1 FAM 330 


(CT:ORG-693;   02-11-2025)
(Office of Origin:  EUR-IO/EX)


1 FAM 331.1  Assistant Secretary Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-167;   04-24-2007)

The Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs:

(1)  Reports directly to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (P);

(2)  Provides guidance and support for U.S. participation in international organizations, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations, human rights, economic and social affairs, technical agencies, international development, U.S. citizen employment in international organizations, and international conferences.  The Assistant Secretary leads in the development, coordination, and implementation of U.S. multilateral policy and formulates and implements U.S. policy toward international organizations, with particular emphasis on those organizations which make up the United Nations (UN) system;

(3)  Has responsibility for Department of State functions with respect to details and transfers of Federal employees to international organizations and accreditation of delegations to international organizations and conferences; and

(4)  Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 330, Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO).

1 FAM 331.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-189;   07-15-2008)

An organization chart of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO) is found at 1 FAM Exhibit 331.2.

1 FAM 331.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-223;   11-02-2009)

Authorities are as follows:

(1)  22 U.S.C. 2651a and 2656, general authorities of the Secretary of State for the conduct of foreign relations and management of the Department;

(2)  United Nations Participation Act of 1945 (Public Law 79-264), as amended;

(3)  International Organizations Immunities Act (Public Law 79-291), as amended (22 U.S.C. 288 et seq.);

(4)  United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-188);

(5)  United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in the Middle East (Public Law 94-37, as amended);

(6)  National Defense Authorization Act, FY 1994 (Public Law 103-160);

(7)  Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 1994-95 (Public Law 102-236);

(8)  E.O. 10206 of January 19, 1951, concerning peaceful settlement of disputes;

(9)  Presidential Delegation of Authority to the Secretary of State, June 10, 1948, redelegated March 6, 1953, concerning authority to approve attendance at international conferences;

(10) Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; sections 301, 621, and 636, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2221, 2381, and 2396);

(11) Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, Public Law 109-435, as of 2006, Section 405, “International Postal Arrangements”; and

(12) Other authorities, as appropriate.


1 FAM 332.1  Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary

(CT:ORG-600;   03-03-2022)

The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary performs the duties of the Assistant Secretary in the latter's absence, assists the Assistant Secretary in developing and executing policy, coordinates with the Joint Executive Office on the management and operational activities of the bureau, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Secretary.

1 FAM 332.2  Deputy Assistant Secretaries

(CT:ORG-600;   03-03-2022)

The deputy assistant secretaries assist the Assistant Secretary in developing and executing policy and coordinating management and operational activities of the bureau.

1 FAM 332.3  Executive Director (EUR-IO/EX)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Executive Director of the Joint Executive Office (EUR-IO/EX) supports the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO) and the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR).  See 1 FAM 116, Executive Director.

1 FAM 332.4  Chief of Staff

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Chief of Staff:

(1)  Assists the Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs and that officer's principal subordinates with policy coordination, directing the flow of action and information documents to and from them, ensuring coordination and completion of action;

(2)  Supervises the staff assistants and coordinates a small group of secretaries in the Front Office to ensure the timely flow of information to the principal officers of the bureau.

(3)  Manages an automated recordkeeping system to properly document actions taken by the Assistant Secretary and other senior officials;

(4)  Serves as the Assistant Secretary’s liaison with all Department offices and bureaus, to include the Office of the Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, and other U.S. Government agencies, relaying, interpreting, and offering guidance on issues relevant to the Assistant Secretary and IO.

1 FAM 332.5  Staff Assistants

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The staff assistants act as staff aides to the Assistant Secretary and that officer’s principal subordinates, directing the flow of action and information documents to and from them, ensuring coordination and completion of action.


