(CT:LOG-399; 07-02-2024)
(Office of Origin: A/LM)
14 FAM 571.1 Policy
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
The Department has a uniform worldwide lodgings-plus per diem computation system for all official travel, based on travel inside and outside the continental United States.
14 FAM 571.2 Scope and Applicability
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. This subchapter applies to both Foreign Service and Civil Service members of the agencies adopting these regulations.
b. Per diem in lieu of subsistence is payable when a traveler is away from a post on official business. When reimbursement of actual subsistence expenses is authorized or approved, see 14 FAM 576.
c. New appointees who reside within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the temporary duty location at the time of appointment, or other employees who commute daily from their permanent residence, are not entitled to any per diem or subsistence.
14 FAM 571.3 Authorities
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
In addition to the authorities listed in 14 FAM 511.4, 14 FAM 570 derives from the following authorities:
(1) 5 U.S.C. 5702;
(2) 22 U.S.C. 2704;
(3) Federal Travel Regulations (FTR), Chapter 301, Appendix A;
(4) Section 920 (Post Classification and Payment Table (Allowances by Location)) of the Standardized Regulations;
(5) GAO Decision B-223500, 3/16/87, Prohibition against Payment of Per Diem or Actual Subsistence Expenses within an Employee’s Official Duty Station; and
(6) Delegation of Authority No. 100-D, 2/23/66.
14 FAM 572 RATES
14 FAM 572.1 Change in Rate After Travel Commences
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
If the maximum per diem rate authorized in accordance with 14 FAM 572 is changed after a traveler begins travel, the traveler is paid at the changed rate as of the date such new rate becomes effective, unless a lower rate is specified in the travel authorization.
14 FAM 572.2 Maximum Rates
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
Maximum authorized per diem rates for official travel shall be daily rates not in excess of the rates established as provided in 14 FAM 572. Worldwide per diem rates include a maximum amount for lodging expense and a fixed allowance for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). Receipts for lodging are required. (For information on lodging locations, receipt requirements, and allowance expenses, see Federal Travel Regulations, Sections 301-11.5 and 301-11.6.)
14 FAM 572.2-1 Rates Applicable in Continental United States (CONUS)
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
The maximum per diem rates authorized for travel within CONUS are established by the Administrator of the General Services Administration and listed in Federal Travel Regulations, Chapter 301, Appendix A.
14 FAM 572.2-2 Rates Applicable in Foreign Localities
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
The maximum per diem rates, based on the worldwide lodgings-plus system, for travel in foreign localities are those established by the Secretary of State. The rates are published in Section 920 (Post Classification and Payment Table (Allowances by Location)) of the Standardized Regulations.
14 FAM 572.2-3 Rates Applicable in Nonforeign Localities Outside Continental United States (CONUS)
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
The maximum per diem rates, based on the worldwide lodgings-plus system, for travel in parts of the United States outside of the continental United States (see definition in 14 FAM 511.3), are those established by the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee of the Department of Defense. These maximum per diem rates are listed in Civilian Personnel Per Diem Bulletins published periodically in the Federal Register. These rates are also listed for convenience in Section 920 (Post Classification and Payment Table (Allowances by Location)) of the Standardized Regulations.
14 FAM 572.2-4 POV Travel Rates between the United States and Mexico or Canada
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
When permanent-change-of-station travel is authorized via POV between the United States and Mexico or Canada, per diem is paid at the CONUS rate for travel in the United States and at the local per diem rate for travel within Mexico and Canada.
14 FAM 572.2-5 Special Provisions Relating to Subsistence Expenses on Authorized Protective Missions
(CT:LOG-356; 08-22-2022)
(State Only)
(Applies to Department of State Special Agents in the Bureau of Diplomatic
a. The Secretary may pay, without regard to 5 U.S.C. 5702, subsistence expenses of Department special agents who are on authorized protective missions, whether at or away from their duty stations (22 U.S.C. 2704).
b. Special agents are eligible for reimbursement of subsistence expenses to include pre-approved lodging and M&IE, including at their duty station.
c. Reimbursement may be paid if the special agents on protective assignment are required to remain overnight or to work 12 or more consecutive hours for three consecutive days. In each case, agents must obtain authorization from the Office Director for Diplomatic Security's Office of Protection (DS/DO/P), or their designee, prior to incurring reimbursable expenses.
d. Agents must submit their travel voucher via the Department’s electronic processing system. In order to submit travel vouchers, travel authorizations (TAs) must be established under the Department’s electronic processing system. In addition, creating TAs after the fact for critical and emergency protective missions may be authorized if time does not permit preparation of travel orders in advance.
