3 FAH-1 H-2340


(CT:POH-266;   06-15-2023)
(Office of Origin:  GTM/EX)


(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. The subchapter is designed to:

(1)  Be used in conjunction with the regulations published in 3 FAM 2340;

(2)  Help in the preparation of various personnel action documents used by the Department;

(3)  Achieve uniformity throughout the Department in preparing and routing these documents;

(4)  Provide a resource for training employees in personnel documentation;

(5)  Serve as a convenient source of reference; and

(6)  Provide complete, accurate, and current personnel data for the computer programs designed to support a comprehensive personnel program.

b. The Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Operating Manual, Guide to Processing Personnel Actions is the basic document used to prepare personnel actions in the Federal Government.

c.  The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions, the Personnel From Side (PERFS) system and the IPMS Foreign Service Assignment Management Application (IFSAMA) provide the basis for this subchapter.

d. This subchapter outlines an orderly procedure for providing the necessary documentation for processing personnel actions within the Department of State. While intended primarily as a guide for technicians in the preparation of documents, it also provides supervisory staffs with a general understanding of the system and the data elements required for its efficient operation.

e. Specific instructions are included for use when preparing the Request for Personnel Action (Form SF-52) for the most commonly used natures of action. A Notification of Personnel Action (Form SF-50) is produced automatically from data that is provided on Form SF-52. To process an action accurately, it is essential to use the proper field value codes. GTM/EX/RIM produces a computer generated report (3 FAH-1 H-2341  Exhibit  H-2341  Table File) which provides the proper field value codes. The Table File is updated as necessary and revised copies are provided to users periodically.


(CT:POH-206;   06-29-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Several automated software programs are used by PER to support a central personnel database on IBM computers maintained by Information Management (IRM/CIO). The personnel data in the Central Personnel System (CPS) are divided into the following master files. Each file corresponds to a specific type of personnel data.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1  Personnel Data Files

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1-1  Employee Data File

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Contains identifying data on employees, and is used by both Payroll and Personnel. Information such as the individual's name, social security number, grade, assignment history, education, and dependent information are included in this file.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1-2  Position Data File

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Contains data related to individual positions that have been established in the CPS. Position data includes accounting data indicating how the position is funded, and other, more generic data related to the position (e.g., grade, location, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) code, supervisory code).

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1-3  Authorization Data File

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Contains the current position ceilings authorized for each bureau or special complement. Included are ceilings for each type of position (e.g., reimbursable, non-reimbursable) within a division or complement having a position ceiling.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1-4  Staffing Pattern File

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Contains a combination of personnel and position data that is created on a monthly basis.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1-5  Table File

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. See also 3 FAH-1 H-2341  Exhibit H-2341.

b. The transaction file contains field value codes and their translations which are used in the CPS for validation purposes. Field value codes are the valid entries that can be used for each data element (e.g., the valid FLSA indicators are "N"—nonexempt and "E"—exempt).

c.  The Table File also contains other code translations. When a three-character "remarks" code is entered on Form SF-52, the automated system translates this code, using the Table File, into English text. The translation is then automatically printed on the Form SF-50.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.1-6  Transaction File

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Contains two files, one for payroll actions and the other for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The payroll transaction file contains records for each personnel transaction that affects pay. The OPM transaction file contains any transaction that affects a reportable OPM nature of action. OPM has defined a number of personnel actions for which they receive transaction reports. These include accessions, separations, and other changes in data element values which are used by OPM to update the Central Personnel Data File (CPDF).

3 FAH-1 H-2342.2  Transaction Process

3 FAH-1 H-2342.2-1  Central Personnel System (CPS)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

CPS is a computer system which allows for direct update by using terminals located in the Processing Branch of the Information Management Division (GTM/EX/RIM). Using formatted screens that are specific to each transaction type, GTM/EX/RIM technicians enter personnel data and transactions.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.2-2  Personnel From Side System (PERFS)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

PERFS is a computer system that allows the user to prepare a Request for Personnel Action (Form SF-52), transfer it electronically to other users for approval, and print a working copy. Once approved, Form SF-52 is routed to the GTM/EX/RIM central receiver where updates are automatically made to the employee's personnel master record in CPS. The official Form SF-52, as well as the SF-50, forms are printed. PERFS also allows the user to examine Personnel Audit Reports (PARs), position information, staffing patterns, and other pending actions. In addition, the system maintains the routing history of Form SF-52, as well as its disposition.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.2-3  Other Transactions

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

In addition to its use for interactive transactions, parts of the CPS are also updated by:

(1)  The IPMS Foreign Service Assignment Management Application (IFSAMA) update of pending assignments and travel data in the database;

(2)  The batch processing of periodic group transactions such as pay raises, within grade increases (WGI), Selection Board issued MSI's, as well as Senior Foreign Service promotions and Board recommended promotions.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.3  Data Entry

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

There are four methods by which data is entered into the CPS:

3 FAH-1 H-2342.3-1  Terminals

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Interactive entry is the process of data entry or query through the use of terminals in which the computer responds to or prompts the user throughout the data entry task. This method is most commonly used by GTM/EX/RIM technicians to enter tasks where an immediate response is required. Terminals are also used by the Procedures and Reports Branch (GTM/EX/RIM) and System Design and Administration Branch (GTM/EX/RIM) to query the system and enter data. In addition, IRM/CIO uses terminals to create and modify application programs that support the CPS and PERFS.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.3-2  Batch Jobs

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Batch entry is the process by which the computer response is not immediate and the task is generally scheduled to run at a lower priority, and may be run during the evening when there are fewer (or no) interactive sessions (e.g. staffing pattern updates, within grade increases, MSIs and promotions). The output from a batch job can update the database, provide Form SF-50s, produce reports, make copies of personnel data for backup purposes, and answer queries.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.3-3  The IPMS Foreign Service Assignment Management Application (IFSAMA)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

The IFSAMA application resides on the PERNET and is primarily used by personnel in the Office of Career Development and Assignments, Bureau of Personnel (GTM/CDA). IFSAMA is used to process Foreign Service assignment notices, travel orders and training requests. Some of the assignment and travel data that is entered in IFSAMA is automatically communicated to the CPS.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.3-4  PERFS/TOFS Interface

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

A Request for Personnel Action (Form SF-52) is initiated in PERFS and then electronically routed from the originating office to GTM/EX/RIM's central receiver. Once Form SF-52 passes all edits through an interface process, the CPS is updated and a Notification of Personnel Action (Form SF-50) is automatically produced.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.4  Output

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Four major devices are used to display or write information retrieved from the IBM computer maintained by IRM/CIO. Information is output to these devices as a result of user requests and scheduled reports:

(1)  Printers, both line and remote, are used for:

(a)  Forms that are already pre-printed, such as the W-2 form that is produced on an annual basis to report employee salary and tax withholding information;

(b)  Listings of programs and batch jobs used by IRM/CIO and PER;

(c)  Responses to queries; and

(d)  A laser printer (Xerox 3700) that produces reports.

(2)  Tape is used predominantly for storage of information. Information taken from the CPS can be copied to tape and then used at a later date for various purposes. Tapes can also be used as a backup medium to restore data in the event of a system failure.

(3)  Microfiche and microfilm are used for reports, which if produced on paper, would be unwieldy because of size. Because reports must be maintained for substantial periods of time or mailed to posts, the use of microfiche and/or microfilm is a more flexible and durable storage medium. Examples of such reports include the Staffing Pattern and the Alpha Listing of State employees.

