12 FAH-12 H-000
Implementation procedures for ACCOUNTABILITY REVIEW BOARD (ARB) Recommendations
12 FAH-12 H-010
(CT:ARB-4; 11-13-2020)
(Office of Origin: M/SS)
12 FAH-12 H-011 General
(CT:ARB-4; 11-13-2020)
The roles and responsibilities for managing the ARB implementation are detailed in 12 FAM 036.3.
12 FAH-12 H-012 Acceptance of Recommendations
(CT:ARB-4; 11-13-2020)
Following receipt of an ARB’s report, the Secretary will determine what actions should be taken with respect to the recommendations. The Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources (D-MR), or, in the absence of D-MR, the Deputy Secretary of State, will oversee the Department’s progress on an ARB implementation.
12 FAH-12 H-013 Implementation of Recommendations
(CT:ARB-3; 06-01-2020)
a. Implementation: The Under Secretary for Management (M), in coordination with the Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P), is responsible for implementation of ARB recommendations. On behalf of the Secretary and other Department principals, the Office of Management Strategy and Solutions (M/SS) will coordinate and track recommendations and manage the overall implementation process. The Under Secretary for Management will determine the status of a recommendation. Refer to 12 FAH-12 Exhibit H-013, Procedural Action and Responsibilities for Managing ARB Recommendations, for a work process map that details the recommendation implementation process.
b. Documentation: M/SS will maintain all memos regarding ARB implementation; a status spreadsheet; and public fact sheets.
c. Implementation meetings: On behalf of Department leadership, implementation meetings will be managed by M/SS. Meetings will be held at least once a month in the first year following the ARB report. After that, the frequency of the meetings will be determined by the situation, e.g., how many recommendations remain in progress or a particular recommendation requires repeated follow-ups. M/SS shall contact bureaus and offices between meetings to ensure work remains ongoing and to check the status of certain tasks.
12 FAH-12 H-014 REPORTS
(CT:ARB-3; 06-01-2020)
a. Reporting: At least annually, M/SS will send the Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources (D-MR), or, in the absence of D-MR, the Deputy Secretary of State, an information memo detailing outstanding recommendations and accomplishments. The report will also be provided to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs and the Under Secretary for Management. As needed, M/SS will provide additional verbal and written updates to Department leadership.
b. Annual implementation status review: The ARB/Permanent Coordinating Committee (ARB/PCC) will review all past recommendations on an annual basis and provide a report to the Under Secretaries for Political Affairs and Management, providing the implementation status of all past recommendations, and noting any trends. The report will also be provided to the Deputy Secretary and Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.
12 FAH-12 H-015 THROUGH H-019 Unassigned
12 FAH 12 Exhibit H-013
Procedural Action and Responsibilities for Managing ARB Recommendations
(CT:ARB-3; 06-01-2020)