14 FAM 572.3 Reductions in Per Diem Rates
14 FAM 572.3-1 Reduced Rate Per Diem
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
a. The Department may authorize a reduced per diem rate lower than the prescribed maximum rate where:
(1) The authorizing officer determines that the lodgings-plus per diem system prescribed in this section is not appropriate for a certain travel assignment, such as when quarters or meals, or both, are provided at no cost or at nominal cost by the U.S. Government (M&IE rates must be adjusted for a meal(s) furnished at nominal or no cost by the U.S. Government or which is included in a registration fee per Federal Travel Regulation Section 301-11.18); or
(2) When the per diem costs to be incurred by the employee can otherwise be determined in advance and will be lower than the maximum per diem rate. [For example, see situations described in 14 FAM 573.1 and 14 FAM 573.2. (See also Federal Travel Regulation Section 301-11.200.)]
NOTE: As provided in 14 FAM 575.4, an advance determination under this provision does not justify reduced rate per diem for travelers on TDY to a location abroad absent an applicable exception.
b. In such instances, a specific (or "reduced”) per diem rate may be established within the maximum per diem rate that would otherwise apply (after appropriate reductions under 14 FAM 572.3-2), provided that the exception from the lodgings-plus system is specifically authorized in advance on the travel authorization by an appropriate official of the agency.
c. Such a specific per diem rate must be stated on the travel authorization before the travel begins and may not be changed after the travel is underway or completed.
d. The specific per diem rate shall be the per diem rate payable on the travel voucher. Receipts for lodging and miscellaneous expenses over $75 are required. These expenses must be itemized.
14 FAM 572.3-2 Reductions from Lodging Allowance
(CT:LOG-399; 07-02-2024)
a. In certain situations, travelers will be reimbursed for less than the lodgings allowance in the Civilian Personnel Per Diem Bulletins published periodically in the Federal Register by the Secretary of Defense (for nonforeign localities) and in Section 920 (Post Classification and Payment Table (Allowances by Location)) of the Standardized Regulations published by the Secretary of State (for foreign areas).
b. As stated in Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Section 301-11.12, the Department will reimburse the following types of lodging:
(1) U.S. Government quarters: Travelers will be reimbursed, as a lodging expense, the fee or service charge paid for use of U.S. Government quarters. No additional reduction is made in the employee's per diem when a member of the employee's family accompanies the employee at the employee's personal expense and such family member is provided U.S. Government accommodations. An appropriate charge should be made directly to the employee by the agency providing the meals and/or lodging;
(2) Lodging with friend(s) or relative(s) (with or without charge): Travelers may be reimbursed for additional costs the host incurs in accommodating the traveler only if the traveler is able to substantiate the costs and the agency determines them to be reasonable. The traveler will not be reimbursed the cost of comparable conventional lodging in the area or a flat "token" amount;
(3) Nonconventional lodging: The traveler may be reimbursed the cost of other types of lodging when there are no conventional lodging facilities in the area (e.g., in remote areas) or when conventional facilities are in short supply because of an influx of attendees at a special event (e.g., a world's fair or international sporting event). Such lodging includes college dormitories or similar facilities or rooms not offered commercially but made available to the public by area residents in their homes; and
(4) Recreational vehicle (trailer/camper): The traveler may be reimbursed, as a lodging expense, for costs such as parking fees, fees for connection, use, and disconnection of utilities, electricity, gas, water and sewage, bath or shower fees, and dumping fees.
c. As stated in FTR Section 301-11.12, the Department will not reimburse the following types of lodging:
(1) Personally owned residence: The traveler will not be reimbursed for any lodging expenses for staying at their personally owned residence or for any real estate expenses associated with the purchase or sale of a personal residence at the temporary duty (TDY) location, except in conjunction with an authorized relocation pursuant to FTR Chapter 302; and
(2) Personally owned recreational vehicle (trailer/camper): The traveler will not be reimbursed for any expenses associated with the purchase, sale, or payment of a recreational vehicle or camper at the TDY location.
