(CT:POH-287; 03-11-2025)
(Office of Origin: GTM/ER/WLD)
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
The procedures in this subchapter cover:
(1) The initial designation of posts and relief areas;
(2) The biennial certification of posts and relief areas; and
(3) Changes in designated posts and relief areas.
3 FAH-1 H-3721.1 Recommending Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Travel Designation
(CT:POH-220; 05-22-2019)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. The chief of the diplomatic mission, in consultation with the responsible in-country representatives of:
· U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
· U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM)
· Department of Commerce (DOC)
· Department of Agriculture (USDA: FAS and/or APHIS)
NOTE: May recommend to the Department of State's Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) the designation of posts for R&R travel and their relief areas.
b. In those countries where an embassy does not exist, the principal officer at post may recommend designation as an R&R post.
c. The recommendation must be:
(1) Based on criteria in 3 FAH-1 H-3721.2; and
(2) Submitted to the Department of State's Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) on Form DS-267, Post Hardship Differential Questionnaire, through the eAllowances system. Instructions for completing Form DS-267 are on the Office of Allowances' website as well as the eAllowances system. The post may include additional factors A/OPR/ALS should consider in its review as well as its proposed designated relief point (see 3 FAH-1 H-3721.2, paragraphs b and c).
d. A completed Form DS-267 addresses all 11 factors under 3 FAH-1 H-3721.2, paragraph a.
3 FAH-1 H-3721.2 Criteria for R&R Travel Designation and Relief Area Designation
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. Conditions of life at the post that present distinct and significant difficulties of sufficient severity to justify temporary relief for an employee and employee’s eligible family members during a period of assignment. These conditions include but are not limited to such factors as:
(1) Climate;
(2) Isolation;
(3) Inadequate transportation within the country;
(4) Lack of adequate recreation facilities;
(5) Housing conditions;
(6) Unsanitary conditions;
(7) Lack of essential services;
(8) Lack of adequate medical or dental care;
(9) Prevalence of communicable diseases;
(10) Unusual personal hazards, and
(11) Excessive cost of transportation from the post to a suitable relief area.
b. To be designated as a relief point, a location must have a climate, altitude, or environment sufficiently different from that at post.
c. In selecting a suitable relief point, an important factor is the cost of travel to the nearest point that will provide the necessary change from post.
3 FAH-1 H-3721.3 Initial R&R Travel Designation Process
(CT:POH-239; 08-13-2020)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps-USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. A post initiates a request for R&R travel designation and relief point by submitting to the Department of State's Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) Form DS-267, Post Hardship Differential Questionnaire, through the eAllowances system. A/OPR/ALS will review all incoming R&R travel designation requests. NOTE: All special R&R travel requests are processed separately under 3 FAM 3727.
b. A/OPR/ALS will evaluate and score each of the 11 R&R designation factors in 3 FAH-1 H-3721.2 which are addressed by Form DS-267. The post may include additional information on factors not covered.
c. The A/OPR/ALS director will recommend to the Assistant Secretary for Administration (A) approval or disapproval of the R&R travel request and relief point designation. A/OPR/ALS will clear the recommendation with the appropriate Department regional bureau executive director, the Office of Employee Relations (GTM/ER), the Office of Career Development and Assignments (GTM/CDA), USAID (Regional Bureau Administrative Management Staff), USAGM (M/OHR), USDA (FAS/APHIS), and USDOC (OFSHC) prior to sending it to A.
d. If the R&R designation is approved, A/OPR/ALS will forward a copy of the decision document to GTM/CDA/AD to include in the bidding tool and to GTM/ER to ensure prompt revision to the list of designated posts and relief points in 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(1) through 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(5).
e. A/OPR/ALS will:
(1) Advise the regional bureau executive director and the post of the decision on the R&R travel designation request; and
(2) In consultation with GTM/CDA, establish an effective date, if the decision is to approve, noting which employees the change will affect (see 3 FAM 3725.3-3 and 3 FAM 3725.3-4).
