3 FAH-1 H-1000 

3 FAH-1 H-1100 

3 FAH-1 H-1110


(CT:POH-276;   04-23-2024)
(Office of Origin:  GTM/ER)

3 FAH-1 H-1111  PURPOSE

(CT:POH-225;   10-10-2019)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. This subchapter defines the responsibilities of offices and individuals assigned to develop, draft, clear, coordinate, and prepare the new and revised material for inclusion in:

(1)  Volume 3 of the Foreign Affairs Manual (3 FAM);

(2)  Foreign Affairs Handbooks in the 3 FAH series;

(3)  Other volumes of the FAM containing personnel related issuances; and

(4)  Other personnel issuances such as 5 and/or 22 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

b. All documents must be in compliance with the FAM Writer's Guide.


3 FAH-1 H-1112.1  Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) and Foreign Affairs Handbook (FAH)

(CT:POH-205;   06-18-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

For the purpose of this subchapter, the definitions set forth in 18 FAM 201.1-3 apply.

3 FAH-1 H-1112.2  Other Definitions

(CT:POH-205;   06-18-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Directive¾A written communication that establishes and prescribes the organization, policies, regulations, or procedures that provides an official basis of operation.  Most directives are commonly referred to as regulations, (see 18 FAM 201.1-3).

Directives Management (DIR)¾For purposes of this subchapter Directives Management or DIR means A/GIS/DIR.  GIS is Global Information Services.

Personnel issuances¾Volume 3 of the FAM, handbooks issued in the 3 FAH series of the FAH, related material in other volumes of the FAM and FAH (e.g., 1 FAM 230), and appropriate parts of title 22, Code of Federal Regulations.

Uniform issuances¾Any chapter or subchapter of the FAM or FAH that applies to more than one foreign affairs agency.


(CT:POH-205;   06-18-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. The issuance of all Department directives is governed by regulations published in 18 FAM.  Should conflict arise, 18 FAM takes precedence over the procedures in this subchapter.  In addition to other information the 18 FAM:

(1)  Provides that “all written communications that establish and prescribe the organization, policies, regulations, or procedures that provide an official basis of operations must, with certain exceptions approved by The Office of Directives Management (DIR), have their basis in applicable legal authorities and the Foreign Affairs Manual” (FAM);

(2)  Requires that all guidelines, internal or standard operating procedures, which in any way involve the function of other bureaus, offices, or staffs, be submitted to A/GIS/DIR for analysis, editing, and approval prior to publication, and that A/GIS/DIR’s determination that a proposed issuance must be published in the FAM or FAH is final and binding.  The Office of Inspector General(OIG) is exempt from the requirement to submit its OIG internal directives to A/GIS/DIR for approval, in accordance with (5 U.S.C. Appendix); and

(3)  Prohibits the use of Department Notices, memoranda, or telegrams to establish or modify regulations unless the actual regulation has been submitted to A/GIS/DIR for publication.  A/GIS/DIR approves such use on a case-by-case basis.  Such use extends for 90 days only and is not subject to renewal.  (See 18 FAM 201.1-5(B).)

b. As a general rule, A/GIS/DIR will not approve the issuance of internal or standard operating procedures or Department Notices that seek to regulate (either directly or indirectly) the functions of another office, bureau, or post (even with the affected unit’s clearance). Department policy requires that such material be published in either the FAM or FAH in order to have regulatory force and effect.


(TL:POH-58;   12-17-1999)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Federal labor management relation’s policy requires that management representatives of the Department consult and bargain as appropriate with exclusively organized labor organizations (unions) of the Department with respect to conditions of employment of employees.  This includes personnel policies, practices, and matters affecting working conditions. Regulations and practices pertaining to allowances, travel, per diem, tour of duty, leave, etc., are considered personnel policies or practices.

b. Regulations covering labor-management relations are published in 3 FAM 5000.


3 FAH-1 H-1115.1  Chief Labor Management Negotiator

(TL:POH-236;   07-14-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

The responsibilities of the Office of the Chief Labor Management Negotiator (DGTM/PC/LM) are described in 3 FAM 5000, Labor-Management Relations.

