreign Affairs Manual and its accompanying Handbook (FAM/FAH) and coordinates the internal and external clearance process on the Department's eFAM system.
(7) Conducts, as directed, special studies, analyses, and independent evaluations to provide information to the OBO Comptroller and other senior management and to develop recommendations to improve organization or program effectiveness.
(8) Acts as the repository for the Bureau's memoranda of understanding (MOU) and memoranda of agreement (MOA) in support of OBO’s programs to meet the needs of the Department, other U.S. Government agencies, and Foreign Service posts.
1 FAM 284 MANAGING Director of PLANNING AND Real Estate (OBO/PRE)
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
The Managing Director for Planning and Real Estate (OBO/PRE):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Director of OBO.
(2) Advises the OBO Director on long-range and strategic facility planning and real property programs and policies for the Department of State and the U.S. Government community serving abroad.
(3) Directs, in coordination with other OBO and Department offices, the Department’s real property portfolio asset management program, including real property acquisition and disposal plans for Department of State facilities abroad; analyzes international real estate market conditions and conducts financial evaluations of properties proposed for acquisition abroad.
(4) Oversees development of the Real Property Capital Plan and related deliverables to the Office of Management and Budget in coordination with other Department bureaus and relevant U.S. Government agencies.
(5) Oversees OBO’s strategic facility planning, long-range master planning, capital plan, country analysis, regional analysis, and development of new planning and real estate initiatives for the U.S. Government community serving abroad under chief of mission authority.
(6) Represents the Department in high-level property negotiations with other foreign governments and oversees all property negotiations for the acquisition of real property through purchase, property exchange, lease, joint venture (public/private partnerships) or other innovative methods.
(7) Directs the U.S. Government-wide Capital Security Cost-Sharing and Maintenance Cost Sharing Programs and the development of OBO’s facility planning and programming processes, in coordination with other OBO offices, including developing the Long-Range Plan (LRP).
(8) Directs the real property management program abroad, including conducting appraisals, real estate financial analyses, market/property studies, reviewing lease costs and strategies to control them, identifying surplus or underutilized properties, and managing a database of worldwide overseas real property holdings.
(9) Is responsible for reporting the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) for the Department.
(10) Directs the sale and decommissioning of real property.
(11) Directs the Adaptable Accessible Housing Acquisition Program (AAHAP).
(12) Directs the Representational Facilities Program (RepFac).
(13) Coordinates the Capital Planning Process (CPP) in support of the Senior Steering Committee on behalf of the Bureau.
(14) Directs real property policy formulation and revision, including evaluating legislation related to diplomatic presence alternatives.
(15) Accountable for management of the leasehold account and the oversight of the global portfolio of owned and leased properties.
(16) Provides direct management oversight to the following OBO/PRE offices:
(a) Office of Master Planning and Evaluations (OBO/PRE/MPE);
(b) Office of Acquisitions and Disposals (OBO/PRE/OAD);
(c) Office of Strategic Planning (OBO/PRE/OSP); and
(d) Office of Real Property Leasing (OBO/PRE/RPL).
1 FAM 284.1 Office of Master Planning and Evaluations (OBO/PRE/MPE)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Master Planning and Evaluations (OBO/PRE/MPE):
(1) Directs and prepares Master Plans, Facility Analysis, Country Analysis, Regional Analysis, and other analytical / planning efforts that provide a comprehensive overview of a specific post’s (or group of posts') facility needs, including optimum utilization of existing sites and assets, rehabilitation of existing facilities, construction of new facilities, etc.
(2) Performs analyses that inform a decision on the economic feasibility of proposed real estate actions.
(3) Undertakes new initiatives by evaluating long-term trends and exploring opportunities for improved real estate, portfolio and property management.
(4) Provides appraisal, appraisal review services, market studies, market rent analyses and financial analyses to inform decisions to buy, sell, lease, or renovate real estate assets abroad as well as the long-range planning of facilities.
(5) Develops plans to reinvest the proceeds from selling excess or underutilized property into high-yield or other important assets.
(6) Conducts Business Case Evaluations (BCEs) and other analyses for posts to support the prioritization of capital projects through the Capital Planning Process (CPP).
(7) In partnership with Department stakeholders, develops and implements Country Analysis and Regional Analysis that enable a mission-wide analysis of the Department's facilities in country and aligns them to policy goals by establishing a 30- to 50-year plan for the physical mission presence.
(8) In partnership with OBO/PDCS/PDC, creates analyses to provide project development and verification preceding large-scale capital investments.
(9) Facilitates Bureau efforts to aid decision-making when evaluating needs among sustainment, restoration, and modernization alternatives.
(10) Provides planning and real estate expertise to support Department stakeholders during the 2 FAM 411 process for post openings and closures.
1 FAM 284.2 Office of Acquisitions and Disposals (OBO/PRE/OAD)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Acquisitions and Disposals (OBO/PRE/OAD):
(1) Advises the Managing Director for Planning and Real Estate on the formulation and implementation of the real property acquisition program and associated policies for the Department of State and U.S. Government facilities abroad.
(2) Manages the site acquisition program for new embassy (NEC) or consulate (NCC) compounds by identifying, evaluating, and acquiring sites for all posts prioritized through the CPP.
(3) Develops guidelines and procedures for performing economic analyses of real estate site alternatives.
(4) Conducts negotiations with foreign governments related to the Department’s real property rights or interests.
(5) Provides international real estate program management support and direction for posts abroad, including establishing and maintaining current policies and regulations related to the acquisition and disposal of Department-managed real property.