14 FAM 572.3-3 Reductions from the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Allowance
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. Meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rates for localities in nonforeign areas (prescribed in Civilian Personnel Per Diem Bulletins published periodically in the Federal Register by the Secretary of Defense) and for localities in foreign areas (established by the Secretary of State in Section 920 (Post Classification and Payment Table (Allowances by Location)) of the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas)) shall be allocated as shown in Appendix B to Chapter 301 of the FTR, Allocation of M&IE Rates To Be Used in Making Deductions from the M&IE Allowance, when making reductions in nonforeign or foreign-area per diem rates.
b. The M&IE allowance will not be reduced for meal(s) provided by a common carrier or for complimentary meal(s) provided by a hotel/motel.
14 FAM 572.3-4 Reductions in Payment of Per Diem for Family Members
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. When family members accompanying employees are authorized per diem under the provisions of 14 FAM 532, the following maximum per diem rates apply:
(1) For spouses or domestic partners as defined in 3 FAM 1610 who accompany the employee, per diem is allowed up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the employee’s applicable rate for lodging and seventy-five percent (75%) of the employee’s applicable rate for meals and incidental expenses;
(2) For accompanied children 12 years of age and over, per diem is allowed up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the employee’s applicable rate for lodging and seventy-five percent (75%) of the employee’s applicable rate for meals and incidental expenses; and
(3) For accompanied children 11 years of age and under, per diem is allowed up to fifty percent (50%) of the employee’s applicable rate for lodging and fifty percent (50%) of the employee’s applicable rate for meals and incidental expenses.
b. For eligible family members who do not accompany the employee, per diem for the first traveler is allowed up to the maximum rate for lodging and meals and incidental expenses authorized for the employee. Reductions are taken as stated in this section for additional family members accompanying the first traveler.
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
Calendar days are used for all per diem computations, except as noted in 14 FAM 573.3.
14 FAM 573.1 Worldwide Travel
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. Travel of more than 24 hours: Per diem is computed as prescribed in Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Sections 301-11.101 and 301-11-100.
b. Travel more than 12 hours but less than 24 hours: Per diem is computed as prescribed in Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Sections 301-11.101 and 301-11-100.
c. For travel of 12 hours or less: No per diem is allowed for official travel that is 12 hours or less per Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Section 301-11.2.
14 FAM 573.2 Computations for Long-Term Lodging
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
When a traveler rents lodging on a long-term basis (e.g., weekly or monthly), per diem is computed in accordance with Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Sections 301-11.14 and 301-11.15.
14 FAM 573.3 Crossing the International Date Line
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
When a traveler crosses the international date line (180th meridian), actual elapsed travel time will be used to compute per diem entitlement rather than calendar days in accordance with Federal Travel Regulation Section 301-11.19.
14 FAM 574.1 Away from Duty Station
(CT:LOG-399; 07-02-2024)
Per diem is payable only when an employee is away from their permanent duty station. When an employee commutes daily to their official station, per diem is not allowed either at their permanent duty station or place of abode.
14 FAM 574.2 Travel Status
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
For computing per diem allowances abroad, official travel begins at the time the traveler leaves home, office, or other authorized point of departure and ends when the traveler returns to home, office, or other authorized point at the trip’s conclusion.
14 FAM 574.3 Delays and Interruptions En Route
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. Per diem is allowed when interruptions occur on an official trip because of an authorized stopover, or because of circumstances beyond the control of the traveler.
b. Delays of travel that would require payment of 2 days or more of per diem are considered inordinate delays. No per diem is payable for such a delay absent adequate justification as determined by the office or authorizing official who approves travel.
14 FAM 574.4 Awaiting Transportation
(CT:LOG-317; 05-17-2021)
Per diem is allowed only for such periods awaiting onward transportation as are reasonably necessary under the circumstances. The travel voucher should contain an explanation of the circumstances necessitating any waiting period in excess of 12 hours at transfer points in the United States and 24 hours at transfer points abroad.
14 FAM 574.5 Leave While in Travel Status
14 FAM 574.5-1 Non-workdays
(CT:LOG-399; 07-02-2024)
a. Per diem is payable for nonworkdays (normally weekends or holidays) except when:
(1) Those nonworkdays are both preceded and followed by periods of leave other than sick leave granted in accordance with 14 FAM 574.5-3; or
(2) A leave of absence is both preceded and followed by nonworkdays, in which case payment of per diem is limited to 2 nonworkdays.
b. If an employee, while in travel status, for personal convenience returns on nonworkdays to post or place of abode from which they commute daily to own official station, the employee may be reimbursed for the round-trip transportation and per diem en route in an amount not to exceed the per diem which would have been allowed had the employee remained at the temporary duty station.
