(CT:PER-1213; 02-24-2025)
(Office of Origin: GTM/PE)
3 FAM 4821.1 Purpose
(CT:PER-916; 08-20-2018)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Honor awards bestow recognition on an individual or group who have made significant contributions to their agency's mission.
b. The honor awards vary in scope and magnitude. The impact of the act or deed that precipitates the nomination must be carefully examined and consideration given to whether the act to be recognized benefits the post or bureau, the area, the agency, or the Federal government as a whole.
3 FAM 4821.2 Group Awards
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for group awards are limited only to those individuals in an organizational segment who have made substantial contributions to the group effort. Nominators of a group award must:
(1) Name the individuals comprising the group (two or more individuals comprise a group);
(2) Avoid recommending a large number of persons who patently could not have contributed to the performance being honored; and
(3) Be able to equate and justify the group performance to the criteria established for honoring individuals.
b. Each member of a group award may receive a certificate signed by an appropriate agency official or the unit may receive one certificate to be displayed in the unit. No medal sets are given to the members of group awards.
3 FAM 4822.1 The Secretary's Award
3 FAM 4822.1-1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The Secretary's Award is presented to employees of State, USAID, and Marine security guards assigned to diplomatic and consular facilities who suffer serious incapacitating injuries in the performance of official duties.
b. The award consists of a medal set and a certificate signed by the Secretary of State.
3 FAM 4822.1-2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for the Secretary's Award are submitted on Form DS-0066, Nomination for Award, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the chief of mission. Approved nominations will be forwarded through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
3 FAM 4822.2 The Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award
3 FAM 4822.2-1 Description
(CT:PER-916; 08-20-2018)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award is presented at the discretion of the Secretary in recognition of exceptionally outstanding leadership, especially in the management of safety and security issues; professional competence, including ensuring employee accountability and the effective management of inappropriate employee behavior; and significant accomplishment over a sustained period of time in the field of foreign affairs. Such achievements must be of notable national or international significance and have made an important contribution to the advancement of U.S. national interests.
b. The award is personally authorized by the Secretary of State, provided that one of the criteria eligibility in 3 FAM 4813.2 is met. It may be presented to members of the foreign affairs communities.
c. The award consists of a medal set and a certificate signed by the Secretary of State. The award nomination, as approved under 3 FAM 4822.2-2 will be included in the recipient’s Official Performance File.
3 FAM 4822.2-2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-998; 06-09-2020)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for the Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award should be submitted to the Global Talent Management's Office of Performance Evaluation (GTM/PE) by an Assistant Secretary-level official or higher on Form DS-0066. Nominations may also be initiated by the Secretary of State. GTM/PE will forward nominations to the Department Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the Secretary, who will determine final approval. For the purposes of this award only, the Department Awards Committee will be chaired by the Deputy Secretary of State and will be convened on a quarterly basis.
b. Employees may be nominated for the Secretary’s Distinguished Service award only once per calendar year.
3 FAM 4823 Certificate of Valor
3 FAM 4823.1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and Eligible Family
a. Considering the extraordinary and hazardous conditions of service encountered in conflict zones throughout the world, the Department of State and USAID desire to recognize personnel serving in these areas. The certificate may be awarded for physical injuries sustained in the performance of duty from a hostile action against the United States which does not result in death, permanent injury, or disability.
b. This nonmonetary award consists of a certificate signed by the chief of mission which must be conferred at post. In the event the employee has left the post, it must be presented by the assistant secretary of the respective bureau. The certificate may be awarded to employees who sustain physical injuries in the performance of duty less serious than those that would qualify for, but not to the degree required by, the Thomas Jefferson Star award.
c. Effective Date: The award is effective as of July 3, 2007. Retroactive nominations will be considered for the Director General's signature following recommendation from the Bureau.
3 FAM 4823.2 Eligibility
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and Eligible Family
a. Any U.S. government civilian employee under chief-of-mission authority, including Foreign Service and/or Civil Service direct-hire employees, locally employed staff, eligible family members, nonfamily member U.S. citizen employees hired at post (appointed under Section 303 or Section 311(a) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended), and U.S. citizens and foreign nationals serving under a personal services agreement or personal services contract (if eligibility for the award is authorized in their contracts), are eligible for the Certificate of Valor.
b. The employee's injuries must be sustained in the performance of duty, which requires that there is a nexus between the injury and the act of serving abroad in an official capacity. This may be by reason of location at the U.S. mission, by reason of the employee's status as a U.S. Government official, or by reason of the fact that the employee was performing, or en route to performing, official duties in the course of sustaining the injury.
