2 FAM 190 


(CT:GEN-586;   12-06-2022)
(Office of Origin:  A/OPR/GSM/SS)


(CT:GEN-586;   12-06-2022)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce)

This subchapter establishes procedures for providing and maintaining current information on persons that posts, the Department of State Operations Center, or other relevant Department organizations must notify if Foreign Service and Civil Service employees on limited noncareer appointments to the Foreign Service are in serious emergency situations abroad.  Examples:

(1)  Natural disasters, such as earthquakes or hurricanes.

(2)  Civil disturbances.

(3)  Death or injury to more than one individual, such as airplane crashes; and

(4)  Death or serious illness of one or more individuals.


(CT:GEN-586;   12-06-2022)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce)

This subchapter applies to all U.S. citizen employees of the Department of State,  Department of Commerce, and the Agency for International Development (USAID), which these agencies regularly assign to posts abroad.  This subchapter includes participating personal services and other contract employees of USAID.  The subchapter excludes any resident employee whose principal family members are in the country of the employee's assignment and any employee that State, Commerce and USAID do not expect to be at post for longer than a month.


(CT:GEN-586;   12-06-2022)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce)

a. The officer at post, responsible for management support, usually the management counselor/officer, ensures that each employee prepares a current Form DS-3064, Foreign Service Emergency Locator Information.  The post retains a copy and distributes the original and one copy as follows:

(1)  State:  Employee Services Center (ESC), Department of State:  Employees may enter/update their information in Form DS-3064, Foreign Service Emergency Locator, through the MyData Portal (Google Chrome suggested).  Employees may also enter/update information at the ESC SharePoint site.

(2)  USAID:  Employees are responsible for ensuring that they have entered current and accurate emergency contact information in the Employee Information Management System (EIMS), the Agency's Web-based employee information system.  To access the EIMS system, employees click on "EIMS" from the OHR SharePoint site homepage under "HR Applications."  Additionally, employees the Agency assigns abroad must ensure that they completed Form DS-3064, or other forms that USAID requires, upon arrival at post or at other times, as post management dictates; and

(3)  CommerceEmployees must provide their emergency contact information to the Office of Foreign Service Human Capital (OFSHC).

b. If a new employee has not already established a locator record, the post should, for each new arrival, have the employee update/enter their record directly into the ESC Database, or submit locator records for employees that do not have ESC Database/Intranet access.  Whenever the name, address, or telephone number(s) of an employee's contacts change, the post should prepare an update or form and distribute it pursuant to paragraph a of this section.

c.  Each Department of State employee is responsible for ensuring that a current and accurate myData Form DS-3064, Foreign Service Emergency Locator Information, is on file at the employee's post of assignment and in Washington, DC headquarters.

d. Employees should give careful consideration when they designate individuals that post should notify in an emergency since State, Commerce, and USAID strive to avoid transmitting such news to elderly or ill persons whenever possible.  Employees must always keep their information current.

e. Posts should not release information on deaths of employees until they have notified State, Commerce, or USAID.  Posts should withhold names and addresses of deceased personnel until posts can reasonably expect that State, Commerce, or USAID have officially notified next-of-kin.  If posts consider it appropriate, they may inform news media that they are withholding names of casualties for this purpose.

f.  When ESC receives a new Form DS-3064, it should enter the employee information into the ESC Database and destroy the previous form.