(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
(Office of Origin: GPA/EX)
1 FAM 321.1 Policy
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
a. The Bureau of Global Public Affairs (GPA) carries out the Secretary's mandate to articulate the foreign policy of the United States and to communicate with and engage U.S. and global audiences. Led by the Assistant Secretary, the Bureau serves the American people by effectively communicating U.S. foreign policy around the world and informing domestic audiences about U.S. foreign policy priorities and the value of diplomacy, and by engaging foreign publics to enhance their understanding of and support for the United States, its people, and its policies.
b. The Bureau coordinates interagency communications strategies with Department leadership and regional and functional bureaus on behalf of the Department, and maintains liaison among the Department, the White House, National Security Council, State and local government officials, and major nongovernmental organizations concerned with foreign affairs.
c. The Bureau's front office, which includes the Assistant Secretary, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Spokesperson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Analytics, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Content, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Media Strategy, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Digital, works to ensure that the Bureau accomplishes its goals in a variety of ways, which include:
(1) Strategic and tactical planning to advance the Administration's priority foreign policy goals with U.S. and global audiences, to include media outreach, press briefings, foreign language engagement, and developing, publishing, and distributing content via social media and other digital platforms;
(2) Conducting research, analysis, and evaluation of global media narratives, foreign audiences, and the performance of the Bureau’s various platforms;
(3) Providing secure, stable, and scalable digital technology platforms for the Department and over 190 missions, including 24-hour worldwide customer service in support of Embassy and consulate website operations;
(4) Managing the State Department's website at www.state.gov and developing web content with up-to-date information about U.S. foreign policy;
(5) Providing innovative and responsive design of Embassy and consulate web properties and the development of applications to better distribute content for foreign audiences across a wide variety of web and mobile platforms;
(6) Engaging domestic audiences on U.S. foreign policy and how the State Department serves the interests of the American people;
(7) Coordinating with the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R) as well as the Department’s regional and functional bureaus on public affairs issues and initiatives; and
(8) Creating and distributing employee communications for internal Department audiences.
1 FAM 321.2 Scope
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
a. The Bureau of Global Public Affairs (GPA) serves as the Department’s central point for the development and dissemination of official information about the Department’s foreign policy priorities, stories, values, and programs to domestic and foreign audiences. It informs domestic audiences about U.S. foreign policy priorities and the value of diplomacy, and it engages foreign publics to enhance their understanding of and support for the United States, its people, and its policies. It also fulfills liaison functions with U.S. Government departments and agencies, State and local governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the media.
b. The Assistant Secretary oversees the strategy as well as the management and operations of the Bureau.
c. The Spokesperson is authorized to speak to the press on behalf of the Secretary and the Department.
1 FAM 321.3 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Assistant Secretary for Global Public Affairs (GPA) is responsible for:
(1) Directing communications strategy in the Department. The Assistant Secretary serves as principal adviser to the Secretary, senior Department officials, and other U.S. Government agencies on all communications aspects of the Department, which include oversight of the Bureau’s budget, digital and social media, content, research, analytics, strategic planning, public engagement, employee communications, and global media activities;
(2) Serving as the principal adviser on the alignment and integration of communications strategies with foreign policy priorities.
(3) The Assistant Secretary oversees the bureau and reports to the Under Secretary for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy (R).
1 FAM 321.4 Bureau Organization
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
An organization chart of GPA is found at 1 FAM Exhibit 321.4.
1 FAM 321.5 Authorities
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
Authorities include:
(1) 22 U.S.C. 2651a and 22 U.S.C. 2656, providing general authorities regarding the organization of the State Department and the position of the Secretary of State in the conduct of foreign relations and management of the Department;
(2) The Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-277, Div. G), consolidating and reinvigorating the foreign affairs function of the United States within the Department of State; transferred functions and personnel of the USAID Press Office to the State Department
(3) E.O. 13526 (2009), providing for a uniform system for classifying, declassifying, and safeguarding national security information;
(4) 5 U.S.C. 552, the Freedom of Information Act, governing the release of U.S. Government records to the public;
(5) 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Privacy Act of 1974, relating to the handling of privacy protected information maintained and used by U.S. Government agencies;
(6) OMB Circular A-130, relating to the management of Federal information resources;
(7) 39 U.S.C. 3201, et seq., governing mailing articles and documents by penalty mail and franked mail;
(8) 44 U.S.C. 17, concerning the distribution and sale of public documents;
(9) 36 CFR 1237, concerning audiovisual records management;
(10) E.O. 13132 "Federalism" (1999), requiring that the Department take account of the effect of its programs on the states;
(11) Department Order 1218 (1944), establishing the position of Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. This position was ratified by an Act of Congress in December 1944;
(12) United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, as amended (22 U.S.C. 1431, et seq.), enabling the promotion of a better understanding of the United States, its people, and its policies in other countries; and
(13) Other authorities, as appropriate.
