1 FAM 400 

1 FAM 410


(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)
(Office of Origin:  ISN-PM-AVC/EX)


1 FAM 411.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports directly to the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security (T).

b. Serves as a principal advisor to Department principals in the development of policies relating to the national security of the United States or arising from U.S. military activities affecting U.S. foreign relations.

c.  Provides guidance and coordinates policy formulation on national security issues, including regional stability, military operations, and arms transfers and defense trade.  Exercises responsibility in the Department for arms transfers,  defense trade controls, defense relations, military security assistance, military operations and exercises, diplomatic clearance approvals for foreign ships and aircraft entering the United States and its territories, conventional weapons destruction, humanitarian demining assistance, MANPADS threat reduction, and analyzing broad trends in international security affairs to determine their effect on U.S. policies.  Ensures effective coordination of related policies, oversees operations and programs, advises and supports senior officers of the Department in their formal relationships with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

d. Serves as principal liaison with the Department of Defense (DoD) on policy issues, including security assistance, and on coordination of U.S. military-related activities with U.S. foreign policy implications.

e. Assists the Secretary, the Deputy Secretaries, and the Director of the Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources in discharging the Secretary's responsibilities for developing, managing and implementing military security assistance programs.

f.  Advises the Secretary, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security and the Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P) on crisis management, military operations, base access and pre-positioning of U.S. materiel, and other aspects of U.S. defense relations.

g. Provides overall direction for the fulfillment of the Department’s responsibilities for the State-Defense Exchange Program (SDE), and for Foreign Policy Advisors (POLADs) assigned to military commands, the Pentagon, and Joint Interagency Coordination Groups.

h. Oversees and directs the activities of the Senior Advisor for Security Negotiations and Agreements (PM/SNA).

1 FAM 411.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-358;    03-11-2015)

An organization chart of the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM) is found at 1 FAM Exhibit 411.2.

1 FAM 411.3  Definitions & Acronyms

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

Blue Lantern:  A Department of State program administered by the Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance designed to verify appropriate end-use, end-users, and final destination of commercial defense exports.

DoD:  Department of Defense.

DTAG:  Defense Trade Advisory Group.

FMF:  Foreign Military Financing – Grant assistance provided to security partner nations for the acquisition of U.S. military equipment, services, and training.

FMS:  Foreign Military Sales

GPOI:  Global Peace Operations Initiative.

IMET: International Military Education and Training – Grant assistance that provides training to students from security partner nations.

Javits Report:  An annual classified report to Congress on arms transfers that are under consideration for the coming year.

MANPADS:  Man Portable Air Defense System.

PKO: Peacekeeping Operations Program – Grant funding that supports regional peace support operations, implementation of peace agreements, or enhances the capability of other nations to participate in voluntary peacekeeping, counterterrorism, and humanitarian operations.

POLAD:  Foreign Policy Advisor: Department of State officer who serves as a civilian foreign policy advisor to a military command.

1 FAM 411.4  Authorities

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

The following authorities apply:

(1)  Arms Export Control Act of 1976, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.);

(2)  Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Public Law 87-195, Part II, chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6, as amended;

(3)  Freedom Support Act of 1992, Public Law 102-511, section 504 criteria;

(4)  International Traffic in Arms Regulations, 22 CFR Parts 120-130;

(5)  Department of State Basic Authorities Act of 1956, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2651a);

(6)  Department of State Delegation of Authority Number 293-2, dated October 23, 2011 -- Duties of Assistant Secretaries of State;

(7)  Public Law 109-472, Sec 11 (Department of State 2007 Appropriations);

(8)  Public Law 110-49 (Foreign Investment and National Security Act) establishing CFIUS: the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States;

(9)  Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2008, Title II, Section 201, Assessment of Israel's Qualitative Military Edge over Military Threats;

(10) Department of State Delegation of Authority Number 355, dated April 10, 2013 -- Authority to concur with a Secretary of Defense assignment of civilian personnel to the Ministry of Defense (or security agency serving a similar defense function) of a foreign country that is made pursuant to subsection 1081(a) of the NDAA;

(11) Executive Order 13637, March 8, 2013 -- Administration of Reformed Export Controls;

(12) Department of State Delegation of Authority No. 408, dated October 19, 2016 -- Authority to concur with the Secretary of Defense on various actions; and

(13) Other authorities, as appropriate.

