1 FAM 020
(CT:ORG-684; 01-14-2025)
(Office of Origin: S/ES-EX)
1 FAM 021.1 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-676; 11-08-2024)
a. The Secretary has responsibilities, by virtue of law or Executive order, with respect to such matters as international educational and cultural affairs, information activities, foreign assistance, food for peace, arms control and disarmament, supervision of programs authorized by the Peace Corps Act, social science research, immigration, and refugee assistance.
b. The Secretary has authority and responsibility to the full extent permitted by law for the overall direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities of the U.S. Government abroad. This authority includes continuous supervision and general direction of:
(1) Peace Corps programs;
(2) Economic assistance;
(3) Military assistance;
(4) Military education and training; and
(5) Military sales programs as provided in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended; Peace Corps Act; and Foreign Military Sales Act.
c. The authority does not extend to:
(1) The activities of U.S. military forces operating in the field where such forces are under the command of a U.S. area military commander;
(2) Such other military activities as the President elects to conduct through military channels; and
(3) Activities which are internal to the execution and administration of the approved programs of a single department or agency and which are not of such a nature as to affect significantly the overall U.S. program in a country or region abroad.
d. The Secretary has authority and responsibility for the execution of foreign policy and for the direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities abroad. The Secretary of State utilizes, in addition to the normal Department resources, the system of NSC Interdepartmental Groups and the Under Secretaries Committee outlined in 1 FAM 013.1. Within the purview of these responsibilities, the Secretary delegates executive authority to the committee chairmen.
e. Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for the following Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) materials:
(1) 1 FAM 011 through 1 FAM 013 inclusive;
(2) 1 FAM 020—The Secretary of State (S);
(3) 2 FAM 010—Areas of Responsibility for the Conduct of Foreign Relations (S);0
(4) 2 FAM 200—Privileges and Immunities (S/CPR);
(5) 2 FAM 300—Protocol, Precedence, and Formalities (S/CPR);
(6) 2 FAM 1200 —Action and Clearance Procedures (S).
1 FAM 021.2 Organization
(CT:ORG-231; 09-27-2010)
For an organization chart for the Office of the Secretary of State (S), see 1 FAM Exhibit 021.1.
1 FAM 021.3 Authorities
(CT:ORG-637; 09-22-2023)
a. The Secretary of State’s basic authority derives from those provisions of the U.S. Constitution that vest in the President the power to make treaties and appoint ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. A number of specific responsibilities, authorities, and requirements, too numerous to list, are vested in the Secretary by State Authorization Acts. Some of these are re-delegated within the Department. The Secretary's authorities are more properly found in 1 FAM 011 and 1 FAM 012.
b. Congress established the position of Ombuds for Civil Service Employees (S/O) in Section 172 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 1988-1989 (Public Law 100-204).
c. S/FSG authority is derived from chapter 11 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 and implementing regulations (22 CFR Chapter 9).
1 FAM 022.1 Chief of Staff (S/COS)
(CT:ORG-104; 06-30-2001)
The Chief of Staff:
(1) Reports directly to the Secretary of State (S);
(2) Performs such managerial and policy duties as the Secretary directs; and
(3) Works closely with the Executive Secretary (S/ES), as required.
1 FAM 022.2 Executive Secretariat (S/ES)
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
a. The Special Assistant to the Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Department, with rank administratively equivalent to an Assistant Secretary, ensures the prompt, efficient, and orderly staffing of policy problems requiring the attention of the Secretary (Deputy and Under Secretaries) in the coordination of material presented to them and the implementation of decisions made by them.
b. The Executive Secretariat also:
(1) Directs and controls official action, briefing, and information documents to and from the Secretary (as well as Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries) and ensures implementation of decisions made by them;
(2) Serves as the official channel for the transmission of information and recommendations from the Department to the White House and other U.S. Government departments and agencies;
(3) Serves as the official channel for the receipt from the White House of instructions and responses to recommendations, assigning action on them and following up to ensure implementation;
(4) Coordinates the Department's role in the National Security Council (NSC) system. S/ES provides guidance and support to bureaus on the functions of the interagency system;
(5) Coordinates the Department's role in the cabinet system including meetings of the cabinet and cabinet councils: tasks and reviews papers required for these meetings;
(6) Serves as focal point within the Department in alerting officials to the emergence of crises, ensures prompt action to deal with them, and effects coordination with other agencies; and
(7) Ensures that documents addressed to the principals have received adequate staff review.
1 FAM 022.2-1 Executive Office (S/ES-EX)
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Executive Office provides management support and a complete range of administrative services for the Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, and their staff offices which comprise the S area. This office provides logistical support for official travel by the Secretary and other Department principals.
1 FAM 022.2-2 Executive Secretariat Staff (S/ES-S)
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
a. The Executive Secretariat Staff:
(1) Coordinates, tasks, tracks, and reviews briefing papers, memoranda, diplomatic notes, and correspondence for the Secretary, both Deputy Secretaries, other Department principals, and the White House, and distributes final action communication;
(2) Implements and administers the records policies, standards, systems, and procedures for the Secretary, the Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, Counselor, Special Envoys and Representatives, and other offices supported by the Executive Secretariat;
(3) Drafts pre-approved language for use by the Department of State when replying to messages from world leaders addressed to the President and the Secretary, as well as replies to ceremonial messages;
(4) Coordinates preparations for international conferences, high level visits, and other major meetings in which the Secretary participates;
(5) Provides guidance and coordinates FOIA, Privacy Act, Congressional, DOJ, and internal bureau document search requests for the Secretary, both Deputy Secretaries, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, the Counselor, and for offices within the Executive Secretariat.
