2 FAM 1260

requests for economic information/data

(CT:GEN-479;   10-23-2017)
(Office of Origin:  EB-ENR/EX)

2 FAM 1261  CLEARANCE PROCEDURES FOR requests for economic information/data

(CT:GEN-479;   10-23-2017)

a. Economic/commercial data requests and related communications prepared by any Federal agency or a component of the Department of State must be submitted to an appropriate substantive office of the Department for final clearance and coordination before being sent to overseas and domestic posts (e.g., USUN).  Such requests prepared by a component of the Department of State for a multilateral development bank (World Bank, ADB, IADB, AFDB, EBRD) must be submitted for clearance and coordination to EB/IFD/ODF as the Department’s appropriate substantive office.  Drafting officers should obtain any other clearances they consider necessary prior to submitting the request for final clearance.  All reporting requests levied on bilateral posts abroad must also be cleared with the appropriate country director or, in cases where several countries are involved, with the appropriate regional office of the geographic bureaus concerned.  Reporting requests levied on multilateral missions (such as USOECD, UNVIE, etc.) should be cleared with the director of the office having primary responsibility for such missions.

b. The appropriate substantive office is determined by the subject matter of the economic/commercial reporting request, in accordance with the following subject and appropriate office:

·         Agricultural Trade and Commodities:  Office of Agriculture Policy (EB/TPN/AGP)

·         Aviation Affairs: Office of Aviation Negotiations (EB/TRA/AN) and Office of Transportation Policy (EB/TRA/OTP)

·         Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management:  Office of Conservation and Water (OES/E/ECW)

·         Biosafety:  Office of Agriculture Policy (EB/TPN/AGP)

·         Bribery:  Office of Monetary Affairs (EB/IFD/OMA)

·         Commercial Affairs:  Office of Commercial and Business Affairs (EB/CBA)

·         Communications Affairs:  Office of International Communications and Information Policy (EB/CIP)

·         Conflict Diamonds and Conflict Minerals:  Office of Threat Finance Countermeasures (EB/TFS/TFC)

·         Corporate Social Responsibility:  Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (EB/EPPD)

·         Development and Export Credit Issues and Policies, Multilateral Development Bank Policies and Programs, International Donors’ Conferences, Export-Import Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation and U.S. Trade Development Agency (TDA) Policies and Programs: Office of Development Finance (EB/IFD/ODF)

·         Economic Public Diplomacy:  Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (EB/EPPD)

·         Environmental Affairs: Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues (OES/E/EQT)

·         Export Finance:  Office of Development Finance (EB/IFD/ODF)

·         Fisheries Affairs:  Office of Marine Conservation (OES/O/OMC)

·         Food Policy and Programs:  Office of Agriculture Policy (EB/TPN/AGP) and Office of Global Food Security (S/GFS)

·         Foreign Investment:  Office of Investment Affairs (EB/IFD/OIA)

·         Fuels and Energy:  Office of Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (ENR/EGA/PAPD)

·         Genetic Resources:  Office of Conservation and Water (OES/E/ECW)

·         Health Affairs:  Office of International Health and Biodefense (OES/S/IHB) and Office of Global Health Diplomacy (S/GAC/GHD)

·         Intellectual Property:  Office of International Intellectual Property Enforcement (EB/CBA/IPE)

·         International Trade Policy and Negotiations:

Bilateral:  Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs (EB/TPN/BTA); and

Multilateral:  Office of Multilateral Trade Affairs (EB/TPN/MTA)

·         Labor and Employment (Economic Data and Reports Request):  Office of International Labor Affairs (DRL/ILA)

·         Maritime Affairs, including Container and Supply Chain Security:  Office of Transportation Policy (EB/TRA/OTP)

·         Monetary Affairs:  Office of Monetary Affairs (EB/IFD/OMA)

·         Ocean Affairs:  Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs (OES/OPA)

·         OECD Issues: Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (EB/EPPD):

o   Environment-related OECD Issues:  Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues (OES/E/EQT)

o   Anti-Corruption related OECD Issues:  Office of Monetary Affairs (EB/IFD/OMA)

·         Sanctions:  Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation (EB/TFS/SPI)

·         Science and Technology:  Office of Space and Advanced Technology (OES/S/SAT) and Office of Science and Technology Cooperation (OES/S/STC)

·         Strategic Planning and Public Diplomacy:  Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (EB/EPPD)

·         Terrorist Financing:  Office of Threat Finance Countermeasures (EB/TFS/TFC)

·         Timber and Wildlife Management, Trade and Illicit Trafficking:  Office of Conservation and Water (OES/E/ECW)

c.  The term “economic/commercial data reporting request” is defined as any communication requesting one or more Foreign Service posts to obtain and submit information on economic, political-economic, socio-economic, technological, or commercial topics.  If any office or agency is in doubt as to whether a proposed communication to a post constitutes a request for economic/commercial reporting by the Foreign Service, or is uncertain as to which office should clear the request, it should consult with the Office of Commercial and Business Affairs, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB/CBA).

d. Reporting or data requests should meet one of the following criteria:

(1)  Importance to U.S. Government interests or objectives;

(2)  Need as background for legislation, or to provide information to the Congress; and

(3)  Necessity to support U.S. business activities deemed consistent with official objectives.


(CT:GEN-479;   10-23-2017)

a. The Office of Food for Peace (FFP) in the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) must clear all messages relating to Public Law 83-480, the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended, and Titles I and II.  The FFP maintains liaison with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in accordance with interagency agreements and delegated authority, and is responsible for obtaining clearance from the Department of Agriculture.  The Department of Agriculture clears messages originating in its agency (except routine operational matters) with the Department of State and USAID through the FFP.

b. In the Department, offices concerned include appropriate desk officers, regional bureaus, the Office of Agriculture Policy in the Bureau of Economic, and Business Affairs (EB/TPN/AGP), the Office of Economic and Development Affairs in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO/EDA), the Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources (F), and other entities of the Department of State and USAID concerned with Public Law 83-480 programs.