(4)  Terminals are used to:

(a)  Interactively report error conditions to the CPS users, such as the error messages that are displayed when GTM/EX/RIM technicians encounter an error in the entry of a transaction, and

(b)  Interactively respond to queries.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.5  Reports and Queries

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Three generalized query packages are used; IQ, SPSS, and SAS.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.5-1  IQ

(CT:POH-206;   06-29-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

IQ is a query program that was developed by the Department of State which allows IRM/CIO and PER personnel to construct questions and then run, in batch, those queries against tape versions of any of the master files. For example, how many individuals have tenure code 21 who are currently in full-time positions? The query language, IQ, provides the structured format used to request this information.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.5-2  SPSS

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

SPSS is a third-party software package designed to provide certain types of data represented in a statistical fashion. It is most commonly used at the State Department to produce statistical reports such as the "Salaries by Selected Categories" Report.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.5-3  XDB

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

XDB is the personal computer (PC) version of DB2 software which is a relational database management program. This XDB file resides on a PC in GTM/EX/RIM and is used as a fast response for file queries and statistical information.

3 FAH-1 H-2342.5-4  SAS

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

SAS is a commercial software package used for developing file listings and statistical reports. It also has certain programming capabilities for creating and managing sequential files.


3 FAH-1 H-2343.1  General Requirements

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. The only official source for completion of Form SF-52 is the employee's official personnel folder.

b. A Request for Personnel Action (Form SF-52) is required for all personnel actions except normal within-grade increases, yearly Foreign Service promotions, administrative promotions of Foreign Service career candidates, the yearly comparability increase authorized by public law and realignments involving ten or more employees.

c.  Use the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions when preparing Form SF-52. Individual offices are responsible for obtaining the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions and the installments issued to update it. See exhibits within this section for instructions on processing Foreign Service actions.

d. To ensure an accurate database, all actions must be submitted no later than one pay period after the effective date.

3 FAH-1 H-2343.2  Retroactive Processing

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. The personnel data file in the CPS is a current one. The Form SF-50 that is produced from Form SF-52 documenting an action retroactively must be entered manually to the CPS using special screens within GTM/EX/RIM or, in the case of an action initiated through PERFS, compared against the CPS prior to update.

b. Initiating offices should ensure that Form SF-52 is prepared in accordance with the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions and this section, and routed accordingly. Each block on Form SF-52 must be completed with information that is current as of the effective date of the requested action. Verification of the information used must be obtained from the Official Personnel Folder (OPF); also known as the administrative file of the employee.

3 FAH-1 H-2343.3  Parts of the SF-52

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

The following information is pertinent to processing personnel actions for employees of the Department of State. Please refer to these items and the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions when processing actions. Unless otherwise noted, all data fields on Form SF-52 must be completed.

(1)  PART A—Requesting Office—Self-explanatory

(2)  PART B—For Preparation of SF-50

(3)  Blocks 1 through 6:—Self-explanatory

(4)  Blocks 7 and 15, From and To Position Number and Title: This block documents the number and title of the position an employee occupies. The position title code (blocks 9 and 17) is used to translate the title of the position. Codes for diplomatic (secretarial, consular, noncommissioned) titles should be indicated here, when appropriate. Use the most recent Diplomatic Titles list or Section DT of the Table File. Personnel actions granting or changing titles are approved by GTM/CDA (Title and Rank).

(5)  Blocks 9 and 17, Occ. Code: The code used to document the occupation series of the position. See Section PT of the Table File. The translation of the code prints in blocks 7 and 15.

(6)  Blocks 12 and 20, Total Salary/Award: The sum of blocks 12/20c and 12/20d. Block 20 also documents the amount of an employee’s cash award.

(7)  Blocks 12a and 20a, Basic Pay: The scheduled amount for an employee's grade and step.  It includes special salary rates.

(8)  Blocks 12b and 20b, Locality Pay: The additional pay for an employee whose official duty station is in a locality pay area.

(9)  Blocks 12c and 20c, Adjusted Basic Pay: The sum of 12/20a (Basic Pay) and 12/20b (Locality Pay).

(10) Blocks 12d and 20d, Other Pay: The dollar amount of any additional pay an employee receives in addition to the adjusted basic pay, e.g., AUO, retention allowance, supervisory differentials, etc. Other Pay is a one time payment. It is not included in an employee’s total salary amount.
Exception: The dollar amount of an employee’s AUO is included in the Total Salary (Blocks 12 and 20).

(11) Earned rate: All employees have an earned rate, as well as, a per annum rate in the database. The earned rate is the amount the employee is actually paid. The earned rate salary field must be completed in PERFs. However, to document an earned rate for an employee on a SF-52 that will be processed manually, the remark code 358 must be used.

(12) Blocks 14 and 22, Name and Location of Position's Organization: The organization to which an employee is assigned. The database will automatically translate the location of the position when the organization code is entered.

(13) Block 23, Veterans Preference: An employee's veteran preference must be determined at the time of entrance on duty and the appropriate code entered on the SF-52. The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions explains an employee’s eligibility for veterans preference.

(14) Block 24 and 25, Tenure: Use the most recent tenure code list issued by GTM/EX/RIM.  Enter both data codes, e.g., OPM's code “1” in block 24 and Department of State's code “(01)” in block 25 as shown on the tenure code list.

(15) Block 26, Veterans Preference for RIF: Indicate "yes" or "no." Veterans preference for RIF purposes must be established at the time of entrance on duty.

(16) Block 27, FEGLI: The code used to document an employee’s election for life insurance under FEGLI. A list of the codes used can be found in the Table File, Section FG. An employee's election can be found in the Official Personnel Folder on the Life Insurance Election (SF-2817).

(17) Block 28, Annuitant Indicator: The code used to document the retirement system for which an employee’s annuity is based. The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions lists all of the valid annuitant indicators.

(18) Block 29, Pay Rate Determinant (PRD): The code used to best describe any special factors used in determining an employee’s salary. See the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for codes and explanations. For members of the Senior Foreign Service or Senior Executive Service who elect to receive the salary and benefits of their personal rank while serving on a presidential appointment, the PRD must be “S”.

(19) Block 30, Retirement Plan: The code used to describe an employee's retirement plan. See the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for codes and explanations.

(20) Block 31, Service Computation Date (SCD-leave): On an initial appointment, including transfers (NOAC in the 100 series), initiating offices are responsible for computing the SCD. See the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions to determine service that is creditable and if you have the required information to verify prior service that is claimed. Enter six digits (MM/DD/YY) in Block 31. If you are unable to verify all prior service, compute the SCD using the documentation available or use the entry on duty date. A request should be forwarded to GTM/EX to obtain service on an employee who has prior government service. When prior service has been obtained by GTM/EX, it will be forwarded to the initiating office for recomputation of the SCD. Employees returning to duty after more than 6 months in non-pay status during any one calendar year must have their SCD recomputed. The servicing personnel office is responsible for recomputing the SCD on actions documenting a return to duty or placement in pay status or when the work schedule changes from intermittent to part-time or full-time.

(21) Block 32, Work Schedule: The code used to describe the work schedule or time basis on which an employee is paid. See the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for the codes and translations.

(22) Block 33, Part-Time Hours Per: This block documents the number of hours to be worked during a pay period for an employee on a part-time work schedule. No entry is required for a full-time work schedule.

(23) Block 34, Position Occupied: Self-explanatory.

(24) Block 35, FLSA Category (Fair Labor Standards Act Exemption Status): The FLSA code is determined by the Office of Civil Service Personnel (GTM/CSTM) for all positions. It documents whether an employee is subject to the minimum wage and over-time provisions of the Act. All overseas positions are exempt.