1 FAM 322.1 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (GPA/PDAS)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (GPA/PDAS):
(1) Performs the duties of the Assistant Secretary in his or her absence;
(2) Under the general guidance of the Assistant Secretary, oversees day-to-day Bureau operations and has primary responsibility for supporting the communications activities of the Secretary and principal Department officials;
(3) Oversees policy execution for the Bureau in the areas of strategic, financial, physical, administrative, and human resource management, and information technology;
(4) Produces, publishes, and disseminates materials regarding foreign policy matters, for both government and nongovernment users;
(5) Has oversight responsibility for the Office of the Executive Director (GPA/EX); and
(6) Directly manages and provides oversight for the Public Liaison Office (GPA/PL), as well as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Analytics, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Content, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Digital.
1 FAM 322.1-1 Office of the Executive Director (GPA/EX)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of the Executive Director (GPA/EX) is responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing policy for the Bureau in the areas of strategic, financial, physical, administrative, human resource management, and information technology. GPA/EX also:
(1) Oversees the Bureau’s resource planning processes, developing methods for tracking and monitoring progress toward, and the impact of, the strategic goals developed during the planning process;
(2) Provides administrative assistance to Bureau offices regarding, among other things, travel, procurement, security, space management, records management, and administrative reporting requirements;
(3) Advises Bureau staff and establishes Bureau operating procedures on Department and Federal policies and programs, and coordinates the Bureau’s human resource and staffing requirements with the Bureau of Global Talent Management Serves as Resolving Official on EEO cases, advises management and oversees processes related to employee relations efforts, establishes Human Capital Accountability compliance programs for the Bureau, and plans and directs Bureau training programs;
(4) Oversees the Bureau’s administrative programs. Serves as the Accountability Property Officer (APO) in the management of Bureau physical assets. Coordinates all space requirements and renovations. Oversees procurement, travel, administrative reporting requirements, records management, and security. Provides general contract oversight. Assures that an appropriate level of contracting and project management expertise is distributed throughout the Bureau. Works with program offices to prioritize acquisitions and advises on procurement strategy as needed;
(5) Facilitates strategic planning for resource requests and allocations throughout the Bureau. Formulates, presents, and oversees the execution of the Bureau’s budget. Controls Bureau allotments, monitors obligations and the status of funds, and issues fiscal reports, as required;
(6) Provides a variety of services to Bureau offices and off-site facilities that include helpdesk, user problem resolution, local and wide area network (LAN/WAN) support, upgrades, maintenance, Web development, server installation and troubleshooting, management, telecommunications support, and administration of the remote Disaster Recovery site; provides and manages unclassified Information Technology Systems in support of achieving policy goals, priorities, and objectives;
(7) Supports GPA Bureau efforts in projects that impact workplace modernization from strategy to implementation, working in partnership with IRM, DS, and MRA to enable an agile, digital workforce in support of the Department’s digital engagement goals and outreach programs; and
(8) Oversees the substance and coordination for the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) 1 FAM 320, Bureau of Global Public Affairs (GPA).
1 FAM 322.1-2 Office of Public Liaison (GPA/PL)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Public Liaison (GPA/PL) ensures GPA Bureau communications activities and resources are strategically aligned with foreign policy priorities, oversees the Department’s engagement with U.S. domestic audiences, and provides oversight of communications to Department of State employees. The Office oversees two divisions -- the Strategic Planning and Events division and the Public Liaison division -- which collaborate closely with each other, other GPA Bureau teams, and public affairs and public diplomacy practitioners across the Department.