(6) Plans, directs, and manages the development, coordination, and execution of the real property acquisition and disposal programs and the implementation of asset management initiatives for the Department’s properties abroad, providing advice and guidance to the Department, post officials, and other U.S. Government agencies.
(7) Conducts negotiations for the acquisition of real property through sale, purchase, exchange, easement, right-of-way, joint-venture, or other acquisition/disposal methods.
(8) Collaborates with the Office of Foreign Missions and other stakeholders to identify reciprocity issues related to real property and advocate for reciprocal treatment, including advising on requests by a foreign government for real property-related rights in the United States.
(9) Develops annual and long-range real property acquisition and disposal plans for all Department-managed real property abroad, including office buildings, support facilities, multi-use compounds, and residential properties.
(10) Reviews real property assets abroad to identify property that is surplus, undeveloped, or underutilized; makes recommendations on replacement or other disposition; and develops annual and long-range projections of anticipated real property sale proceeds.
(11) Manages the decommissioning of government-owned functional properties abroad in advance of disposition.
1 FAM 284.3 Office of Strategic Planning (OBO/PRE/OSP)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Strategic Planning (OBO/PRE/OSP):
(1) Manages the OBO long-range planning process, developing the Long-Range Plan (LRP).
(2) Serves as a point of contact for gathering accurate post staffing data from the regional bureaus and from the Office of Management Strategy and Solutions (M/SS).
(3) Manages the Federal Real Property Initiative for the Department, including developing the Real Property Management Program addressing the Federal Real Property Profile and related deliverables to the Office of Management and Budget in coordination with the Bureau of Administration.
(4) Serves as liaison and initial point of contact between OBO and other bureaus in the Department and other U.S. Government agencies on the priority of capital projects.
(5) Plans and manages the Capital Security Cost-Sharing (CSCS) Program requiring all U.S. Government agencies with a presence abroad to contribute funds for a capital construction program to build new diplomatic facilities.
(6) Plans and manages the Representational Facilities Program (RepFac) including gathering and analyzing data and delivering a prioritization and implementation schedule to address deficiencies and needs of the global portfolio of designated residences.
(7) Administers and manages the automated real property management information system to maintain records of the Department's leased and owned real property holdings abroad and, as the system’s real property program manager, evaluates all user requests for changes and develops requirements necessary for systems analysis by the Information Resource Management Division (OBO/EX/IRM).
(8) Administers and manages surveys, dashboards, maps, and other analytical tools in order to assess and understand deficiencies in OBO's global asset portfolio and communicate needs to data users.
(9) Serves as liaison with all user communities; plans and manages implementation of the automated real property system overseas; and develops and delivers real property module training to user communities abroad.
(10) Serves as custodian of real property title files and property records for the Department’s real estate holdings abroad; manages real property documentation throughout the property records life cycle.
(11) Maintains records of real property identified as surplus, undeveloped, or uneconomic to retain and provides supporting analysis from the housing program perspective on the retention or disposal of housing.
(12) Represents the Department in the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC), the Real Property Advisory Committee (RPAC), and all federal real property-related committees and meetings, although the OBO Director may also appoint other OBO representatives to these committees and meetings.
(13) Represents the Department at the FRPP working groups.
(14) Serves as the point of contact for all federal real property related taskers and communications from the Office of Management and Budget.
1 FAM 284.4 Office of Real Property Leasing (OBO/PRE/RPL)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Real Property Leasing (OBO/PRE/RPL):
(1) Provides real property management support and direction to posts abroad, including establishing and maintaining current policies and regulations.
(2) Conducts or oversees activities associated with major lease activities including fit-outs, build-to-lease agreements, option-to-lease agreements, and related design and construction work by the tenant and/or the landlord.
(3) Develops guidelines and procedures governing the leasing of real property abroad for publication in OBO's FAM and in other official Department directives.
(4) Conducts or oversees the statutorily required review of all leases with terms in excess of current policy guidelines.
(5) Prepares projections of current leasing costs and develops proposals to control them.
(6) Provides guidance to posts abroad regarding negotiations, market surveys, and leasing strategies to ensure efficient and effective leasing procedures and to limit costs.
(7) Develops, promotes, and implements projects to improve post management of their property programs, to ensure efficient and effective property management and to limit costs, including compliance review of housing (performed in conjunction with other OBO stakeholders, including the Office of Area Management (OBO/OPS/AM).
(8) Manages the leasehold account and the global portfolio of leased properties and advises the Managing Director for OBO/PRE on these accounts.
(9) Manages the Department's overseas leasehold budget through reviewing post budget submissions bi-annually.
(10) Allots leasehold funding to posts to support annual leasing and provides contingency and advance funding as needed.
(11) Reviews proposals for and provides approval of post-managed TDY quarters.
(12) Manages the global rental benchmark program to contain overseas residential lease costs.
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
The Managing Director for Program Development, Coordination, and Support (OBO/PDCS):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Director of OBO.
(2) Advises the OBO Director on the development and delivery method of funded capital-construction and noncapital programs.
(3) Advises the OBO Director on technical building standards and implementation.
(4) Advises the OBO Director on cost estimates of capital and non-capital projects.
(5) Formulates criteria and guidelines and implements related policies and standards for functional areas of responsibility.
(6) Provides direct management oversight to the following OBO/PDCS offices:
(a) Office of Cost Management (OBO/PDCS/COST);
(b) Office of Design and Engineering (OBO/PDCS/DE);
(c) Office of Project Development and Coordination (OBO/PDCS/PDC); and
(d) Office of Special Projects Coordination (OBO/PDCS/SPC).
1 FAM 285.1 Office of Cost Management (OBO/PDCS/COST)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Cost Management (OBO/PDCS/COST):
(1) Develops, manages, evaluates, and validates cost estimates for services.