3 FAH-1 H-3721.4 Biennial R&R Travel Redesignation Process
(CT:POH-267; 06-20-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. To justify continued eligibility for this benefit, all posts that are currently approved for R&R travel are required to submit to the Department of State's Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) every four years Form DS-267, Post Hardship Differential Questionnaire, through the eAllowances system. To ensure that changing conditions at a post are regularly reviewed, A/OPR/ALS will review R&R eligibility every two years (between full surveys) using data that posts have already reported to Diplomatic Security, the Bureau of Medical Services and the Office of Overseas Schools. A/OPR/ALS will inform the post in advance of the two-year interim recertification review and offer the post the opportunity to submit a full Form DS-267. Posts can submit a new Form DS-267 at any time. NOTE: All special R&R travel requests are processed separately under 3 FAM 3727.
b. Requests for a change to the primary relief point may also be proposed.
c. Each of the 11 R&R eligibility factors that are listed in 3 FAH-1 H-3721.2 are addressed by the Form DS-267. Posts may include additional information on factors not covered. Instructions for completing the Form DS-267 are on the Office of Allowances' Web site as well as the eAllowances system.
d. A/OPR/ALS will evaluate and score each of the 11 R&R designation factors in 3 FAH-1 H-3721.2 that are addressed by Form DS-267.
e. The A/OPR/ALS director will recommend to the Assistant Secretary for Administration (A) approval or disapproval of the R&R travel request and relief point designation. A/OPR/ALS will clear the recommendation with the appropriate Department regional bureau executive director, the Office of Employee Relations (GTM/ER), the Office of Career Development and Assignments (GTM/CDA), USAID (Regional Bureau Administrative Management Staff), USAGM (M/OHR), USDA (FAS/APHIS), and USDOC (OFSHC) prior to sending it to A.
f. A/OPR/ALS will advise the post by telegram of the R&R redesignation decision. If the redesignation is approved, no effective date is necessary. If the redesignation is disapproved, an effective date will be established in consultation with GTM/CDA, noting which employees the change will affect (see 3 FAM 3725.3-3 and 3 FAM 3725.3-4).
g. A/OPR/ALS will advise the regional bureau executive director, GTM/CDA/AD and GTM/ER as well as USAID (HR/FSP), USAGM (M/OHR), USDA (FAS/APHIS), and USDOC (OFSHC) in writing of all R&R redesignation decisions.
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. Lists of the currently designated posts and relief areas for R&R:
(1) Africa (See 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(1));
(2) Western Hemisphere (See 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(2));
(3) East Asia and Pacific (See 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(3));
(4) Europe (See 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(4)); and
(5) Near East and South Asia (See 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(5)).
b. See 3 FAM 3725.3-2 for information on optional travel to the United States or its territories.
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. There may be exceptional circumstances, when due to curtailment and direct transfer, workload, staff shortages or other situations, it may be in the agency’s best interest for an employee to take R&R between assignments in conjunction with a direct transfer rather than during the course of an assignment. In such cases:
(1) Both the gaining and losing post will normally be certified for R&R; and
(2) The designated relief area of the losing post will be used as the basis for travel to a point abroad.
b. Provided that all R&R eligibility factors are met, each request for approval will be forwarded to Washington for consideration on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate foreign affairs agency responsible for issuing assignment orders for the employee concerned. Generally, the decision should be made in conjunction with the establishment of the official tour of duty, whether as a result of a curtailment or as a combined tour of duty for assignments at two designated posts, in order to maximize the employee’s eligibility for R&R and home leave.
c. Requests should be made far enough in advance of travel to permit a timely resolution of any difficulties so that travel will not be delayed.
d. If such travel is approved, the losing post normally will be expected to pay for the R&R travel costs. However, there may be situations where it would be appropriate for the gaining and losing posts to negotiate a sharing of these costs or for the gaining post to cover the full cost.
e. The R&R travel costs are those that exceed the authorized direct transfer costs. For example, after serving one year in Taipei for language training, an employee is assigned to Beijing for a 3-year tour. If R&R travel were approved in connection with the direct transfer, the post assignment orders would cover only the cost of travel from Taipei to Beijing.
f. The R&R travel orders will cover any difference in travel costs to the designated R&R point for the losing post or to the selected city in the United States or its territories.