1 FAM 322.1-2(A) Strategic Planning and Events Division (GPA/PL/PE)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Strategic Planning and Events (GPA/PL/PE) division is responsible for the development and oversight of the implementation of special communications projects as determined by the Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, including cross-cutting issues and events that require a sustained use of the GPA Bureau’s human, financial and programmatic resources. The Division convenes communicators and coordinates domestic and international messaging efforts to promote understanding of key foreign policy priorities. The Division coordinates efforts with bureaus throughout the Department, Posts, the White House, and other U.S. Government agencies. GPA/PL/PE engages in short-, medium- and long-range strategic planning to:
(1) Advance the Administration’s priority foreign policies and shape effective messages related to those policies for global media and publics;
(2) Ensure that communications planning reflects the strategic policy priorities of the Administration and the Secretary, and the long-range goals of the Department;
(3) Create strategic communications plans in alignment with foreign policy priorities and in concert with Bureau, Department, and interagency public affairs and policy experts;
(4) Manage collaboration and cohesion among Department and interagency communications and policy experts regarding public messaging and communications tools around major initiatives and large-scale events;
(5) Convene offices within the GPA Bureau, the Department and the interagency as planning evolves into implementation; and
(6) Track implementation of communications strategies and evaluate outcomes.
1 FAM 322.1-2(B) Public Liaison (GPA/PL/PL) Division
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Public Liaison division (GPA/PL/PL) conducts outreach to domestic audiences. It serves as the “front door” of the Department of State for the American public through which domestic audiences can learn from and engage Department officials on U.S. foreign policy issues and priorities. It hosts events with external stakeholders, engaging them through social media, briefings, conference calls, and other activities in Washington, D.C. and around the country. The Division also provides strategic advice on domestic outreach planning for other Department bureaus, and connects the American public to various bureaus at the State Department. Through the Hometown Diplomats Program, GPA/PL/PL arranges for Department employees traveling to their hometowns to speak about their experiences with target audiences. The work of the Division includes:
(1) Sponsoring foreign policy conferences in the Department and in the Washington, D.C. area on topics of particular foreign policy interest, including an active outreach program to secondary schools, colleges, and universities;
(2) Reaching out to the nongovernmental organization (NGO) community through conferences and briefings for a wide variety of nongovernmental entities, including business, education, diaspora, women's, and environmental groups;
(3) Providing Department speakers to organizations throughout the United States, including regional foreign policy town meetings with local organizations and digital video conferences (DVCs) to encourage the free exchange of information and opinion, and to relate foreign policy objectives to community issues;
(4) Working with other bureaus and providing strategic advice on domestic outreach and engagement opportunities; and
(5) Responding to the public via phone, email, or hardcopy mail to answer inquiries and listen to opinions.
1 FAM 322.2 Spokesperson (GPA/SPOX)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Department Spokesperson:
(1) Directs all engagement with the media, including routine queries, managing developing stories, and coordinating communications in a crisis;
(2) Speaks to the press as the official spokesperson of the State Department;
(3) Advises the Secretary on all aspects of the Department’s conduct of press relations;
(4) Supports the Secretary in preparation for and during public media engagements and interviews; and
(5) Has oversight responsibility for the Deputy Spokesperson, a Senior Media Advisor, and a Managing Director for Global Media.
1 FAM 322.2-1 Deputy Spokesperson
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Deputy Spokesperson:
(1) Performs the duties of the Spokesperson in his or her absence;
(2) Under the general guidance of the Assistant Secretary, develops, oversees, and implements all Bureau policies and programs designed to fulfill the Department's broad press responsibilities;
(3) Identifies and analyzes media coverage of the top issues the United States faces abroad each day and disseminates concise message points for use by senior Department officials and other U.S. Government officials;
(4) Coordinates with the Managing Director for Global Media to ensure daily media operations and global media strategy are aligned; and
(5) Has oversight responsibility for the Office of Press Operations (GPA/PO), and the Events and Travel (GPA/ET).
1 FAM 322.3 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Media Strategy (GPA/MD)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Media Strategy:
(1) Focuses on and aligns foreign and domestic media engagement under the general guidance of the Assistant Secretary;
(2) Coordinates with the Deputy Spokesperson to ensure daily media operations and global media strategy are aligned;
(3) Informs GPA strategy discussions of trends and issues in media and identifies target media outlets and best approaches for communications;
(4) Enhances coordination among GPA's public diplomacy elements, and ensures that they serve posts' needs for effective engagement with foreign media; and
(5) Is responsible for overseeing the Office of International Media Engagement (GPA/IM), the Foreign Press Centers (GPA/FPC), and the U.S. AID Press Office.