(2) Prepares Current Working Estimates associated with any OBO project costing over $500,000 or lower if requested by the Program Office or the Office of the Procurement Executive.
(3) Recommends project cost alternatives that improve function and value to the U.S. Government and taxpayers.
(4) Prepares independent U.S. Government estimates (IGEs) for any contractual action taken for services (e.g., Architectural/Engineering, construction, professional) and/or validates IGEs prepared by others.
(5) Develops site mitigation cost estimates.
(6) Manages and implements OBO’s Value Engineering (VE) and Risk Management Programs with VE applied for all new projects/programs over $5 million in total lifecycle cost and serves as contracting officer’s representative on all indefinite delivery indefinite quantity VE contracts.
(7) Performs quality control/assurance of project costs, including program-wide comparisons and analyses, International Project Risk Assessment (IPRA), Life-Cycle Cost Analysis.
(8) Evaluates pricing/cost changes program-wide including tracking of cost trends and maintaining data on actual versus projected costs.
1 FAM 285.2 Office of Design and Engineering (OBO/PDCS/DE)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Design and Engineering (OBO/PDCS/DE):
(1) Directs design management of OBO’s construction program, including: developing scopes of work, monitoring design from program requirements through construction, maintaining established design budgets and schedules, and monitoring and evaluating Architecture and Engineering (A/E) contractor performance.
(2) Designates design managers to serve as contracting officer’s representatives for design contracts with private-sector architectural and engineering (A/E) contractors, with primary responsibility for evaluating performance and providing technical support to contracting officers in the solicitation and acquisition of design services.
(3) Develops, coordinates, and maintains all applicable standards, criteria, and guidelines for facility design and performance that define the physical characteristics and requirements of U.S. diplomatic missions abroad; manages the classified criteria development process; serves as building code official; confirms the technical adequacy of construction documents through issuance of building permits; manages space standards and the development of space programs that align with those standards.
(4) Coordinates an integrated design review process for project drawings, specifications, and associated documents to ensure projects meet technical requirements, including scope of work and related codes, criteria, and accepted practices; coordinates design issue resolution and provides design quality assurance reviews within OBO and with design A/E contractors; facilitates the resolution of design-related security classification issues per published classification guides and Department of State policies or regulations.
(5) Provides primary support for the selection of A/E firms. Chairs and participates on the pre-selection boards and technical evaluation panels.
(6) Provides design and engineering expertise and support to posts, Department of State offices, and Department construction projects in architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, space planning, space programming, accessibility, sustainability, and engineering disciplines of civil, structural, blast, geotechnical, electrical power and lighting (including distribution and backup systems), mechanical (including plumbing and environmental security), telecommunications, radio frequency (rf) and acoustical shielding, and physical security.
(7) Establishes policy and procedures for A/E selection and design/build pre-qualification and technical evaluation in coordination with other OBO offices and the Bureau of Administration’s Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE).
(8) Develops and maintains, in coordination with other bureaus and agencies, OBO design criteria for office telecommunications systems and radio frequency and acoustical shielding and develops scopes of work for those services.
(9) Oversees design, installation, and acceptance testing for structured telecommunications cabling systems.
(10) Oversees installation and acceptance testing for the telephone private branch exchange (pbx) and instruments (i.e., handsets) for new embassy compounds.
(11) Oversees design, fabrication, installation, and acceptance testing for rf and acoustical shielding.
(12) Manages OBO’s energy conservation investment program; establishes design criteria to ensure that building projects are designed and executed in accordance with applicable energy conservation laws and executive orders; conducts energy conservation surveys on existing facilities and implements cost-effective recommendations per Executive Order 13834; and prepares OBO energy reports to meet Federal energy reporting requirements.
(13) Manages OBO's Climate Security & Resilience Program (CS&R), which develops and assembles natural hazard exposure data, and conducts or supports related risk assessments, conceptual adaptation studies, and designs, providing guidance related to global portfolio management, property acquisitions, leasing, and major renovations.
(14) Manages OBO's energy program including the development of renewable energy projects, tracks energy and water use, and projects utility budgets across the portfolio.
(15) Monitors design compliance with Federal accessibility laws and standards and performs accessibility surveys to assist property management decisions.
(16) Manages the specification and procurement of furniture for new buildings, leased and acquired facilities and post support projects to include coordination with post, tenant agencies, and OBO technical disciplines.
(17) Manages the automated Design and Engineering, Customer Service Portal, and associated design and procurement activities to support post requests.
(18) Manages the receipt, distribution, and tracking of design submittals for OBO projects:
(a) Maintains a central electronic and hard copy archive of facility plans, as-built drawings, specifications, and other planning, design, and construction documents; and
(b) Maintains a comprehensive reference library of building codes, criteria, standards, and other technical literature and selected products to support OBO’s design and construction requirements.
(19) Evaluates, develops, and tests new construction products and implementation recommendations; monitors new technology in building and facility systems; incorporates approved applications; and manages the Lessons Learned Program for design standards, criteria, and processes.
(20) Assists the Directorate of Planning and Real Estate (OBO/PRE) in project planning and programming phases, i.e., project design definition, value engineering, off-site utilities, and other technical design support.
(21) Assists OBO/PRE in the selection of new building sites and leased and acquired properties, and in property disposal activities.
(22) Coordinates with the Office of Facility Management (OBO/OPS/FAC) and the Office of Fire Protection (OBO/OPS/FIRE) in evaluating and selecting design criteria and standards governing operations, maintenance, and repair requirements.
(23) Assists OBO’s Office of Construction Management (OBO/CSM/CM) in evaluating construction submittals, A/E design liability issues and resolution, and in evaluating construction contractor claim issues and resolution.