3 FAH-1 H-3724 LENGTH OF Rest and Recuperation TRAVEL
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. There is no prescribed minimum or maximum period of time that employees (or eligible family members) must spend on R&R travel. However, to meet the intent and purpose of this travel benefit, sufficient time must be allowed to gain a measure of relief from conditions at post. Normally, a period of 7 to 14 days would be deemed adequate to meet the intent of the regulations, but workload and other conditions at post will govern the actual amount of time of leave approved.
b. Employees and eligible family members must arrange R&R travel so that both legs of the trip occur within a reasonable period of time consistent with the intent of R&R travel.
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. An employee assigned to a R&R post for four years with mid-tour home leave (HLRT) may take R&R before and after home leave, provided that the home leave travel splits the tour into two equal parts of 24 months each. Time spent on home leave is in addition to the two 24-month periods.
b. If an employee takes home leave after taking R&R but before completing two years of a 4-year HLRT tour of duty, that employee is obligated to refund the cost of the R&R travel, unless the timing of the home leave was required by the needs of the Service or for compassionate reasons to be determined on a case-by-case basis (see 3 FAM 3722).
c. If the employee has extended the tour to provide for a minimum period of 24 months at post following completion of home leave, the post can authorize R&R. If the timing of home leave was required by the needs of the Service or for compassionate reasons (to be determined on a case-by-case basis), the foreign affairs agency office can make an exception and grant the issuance of R&R orders.
d. Heads of individual agencies at post are authorized to adjust the HLRT up to 45 days on either side of the 24-month home leave anniversary date if required for Service need or compassionate reasons (to be determined on a case-by-case basis).
e. Adjustments of more than 45 days require the approval of the appropriate agency headquarters office as indicated in 3 FAH-1 H-3721.3, paragraph c.
(CT:POH-136; 05-21-2009)
3 FAH-1 H-3726.1 Authorization
(CT:POH-211; 09-25-2018)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. Heads of individual agencies at a post with delegated authority per 14 FAM 523.1 may authorize or approve round-trip transportation for an employee and/or eligible family members to the designated relief point or optional U.S. or U.S. territory destination.
b. Except as noted in this section, 14 FAM 500 will apply.
3 FAH-1 H-3726.2 Fare Types for R&R Travel
(CT:POH-227; 12-23-2019)
(Uniformed State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
The Department recommends that posts use the lowest cost unrestricted airfares for R&R travel when a traveler has elected to proceed to a designated R&R relief point or to one traveler-selected city in the United States or its territories. Post, however, has the option to establish a travel policy to use special or restricted fares. When a traveler elects to travel against the cost-construct cap (see 3 FAH-1 H-3726.3), the traveler must indicate their preferred fare type (restricted or unrestricted) when requesting travel arrangements from their travel management center or post arranger. If the traveler elects to use a restricted fare for travel against the cost-construct cap, the traveler is responsible for change/cancellation penalties regardless of the reason incurred.
3 FAH-1 H-3726.3 Calculation of the Cost-Construct Cap
(CT:POH-227; 12-23-2019)
(Uniformed State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. Each post with an R&R entitlement has a unique flat rate cap. Posts do not have to take any action to determine their cost-construct cap, and may not apply any cap except those announced by the Department. Each post's cap is determined annually through the formula specified below.
b. In July, the Travel Management and Policy (TMP) Division, within the Bureau of Administration, tasks the Department's contracted travel management center in Washington, DC to provide two fare quotes for each post that has an R&R entitlement: 1) the cost of the lowest-cost, unrestricted, round-trip ticket from that post to its designated relief point; 2) the cost of the lowest-cost, unrestricted, round-trip ticket from that post to Washington, DC. In order to capture travel costs associated with high-demand periods in which R&R is often taken, the dates of travel used for these fare quotes will be departure from post on December 20 and return on January 3. The higher of the two quotes is rounded up to the nearest $100.