(6) Tasks, prepares, and reviews briefing materials for official overseas and domestic travel of the Secretary, the Deputy Secretaries, and the Under Secretary for Political Affairs;
(7) Advances the Secretary’s official overseas and domestic travel; staffs the Secretary's mobile office when on official travel.
(8) Maintains CONTAX database on foreign chiefs of state, other foreign government officials; American and foreign ambassadors; ecclesiastical and academic personages; and Cabinet members and other high-level USG and foreign officials for use by the Department of State and other selected U.S. Government users;
(9) Provides guidance on correspondence and briefing materials for desk officers and bureau staff;
(10) Coordinates State Department participation in Principals Committee (PC), Deputies Committee (DC), NSC, NEC, and cabinet meetings, and tasks and reviews briefing papers for these meetings as needed; and
(11) Organizes special events such as Chiefs of Mission conferences, and town hall meetings, and works on other special projects for principals, as required.
(12) Maintains the official historical record for the Secretary and Department principals and provides courier service for the Secretary and Department principals.
b. S/ES-S consists of two divisions. The
(1) Advance and Staffing Division; and
(2) Records and Information Management Division (formerly Correspondence and Records Division).
1 FAM 022.2-3 Operations Center (S/ES-O)
(CT:ORG-624; 05-22-2023)
a. The Operations Center:
(1) Is the Department of State's around-the-clock alerting, briefing, communications, and crisis management and strategy office;
(2) Alerts and briefs top officers of the Department, task forces, and concerned Department bureaus on important developments requiring immediate attention, and ensures prompt action is taken, as necessary;
(3) Facilitates secure and non-secure audio and video communication between senior Department leadership, foreign interlocuters, interagency partners, and personnel overseas;
(4) Functions as the Department's point of contact for the exchange of crisis-related information within the interagency, including the compilation of current information on the number of official and private American citizens and third-country nationals present in each country abroad (known as the F-77 report);
(5) Screens and distributes cables and other documents for the Secretary and principal officers and prepares daily summary reports;
(6) Controls, on behalf of the Executive Secretary, categories of cable traffic that are sensitive in content or timing;
(7) Provides crisis management and strategy expertise to the Department. Under authority delegated by the Secretary, with the policy guidance of the Under Secretaries for Political Affairs and Management, and at the direction of the Executive Secretary, S/ES-O and S/ES-O_CMS has the principal Department responsibility for initial formal and informal crisis management operations. Under authority assigned by Presidential Directive 27 (1/19/78), S/ES-O assumes initial action responsibility on asylum requests, acts of terrorism/hijackings, and other nonmilitary incidents which could have implications for our foreign relations;
(8) Tests and assesses the Department's crisis management capabilities;
(9) Coordinates planning and implementation of plans within the Department and the interagency community, through the Washington Liaison Group and other tools for the protection and evacuation of U.S. citizens abroad in emergencies;
(10) Serves as primary point of contact and support office for the Secretary of State and the Secretary's party when traveling;
(11) Recommends whether and when the Department should establish a task force in response to international crises;
(12) Provides full-time support for crisis response task forces convened by the Executive Secretary;
(13) Monitors events that threaten the security of the U.S. missions, their personnel, and private U.S. citizens abroad, and provides briefs to Department principals and the interagency community on developing situations; and
(14) Has responsibility for convening department and interagency stakeholders to gather and implement lessons learned after critical operational events to share across the organization.
b. The Operations Center uses the following tier system for major international crises that present immediate operational risk to U.S. personnel, citizens, property, and other interests. The tier for a given crisis can change over time.
Tier 1: Bureau-Led - No Task Force Needed. The lead bureau responsible for the affected area or issue manages crisis response using existing resources.
Tier 2: Limited Task Force. In consultation with the lead bureau, the Executive Secretary convenes a task force with limited staffing to coordinate crisis response.
Tier 3: Expanded Task Force. The task force requires expanded staffing to coordinate multiple bureaus’ support for complex crisis response operations.
Tier 4: Interagency Task Force. The task force requires extensive support from multiple bureaus and other agencies, including in-person staffing, for complex, large-scale, and/or highly sensitive operations.
Tier 5: Coordination Unit. The Department establishes a Coordination Unit with senior-level leadership and long-term staff providing specialized expertise and/or continuity to manage a protracted crisis.
1 FAM 022.2-4 ExecTech Office (S/ES-ExecTech)
(CT:ORG-466; 08-13-2018)
The ExecTech Office (S/ES-ExecTech) develops, implements, and operates all information management and records management systems for the Secretary, the Deputy Secretaries, the Under Secretaries, the Counselor, the Executive Secretariat, and other specific offices.