1 FAM 412  Principal deputy assistant secretary (pm/pdas)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs (PM).

b. Serves as Acting Assistant Secretary in his or her absence across the full spectrum of PM issues pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act.

c.  Has primary responsibility for management of, and strategic planning within, the Bureau.  The PM/PDAS works closely with the Executive Director for the T Bureaus (ISN-PM-VCI/EX).

d. In concert with the Assistant Secretary, coordinates policy and operational activities of the Bureau.

e. Provides overall management and guidance of the PM Bureau’s press activities and congressional relations.

f.  Directly supervises the Office of State-Defense Integration (PM/SDI), the Congressional and Public Affairs staff (CPA), and the front office Strategy and Resource Coordination team.

g. As the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, represents the Bureau before a variety of fora within the Department and in interagency groups, including testifying before Congress on specially assigned issues and in the Assistant Secretary's absence.

h. Personally handles projects of special importance or directs significant PM activities at request of the Assistant Secretary.

i.  Directs Bureau crisis management activities.

j.  Serves as the coordinator for internal controls management, Department inspections and audits, and other reporting requirements.

k. Monitors global political-military developments, prepares analyses of the implications of these developments for U.S. security interests, and develops options serving U.S. interests in the wake of these developments.

l.  Represents the Bureau and the Department at interagency policy fora and the Department and Administration at Congressional briefings and formal testimony.

m. Contributes to the improvement of political-military effectiveness across agencies through participation in planning, training events, and exercises in various fora, seminars, war games and conferences when senior level attendance is required.

1 FAM 412.1  Office of State-Defense Integration (PM/SDI)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PM/PDAS).

b. Integrates State and DoD policies and activities through engagement with senior DoD civilian and military leaders, military education programs, military exercises and exchange programs.  This strategic engagement supports the PM Bureau’s overarching objective to build enduring international and interagency partnerships to advance U.S. national security objectives.  The office has oversight and support responsibilities for the Foreign Service Officers assigned around the world as Foreign Policy Advisors (POLADs) to U.S. military commands, and the U.S. military detailees assigned to the Department under the Memorandum of Understanding on the Personnel Exchange Program between the Departments of Defense and State (Defense-State Exchange MOU).  In alignment with Department needs, PM/SDI recruits, assigns and orients new POLADs and military detailees while managing both programs.  PM/SDI also oversees placement at the Department and administration of military fellowship and service academy internships.

c.  Recruits for and provides policy/administrative support to Department officers serving as POLADs to DoD Military Service Chiefs, Combatant and Subordinate Commands, select DoD agencies and, NATO Commands.  Policy support includes coordination on significant issues with other Department bureaus, military commands without POLADs, the interagency community and, foreign embassies.

d. Recruits for and provides policy/administrative support to Department officers detailed to both DoD’s Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and to the JCS pursuant to the State-Defense Officer Exchange (SDE) program.

e. Recruits for and provides policy/administrative support to Department officers detailed to Joint Agency Coordinating Groups (JIACGs) at Combatant Commands.

f.  Ensures all recruitment and referral to the DoD for Foreign Policy Advisor selection is in accordance with the Defense-State Exchange MOU.

g. In coordination with individual POLADs, helps to arrange consultation visits by the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, the Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs, and other Department principals to DoD Combatant Commands and other key U.S. military entities.  Assists in arranging consultations at the Department for senior U.S. military commanders as appropriate.

h. Manages assignment and personnel actions of all military and DoD civilians attached to the Department.

i.  Coordinates State support to military training, education, exercises, experiments, wargames, senior leader engagement, seminars, and conferences.

j.  Processes requests from retired military personnel for authorization to accept foreign government employment.

k.  Manages personnel affairs for DoD personnel assigned to the Department, including those identified in the Defense-State Exchange MOU, the Army’s Command and General Staff College interagency exchange program, the Air Force fellowship program, the United States Marine Corps fellowship program, the United States Naval Academy internship program, and the Wounded Warrior’s Operation Warfighter program.