1 FAM 322.3-1 Special Projects Unit (GPA/MD/SP)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Senior Advisor for the Special Projects Unit:
(1) Has oversight responsibility of the Special Projects Unit;
(2) Manages response to fast-breaking priority issues, as identified by the Spokesperson, by tracking developing narratives, determining responses, engaging key surrogates, and ensuring that key messages are widely and effectively disseminated;
(3) Coordinates GPA resources, in conjunction with the GPA PDAS, around public responses to fast-breaking priority situations; and
(4) Works with the National Security Council Press Office and other agencies to ensure a coherent U.S. government response, where necessary.
1 FAM 322.3-2 Office of Press Operations (GPA/MD/PRS)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Press Operations (GPA/MD/PRS) supports the President and the Secretary of State by explaining U.S. foreign policy and the positions of the United States to domestic and foreign media. GPA/MD/PRS interacts with the media by preparing the Department Spokesperson for the daily press briefing, electronically releasing additional information to the media, and responding substantively and in a timely fashion to press queries. GPA/MD/PRS is also the hub for the Department’s media relations during emergency situations such as natural disasters, terrorist incidents, and other crises. Office responsibilities include:
(1) Serving as the initial and principal media point of contact at the Department of State;
(2) Developing and executing the Department's media policy, plans, and programs, and serving as the principal office advising the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, the Deputy Spokesperson and other officials of the Department and other U.S. Government agencies on all aspects of the Department's conduct of press relations;
(3) Coordinating the release of foreign policy information by supporting the Spokesperson’s daily news briefing, and by direct media contact and outreach;
(4) Releasing official transcripts of remarks by the Secretary of State and of press briefings, statements by the Secretary or Spokesperson, notices to the press, fact sheets, and media notes;
(5) Serving as the Department’s point of contact for interagency crisis communications coordinators;
(6) Organizing GPA assets to support Operations Center activity; and
(7) Supporting Posts in planning for and responding to crisis situations, including through training and deployment of the GPA Fly Away Communications Team (FACT).
1 FAM 322.3-2(A) USAID Press Office (GPA/MD/PRS/A)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-277, Div. G.), transferred functions and personnel of the USAID Press Office to the State Department (22 U.S.C. § 6581). The USAID Press Office works with the Department of State Office of Press Operations to serve as the initial and principal media point of contact for USAID. The USAID Press Office is responsible for:
(1) Coordinating USAID outreach and information programs among various sectors of American society including the media, nongovernmental and private voluntary organizations, education and labor, the private business sector, and ethnic and social organizations; and
(2) Designing programs on a national and international basis to convey information concerning USAID programs utilizing the various news mediums.
1 FAM 322.3-3 National Media Strategy Unit (GPA/MD/NMS)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The National Media Strategy Unit (GPA/MD/NMS) is responsible for proactive engagement with national, local, and specialty media including television, print (newspaper and magazine reporters, columnists, and editorial writers), wire services, radio, and digital, as well as overseeing the logistical aspects of facilitating media support for domestic and international events and the Secretary’s domestic and international travel. A Director oversees the office and its two functions: the Summit Coordination Unit and the Events and Travel Unit. Unit responsibilities include:
(1) Working within GPA and with State Department regional bureaus and other U.S. Government agencies to develop proactive domestic media engagement strategies in furtherance of U.S. foreign policy priorities;
(2) Fielding interview requests and serving as the point of contact for Department principal interviews with U.S.-based media both domestically and overseas;
(3) Engaging proactively with U.S.-based media to pitch stories and interviews to inform domestic and foreign publics of the Department’s policy positions and programs;
(4) Placing articles, letters, and op-eds authored by State Department officials, including the Secretary, with domestic and international publications;
(5) Advising and assisting Department colleagues in planning and coordinating media engagement of Department principals;
(6) Managing the logistical aspects of major events, conferences, and summits in the United States, including operating press filing centers and credentialing operations, in conjunction with the Department’s Office of Protocol, regional and functional bureaus, and the interagency;
(7) Facilitating press and media components of the Secretary of State’s travel and major events, conferences, and summits, as well as coordinating press logistics;
(8) Coordinating with regional and functional bureaus to facilitate media coverage of the Secretary’s travel, engaging with Public Diplomacy teams at Embassies to establish overseas support, and ensuring events are run in a well-organized manner;
(9) Arranging the Secretary's photo opportunities and press briefings, and managing the logistical requirements associated with those events and with the Secretary’s public remarks; and
(10) Maintaining the Department of State’s Daily Public Schedule and Week Ahead Schedule.