(24) Develops and implements, with the Information Resource Management Division (OBO/EX/IRM), an OBO computer utilization plan to maximize the use of technology for design services.
(25) Develops and maintains Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) standards and project requirements; and
(26) Ensures that lessons learned and other recommended change requests are collected for assigned technical documents and leveraged for continuous design improvement.
1 FAM 285.3 Office of Project Development and Coordination (OBO/PDCS/PDC)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Project Development and Coordination (OBO/PDCS/PDC):
(1) Is responsible for providing project management of OBO’s capital and noncapital programs, including coordination of functional elements within OBO and communication with affected stakeholders.
(2) Provides project leadership from inception to award for construction or design/build services, at which time leadership is handed to the Directorate of Construction and Security Management (OBO/CSM).
(3) Participates in site acquisitions led by OBO/PRE, and is responsible for the completion of technical due diligence and preparation of the technical aspects of related Congressional Notifications.
(4) Directs and coordinates the development of scope, schedule, budget, and delivery methods for assigned projects.
(5) Leads OBO’s procurement activities of assigned projects in coordination with and support of the Bureau of Administration’s Office of the Procurement Executive, Acquisitions Management (A/OPE/AQM), including System for Award Management announcements, development of the solicitation, documentation, and contract award, serves as chair for Technical Evaluation Panels (TEPs) on design-build procurement actions.
(6) Serves as the Contracting Officer's Representative for architectural/engineering planning and design contracts, in addition to indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity task orders.
(7) Leads a multi-disciplinary team of subject-matter experts composed of professionals from throughout OBO to support CFM-led field activities following construction contract award.
(8) Coordinates with various Department bureaus/offices and external agencies for planning, design input, and reviews of diplomatic facilities; coordinates an integrated design review process for project drawings, specifications, and associated documents to ensure assigned projects meet contract requirements, including scope of work and related design budgets, codes, criteria, and accepted practices; facilitates the resolution of security issues per published classification guides and Department of State policies or regulations.
(9) Coordinates OBO assistance to the Office of Foreign Missions (M/OFM), to obtain bilateral agreements exempting construction and renovation projects from value-added tax and sales tax by host countries. Please reference 2 FAM 264.6 Taxes on Construction/Renovation Projects.
1 FAM 285.4 Office of Special Projects Coordination (OBO/PDCS/SPC)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Special Projects Coordination (OBO/PDCS/SPC):
(1) Directs, coordinates, and executes all aspects of special projects, so designated by the OBO Director, due to their unique security requirements:
(a) Is responsible for planning, funding, design, construction, commissioning, and security of new, safe, secure, and functional capital and non-capital construction projects, as assigned by the OBO Director; and
(b) Coordinates with offices, bureaus, departments, and agencies the planning, funding support requirements, and the timely implementation and execution of the projects.
(2) Ensures zero tolerance for security compromise by developing, coordinating, and implementing project security policies and procedures, training personnel, and monitoring compliance.
(3) Coordinates, directs, and manages the information security, technical security, physical security, industrial security, secure logistics, transit security, and construction security programs for the projects.
(4) Works closely with DS and the Intelligence Community to ensure the integrity of the projects.
(5) Determines requirements and administers, through an assigned contracting officer in the Bureau of Administration’s Office of the Procurement Executive, Acquisitions Management (A/OPE/AQM), all contracts necessary to execute and support the projects.
(6) Coordinates, controls, and accounts for all project funds.
(7) Coordinates, directs, and provides contract management, with contracting officer’s representative responsibilities for the design, construction, commissioning, and security of the projects.
(8) Participates in site acquisitions led by OBO/PRE, and is responsible for the completion of technical due diligence and preparation of the technical aspects of related Congressional Notifications.
(9) Participates in the development and negotiation of conditions of construction and maintenance agreements with host countries.
(10) Collaborates with the Bureau of Information Resource Management(IRM) on the development, planning, implementation, and operation of a unique secure Information Technology system that links secure computer systems together with a secure teleconferencing system between OBO/PDCS/SPC, the stakeholders, major contractors, and the project sites.
1 FAM 286 managing DIRECTOR FOR construction and SECURITY management (OBO/cSm)
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
The Managing Director for Construction and Security Management (OBO/CSM):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Director of OBO.
(2) Advises the OBO Director on the management of all aspects of the execution of capital construction projects and major noncapital projects.
(3) In coordination with other OBO offices, manages construction, commissioning, and construction security activities.
(4) Formulates management criteria and guidelines and implements related policies and standards, including security and safety, for new office buildings, major renovations, upgrade projects for Department facilities abroad.
(5) Provides direct management oversight to the following OBO/CSM offices:
(a) Office of Construction Management (OBO/CSM/CM); and
(b) Office of Security Management (OBO/CSM/SM).
1 FAM 286.1 Office of Construction Management (OBO/CSM/CM)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Construction Management (OBO/CSM/CM):
(1) Is responsible for OBO’s construction program, including leading the coordination of the contractual design activities, in conjunction with other offices, on design/build projects and construction and commissioning on design/build and design/bid/build projects.
(2) Recommends, develops, and implements project execution strategies, policies, and procedures for the management and oversight of design/build and other construction projects.
(3) Coordinates, controls, and is accountable for all project funds for projects, including approval of all expenditures and allotments of funds.
(4) Develops appropriate contract period of performance for all design/build and design/bid/build construction projects.
(5) Conducts on-site construction management of OBO construction projects and plans staffing, budget, and organizational structure for all construction project field offices.