3 FAM 4823.3 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and Eligible Family
a. Nominations for the Certificate of Valor are submitted on Form DS-0066, Nomination for Award, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee and must be cleared by medical personnel at post for review and recommendation to the chief of mission. Approved nominations will be forwarded through the appropriate awards committee for final action.
b. Post management is responsible for developing the list of eligible recipients for presentation of the award. Washington offices of State and USAID are responsible for presenting certificates to those employees who depart post without receiving the certificate from the embassy.
3 FAM 4824 Award for Heroism
3 FAM 4824.1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
a. The Award for Heroism is presented to employees of State, USAID, Marine security guards assigned to diplomatic and consular facilities and all others under chief-of-mission authority in recognition of acts of courage or outstanding performance under unusually difficult or dangerous circumstances, whether or not in connection with the performance of assigned duties. It may be granted for:
(1) Sustained superior performance while under threat of physical attack or harassment; or
(2) An individual act of courage or exceptional performance at the risk of personal safety.
b. The award consists of a medal set and a certificate signed by the Secretary.
3 FAM 4824.2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
a. Nominations for the Award for Heroism are submitted on Form DS-0066, Nomination for Award, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the chief of mission. Approved nominations will be forwarded through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
3 FAM 4825 Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service
3 FAM 4825.1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
a. The Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service recognizes those individuals who, while traveling or serving abroad on official business, are killed or incur a serious illness or injury that results in death, permanent incapacity or disability.
b. The award consists of a Foreign Service Star Medal and a certificate signed by the President and the Secretary.
c. Posthumous awards must be issued to the recipient employee’s next of kin.
3 FAM 4825.2 Eligibility
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
Any civilian employee of any agency, including locally employed staff (appointed under Section 303 of the FSA), nonfamily member U.S. citizen employees hired at post (appointed under Section 303 and appointed under Section 311(a) of the FSA), and U.S. citizens and foreign nationals serving under a personal services ontract or personal services agreement (if eligibility for the award is authorized in their contracts), are eligible for the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service as long as the employee is:
(1) Under the administrative direction of State or USAID;
(2) Employed at, or assigned permanently or temporarily to an official mission abroad, or while traveling abroad on official business; and
(3) Killed or incurs a serious illness or injury which requires hospitalization or similar treatment and which results in incapacity or disability that prevents the employee from performing his or her official duties or adversely affects his or her ability to obtain medical clearance, while the employee:
(a) Is performing official duties;
(b) Is located on the premises of a U.S. mission abroad; or alternatively; and
(c) By reason of the individual’s status as U.S. Government employee.
3 FAM 4825.3 Criteria
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
a. Selection of award recipients will be based on:
(1) The nexus between the death, illness or injury and the act of serving abroad in an official capacity. The death, illness, or injury must be linked to the official duties of the employee. This may be by reason of location at the U. S. mission, by reason of the employee’s status as a U.S. Government official, or by reason of the fact that the employee is performing, or en route to perform official duties; and
(2) The seriousness of the illness or injury. An illness or injury is “serious” if it requires hospitalization or similar treatment and results in incapacity or disability that prevents the employee from performing his or her official duties or adversely affects his or her ability to obtain medical clearance.