Example: Post X's R&R relief point is London. TMP determines that, using a departure date of December 20 and return date of January 3, the lowest-cost, unrestricted, round-trip ticket from Post X to London is $1,965 and the lowest-cost, unrestricted, round-trip ticket from Post X to Washington, DC is $2,232. Embassy Post X's cost-construct cap for the fiscal year in question would be $2,300 (the higher of the two quotes is $2,232 and it rounds up to $2,300).
c. The cost-construct cap that applies is the one applicable to the fiscal year when the travel commences. The cost-construct caps for each upcoming fiscal year are communicated via ALDAC or on the Travel intranet site no later than August 15 of each year. Tickets for travel commencing after September 30 may be booked, but tickets cannot be issued until the new cost-construct cap is communicated.
d. In the event that travel costs at a post significantly change during a fiscal year, a post may request via a cable or memorandum that the Department conduct an off-schedule review of its cost-construct cap by submitting a request to the A/LM Deputy Assistant Secretary with an information copy to post's Regional Bureau Executive Director. The request must outline the specific circumstances that have resulted in a fundamental change to the cost structure of travel from that post. If the request is approved, the process outlined in section b will be repeated and completed for the requesting post within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request. If the review indicates that travel costs have increased or decreased such that there is a variance of at least 25% compared to the cost-construct cap previously established, a new cap will be established and will be valid for the remainder of the fiscal year. Any R&R travel commencing before the announcement of the new cap will be subject to the previous cap.
3 FAH-1 H-3726.4 Other Travel Expenses
(CT:POH-227; 12-23-2019)
(Uniformed State/USAID/Commerce/Foreign Service Corps -USDA/USAGM)
(Applies to Foreign Service Employees Only)
a. The following expenses will not be allowed for R&R travel:
(1) Per Diem including rest stops;
(2) Miscellaneous expenses (as enumerated in 14 FAM 560) except for:
(a) Transportation to and from the airport;
(b) Airport fees that are or would be incurred for direct travel to the designated R&R point abroad, or in the case of R&R taken in the United States, to the selected destination in the United States; and
(c) Fees charged by airlines for checked bags that fall within the checked-luggage allowance as established by 14 FAM 560.
(3) Rental car, unless authorized on the travel orders as necessary for the employee to reach the authorized relief point under Option 2 (see 3 FAM 3725.3-2, Travel to One Point in the United States or Its Territories).