1 FAM 333.1  Office of Economic and Development Affairs  (IO/EDA)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Office of Economic and Development Affairs (IO/EDA):

(1)  Supports the development, coordination, and implementation of U.S. policy on economic, global development, food security and public health issues in the United Nations (UN) system as a whole, and provides policy guidance to U.S. Missions to UN agencies in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, and Rome;

(2)  Coordinates U.S. relations with the UN system on issues of economic growth and sustainable development policy, including issues related to financing for development, internationally agreed development goals and statistical indicators, food security, global health and population, the welfare and wellbeing of children and adolescents, combatting sexual exploitation and abuse and harassment, urbanization, and the needs of countries in special situations.  IO/EDA engages relevant offices in the Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies to promote active U.S. participation in and use of multilateral organizations and ensures those organizations are advancing economic, development, and security goals that are consistent with U.S. interests and objectives;

(3)  Coordinates participation and advances U.S. strategic interests in the UN General Assembly’s Second Committee and the Economic and Social Council.  IO/EDA coordinates the contribution of other offices in IO, the Department of State, and the interagency community when their functional issues are addressed in these bodies;

(4)  Manages U.S. relations, in collaboration with U.S. missions to the UN, with UN bodies and funds and programs that promote economic growth and sustainable development, including the UN Development Program (UNDP), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat), the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the UN conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the International Trade Center (ITC), and UN Regional Economic Commissions;

(5)  Supports U.S. policy and programs to advance global food security, sustainable agricultural development, and climate resilient food systems through multilateral organizations, including the three UN agencies headquartered in Rome, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Program (WFP), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD);

(6)  Supports U.S. engagement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response and global health security issues in the UN system, including World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other regional WHO offices, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and the other agencies formed to address specific health threats, such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunizations;

(7)  Engages with the NGO community on global health, food security, economic and global development issues and their contribution to the UN agenda;

(8)  Evaluates programs and budgets of the UN and other multilateral agencies within its area of functional responsibility.  Coordinates interagency process regarding UN elections for leadership positions at UN agencies under IO/EDA’s purview.  IO/EDA represents the United States on the governing bodies of UN development, economic, global health and food security agencies, presents U.S. policies and positions, coordinates monitoring activities in the field, and promotes accountability, transparency and results-based management;

(9)  Supports the Secretary and Under Secretary for Political Affairs in coordinating U.S. participation in, and leadership of, the annual G7 Foreign and Security Policy ministerial meetings; and

(10) Coordinates U.S. Government policy development and advances policy goals related to Israeli and Palestinian issues in multilateral venues, especially regarding Palestinian status within the UN system, normalization of Israel’s role at the UN, a positive agenda for Israeli participation in international organizations, and the role of the UN in supporting U.S. government efforts to broker Middle East Peace.

1 FAM 333.2  Office of Management Policy and Resources (IO/MPR)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

a. The Office of Management Policy and Resources (IO/MPR) is responsible for the formulation and implementation of U.S. policies regarding the broad range of administrative and/or management issues with respect to UN system agencies and other international organizations.  The responsibility entails the monitoring of, and participation in, both the activities of international organizations and the internal U.S. Government budget and/or legislative process.

b. IO/MPR is responsible for:

(1)  Managing annual funding for assessed and voluntary contributions to over 60 international organizations and programs through the Contributions to International Organizations (CIO), Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities (CIPA), and International Organizations and Programs (IO&P) accounts, including by developing annual budget requests and preparing congressional notifications and multiple reports to Congress on funding managed by the bureau as well as reporting to Congress on funding provided by other bureaus and U.S. government agencies to over 200 international organizations and multilateral entities;

(2)  Coordinating oversight of budgetary and financial matters at over 60 international organizations through analysis and policy guidance for ten U.S. missions and dozens of U.S. delegations, including through development of formal position papers and reviews of organization audited financial statements, financial regulations and rules, proposed programs and budgets, scales of assessment, accounting standards, cost recovery policies, capital investment policies, internal controls, risk management practices, and other financial management procedures and practices;

(3)  Coordinating oversight of administrative and management practices at over 60 international organizations through analysis and policy guidance for U.S. missions and U.S. delegations participating in inter-governmental negotiations, including through reviews of internal audit practices, auditing standards, investigations standards and practices, staff regulations and rules, human resources management policies and practices, compensation practices, ethics standards and policies including whistleblower protections, internal justice systems, travel policies and practices, procurement policies and practices, and other management and oversight processes and mechanisms;

(4)  Coordinating evaluations related to the effectiveness of U.S. participation in international organizations and developing and implementing strategic and performance planning for the bureau and its missions regarding U.S. participation in international organizations.

