1 FAM 140


(CT:ORG-687;   01-21-2025)
(Office of Origin:  EUR-IO/EX)


1 FAM 141.1  Assistant Secretary Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-243;   05-05-2011)

The Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs:

(1)  Reports directly to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs;

(2)  In addition to the responsibility for conducting U.S. foreign relations with countries within the geographic region assigned to the bureau (1 FAM Exhibit 141.1), is responsible for countries within the bureau and for relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), European Union (EU), and other transatlantic and European international organizations (see 1 FAM 112);

(3)  Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 140, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR); and

(4)  Carries out the common responsibilities of administering a regional bureau (see 1 FAM 110, Statements of Common Responsibilities of Regional Bureaus).

1 FAM 141.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-267;   04-26-2012)

See 1 FAM Exhibit 141.2 for an organization chart of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR).

1 FAM 141.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-262;   03-30-2012)

The authority for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR) derives from 22 U.S.C. 2651a and 22 U.S.C. 2656, which are the general authorities of the Secretary of State for managing the Department and conducting foreign relations.


1 FAM 142.1  Deputy Assistant Secretaries

(CT:ORG-227;   08-27-2010)

See 1 FAM 113.  Individual deputy assistant secretaries oversee certain offices, as directed by the Assistant Secretary (see organization chart at 1 FAM Exhibit 141.2).

1 FAM 142.2  Executive Director (EUR-IO/EX)

(CT:ORG-161;   09-11-2006)

The Executive Director of the Joint Executive Office (EUR-IO/EX) supports the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR) and the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO).  See 1 FAM 116, Executive Director.

1 FAM 142.3  Special Assistant

(CT:ORG-161;   09-11-2006)

The special assistant:

(1)  Assists the Assistant Secretary with policy coordination, paper flow, and travel, as directed; and

(2)  Supervises the staff assistants.

Also, see 1 FAM 110, Statements of Common Responsibilities of Regional Bureaus.

1 FAM 142.4  Staff Assistants

(CT:ORG-227;   08-27-2010)

Staff assistants act as staff aides to the Assistant Secretary and bureau officers.  Also, see 1 FAM 117, Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary.


(CT:ORG-227;   08-27-2010)

The titles and functions of special advisers to the Assistant Secretary and the bureau are outlined in 1 FAM 118.  The Assistant Secretary may designate additional advisers.

1 FAM 143.1  Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance for Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ACE)

(CT:ORG-227;   08-27-2010)

The Coordinator of U.S. Assistance for Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ACE):

(1)  Supervises EUR/ACE and serves as both Coordinator of the Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Act in accordance with section 601 of that Act, and as the Program Coordinator of the Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasia Democracies and Open Markets (FREEDOM) Support Act in accordance with section 102 of that Act;

(2)  Designs an overall assistance strategy for each SEED and FREEDOM Support Act country and, as appropriate, for key regional programs;

(3)  Supervises the Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance for Europe and Oversees program and policy coordination among all U.S. Government agencies;

(4)  Pursues coordination with other countries and international organizations;

(5)  Ensures proper management and oversight by agencies responsible for implementing assistance programs;

(6)  Resolves policy and program disputes among U.S. Government agencies; and

(7)  Directs region-wide strategic planning, program policy development, program budget planning, performance monitoring, and reporting and evaluation of U.S. Government assistance.

1 FAM 143.2  Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues (EUR/SEHI)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues (EUR/SEHI):

(1)  Supervises EUR/SEHI;

(2)  Develops and implements policy with respect to Holocaust-era assets, compensation for wrongs committed during the Holocaust, and Holocaust education and remembrance;

(3)  Shapes policy and assists in efforts to combat anti-Semitism in support of broader U.S. interests in fostering democracy, pluralism, human rights, and tolerance in Europe and Eurasia;

(4)  Participates in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance;

(5)  Serves on the Board of Trustees of the German Future Fund and works with Austrian officials to ensure full compliance with outstanding provisions of our bilateral compensation agreements;

(6)  Is an ex-officio member of the Board of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum;

(7)  Serves as U.S. Representative on the International Commission of the International Tracing Service; and

(8)  Monitors undertakings from the June 2009 Prague Holocaust-Era Assets Conference.