14 FAM 574.5-2 Leave of Absence
(CT:LOG-327; 08-12-2021)
Per diem is not payable for leave of absence taken while in travel status except:
(1) When the leave taken is 4 hours or less; or
(2) When the leave of absence is invoked under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the employee is in long-term training (six months or more), per diem may be authorized for up to 12 weeks; or
(3) As allowable under 14 FAM 574.5-3.
14 FAM 574.5-3 Illness or Injury
(CT:LOG-379; 06-09-2023)
a. Whenever a traveler takes leave of absence of any kind because of illness or injury not due to the traveler's own misconduct, per diem is continued for periods not to exceed 14 calendar days in any one period of absence unless, under the circumstances, a longer period is approved by the authorizing official for travel and the Bureau of Medical Services (MED).
b. No evidence of the illness or injury need be submitted with the travel voucher but the type of leave and duration thereof must be shown on the voucher. The evidence filed at the traveler's post, as required by pertinent annual and sick leave regulations, will suffice.
c. Per diem is not payable where the traveler receives hospitalization and meals, or reimbursement for them, under any Federal statute, except that receipt of partial or total reimbursement under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program does not preclude payment of per diem (see 14 FAM 584.3 for authority for return to post prior to completion of temporary duty assignment).
14 FAM 575 Per Diem While on Temporary Duty
14 FAM 575.1 Definition
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. For the purpose of this section, "temporary duty" means a period of consultation, orientation, training, promotion panel service, other temporary detail, or any combination thereof, authorized in a travel order and performed while detailed to a location rather than assigned there.
b. Temporary duty in one location interrupted by leave or temporary duty of 30 days or more in another location is treated as two separate periods of temporary duty.
14 FAM 575.2 Length of Temporary Duty in the United States
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. When a period of temporary duty in the United States is expected to last for 6 months or less, an employee generally will be detailed to the location and per diem will be authorized in accordance with 14 FAM 575.4.
b. If the duty is expected to last more than 6 months, an employee usually will be assigned to that location. Travel and transportation for family and effects is authorized and no per diem will be paid other than while in travel status.
14 FAM 575.3 Maximum Rates in the United States
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
Maximum per diem rates based on the lodgings-plus system (see the Federal Travel Regulations, Chapter 301, Appendix A) for all employees during periods of temporary duty at any one location in the United States are as follows:
(1) For the initial 60 days of temporary duty in one location, the employee will be reimbursed the daily locality rate based on the lodgings-plus per diem system. Lodging receipts will be required for all temporary lodging;
(2) If no lodging cost is incurred, the employee's per diem will be reduced to the meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rate applicable to the location of the temporary duty assignment. If more than one temporary duty point is involved, the allowance will be the M&IE rate prescribed for the location where the majority of the time is spent performing official business. If lodging is furnished at nominal cost, the employee may be reimbursed the above meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) cost plus the nominal cost of lodging not to exceed the maximum allowable lodging portion of the per diem rate;
(3) For the 61st through the 120th day of temporary duty, the employee may be reimbursed at a daily locality rate not to exceed 50 percent of the lodging and 50 percent of the M&IE per diem rate;
(4) For the 121st day and succeeding day(s) of temporary duty, the employee may be reimbursed at the daily locality rate not to exceed 25 percent of the lodging and 25 percent of the M&IE per diem rate;
(5) If a period of temporary duty is initially scheduled for 60 days or less and is extended or re-extended after the duty has commenced, the per diem rate in effect on the date the employee is notified of the extension or re-extension is continued for up to 15 days from the original TDY termination date. The remaining portion of temporary duty (if any) is at the rate established under this section; and
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, an authorizing officer may authorize or approve other rates (never, however to exceed the maximum locality per diem rate) when, in the authorizing officer's judgment, circumstances warrant such a determination. Such circumstances include the nature of the duty to be performed and the cost of suitable available lodging.