1 FAM 333.3  Office of International Conferences (IO/C)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

a. The Office of International Conferences (IO/C):

(1)  Manages U.S. participation in multilateral conferences, including the selection, accreditation, and instruction of U.S. delegations;

(2)  Obligates representational funds to certain U.S. delegations in furtherance of U.S. objectives and funds the travel of some delegates; and

(3)  Manages administrative services and facilities for U.S. delegations to international conferences.

b. More detailed information on the subject of international conferences may be found in 2 FAM.

1 FAM 333.4  Office of Public Affairs and Outreach (IO/PAO)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

a. The Office of Public Affairs, Planning, and Coordination (IO/PAO):

(1)  Guides and coordinates bureau interaction with foreign and domestic media, and serves as focal point for preparation and delivery of bureau press guidance, statements, social media, speeches, testimonies, and media notes;

(2)  Oversees the bureau’s public diplomacy strategic planning and programming, including development and coordination of budget and program priorities with IO missions, relevant bureaus, and the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs;

(3)  Conducts the IO bureau’s domestic outreach program focusing on communicating U.S. priorities in multilateral fora to nongovernmental organizations, think tanks, academic institutions, and the general public;

(4)  Coordinates the bureau’s relationship with Congress and liaises with the Bureau of Legislative Affairs; and

(5)  Prepares two annual book-length reports to Congress:  United States Participation in the United Nations and Voting Practices in the United Nations.

b. For responsibilities of the Office of Public Diplomacy (IO/PAO/PD), see 1 FAM 114.2, Public Diplomacy Functions.

1 FAM 333.5  Office of UN Peacekeeping Operations (IO/PKO)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Office of Peacekeeping Operations:

(1)  Develops and implements U.S. policy on UN peace operations (peacekeeping and peace enforcement) authorized by the UN Security Council or addressed in the UN General Assembly;

(2)  Develops policy regarding U.S. contributions to the budgets of UN peace operations, especially through the Contributions to International Peacekeeping Activities (CIPA) account;

(3)  Coordinates U.S. government policy formulation and provides guidance to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN) on the introduction, monitoring, and termination of UN peace operations; on matters before related policy and budgetary committees of the UN; and on relevant thematic issues including protection of civilians, combating sexual exploitation and abuse in peace operations; and improving the performance of military and civilian personnel in UN peace operations;

(4)  Provides regular reporting to and consultations with Congress on UN peace operations in accordance with application legislation and bureau policies.

1 FAM 333.6  Office of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (IO/HRH)

(CT:ORG-693;   02-11-2025)

The Office of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (IO/HRH):

(1)  Coordinates U.S. participation in the UN bodies dealing with human rights, democracy promotion, women's issues, indigenous issues, and social affairs, including the UN General Assembly Third Committee; the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review process; the UN Commission on the Status of Women; the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; the Permanent Forum on Peoples of African Descent; the Committee on Non-governmental Organizations; and the UN Commission on Social Development;

(2)  Manages the overall U.S. relationship, in collaboration with U.S. missions to the UN and relevant Department bureaus and offices, with the UN entities that address issues relating to human rights, women's empowerment and equality, and democracy promotion, particularly the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UN Women, and the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF);

(3)  Coordinates U.S. candidacies to elected bodies including the Human Rights Council, treaty bodies, and other fora covered by the office, including candidacies of the United States for national seats, and candidacies of independent experts nominated by the United States;