b. Examples of employees meeting the selection criteria include, but are not limited to:
(1) The United States as the target of hostile action:
(a) Mission as target while performing official duty, hostile fire kills or wounds a U. S. civilian employee who is accompanying U.S. peacekeepers abroad; or
(b) Employee as target, but not while on official duty, a commercial airliner flying abroad is hijacked and an employee, by reason of his or her status as a U.S. Government official, is subjected to mistreatment resulting in death, injury or serious illness;
(2) Accidents occurring in a hostile environment or crisis situation:
(a) Employee is killed or wounded by “friendly” fire launched to counter or respond to hostile action;
(b) Employee is killed or wounded in an automobile or airplane accident caused by a hostile action or crisis situation; and
(c) Employee is killed or wounded by a land mine, trap, bomb or chemical/biological agent, even if not targeted at the employee or the United States;
(3) Natural disasters linked to service:
(a) Employee is killed or wounded while away from the mission but while performing official duties, e.g., an earthquake abroad causes a building to collapse, killing several employees who are negotiating an arms control treaty; or
(b) Employee is killed or injured at the mission, e.g., a flood strikes a U.S. Embassy compound, killing and injuring dozens of employees;
(4) Nothing in this subsection (3 FAM 4825.3) should limit the discretion of the Secretary to recommend the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service Award for an otherwise eligible (see 3 FAM 4825.2) and deserving employee.
3 FAM 4825.4 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
Nominations for the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service Award must be initiated by the chief of mission or by an assistant secretary, cleared by the Medical Director, as appropriate, and then submitted to the Department Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the Secretary. The Secretary must make final recommendations to the President.
3 FAM 4825.5 Effective Date
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff and all others under
chief of mission authority)
a. The effective date for the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service must be August 7, 1998.
b. An employee or surviving next of kin may petition the Department Awards Committee to consider individuals who are eligible and deserving of the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service notwithstanding the fact that the illness, injury or death occurred prior to the effective date.
3 FAM 4826 Distinguished Honor Award
3 FAM 4826.1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The level of achievement upon which nominations for the Distinguished Honor Award are based, should be comparable to the following:
(1) Exceptionally outstanding service to the agencies or the U.S. Government resulting in achievements of marked national or international significance;
(2) Exceptionally outstanding service and/or leadership in the administration of one or more agency programs that results in the highly successful accomplishment of mission, or in a major attainment of objectives or specific accomplishment to meet unique or emergency situations; and
(3) Outstanding accomplishments over a prolonged period that involve the exercise of authority or judgment in the public interest.
b. The award consists of a medal set and a certificate signed, as appropriate, by the Secretary of State.
c. For USAID, after bureau/office/mission review and approval by the appropriate assistant administrator or office head, nominations are forwarded to the USAID Incentive Awards Committee and the Administrator of USAID for final approval.
3 FAM 4826.2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for the Distinguished Honor Award are submitted on Form DS-0066, Nomination for Award, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the chief of mission. Approved nominations will be forwarded through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
3 FAM 4827 Superior Honor Award
3 FAM 4827.1 Description
(CT:PER-1213; 02-24-2025)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The Superior Honor Award is presented to groups or individuals in recognition of a special act or service or sustained extraordinary performance covering a period of 1 year or longer. The following criteria are applicable to granting a Superior Honor Award:
(1) Contributions which had a substantial impact on the accomplishment of the agency’s missions, goals, or objectives;
(2) Accomplishments which substantially contributed to the advancement of U.S. government interests;
(3) Exceptional performance in one or more areas of the employee’s official duties as defined in the Work Requirements Statement (Foreign Service) or Performance Plan (Civil Service);
(4) Innovation and creativity in accomplishing long-term tasks or projects;
(5) Contributions that resulted in increased productivity and efficiency, and economy of operations at agency level;
(6) Exceptional devotion to duty under adverse conditions.
b. The award consists of a certificate signed by an Assistant Secretary or an official of equivalent rank.
3 FAM 4827.2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for the Superior Honor Award are submitted on Form DS-0066, Nomination for Award, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the chief of mission. Approved nominations will be forwarded to the appropriate area awards committee for final action.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted to the appropriate area awards committee for final action.
c. For nominations submitted by USAID employees: After the post committee has approved the nomination, it is then submitted to USAID headquarters for final review. Nominations of USAID employees submitted by Department of State employees are submitted to the Bureau area awards committee for final review. Once approved, the nomination is forwarded to USAID headquarters for processing.
3 FAM 4828 Meritorious Honor Award
3 FAM 4828.1 Description
(CT:PER-1213; 02-18-2025)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The Meritorious Honor Award is presented to groups or individuals in recognition of a special act or service or sustained outstanding performance. The following criteria are applicable to granting a Meritorious Honor Award:
(1) Outstanding service in support of a one-time event (e.g., support for a major conference or summit meeting);
(2) Innovation and creativity in accomplishing short-term tasks or projects;
(3) Outstanding performance in one or more areas of the employee’s official duties as defined in the Work Requirements Statement (Foreign Service) or Performance Plan (Civil Service);
(4) Contributions that resulted in increased productivity and efficiency, and economy of operations at post or bureau level.
b. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Assistant Secretary or an official of equivalent rank for domestic employees or by the chief of mission at the post level.