1 FAM 022.3 The Office of the Ombuds (S/O)
(CT:ORG-637; 09-22-2023)
a. The Ombuds advises the Secretary of State and senior Department management on workplace issues, including those pertaining to the ability of employees, including Civil Service employees, to contribute to the achievement of the Department's mandated responsibilities.
b. The Office of the Ombuds (S/O) is headed by the Ombuds, who also serves as the Ombuds for Civil Service Employees in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 2664a. By law (22 U.S.C. 2664a), the Ombuds, by virtue of also serving as the Ombuds for Civil Service Employees, must be a career-reserve member of the Senior Executive Service.
c. The Office of the Ombuds consists of an Ombuds Services Office, which supports the Ombuds, who in turn:
(1) Serves as senior advisor to the Secretary of State and senior Department management on matters pertaining to the effective and efficient utilization of the Department workforce;
(2) Conducts evaluations and analyses of career opportunities and promotion pathways, developmental assignments, training, morale, and other matters relevant to the promotion of a vigorous and stable Department workforce;
(3) Maintains an awareness of matters of concern to Department employees by consulting with employee representatives and maintaining an "open door" for the expression of ideas and suggestions; and
(4) Reports to the Secretary on activities that have a significant effect on Civil Service employment.
d. The Office of the Ombuds shall also consist of a Workplace Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center (wCPRc) through which the Ombuds promotes conflict prevention and resolution in the workplace. In performing this function, the Ombuds:
(1) Functions as an independent and impartial resource for Department personnel seeking early resolution of workplace related concerns;
(2) Assists parties in conflict to work toward a mutually agreeable resolution;
(3) Holds communications with individuals seeking assistance in confidence, except that such information may be disclosed upon the consent of the party providing the information, in cases where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm, or as otherwise required by law;
(4) May use any appropriate Alternative Dispute Resolution process, if practical, to resolve any matter within the Ombuds’s purview; and
(5) Liaises with other Government agencies regarding alternative dispute resolution programs and conflict resolution practices within the Department.
1 FAM 022.4 Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR)
(CT:ORG-682; 12-31-2024)
The Director of the Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR), an Assistant Secretary equivalent, oversees the Office of Civil Rights, which is charged with:
(1) Serving as principal adviser to the Secretary of State and other principal officials on equal employment opportunity (EEO) and civil rights;
(2) Enforcing the Department's employment nondiscrimination obligations under:
(i) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,
(ii) Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,
(iii) Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended,
(iv) Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended,
(v) Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008,
(vi) Pregnant Workers Fairness Act of 2022,
(vii) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations contained in 29 CFR 1614, and
(viii) Other statutes, executive orders, and regulations to ensure equal employment opportunity for applicants and employees (current and former) for which EEOC has jurisdiction.
(3) Promoting a model EEO program, including a continuing campaign of affirmative employment under Title VII and affirmative action under Section 501, including by providing technical assistance throughout bureaus/offices and missions/posts in the Department;
(4) Managing the Department’s Special Emphasis Programs (SEPs) including the Hispanic Employment Program, the Federal Women's Program, the People with Disabilities Employment Program, and other SEPs as necessary;
(5) Monitoring, evaluating, and advising on personnel processes such as recruitment, retention, training, upward mobility, assignment, and promotion to further the Department’s objective of achieving a workplace free from discrimination;
(6) Conducting EEO and anti-harassment training to ensure all employees are familiar with their rights, duties, responsibilities, and Department policies related to EEO;
(7) Managing the Department’s EEO Counselor and LE Staff EEO Liaison programs (2 FAM 1570) as well as the EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution Program (2 FAM 1540);
(8) Reporting to the EEOC, Congress, and other executive branch agencies on the Department’s EEO complaint activity;
(9) Maintaining working relationship with the EEOC, the Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Justice, and U.S. government agencies’ EEO and civil rights offices;
(10) All other matters identified in 29 CFR 1614;
(11)Managing the Anti-Harassment Program (AHP) in coordination with the AHP Director, while maintaining a firewall from their other duties as EEO Director; and
(12) Enforcing additional nondiscrimination provisions under:
(i) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,
(ii) Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,
(iii) Age Discrimination Act of 1975,
(iv) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended,
(v) Regulations contained in 22 CFR 141 – 147, and
(vi) Other statutes, executive orders, and regulations to ensure equal opportunity in Department conducted and financially assisted programs.
1 FAM 022.5 Open Forum (S/OF)
(CT:ORG-676; 11-08-2024)
a. The Secretary’s Open Forum (S/OF), headed by a chairperson who serves as a member of the Policy Planning Staff (S/P), provides a platform for employees at all levels of the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) workforce to engage in constructive debate, discussion, and discourse, on a range of policy and workforce issues, candidly and free of bureaucratic constraints. The Open Forum provides a structured platform for employees to hear from internal and external experts on a broad range of policy issues and provides a space to cultivate innovation and debate.
b.S/P manages the selection process for the chairperson.
c. Administrative resources for the Open Forum are provided through S/P.
d. The chairperson:
(1) Invites a broad range of speakers and guests to stimulate creative thinking and debate on foreign policy and diplomatic tradecraft;
(2) Operates the Open Forum Channel through which any employee of State and USAID may submit an idea, issue, or question for the Open Forum to address; and
(4) Operates collaboratively on internal events and public diplomacy initiatives with a broad range of bureaus and S/P.