3 FAH-1 H-1115.2  Regulations and Volume Coordinator-GTM/ER

3 FAH-1 H-1115.2-1  Responsibilities

(CT:POH-236;   07-14-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

The Regulations and Volume Coordinator is responsible for the following:

(1)  Periodic review of the structure of 3 FAM and 3 FAH-1, related subchapters of the FAM and FAH, and 22 CFR, to determine if modifications are necessary or appropriate.  If so, the regulations coordinator will work with the Directives Management Staff and bureau management to develop, obtain approval for, and implement those changes.

(2)  Periodic review of the text of 3 FAM and 3 FAH-1, and other personnel issuances, to identify material that appears to be outdated or that otherwise requires review or modification.

(3)  Informing the appropriate responsible offices about personnel issuances that have been identified as requiring review or revision.

(4)  Consultation with office directors or other HR staff (when appropriate) to develop a timetable for the revision of current personnel issuances and the preparation of new material for publication in the FAM or FAH.

(5)  Obtaining (or maintaining) the current text of existing 3 FAM and 3 FAH issuances in electronic format where possible and providing text to the responsible office for review and revision.

(6)  Obtaining a revised draft or new text from the responsible office or preparing such a draft from material provided by that office and submitting it for review by the director of that office.

(7)  Review of draft issuances to accomplish the following:

(a)  To identify and remove conflicting, incorrect, or irrelevant information;

(b)  To assure clarity of presentation, adequacy of detail, and conformity with appropriate format and style;

(c)  To assure that the draft has received all appropriate clearances within the bureau; and

(d)  To assure that citations of law, regulations, and other publications are correct and that the proposed text does not conflict with them.

(8)  Obtaining the following required clearances from:

(a)  Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent, Policy Coordination Staff (DGTM/PC);

(b)  The Office of Legal Adviser (L/EMP);

(c)  The Office of Inspector General (OIG) as required by 18 FAM 201.1-2;

(d)  Office of Global Talent Management, Grievance Staff (GTM/G);

(e)  Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS);

(f)   Office of Global Talent Management, Office of Organization and Talent Analytics (GTM/OTA); and

(g)  Other responsible offices/bureaus that who may have interest in the revised or new regulation.

(9)  Sending a copy to E FAM, via email.

(10) Compiling and consolidating all comments received.

(11) Obtaining clearances for uniform issuances from the appropriate office (designated by the agency) of participating foreign affairs agencies and actively assisting those agencies and their designated responsible offices to resolve substantive differences.

(12) Submitting final electronic drafts of cleared regulations, via email w/ standard memorandum, to the Office of the Chief Labor Management Negotiator (DGTM/PC/LM) for any appropriate union consultations, negotiations, and maintaining the approved text of that draft, together with any revisions resulting from those consultations or negotiations.

(13) Preparing the final draft copy of the text (e.g. by using the appropriate format, specifically FAM template) and the publication memorandum for the signature of the Director, Office of Employee Relations, and the appropriate Deputy Assistant Secretary of Global Talent Management.

(14) Transmitting the approved text in electronic format (by electronic mail) to A/GIS/DIR for review, clearance, and publication.  The email package must include clearances received (e.g. OIG, L/EMP, GTM/OTA, CGFS/EX, GTM/G, DGTM/PC, AFSA/AFGE, HR DAS, and GTM/ER); Foreign Affairs Agencies (e.g. USAID, USDA, Commerce, USAGM); and/or any other clearances that were received from subject matter experts/stakeholders.

(15) Reviewing the printed text to assure that it accurately reflects the text submitted for publication as well as providing the appropriate office with the final opportunity to review the text to ensure that new/revised material is reflected in the text.

(16) Serving as the agency Regulations and Volume Coordinator for 3 FAM and its related handbooks.

(17) Serving as liaison between the HR bureau and A/GIS/DIR for all FAM or FAH personnel directives.

(18) Serving as drafter of 3 FAM 3640, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees and 3 FAM 3210 - 3280, Allowances.