3 FAM 4828.2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State and USAID)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for State and USAID employees are submitted on Form DS-0066, Nomination for Award, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the chief of mission for final action.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted to the appropriate area awards committee for final action. For USAID, nominations initiated in Washington are reviewed by the USAID bureau/office with final approval by the appropriate assistant administrator or office head.
3 FAM 4829 Honor Awards for Retiring Employees
3 FAM 4829.1 The Secretary’s Career Achievement Award
3 FAM 4829.1-1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State Only)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The Secretary’s Career Achievement Award is conferred on behalf of the Secretary to a retiring Department of State Foreign Service or Civil Service employee in the Department who, over a period of 25 years or more of U.S. Government and/or military service, has performed with dedication and distinction.
b. Recipients receive a certificate signed by the Secretary.
3 FAM 4829.1-2 Procedures
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State Only)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. A retiring Foreign Service or Civil Service employee who wishes to receive this award should submit Form DS-5079, Department of State Retirement Recognition Request to the Office of Retirement.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted to the appropriate area committee for final action.
c. Requests submitted by posts for American and LE staff must include a citation of 50 words or less, otherwise the bureau awards officer will provide generic citations. The bureau awards officer will forward citations to S/ES-EX for approval before printing; once printed, the awards officer will obtain the Secretary’s signature. Certificates for overseas posts will be forwarded for presentation. The awards officer will arrange for the presentation of certificates for domestic employees.
3 FAM 4829.2 Department of State Retirement Recognition Award
3 FAM 4829.2-1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State Only)
(Foreign Service and Civil Service employees)
a. The Department of State Retirement Recognition Award is conferred to retiring Foreign Service and Civil Service employees in the Department who, over a period of fewer than 25 years of U.S. Government and/or military service, have performed with dedication and distinction.
b. Recipients receive a certificate signed by the Director General that features standard language and does not require an individual citation.
3 FAM 4829.2-2 Processing Procedures
(CT:PER-998; 06-09-2020)
(State only)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
A retiring Foreign Service or Civil Service employee who wishes to receive this award should submit Form DS-5079, Department of State Retirement Recognition Request to the Office of Retirement (GTM/RET) when submitting his/her retirement application. GTM/RET will forward the request to the employee's bureau awards coordinator. The bureau will have the necessary certificate printed and obtain the Director General’s signature.
3 FAM 4829.3 Ambassador's Retirement Recognition Award
3 FAM 4829.3-1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State Only)
(Locally Employed Staff)
The Ambassador's Retirement Recognition Award is conferred to retiring locally employed staff members who have performed with dedication and distinction over their career for a period of less than 25 years. Recipients receive a certificate signed by the chief of mission. At post's discretion, locally employed staff may also receive a U.S. flag flown at post.
3 FAM 4829.3-2 Procedures
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State Only)
(Locally Employed Staff)
a. Post nominates candidates for this award.
b. Certificates are requested from the bureau awards officer, who will arrange printing, and forward to post for the chief of mission signature, and presentation.
3 FAM 4829.4 Foreign Affairs Award for Public Service
3 FAM 4829.4-1 Description
(CT:PER-742; 07-24-2014)
(State Only)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. The Foreign Affairs Award for Public Service is presented to departing noncareer employees who, during their association with the Department, have performed with exceptional dedication and distinction.
b. Recipients receive a certificate signed by the Secretary.
3 FAM 4829.4-2 Nominating and Approval Procedures
(CT:PER-886; 10-13-2017)
(State Only)
(Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed Staff)
a. Nominations for the Foreign Affairs Award for Public Service are submitted on Form DS-0066, through supervisory channels to the Joint Country Awards Committee for review and recommendation to the chief of mission. Approved nominations will be forwarded through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.
b. Nominations initiated in Washington are submitted through the appropriate area awards committee to the Department Awards Committee for final action.