(25) Block 36, Appropriation Code: This block documents the funding for the position that the employee occupies. See 4 FAH-1 Financial Management Handbook for the valid appropriation, allotment, object and function codes for an organization.

(26) Block 37, Bargaining Unit Status: This block describes whether an employee is eligible to be represented by a bargaining unit based on the status of the position. It does not indicate that an employee is or is not a member of a union. Information regarding employees eligible for and represented in a bargaining unit can be found in Union Recognition in the Federal Government published by the Office of Employee and Labor Relations at OPM. The valid bargaining unit codes within the Department are provided below:

AFSA (FS members, except Chiefs of Mission, DCMs, admin and personnel officers, officers serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary or above)


NFATC (Language Instructors)


Passport Office (Outside DC)


Publishing and Reproductive Division


Eligible but not in a bargaining unit


Ineligible (includes supervisory and managerial positions)


AFGE (CS Professional Occupations)


AFGE (All other eligible General Schedule and Wage Grade employees)


(27) Block 38. Duty Station Code: The code (state/country, city, county) used to translate the location of an employee’s position in Block 39. The standard reference for the codes is the General Services Administration’s publication, Worldwide Geographic Location Codes. Updates to geographic location codes can be found in the Guide to Personnel Data Standards.

(28) Block 39. Duty Station (city-county-state or overseas location): This block documents the location of an employee’s position based on the code used in block 38.

(29) Block 40, DOG: This block documents an employee’s current date of grade (MM/YY).

(30) Block 41, WGI: The code used to document an employee’s due date for the next within grade increase (PPY). The first two digits indicate the pay period (PP) and the third digit the year (Y) in which the next WGI is due, e.g., pay period 21 of 1995 would be entered as 215. If the employee is ineligible for a WGI use "CCC."

(31) Block 42, Skill: For Foreign Service Members Only. This block documents an employee’s primary personal skill. Skill codes are established by GTM. Use the most recent list issued by GTM/EX/RIM.

(32) Block 43, Not Used

(33) Block 44, Not Used

(34) Block 45, Educational Level: The code used to document the highest level of education for an employee. See the Guide to Personnel Data Standards for valid codes and translations. The education level is required on all appointments, conversions to appointments and separations.

(35) Block 46, Year Degree Attained: This block documents the year an employee received the degree reflected in Block 45 of the SF-52. See the Guide to Personnel Data Standards for valid codes. The year of degree is required on all appointments, conversions to appointments and separations .

(36) Block 47, Academic Discipline: The code used to document an employee’s major or concentration. See the Guide to Personnel Data Standards for valid codes. The academic discipline is required on all appointments, conversions to appointments and separations.

(37) Block 48, Functional Class: The code used to document an employee’s area of specialization, e.g., scientist, engineer, etc.  See the Guide to Personnel Data Standards for valid codes. When a functional classification code has not been established for a particular occupation code use “00.” The functional class is required on all appointments, conversions to appointments and separations.

(38) Block 49, Citizenship: To document a change in citizenship, initiate a SF-52 conversion action based on the employee’s initial type of appointment. The effective date of the conversion is the date the employee changed citizenship status. Use remark code: XXX; “Changes citizenship from (enter code).

(39) Block 50, Veterans Status: Self-explanatory. See the Guide to Personnel Data Standards for valid codes. The veterans status is required on all appointments, and conversions to appointments.

(40) Block 51, Supervisory Status: Self-explanatory

(41) Part C—Reviews and Approvals: Self-explanatory

(42) Part D—Remarks by Requesting Office: Leave blank for resignations and retirements.

(43) Part E—Employee Resignation/Retirement:  Self-explanatory

(44) Part F—Remarks: This block documents the required OPM remarks and agency remarks for the personnel action being processed. It is used to explain the action to the employee, payroll, future employers, OPM and other federal and state agencies. Use the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions and the Table File to obtain the valid remark codes. All OPM required remarks must be listed first, in alphabetical order. Remarks established by the Department should be listed after all OPM required remarks.

3 FAH-1 H-2343.4  Explanation of Format

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. The CPS is programmed to print position information on Form SF-50 based on an established format criteria. Accession (A Format): position information will print on the TO SIDE only. Regular (R Format): position information will print on both FROM and TO SIDE. Separations (S Format): position information will print on the FROM SIDE only. The following exhibits reflect the appropriate format based on the nature of action.

b. The exhibits are distinguished, for the most part, by different Nature of Action Codes (Blocks 5A and 6A) and Natures of Action (5B and 6B). The Legal Authority Codes (5C/E and 6C/E) and Legal Authorities 5D/F and 6D/F) are indicated on the exhibits as well. Most of the exhibits are specific to Foreign Service personnel actions because they are not covered in the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.

c.  The codes listed for each nature of action and remark are NOT the only possibilities. You must refer to the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions or the Table File for a complete list.

3 FAH-1 H-2343.5  Index for SF-52 Exhibits

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

The index provides a general breakdown of the various natures of action included in this section. Since several natures of action are similar in preparation, they are shown in general groupings.



Exhibit Part No.


Codes (NOACs)







Agency Cancellation






Agency Correction



Recall to Active Duty—Career Foreign Service Officer



Appointment by the President as Ambassador



Appointment by President as (title)



Reemployment—Career Foreign Service



Excepted Appointment—Foreign Service Career



Excepted Appointment—Foreign Service Career



Excepted Appointment FP Noncareer NTE (date)



Excepted Appointment—(type of employee)—NTE (date)



Reemployment—Career Candidate/Noncareer NTE (date)



Return to Duty



Return to Duty (less than 30 days)


















Termination‑Appointment in (agency)



Leave Without Pay NTE (date)



SFS Sabbatical NTE (date)



Leave Without Pay NTE (date)



Conversion to SFS Career Appointment



Promoted by Appointments to or within the Senior Foreign Service



Conversion to Reinstatement SFS Career



Appointment by the President as FSO



Conversion to Excepted Appointment—FP Career



Conversion to Excepted Appointment—FP Noncareer NTE (date)



Conversion to Excepted Appointment—FS Career Candidate NTE (date)



Appointment by the President as Ambassador to (country)



Appointment by the President as (position)



Resignation as Ambassador to (country) and Appointment by the President as Ambassador to (country)



Resignation as Ambassador to (country) and Transfer



Resignation as (position) and Appointment by the President as (position)



Resignation as (position) and Reversion to (class)



Resignation as Ambassador to (country) and Reversion to (class)






Agency Reassignment



Extension of Appointment NTE (date)



Name Change from (previous name)



Change in Data Element



Change in Retirement Code



Change in Tenure Group



Pay Adjustment



Meritorious Step Increase



Language Proficiency Increase



Locality Payment



Limited Career Extension NTE (date)



Reimbursable Assignment from (agency) NTE (date)



Extension of Reimbursable Assignment from (agency) NTE (date)



Termination of Reimbursable Assignment from (agency)



Reimbursable Assignment to (agency) NTE (date)



Extension of Reimbursable Assignment to (agency) NTE (date)



Non-reimbursable Assignment to (agency) NTE (date)



Extension of Non-reimbursable Assignment to (agency) NTE (date)



Termination of Non-reimbursable Assignment to agency)



Detail NTE (date)



Termination of Detail



Extension of Detail NTE (date)



Granting of Diplomatic and/or Consular Title



Appointment as Consular Officer in the Diplomatic Service of the USA



Appointment as Consular Officer and Secretary in the Diplomatic Service of the USA



Appointment as Secretary in the Diplomatic Service of the USA



Change in Title



Assignment of Non‑Commission Diplomatic Title



Change in Employee Skill Code



(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

All presidential appointments are coordinated by the Presidential Appointments Staff (GTM/CDA).