1 FAM 022.6 U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy (S/GAC)
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy (S/GAC) oversees and directs all resources and activities of the U.S. government (USG) response to global HIV/AIDS to implement the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), including U.S. contributions to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and relations with other bilateral and multilateral organizations. PEPFAR is the largest commitment made by any nation to combat a single disease internationally, which operates in nearly 60 countries through bilateral and regional programs to end AIDS as a public health threat. PEPFAR-supported programs are implemented under the leadership of the Department of State and through a multitude of USG agencies, including the U.S. Agency for International Development; the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Institutes of Health; the U.S. Department of Defense; the U.S. Department of Treasury; and the Peace Corps.
1 FAM 022.6-1 Office of Management, Budget, and Operations
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office for Management, Budget and Operations sets policy and oversees all administrative and fiduciary operations, including human resources and budget planning, development and execution of PEPFAR programming.
1 FAM 022.6-2 Office of Financial Sustainability and Development
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office of Financial Sustainability and Development sets policy and oversees implementation to ensure that when the U.S. government and partner countries have scaled up interventions and reached epidemic control, the services, systems, financing and policies required to maintain and sustain that control are readily available to PEPFAR beneficiaries and countries.
1 FAM 022.6-3 Unit of Affected Populations and Civil Society Leadership
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Unit of Affected Populations and Civil Society Leadership sets policy and oversees implementation for targeted programs for the most vulnerable populations, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) persons as well as adolescent girls and young women as well as increases civil society capacity to advocate for and create enabling environments.
1 FAM 022.6-4 Office of Multi-Sector Responsibility
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office of Multi-Sector Responsibility advances partnerships with the private sector and multilateral partners, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and the United Nations Joint Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS). The office fosters wide-ranging public-private partnerships to leverage USG investments and collaborates with key multilateral institutions to ensure program implementation is complementary and synergistic for maximum impact.
1 FAM 022.6-5 Unit of Program Quality
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Unit of Program Quality coordinates HIV prevention, treatment, and care technical policy and guidance to ensure PEPFAR programs are implemented with rigor and that quality services are administered to those living with HIV around the world.
1 FAM 022.6-6 Office of Country Operations and Oversight
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office of Country Operations and Oversight manages and supports all field business operations, serving PEPFAR country field offices in a desk-officer role, including direct links to the PEPFAR Country Coordinators and Department desk officers.
1 FAM 022.6-7 Office of Program Impact and Results Monitoring
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office of Program Impact and Results Monitoring ensures data collection, use, analysis, application, and monitoring for program impact for all agencies implementing PEPFAR, including monitoring of planned targets and indicators and realized achievements for PEPFAR bilateral and regional programs.
1 FAM 022.6-8 Office of Strategy and Global Health Diplomacy
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office of Strategy and Global Health Diplomacy implements all PEPFAR internal and external communications, public affairs, policy and Congressional efforts. The office also guides diplomatic efforts to advance the United States' global health mission to improve and save lives and foster sustainability through a shared global responsibility.
1 FAM 022.6-9 Unit of Medicine
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Unit of Medicine undertakes strategic activities supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and rigorous evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs for countries and regions in which PEPFAR conducts or supports activities in order to ensure the scientific integrity of PEPFAR’s HIV/AIDS interventions.
1 FAM 022.7 Office of Hostage Affairs (S/SPEHA)
(CT:ORG-405; 01-27-2017)
The Office of Hostage Affairs, headed by the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, reports to the Secretary of State and shall:
(1) Lead diplomatic engagement on U.S. hostage policy;
(2) Coordinate all diplomatic engagements in support of hostage recovery efforts, in coordination with the Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell (HRFC) and consistent with policy guidance communicated through the Hostage Response Group (HRG);
(3) Coordinate with the HRFC proposals for diplomatic engagements and strategy in support of hostage recovery efforts;
(4) Provide senior representation to the HRFC and in the HRG;
(5) Prepare the Special Presidential Envoy and other officials for meetings and strategy sessions called by the President and/or the Secretary of State, which the Envoy is expected to attend, and for diplomatic missions related to hostages;
(6) Advise on, administer, or perform research in the assessment of U.S. foreign policies related to achieving the safe and rapid recovery of U.S. nationals taken hostage or otherwise detained unlawfully or wrongfully outside the United States; and
(7) In coordination with the HRFC and the Chief of Mission, as appropriate, coordinate diplomatic engagements regarding cases in which a foreign government confirms that it has detained a U.S. national but the United States Government regards such detention as unlawful or wrongful.
1 FAM 022.8 Special Representative for Syria Engagement (S/SRS)
(CT:ORG-555; 09-09-2020)
The Special Representative for Syria Engagement reports directly to the Secretary of State.
a. The Special Representative coordinates the State Department’s policy towards resolving the conflict in Syria by de-escalating the military conflict and reinvigorating the political process. This includes coordinating the efforts of the Syria Transition Assistance Response Team (START), including duties such as advising on staffing, and exercising cable release authority for all START cables or cables emanating from Syria.
b. Additionally, until the United States resumes Embassy operations in Damascus, the Special Representative, in coordination with NEA, fulfills certain duties equivalent to those normally fulfilled by the Chief of Mission in country, including:
(1) Represent the interests of the United States in relation to Syria;
(2) Direct and supervise implementation of foreign assistance projects in Syria, in coordination with relevant State bureaus and USAID;
(3) Advise and assist in countering terrorism;
(4) Negotiate treaties and agreements with Syria pursuant to the Circular-175 process and report violations of existing agreements, in coordination with L;
(5) Monitor and report on significant developments abroad;
(6) Assist Syrian foreign officials and citizens in planning visits to the United States;
(7) Supervise communications over US Embassy Syria/Damascus media and social media platforms (public diplomacy and strategic communications platforms);
(8) Coordinate with combatant commanders and other non-COM executive agencies on matters related to Syria;
(9) Approve country clearances for any U.S. Government employee in Syria on official business (except those under the command of a Geographic Combatant Commander, unless otherwise required by DoD policy); and
(10) Perform functions related to Syria visits for U.S. Government agencies and legislative and judicial branches as needed.