(4)  Coordinates instructions and guidance to U.S. missions in New York and Geneva on human rights, women's issues, democracy promotion, humanitarian policy, and social issues;

(5)  Promotes implementation of U.S. human rights policies through multilateral diplomacy with UN member states and through the UN system, including by promoting reform of the UN's human rights mechanisms;

(6)  Promotes implementation of U.S. policies concerning democracy promotion, aging, disabilities, indigenous peoples, and women’s empowerment and equality through multilateral diplomacy with UN member states and through UN bodies and institutions such as the UN Democracy Fund and UN Women;

(7)  Takes the lead to ensure successful implementation of reforms to enhance the UN's efforts to promote equality and the empowerment of women, including by coordinating U.S. participation in the UN Women Executive Board, coordinating monitoring activities relating to UN Women, and promoting accountability, transparency and results-based management of UN Women;

(8)  Promotes and implements U.S. policies in the area of humanitarian assistance, and through diplomatic efforts in the UN context;

(9)  Takes the lead to promote the effectiveness of the UN humanitarian system, including by coordinating with and supporting the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);

(10) Promotes U.S. policies concerning the UN's efforts in the area of disaster preparedness/risk reduction, including through engagement with the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR);

(11) Engages with the NGO community on human rights, humanitarian, indigenous peoples', and women's issues, as well as social issues, and their contribution to the UN agenda; and

(12) Participates in the interagency review process of human rights treaties (e.g., Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child) for possible U.S. ratification.

1 FAM 333.7  Office of Specialized and Technical Agencies (IO/STA)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

a. The Office of Specialized and Technical Agencies (IO/STA) is the primary State Department contact with IO missions or presences in Geneva, Vienna, Montreal, Nairobi, Paris, and London and provides policy leadership and coordinates U.S. participation in more than 40 international organizations, including:

(1)  Geneva: International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and World Meteorological Organization (WMO);

(2)  Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO PrepComm), UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), and the Wassenaar Arrangement;

(3)  Montreal: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Multilateral Fund to Implement the Montreal Protocol, and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBC);

(4)  London: International Maritime Organization (IMO);

(5)  Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); International Bureau of Weights and Measures (IBWM); and International Organization of Legal Metrology (IOLM);

(6)  Nairobi: UN Environmental Program (UNEP);

(7)  Postal Organizations: Universal Postal Union (UPU, Bern); Caribbean Postal Union (CPU, St. Lucia); and Postal Union for the Americas, Spain, and Portugal (PUASP, Montevideo); and

(8)  Organizations in other locations: Colombo Plan (Sri Lanka), International Hydrographic Organization (Monaco), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA, Abu Dhabi), Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW, The Hague), the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and International Criminal Police Organization - INTERPOL (Lyon, France).

b. IO/STA is responsible within the Department for coordinating U.S. engagement on a wide range of environment issues in the UN Environmental Program, UN General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, various UN commissions and other multilateral bodies as necessary.  This work requires extensive interagency coordination to ensure that U.S. policy is clearly and accurately articulated in multiple fora and that the right U.S. Government technical experts are engaged.

c.  IO/STA serves as the main point of contact in the Department of State for UN agencies on science and technology (S&T) for development, collaborating closely with the Office of Science and Technology Advisor to the Secretary (STAS).  IO/STA is responsible for S&T issues addressed in the UN, particularly in the UN Commission on Science and Technology (CSTD), including planning, coordinating and implementing U.S. policy within the CSTD, as well as negotiating intergovernmental agreements consistent with Circular 175 procedures, leading preparations for and attending the annual meeting in Geneva, and identifying S&T initiatives worthy of U.S. support.  IO/STA also works closely with relevant State bureaus and offices and other U.S. Government departments to develop and implement policy and management/resource support for U.S. participation in multilateral nonproliferation and disarmament forums.

