6 FAH-5 H-360

official visits and temporary Duty (TDY)

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Office of Origin:  CGFS/ICASS)

6 FAH-5 H-361  General

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Official visits and temporary duty (TDY) travel to posts are essential tools for all agencies in furthering their missions overseas.  The frequency of such visits and the level of post-provided support will vary depending on the agency, the post infrastructure, the purpose of the visit, and the type of visitor.  This chapter explains how support costs for different types of visitors are handled and provides detailed guidance on establishing a post visitor and TDY policy.  See 2 FAM 116, Visitor Policy for more details on the Chief of Mission’s (COMs), responsibility for official and unofficial visitors. 

b. Each post must have a visitor policy that explains non-ICASS direct costs that are charged to agencies (see 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-1) and ICASS administrative support service costs that are billed through an ICASS TDY invoice (see 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-3).  Charging for ICASS administrative services is optional as explained in 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-3 paragraph (b). 

c.  A summary of the post visitor and TDY policy must be posted on the State Department’s electronic Country Clearance (eCC) website (Login - ECC servicenowservices.com).  Each post must update their eCC policy annually.  A more detailed post policy with a listing of specific services and related costs must be displayed on the post website.  See 6 FAH-5 H-362 paragraph (b).

d. For the purposes of this chapter, there are three main roles that support post visitors.  The following definitions apply:

(1)  Control officer:  A control officer is the post point of contact for coordinating a TDY visit.  A control officer assists with communication between the visitor and post.  They are typically responsible for setting up meetings and identifying administrative support requirements.  A control officer may be a member of the sponsoring or hosting agency or could be from a different agency;

(2)  Sponsoring (funding) agency:  A sponsoring agency pays for the visitor’s travel and related costs and provides a fund cite (fiscal data) to pay any direct costs related to the TDY visitor.  The fund cite must be provided prior to the start of the visit.  Indirect ICASS administrative support services are billed to the ICASS agency code of the sponsoring agency; and

(3)  Hosting agency:  A hosting agency may be the same as the sponsoring agency or may be a different agency.  The hosting agency is the key point of contact between a visitor and the service provider to help understand the visitor’s requirements.  The control officer may be from the hosting agency or will work closely with the hosting agency to support the visit.  The specific role depends on the visitor’s support requirements and whether the sponsoring agency exists at post.


(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Post visitor policy:  All posts must have a written policy, approved by the ICASS Council, detailing support services available for official TDY visitors.  The post policy should consider the volume of visitors and their projected impact on post resources.  The services provided may vary depending on post conditions, the post’s ability to provide the services, and the rank of the visitor.  See 2 FAM 116.3, Suggested Guidelines on Providing Services to Visitors, that identifies mission and visitor categories.  The post visitor policy must include the information listed below:

(1)  A list of the estimated charges for typical direct costs charged to agencies.  See 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-1;

(2)  A list of the estimated charges for ICASS service costs if post issues the optional TDY invoices.  See 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-3 paragraph (b);

(3)  Information on the circumstances at the post that may impact the post’s ability to provide services; and

(4)  The requirement that visitors must provide the ICASS agency code (e.g., 1932.5) used to cover ICASS costs, in advance of their arrival at post.

      NOTE:  See sample policies in 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-2, Sample Policy Language for Charging Direct Costs, and 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-4, Sample Policy Language for Posts Using the ICASS TDY Invoice. 

b. TDY ICASS support request form:  To successfully support TDY visitor requests for ICASS services, some posts may require visitors to complete a post-specific ICASS Support Request form.  This is in addition to completing the eCC.  Visitors or their control officers should complete the form prior to arrival. Post should include an example of the form and the completion requirements in their post visitor policy. 

c.  Traveler’s responsibilities:  The traveler or their control officer is responsible for providing the following information prior to arrival at post.

(1)  A fund citation for direct charges.

(2)  The appropriate ICASS agency code for TDY invoice billing purposes.

(3)  The sponsoring agency point of contact (POC) at headquarters.

(4)  Specific ICASS services requested.

d. Visitors must obtain country clearance:  All official TDY visitors must obtain COM country clearance prior to arriving at post.  To initiate this process, travelers must complete the eCC form.  Travelers are notified within the eCC once country clearance is approved.  

e.  Agencies with no presence at post:  TDY visitors with no sponsoring (funding) agency at post must sign the standard Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Subscription of Services (SOS) agreement upon arrival at post if the visitor requests ICASS support.  The visitor must be authorized to sign the MOU and resulting TDY invoice to ensure that the correct ICASS agency code is identified.  Questions about the correct ICASS agency (billing) code for a TDY visitor should be addressed by the visitor, their sponsoring agency, and the post control officer.