1 FAM 412.2  Congressional and Public Affairs Staff (PM/CPA)

(CT:ORG-358;   03-11-2015)

a. Reports to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS).

b. Serves as policy advisor to the Assistant Secretary (PM/AS) and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PM/PDAS) on all legislative, congressional, press, and public affairs relating to all issues within the PM Bureau’s purview.

c.  Develops and maintains relationships with key Congressional interlocutors and relevant media outlets.

d. Coordinates the formulation and preparation of the Department of State's annual legislative proposals on international security assistance and arms transfers.

e. Plans and oversees the execution of public affairs initiatives and media and press activities, advising the Assistant Secretary on media contacts and appearances.

f.  Coordinates within the Department of State and with appropriate representatives of other U.S. Government agencies, including the DoD, Agency for International Development (USAID), National Security Council Staff (NSCS), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the presentation of policy issues before Congress, the media and the public.

g. Follows legislation of concern to the Department and PM.

h. Oversees and coordinates the preparation of statements and briefing materials for testimony by the Assistant Secretary and other senior Department of State principals on substantive political-military issues, as well as responses to Congressional inquiries in written, spoken, or briefing form.

i.  Supports the Assistant Secretary in Congressional briefings.


(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs (PM).

b.  Facilitates the deployment of U.S. military forces throughout the world by coordinating, negotiating and concluding, consistent with the Department's Circular 175 procedures, legally binding international agreements to meet the nation's security requirements.  Leads the U.S. Government's negotiation of status of forces agreements, defense cooperation agreements, burden-sharing and facilities access agreements, transit and overflight arrangements, and state flight agreements.

c.  Consistent with the Department's Circular 175 procedures, negotiates in-kind and financial support by countries allied to the United States for DoD military units and personnel assigned to permanent duty ashore outside the United States in support of the security of such countries.

d. Raises consciousness among security partners and U.S. agencies of the necessity, opportunities, and modalities for having adequate status and other protections for deployed U.S. military forces, as well as the sharing of roles, risks, responsibilities and costs associated with their presence.

e. Serves as the focal point for the Department with other bureaus and U.S. Government agencies for defense burden-sharing policy and issues.

f.  Raises consciousness among security partners and U.S. agencies of the necessity, opportunities, and modalities for “responsibility sharing,” the sharing of roles, risks, responsibilities and costs associated with the forward deployment of U.S. military forces stationed in allied countries.

g. Consistent with the Department's Circular 175 procedures, coordinates DOS policy and legal reviews of DoD requests to enter into Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements, agreements to loan Significant Military Equipment, and other Agreements with foreign governments that facilitate mutual logistical support between U.S. forces and the foreign forces with which they are operating.

1 FAM 414  deputy assistant secretary for Peacekeeping, programs and operations (pm/ppo)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs (PM).

b. Senior Military Officer assigned to the Department of State; responsible for all Department of State military detailees.

c.  Supervises the Office of Global Programs and Initiatives (PM/GPI) and the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA). 

d. Provides policy recommendations and programmatic support on cross-cutting political-military issues and programs, maritime security, and global peacekeeping.  

e. Leads the PM Bureau's efforts to train peacekeepers globally and ensure key DoD plans and military activities are made known to State for coordination with U.S. foreign policy.

f.  Oversees the Department of State's conventional weapons destruction programs, including humanitarian demining, as well as the development of public/private partnerships to expand international awareness of, and support for, U.S. Government policies and activities in this area.

g. Provides overall management and guidance for a broad range of U.S. Government conventional weapons policies and activities, both bilateral and multilateral, including those related to landmines, small arms and light weapons, MANPADS and other munitions.

h. Supports the Department and the inter-agency during crises and U.S. military operations abroad.

i.  Represents the Bureau and the Department at interagency policy fora and the Department and Administration at Congressional briefings and formal testimony.

j.  Contributes to the improvement of political-military effectiveness across agencies through participation in planning, training events, and exercises in various fora, seminars, war games and conferences when senior level attendance is required.

1 FAM 414.1  Office of Global Programs and Initiatives (PM/GPI)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Peacekeeping, Programs and Operations (PM/PPO).

b. Manages global peace operations capacity building programs to increase the number of capable military troops and formed police units available for deployment to United Nations and regional peace operations.

c.  Manages the Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), a joint Departments of State and Defense authority to pool money and expertise to address emergent challenges and opportunities important to U.S. national security through security sector assistance.

d. Provides political-military policy perspectives as appropriate within State and at U.S. interagency engagements focused on maritime security.

e. Ensures that PM Bureau-managed programs engaged in building foreign partner country defense and security institutions and capabilities incorporate Women, Peace, and Security policies and tenets into those programs. 

