9 FAM 202.4 


(CT:VISA-1992;   05-24-2024)
(Office of Origin:  CA/VO)

9 FAM 202.4-1  (U) Overview of Family Members of Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Program

(CT:VISA-1483;   02-24-2022)

(U) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has developed a parole program to expedite family reunifications for qualifying family members of certain Filipino WWII veterans.  Consular sections will issue these individuals boarding foils, with either a FP-1 (principal applicant) or FP-D (derivative) classification.  The Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Program (FWVP) benefits only qualifying Filipino WWII veteran family members with approved or reinstated I-130 petitions who are waiting for their priority dates to become current.  You should review these cases as you would an IV case.  Where USCIS is co-located with a consular section, the USCIS office will adjudicate these case files, but consular sections will still have a role in developing a boarding foil. 

9 FAM 202.4-2  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-1992;   05-24-2024)


(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

(3)  Unavailable

(4)  Unavailable

(5)  Unavailable

9 FAM 202.4-3  (U) Procedures When USCIS is not Co-Located at Post

9 FAM 202.4-3(A)  (U) Overview

(CT:VISA-1992;   05-24-2024)


9 FAM 202.4-3(B)  (U) Consular Officer Determination of Eligibility

(CT:VISA-1992;   05-24-2024)

a. (U) The consular section receives hard-copy and electronic case files from NVC and stamps the hard-copy file with the date the case is received at post.

b. Unavailable

c.  (U) Consular Interview Appointment Scheduling:

(1)  (U) Following the NVC instructions to the petitioner (or self-petitioner), the beneficiary contacts the consular section to schedule an interview appointment.

(2)  (U) If neither the petitioner or the beneficiary contacts the consular section to schedule the interview within six months, the Consular Section should send the case to NVC for forwarding to the USCIS Nebraska Service Center for the case to be denied.

d. Unavailable

(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

e. Unavailable

(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

9 FAM 202.4-3(C)  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-1992;   05-24-2024)

a. Unavailable

b. Unavailable

(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

c.  (U) Approved files:  The applicant will travel to the United States carrying only their boarding foil, a sealed envelope containing the panel physician’s medical report, and the IV applicant summary page.  The rest of the applicant’s documents must be sent to USCIS at the following address:

    RAIO International Operations
Humanitarian Affairs Branch (HAB)
999 North Capitol St, NE
Mailstop #2295
Washington, DC 20529-2295

9 FAM 202.4-3(D)  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-1992;   05-24-2024)


(1)  Unavailable

(a) Unavailable

(b) Unavailable

(c)  Unavailable

(2) Unavailable

(a) Unavailable

(b) Unavailable

(c)  Unavailable

(d)  Unavailable

(e)  Unavailable

(3) (U) Returning a case based on a failure to appear:

(a)  (U) If the beneficiary, petitioner, and/or representative (if applicable) do not respond to an INA 221(g) letter (or if the beneficiary does not appear for the interview), then prepare a Consular Return memo, indicating that the beneficiary failed to appear for an interview and citing all the attempts made to contact the beneficiary, petitioner, and/or representative.  This applies to instances where the case was refused under INA 221(g) pending a request for documentation, and the applicant has failed to respond after six months.

(i)     (U) NVC Notice of Case Transfer;

(ii)    (U) Notice of Interview (sent by consular section); and

(iii)    (U) Notice of Failure to Appear for Interview (sent by consular section).

(b)  (U) If neither the petitioner or the beneficiary contacts the consular section to schedule the interview within six months, you should send the case to USCIS for the case to be denied following the process discussed above for cases where the parole is denied but the IV petition is still valid. In all such cases, include a basic memo or cover letter to USCIS informing of the basis for recommended denial. 

(c)  (U) If at any point the beneficiary, petitioner and/or representative (if applicable) contact the consular section to try to schedule or reschedule an interview, you should make every attempt to schedule the beneficiary interview.

9 FAM 202.4-4  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-1081;   06-02-2020)


(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

(3)  Unavailable

(4)  Unavailable

(5)  Unavailable

(6)  Unavailable