(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Consistency:  Posts must ensure that its procedures and post policy for charging visitors for costs are consistently applied to all TDY visitors.

b. Types of visitors:  The following guidance addresses support for the different types of visitors.  TDY support may be provided to the following personnel, although not all types of visitors are charged for services:

(1)  Routine TDY visitors who are generally invoiced for services;

(2)  TDY visitors who are not invoiced due to the exceptions listed under 6 FAH-5 H-363.2;

(3)  VIP visitors and their support personnel (advance or pre-advance team) who may have unique invoicing requirements (see 6 FAH-5 H-364). Cabinet-level officials accompanying VIP visitors are not considered support personnel.  See 6 FAH-5 H-364, particularly paragraphs g (2) and (3) and the note; and 

(4)  U.S. Government contractors or grantees if their contract or grant allows for the use of ICASS services.  The sponsoring (funding) agency must specifically request and agree in advance to pay for ICASS services and fund any direct costs.  The individuals must be eligible for the services.  See 6 FAH-5 H-352.4

c.  Do-it-yourself manual:  Posts can minimize the amount of visitor support work they provide by maintaining and publicizing a visitor guide with suggested “Do-It-Yourself” instructions.  See 2 FAM 116.4, Visitor Travel Information.  These guides should include the following:

(1)  A list of approved hotels so that travelers can make their own hotel reservations;

(2)  Contact numbers and/or e-mail addresses for local airline offices for confirming or changing travel reservations;

(3)  Contact information for commercial transport services; and

(4)  Security and health considerations.   

d. Additional funding required:  The TDY invoicing process for recovering ICASS costs for TDY visitors is not designed to cover the full monetary impact of supporting them.  Therefore, posts that have significant levels of visitors each year may not be able to recover all costs through the issuance of TDY invoices.  Posts that face this situation and require additional ICASS resources to support visitors should discuss a possible base increase with their regional bureau.  This may include increases to the level of ICASS USDH staffing assigned by regional bureaus and the related staffing costs needed to successfully support large volumes of TDY visitors. 

6 FAH-5 H-363.1  Categories of Charges

(CT:ICASS-23;   10-31-2011)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

There are two distinct categories of charges related to support provided to official TDY visitors:

(1)  Direct costs related to the visit not included in a TDY invoice; and

(2)  ICASS administrative support service costs that may be billed to agencies through a TDY invoice. 

6 FAH-5 H-363.1-1  Direct Costs Charged to Agencies

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Charging for direct costs:  All visitors should be charged for direct costs that are easily identifiable and specific to an individual or agency.  The definition of what may be direct-charged is addressed in 6 FAH-5 H-313.  Direct costs are always billed to the visitor, regardless of the length of stay, type of visitor, and whether there is a sponsoring agency at post.  Post may not charge a visitor for items that were not requested by the TDY visitor.  Below is a list of the most common direct-charged items.  Post should update their eCC posted policy if needed based on changes in the types of items direct-charged and the current rates:    

(1)  Overtime incurred in support of the visit (see NOTE 1 and 2);

(2)  Fuel costs/coupons (see NOTE 3), tolls, parking fees, etc., when not otherwise included in an ICASS per kilometer Motor Pool charge;

(3)  Commercial vehicle rentals;

(4)  Communication devices, equipment rentals and/or other related costs such as SIM card, cellular data, etc.;

(5)  Official in-country travel expenses;

(6)  Airline fees;

(7)  Airport transportation (see NOTE 4);

(8)  Cost of goods or services procured (i.e., translation services, supplies, etc.); and

(9)  Contracted expediter services.

NOTE 1:  Salary and benefit costs related to ICASS personnel providing service during regular duty hours may not be directly charged to a TDY visitor.  Any overtime required by ICASS staff to support the visit is direct charged.

NOTE 2:  A visiting delegation may request post to provide certain services during normal duty hours such as staffing the control room, providing accommodation exchange, and performing translation services.  These requests should be outsourced and direct charged whenever possible to ensure that post operations are not negatively affected.  If the service cannot be outsourced due to the nature of the service requested, it may require post to provide the service.  If an agency requires services during core ICASS hours which displaces normal ICASS work that must then be done on an overtime basis, then the visiting agency should be charged that overtime.  The visiting delegation must be advised that any overtime required resulting from “lending” post ICASS staff to the visiting delegation, and thus requiring post work to be done after hours, are charged to the delegation.

NOTE 3:  Post may direct-charge only for support costs that are identifiable, separable, and not included in post’s ICASS budget.  For example, post may not include routine vehicle maintenance or vehicle replacement costs in any direct charges billed to TDY visitors.  Fuel costs may not be direct charged for motor pool usage that will be billed on an ICASS invoice.  The cost per kilometer billed in ICASS includes fuel costs.