1 FAM 144.1  Office Directors

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

Office directors:

(1)  Serve as the single focus of responsibility for coordination of Department and interdepartmental activities of the U.S. Government within the country or countries for which they are assigned responsibility.  This includes:

(a)  Providing continuing interdepartmental and intradepartmental planning, coordination, and implementation of decisions;

(b)  Raising specific matters for the National Security Council-Interdepartmental Group (NSC-IG) to consider, and participating in NSC-IG discussions concerning the country or countries for which they are assigned responsibility; and

(c)  Primary responsibility for managing crisis operations, as necessary;

(2)  Provide general instructions and guidance for the operations of the Foreign Service establishments in the country or countries of their assigned responsibility, which includes providing an adequate, regular flow of information on U.S. Government policies, policy deliberations, and diplomatic exchanges in Washington, DC, especially on matters that may result in negotiations and representations abroad;

(3)  Ensure support for the ambassador both within the Department and government-wide, and for all mission requirements (e.g., policy, program, resources, operations, and administration);

(4)  Maintain and coordinate relationships with foreign missions in the United States; and

(5)  Provide regular guidance on Foreign Service reporting.

1 FAM 144.2  Office of Caucasus Affairs and Regional Conflicts (EUR/CARC)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Caucasus Affairs and Regional Conflicts (EUR/CARC) is responsible for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and supports the U.S. Co-Chair of the Minsk Group and the Geneva International Dialogue.

1 FAM 144.3  Office of Central European Affairs (EUR/CE)

(CT:ORG-653;   03-04-2024)

The Office of Central European Affairs (EUR/CE) is responsible for Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland.

1 FAM 144.4  Office of Eastern European Affairs (EUR/EE)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Eastern European Affairs (EUR/EE) is responsible for Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.

1 FAM 144.5  Office of European Union and Regional Affairs (EUR/ERA)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of European Union and Regional Affairs (EUR/ERA) develops recommendations and coordinates action and positions on Department policies related to the European Union (including the European Commission, European Council, and European Parliament) and the Council of Europe.  Issues include, for example, trade, development and humanitarian assistance, international crime, terrorism, environment, energy, and macro finance.

1 FAM 144.6  Office of Northern European, Baltic, and Arctic Security Affairs (EUR/NBA)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Northern European, Baltic, and Arctic Security Affairs (EUR/NBA) is responsible for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, and develops and coordinates policy on U.S. security interests in the Arctic region.

1 FAM 144.7  Office of Policy and Global Issues (EUR/PGI)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Office of Policy and Global Issues (EUR/PGI):

(1)  Serves as the bureau's liaison office with the Department's functional bureaus and offices, including CA, DRL, J/TIP, H, INL, IO,, PRM, S/CT, and S/GWI, and is responsible for policy formulation and substantive expertise on global issues that have an impact on U.S. relations with Europe and Eurasia, including counterterrorism, crime, corruption, counternarcotics, Leahy vetting, democracy, human rights, labor, international religious freedom, homeland security, trafficking in persons, refugees, women’s issues, and engaging Muslim communities;

(2)  Manages Congressional relations for the bureau, in close coordination with the Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H);

(3)  Manages United Nations issues for the bureau, in close coordination with the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO) and the U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN);

(4)  Manages the bureau's strategic planning process and the preparation of policy and planning documents, including Mission Integrated Country Strategies (ICS) and Mission Resource Requests (MRR) and the Bureau’s Joint Regional Strategy (JRS) with USAID’s Bureau for Europe and Eurasia and the annual Bureau Resource Request (BRR), in close coordination with the joint executive office (EUR-IO/EX) and other bureau offices;

(5)  Manages consular and domestic security issues for the bureau, in close coordination with the Bureau of Consular Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security;

(6)  Manages outreach with diaspora and other communities, nongovernmental organizations, and corporate entities with an interest in the region; and

(7)  Devises policy recommendations and options, manages crosscutting issues, and prepares position papers, speeches, and testimony.