3 FAH-1 H-1115.2-2  Drafting or Revising Regulations

(TL:POH-087;   09-26-2002)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

When it is deemed appropriate due to the necessity for quick action, volume of work, or for the sake of uniformity, the regulations and volume coordinator may write or draft a revision of the FAM or FAH based on material furnished by the appropriate responsible office. In such cases, the regulations coordinator will:

(1)  Consult the designated contact person within the responsible office when any material is unclear; and

(2)  Submit the draft to the appropriate responsible office for any necessary revision and clearance within the bureau before submission for other clearances, review, and publication.

3 FAH-1 H-1115.3  Responsible Offices

3 FAH-1 H-1115.3-1  List of Responsible Offices

(CT:POH-205;   06-18-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

The 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-1115.3-1 provides a list of offices or bureaus with primary responsibility for each chapter or subchapter (as appropriate) of 3 FAM and 3 FAH-1.

3 FAH-1 H-1115.3-2  Primary Responsibilities for Accuracy of Issuance

(TL:POH-205;   06-18-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Offices and bureaus listed in 3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-1115.3-1 are responsible for ensuring that personnel directives for which they are responsible are accurate and up-to-date, and for drafting new or revised personnel directives when necessary.

3 FAH-1 H-1115.3-3  Steps To Be Followed by Responsible Offices in Preparing New or Revised Issuances

(CT:POH-225;   10-10-2019)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

To eliminate inconsistencies, redundancies, or gaps in the 3 FAM/3 FAH-1, responsible offices must conduct appropriate internal reviews and see appropriate clearances.  Responsible offices, when preparing new or revised issuances, should:

(1)  Discuss the proposed new or revised directive with the regulations and volume coordinator.

(2)  Obtain an electronic copy of the existing text (if any).  Texts of existing FAM and FAH provisions are available from the GTM or A/GIS/DIR websites;

(3)  Obtain the assistance of other HR offices, which are responsible for one or more sections of the proposed new or revised directive;

(4)  Refer to the FAM Writer's Guide for guidance in writing clear and concise directives, grammar and formatting guidelines;

(5)  Draft proposed text and integrate any material furnished by other offices or bureaus following the specifications provided by the regulations coordinator (or review and revise the text furnished by the volume and regulations coordinator);

(6)  Discuss the draft with those offices or individuals whose comments or contributions will assist in the formulation of the proposed issuance or whose responsibilities will be affected by it;

(7)  Highlight the changes, additions, or deletions in the new or revised text, either with the “track changes’ function or some other means of highlighting electronic text, and return it to the regulation and volume coordinator by electronic mail.  The highlighted text will be used in the review and clearance process and in preparing the transmittal letter;

(8)  Prepare and include with the draft provision any appropriate background and justification (such as action memorandums, ALDACs and/or Department Notices) for the proposed directive, if necessary;

(9)  Obtain working level clearances from appropriate offices and bureaus in the Department for inclusion in the package that is forwarded to volume and regulations coordinator;

(10) (For Uniform Issuances Only) Obtain working level clearances from appropriate working level offices, via email, in participating foreign affairs agencies;

(11) Obtain final written clearance from the office director and the appropriate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Talent Management (or officers of equivalent rank when the draft is prepared outside the Bureau of Global Talent Management); and

(12) Discuss the draft with and obtain assistance from the Office of the Legal Adviser, Employment Law (L/EMP) during the drafting stages of the FAM and/or FAH material.

3 FAH-1 H-1115.3-4  Material that must be submitted to the Regulations and Volume Coordinator

(CT:POH-225;   10-10-2019)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

When requesting publication of a new or revised personnel directive, the responsible office must furnish the following information and materials to the regulations and volume coordinator:

(1)  An electronic copy of the cleared draft, which complies with the format specification supplied by the regulations and volume coordinator. The “cleared draft” should include documentation and/or verification that the draft regulation was cleared and approved within the substantive office;

(2)  An electronic copy of the text of the new or revised draft with changes identified by “track change” or “yellow highlight”;

(3)  A statement specifying the agencies and employees (i.e., Foreign Service only, Civil Service only, Foreign Service and Civil Service, etc.) to which each of the numbered paragraphs will apply;

(4)  A list of all clearances received, including the substantive office;

(5)  Any appropriate background information; and

(6)  The name, office address, and telephone number of the individual responsible for drafting the text.