NOTE 4:  The cost of airport transportation provided by a commercial firm should be direct charged to the TDY visitor.  If provided by ICASS staff on an overtime basis, overtime costs should be charged to the visitor’s fiscal data.  Post should list the cost of this commercially provided service in the “direct costs” section of post’s policy on eCC.  

b. Use of agency fund cites:  Except for overtime (see subparagraph (2) below), the cost of any services procured from vendors should be obligated directly to the agency fund cite of the TDY visitor.  ICASS fiscal data should not be used even temporarily with an intent to journal voucher the charges later.  Direct- charging costs to the TDY visitor’s fiscal data ensures no incorrect charges to the ICASS working capital fund:

(1)  Two typical direct-charge costs are rental vehicles and communication devices.  The post should contract with the car rental agency and/or communication company to provide this service and prepare the purchase order using the agency fund cite of the TDY visitor.  A preferred alternative is for the travelers to settle the costs with the local commercial provider directly; and 

(2)  ICASS staff overtime related to the visit should be charged to an agency fund cite of the TDY visitor through a journal voucher.  The overtime cost should not be budgeted or charged to ICASS.

6 FAH-5 H-363.1-2  Policy Language for Charging Direct Costs

(CT:ICASS-23;   10-31-2011)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

For all posts, sample policy language on charging for direct costs is provided in 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-2.  The sample shown includes all the key information needed.  Each post should customize the policy to include post-specific circumstances and estimated cost data.  Since direct charging for certain costs applies to all posts and all visitors, the sample language is the minimum required in a post visitor and TDY policy posted on eCC.

NOTE:  If the post policy does not include the issuance of TDY invoices, the policy posted on the eCC must state that the visitor will not receive an ICASS TDY invoice for ICASS services. 

6 FAH-5 H-363.1-3  ICASS Service Costs and the ICASS TDY Invoice

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. What is an ICASS TDY invoice?  The ICASS TDY invoice is used to bill visitors for ICASS administrative support costs incurred during their visit. The invoice is generated in the TDY module of the ICASS software:

(1)  The TDY invoice must be used when post’s TDY policy requires charging visitors for ICASS services;

(2)  The TDY invoice does not include any direct-chargeable costs.

(3)  The TDY invoice is based on the daily rate or unit cost for each of the ICASS services provided as generated by the ICASS software in the TDY module.  These amounts must be included in the post policy;

(4)  The TDY invoice charges a discounted service cost rate because it excludes costs for ICASS direct-hire American positions, the local guard program, furniture and appliance pool services, and residential and non-residential leases.  See 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-4 (b);

(5)  The TDY invoice calculation is based on the total number of days of the visit to include the day of arrival and the day of departure from post;

(6)  For visits that cross fiscal years, one TDY invoice is generated at the end of the full visit that includes costs for both years.  See 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-6 (5) for the timeline of processing the invoice.  For visits that extend beyond 364 days, see 363.1 – 3 (e);

(7)  Approval of the TDY invoice generated from within the ICASS software is obtained from the visitor or the sponsoring agency;

      NOTE:  It is the responsibility of the TDY visitor to inform their headquarters of all financial obligations which they have authorized in a signed invoice;  

(8)  The approved TDY invoice is electronically submitted within the ICASS software. 

b. Optional use of the TDY invoice:  Charging visitors for ICASS service costs is optional.  Some posts may decide to charge visitors only for direct-chargeable costs related to their visit and not issue a TDY invoice.  These posts may have few visitors, the visits may be for a short time period, the visitors don’t require ICASS services, and/or the ICASS platform is not in need of the supplemental funding.  Other posts may charge for ICASS services in addition to direct charging based on local circumstances or a large volume of visitors resulting in a significant resource burden on post.  Posts that plan to use the TDY invoice must include details in their post visitor policy including:

(1)  Charging for ICASS services through a TDY invoice is determined by the service provider with the concurrence of the budget committee;

(2)  The TDY invoice is the only authorized method for this purpose;

(3)  Invoicing for services must be applied consistently to all applicable visitors to ensure equity and transparency; and

(4)  Posts may not establish a different fee schedule or alternative invoicing mechanism outside of the TDY invoice to charge for the cost of providing ICASS services.

c.  Dollar threshold:  The ICASS Working Group (IWG) approves the processing of TDY invoices only when the invoice equals or exceeds a $500 threshold:  

(1)  While the minimum threshold for processing a TDY invoice is $500, posts may establish a threshold higher than $500.  Post may not establish a threshold lower than $500;

(2)  Any invoice that is under $500 will not be processed; and 

(3)  The post’s existing staffing base and budget are expected to support most short-term visitors (excluding direct costs) and their costs are absorbed up to the established $500 threshold.  

d.  Groups of visitors:  When an agency sends a group of travelers, defined as two or more, to a post for a single event or purpose, post may include all members of the group from the same sponsoring agency on the same TDY invoice.  For example, an agency (identified by using a single ICASS agency code), sends a group of four visitors to a post for ten days to attend a conference.  If they have requested ICASS services, and if post invoices for ICASS services as part of their visitor policy, post may create one invoice for the four people for the ten days.  The invoice can be submitted if it equals or exceeds the $500 threshold.