3 FAH-1 H-2344.1  Appointment Documents

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Personnel actions for career members of the Foreign Service are prepared by the appropriate GTM/CDA technician. For non-career appointees, Form SF-52 is usually initiated by the appropriate bureau executive office. However, it may be prepared by the appropriate GTM/CDA technician. The bureau executive office should provide the following information on a noncareer appointee who is not on the rolls of the Department. For members of the Service who are already on the rolls of the Department review the official personnel file. For appointees who are transferring from another federal agency to a presidential appointment with the Department, the initiating office should obtain preliminary employment information from the losing agency. Form SF-75, Request for Preliminary Employment Data should be used to obtain the information required for the appointment.  Following is the required information:

(1)  Name;

(2)  Social Security Number;

(3)  Date of Birth;

(4)  Retirement Coverage;

(5)  Annuitant Indicator;

(6)  Service Computation Date;

(7)  Tenure Code;

(8)  Sex;

(9)  Skill Code;

(10) Pay Plan and Class of Mission; and

(11) Salary.

b. The following provides information unique to specific types of presidential appointments and separations.

(1)  BLOCKS 5A/B or 6A/B, Natures of Actions (select as appropriate):

NOAC 170B     APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AS AMBASSADOR TO (country). Used to appoint persons who are not on the Department’s rolls as chief of mission.

NOAC 170C     APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AS (position). Used to appoint persons who are not on the rolls of the Department to positions other than chief of mission.

NOAC 317      RESIGNATION. Used to separate non-career appointees.

NOAC 352      TERMINATION APPT IN (agency). Used to transfer appointees from other federal agencies (including other foreign affairs agencies) back to the parent agency upon completion of appointment.

NOAC 570C     APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AS AMBASSADOR TO (country). Used to appoint Department employees as ambassador and transfer.

NOAC 570D    APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AS (position). Used to appoint Department employees to positions other than chief of mission.

NOAC 570E     RESIGNATION AS AMBASSADOR TO (country) AND APPOINTMENT BY PRESIDENT AS AMBASSADOR TO (country). Used to transfer an Ambassador from one country to another

NOAC 570F     RESIGNATION AS AMBASSADOR TO (country) AND TRANSFER. Used to resign an Ambassador, transfer, and revert to personal pay plan/class/step in Department.

NOAC 570G    RESIGNATION AS (position) AND APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AS (position). Used to move appointee from one Presidential appointment to another, other than chief of mission..

NOAC 570H    RESIGNATION AS (position) AND REVERSION TO (pay plan/class/step). Used to move appointee from Presidential appointment and revert to personal pay plan, class and step.

NOAC 570M    RESIGNATION AS AMBASSADOR TO (country) AND REVERSION TO (pay plan/class/step). Used to resign an Ambassador and revert to personal pay plan/class/step.

(2)  BLOCKS 8 and 16, Pay Plan: Enter the pay plan for the position, i.e., FA, EX, SR or AD.

(3)  BLOCKS 10 and 18, Grade (select as appropriate): If the appointment is to a position other than chief of mission, enter the grade for the position. If the appointment is to a chief of mission position, select as appropriate:

(a)  For SFS: Use 01, OC, MC, CM or CA. 

(b)  For non-career appointees: Use NC.

(4)  BLOCKS 11 and 19, Step or Rate: If the appointment is to a position other than chief of mission enter the step of the position. If the appointment is to a chief of mission position enter class of the mission, i.e., 13 or 14.

(5)  BLOCKS 12 and 20, Salary: Enter the salary of the position or class of mission.

(6)  BLOCKS 24 and 25, Tenure Code (select as appropriate):

(a)  For all career appointees, including a SFS member from another foreign affairs agency: Enter 1(01)

(b)  For noncareer appointees: Enter 3(17).

(7)  BLOCK 29, Pay Rate Determinant (select as appropriate):

(a)  For a career member of the SES or SFS, including a SES/SFS member from another foreign affairs agency, who elected to retain the salary and benefits of his/her personal rank: Enter PRD “S”.

(b)  For a career member of the SES or SFS, including a SES/SFS member from another foreign affairs agency, who elected to receive the salary and benefits of the presidential appointment: Enter PRD “0”.

(c)  For a career member of the FS, including non-career appointees: Enter PRD “0”.

(8)  BLOCK 42, Personal Skill (select as appropriate):

(a)  For career appointees of the Department: Enter primary personal skill.

(b)  For non-career appointees: Enter 0010

(c)  For career appointees from another foreign affairs agency: Enter 0035.

(9)  PART F, REMARKS: For all appointees use the following as appropriate:

(a)  RMM01—Appointment affidavit executed (date).

(b)  RM417—Nominated (date); Confirmed (date); Attested (date).

(c)  If appointee is a member of the SFS, include one of the following:

(10) RM478—Appointee, a member of the Senior Foreign Service has elected to receive the salary and benefits of this Presidential appointment. Exempt from annual and sick leave laws by 5 U.S.C. 6301(2)(B). Salary to be paid while on this appointment: (salary). Upon termination of this appointment, member shall revert to pay status as (personal pay plan/class/step) (at applicable current rate) and become subject to the annual and sick leave laws.

(11) RM479—Appointee, a member of the Senior Foreign Service, has elected to retain the salary and benefits of the SFS class while on this Presidential appointment, pursuant to section 302(b) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980.  Member remains subject to annual and sick leave laws. Member's personal rank is (pay plan/class/step).  Salary to be paid while on this appointment: (amount).

(12) RM480—Upon completion of your assignment as Ambassador you will revert to SFS class (     ), level (     ) in accordance with Section 813 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980.

(a)  If appointee is not a member of the SFS, including career Foreign Service officers.

(b)  RM070—Exempt from annual and sick leave laws by (law).

(c)  RM480—Upon completion of your assignment you will revert to permanent (FS class) class in accordance with Section 813 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980.

(d)  If appointee is a member of the SFS from another foreign affairs agency, i.e., AID, USAGM, Agriculture, or Commerce, include the following:

(e)  RM083—Employee is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with (agency) and has reemployment rights to that agency upon termination as (title).

3 FAH-1 H-2344.2  Resignations

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Chiefs of Mission—Chiefs of Mission who are resigning may retain the salary and appointment for a period not to exceed 50 calendar days (Section 401(b) of the Foreign Service Act). Normally, resigning ambassadors are given 20 days. Requests for extension of this period should be submitted by the regional bureau in writing to GTM/CDA for decision by the Director General.  The 50-day period cannot be extended.

b. Reversions—An incumbent ambassador will be reverted to FSO/SFS status after 20 calendar days (counted from the day of relinquishing charge of the previous post) in accordance with 3 FAM 6000 . This period can be extended (see a above) for a total of 50 calendar days if the Director General approves (based on needs of the service or unusual personal considerations). With this reversion, the incumbent ambassador goes back to FSO salary or SFS salary and the officer is again subject to Foreign Service leave laws. This reversion will not affect per diem or actual subsistence authorized for consultations.

3 FAH-1 H-2344.3  Presidential Appointments from other USG Agencies

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Career Foreign Service members from other foreign affairs agencies—AID, USAGM, Agriculture, and Commerce—may be appointed by the President as Ambassadors, Assistant Secretaries, etc. In such cases, GTM/CDA (Senior Level Division) serves as the liaison between State and the parent agency on administrative arrangements and initiation of personnel actions.

b. GTM/CDA contacts the parent agency and requests Form SF-75 (Request for Preliminary Employment Data) which provides the employee's administrative information, e.g. retirement, health, and life insurance elections, etc. GTM/CDA will prepare Form SF-52 to appoint the employee to the post of assignment.

c.  When the appointment terminates, Form SF-52 must be prepared to transfer (NOAC 352) the former appointee back to the parent agency.