(CT:ORG-676; 11-08-2024)
a. Members of the Policy Planning Staff (S/P) provide the Secretary and Department leadership with independent analysis and advice to shape the development and public articulation of strategy and policy. S/P is led by a Director (Assistant Secretary rank), Principal Deputy (Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary rank), and Deputy Director (Deputy Assistant Secretary rank).
b. S/P carries out three main functions:
(1) Strategic Planning and Coordination: S/P helps shape and drive the Secretary’s priorities and tether them to the Secretary’s travel, engagements, and the Department’s resource and posture planning processes. Within the Department and the interagency, S/P leads and contributes to the formulation of the National Security Strategy and other long-term planning initiatives and policy reviews. Externally, S/P enhances strategic convergence, agenda-setting, planning, and coordination with allies and partners through bilateral and multilateral policy planning dialogues;
(2) Policy Development and Debate: S/P leads and/or supports policy development on major priorities for the Secretary and the Administration. S/P manages and strengthens institutional initiatives and programs aimed at strategic foresight and policy planning, debate, and innovation, including:
(a) The Department’s Dissent Channel, which allows employees to express dissenting or alternative views on substantive policy matters;
(b) The Policy Ideas Channel, which allows employees to promote ideas that offer fresh approaches to diplomatic challenges;
(c) The Policy Risk and Opportunity Planning (PROP) Group, which identifies and proactively plans for scenarios over a 6-18 month time frame that directly implicate vital U.S. interests and major foreign policy strategies and priorities;
(d) The Open Forum, which offers a platform for constructive debate, discussion, and discourse, on a range of policy and workforce issues; and
(e) The Secretary’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board (FAPB), which provides the Secretary with independent, informed advice and opinion concerning matters of U.S. foreign policy.
(3) Policy and messaging: S/P helps to shape and articulate the Secretary’s strategic narrative and related policy and diplomatic priorities, both within the Department and to the public. The Secretary’s speechwriters are core members of the S/P team.
1 FAM 024 Office of the CHIEF OF PROTOCOL (S/CPR)
(CT:ORG-428; 10-03-2017)
The Office of the Chief of Protocol (S/CPR):
Under the direction of the United States Chief of Protocol who serves as the highest ranking protocol official for the U.S. Government that advises the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and other high-ranking officials on matters of national and international protocol, the Office of the Chief of Protocol advances the foreign policy goals of the United States by creating an environment for successful diplomacy. The Office of the Chief of Protocol:
(1) Welcomes foreign chiefs of state, heads of government, ruling monarchs, bilateral chiefs of mission and other leaders to our country.
(2) Plans, arranges, and executes detailed programs to include coordination of foreign media for visiting chiefs of state, heads of government, foreign ministers, and other high level officials, and accompanies such officials on official U.S. program movements;
(3) Plans and makes detailed arrangements for Presidential delegations to funerals, inaugural, independence, and similar ceremonies abroad;
(4) In cooperation with the Under Secretary for Management, the Executive Secretary, and the regional bureau concerned, serves as coordinator within the Department and between the Department and the White House on all protocol matters for Presidential or Vice Presidential travel abroad and for travel and other accommodations for meetings in the United States (other than in Washington) between the President or the Vice President and chiefs of state or heads of government.
(5) Plans and assists in carrying out programs for certain public events where the diplomatic corps is involved, including U.S. Presidential inaugurations and State funerals;
(6) Plans, supports and executes arrangements for a wide range of ceremonial and official functions hosted by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and other high-ranking United States Government officials and; provides general ceremonial advice as requested by officials or the public.
(7) Coordinates, plans, arranges, and executes with the White House the presentation of credentials of foreign ambassadors and delegation Heads to the President;
(8) Has primary responsibility within the Department for all activities associated with the:
(a) Management and maintenance of the United States Order of Precedence List; coordination of the agrément process to include foreign government submissions and U.S. government response;
(b) Management and coordination of the arrival process to Washington, D.C. of foreign ambassador-designates (bilateral chiefs of mission and delegation heads) and their dependents;
(c) Coordination and management of the presentation of copies of credentials of foreign ambassadors and delegation heads to the Department of State;
(d) Accreditation of bilateral chiefs of missions, delegation heads, chargés d’affaires, and deputy chiefs of missions, and their dependents;
(e) Development and implementation of policies and guidance relating to the accreditation of bilateral chiefs of mission, heads of delegation, chargés d’affaires, and deputy chiefs of missions and their dependents, and for foreign domestic workers;
(9) Administration and implementation of the Port Courtesies program in coordination with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
(10) Maintains the official records regarding the status of:
(a) Bilateral chiefs of mission, heads of delegation, charges d’ affaires and deputy chiefs of mission and their dependents.