    NOTE:  Post may not combine a series of unrelated TDYs from one sponsoring agency on the same TDY invoice for either the same individual or different individuals. Post may combine a series of related TDYs from one sponsoring agency on the same TDY invoice for either the same individual or different individuals returning to post within the same fiscal year on one invoice.  For a related visit that ends in the next fiscal year, a new invoice for that fiscal year must be created.        

e. Long-term TDYs:  In some cases, an agency may have one or a succession of TDY visitors performing the same function for an extended period. In those situations, the sponsoring agency and the service provider must determine if the duties and responsibilities of the TDY visitor(s) would be more appropriately described as a permanent position and handled in accordance with 6 FAH-5 H-351.2 (c) and (d).  Some agencies may rotate personnel through temporary positions that have existed for a year or more and are effectively permanent positions.  These positions should be established as permanent positions subject to National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 38 requirements as outlined in 2 FAH-2 H-113.1. Post management must ensure that sponsoring agencies with long-term TDY visitors are appropriately billed for the ICASS services they receive within the ICASS budget plan invoice and not through a TDY invoice.

6 FAH-5 H-363.1-4  Policy Language for ICASS TDY Invoicing

(CT:ICASS-45   01-12-2015)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Sample policy language:  For those posts that decide to use the TDY invoice to charge for administrative services in addition to charging for direct costs, sample policy language on charging ICASS administrative services is provided in 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-4.  The sample shown includes the key information needed.  Each post should customize the policy to include post-specific circumstances and cost data.  

b. Daily rate or unit cost for services:  The post policy displayed on eCC must include the estimated costs as shown in the sample policy in 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-4.  Each post must use the ICASS software TDY invoice to calculate the daily rate or unit cost for commonly used ICASS services.  This rate is obtained from the prior year final budget.  The samples shown in the Exhibit, including the suggested “baskets” of services for a Lite post, are for illustrative purposes only and should be modified to address post circumstances.

c. Days to meet the $500 threshold:  Often the $500 TDY invoice threshold is not reached until the visitor has been at post for several weeks.  It is recommended that the number of days for a visitor to meet this threshold be calculated based on the daily cost for the four mandatory cost centers.  See 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-5 (c).  This information is useful because:

(1)  The visitor and agency know if they should anticipate receiving a TDY invoice at the conclusion of the visit based on the number of days at post; and

(2)  The service provider will also know whether each visit is projected to result in an invoice that reaches the mandatory $500 threshold.

6 FAH-5 H-363.1-5  Invoicing Agencies Using the ICASS TDY Invoice

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. ICASS agency code:  Visitors must provide their ICASS agency code if ICASS support is requested and provided.  The post should deny country clearance for a visitor that does not provide an ICASS agency code.

b. Length of visit:  For TDY invoice purposes, the number of days included in the TDY invoice for capitation workload counts begin on the first day of the visit up to and including the last day of the visit.

c.  Mandatory cost centers:  All TDY visitors must subscribe to the four mandatory cost centers listed below. TDY visitors may also request services under other cost centers:

(1)  6150-Basic Package;

(2)  5624-Health Services;

(3)  5880-Security Services; and  

(4)  6443-CLO Services.

    NOTE: Long-term TDY visitors, as defined by MED as those who are in travel status more than 60 cumulative days per year, must have a medical clearance to subscribe to and use post Health Services.  See 16 FAM 122

d. Modifications:  Since the TDY invoice rate is at an already discounted unit cost, modifications are generally not used in TDY invoices.  If post decides to authorize modifications for any cost center, it must be explained in the post policy.  An explanation also must be included in the ‘comments’ section of the TDY invoice.  

e. Lite posts:  At Lite posts, services provided in the per capita-based General Services cost center may also be included in the TDY invoice, using an appropriate modification.  Lite posts must set up “baskets” or groups of services that would support different levels of modification.  The goal is to ensure a fair and equitable charge for the services received.

f.  TDY visitors with sponsoring (funding) agency at post:  The sponsoring agency is considered “at post” if the visitor’s ICASS agency code is already activated at post and subscribes to ICASS services.  The following rules related to workload counts apply for those requested and provided services.  See 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363-1.5, TDY Invoice Workload Count Matrix:

(1)  Mandatory cost centers:  Workload for the four mandatory cost centers is included in the TDY invoice;;

(2)  Capitation workload counts:  For cost centers with capitation workload counts, the workload is included in the TDY invoice.  At Standard posts this includes 6194-Mail and Messenger Services.  At Lite posts this includes 6145-General Services and 6196-Information Management Services;

(3)  Static workload counts:  For cost centers with static workload counts, the workload is included in the TDY invoice.  At all posts this would include 5458-Information Management Technical Support Services; and

(4)  Transaction-based (cumulative) workload counts:  For cost centers with transaction-based workload counts, if the service is requested, the workload counts are not included in the TDY invoice.  Instead, they are allocated to the ICASS agency code at post and are included in the following year’s workload counts within the ICASS budget.  For Standard posts, this includes workloads for procurement, vouchering, cashiering services, etc.  For Lite posts, this includes vouchering, cashiering and any activated Standard General Services cost centers that are based on the number of transactions.