3 FAH-1 H-1116.1  Telegrams and Department Notices

(CT:POH-235;   07-14-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Telegrams and Department Notices may be used to issue a personnel directive only:

(1)  In an emergency; and

(2)    With the prior approval to issue such a Notice or telegram of DGTM/PC/LM, Office of Legal Advisor, the regulations coordinator, and A/GIS/DIR.  (See 18 FAM 201.1-5(B).)

b. The responsible office must provide the telegram or Department Notice to DGTM/PC/LM, Office of Legal Advisor, HR regulations and volume coordinator, and A/GIS/DIR with a completed, cleared draft of the text in proper FAM format at the same time as the draft Department Notice or telegram is presented for approval.

3 FAH-1 H-1116.2  State Magazine

(CT:POH-125;   03-02-2007)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Articles in the State Magazine may not be used to issue new or revised personnel policies or regulations.  However, such articles may be used to publicize such policies, regulations, or procedures once they have been submitted to A/GIS/DIR for publication in the appropriate FAM or FAH.

3 FAH-1 H-1116.3  Publication of Negotiated Agreements

(CT:POH-109;   04-20-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Department Notices and telegrams may be used to issue copies of signed agreements between the Department and unions.


3 FAH-1 H-1117.1  FAM and Related FAH Issuances

(TL:POH-087;   09-26-2002)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Issuances in 3 FAH-1, Personnel Operations Handbook, will bear the same subchapter numbers as the 3 FAM subchapters to which they are related.

b. When practicable, any related draft FAH issuance must be forwarded for clearance and publication at the same time as the 3 FAM to ensure uniformity and consistency.

3 FAH-1 H-1117.2  Guidelines and Specifications for Preparation of Draft Regulations

(CT:POH-276;   04-23-2024)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. The regulations and volume coordinator will provide guidance and assistance to the drafting office in preparing and obtaining working level clearances of drafts when requested.

b. At the time offices first consult with the regulations and volume coordinator concerning the preparation of a new or revised draft regulation, the volume coordinator will provide guidance on format and other specifications.


(CT:POH-236;   07-14-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. If the responsible office elects to delete a regulation from the 3 FAM or 3 FAH-1, they must do the following:

(1)  Seek and obtain the appropriate clearances/approvals from within the responsible office and/or Bureau; and

(2)  Send document(s) along with verification of clearances to the Regulations and Volume Coordinator.

b. The Regulation and Volume Coordinator will:

(1)  Obtain State Department clearances (e.g. OIG, L/EMP, GTM/RMA, GTM/G, CGFS/EX, DGTM/PC, DGTM/PC/LM;

(2)  Seek the approval of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Director General and Director for Global Talent (DGTM);

(3)  Notify A/GIS/DIR, via E FAM, to officially delete the regulation from the Intranet; and

(4)  Distribute the published regulations and change transmittal (CT) via established mailing lists.

c.  A/GIS/DIR will:

(1)  Review and clear on the request to delete specified regulation; and

(2)  Publish a CT to notify the Department that the subchapter no longer exists.

3 FAH-1 H-1119  unassigned

3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-1115.3-1 
List of Offices or Bureaus with Primary Responsibility for Volume 3 FAM of the FAM and FAH

(CT:POH-236;   07-14-2020)

Unless otherwise noted, the office responsible for a chapter or subchapter of Volume 3 of the FAM is also responsible for the corresponding chapter or subchapter of the 3 FAH-1, Personnel Operations Handbook.

The 3 FAH-2, Foreign Service National Handbook, is the responsibility of the Office of Overseas Employment (GTM/OE).