14 FAM 575.4 Temporary Duty Abroad
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
a. All travelers on State Department temporary duty (TDY) travel to an overseas location will receive full per diem for the duration of the TDY period except in the limited circumstances described in paragraph b of this section.
b. Personnel who choose the Service Recognition package (SRP) benefit to safe haven their eligible family members at their last post of assignment while serving a full tour of duty at a Special Incentive Post (SIP) are properly understood to be on de facto SIP assignments. Such employees are on long-term TDY travel orders in order to effectuate this arrangement, but they are in the same position as employees who serve the same tour of duty on normal assignments at SIPs. To promote equity between these two groups, reduced rate per diem may be authorized for employees on de facto assignments where consistent with 14 FAM 572.3-1.
14 FAM 575.5 Temporary Detail
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
The following conditions govern payment of per diem for temporary detail (including consultation). However, nothing in this section shall be interpreted to authorize the payment of per diem after the date the employee reports for permanent duty at a post incident to the employee's transfer.
14 FAM 575.5-1 General
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
a. Per diem for temporary detail (including consultation) is allowed for a period not exceeding that stipulated in the travel authorization or for additional periods subsequently approved, as may be officially necessary. Payment of per diem during such detail is limited to employees, except where family members receive authorization in accordance with 14 FAM 532.
b. Per diem for such temporary detail is allowed even though the destination of the employee for leave (i.e., home leave, annual leave, sick leave, etc.) is located in a metropolitan area (including Washington, DC).
c. When an employee is separated from the Department or agency, no per diem is payable for consultation at the place of residence for separation.
14 FAM 575.5-2 Detail into Change of Station
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
Occasionally, an employee's temporary detail (with per diem) immediately precedes or leads into a permanent change of station (PCS) to the detailed post. When that happens, the per diem is payable starting with the day the employee leaves on the temporary detail and ending at either the midnight of the day before the employee is officially notified of the PCS or on the effective date of the transfer, whichever time is shorter.
14 FAM 575.6 Consultation and Home Leave
14 FAM 575.6-1 Home Leave Destination not Within Metropolitan Area of New Duty Station
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
a. When the travel authorization of an employee directs the employee to proceed on leave and transfer to a post in the United States, including consultation performed upon arrival at the post, per diem for consultation is payable only if it is immediately followed by the employee taking leave and is not allowed for consultation performed after the employee completes leave and returns to employee's new post.
b. If the leave is canceled or postponed, authorized per diem for consultation continues through midnight of the day prior to the effective date of such cancellation or postponement.
c. Per diem is payable when additional consultation is ordered or when consultation is ordered during, but not after, home leave.
14 FAM 575.6-2 Home Leave Destination Within Metropolitan Area of New Duty Station
(CT:LOG-303; 01-22-2021)
When the home leave destination of the employee is within the metropolitan area of the post to which the employee is transferred, authorized per diem ceases upon arrival at the post and does not accrue for consultation which may be performed at the post before, during, or after the period of such authorized home leave.
14 FAM 576.1 Conditions and Limitations
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. Because of relatively high cost associated with certain kinds of travel, request for actual subsistence expenses shall be authorized on a trip-by-trip basis and reviewed at a level of authority sufficient to provide policy approval. Such level of approval shall be consistent with Delegation of Authority 100-D, Authority to Approve Official Travel.
b. Authorization or approval for reimbursement of actual subsistence expenses will be limited to a specific travel assignment when, due to special or unusual circumstances of the assignment, the maximum locality per diem rate would be much less than the amount required to meet the necessary subsistence expenses of the traveler. When actual subsistence expense reimbursement is involved, items of subsistence expenses are the same as those included in per diem as defined in 14 FAM 511.3. When an employee is separated from the Department or agency, no actual subsistence is payable for consultation at the place of residence for separation.
c. Authorization to travel on an actual subsistence expense basis is limited to those travel assignments where necessary subsistence costs are unusually high. Actual subsistence is not authorized where expenses may exceed the maximum locality per diem rate by only a small amount. Normally, authorization to travel on an actual subsistence expense basis is limited to cases where the cost of lodging (exclusive of meals) absorbs all or practically all of the maximum locality per diem rate and the traveler has no alternative but to incur such costs. Examples of some conditions warranting authorization or approval of actual expenses are:
(1) The employee is attending a meeting, conference, or training session away from the official duty station where lodging and meals must be procured at a prearranged place (such as the hotel where the meeting, conference, or training session is being held) and the lodging costs incurred, because of these prearranged accommodations, absorb all or practically all of the applicable maximum per diem rate; or
(2) The travel is to an area where the applicable maximum per diem rate is generally adequate but subsistence costs have escalated for short periods of time during special functions or events such as missile launching periods, international or national sports events, world fairs, conventions, or natural disasters.