1 FAM 322.3-4 Office of International Media Engagement (GPA/MD/IME)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of International Media Engagement (GPA/MD/IME) supports the President and Secretary of State by explaining the foreign policy of the United States, the positions of the United States government, and American values and culture to foreign journalists. Responsibilities of this Office include:
(1) Directing, supervising, and managing six regional media hubs, currently in Brussels, Dubai, Johannesburg, London, Manila, and Miami;
(2) Ensuring that the State Department's international media capabilities, including the hubs, are integrated into interagency press and public affairs planning and execution;
(3) Working within GPA and with State Department regional bureaus and other U.S. Government agencies to develop foreign media engagement strategies in furtherance of U.S. foreign policy priorities;
(4) Working with the Foreign Service Institute to develop and train officers prepared to function in positions requiring intensive engagement with international media; and
(5) Coordinating timely delivery of translations.
1 FAM 322.3-5 Foreign Press Centers (GPA/MD/IM/FPC)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
In order to advance American foreign policy priorities, the Foreign Press Centers (GPA/MD/IM/FPC) in Washington and New York engage with foreign media that cover the United States. Their goal is to advance U.S. policies through foreign reporting from the United States, by providing direct access to authoritative U.S. information sources. The two offices achieve their mission by:
(1) Holding briefings on priority issues by U.S. government and non-U.S. government newsmakers and organizing reporting tours to locations throughout the United States that align with U.S. policy priorities;
(2) Disseminating key information to foreign journalists through the FPC website, a listserv, targeted emails, individualized research services, transcripts, and reports;
(3) Arranging interviews requested by posts with U.S. government officials for visiting foreign media;
(4) Assisting journalists in making contacts with military and defense sources at the Pentagon and throughout the United States military establishment;
(5) Ensuring that foreign journalists have access and infrastructure support regarding summits, ministerials, and other high-profile events; and
(6) Working closely with the National Security Council Press Office to arrange group interviews with the President and National Security Advisor and with other agencies and departments to ensure that their principals have the best counsel and venues possible for sharing their messages with the global audience.
1 FAM 322.4 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Digital (GPA/DIG)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Digital harnesses the Department’s social and web outreach to communicate to domestic and foreign audiences on U.S. foreign policy priorities. Digital’s flagship properties include State.gov, mission websites, and the Department's accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. The Digital DAS:
(1) Oversees the global digital channel strategy to engage audiences both foreign and domestic, and advance American foreign policy and communications priorities;
(2) Advances digital communications capabilities for the Department; and
(3) Oversees four offices, which collaborate closely with each other, other GPA Bureau teams, and digital practitioners across the Department. Those four offices are: Office of Global Social Media, Office of Global Web Platforms, Office of Global Customer Experience and Support, and Office of Contact Relationship Management.
1 FAM 322.4-1 Office of Global Social Media (GPA/DIG/SOC)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Global Social Media (GPA/DIG/SOC) oversees the Department’s social media strategy to advance U.S. foreign policy and the Secretary’s initiatives. The Office:
(1) Manages content, operations, and governance for flagship accounts and develops strategic and unified messaging across the Department’s social media properties worldwide;
(2) Advises the Bureau’s content team on distribution and outreach across social platforms informed by analytics and behavior unique to individual platforms;
(3) Cultivates the Department’s social media community of practice and provides day-to-day coordination among account owners (standards, best practices, lessons learned), collaborating with regional and functional bureau social media coordinators and the Office of Contact Relationship Management (GPA/CRM); and
(4) Tracks trends in social media to ensure the Department keeps pace with platform best practices and emerging technologies.
1 FAM 322.4-2 Office of Global Web Platforms (GPA/DIG/WB)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Global Web Platforms (GPA/DIG/WB) oversees the Department’s use of web communications and technologies. The Office:
(1) Oversees content, operations, and governance for flagship web properties including State.gov, Mission Websites, Infocentral, the Content Commons, and ShareAmerica. Advises on strategy and content with regard to global issues;
(2) Provides a common technical infrastructure and support for Department websites and deploys strategic and unified messaging across web properties;
(3) Advises the Bureau’s content teams on distribution and outreach across web platforms informed by analytics and behavior trends unique to individual platforms;
(4) Coordinates and provides support to web content providers across the Department (standards and best practices), in collaboration with the Office of Contact Relationship Management (GPA/CRM); and
(5) Tracks trends in web functionality and usability to ensure the Department keeps pace with platform best practices and emerging technology.