(6) Performs constructability reviews of design drawings and specifications and assists other offices with value engineering analyses during their preparation.
(7) In conjunction with the Bureau of Administration’s Office of the Procurement Executive, Acquisitions Management (A/OPE/AQM):
(a) Assists in solicitations and awards for design/build and other construction contracts;
(b) Serves as the contracting officer’s representative on design/build and other construction projects;
(c) Manages design/build and construction projects, ensuring conformity with contract requirements and completions on time and within budget;
(d) Develops and implements a system for managing and controlling changes in construction costs, schedules, and scopes of work;
(e) Develops and implements a contract actions checklist;
(f) Prepares construction contractor performance evaluations; and
(g) Ensures archiving of project completion files generated at the site.
(8) Provides primary support for the selection of the construction firms; participates on pre-selection boards for construction contracts for design/build and design/bid/build projects.
(9) Designates project directors (PDs) to serve as contracting officer’s representatives with limited contracting officer warrants for design/build contracts and construction contracts for design/bid/build projects.
(10) Coordinates the integrated design review process for project drawings, specifications, and associated documents, in conjunction with other offices, to ensure that the project meets scope, cost, and schedule goals.
(11) Provides construction progress monitoring for build-to-lease and other leasing projects as requested by OBO/PRE.
(12) Monitors construction contractor quality control and on-site safety and security programs to ensure compliance with contract requirements and Department and Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) security policies and standards.
(13) Implements construction security for construction projects and provides on-site field supervision of the site security manager provided by the OBO Office of Security Management (OBO/CSM/SM).
(14) Coordinates with DS to ensure that projects are certified and accredited in compliance with current Department and OSPB security policies and standards.
(15) Coordinates with other U.S. Government technical support offices during the construction and commissioning project phases, ensuring proper completion and approval of facilities for occupancy.
(16) Ensures that OBO/CSM/CM project participants confirm the technical adequacy of construction plans and documents; ensures that this documentation is appropriately classified in accordance with published classification guides and protected in accordance with Department of State regulations.
(17) Develops project reporting formats and prepares timely and comprehensive project performance status reports.
(18) Develops and manages OBO’s architectural and engineering design liability program in coordination with other offices.
(19) Participates in reviewing long-range construction plans, programs, funding, schedules, and scope of work, and advises OBO/CSM’s Managing Director of the feasibility for project execution.
(20) Maintains membership in professional organizations and performs industry outreach activities to ensure that construction standards and practices used on OBO projects are current and of high quality.
(21) Manages consultant contracts as necessary to provide expert support to the projects for commissioning, scheduling, and claims.
(22) Provides, through the project directors, a single point of contact, responsibility, and accountability for project issues during construction.
1 FAM 286.2 Office of Security Management (OBO/CSM/SM)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Security Management (OBO/CSM/SM):
(1) Directs and monitors adherence to construction, physical, and technical security policies and standards for new office buildings, major renovations, and other upgrade projects for Department of State facilities abroad to prevent physical or technical compromise during construction.
(2) Reviews all projects for applicability and compliance with construction, technical, and physical security requirements; acts as OBO physical security code official and is responsible for updating OBO physical security specifications, details, and security hardware.
(3) Prepares technical and physical security scopes of work and construction security specifications for inclusion in OBO construction or renovation contracts.
(4) Prepares construction security plans and coordinates transit security planning for shipment of controlled materials to construction sites.
(5) Plans, deploys, and oversees on-site construction security staffing and budgets for construction and technical security, as appropriate, in support of OBO construction or renovation projects, from initiation through approval for occupancy.
(6) Implements and monitors security programs at sites to ensure compliance with contract requirements and Overseas Security Policy Board standards.
(7) Develops project security cost and schedule reporting formats and monitors results for timely and comprehensive adherence for individual projects.
(8) Manages the deployment and support of direct-hire and/or personal services contractor site security managers (SSMs) for these projects.
(9) Manages the selection, deployment, and maintenance of temporary physical and technical security equipment used to secure construction sites, or oversees contractor implementation of this effort when applicable, and directs the design and installation of permanent physical and technical security systems for OBO projects.
(10) Provides contracting officer’s representative support for technical security systems installation contracts and cleared American guard/construction surveillance technician contracts supporting OBO projects.
(11) Provides primary support for the selection of the technical security systems installation and cleared American guard/construction surveillance technician contracts; participates on selection boards for these contracts, prepares contractor performance evaluations, conducts quality assurance and contract compliance visits; ensures contracts are adequately funded; provides contract guidance to SSM personnel as required.
(12) Manages the overall Compound Security Upgrade Program, including OBO's Overseas Schools Security Grant Program, in coordination with DS, other bureaus, OBO offices, and posts—identifying and funding projects, preparing program budgets and long-range planning documents, and monitoring program performance.
(13) Monitors security upgrade projects at existing facilities from initiation through expiration of the warranty periods and ensures construction site security programs are implemented per construction security plans.
(14) Manages the SM maintenance, repair, and replacement programs for forced-entry and ballistic-resistant products.
(15) Serves as OBO’s primary liaison office with DS on all security matters relating to the design, construction, and maintenance of Department of State facilities abroad, including the Congressional certification and accreditation process under Public Law 100-204.
(16) Manages OBO’s quality assurance program to ensure technical security systems designs are correct, constructible, appropriate, and in compliance with Department and Overseas Security Policy Board security policies and standards.
(17) Conducts field tests on new security products and systems and provides feasibility and applicability findings to DS for inclusion on approved products and equipment lists.
(18) Ensures that project documentation maintained at construction sites is appropriately safeguarded in accordance with published classification guides and protected in accordance with Department of State regulations.