f.  Coordinates Department of State policy and operations pertaining to foreign and USG state aircraft and naval ships.  Performs duties associated with the authority delegated to the Secretary of State (49 U.S.C. 40103) to review and approve diplomatic overflight and landing clearance for foreign government aircraft and to approve the entry of foreign naval vessels into the air, sea, or land areas of United States territory.

g. Represents the Department in the Interagency Air Protection Working Group and serves as the Bureau’s point of contact for homeland security issues involving foreign aircraft and ships.

h. Serves as the initial PM representative and coordinates PM volunteers to man Department crisis Task Forces that include military operations such as humanitarian relief, noncombatant evacuations, significant military movements, and major kinetic operations.

i.  Coordinates PM’s representation on emergency action organizations such as crisis teams formed in case of emergencies affecting U.S. government domestic operations.

j.  Serves as the primary interface between the Department and DoD for foreign policy oversight -- coordinated throughout the Department -- of DoD operations that are focused on:

(1)  Humanitarian operations requested by the Department or conducted by DoD under legislated authorizations termed Humanitarian Assistance, Humanitarian and Civic Assistance, Excess Property donations, the Denton Agreement, and the Funded Transportation Program;

(2)  Maritime Interception Operations to stop the transit of drugs, undocumented aliens, weapons of mass destruction, and terrorists and their goods;

1 FAM 414.2  Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Peacekeeping, Programs and Operations (PM/PPO).

b. Plans, coordinates, and implements bilateral and multilateral U.S. conventional weapons programs, including: humanitarian demining; unexploded ordnance removal; destruction of excess, loosely-secured, or otherwise at-risk weapons and munitions (including both national stockpiles and abandoned ordnance); and stockpile management and security.

c.  In concert with the DoD, develops policies related to conventional weapons – including but not limited to landmines, small arms and light weapons, MANPADS and other munitions – specifically addressing issues related to their humanitarian impact, post-conflict remediation, and the implications for interoperability with U.S. alliance partners resulting from potential changes in U.S. policy.

d. Leads or participates in bilateral and multilateral negotiations related to conventional weapons and munitions, including but not limited to those noted above.

e. Undertakes extensive outreach efforts, including fostering public/private partnerships to expand the awareness of, and public support for, U.S. efforts to reduce the humanitarian impacts of explosive remnants of war (such as landmines and unexploded ordnance).

1 FAM 415  DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR Defense Trade Controls (pm/dtC)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs (PM).

b. Supervises the Defense Trade Controls Management staff, the Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy (PM/DTCP), the Office of Defense Trade Controls Licensing (PM/DTCL), and the Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (PM/DTCC).

c.  Coordinates for the Department and the Administration the development of policy for the transfer to other countries of defense and intelligence-related technologies, except those conducted on a government-to-government basis.

d. Manages commercial defense trade, including:

(1)  Development and implementation of defense export control policy;

(2)  Administration of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR); and

(3)  Decisions on export authorization requests and on appeals by industry of decisions on export licenses and the jurisdiction of commodities controlled as arms or munitions, on exceptions requests and implementation of debarments.

e. Represents the Bureau and the Department at interagency policy fora, the Department and the Administration in Congressional briefings and formal testimony, and the Bureau and the Department with the Press with respect to defense trade.

f.  Develops policy for and manages bilateral and multilateral negotiations with other major suppliers to limit arms transfers and to exercise restraint in sensitive dual-use trade.

g. Monitors and ensures compliance with U.S. law and regulations governing defense exports, including:

(1)  Negotiations with recipient countries on compliance issues;

(2)  Coordination with law enforcement agencies in investigations and criminal prosecutions;

(3)  Overseeing imposition of civil penalties by the Department for non-compliance with U.S. law and regulation governing defense exports; and

(4)  Assessment of sensitive intelligence reports of violations.

h. Administers process improvement within the directorate, consistent with Federal and Department management principles and operations.

i.  Oversees budget, infrastructure and staffing resources.

j.  Coordinates e-Government efforts to support execution of the defense trade controls function.

k. Coordinates actions and responses with key offices critical to the directorate’s overall performance, as well as oversight bodies (e.g., OIG and GAO).

l.  Assigns an employee to be the Designated Federal Officer for the Defense Trade Advisory Group (DTAG), a federal advisory committee.  

m. Represents the Bureau and the Department at interagency policy fora and the Department and Administration at Congressional briefings and formal testimony.

n. Contributes to the improvement of political-military effectiveness across agencies through participation in planning, training events, and exercises in various fora, seminars, war games and conferences when senior level attendance is required.