      NOTE:  The sponsoring agency at post cannot refuse to accept the transaction-based workload for their agency’s visitors.  

g. TDY visitors with no sponsoring (funding) agency at post:  The sponsoring agency is “not at post” if the visitor’s ICASS agency code is not activated at post and does not subscribe to ICASS services.  The following rules related to workload counts apply for those requested and provided services.  See 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363-1.5, TDY Invoice Workload Count Matrix:

(1)   Mandatory cost centers:  Workload for the four mandatory cost centers is included in the TDY invoice;

(2) Capitation workload counts:  For cost centers with capitation workload counts, the workload is included in the TDY invoice.  At Standard posts this includes 6194-Mail and Messenger Services.  At Lite posts this includes 6145-General Services and 6196-Information Management Services;

(3) Static workload counts:  For cost centers with static workload counts, the workload is included in the TDY invoice.  At all posts this would include 5458-Information Management Technical Support Services; 

(4) Transaction-based (cumulative) workload counts:  For cost centers with transaction-based services, the workload counts are included in the TDY invoice.  For Standard posts this includes workloads for procurement, vouchering, cashiering services, etc.  For Lite posts, this includes vouchering, cashiering, general services, and any activated Standard General Services cost centers that are based on the number of transactions.  Enter the actual or projected workload counts in the TDY invoice.  The workload counts for these visitors are excluded from the post’s May 1 workload counts; and

(5)  If no TDY invoice is issued:  If the agency is not issued a TDY invoice, any transaction-based workload will be excluded from workload counts and will NOT be assigned to ICASS agency code 1901.0 nor any other agency code.

6 FAH-5 H-363.1-6  Timeline and Processing a TDY Invoice

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. TDY Invoice:  Any visitor who requests and receives ICASS services and exceeds the post established minimum dollar value threshold is subject to being invoiced upon the conclusion of the visit.  Below are details on the specific requirements: 

(1)  Rates charged:  Post must use the final submitted and ICASS Service Center (ISC) accepted budget of the prior fiscal year to calculate the post TDY policy service rates for ICASS services.  This keeps the same ICASS service unit costs throughout the year and simplifies the processing of TDY invoices.

(2)  Required information:  The invoice must include the information listed below to ensure agencies’ headquarters can properly identify the visitor and track the invoice.  Invoices that do not include this information are rejected and returned to post by the ISC for correction and resubmission:

(a)  The name of the traveler;

(b)  The dates of the visit (with number of days indicated);

(c)  Relevant eCC number or an alternative identification such as a travel order number or DoD APACs number;

(d)  Agency approval; and  

(e)  Less than 1.0 modification factors on the four mandatory cost centers must be accompanied with an explanation;

(3)  Threshold of $500:  Total charges on the invoice must be at least $500 to be submitted.  If the total invoiced costs are less than $500, no invoice is submitted or processed.  Post may authorize a threshold higher than $500;

(4)  Visits completed within one fiscal year:  Most visits will begin and end within the same fiscal year, October 1 through September 30.  For those types of visits, the TDY invoice will only include workload and related costs for services provided during the current fiscal year;

(5)  Visits crossing fiscal years:  For visits that cross fiscal years, the post prepares a TDY invoice at the end of the visit.  The number of days at post starts on the first day of the visit in the prior fiscal year.  The budget plan used for the invoice is the prior year ICASS final budget based on the year the visit ended; 

(6)  Visits in mid-to-late September:  For visits that extend into or occur in September, the post should plan to create an invoice prior to the conclusion of the visit and include the September projected days at post.  Preparing the invoice early will allow time to obtain agency approval and submit the invoice before the September 30 submission deadline;   

(7)  Allotment increase:  Post will receive an increase in its allotment for invoices that:

(a)  Meet the threshold requirement of $500;

(b)  Are submitted by the submission deadlines (September 30); and

(c)  Include all required information listed in 363.1-6 (2), including authorization by the agency. 

