16 fam 620

wellness program

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)
(Office of Origin:  MED/CP/OHW)

16 FAM 621  establishment and purpose

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

The Wellness Program, administered by the Bureau of Medical Services, Office of Occupational Health and Wellness (MED/CP/OHW), is a key component of the Department’s TalentCare initiative.  It provides online and in-person healthy living and behavior change guidance to TalentCare Wellness Coordinators (TCWC) and TalentCare Committees (TCC), wellness leaders, and individual employees.  The goal of the program is to instill a workplace culture that advances the health, safety, and productivity of every employee, at every location.


(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

Authorities for the Wellness Program are:

·         5 U.S.C. 7901

·         22 U.S.C. 4084

·         16 FAM 600 through 16 FAM 613.3

16 FAM 623  supporting Wellness program Documents and initiatives

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

Supporting Wellness Program documents and initiatives are:

(1)  The 2014 Presidential Memorandum to institute employee work-life and wellness programs;

(2)  The Department’s 2015 Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) Agile Work Force goal of building a 21st-century work environment that makes Work Life Wellness a cultural norm;

(3)  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Healthy People Initiative; and

(4) The Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Wellcheck Wellness Program Assessment Tool

16 FAM 624  SCOPE

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

a. The policies in this subchapter,  together with 16 FAM 613.3 Wellness, are intended to direct and facilitate the implementation, planning, management, and reevaluation of the Department’s Wellness Program and oversight of the TalentCare initiative at domestic worksites and overseas posts.

b. This subchapter describes a recommended framework for wellness and communication strategies, ongoing projects, and established processes of MED/CP/OHW which support the respective missions of Bureau of Medical Services (MED), Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM), and the TalentCare InitiativeGTM/ER/WLD.

16 FAM 625  ORGANIZATION AND Responsibilities

16 FAM 625.1  Office of Occupational Health and Wellness (MED/CP/OHW)

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

MED/CP/OHW provides executive and operational support to the Department’s Wellness Program, the TalentCare initiative and its senior leadership in coordination with representatives from GTM, Employee Relations, the Bureau of Global Talent Management Work Life Division (GTM/ER/WLD).  Specific functions and responsibilities of MED/CP/OHW staff include:

(1)  Nurturing a process that provides guidance and support for location-based health promotion programs;

(2)  Providing subject-matter expertise for employee health and wellness initiatives;

(3)  Providing technical guidance and assistance to CONUS and OCONUS worksites for development and functioning of location-based TCCs;

(4)  Collaborating with OPM and other Federal, State, and local entities to provide current, evidence-based resources, and wellness practices to all personnel, Department-wide;

(5)  Educating TCC leaders and wellness champions on best practices for executing such programs and initiatives;

(6)  Coordinating diverse initiatives and activities that address the needs of all employees, across all stages of behavior change pertaining to health promotion and wellness topics;

(7)  Acting as the MED liaison to the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM and other senior-level management in matters related to health promotion and wellness; and

(8)  Directly providing Washington-area Department locations with health promotion and wellness functions, including but not limited to activities, presentations, small group facilitation, and educational materials.

16 FAM 625.2  Wellness Program Manager

(CT:MED-40;   11-16-2018)

The Wellness Program Manager is an employee of MED/CP/OHW who leads MED’s Wellness Program.  The manager is responsible for the implementation, management, and expansion of MED/CP/OHW initiatives.

16 FAM 625.3  TalentCare Initiative

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

The TalentCare Initiative is a collaborative effort, overseen by the TalentCare Council, and facilitated by the TalentCare Unit.  The initiative is a model of intradepartmental collaboration, working on domestic and overseas activities, initiatives, and efforts that further integrate employee health promotion and wellness, safety, resilience and productivity into Department culture.

16 FAM 625.4  TalentCare Unit

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

a. The TalentCare Unit is a domestic-based entity facilitated by MED/CP/OHW and with support from the Employee Relations Work-Life Division of Global Talent Management (GTM/ER/WLD), and guidance from Department senior leadership through the TalentCare Council.  The unit provides technical support and direction to overseas missions, such that they can establish and maintain TCCs.

b. The TalentCare Unit collaborates with the TCWCs to provide guidance and tools to effectively manage and implement initiatives based on the process outlined by the CDC’s Healthy People Initiative and future appropriate iterations of that process.

16 FAM 625.5  TalentCare Committees

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

a. TCCs are post-specific entities.  Each is led by its respective TCWC (at post) or TCC Lead (domestically), and, at a minimum, should include representatives from the following: Management, Health Unit (HU), Human Resources (HR), Community Liaison Office (CLO), General Services Office (GSO), Regional Security Office (RSO), and Locally Employed (LE) Staff) at an overseas post; or key bureau stakeholders (e.g. EX, Facilities Management) and members of the employee population (e.g. wellness champions) at domestic worksites.

b. The TCC uses technical guidance from the MED/CP/OHW Wellness team to implement an effective and sustainable location-based initiative.  The initiative reflects the mission and vision of the Department's TalentCare Council that empowers the holistic well-being of employees under Chief of Mission (COM) authority overseas, and Bureau management domestically.  The TCC serves as the primary entity responsible for implementation of initiatives tailored to each location’s unique needs and environment.