1 FAM 144.8  Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (EUR/PPD)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (EUR/PPD) is responsible for:

(1)  Building public understanding, broad outreach, and support for U.S. foreign policy in the United States and Europe and Eurasia, including by developing and coordinating on public messaging and engagement strategies with EUR posts, as well as with Department and interagency stakeholders;

(2)  Advising the Assistant Secretary and other Department officials involved in the policy formulation process on likely and actual domestic and European and Eurasian public reaction to proposed and current policies;

(3)  Generating and coordinating formulation of approved policy guidance for the Department Spokesperson, other senior officials, and U.S. missions in the EUR region;

(4)  Managing the strategic allocation of public diplomacy resources across EUR posts in alignment with global, regional, and national policy priorities; and

(5)  Serving as EUR liaison with the Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), the Bureau of Global Public Affairs (GPA), and the Global Engagement Center (GEC).

1 FAM 144.9  Office of Policy and Regional Affairs (EUR/PRA)

(CT:ORG-615;   02-06-2023)

The Office of Policy and Regional Affairs (EUR/PRA):

(1)  Serves as the Bureau’s primary liaison with the three “T-family” bureaus: Arms Control and Verification (AVC), International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), and Political-Military Affairs (PM).

(2)  Develops and coordinates U.S. foreign policy on a broad range of cross-cutting regional security issues with other agencies and offices in the Department; and

(3)  Takes the lead in planning, formulating and implementing EUR bureau policy for:

(a)  Security assistance, including Foreign Military Funding (FMF), International Military Education Training (IMET), and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO);

(b)  U.S. arms sales and export licensing;

(c)  Nuclear issues (including nuclear posture, counter-proliferation programs, and nuclear security), missile defense, nonproliferation, export controls, and border security;

(d)  Space security issues, chemical and biological weapons, civil nuclear matters;

(e)  Strategic arms control, disarmament, and arms control/nonproliferation/defense sector sanctions; and

(f)   Coordinating at NATO on these issues.

1 FAM 144.10  Office of European Security and Political Affairs (EUR/RPM)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of European Security and Political Affairs (EUR/RPM):

(1)  Develops and coordinates policy on U.S. security interests in Europe, including those related to NATO, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and European contributions to multinational military operations.  EUR/RPM prepares guidance for:

(a)  U.S. Mission to NATO;

(b)  U.S. Mission to the OSCE; and

(c)  Posts abroad regarding European security policy; and

(2)  Is the central coordination point within the State Department for European security policy development and within the U.S. Government for coordinating and transmitting guidance concerning U.S. obligations under the North Atlantic Treaty or responsibilities as a NATO ally and OSCE Participating State; these responsibilities include NATO and OSCE operations and implementing decisions from NATO and OSCE summits and ministerials.

1 FAM 144.11  Office of Russian Affairs (EUR/RUS)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Russian Affairs (EUR/RUS) is responsible for the Russian Federation.

1 FAM 144.12  Office of South Central European Affairs (EUR/SCE)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of South Central European Affairs (EUR/SCE) is responsible for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.

1 FAM 144.13  Office of Southern European Affairs (EUR/SE)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Southern European Affairs (EUR/SE) is responsible for Cyprus, Greece, Malta, and Turkey.

1 FAM 144.14  Office of Western European Affairs (EUR/WE)

(CT:ORG-593;   11-10-2021)

The Office of Western European Affairs (EUR/WE) is responsible for Andorra, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, and The Vatican.


1 FAM Exhibit 141.1  
Countries and International Organizations With EUR Representation

(CT:ORG-653;   03-04-2024)
















San Marino





















The Netherlands



The Vatican









United Kingdom


North Macedonia



International Organizations

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – U.S. Mission, Brussels, Belgium

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – U.S. Mission, Paris, France

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) – U.S. Delegation, Vienna, Austria

European Union (EU) – U.S. Mission, Brussels, Belgium


1 FAM EXHIBIT 141.2  

(CT:ORG-687;   01-21-2025)