3 FAH-1 H-2345.1  Authorization Notice for Permanent Positions and Employment

(CT:POH-206;   06-29-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

PER's Authorization Notice is used to document the number of authorized permanent positions in a bureau, special complement, or other appropriation category. This notice is issued by the Office of Resource Management and Organizational Analysis whenever there is a change to the number of authorized positions (ceiling). Changes made within a category do not require a notice if the total number of positions in that category is not changed.  Each Authorization Notice identifies the number of authorized American and local (Foreign Service National) positions by specific category. Position counts by category are divided into appropriated positions, positions funded by the Department of State, and reimbursable positions, i.e., positions funded by another agency.

3 FAH-1 H-2345.2  Electronic DS-1670, Request for Position Data Changes

(TL:POH-46;   05-04-1998)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

The PERFS electronic DS-1670 in CPS is used to create or change position data and/or reprogram positions. Position changes and requests for reprogramming originate in bureaus. Reprogramming occurs when the total number of positions does not change, for example, through a simultaneous abolish/establish action. Position data changes result from reclassification of positions, corrections of errors made in establishing positions, and/or
additions/deletions to position data; for example, a second skill code or temporary overcomplement indicator.


3 FAH-1 H-2346.1  General Schedule

(CT:POH-206;   06-29-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

At least once a year, special rates for certain occupations are established for General Schedule positions. When these rates are established, HR informs affected bureaus by memorandum. If the new rates require preparation of Form SF-52, the bureau prepares Form SF-52 in accordance with the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions and this handbook.

3 FAH-1 H-2346.2  Federal Wage System

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Regulations governing the Federal Wage System are found in 5 U.S.C., Chapter 53 and 5 CFR Part 532. The Federal Wage System applies to all blue collar employees of the Federal Government who are engaged in labor, trade, and craft operations.

b. Wage grade salaries are set using hourly rates as the basis of the pay schedules (the Foreign Service Schedule and the General Schedule are based on annual rates). The regular wage schedules (WG, WL, WS) are based on a survey of rates paid by private employers in each Federal wage area, therefore, wage grade employees at the same grade and step can earn different salaries depending on the geographic location. For instance, wage grade rates paid in New York City are different from wage grade rates paid in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.

c.  HR informs GTM/EX/RIM when new rates have been established under the Federal Wage System and provides a copy of the new schedule. Pay adjustments in this category, as well as, within-grade increases (after certification) are processed automatically and centrally and Form SF-50 issued, without Form SF-52 from the bureau. If it is necessary for the bureau to issue Form SF-52, GTM/EX/RIM will provide appropriate instructions.


3 FAH-1 H-2347.1  Biographic Data Sheet—DS-1031A

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

The Biographic Data Sheet, DS-1031-A, is used to complete a record in the personnel database for a new employee. Biographic information, education, residence, dependency data, etc., is included. The employing office gives each new employee a DS-1031-A for completion at swearing in. This form is included in the administrative file that is established for the employee. The information is added to the database by GTM/EX/RIM.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.2  Self Identification of Reportable Handicap—Form SF-256

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Completion of Form SF-256 is required by OPM for all appointments (any action which adds an employee to the rolls). The appointee should complete the form before entry on duty or on the date the employee reports for duty. The code is entered into the personnel database by GTM/EX/RIM at the time the other employee data is entered into the system. The code does not print on Form SF-50 and is reported to OPM by computer tape as part of the State Department's Central Personnel Data File (CPDF) submission. Form SF-256 is destroyed after the data is entered into the system.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.3  Language Proficiency Report—DS-1354

(CT:POH-206;   06-29-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Form DS-1354, Language Proficiency Report is used to report the results of language tests that are not immediately preceded by language training. This form is initiated by the Testing Unit, School of Language Studies, (M/FSI/SLS/TU). On a monthly basis, language proficiency test results are added to the central personnel database by tape submission from M/FSI. The DS-1354 form is sent to GTM/PE with a covering memo listing the name of each employee for whom a report is included. Form DS-1354 that removes an officer from language probation is stamped in red. GTM/PE annotates the employee's "score card" with this information and forwards the forms to GTM/EX where they are filed in the employee's performance file. Copies of DS-1354's reporting language tests scores taken within 30 days of entrance on duty are also sent to GTM/TAC/REC.  As necessary, GTM/TAC/REC uses this information to initiate Form SF-52 (NOAC 894B) using the same effective date of appointment, to correct a new employee’s salary to reflect additional step(s) for language proficiency.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.4  Transfer Travel (Foreign Service Only)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Leave, Travel, and Consultation Status—Form DS-1707

(1)  Leave, travel, and consultation status is reported on Form DS-1707. The DS-1707 is completed in the Foreign Service Lounge (A/OPR/FMAS/ESC) when the member returns from an overseas post to an assignment in the United States. In the case of separating employees, Form DS-1707 is completed by the Retirement Division (GTM/RET).

(2)  Those members returning to the United States must provide a copy of the TMFOUR and two copies of approval for additional home leave, deferred home leave, consultation, TDY, and extended sick leave before Form DS-1707 can be completed. The report includes the dates of leave, travel, TDY, and consultation from the actual date of departure from post until the date of entrance on duty in the United States or date of separation as appropriate. All leave (annual, sick, and home) is included. In the case of separating members, it also reflects date of separation, forwarding address and address for payment of final pay and lump-sum leave. The member signs Form DS-1707 when it is completed. If the member is separating, Form DS-1707 is signed by GTM/RET and the member. Copies are distributed to GTM/CDA, CGFS/FO, the bureau, and the member.

b. Leave Data—Departure for Post—Form DS-1552:  Form DS-1552 is completed by A/OPR/FMAS/ESC for members going from domestic to overseas assignments. The member signs the form at the Foreign Service Lounge before departure. The member must provide the final Time and Attendance Card, certified through the last working day, including pack out days, for completion of Form DS-1552. Information included is the departure date, estimated time of arrival, and leave taken in the last pay period before departure for post. Copies are distributed to GTM/CDA, GTM/EX/RIM and CGFS/FO.

c.  Travel Message Telegrams:  Travel Messages used by the Bureau of Personnel are outlined in 3 FAM 3760. In addition to notifying the Department of the actual time of departure (ATD) and the actual time of arrival (ATA), TM's are used to start and stop allowances and differentials, establish home leave eligibility dates, request authority to pay, etc. Detailed information travel messages may be found in 3 FAH-1 H-3760.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.5  Medical Documents

(CT:POH-266;   06-15-2023)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service—DS-1843; Examination of Eligible family members—DS-1662:  All candidates for the Foreign Service who receive conditional offers of employment and their eligible family members are required to undergo a medical clearance examination and obtain a clearance. The examination may be given at a U.S. Government facility or by a private physician. The DS-1843, Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service, is used for candidates and eligible family members over 12. The examinee completes pages 1 and 2, and the examining physician completes pages 3 and 4. Form DS-1622, Medical Examination of Eligible family members under 12 is used for eligible family members under 12. The completed forms are sent to the Bureau of Medical Services.