(19) Develops and implements specialized construction security awareness and training programs, in coordination with DS, for OBO construction implementation contractor personnel.
(20) Maintains emergency security supplies and deploys these security supplies when directed by the OBO Director.
(21) Conducts commissioning of physical and technical security systems for OBO projects.
(22) Ensures archiving of construction security project files generated at construction sites.
(23) Coordinates with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) to ensure compliance with security laws and regulations.
1 FAM 287 managing DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS (obo/ops)
(CT:ORG-672; 09-24-2024)
The Managing Director for Operations (OBO/OPS):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Director of OBO.
(2) Advises the OBO Director on facility operations and maintenance programs abroad.
(3) Manages facility maintenance and repair and small project support for posts abroad.
(4) As one of two Deputy Designated Agency Safety and Health Officials, assists the Medical Director in meeting his or her Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-related responsibilities as the Department’s Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO) and ensures adequate support and resources for implementation of the safety, health, and environmental management program abroad.
(5) Oversees liaison between posts and OBO and between OBO and regional bureaus on all facility issues, including support and coordination with other OBO offices, for example on post housing programs and management of the Department’s leasehold account.
(6) Provides direct management oversight to the following offices:
(a) Office of Area Management (OBO/OPS/AM);
(b) Office of Art in Embassies (OBO/OPS/ART);
(c) Office of Cultural Heritage (OBO/OPS/CH);
(d) Office of Facility Management (OBO/OPS/FAC);
(e) Office of Fire Protection (OBO/OPS/FIRE);
(f) Office of Residential Design and Furnishings (OBO/OPS/RDF);
(g) Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM); and
1 FAM 287.1 Office of Area Management (OBO/OPS/AM)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Area Management (OBO/OPS/AM):
(1) Initiates and participates in the development and implementation of program policy in support of posts abroad.
(2) Advises OBO’s Director, Deputy Directors, and Managing Directors on program and post support activities.
(3) Serves as OBO’s primary contact with posts for planning and managing OBO post support.
(4) Provides post-specific information and advice to OBO elements, regional bureaus, the Department, and other U.S. Government agencies.
(5) Identifies program requirements for special maintenance and repair and minor construction and improvements for posts and coordinates and prioritizes such projects.
(6) Initiates and ensures coordination of real property-related projects at posts by various elements of OBO, the Department, regional bureaus, and other U.S. Government agencies.
(7) Regularly inspects facilities abroad to evaluate special project requirements (including energy conservation), advises posts on real property matters in coordination with key stakeholders, and assists with emergency problems.
(8) Assists in the assessment and execution of real property acquisition and disposal.
(9) Participates in analyses of facility requirements, including identifying major renovation or new construction needs; assists PRE in developing post Master Plans, preparing budget submissions and justifications, and prioritizing such projects.
1 FAM 287.2 Office of Art in Embassies (OBO/OPS/ART)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Art in Embassies (OBO/OPS/ART):
(1) Creates, plans, negotiates and administers, in collaboration with chiefs of mission, a program of international cultural communications and public diplomacy by exhibiting original works of art in all media in the representational areas of chiefs of mission residences.
(2) Negotiates loans, print rights, and Web reproduction rights for works of art obtained through loan from museums, galleries, institutions, artists, and corporate and private collectors for exhibitions in chiefs of mission residences.
(3) Provides insurance coverage; arranges packing and shipping of exhibitions; and provides posts with detailed instructions for receipt, installation, and care of the works of art.
(4) Monitors art placement locations and conditions and provides detailed handling and shipping instructions for the works of art at the end of each chief of mission’s tenure at post.
(5) Subject to the availability of funds, produces an exhibition catalog for use as a public diplomacy and educational tool, which becomes an invaluable resource for U.S. diplomatic efforts worldwide.
(6) Selects and funds a limited number of artists per year to participate in the Artist Exchange program and coordinates with posts for artists to travel abroad to conduct short-term cultural programs.
(7) Oversees all aspects of the arts programming for the Capital Security Construction Projects including selection, acquisition, shipping, placement, and installation of permanent collections connected culturally to the host country; has final authority over the placement, installation, de-installation, maintenance, and relocation of permanent collections; manages art project funds.
(8) Maintains an inventory of works loaned to or owned by OBO/OPS/ART on behalf of the U.S. Government. Assesses the condition of OBO/OPS/ART permanent collections and directs the conservation or repair of OBO/OPS/ART artworks.
(9) Chairs the OBO Art Committee, the primary vetting body for the review of proposed art donations to the Department of State. See 2 FAM 962.5 for additional guidance.
(10) Assesses all refresh proposals on a case-by-case basis and, subject to availability of funds, manages the implementation of each project. A refresh is defined as the maintenance, reframing, or rehanging of existing art and/or acquisition of new art for a post that has not received an NEC exhibition or previous refresh.
1 FAM 287.3 Office of Cultural Heritage (OBO/OPS/CH)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Cultural Heritage (OBO/OPS/CH):
(1) Manages and protects Department of State owned or capital leased culturally significant properties and heritage assets overseas.
(2) Develops and implements an exemplary stewardship program dedicated to the proper conservation and maintenance of the Department’s culturally and historically significant properties and heritage assets.
(3) Complies with Federal Regulations and applicable international charters to manage and appropriately maintain historic properties included on UNESCO's World Heritage list and/or those protected by the host nation (i.e. included on a foreign equivalent of the National Register of Historic Places).
(4) Maintains OBO's List of Significant Properties, which serves as the bureau's inventory of buildings, landscapes, and sites that require enhanced stewardship to protect their unique cultural value, by identifying and documenting culturally significant properties on an ongoing basis. This includes existing owned and leased properties, planned or newly acquired properties, and properties being considered for decommissioning.