3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(1)
Posts and Designated Relief Areas for R&R Travel―African Countries
(CT:POH-279; 06-20-2024)
Post Designated for R&R |
Designated Relief Area |
Angola Luanda |
London, UK |
Benin Cotonou |
Paris, France |
Botswana Gaborone Selebi Phikwe |
London, UK London, UK |
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou |
Paris, France |
Burundi Bujumbura |
Paris, France |
Cameroon (All posts) |
Paris, France |
Cabo Verde Praia |
Paris, France |
Central African Republic Bangui |
Paris, France |
Chad N’Djamena |
London, UK |
Congo, Democratic Republic of Kinshasa |
Paris, France |
Congo, The Republic of Brazzaville |
Paris, France |
Cote d’Ivoire Abidjan |
Paris, France |
Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti |
Paris, France |
Equatorial Guinea Malabo |
Paris, France |
Eritrea Asmara |
Frankfurt, Germany |
Eswatini Mbabane |
London, UK |
Ethiopia Addis Ababa |
Frankfurt, Germany |
Gabon Libreville |
Paris, France |
Gambia, The Banjul |
London, UK |
Ghana Accra |
London, UK |
Guinea, Republic of (All posts) |
Paris, France |
Guinea-Bissau Bissau |
Paris, France |
Kenya Nairobi |
London, UK |
Lesotho Maseru |
London, UK |
Liberia Monrovia |
London, UK |
Madagascar Antananarivo |
London, UK |
Malawi Lilongwe |
Paris, France |
Mali Bamako |
Paris, France |
Mauritania Nouakchott |
Paris, France |
Mauritius Port Louis |
Vienna, Austria |
Mozambique Maputo |
London, UK |
Namibia Windhoek |
London, UK |
Niger Niamey |
Paris, France |
Nigeria (All posts) |
London, UK |
Rwanda Kigali |
Paris, France |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Paris, France |
Senegal Dakar |
Paris, France |
Seychelles, Seychelles |
London, UK |
Sierra Leone Freetown |
London, UK |
Somalia Mogadishu |
London, UK |
South Africa (All posts) |
London, UK |
South Sudan Juba |
London, UK |
Sudan Khartoum |
London, UK |
Tanzania Dar es Salaam |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Togo Lome |
Paris, France |
Uganda Kampala |
London, UK |
Zambia Lusaka |
London, UK |
Zimbabwe Harare |
London, UK |
3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(2)
Posts and Designated Relief Areas for R&R Travel―Western Hemisphere
(CT:POH-245; 07-14-2021)
Post Designated for R&R |
Designated Relief Area |
Argentina Buenos Aires |
Miami, Florida |
Aruba Oranjestad |
Miami, Florida |
Bahamas Nassau |
Miami, Florida |
Barbados Bridgetown |
Miami, Florida |
Belize Belize City Belmopan |
Miami, Florida Miami, Florida |
Bolivia La Paz |
Miami, Florida |
Brazil Belo Horizonte Brasilia Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Sao Paolo |
Miami, Florida Miami, Florida Miami, Florida Miami, Florida Miami, Florida Miami, Florida |
Chile Santiago |
Miami Florida |
Colombia Bogota Cartagena |
Miami, Florida Miami, Florida |
Cuba Havana |
Miami, Florida |
Curacao Curacao |
Miami, Florida |
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo |
Miami, Florida |
Ecuador Quito Guayaquil |
Miami, Florida Miami, Florida |
El Salvador San Salvador |
Miami, Florida |
Grenada St. Georges |
Miami, Florida |
Guatemala Guatemala City |
Miami, Florida |
Guyana Georgetown |
Miami, Florida |
Haiti Port-au-Prince |
Miami, Florida |
Honduras Tegucigalpa |
Miami, Florida |
Jamaica Kingston |
Miami, Florida |
Mexico Guadalajara Hermosillo Merida Mexico City Monterrey |
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Houston, Texas |
Nicaragua Managua |
Miami, Florida |
Panama Panama City |
Miami, Florida |
Paraguay Asuncion |
Miami, Florida |
Peru Lima |
Miami, Florida |
St. Lucia St. Lucia |
Miami, Florida |
Suriname Paramaribo |
Miami, Florida |
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain |
Miami, Florida |
Uruguay Montevideo |
Miami, Florida |
Venezuela Caracas |
Miami, Florida |
3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(3)
