8 FAM 704.4
Secondary Identity Evidence Worksheet
(CT:CITZ-13; 11-07-2018)
(Changes to policy effective: 01/01/2019)
(Office of Origin: CA/PPT/S/A)
8 FAM 704.4-1 Adjudication using the Secondary Identity Evidence Worksheet
(CT:CITZ-13; 11-07-2018)
a. This subchapter provides detailed guidance on completing the secondary identity evidence worksheet.
b. Once you have annotated all of the identification, you must determine whether the applicant has presented sufficient evidence of U.S. identity.
c. You must annotate the application number at the top of the secondary identity evidence worksheet.
d. In the "document" block for each identification document (ID), you must clearly annotate the ID in accordance with 8 FAM 702.1-9(F).
e. In the "File/Issue Date" block for each ID, you must annotate when the ID was filed (if available) and issued.
f. Checkboxes:
(1) Photocopy: Check this box if the applicant submitted a photocopy of the ID;
(2) Original: Check this box if the applicant submitted an original or certified copy of the ID;
(3) Name: Check this box if the applicant's name is clearly listed (i.e., it doesn't have to match exactly unless you are using the worksheet to document a name change by customary usage);
(4) Date of birth (DOB): Check this box if the applicant's DOB is partially or completely listed (e.g., the ID only indicates the month and year of birth);
(5) Place of birth (POB): Check this box if the applicant's POB is partially or completely listed (e.g., the ID only indicates the state of birth);
(6) SSN: Check this box if the applicant's Social Security Number (SSN) is partially or completely listed (e.g., only the applicant's last four digits are printed on the ID).
(7) Photo: Check this box if the ID contains a photograph that readily identifies the applicant. If the applicant submits a photocopy on which the photograph does not readily identify the applicant, you may request a new photocopy of the ID.
(8) Parent(s): Check this checkbox if the parent(s) are clearly identified on the ID;
(9) Signature: Check this box if the ID contains a signature that matches the applicant's signature on the application. Please note that the signature is not required by 22 CFR 51.23, but it is a helpful biometric (see 8 FAM 401.1).