b. Medical Clearances:  The medical clearance Form DS-823 is issued only by the Medical Director, Bureau of Medical Services (M/DGP/MED). It reports the completion of an individual's (member's or eligible family member's) medical examination, and indicates whether the individual has been cleared, with or without limitation for living abroad, or not cleared for service abroad. Medical clearance decisions are based upon a review of the DS-1843 submitted by members and eligible family members 12 years and older, and the DS-1622 for eligible family members under 12 years old. All members and their eligible family members are required to obtain a medical clearance. It is the member's responsibility to obtain this required clearance. Failure to obtain clearance or waiver may result in forfeiture of medical benefits under the Medical and Health program. With few exceptions (3 FAM 1900), an in-service medical clearance is valid for two years or a tour of duty, whichever is longer. The medical examination is not considered officially complete until the member and the interested personnel office have received a copy of Form DS-823. See 3 FAM 1900 for further information and guidance on the examinations and obtaining a clearance. Following are the categories of medical clearance:

·         1 — Unlimited medical clearance which indicates an individual may be assigned to any post without restriction;

·         2 — Medical limitation requiring "post approval" by the Medical Division;

·         5 — Not cleared for any overseas duty;

·         6 and 8 — Special categories, such as conversion to FSO, annulled clearance, TDY assignments, etc.;

·         7 — Pending status and examinee is without medical clearance; and

·         9 — Clearance for separation.

c.  For any assignment of an individual with a limited medical clearance the post must be approved by the Chief of Medical Clearance.

d. There is no standardized list of posts with adequate medical facilities. Upon receiving a request for "post approval" from Personnel, the medical file is reviewed by the Clearance Staff who determines whether adequate medical facilities are available at the proposed post for the particular medical problem and whether the medical condition would be aggravated by identified environmental conditions at post. Copies of Form DS-823 are sent to the member, appropriate GTM/CDA assignments office and employing agency for non-State Department employees. A copy is also maintained in the Bureau of Medical Services. Medical clearance information is automatically updated in the central personnel database through electronic transmission from MED. A daily error report is provided to GTM/CDA for review and update, if appropriate.

e. An individual cannot be appointed to the Foreign Service without a class 1 medical clearance or a waiver of this requirement. Medical clearances received by eligible family members of an applicant have no bearing on an applicant’s appointment for the Foreign Service. See 3 FAM 1900 for procedures for applying for a waiver of the medical clearance standard where an applicant is determined not to be available for worldwide assignment, and procedures for applying for review or administrative waiver of the in-service clearance decisions regarding members or eligible family members.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.6  Personnel Audit Report (Foreign Service Only)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

The Personnel Audit Report (PAR) is a computer printout of key fields of a member's personnel database record. An abbreviated version of the PAR is used by GTM/CDA in the assignment and counseling process. A more abbreviated version of the PAR is used by Selection Boards in the ranking of members of the Foreign Service for promotion purposes. PARs are printed on an annual basis and forwarded to employees during an "OPEN SEASON" for review. The PAR is accompanied by instructions indicating which fields may be corrected or changed at the member's request and those which must have the approval of others. Members of the Foreign Service are invited to return the PAR showing proposed changes to GTM/CDA where allowed changes/corrections are made to the database. If the requested changes/corrections require approval of other offices, e.g., GTM for change of home leave address, the PAR is sent to the appropriate offices for approval prior to update. If a requested change cannot be accomplished, the member is advised.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.7  Race and National Origin Identification - Form SF-181

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

Completion of Form SF-181 is required by OPM for all appointments (for any action which adds an employee to the rolls). The appointee should complete the form before entry on duty or on the date the employee reports for duty. The code is entered into the personnel database by the Registrar of the Office of the Recruitment Division (GTM/TAC/REC). The data, validated and corrected, if necessary, by the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights (M/EEOCR) in accordance with OPM's validity/correction procedures, is reported to OPM by computer tape as part of the State Department's Central Personnel Data File (CPDF) submission. The code is not printed on the SF-50 nor is it visible in the database. Any changes made to the code after it is put into the system initially are made by M/EEOCR. Form SF-181 is destroyed in accordance with OPM guidelines after the data is added to the system.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.8  Residence and Dependency Report - Form OF-126 (Foreign Service Only)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. The OF-126 is used to designate residences for travel and shipment of effects; to list dependents WHO WILL TRAVEL AT GOVERNMENT EXPENSE AND WILL RESIDE WITH EMPLOYEE ABROAD; and, if applicable, tandem marital status. See 3 FAM 2210 for regulations. Form OF-126 must be completed upon appointment and upon any change in residence, dependents, or marital status, and before separation or retirement. Instructions for its completion are on the back of the form. The original and two copies of the completed form are submitted to GTM/CDA (overseas posts should retain a file copy). In the case of new appointees, it is submitted directly to the servicing technician in GTM/CDA. All copies of Form OF-126 submitted before retirement are sent, along with the Request for Retirement, to the Retirement Division (GTM/RET).

b. Changes in home leave address must be approved by the Department (PER/ER).  GTM/CDA forwards those OF-126's requesting a change to PER/ER where the change is either approved or disapproved. If the request is approved, PER/ER returns the original to GTM/CDA where the central personnel database is updated. The original is then sent to the Personnel Records Branch (GTM/EX) for inclusion in the member's official personnel folder (OPF). The other two copies are distributed by GTM/CDA, one for distribution to the member and the other for the servicing technician's file. If the request is disapproved, PER/ER informs the employee by letter with a copy to GTM/CDA.

c.  All other changes requested on Form OF-126 are added to the personnel database by GTM/CDA. After the database is updated the original is sent to GTM/EX where it is filed in the member's OPF. One copy of Form OF-126 is maintained in the GTM/CDA technician file.

3 FAH-1 H-2347.9  Training Documents

(CT:POH-247;   08-25-2021)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. Training Outside FSI—the following forms are required for training that is provided through but not by FSI:

(1)  Extension Studies Program—Application for Sponsorship of After-hours Study (green for Civil Service employees and yellow for Foreign Service members).

(2)  Field Training Application—DS-1131 used for correspondence study both overseas and in the Department.

(3)  Request, Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training—SF-182.

(4)  Repayment Agreement.

b. These four forms are completed by the employee.

c.  Report of Training in Language/Area Skills and Achievements—Form DS-651

d. Form DS-651 which is initiated by FSI's School of Language Studies (M/FSI/SLS), is used to report the end-of-training results for all courses offered by the School of Language Studies and the School of Area Studies. It is forwarded to GTM/PE where the type of training, the instructor, and the date Form DS-651 was received is entered by hand on the "report card" which is maintained on each Foreign Service member. In some cases, the DS-651 is stamped in red to indicate that the officer is removed from language probation. This information is also included on the "score card". Form DS-651 is then sent to GTM/EX to be filed in the employee's performance folder. 

3 FAH-1 H-2347.10  Nomination for Incentive Award (JF-66)

(CT:POH-237;   08-11-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service and Civil Service Employees)

a. The new form (JF-66) for incentive awards (formerly Form DS-1577) should be used when an employee receives an award other than a Meritorious Service Increase.

b. Form JF-66 nomination forms are submitted to Bureau Executive Offices before being forwarded to GTM/PE. All forms should include individual’s name, grade or rank, social security number, position title, name of post/bureau and type of award. In the event of an approved group award, a copy of the nomination, with the above information, must be submitted for each individual.

c.  After completing action on the award, the Executive Office will send the approved nomination to the Department Awards Officer, GTM/PE, for verification that the nomination has been executed in accordance with 3 FAM 4800. GTM/PE will, upon receipt, update the PE award’s database to reflect the type of award received. Incentive awards are updated to the CPS through automatic batch processing from the PE awards database.

NOTE: A request for a meritorious service increase should not be submitted on the Form JF-66.