d. IO/STA has lead responsibility, within the U.S. Government, for formulation, coordination, and oversight of foreign policy related to international postal services and other international delivery services.  IO/STA heads U.S. delegations to international postal organizations, including the UPU, PUASP, and CPU, and provides support for a postal Federal Advisory Committee.

e.  Coordinates interagency process regarding UN elections for leadership positions at UN agencies under IO/STA’s purview.

f.  IO/STA works closely with other Department of State bureaus and offices, other U.S. Government departments, private organizations, and Congress, as necessary, and serves on U.S. delegations to meetings of international organizations for which it has responsibility.

1 FAM 333.8  Office of UN Political Affairs (IO/UNP)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

a. The Office of UN Political Affairs (IO/UNP) develops and implements U.S. policy on political issues in the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly.

b. IO/UNP coordinates policy formulation on thematic issues at the UN, such as cooperation with regional organizations, arms control, international criminal tribunals, civilians in armed conflict, and uses of outer space.

c.  IO/UNP coordinates Department of State participation in the annual meetings of the UN General Assembly.

d. IO/UNP is responsible for certain UN institutional and reform issues, U.S. responsibilities as the host country, and UN issues involving U.S. dependent areas.

e. IO/UNP provides long-term, action-oriented analysis on multilateral trends and developments, and fields Department requests for analysis of voting patterns in the Security Council and in international organizations.

1 FAM 333.9  Office of Sanctions and Counterterrorism (IO/SCT)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Office of Sanctions and Counterterrorism (IO/SCT):

(1)  Formulates and implements policy for UN sanctions and counterterrorism-related programming, including initiatives aimed at countering and preventing violent extremism and non-proliferation;

(2)  Coordinates the effective design and implementation of the UN Security Council's sanctions regimes, as well as its counterterrorism and non-proliferation efforts, including through engagement with relevant experts within the Department of State to oversee implementation of relevant Security Council obligations, and to identify and address capacity gaps;

(3)  Provides guidance to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN) on establishing, monitoring, revising the scope of and terminating UN sanctions regimes and the mandates of their related panels of experts, as well as the mandates of the UN Office of Counterterrorism (UNOCT), the UN Security Council’s Counterterrorism Committee (CTC) its Counterterrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), and the 1540 (nonproliferation) Committee; including on the overall implementation of the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy, on matters before related policy and budgetary committees of the UN, and on thematic issues in the Security Council related to non-proliferation and trafficking in natural resources (including the Kimberley Process) or other transnational threats with a clear nexus to broader UN counterterrorism, sanctions or nonproliferation efforts;

(4)  Coordinates policy formulation on and oversight of UN sanctions, counterterrorism, and non-proliferation efforts between the State Department and other U.S. Government agencies, the United Nations, and UN member governments; and

(5)  Provides regular reporting to and consultations with Congress on sanctions, counterterrorism and non-proliferation efforts.

1 FAM 333.10  Office of Multilateral Strategy and Personnel (IO/MSP)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The office of Multilateral Strategy and Personnel (IO/MSP):

(1)  Strategizes, advises, and leads on U.S. implementation efforts to address strategic engagement competition across the UN and multilateral system;

(2)  Serves as a hub to track and assess efforts by other countries to reshape norms and standards within the multilateral system, and participates in dialogues with allies and partners to coordinate on efforts to uphold the multilateral system's foundational principles and values;

(3)  Develops and executes strategies for elections and appointments of independent, qualified U.S. citizen candidates’ electoral campaigns running for leadership roles in multilateral agencies, and coordinates with partners and others on likeminded candidates; and

(4)  Manages the recruitment, advocacy, and placements processes to support U.S. citizen employment and multilateral diplomatic expertise in international organizations at all levels, consistent with U.S. Government policy objectives and in coordination with our missions to IOs. 


1 FAM EXHIBIT 331.2 

(CT:ORG-600;   03-03-2022)


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