(b) Foreign Domestic workers employed by foreign mission personnel and international organization staff.
(11) Is responsible for publication of the Diplomatic List and the list of Foreign Consular Offices in the United States;
(12) Has primary notification and mediation responsibility for the Department for all “special cases” (i.e., all law enforcement matters to include sensitive issues of a personal and private nature with the exception of matters involving motor vehicle violations, landlord tenant disputes, or matters involving complaints or services associated with representatives of a Federal, state, or local official or agency) prior to the involvement of courts involving members of bilateral missions, delegations, and their dependents;
Note: The notification and mediation of “special cases” as defined above of matters involving bilateral chiefs of mission, heads of delegation, charges d’affaires, Deputy Chiefs of Mission, and their dependents, and all domestic workers;
(13) Administratively determines eligibility of bilateral chiefs of mission, heads of delegation, charges d’ affaires and deputy chiefs of mission and their dependents with respect to rights, privileges, immunities, and certifies their immunity to law enforcement, judicial authorities, and to other relevant entities. Requests waiver of immunity in appropriate cases;
(14) Provides advice and assistance to diplomatic missions in coordination with the Office of Foreign Missions regarding such matters as establishment of new embassies and/or the restoration of diplomatic relations and delegations that are headed by chiefs of mission and heads of delegation that present credentials to the President of the United States;
(15) Is responsible for the management of the Order of Precedence of bilateral chiefs of mission, delegation heads, and chargés d’affaires;
(16) Develops, coordinates and manages the policies and procedures related to foreign domestic workers employed by foreign mission members including:
(a) the pre-notification of employment process, and the annual In-Person Registration program with the Department;
(b) internal working groups including the chair of the Domestic Worker Working Group; and
(c) briefings of foreign missions and international organization representatives;
(17) Process requests from foreign missions concerning establishment of polling stations in the United States;
(18) Arranges clearances for foreign government aircraft and/or naval vessels visiting U.S. ports in connection with specific high-level visits ((all others are handled by the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM)), and for certain U.S. public vessels visiting foreign ports; and
(19) Manages the operations and use of the President's Guest House (Blair House); represents the Department of State in coordinating the maintenance of the Guest House with the General Services Administration (GSA).
(CT:ORG-624; 05-22-2023)
a. The Foreign Service Grievance Board (S/FSG) is an autonomous statutory body of not less than five independent U.S. citizens, headed by a chairperson, appointed by the Secretary. S/FSG receives administrative support from the Department; it is funded through the Department's budget. Its regulations are at 3 FAM 4440 et seq.
b. S/FSG adjudicates grievances of Foreign Service employees whose grievances were not resolved to their satisfaction by the foreign affairs agencies—the Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Commerce U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service, the Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), and the U.S. Agency for Global Media. It is empowered to make binding decisions and orders, or in specified areas, formal recommendations to the agency head, subject to judicial review.
c. S/FSG makes decisions in certain disputes ("institutional disputes") between the foreign affairs agencies and the employee representative organization (AFSA).
d. S/FSG conducts hearings in the cases of Foreign Service employees who are to be separated for cause.
e. S/FSG hears appeals on claims of payment errors of Foreign Service annuities.
1 FAM 026 Office of Global Women's issues (S/GWI)
(CT:ORG-684; 01-14-2025)
1 FAM 026.1 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-684; 01-14-2025)
a. S/GWI is headed by the Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues (AAL), who reports directly to the Secretary of State (S) [1 FAM Exhibit 021.1.]
b. S/GWI has a mandate to lead and coordinate the Department’s efforts to promote the rights and empowerment of women and girls in U.S. policy, diplomacy, partnerships, and programs.
(1) The AAL has responsibilities for advancing gender equality through multilateral, bilateral, and public diplomacy, including to serve as the co-Head of Delegation for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and related multilateral fora as determined by the Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P);
(2) Represent the U.S. and/or provide guidance and counsel for U.S. participation in and input to gender equality discussions in bilateral and multilateral fora (including but not limited to the United Nations, G7, G20, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and Organization of American States (OAS)); and non-governmental and private sector initiatives;
(3) Oversee the organization and selection of the annual Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage awardees and ceremony; and
(4) Perform other duties as directed by the Secretary of State.
c. The AAL oversees foreign assistance programming to promote gender equality and supports the integration of women and girls’ needs and perspectives within the Department’s broader foreign assistance programming.
d. The AAL serves as the Department’s Senior Designee and/or representative to the White House on relevant councils, including but not limited to the: Women, Peace, and Security Interagency Policy Committee (IPC), and related IPCs that address gender equality; White House Councils on Women and Girls, Gender Equality, etc.; and a standing member of Department coordination groups related to equity and gender equality.