d. In the event the travel assignment includes both normal and unusual conditions, reimbursement of subsistence on an actual expense basis is authorized or approved for only that portion of the travel where the unusual conditions prevail.
e. Authority to receive reimbursement of actual subsistence expenses must be included in the travel authorization or in an amendment thereto. Where actual expenses are less than the maximum authorized, only actual expenses are reimbursed. The amount authorized per calendar day for a specific travel assignment is stated on the travel authorization.
14 FAM 576.2 Maximum Daily Rates Allowable and Reimbursement Limitations
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
The amount of reimbursement to be allowed may not exceed the daily maximum rates. However, authorizing officers are encouraged to set appropriate rates lower than these maximum amounts.
14 FAM 576.2-1 Travel Inside the Continental United States (CONUS)
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. When traveling within the continental United States (CONUS), an employee may be reimbursed only actual expenses for each day. Actual subsistence reimbursement may not exceed 300 percent of the rate prescribed by Federal Travel Regulations, Chapter 301, Appendix A, rounded to the next higher dollar. When only meals and incidental expense (M&IE) are authorized, reimbursement may not exceed 300 percent of the M&IE rate applicable to the temporary duty location.
b. Authorizing officials may authorize actual expenses for lodging only, not to exceed 300 percent of the applicable rate for lodging plus the applicable M&IE for the temporary duty location. No itemization is required for meals when using this method.
c. Expenses incurred and claimed shall be reviewed and allowed only to the extent determined to be necessary and reasonable. Itemization of expenses is required in accordance with 14 FAM 576.4. Receipts will be required for lodging, regardless of amount, and any individual meal when the cost exceeds $75.
14 FAM 576.2-2 Travel Outside the Continental United States (CONUS)
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
a. Per diem rates for nonforeign locations are set by the Department of Defense (DOD), and per diem rates for foreign areas are set by the Department of State (DOS). These rates are contained in Section 920 (Post Classification and Payment Table Allowances by Location) of the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas). When only meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) are authorized, reimbursement may not exceed 300 percent of the M&IE rate applicable to the temporary duty location.
b. When traveling outside CONUS, an employee may be reimbursed only actual expenses for each day. Actual subsistence reimbursement is limited to that amount fixed by the travel authorization. Authorization and reimbursement may not exceed 300 percent of the applicable maximum per diem rate (rounded to the next higher dollar).
c. Authorizing officials may authorize actual expenses for lodging only, not to exceed 300 percent of the applicable rate for lodging plus the applicable M&IE for the temporary duty location. No itemization is required for meals when using this method.
d. Expenses incurred and claimed shall be reviewed and allowed only to the extent determined to be necessary and reasonable. Itemization of expenses is required in accordance with 14 FAM 576.4. Receipts will be required for lodging, regardless of amount, and any individual meal when the cost exceeds $75.
14 FAM 576.2-3 Lodging Procured by Purchase Order
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
When lodgings are procured directly by purchase order, the authorizing officer must limit reimbursements made to the employee. The maximum amount an employee may be reimbursed is the meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rate for the temporary duty location in accordance with the provisions in 14 FAM 576.2-1 and 14 FAM 576.2-2 at the temporary duty location. A combination of the above expenses may not exceed the daily maximum per diem rate authorized.
14 FAM 576.3 Computation of Mixed Travel
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
For travel involving payment of both per diem and actual subsistence, the authorizing officer determines when the transition between reimbursement systems occurs. Only one method or system is authorized for any given calendar day. (See Federal Travel Regulation Section 301-11.4.)
14 FAM 576.4 Itemizing Expenses
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
All travelers are required to submit with their travel vouchers an itemized list of the amount spent daily for expenses incurred on an actual subsistence basis. This list shows the daily amount spent for:
(1) Lodging;
(2) Meals (each meal cost should be listed separately); and
(3) All other items of subsistence expense.
(CT:LOG-255; 10-03-2018)
Employees performing temporary duty (TDY) for 1 year or more at a single location may be authorized Income Tax Reimbursement Allowance (ITRA) in accordance with FTR 301.11-501 through 301.11-640.
14 FAM 578 and 579 UNASSIGNED