5 FAM 750  

Electronic MAIL (Email) POLICY

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)
(Office of Origin:  DT/OPS/MSO/EML)

5 FAM 751  EMAIL

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

5 FAM 751.1  PURPOSE

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

This policy explains the email services the Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (DT) provides, as well as the actions Department personnel should take to manage their email accounts.

5 FAM 751.2  SCOPE

(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a. Establishes policy that applies to the management of Department email.

b. Defines policies with respect to mailbox limits, prohibitions when using email, email etiquette, management, and markings.

c.  This policy applies to all Department of State (DOS) email accounts (e.g., OpenNet, ClassNet, and Foreign Affairs Network) both domestically and abroad.


(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a. Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552(a)).

b. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) of 1966, as amended; privacy exemptions (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6) and (b)(7)(c)).

c.  Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) of 2014 (Title III of Public Law 113-283).

d. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

e. E-Government Act of 2002, Section 208 (44 U.S.C. 3602).

f.  Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information, M-07-16 (May 22, 2007).

g. 36 CFR Parts 1220, 1222, 1228, and1234 Electronic Mail Systems August 28, 1995.

h. Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information

i.  The authorities found in 1 FAM 271.5 and 5 FAM 113.

j.  The Federal Records Act (44 U.S.C. 31).

5 FAM 752  Using the Email System

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

DT determines the limit of each user’s mailbox, based on technology and available hardware and other considerations (e.g., record management security).  Individual emails including attachments are also subject to size and type restrictions according to policy.  Internal Department of State network attachments larger than 50 MB are prohibited and will not be delivered.

NOTE:  For mobile services, size is subject to external carrier service limitations.  Most domestic carriers set a 25MB – 33MB limit for attachment size.  There is a likelihood carriers will not relay messages beyond the carrier’s set limitation for attachment size.

5 FAM 752.1  Prohibitions When Using Email

(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a. Limited personal use of email via U.S. Government computer systems is authorized as described in 5 FAM 723, Personal Use of U.S. Government Equipment.

b. Do not send electronic greetings (e-cards); non-business-related multimedia files; chain letters; letters or messages that offer a product or service based on or tied to a chain letter structure, including jokes, recipes or other non-business-related information; and do not conduct any other activity that congests or disrupts the Intranet or Internet.

c.  Never use "Reply to all" unless the response is applicable to all addressees.  Only send “reply” email to those parties to whom action or pertinent information is directed.  The over-use of "Reply to All" email responses slows down messaging for all users and regularly creates backlogs in users' inboxes.

d. Unclassified material, including Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU), may be transmitted in email on the Internet.  However, in accordance with 12 FAM 544.3, individual employees must decide whether unencrypted email provides adequate protection for the specific information they are transmitting.  For example, if the email contains a significant amount of sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) (e.g., a list of social security and/or credit card numbers), the sender must use an encrypted or other more secure means of transmission, so it does not place that information at a high risk of possible compromise.  In accordance with 5 FAM 469 and 12 FAM 544, employees should understand their responsibilities for protecting PII to which they have authorized access in performance of their official duties.  Prior to sending emails that contain PII, employees should consider the risk associated with the transmission and use approved Department technology to properly secure the data during transmission.  Posting or discussing classified or SBU information on any website, chat room, or other public forum on the Internet is strictly prohibited (see 5 FAM 731 paragraph h).

e. To preclude inadvertent transmission of inappropriate information on the Internet, the “Auto Forward” capability must not be used to send Department emails to an Internet address.  Additionally, users must never put their personal email address in any out-of-office correspondence.

f.  Use of email services on U.S. Government computers is subject to monitoring as described in 5 FAM 724, Monitoring and Auditing Policies.  Where warranted, systems personnel must give any actual or potential evidence of criminal activity involving Department computers to law enforcement and other authorized security officials.

g. The Department reserves the right to access all messages sent or received on its electronic mail systems.  Systems managers, systems administrators, records managers, and security officials may monitor, or audit with appropriate managerial approvals as provided for in 5 FAM 724, the system to ensure that all electronic mail transactions comply with applicable policies defined in 5 FAM 700, 12 FAM 500, and 12 FAM 600 series.

5 FAM 753  Marking Email

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

753.1  Classification and Sensitivity Markings

(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a. Classified emails must be marked in accordance with E.O.13526.  Limited distribution email should include marking in accordance with requirements in 5 FAH-2 H-440 Captions and Handling Instructions and 5 FAM 460 The Privacy Act and Personally Identifiable information.

b. SMART provides an automated tool to mark and correctly place drafter-provided classification and sensitivity designators in the header and metadata fields of the email.  The drafter must manually format the portion markings for classified messages, and use portion markings on each subject line, headers, and paragraphs.

753.2  Administrative Markings

(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a. Employees must avoid giving the false impression they are acting in an official capacity when they are using U.S. Government office equipment for non-Government purposes (i.e., using DOS email for a personal purpose without a disclaimer). Personal  If there is expectation that such personal use could be interpreted to represent an agency, then you must use an adequate disclaimer.  An acceptable disclaimer is “The views expressed in this email are solely those of (sender), and in no way reflect the views of the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Government.”  Employees should use the signature block to properly identify themselves.

b. On Department email accounts, contractor personnel must use an email signature block that shows name, the office being supported, and company affiliation (e.g., "John Smith, Office of Human Resources, ACME Corporation Support Contractor").

5 FAM 754  Email Management

(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a.   All emails sent and received on the OpenNet and ClassNet State.gov domains are automatically captured, managed, and preserved in the central email system pursuant to 5 FAM 443, Electronic Mail (Email) Records.

b.   Personal email accounts are only to be used to conduct official business in limited circumstances, and with the procedures in 5 FAM 443.4, paragraph d.

c.    As with other documentary materials, emails required by legal mandates (i.e., emails relevant to actual or anticipated litigation or in response to pending requests from Congress or under the Freedom of Information Act) must be preserved.  Email systems administrators must take steps to preserve emails when authorized.

d.   Refer to 5 FAM 443 to review all aspects of the Department's email management policy.

5 FAM 755  Email Etiquette

(CT:IM-287;   06-22-2022)

a. As with all official transactions, employees should adhere to professional etiquette when drafting emails.

b. Avoid mixing work-related and personal or non-work-related information in a single email or thread.