      NOTE:  Funds allotted to post issued in support of TDY invoices have no impact on the approved post ICASS targets.  They are separate and distinct from the ICASS operating budget.

b. Submission timeline:  All TDY invoices for visits that end during the current fiscal year must be electronically submitted through the ICASS software no later than September 30 of the same year:  

(1)  Posts are strongly encouraged to submit the TDY invoices immediately upon receiving agency approval; 

(2)  Prompt submission provides the ISC with sufficient time to review, receive agency headquarters approval, and process the allotment of funds;

(3)  TDY invoices received after August 1 will most likely result in the allotment of those funds to post in the next fiscal year; and

(4)  Invoices received after September 30 for visits that concluded during the prior fiscal year are rejected.

c. ISC processing of TDY invoices:  Once the ISC receives the TDY invoice electronically within the ICASS software, the following actions are completed:

(1)  The invoice is verified for correctness and completeness;

(2)  The signed TDY invoice represents the commitment of the sponsoring agency to pay and constitutes a valid obligation document for ICASS billing purposes; 

(3)  The ISC will reject TDY invoices submitted by posts that do not have a current policy posted on eCC.  The posted policy on eCC must be updated based on the costs from last year’s final budget;

(4)  Copies of TDY invoices received from posts are sent to the respective agency bill payers’ point of contact for a second level of approval; 

(5)  TDY invoices received from all posts are totaled and invoiced to the appropriate headquarters customer agency by incorporating these costs directly into their Initial (informational only) and Final (payable) ICASS invoices issued by the ISC.  TDY costs are classified as “ICASS Costs not Included in Post Invoices,” also known as “Below-the-Line” costs;

(6)  An Advice of Allotment (AOA) in the amount of the approved TDY invoice is issued to the relevant regional bureau with furtherance to post; and

(7)  Any TDY invoices submitted by post after the agency headquarters final invoices are generated by the ISC are billed to agencies in the following fiscal year. 

6 FAH-5 H-363.2  Exceptions or Unique Rules on Issuing TDY Invoices

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Exceptions to TDY invoicing:  Some visitors are exempt from being invoiced for ICASS services.  Below are the exceptions to invoicing:

(1)  Visitors who are temporarily filling vacant positions or covering staffing gaps for any agency for those positions that were included in the agency’s ICASS workload counts;

(2)  Visitors providing support for ICASS services such as regional support officers or other foreign or domestic-based officers providing ICASS support services;

(3)  Visitors providing overseas post-to-post assistance, and the visitor’s agency pays for ICASS support costs at the visitor’s post of assignment.  For example, an agency visitor assigned to Post X is on TDY to Post Y to assist with a trade show or perform regional responsibilities.  See also 6 FAH-5 H-393.3 Agencies with Regional Responsibilities;

(4)  Visitors who do not use ICASS services beyond the basic country clearance and have virtually no impact on the post ICASS platform; and

(5)  VIP visitors and their related pre-advance and advance teams.  See 6 FAH-5 H-364

b. Transaction-based (cumulative) workload counts for exceptions to TDY invoicing:  Any transaction-based workload associated with those visitors with exceptions to TDY invoicing as noted above, including Cabinet-level visitors, are charged to the sponsoring agency at post.  If there is no sponsoring agency at post, the workloads are excluded from the post’s workload counts.

c.  Office of Inspector General:  Department of State Office of Inspector General (OIG) visitors at post conducting oversight activities (i.e., audit, inspection, investigation) must provide a fund cite for their direct charges when they anticipate incurring direct charges.  If an ICASS TDY invoice is issued for ICASS service costs, the ICASS agency code used is 1900.0 State-Diplomatic Programs.  All transaction-based workload is charged at post to 1900.0 State-Diplomatic Programs.  Posts should obtain guidance from customer agencies about costs related to their respective Inspectors General.

d. Services to contractors or grantees:  Contractors/grantees are not normally involved in the country clearance process but may require ICASS support services.  Payment methods for direct charges and ICASS service charges provided to contractors/grantees must be arranged with the sponsoring agency before the visitor arrives at post.  See 6 FAH-5 H-352.4

e. Extraordinary circumstances:  Posts may experience extraordinary and unanticipated circumstances that can result in a rapid influx of TDY personnel. Extraordinary events are normally considered “catastrophic” in nature.  Examples include civil war, major humanitarian crises, terrorist incidents, and natural disasters.  Posts experiencing “extraordinary circumstances” do not use the TDY invoice to recover ICASS support costs.  Instead, the post works directly with their regional bureau to obtain additional resources to meet unanticipated requirements.  The regional bureau and the ISC, in cooperation with the serviced agencies, coordinate a process for invoicing agencies at the Washington level.


(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Who is considered a VIP visitor?  Visitors in this category include only the President (POTUS), First Lady (FLOTUS), Vice President and/or spouse (VPOTUS), members of Congress (CODEL or StaffDel), Supreme Court Justices, presidential envoys, and state governors.  See 2 FAM 116.3-2, Visitor Categories.  VIP visitors are not subject to charges for ICASS services and are not issued TDY invoices.  Cabinet secretaries have a home agency subject to billing for the support costs of their visits.  All others listed in this paragraph have no home agency and are supported by all the agencies at post.

b. Direct charges for VIPs:  The headquarters for the VIP visitors should provide separate guidelines and policies on the handling of expenses in advance of their travel.  Below is guidance on direct-charging:   

(1)  Costs associated with visiting VIPs are funded, to the extent possible, by the visiting delegation;

(2)  Fiscal data should be obtained prior to arrival at post and used to rent or procure agreed-upon items or services in support of the visit;

(3)  All items that can be direct-charged to the delegation should be charged to the fiscal data provided; and

(4)  Reimbursable costs incurred by ICASS in support of these visits (e.g., ICASS staff overtime, issuance of ICASS office supplies, fuel for vehicles, etc.) are journal vouchered to the visiting delegation’s fiscal data.