1 FAM 415.1  Office of Defense Trade Control Licensing (PM/DTCL)

(CT:ORG-315;   07-31-2013)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense Trade Controls (PM/DTC).

b. Reviews, staffs, adjudicates, and provides the final U.S. government position on licenses and the direct commercial sale requests for the export or retransfer of U.S. Munitions List-controlled defense articles and defense services pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

c.  Prepares and coordinates congressional notification certifications as required by the AECA.

d. Coordinates and conducts outreach to U.S. industry, other government agencies and U.S. security partners.

1 FAM 415.2  Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (PM/DTCC)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense Trade Controls (PM/DTC).

b. Registers U.S. manufacturers and exporters of defense articles, defense services and related technical data, along with arms brokers.

c.  Serves as the lead for the PM Bureau on cases brought before the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States that involve U.S. defense companies.

d. Provides direct support to the Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS) in their criminal investigations and prosecution of AECA violations.

e. Conducts civil enforcement investigations and formal administrative proceedings related to AECA violations, including preparing and concluding consent agreements on behalf of the Department.

f.  Reviews overall industry compliance with the law and regulations including examinations of voluntary and direct disclosures of export violations; and manages the company visit program and conduct on-site visits to U.S. defense companies.

g. Supports the Licensing Office by reviewing intelligence related to illicit arms transfers and the Gray Arms Market and maintains and manages the Department’s Watch List of suspicious and ineligible parties.

h. Prepares AECA Section 3 reports to Congress regarding the unauthorized use or diversion of exported U.S. origin military equipment.

i.  Manages the ‘Blue Lantern’ End-use Monitoring Program to verify the legitimacy of export transactions under review and help detect and deter illegal arms trafficking in both the Gray and Black Arms Market.

j.  Supports education and training outreach efforts to promote industry-wide compliance with federal law and regulations.

1 FAM 415.3  Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy (PM/DTCP)

(CT:ORG-315;   07-31-2013)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense Trade Controls (PM/DTC).

b. Develops and provides policy guidance and recommendations on defense trade matters.

c.  Provides policy guidance to U.S. Embassies in support of the efforts of the U.S. defense industry to market its products and services abroad.

d. Serves as the directorate point of contact to support foreign government understanding of U.S. export control laws, policies and procedures.  Encourages foreign governments to take effective munitions export control actions within their jurisdictions.

e. Designates articles on the U.S. Munitions List with the concurrence of the DoD and the Department of Commerce; and determines appropriate export licensing jurisdiction in response to commodity jurisdiction requests.

f.  Develops legislative and regulatory language to support directorate responsibilities and works to ensure its appropriate and consistent application.  Maintains a library of regulatory and other issues relative to defense trade.

g. Manages external liaison and collaborative efforts with the DTAG.


(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs (PM).

b. Supervises the office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) and the Office of Security Assistance (PM/SA).

c.  Serves as a principal liaison with the Department of Defense on policy issues, including security assistance, and on coordination of U.S. military-related activities with U.S. foreign policy implications.

d. Represents the Bureau and the Department at interagency policy fora, and the Department and the Administration in Congressional briefings and formal testimony.

e. Leads and participates in high-level bilateral and multilateral consultations with U.S. partners and allies on political-military affairs.

f.  Provides overall management and guidance on the full range of regional security and arms transfer issues of interest to the Department.

g. Directs U.S. military grant assistance to security partners through policy development, budget formulation, and program oversight.

h. Contributes to the improvement of political-military effectiveness within the inter-agency through training events, exercises and lectures in various fora, seminars, war games and conferences.

i.  Represents the Bureau and the Department at interagency policy fora and the Department and Administration at Congressional briefings and formal testimony.

j.  Contributes to the improvement of political-military effectiveness across agencies through participation in planning, training events, and exercises in various fora, seminars, war games and conferences when senior level attendance is required.

1 FAM 416.1  Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security and Security Assistance (PM/RS).

b. Advises the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Political- Military Affairs (PM), the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security (T), and other Senior Department officials on policy and implementation matters relating to arms transfers and regional security developments.

c.  Formulates policy proposals on regional security issues worldwide; and, as appropriate, coordinates such proposals within the Bureau, the Department, and with other agencies, and monitors or supervises their implementation.

d. Coordinates Executive Branch policy and decisions on arms transfers, including evaluating arms transfer proposals per the Conventional Arms Transfer policy for, inter alia, their support to U.S. strategic and foreign policy interests, consistency with U.S. regional security interests, and consistency with international agreements and arms control initiatives.