16 FAM 625.5-1  Establishing TalentCare Committees

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

a. To initiate a location-based TCC at Post: the COM or other post wellness champion (e.g. HU staff, HRO, Management, Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM)) will contact MED/CP/OHW (medhealthpromotion@state.gov).  The MED Wellness staff will work with the post POC to identify criteria for a qualified post TCWC in accordance with the certified DA-298 Standard Job Description from the Office of Overseas Employment (GTM/OE).

b. To initiate a location-based TCC at a domestic worksite: the EX representative or other wellness champion (e.g. bureau staff) will contact MED/CP/OHW (medhealthpromotion@state.gov).  The MED Wellness staff will work with the post POC to identify criteria for a TCC Committee Lead (or co-leads).

c. MED Wellness staff will train the identified post TCWC or Committee Lead (see 16 FAM 625.6, paragraph d).

d. The identified TCWC or Committee Lead from the post will work with members of the TalentCare Unit to establish their TCC.

e. The committee will conduct a needs assessment survey using the OPM WellCheck and other tools.  The survey results will be shared with MED/CP/OHW for analysis and further recommendations. Each committee’s actions and programs will be tailored to their location’s specific needs and resources.

16 FAM 625.5-2  TalentCare Committee Communications

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020

a. MED Wellness provides digital, print, and in-person communications to assist TCCs, champions, and individual employees.  The materials promote the goals of the MED Wellness program, encourage broader participation by personnel, and support overall expansion of the TalentCare initiative within the Department.

b. Digital communications include, but are not limited to:

(1)  Monthly newsletter to employees;

(2)  Monthly newsletter to wellness communicators (e.g. health unit staff, TCC leaders);

(3)  Resource repository with various content types (e.g., presentations, articles, videos, and infographics);

(4)  Department-wide healthy behavior and education challenges; and

(5)  Calendar of events.

c.  Print communications include, but are not limited to:

(1)  Wellness program marketing and communications materials (e.g., website, electronic newsletters, virtual and local challenges, brochures, flyers, etc.);

(2)  Educational materials (e.g., nutrition and exercise pamphlets); and

(3)  Promotional elevator flyers, postcards, and table tents.

d. In-person communications include, but are not limited to:

(1)  Regular health promotion and prevention discussions led by health educators/coaches in high-trafficked areas (e.g., outside cafeterias) to include display tables offering educational literature; and health fairs

(2)  Blood pressure and body- mass index [BMI] screenings performed by qualified staff;

(3)  Individual and small-group consultations; and

(4)  Small- and large-group presentations.

16 FAM 625.6  TalentCare Wellness Coordinators at Overseas Posts

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

a. TCWCs lead their respective post's TCCTCWCs create an effective and sustainable location-based program at post utilizing technical guidance from the TalentCare unit.

b. TCWCs are individuals serving in a position, either on a part-time or full-time basis depending on the size and resources of the post.

c.  Duties and responsibilities of the TCWC include, but are not limited to:

(1)  Rallying Support and commitment from Post Leadership;

(2)  Facilitation of a TCC;

(3)  Collection of accurate data for post-intervention needs analysis;

(4)  Identification of priorities;

(5)  Development of interventions to address identified courses of action;

(6)  Development of pre- and post-intervention assessments;

(7)  Establish budget and funding sources; and

(8)  Continually monitor program progress, assessments, and evaluations.

d. TCWC training:

(1)  MED Wellness staff will train the post TCWC with an evidence-based curriculum; and

(2)  The curriculum addresses several competencies, including but not limited to, pre- and post-intervention assessments; budgeting; policy and program selection and implementation; and committee and participant recruitment.

16 FAM 625.7  TalentCare Committee Leads at Domestic Worksites

(CT:MED-46;   06-25-2020)

a. TCC Leads head their respective annex’s TCC. TCC Leads create an effective and sustainable location-based program at their annex, utilizing technical guidance from the TalentCare unit.

b. TCC Leads are individuals serving in a voluntary position, or as assigned by bureau.

c.  Duties and responsibilities of the TCC Leads include, but are not limited to:

(1)  Rallying Support and commitment from Bureau leadership;

(2)  Facilitation of a TCC;

(3)  Collection of accurate data for annex-intervention needs analysis;

(4)  Work with MED Wellness to identify priorities, develop appropriate interventions and continually monitor program progress through routine post-intervention assessments.

d. TCC Leads training:

(1)  Will be eligible for MED Wellness' Coordinator training (see previous).


16 FAM 626  through  629 unassigned