Posts and Designated Relief Areas for R&R Travel―East Asian and
Pacific Countries
(CT:POH-287; 03-11-2025)
Post Designated for R&R |
Designated Relief Area |
Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan |
Sydney, Australia |
Burma Rangoon |
Sydney, Australia |
Cambodia Phnom Penh |
Sydney, Australia |
China Beijing Chengdu Guangzhou Shanghai Shenyang Wuhan |
Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia |
Federated States of Micronesia Kolonia |
Sydney, Australia |
Hong Kong Hong Kong |
Sydney, Australia |
Fiji Suva |
Sydney, Australia |
Indonesia (All posts) |
Sydney, Australia |
Laos Vientiane |
Sydney, Australia |
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur |
Sydney, Australia |
Marshall Islands Majuro |
Sydney, Australia |
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar |
Sydney, Australia |
Palau Koror |
Sydney, Australia |
Papua New Guinea Port Moresby |
Sydney, Australia |
Philippines Manila |
Sydney, Australia |
Samoa Apia |
Sydney, Australia |
Solomon Islands Honiara |
Sydney, Australia |
Thailand (All posts) |
Sydney, Australia |
Timor-Leste Dili |
Sydney, Australia |
Tonga Nuku'alofa |
Sydney, Australia |
Vanuatu Port Vila |
Sydney, Australia |
Vietnam Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City |
Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia |
3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(4)
Posts and Designated Relief Areas for R&R Travel―European Countries
(CT:POH-278; 06-03-2024 )
Post Designated for R&R |
Designated Relief Area |
Albania Tirana |
London, UK |
Armenia Yerevan |
Rome, Italy |
Azerbaijan Baku |
Rome, Italy |
Azores Ponta Delgada |
London, UK |
Belarus Minsk |
Rome, Italy |
Bosnia-Herzegovina (All posts) |
London, UK |
Bulgaria Sofia |
Frankfurt, Germany |
Georgia Tbilisi |
Rome, Italy |
Greenland Nuuk |
Madrid, Spain |
Greece Athens |
London, UK London, UK |
Iceland Reykjavik |
Rome, Italy |
Kosovo Pristina |
London, UK |
Lithuania Vilnius |
London, UK |
Macedonia (former Yugoslav Rep.) Skopje |
London, UK |
Malta Valletta |
London, UK |
Moldova Chisinau |
Rome, Italy |
Montenegro Podgorica |
Paris, France |
Romania Bucharest |
Frankfurt, Germany |
Russian Federation Moscow St. Petersburg Vladivostok Yekaterinburg |
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Los Angeles, CA Rome, Italy |
Serbia Belgrade |
London, UK |
Tromso Norway |
Rome, Italy |
Turkey (All posts) |
Frankfurt, Germany |
Ukraine Kyiv |
Rome, Italy |
3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-3722(5)
Posts and Designated Relief Areas for R&R Travel―Near Eastern and
South AND CENTRAL Asian Countries
(CT:POH-278; 06-03-2024)
Post Designated for R&R |
Designated Relief Area |
Afghanistan (All posts) |
London, UK |
Algeria Algiers |
London, UK |
Bahrain Manama |
London, UK |
Bangladesh (All posts) |
Sydney, Australia |
Egypt (All posts) |
London, UK |
India (All posts) |
London, UK |
Iraq (All posts) |
London, UK |
Israel Tel Aviv |
London, UK |
Jerusalem Jerusalem |
London, UK |
Jordan (All posts) |
London, UK |
Kazakhstan Almaty Nur-Sultan |
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy |
Kuwait (All posts) |
London, UK |
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek |
Rome, Italy |
Lebanon Beirut |
London, UK |
Libya Tripoli |
London, UK |
Male Maldives |
Sydney, Australia |
Morocco Rabat Casablanca |
London, UK London, UK |
Nepal (All posts) |
Sydney, Australia |
Oman Muscat |
London, UK |
Pakistan (All posts) |
London, UK |
Qatar Doha |
London, UK |
Saudi Arabia (All posts) |
London, UK |
Sri Lanka Colombo |
Sydney, Australia |
Syria Damascus |
London, UK |
Tajikistan Dushanbe |
Rome, Italy |
Tunisia Tunis |
London, UK |
Turkmenistan Ashgabat |
Rome, Italy |
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Dubai |
London, UK |
Uzbekistan Tashkent |
Rome, Italy |
Yemen Sanaa |
London, UK |