(1)  Oversees and implements the interagency process for considering requests for the third-party transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles and services that were originally provided on a government-to-government basis.

(2)  Exercises Department and interagency leadership for Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Excess Defense Articles (EDA), Presidential Drawdowns, leases and other programs in accordance with national policy, the Foreign Assistance Act, and Arms Export Control Act.

(3)  Reviews applications for export licenses for commercial arms sales for policy considerations.  Provides staff support for interagency arms export review and management bodies.

(4)  Serves as the Secretary’s representative to the National Disclosure Policy Committee, the interagency body that governs the release of classified military information to foreign governments and international organizations.  

(5)  Coordinates the Department’s exercise of the responsibility to carry out an empirical and qualitative assessment on an ongoing basis of the extent to which Israel possesses a qualitative military edge over military threats to Israel as described in the Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2008, Title II, Section 201, and related responsibilities.

e. Analyzes the political-military implications of various aspects of U.S. foreign and defense policy including force levels, presence and deployment abroad, provisions for access and basing, command arrangements, arms transfers, regional military procurement, and force planning decisions.  In concert with relevant regional bureaus, monitors foreign political and military developments, evaluates their implications for policy and U.S. security concerns, and recommends appropriate U.S. policy responses.

f.  Develops, coordinates and participates in bilateral and multilateral consultations with U.S. partners and allies on political-military affairs.

g. Briefs Congress on a wide range of arms transfer and regional security issues, and consults with and coordinates responses to inquiries from Congressional Members and staff.  Prepares the annual Javits Report, reports related to Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge, and other required Congressional reports.

h. Engages U.S. industry to share information as appropriate on U.S. policies and arms transfer issues. Contributes to U.S. government advocacy of appropriately-vetted potential U.S. defense sales.

i.  Represents the United States in dealing with the United Kingdom on matters associated with the United States presence on British Overseas Territories.

j.  Serves as the primary interface between the Department and DoD for foreign policy oversight of DoD operations and exercises as coordinated throughout the Department, including:

(1)  Freedom of Navigation (FON) operations, in which U.S. naval units transit areas of excessive maritime sovereignty claims, and U.S. military aircraft transit air corridors, to assert the principles of international law and free passage and to set the precedent that the international community has not accepted these claims;

(2)  Military exercises categorized as “significant” under PPD-5 criteria.

(3)  Sensitive reconnaissance operations;

(4)  Recovery operations of U.S. Government personnel who are isolated or in distress abroad.

1 FAM 416.2  Office of Security Assistance (PM/SA)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

a. Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security and Security Assistance (PM/RS).

b. Directs U.S. military security assistance programs -- Foreign Military Financing (FMF), International Military Education and Training (IMET), and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) -- including policy development and review, budget formulation, and program oversight in cooperation with regional bureaus and DoD.  

c.  Contributes to the improvement of political-military effectiveness across agencies through working-level participation in planning, training events, and exercises in various fora, seminars, war games and conferences.

d. Coordinates strategic political-military policy and planning for the Department and facilitates the development of global and regional political-military plans and policies with DoD.

e. Liaises with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands and the military services on political-military issues involving strategic planning and foreign policy regarding diplomatic aspects of campaign plans, campaign support plans, and war plans.

f.  Acts as the Department of State lead for departmental concurrence and/or joint formulation attendant to Department of Defense train and equip authorities.

g. Serves as the primary interface between the Department and DoD for foreign policy oversight of DoD operations and exercises as coordinated throughout the Department, including Special Operations Forces bilateral training exercises, including Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCETs) and Counter-Narco Terrorism (CNTs).

h. Processes Department clearances of activities funded by DoD’s Developing Countries Combined Exercise Program and the DoD Commander’s Personal Expense Program, designated to strengthen State’s ties with foreign military counterparts in developing nations.

1 FAM 417  through 419  UNASSIGNED



1 FAM Exhibit 411.2  
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM)

(CT:ORG-414;   05-25-2017)

Title: PM Organizational Chart - Description: PM Org Chart


* Please Note – The PM Bureau’s Senior Advisor for Security Negotiations and Agreements is a DAS-Level Position.