      NOTE:  ICASS salary and benefit costs for services provided during normal duty hours cannot be billed to a visiting delegation because these costs are already budgeted and funded by resident customer agencies. 

c.  POTUS, FLOTUS, VPOTUS (and spouse) visits: Contact the appropriate State Department regional bureau for detailed guidance. These visits are coordinated between the regional bureau’s EX office and the Office of Presidential Travel Support (A/PRI/PTS): 

(1)  Funding for support of accompanying White House personnel is requested from the regional bureau and provided through the Department’s Program allotment;

(2)  Funding for support of accompanying National Security Council (NSC), U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Department of Defense (e.g., White House Military Office units), or any other agency’s personnel should be provided by the sponsoring (funding) agency;    

(3)  After-visit and actual expense reports must be completed and forwarded to the post’s regional bureau; and

(4)  Based on the report of justified and approved expenditures, funding in the Program allotment may be increased. 

d. Secretary of State (SecState) visitsFunding must be requested from the regional bureau and is provided through the Department’s Program allotment.  Workload counts accrue to ICASS agency code 1900.0 State-Diplomatic Programs.

e.  All other Cabinet-level visitors:  This includes Cabinet-level officials accompanying POTUS, FLOTUS, and VPOTUS visits to post.  Post must ensure it receives detailed guidance on how to handle visit expenses from the sponsoring agency at post and/or their headquarters office and fiscal data for any direct-charged items.  As with other visitors, direct-charging is used to the maximum extent possible.  For all other costs, the post should coordinate with the sponsoring and headquarters agency on providing an after-visit expense report for reimbursement from the agency.

f.  Transaction-based (cumulative) workload counts for VIP visitors

(1)  Transaction-based workload counts generated by POTUS, FLOTUS, VPOTUS (and spouse), Supreme Court Justices, CODELs/StaffDels, presidential envoys, and state governors are counted under ICASS agency code 1901.0-ICASS and spread through ICASS Redistribution;

      NOTE:  Transaction-based workload counts for visitors accompanying the VIPs listed above who are providing support for the visit are counted under ICASS agency code 1901.0-ICASS.  For those visitors performing programmatic work during the visit, see the policy listed immediately below in paragraphs (2) and (3).  

(2)  Transaction-based workload counts generated by Cabinet-level visits are counted under the sponsoring department or agency at post.  For example, the Secretary of Defense visits a post with five DoD ICASS billing codes present.  In coordination with the senior Defense representative, post must identify which DoD code is charged for any ICASS workload counts resulting from the visit;

      NOTE:  Several agencies have legislative restrictions on funding used to support Secretaries’ and Under Secretaries’ operations.  For Cabinet-level VIP visits for these agencies, the agency must provide post with the ICASS agency code, which will be used to generate a TDY invoice in accordance with (3) below.  In these cases, workload counts will NOT be allocated to an at-post sponsoring department agency code. 

(3)  Transaction-based workload counts generated by Cabinet-level visits at posts where the sponsoring department or agency has no presence are billed using the TDY invoice.  For example, the Secretary of Agriculture visits a post, but Agriculture has no presence at post and therefore does not subscribe to post ICASS services.  The TDY invoice must meet the $500 threshold.

6 FAH-5 H-365  through H-369 unassigned

6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-2  
Sample Policy Language for Charging Direct Costs

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

This language should be included in post’s TDY policy on eCC.

“Each visitor in their eCC request, and regardless of their length of stay, must provide fiscal data to pay for all direct costs for items or services requested by the agency for the visit.  Each agency, organization, or visiting delegation is charged for the actual costs for items or services requested by and attributed to its visit.  Direct costs include, but are not limited to:

·         U.S. citizen and locally employed staff (LE Staff) overtime (e.g., airport expediter, cashier for accommodation exchange, motor pool drivers, etc.) (estimated cost is provided if these services are required);

·         Per diem and miscellaneous travel costs for embassy employees in support of the TDY visitor’s field travel (estimated cost is provided if these services are required and depends on location and duration of the travel);

·         Commercially leased vehicle (range from $XX to $XX per day for vehicle without a driver and from $XX to $XX per day with a driver);

·         Commercially obtained communication devices, rental and/or related charges at an estimated daily cost of $XX;

·         Computer fees per user accounts and/or credential fees at an estimated cost of $XX;

·         Commercially obtained airport expediter services at a cost of $XX per person; and

·         Any other commercial costs which are requested by and directly attributable to the visit.”