1 FAM 026.2 Organization
(CT:ORG-684; 01-14-2025)
a. Front Office: The Ambassador-at-Large (AAL) is the head of the office and is supported by two Deputy Directors who oversee S/GWI’s six policy teams. The Operations Team supports the office in all administrative matters, such as HR, IT, Budget, Procurement, etc., and reports to the AAL.
b. S/GWI Policy Teams: In addition to the Front Office and supporting Operations Team, S/GWI is organized into six policy teams. S/GWI’s six policy teams are as follows: (1) Women, Peace, and Security; (2) Women’s Economic Security; (3) Gender-based Violence and Cross-Cutting Issues; (4) Policy, Planning, and Public Diplomacy; (5) Regional Affairs; and (6) Global Programs and Foreign Assistance Coordination.
c. See 1 FAM Exhibit 026.2: Organization chart of the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI)
1 FAM 026.3 Authorities
(CT:ORG-684; 01-14-2025)
a. (U) S/GWI implements activities that carry out the:
(1) U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS);
(2) State-USAID Joint Strategic Plan (JSP); and
(3) Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and annual Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Act.
b. (U) S/GWI oversees the Department’s development, coordination, and implementation of legislative and policy mandates related to the Office’s policy priorities as aligned with the NSS and JSP, including but not limited to:
(1) The Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (P.L. 115-68); Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-428) – mandate for USAID, guidance for Department of State; and other congressional directives;
(2) Executive Orders, Presidential Memoranda, Presidential Directives, and other official directives from the White House;
(3) Government-wide Strategies, and corresponding Department of State Implementation/Action Plans; and
(4) Other Administration or Secretary of State priorities as directed. See S/GWI SharePoint for the most updated/current list of mandates, strategies, and plans.
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
1 FAM 027.1 Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
1 FAM 027.1-1 Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-638; 09-26-2023)
The Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer:
(1) Reports directly to the Secretary of State (S);
(2) Ensures the progress of Department-wide DEIA policies align and advance DEIA policies across the Department, brings transparency to these initiatives, and holds senior leadership accountable on DEIA progress;
(3) Coordinates with bureau front office leadership across the Department to implement the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan as well as support the integration of DEIA goals within the Department’s Joint Strategic Plan;
(4) Analyzes, develops, and makes policy recommendations to the Secretary and develops background information, strategies, and approaches for achieving Department goals;
(5) Directs complex reviews and analyses of the Department’s DEIA efforts/initiatives/programs maintaining liaisons for the Secretary with high-level officials in the Department, as well as with other federal agencies, White House officials, members of Congress, private sector officials, and media representatives;
(6) Serves as a focal point and coordination officer with Bureaus for shepherding Department directives as they relate to DEIA; conducts outreach and engagement with a wide variety of internal and external audiences domestically and abroad;
(7) Researches and subsequently advises on best practices in DEIA to guide the formulation and direction of management policy; identifies gaps in policy by coordinating barrier analyses and potential remedies and interventions; advises the Secretary of and emerging issues requiring policy attention and initiates policy planning and formulation to address emerging issues;
(8) Assures that the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and D-MR are kept informed of the latest developments concerning matters of DEIA benchmarking with other cabinet-level agencies and private industry to identify best practices;
(9) Represents the Secretary in meetings with Department and interagency officials on issues relating to the development and execution of DEIA programs and policies;
(10) Provides general guidance to bureaus, offices, and missions on the development of DEIA policy executable at their respective levels;
(11) With the support of the Executive Secretariat, appropriately tasks bureaus with implementation of DEIA strategies/policies;
(12) Provides guidance and counsel for U.S. support for DEIA through international organizations, including but not limited to, the United Nations, NATO, G7, G20, Organization of American States (OAS); peacekeeping and humanitarian operations; human rights; economic and social affairs; technical agencies; international development; and international conferences;
(13) Leverages U.S. government efforts with other governments, multilateral institutions, non-governmental organizations, and private-sector partners to represent the United States in diplomatic and multilateral fora in support of DEIA objectives and responsibilities enumerated herein to advance DEIA globally;
(14) Facilitates and coordinates the Department's DEIA councils and partnerships that advance DEIA globally including administration of the Secretary’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion grants/awards to further DEIA initiatives;
(15) Executes the organization and selection of the annual Edward J. Perkins Memorial awards and ceremonies as authorized in 3 FAH-1 H-4812;
(16) Coordinates Department clearance of legislation related to DEIA including research, analysis, and preparation of testimony to Congress; and,
(17) Performs other duties as directed by the Secretary of State.
1 FAM 027.1-2 Reserved
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
1 FAM 027.1-3 Authorities
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
Authorities are as follows:
(1) 22 U.S. Code (Chapters 38, 52, and 89)
(2) 5 U.S.C. 2301(b)(1), (2)
(3) Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, Public Law 115-435
(4) The Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (Public Law 115-68);
(5) U.S. Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality (October 22, 2021);
(6) National Security Strategy (October 12, 2022);
(7) Public Law 116 - 270 - HBCU Propelling Agency Relationships Towards a New Era of Results for Students Act'' or the “HBCU PARTNERS Act”;
(8) National Memorandum -- Revitalizing America's Foreign Policy and National Security Workforce, Institutions, and Partnerships (February 4, 2021);
(9) Presidential Memorandum on Addressing Legal and Societal Barriers to Women's Global Development and Prosperity (December 23, 2019);
(10) Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended;
(11) The U.S. Department of State Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Implementation Plan (June 2022);
(12) Presidential Memorandum -- Coordination of Policies and Programs to Promote Gender Equality and Empower Girls Globally (January 30, 2013);
(13) 29 U.S.C. 794 (d) -- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
(14) Presidential Memorandum -- Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World (February 4, 2021);
(15) Executive Order 13583 -- Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce, (August 18, 2011);
(16) Presidential Memorandum -- Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the National Security Workforce (October 5, 2016);
(17) Executive Order 13988 -- Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation (January 20, 2021);
(18) Executive Order 14020 -- Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council (March 8, 2021).