(5) Provides advice and administrative support for activities of the Cultural Heritage Resources Committee, a multi-disciplinary working group that identifies historically, architecturally, and culturally significant property abroad and recommends to the OBO Director properties to be considered for application for the Secretary of State’s Register of Culturally Significant Property (an honorific list of important properties that figure prominently in U.S. diplomatic history).
(6) Provides advice, training, and support to cultural assets managers responsible for maintenance and conservation of cultural properties and assets at four posts abroad (London, Paris, Rome, and Buenos Aires), and the training and management of other locally employed staff engaged in the care of heritage assets.
(7) Establishes maintenance guidelines for the care of heritage properties and assets abroad; conducts training programs, workshops and courses for the care and preservation of sites, buildings, works of art, antiques, and other cultural objects.
(8) Identifies alternative project funding sources such as gift funds and grants through advocacy partner, The Fund to Conserve Diplomatic Treasures Abroad.
(9) Identifies and preserves cultural heritage objects owned by the Department in its properties abroad; provides guidance and funding for assessment, documentation, study and appraisal, conservation, and restoration of objects with historic or artistic importance, antiquity, or intrinsic value; and maintains a comprehensive inventory of heritage assets.
(10) Evaluates the potential impact of all capital construction projects, major renovations, maintenance, and repairs to properties included on the List of Significant Properties; identifies potential adverse effects and approves mitigation measures; assists in the preparation of scopes of work, cost estimates, solicitations, and negotiations for the acquisition of architecture and engineering services, conservation services, materials and supplies, and other contract providers.
(11) Develops maintenance plans and protocols for Culturally Significant Properties in collaboration with post facility managers, cultural asset managers, and OBO, for the maintenance, repair, and renovation of heritage properties.
(12) Provides detailed briefings to ambassadors, deputy chiefs of mission, consuls general and other post personnel about heritage assets and related issues; instructs general services officer and facility manager classes on the regulations and policies related to heritage assets.
1 FAM 287.4 Office of Facility Management (OBO/OPS/FAC)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Facility Management (OBO/OPS/FAC):
(1) Provides management, engineering, and technical expertise and support to posts and Department offices for the operation, maintenance, reliability, repair, and minor construction necessary to restore or retain functionality of facilities abroad.
(2) Develops policies, regulations, procedures, and maintenance staffing requirements for the efficient operation, maintenance, reliability, repair, minor construction, and environmental remediation efforts for facilities abroad.
(3) Provides maintenance expertise and support to all Department of State facilities abroad through timely recruitment and training of qualified facility managers (FMs) and administers career development for the Facility Manager Program.
(4) Provides maintainability, reliability, and operational requirements and reviews for planning, design, construction, and acceptance of new or major renovated office buildings at posts abroad.
(5) Provides management engineering expertise and support necessary to remediate hazardous material contamination affecting water quality, underground storage tanks, asbestos, lead, PCBs, and other environmental site contamination at posts abroad.
(6) Assesses post facilities to ascertain maintenance, repair, and minor construction funding and execution requirements, and to determine maintenance and repair baselines and the backlog of maintenance and repair; receives and evaluates data from Annual Inspection Summaries, and Annual Facility Condition Surveys from posts abroad.
(7) Manages roof and exterior waterproofing, vertical transportation (elevators, escalators), and power systems for posts abroad; and serves as Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for all vertical transportation systems.
(8) Manages the maintenance and repair of all post communications centers (PCCs) worldwide.
(9) Provides and coordinates professional and technical training in maintenance and repair for facility maintenance personnel.
(10) Provides operations and maintenance assistance to develop, restore, and retain program systems and equipment in these facilities.
(11) Investigates operational failures, facility systems failures, or environmental/hazardous contaminations at posts abroad when the incident results in unexpected repair or remediation, mission capability interruption, a large monetary loss, or when in the best interests of the Department.
(12) Coordinates, administers, and distributes funds to posts for all routine maintenance and repair activities for U.S. Government-owned and capital leased real property. The office also coordinates, administers, and distributes funds to posts for all building maintenance expenses for all nonresidential real property (U.S. Government-owned and leased properties).
(13) Provides support to posts in transitioning into new facilities and hiring the appropriate staff, and provides assistance to post management with budgeting, warranty, punch list, and latent defect issues after the OBO on-site construction project director has departed.
(14) Employs an integrated Life Cycle Asset Management (LCAM) approach to demonstrate long term Asset Management effectiveness and sustainability for OBO projects and legacy facilities using a sustainment management system (SMS); receives and evaluates data from Facility Performance Evaluations (FPE) to produce a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
(15) Ensures that lessons learned specific to operations and maintenance are collected for projects and overseas facilities to be leveraged for continuous process improvement.
1 FAM 287.5 Office of Fire Protection (OBO/OPS/FIRE)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Fire Protection (OBO/OPS/FIRE):
(1) Develops and manages the Department’s fire protection program abroad, under the direction of the Managing Director for Operations, and is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for fire and life safety to ensure proper protection of personnel and property abroad.
(2) Performs fire safety evaluations to identify and assist in correcting fire safety deficiencies and hazards and assesses host country fire protection service capability; conducts training in fire prevention, Fire as a Weapon (FaaW), and fire extinguisher use.
(3) Monitors the status and ensures the integrity of fire protection systems and equipment at posts abroad and provides on-site training for system operation and maintenance purposes.
(4) Provides fire protection and life safety design and engineering expertise in coordination with post-specific Diplomatic Security procedures.
(5) Holds software licenses for each fire protection system and controls their operation and modification to ensure the integrity of fire protection systems abroad.