3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-2341  
Table File Codes and Translations

(CT:POH-266;   06-15-2023)


The Table File is organized as follows:

AR—Area Codes (EX/IM use only)

AW—Awards (general use)

CD—College Degree (general use)

CO—Institutions of Higher Learning (general use)

CM—College Major (general use)

DT—Diplomatic and Consular Titles (GTM/CDA use only)

FA—Federal Agencies (EX/IM use only)

FG—Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (general use)

GA—GSA Area Codes (general use)

LB—Languages (EX/IM use only)

LE—Level of Education (general use)

LG—Legal Authority (general use)

ME—Method of Entry (EX/IM use only)

NA—Nature of Action (general use)

OR—Post Language (EX/IM use only)

PS—Salary (general use)

PT—Position Title (general use)

RM—Remarks (general use)

RT—Retirement (general use)

SC—Section (general use)

SK—Skill (GTM/CDA only)

TE—Tenure (general use)

TR—Training (general use)

TT—Tour of Duty (general use)

VP—Veterans Preference (general use)

WS—Work Schedule (general use)

WT—Working Titles (general use)


The Office of Personnel Management’s Guide to Personnel Data Standards (formerly FPM Supplement 292-1) provides the framework for the Table File. The following is an explanation for some of the more commonly used table file descriptions. Requests for changes or additions to the Table File should be directed to GTM/EX/RIM.

1.     The Organization Code Table (OR)

This table identifies individual organizations within the Department. Each organization at the branch (or equivalent) level and above is listed as a six-digit numerical code. The central personnel database will not accept the entry of an organization code which does not match an approved organization code on this table. This code is used on the PERFS electronic DS-1670, Request for Position Data Action, the SF-52, and in the IFSAMA system.

2.     The Nature of Action Table (NA)

This table provides a list of all of the nature of action codes (NOACs), 100—899 series, including translations required by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). It also includes codes established by the Department (900 series) and translations for each. Actions taken using a code in the 900 series are not reportable to OPM.

Some NOACs are followed by an alphabetical character. The alphabetical character is added by the Department to the NOACs established by OPM. The Department's NOACs are translated differently. For example, NOAC 570C = APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AS AMBASSADOR TO (country), OPM's code 570 = CONVERSION TO EXCEPTED APPOINTMENT. Both of these actions are conversions to an excepted appointment as defined by OPM.

3.     The Legal Authorities Table (LG)

This table provides a list of legal authority codes which are acceptable to the central personnel database. Both the code and the translation are entered in Blocks 5-C through E and 6-C through E, as necessary, on the SF-52. The codes that begin with A through Z are established by and controlled by OPM. Numeric codes are established by the Department.

4.     The Salary Table (PS)

This table provides a list, organized by a salary table key (TKEY). It contains valid pay plan, grade, step, and salary information.

5.     The SF-50 Remarks Table (RM)

This table provides a list of the remarks to be printed on the SF-50. Each remark is referenced by a three-digit remark code. Up to twenty remark codes can be input on an SF-52. Some remarks require the input of fill-in data as indicated on the table. The entry of most remark codes can be determined by reference to the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions. The characters of the remarks codes have no significance although the first character indicates general groupings as described in the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions. The codes that begin with A through X are established and controlled by OPM. Codes that begin with Y and Z or those which are entirely numeric are established by the Department.

6.     The Tenure Code Table (TE)

This table is used to identify an employee's tenure, i.e., that period of time an employee may reasonably expect to serve under the current appointment. Tenure is governed by the type of appointment under which an employee is currently serving without regard to whether the employee has competitive status or whether the appointment is to a competitive position or an excepted position. OPM has established four tenure codes (0, 1, 2, and 3). All other codes have been established by the Department. Both codes appear on the SF-50 (Block 24—OPM and Block 25—Department of State). The Department's codes are shown in parenthesis.

7.     The Diplomatic and Consular Titles Table (DT)

This table is used for assigning diplomatic and/or consular titles to members of the Foreign Service being assigned to posts overseas. The codes and titles are used when preparing assignment documents through the IFSAMA system and on the SF-52 when a title is required. When required, the appropriate code and translation is entered in Blocks 7 and 15 of the SF-52.

8.     The Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Table (FG)

This table provides a list of codes for FEGLI options. The codes and translations are inserted in Block 27 of the SF-52. Payroll uses this information to deduct the appropriate amount from the employee's pay.

9.     The General Services Administration (GSA) Location Table (GA)

This table provides a list of the GSA location codes for each geographic area in which the Department has an operating office. The code entered in Block 38 of the SF-52 is edited against this table and the translation of that code is printed in Block 39 of the SF-50.

10.    The Position Title Table (PT)

This table provides a list of all occupation (skill) codes of positions, including translations, required by OPM. The first 5 characters report the actual occupation series. The last 3 characters are used by the Department to translate a functional title for the position, if required.

3 FAH-1 Exhibit H-2343  
SF-52 Samples
Part 1

(CT:POH-266;   06-15-2023)

TYPE OF FORMAT—A—Accession, S—Separation or R—Regular

The type of format is based on the nature of action being canceled (Blocks 6A and B).

Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action

001   CANCELLATION—Use to cancel an action that is reportable to OPM

999   AGENCY CANCELLATION—Use to cancel an action that is not reportable to OPM

Block 6-A   Block 6-B

NOAC Codes       Natures of Action

NOAC 001:  The NOAC and Nature of Action for Blocks 6-A and Block 6-B should be the NOAC and Nature of Action from the original action being canceled. Follow the format of the original action when preparing the cancellation.

NOAC 999:  When the nature of action being canceled is in the 9XX NOAC series an agency cancellation should be prepared. Follow the format of the original action when preparing the agency cancellation.

The effective date should be the same date as reflected on the original action.

TYPE OF FORMAT—A—Accession, S—Separation or R—Regular

The type of format is based on the nature of action being corrected (Blocks 6 A and B).

Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action

002   CORRECTION—Use to correct data that is reportable to OPM

950   AGENCY CORRECTION—Use to correct data that is not reportable to OPM

Block 6-A   Block 6-B

NOAC Codes       Natures of Action

The NOAC and Nature of Action for Blocks 6-A and Block 6-B should be the NOAC and Nature of Action from the original action being corrected. Follow the format of the original action when preparing the correction.

The effective date should be the same date as reflected on the original action.

The following blocks are not reportable to OPM. A 950, Agency Correction, should be prepared to correct the following blocks on a SF-50:

Items 7 and 15—Position Number and Diplomatic Title

Item 25—State Tenure Code (agency use) when the OPM tenure code remains the same.

Item 40—Date of Grade

Item 41—Periodic Step Increase

Item 42—Skill Code

Item 45—Tour of Duty remarks in the 9XX series


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action








171C EXCEPTED APPOINTMENT—(type of employee) —NTE (date)


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

01     Section 302(a)(1) FS Act of 1980

05     Section 309 FS Act of 1980

10     Section 308(a) FS Act of 1980

12     Section 303 FS Act of 1980

16     Section 308(b) FS Act of 1980

Tenure Codes (select as appropriate):

01     02     03     05     06     07     12     13     17     45     51     59     60

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

M01  Y16   Y17   041   042   120   121   127   150   154   333

334   411   Z14   M39  M40  P01   070   478   479   Z17   Z19

All appointments must include the Service Computation Date. Refer to Chapter 6 of the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for instructions regarding unverified prior creditable service.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


965   RETURN TO DUTY (less than 30 days)

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

9AC   Subchapter 3 FAM 4300

9AB   Subchapters 3 FAM 3510 and 3 FAM 3520

For Civil Service authorities and authority codes, see Guide to Processing Personnel Actions

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

B32   G11   G31   Y45   Y50   Y55   Y60   362   P20   T06   E05

The SCD must be adjusted when an employee has been in LWOP status for more than six months in any calendar year.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action





Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

18     Section 813 FS Act of 1980

19     Section 812 FS Act of 1980

20     Section 808 FS Act of 1980

33     Section 607(a) FS Act of 1980

35     Section 811 FS Act of 1980

36     Section 608 FS Act of 1980

9AA   Section 3 FAM 2550

For Civil Service authorities and authority codes, see Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

M67  Z75   Z76   Z77   Z78   N27   Z79   P05   Z15   R21   S68


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action

350   DEATH

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority    Authority Code

No authority code/authority required.