1 FAM 027.1-4 Background
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
a. The Secretary's Office of Diversity and Inclusion is underpinned by the values upheld by the United States and the United States' respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. S/ODI seeks to advance the protection and promotion of DEIA ideals throughout the Department and its missions globally through efforts that:
(1) Promote all employees’ full and meaningful participation in all aspects of society through policy, diplomacy, programs, bi- and multilateral partnerships, including support of measures to ensure that laws and policies prohibit discrimination and advance equity, inclusion, and accessibility for all employees;
(2) Advocate for the American ideals of DEIA around the world;
(3) Limit the destabilizing effects of exclusion, inaccessibility, lack of diversity, and inequity;
(4) Support leadership opportunities for and promoting underrepresented employees’ participation in the Department at all levels;
(a) The term “diversity” means the practice of including the many communities, identities, races, ethnicities, backgrounds, abilities, cultures, and beliefs of the American people, including underserved communities.
(b) The term “equity” means the consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities that have been denied such treatment.
(c) The term “inclusion” means the recognition, appreciation, and use of the talents and skills of employees of all backgrounds.
(d) The term “accessibility” means the design, construction, development, and maintenance of facilities, information and communication technology, programs, and services so that all people, including people with disabilities, can fully and independently use them. Accessibility includes the provision of accommodations and modifications to ensure equal access to employment and participation in activities for people with disabilities, the reduction or elimination of physical and attitudinal barriers to equitable opportunities, a commitment to ensuring that people with disabilities can independently access every outward-facing and internal activity or electronic space, and the pursuit of best practices such as universal design.
1 FAM 027.2 Coordination and Implementation (S/ODI/CI)
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
The Coordination and Implementation (CI) Unit within the Secretary’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion has the following responsibilities:
(1) Promotes and coordinates DEIA initiatives consistent with the Department’s DEIA Implementation Plan;
(2) Improves the effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy and assistance efforts across the Department by proactively integrating DEIA principles to fully incorporate the perspectives of women and ethnic minorities, LGBTQIA+ people, and people with disabilities empowering them to contribute their talents and energies to international peace, security, and prosperity;
(3) Seeks and supports the meaningful participation of underrepresented people around the world in decision-making processes related to foreign policy; and encourages partner governments to adopt policies, plans and capacity to improve the meaningful participation of underrepresented people in decision-making processes;
(4) Coordinates for the Department, bureaus, offices, and posts accountable for implementing DEIA leverage existing Department-wide strategic planning and coordination processes to integrate and advance the goals of the DEIA Implementation Plan;
(5) Advocates for U.S. policy and programs to advance DEIA through governmental and multilateral organizations; and
(6) Engages with civil society and nongovernmental organizations on DEIA.
1 FAM 027.3 Policy and Planning Unit (S/ODI/PPU)
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
The Policy and Planning Unit, within the Secretary’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion is responsible for:
(1) Serving as the Department’s lead policy development and analysis unit within S/ODI for DEIA efforts across the interagency;
(2) Integrating and elevating DEIA throughout U.S. foreign policy strategies;
(3) Ensuring alignment across all of the Department's global DEIA efforts, including, but not limited to, diplomacy, policy, public-private partnerships, and programming activities;
(4) Coordinating the Department's DEIA commitments in response to the Presidential Memorandum Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the National Security Workforce to provide policy guidance on best practices for advancing regulatory reform in support of DEIA; and
(5) Leveraging existing Department-wide strategic planning and coordination processes to integrate and advance DEIA.
1 FAM 027.4 Global Programming (S/ODI/GP)
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
The S/ODI Global Programming division is responsible for:
(1) Designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating S/ODI’s foreign assistance programs and messaging promoting DEIA initiatives. Ensures that all S/ODI foreign assistance programs, activities and messaging are implemented in accordance with all applicable U.S. laws and reflect the priorities of the Secretary and the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Works with the Office of Acquisitions Management (AQM) to award grants and awards to implementers and manages the monitoring and evaluation of S/ODI assistance programs and activities to ensure alignment with the strategic goals of the Department and the DEIA Implementation Plan; Coordinates with the Bureau of Global Public Affairs to ensure continuity of DEIA messaging.
(2) Providing required and requested reports to Congress on DEIA assistance; and
(3) Providing guidance to and coordinates with Department bureaus and offices and with the interagency on DEIA programs, activities, and messaging.
1 FAM 027.5 The Executive (S/ODI/EX)
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
The S/ODI Executive Unit is responsible for:
(1) Providing overall direction to all administrative and management activities for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and develops and executes programs for the office
(2) On behalf of the Secretary, exercises, with authority to redelegate, all administrative authorities delegated to and vested in the office except those authorities required by law, regulation, or otherwise, to be performed by the Secretary or higher authority, or by others specifically designated by regulation.
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
1 FAM Exhibit 021.1
(CT:ORG-632; 07-19-2023)
1 FAM Exhibit 026.2
Organization chart of the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s
Issues (S/GWI)
(CT:ORG-684; 01-14-2025)