(6) Evaluates new fire protection systems and methods for application in Department of State facilities abroad, working with other agencies and bureaus to harmonize security and life safety requirements and equipment.
(7) Develops fire protection criteria, standards, and policies for conducting fire safety evaluations. Ensures that designs conform to fire protection standards for the installation, operation, and maintenance of installed fire protection systems for posts abroad.
(8) Is responsible for witnessing testing and acceptance of fire protection and life safety features for new construction, major renovation, and rehabilitation projects; is the certification authority for fire and life safety systems prior to building occupancy.
(9) Develops operational and maintainability criteria for fire protection systems and features for use abroad, ensuring functionality throughout their service lives.
(10) Inspects facilities abroad to identify and evaluate fire protection requirements; and sets priorities, coordinates, and initiates special maintenance and repair improvements for posts.
(11) Manages a dedicated fire protection system rehabilitation program, providing essential life safety features to facilities abroad.
(12) Investigates fires at posts abroad when the incidents result in injury or death; those where the cause is arson or is of a suspicious nature; those causing extensive damage or significant disruption to official activities; or those deemed to be of special interest to the Department.
(13) Provides, based on fire safety evaluations, certain fire safety equipment to post.
(14) Maintains representation in professional fire protection organizations; participates in model fire protection code development, interpretation, and enforcement; and maintains a reference library of codes, standards, and fire protection methodologies for use throughout the Department.
(15) Consults and/or provides technical expertise to posts and other OBO customers on fire protection and life safety-related matters.
(16) Develops, maintains, and executes OBO’s Disaster Response Plan.
1 FAM 287.6 Office of Residential Design and Furnishings (OBO/OPS/RDF)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Residential Design and Furnishings (OBO/OPS/RDF): Responsibilities apply only to the designated representational residences of the ambassador/chief of mission, deputy chiefs of mission, consuls general, principal officer to an international organization.
(1) Directs the space programming, space planning, interior design, accessibility, and provision of new or replacement furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E) per 15 FAM 730 for the new construction and renovation of all designated representational residences, whether leased or owned.
(2) Provides space planning and interior design support for post-managed renovation projects of designated representational residences, whether leased or owned; reviews design documentation, ensuring projects comply with programmed scopes of work, building codes, and design budgets.
(3) Funds and provides the interior design of all FF&E; specifies, procures, and supports the consolidation and shipping of all FF&E for the representational spaces, family living quarters, and outdoor entertaining areas; provides project documentation and coordinates installation of furniture and furnishings with posts and/or OBO project site offices where applicable; maintains a comprehensive library of references for interior building codes, design standards, catalogues and samples of manufacturers’ products and technical data, as well as computer-assisted design drawings, floor plans, photos, etc., related to all projects.
(4) Provides detailed briefings to ambassadors, deputy chiefs of mission, consuls general and other post personnel on representational residences and related issues; instructs general services officer and deputy chief of mission spouse classes on the regulations and policies related to representational properties.
(5) Provides ongoing post support on all representational properties and furniture and furnishings-related issues.
(6) Manages the Representational Supply Program, inventory and replacement supply of china, crystal, and silver.
1 FAM 287.7 Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM)
(CT:ORG-660; 05-06-2024)
The Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM):
(1) Plans, oversees, directs, and controls the Department’s overall safety, occupational health, environmental, and environmental health programs to assist posts abroad in meeting Department requirements, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-specific requirements and environmental laws, as well as Federal laws and standards; and conducts short- and long-range planning to determine a strategic approach for meeting established program goals and objectives.
(2) Supports the OBO Managing Director for Operations in the role of Deputy Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO), in order to meet the OSHA-related responsibilities in support of the DASHO.
(3) Assists Department headquarters organizations in integrating appropriate safety, occupational health, environmental, and environmental health requirements into their overseas operations.
(4) Ensures the protection of Department employees, family members, and visitors at posts abroad from environmental or occupational safety and health hazards and reduces costs due to mishaps, operational disruptions, and the impact of operations on the environment.
(5) Develops and issues safety, health, and environmental requirements, criteria, standards, and policies for posts abroad, and ensures technical and program management support to meet those requirements.
(6) Performs safety, health, and environmental assessments to evaluate post performance and assist posts in interpreting and implementing Department and Federal requirements; provides education/training activities to enable posts to improve safety and health performance and eliminate deficiencies.
(7) Manages the Department’s system of record for all mishaps (the Mishap Reporting System) and appoints mishap boards (see 15 FAM 922) and assists posts to investigate and analyze major mishaps, occupational illnesses, injuries, and environmental contamination incidents at overseas posts to prevent future mishaps.
(8) Serves as the focal point for all safety, health, environmental, and environmental health matters at overseas posts, providing information for the DASHO’s Annual Report to the Secretary of Labor.
(9) Oversees and conducts special studies to investigate, evaluate, and resolve safety, health, or environmental issues/problems affecting Department activities at posts abroad or to establish information for developing and issuing policies and procedures.
(10) Develops, oversees, controls and issues policies, programs, and procedures to minimize the impact of environmental pollution on the health of overseas Department employees and family members; conducts or oversees environmental investigations of chemical or petroleum material spills and other contamination to define risk levels, identify/direct appropriate actions to meet regulatory requirements and remediation goals, and assures satisfactory remediation; and conducts or overseas environmental site assessments for new property acquisitions.
(11) Develops, oversees, and controls the Department’s environmental health programs, assessing and making program recommendations to minimize the impact of the environment, (e.g., radiation, water quality, air pollution, and indoor air quality) on the health of employees and their families abroad.
1 FAM 288 through 289 UNASSIGNED