3 FAM 1000




3 FAM 1100




3 FAM 1110

Personnel Administration Authority, Regulations, and Procedures


3 FAM 1200

Personnel Policy and Objectives



3 FAM 1210

Personnel Policy


3 FAM 1220

Program Objectives


3 FAM 1300

Personnel Responsibilities



3 FAM 1300

Appendix A


Old 3 FAM 1426-3



3 FAM 1310

Responsibilities for Personnel Administration



3 FAM 1320

The Board of the Foreign Service



3 FAM 1330

Customer Treatment



3 FAM 1400

Arrangements for Senior and Presidential Appointees



3 FAM 1410

Arrangements for Presidential Appointees



3 FAM 1420

Transfer of Office


3 FAM 1500

Equal Employment Opportunity



3 FAM 1510-

3 FAM 1590

Equal Employment Opportunity



3 FAM 1800

Family Advocacy Program


3 FAM 1810

Child Abuse and Family Advocacy




3 FAM 1900

Medical and Health Programs



3 FAM 1910-1990


Previously General Provisions Medical and Health Program

Refer to 16 FAM 100-800



3 FAM 2000

Personnel Operations



3 FAM 2100




3 FAM 2320

Promotion of Members of the Foreign Service



3 FAM 2330

Hours of Work



3 FAM 2340

Personnel Actions



3 FAM 2350

Personnel Records



3 FAM 2360




3 FAM 2400




3 FAM 2410

Assignments and Details



3 FAM 2420

Foreign Service Assignment and Transfer



3 FAM 2430

Commissions, Titles, and Rank



3 FAM 2440




3 FAM 2500




3 FAM 2510





3 FAM 2520

Termination of Certain Foreign Service Appointments



3 FAM 2530

Reduction in Force - Civil Service



3 FAM 2540

Reduction in Force - Procedures for the Senior Executive Service



3 FAM 2550

Resignations and Deaths



3 FAM 2560

Military Furlough and Separation for Military Service



3 FAM 2570




3 FAM 2580

Reduction in Force - Foreign Service



3 FAM 2600

Classification and Pay Administration



3 FAM 2610

Position Management



3 FAM 2620

Foreign Service Skill Code System



3 FAM 2630

Position Classification



3 FAM 2640

Position Classification Appeals



3 FAM 2700 Training and Employee Development



3 FAM 2710

3 FAM 2740


Formerly Training and Employee Development.

Refer to 13 FAM 100-800.



3 FAM 2750

Executive Development Program



3 FAM 2760

Career SES Sabbatical Program


3 FAM 2770

Upward Mobility Program***


3 FAM 2780

Civil Service Employee Development Programs**


3 FAM 2790

Functional Specialization Program



3 FAM 2800

Performance Management



3 FAM 2810

Personnel Evaluation – Foreign Service



3 FAM 2820

Performance Appraisal System for GS Senior Level and Prevailing Rate Employees



3 FAM 2830

Performance Appraisal Plan for SES


3 FAM 2840

SES Recertification Program **


3 FAM 2850

SFS Recertification Program



3 FAM 2860

CS Employee Development Programs **



3 FAM 2870

SFS Performance Pay and Presidential Awards **


3 FAM 2900


3 FAM 2910

Career Transition Assistance-General Provisions


3 FAM 2920

Career Transition Assistance

3 FAM 2930

Special Selection Priority for the Department's Local Surplus or Displacement Employees

3 FAM 2940

Reemployment Priority List

3 FAM 3000

Pay, Benefit and Allowance


3 FAM 3100



3 FAM 3110

Pay Limitations

3 FAM 3120

Foreign Service and Civil Service Salaries

3 FAM 3130

Premium Compensation

3 FAM 3140

Communications Differential for Office Management Specialist

3 FAM 3150

Special Pay Provisions for Special Agents in the Diplomatic Security Service

3 FAM 3160

Federal Wage System (FWS)

3 FAM 3170

Compensatory Time Off for Travel


3 FAM 3180

Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses and Retention Allowances


3 FAM 3190

Pre-employment Interview and Relocation Expenses


3 FAM 3200



3 FAM 3210





3 FAM 3220

Living Quarters Allowance

3 FAM 3230

Cost of Living Allowances

3 FAM 3240

Representation Allowances

3 FAM 3250

Official Residence Expenses

3 FAM 3260


3 FAM 3270

Danger Pay Allowances

3 FAM 3280

Advance of Pay Upon Assignment to a Post in a Foreign Area

3 FAM 3290

Physician's Comparability Allowances


3 FAM 3300

Leave Administration


3 FAM 3400

Paid Leave


3 FAM 3500

Unpaid Leave


3 FAM 3600



3 FAM 3610

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program


3 FAM 3620

Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program

3 FAM 3630

Worker's Compensation Program


3 FAM 3640

Unemployment Compensation For Federal Employees (UCFE)