1 FAM 322.4-3 Office of Global Customer Experience and Support (GPA/DIG/CX)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Global Customer Experience and Support (GPA/DIG/CX) promotes delivering an exceptional user experience to American and foreign audiences and provides 24/7/365 support to all Department web and social media managers worldwide. The Office:
(1) Identifies recurring customer support issues that need addressing through better digital governance, policies, or training;
(2) Prioritizes and ensures execution of new features and functionality by leading agile development sprint cycles, setting and enforcing branding and design standards across digital properties, and ensuring a logical information architecture;
(3) Ensures Department compliance with federal accessibility laws, sets performance metrics and targets, and leads user testing and user research across digital platforms in collaboration with the GPA Bureau’s Research and Analytics team; and
(4) Provides a comprehensive program of professional and technical services that supports the Department’s web managers and social media practitioners to disseminate information about U.S. foreign policy to audiences throughout the world.
1 FAM 322.4-4 Office of Contact Relationship Management (GPA/DIG/CRM)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Contact Relationship Management (GPA/DIG/CRM) incubates, pilots, and deploys new global communications technologies and platforms to meet specific strategic priorities of the GPA Bureau’s communications mission. The Office:
(1) Identifies and incubates emerging technologies in coordination with Offices under the Digital DAS, the R Family CTO, and IRM;
(2) Ensures ongoing learning by collaborating with the Learning & Development specialists within the Bureau’s EX Office;
(3) Globally deploys new communications technologies and platforms to overseas posts worldwide (and if needed to domestic bureaus) in partnership with the R Family CTO, IRM, and other appropriate bureaus;
(4) Trains and leads change management for end users within the Bureau to ensure adoption of the latest and most effective digital outreach and communications tools in support of specific business needs; and
(5) Ensures the Department of State is communicating using state-of the-art, industry-standard communications technologies in a digital world.
1 FAM 322.5 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Analytics (GPA/RA)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Analytics provides the Department with the data, insights, and analytics needed to create effective communications campaigns directed at foreign audiences abroad by shaping an understanding of target audiences, media environments, and public opinion. The DAS oversees two offices, collaborating closely with each other, other GPA Bureau teams, and public diplomacy practitioners across the Department. The two offices are the Office of Research and the Office of Analytics.
1 FAM 322.5-1 Office of Research (GPA/RA/RE)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Research (GPA/RA/RE):
(1) Produces audience profile reports, campaign audience research reports, focus group research, and pre-campaign message-testing recommendations for the Bureau’s campaigns and activities;
(2) Executes paid media campaigns on policy priorities; and
(3) Supports message-testing for Bureau campaigns.
1 FAM 322.5-2 Office of Analytics (GPA/RA/AN)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
a. The Office of Analytics (GPA/RA/AN) supports Department strategic communications by providing the Department with a global view on media content of importance to the Department and its key target audiences, empowered by modern technology and by maintaining the underlying technological infrastructure for analytics, media monitoring, and research.
b. The Office conducts these activities in consultation with the Office of the Legal Adviser and in compliance with applicable legal authorities and restrictions, including the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a).
c. The Office:
(1) Produces regular and special-issue media reports, including strategic and tactical communications advice based on understanding of overarching policy goals and observations of media market dynamics;
(2) Analyzes media trends, assesses past campaign performance and provides competitive assessments of other actors; and
(3) Standardizes and enters all collected media content into a database for analysis by GPA Bureau experts.
1 FAM 322.6 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Content (GPA/CN)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Content leads the development and publication of video, design, and editorial content for use across platforms to support policy priorities and communications campaigns. The DAS oversees two offices that collaborate closely with each other and with other GPA Bureau teams and public diplomacy practitioners across the Department. The two offices are the Office of Video and the Office of Design and Editorial.
1 FAM 322.6-1 Office of Video (GPA/CN/VID)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Video (GPA/CN/VID):
(1) Conceptualizes and produces creative video and live interactive content for distribution across platforms, informed by Research & Analytics and in collaboration with Digital and Media teams;
(2) Captures, edits, distributes, and archives broadcast video featuring the Secretary of State, key State Department officials, spokespersons, and others; and
(3) Operates television broadcast facilities at HST, SA-5, and the Foreign Press Center.
1 FAM 322.6-2 Office of Design & Editorial (GPA/CN/DE)
(CT:ORG-569; 02-05-2021)
The Office of Design & Editorial (GPA/CN/DE):
(1) Conceptualizes, creates, and publishes editorial and visual content, overseeing all aspects of production for use across platforms. Content forms may include but are not limited to articles, infographics, photo essays, posters, pamphlets, and books.