NOTE 1:  If post decides not to charge for ICASS services using the TDY invoice, then the following statement should be posted on the eCC along with direct cost information listed above.

“As per post policy, post does not bill TDY visitors for ICASS administrative services through a TDY invoice.”

NOTE 2:  Post must replace the “$XX” with the projected costs within the policy. 


6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-4  
Sample Policy Language for Posts Using the ICASS TDY Invoice

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

The ICASS TDY invoice is used in conjunction with direct-charging.  Posts that employ both billing mechanisms must include language on the State Department’s electronic County Clearance (eCC) system identifying the ICASS and direct-charge costs as follows.  See 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-2.

“TDY visitors who require ICASS support services are charged for the provision of those services in addition to any direct charges.  The TDY visitor must include the ICASS agency billing code in the eCC request.  A TDY invoice is prepared based on the ICASS services subscribed to by the TDY visitor if the total cost for those services is $500 or more.

TDY visitors with no sponsoring agency at post must be prepared to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and complete a subscription of services (SOS) agreement upon arrival at post. The SOS identifies the ICASS support services requested.  The TDY invoice must be signed before leaving the post.  With the granting of country clearance by post through the eCC, the TDY visitor is authorized to sign the ICASS TDY invoice generated at post, and the agency commits to paying all charges associated with the TDY visit.  The TDY visitor should contact its agency’s financial management office to obtain the correct ICASS agency billing code.

In cases where travel is urgent, the TDY visitors must bring the required financial documentation (e.g., travel orders, fund cite for direct-charges, and the ICASS agency code for ICASS charges) with them to ensure provision of services.”



                                FOR FISCAL YEAR 20XX

                       (Example For a Standard Post)


Basic Package Services (mandatory)                               $XX per day

CLO Services (mandatory)                                            $XX per day

Health Services (mandatory)                                         $XX per day

Security Services (mandatory)                                       $XX per day

Information Management Technical Support                     $XX per day



Plus, the following for TDY visitors with no sponsoring agency at post:

Cashiering Services Exchange                                $XX per accommodation

Vouchering Services                                              $XX per voucher processed

Motor Pool Services                                              $XX per kilometer driven

Procurement Services                                           $XX per procurement action

Travel (and Expediting) Services                            $XX per request



                                      FOR FISCAL YEAR 20XX

(Example For a lite Post)


Basic Package Services (mandatory)                               $XX per day

CLO Services (mandatory)                                            $XX per day

Health Services (mandatory)                                         $XX per day

Security Services (mandatory)                                       $XX per day

Information Management Technical Support                     $XX per day


Plus, the following for TDY visitors with no sponsoring agency at post:

Cashiering Services                                              $XX per accommodation


Vouchering Services                                             $XX per voucher processed

Plus, one of the following GSO baskets for TDY visitors with no sponsoring agency at post:

General Services Basket 1 (see note                       $XX per day (0.3


General Services Basket 2 (see note                       $XX per day (0.6


General Services (see note                                    $XX per day (no


NOTE:  Each basket is post-determined based on services provided.

For a more detailed explanation of services provided, please visit the post website at XXXXX@state.gov.”

6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-363.1-5  
TDY Invoice Workload Count Matrix

(CT:ICASS-124;   07-23-2024)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. The TDY Invoice Workload Count Matrix shown below explains how the workload for mandatory cost centers, capitation, static, and transaction (cumulative) workload counts are handled when preparing a TDY Invoice.  It is dependent on whether the sponsoring (funding) agency is at post, not at post, or if it is related VIP or Cabinet-level visitors.  See 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-5 (f) and (g).

b. When preparing TDY invoices, if the total amount of the TDY invoice reaches the $500 threshold, an invoice can be submitted. 

c.  All TDY visitors except VIP or Cabinet-level visitors must subscribe to the four mandatory cost centers listed below. TDY visitors may also request services under other cost centers.

    (1)  6150-Basic Package

    (2)  5624-Health Services

    (3)  5880-Security Services 

    (4)  6443-CLO Services


Type of Workload Count

Sponsoring (Funding) Agency at Post


Sponsoring (Funding) Agency NOT at post


POTUS, FLOTUS, VPOTUS, Supreme Court, CODELs/StaffDels, State Governors & Others Accompanying the Visit

Other Cabinet-Level Visitors

Mandatory Cost Centers

TDY Invoice

TDY Invoice

Not Applicable (N/A)



TDY Invoice

TDY Invoice




TDY Invoice

TDY Invoice



Transaction (Cumulative)

Included in agency’s May 1 workload counts.

TDY Invoice

Assigned to ICASS agency code 1901.0 ICASS.

Included in sponsoring (funding) agency May 1 workload.  If not at post, then TDY Invoice.