3 FAM 3650

Death Benefits for Death in the Performance of Duty


3 FAM 3670

Reasonable Accommodation


3 FAM 3680



3 FAM 3700



3 FAM 3710


Formerly Medical Travel

Refer to 16 FAM


3 FAM 3720

R & R Travel



3 FAM 3730

Visitation Travel

3 FAM 3740

Emergency Visitation Travel

3 FAM 3750

Travel of Children of Separated Parents

3 FAM 3760

Travel Messages


3 FAM 3800

Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) Programs


3 FAM 3810

Transit Benefit Subsidy Program


3 FAM 3820

Student Loan Repayment Program


3 FAM 3830

Child Subsidy Program


3 FAM 3840

Professional Liability


3 FAM 3850

Bicycle Transportation Reimbursement Program


3 FAM 3860

Lactation Policy


3 FAM 3900

Incentive Pay


3 FAM 3910

Language Incentive Pay (LIP)


3 FAM 4000

Employee Relations


3 FAM 4110

General Information


3 FAM 4120

Employee Responsibilities Abroad


3 FAM 4130

Standards for Appointments and Continued Employment



3 FAM 4140

Guidelines for Personnel Taken Hostage


3 FAM 4160

Employee Consultation Service


3 FAM 4170

Review of Public Speaking, Teaching, Writing, and Media Engagement


3 FAM 4180

Members of Household


3 FAM 4190

Marriage Requirements of an Employee to a Foreign National or to a U.S. Citizen


3 FAM 4200

Standards of Conduct for Former Employees


3 FAM 4210

Conduct of Former Employees


3 FAM 4300

Disciplinary Action (including Separation for Cause) - FS only


3 FAM 4400

Foreign Service Grievance


3 FAM 4500

Civil Service Disciplinary Actions and Adverse Actions


3 FAM 4600

Appeals of Adverse Actions


3 FAM 4700

Grievances-Civil Service


3 FAM 4800

Department Awards Program


3 FAM 5000

Labor Relations


3 FAM 6000



3 FAM 6100

Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System and Foreign Service Pension System

Also see Chapter 3 FAM 6100, Appendix B, Old 3 FAM 670, Retirement


3 FAM 6120

FS Retirement Coverage

3 FAM 6130

FSRS-Employee Contributions and Deductions

3 FAM 6140

Benefits When Separated Due to Expiration of LCE, TIC, RIF

3 FAM 6150

Special Provisions for Law Enforcement

3 FAM 6200

Mandatory Retirement


3 FAM 6300

Voluntary Discontinued Service


3 FAM 7000

Foreign Service National Personnel


3 FAM 7100


3 FAM 7200

FSN Employee Recruitment and Employment

3 FAM 7300

FSN Position Classification and Pay Administration

3 FAM 7400

FSN Employee Attendance and Leave

3 FAM 7500

Foreign Service Nationals (FSN) Compensation

3 FAM 7600

FSN Employee Performance Evaluation Incentive Awards, and Training

3 FAM 7700

Civil Service Retirement


3 FAM 8000 Overseas Employment Program

Also see Chapter 8000, Appendix A-Old 3 FAM 980, Domestic Staffs

3 FAM 8100

Methods of Overseas Employment for Family Members


3 FAM 8110

Family Member Employment

3 FAM 8210

Family Member Limited Noncareer Appointment*

3 FAM 8310

General Provisions*

3 FAM 8320

Foreign Service Family Reserve Corps

3 FAM 8410-

3 FAM 8490

Establishment of Workweeks and Work Schedules*

3 FAM 8510-8590

Position Evaluations and Position Management*

3 FAM 8610

3 FAM 8620

3 FAM 8630

Performance Evaluation

Incentive Awards

Position Management*


3 FAM 8710

3 FAM 8790

CSRS/FERS Information*


3 FAM 8810-8830

Employee Disciplinary Actions, Separations, Grievances*


3 FAM 8910

Contracts with U.S. Citizens for Personal Services Abroad

(Need to change subchapter number)


3 FAM 8910

Consular Agent Human Resources Administration



NEW - Will publish in the near future.


Will delete in its entirety or incorporate in another subchapter in the near future.