There are no OPM required remarks for this nature of action. See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

ZPM  P.L. 96-8 (for AIT Taiwan Only)

PZM  Reg. 352.308 (international organization)

This nature of action is used when an employee's separation from the Department is followed by appointment to another government agency without a break in service. It includes appointments to the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Multilateral Force Observers (MFO) and other international organizations.

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

585(AIT)    M04(AIT)   M62  M64  M67  N26   N27

See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions and CSRS & FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices for additional information.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action



960   LEAVE WITHOUT PAY NTE (less than 30 days)

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

9AC   Subchapters 3 FAM 3510 and 3 FAM 3520

22     Section 504(c) FS Act

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

B39   B40   G33   Z15   Z80   Z81   M53

See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action





Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

01     Section 302(a)(1) FS Act of 1980

05     Section 309 of the FS Act 1980

07     Section 305(b) of the FS Act 1980

12     Section 303 of the FS Act 1980

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

M39  M40  324   325   326   327   400   417


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action





Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

01     Section 302(a)(1) FS Act of 1980

05     Section 309 FS Act of 1980

06     Section 310 FS Act of 1980

23     Section 306 FS Act of 1980

9DA   Subchapter 3 FAM 2210

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

308   M01  411   Z64


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action








Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

01     Section 302(a)(1) FS Act of 1980

14     Section 302 (b) FS Act of 1980

16     Section 308 (B) FS Act of 1980

32     Section 502/503 FS Act of 1980

40     Section 302 (b)/302 (a)(1) FS Act of 1980

Part F—Remarks (select as appropriate):

M01  Z64   Z99   308   358   070   410   478   479   480

NOTE: When moving appointees from one Chief-of-Mission (COM) appointment to another, Blocks 11 and 19 equal the class of mission. Block 12 and 20 equal salary for class of mission.

When moving an employee to a COM position from a position that is not COM, Block 19 equals class of mission and Block 20 equals salary of class of mission. GTM issues information on classes of various missions.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


921   AGENCY REASSIGNMENT—Used to document agency reassignments that are not reportable to OPM, e.g., agency details, change in position number when no other change is made to a position, etc.

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

24     Section 502 FS Act of 1980

28     Section 503(B)(1) FS Act of 1980 (use for non-FS positions)

6TR   Section 704(b)(1) FS Act of 1980 (use for training assignments)

32     Section 502/503 FS Act 1980

Blocks 7 and 15—From and To Position Number and Title:

Enter diplomatic and/or consular title here. Use Section DT of the Table File.

Blocks 12 and 20—Total Salary:

When an employee moves from one geographic location to another, the salary may change. Please ensure that the correct salary is entered in the total salary block to eliminate a salary overpayment or underpayment.

Block 45—Remarks (select as appropriate):

701 through 713 (Foreign Service)

For Civil Service:—The gaining bureau is responsible for preparing the SF-52 documenting a reassignment. For Civil Service authorities, authority codes and remarks, see Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.

For Foreign Service:— GTM/CDA is responsible for preparing SF-52s for all employees assigned or reassigned to regional and functional bureaus (except the A Bureau). The A Bureau is responsible for initiating the SF-52 for members assigned to or reassigned within that bureau.

For Chief of Mission Equivalent:—This section of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 gives the Secretary (delegated to the Under Secretary of Management) authority to designate a position as COM equivalent at certain posts. Use nature of action code 721 to document the class of mission and salary (equivalent to a Chief of Mission) the member is to receive. It should be used when the member is moving into the position. See Exhibit Part 18 (Pay Adjustment) when an occupied position is designated COM status.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

05     Section 309(a)(1) FS Act of 1980

07     Section 305(B) FS Act of 1980

26     Section 704(A)(4)(B) FS Act of 1980

43     Section 311 FS Act of 1980

16     Section 308(b) FS Act of 1980

This action extends limited Foreign Service appointments when the statutory time limit is not exceeded.

For Civil Service authority codes and authorities, see Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action

780   NAME CHANGE FROM (previous name)

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

CGM  5 U.S.C. 552

Appropriate documentation must be provided, e.g., a court order, proof of request made to the Social Security Administration, Social Security card, etc. See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information.


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action



Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

CGM  5 U.S.C. 552

ZSM  Sec 301 P.L. 99-335

ZLM  Appropriate regulation, public law, etc.

Remarks (select as appropriate):

M74  M38  M39  M40  M44

Use nature of action code 800 to change any of the following data elements:

Agency Code

Annuitant Indicator

Bargaining Unit Status

FLSA Exemption Status

Occupational Code

Pay Rate Determinant

Position Occupied

Personnel Office Identifier

See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

PKM  Reg. 351.502

Use this nature of action when an employee's tenure group changes and no other personnel action occurs. When a Foreign Service career candidate is tenured, use the appropriate nature of action in the 570 series. See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

ZLM  E.O. and date

FNM  Reg. 532.415(c)

Enter law or other authority for comparability increase, e.g., E.O. 12345 dated 12/31/93. These actions are usually processed by batch through coordination between GTM/EX/RIM and IRM/CIO.

For Senior Foreign Service Pay and Leave Elections:

14     Section 302(b) Foreign Service Act

This section of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 authorizes Senior Foreign Service members who are serving as Presidential appointees to elect the salary and leave benefits of the position to which assigned or the salary and leave benefits of their personal rank.

For Senior Foreign Level Increases:

7AA   Sec 402(A)(2) FS ACT 1980 as amended by P.L. 97-241

This section of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 gives the Secretary authority to adjust the basic salary rate of a member of the SFS not more than once during any 12 month period.

For Chief of Mission Equivalent:

32     Section 502/503 FS Act

This section of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 gives the Secretary (delegated to the Under Secretary of Management) authority to designate a position as COM equivalent at certain posts. Use this nature of action to document the class of mission and salary (equivalent to a Chief of Mission) the member is to receive when already occupying the position. See Exhibit Part 12 (Reassignment) when assigning a member to a position that has been designated COM status.

Remarks (select as appropriate):

Z74   Z98   478   479   480   482   485   486   488


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

37     Section 406 (B) FS ACT 198

Regulations governing meritorious service increases (MSI) for Foreign Service members are found in 3 FAM 3120.  A MSI becomes effective at the beginning of the first pay period following the date of approval. Members of the Foreign Service may receive no more than one meritorious service increase in any 12-month period. Upon receipt of the signed and approved Recommendation for Meritorious Service Increase (Form DS-1903) the servicing bureau will prepare the SF-52. When a MSI places the member at step 10, the WGI code is changed by extending the waiting period by 52 weeks in accordance with Section 406 of the FS Act of 1980.  Note: The employee does not start a new waiting period from the effective date of the MSI, but rather the waiting period for the normal within grade increase is now 104 weeks rather than 52.

The original copy of the MSI will be forwarded to PER/EX/ADM/RM for filing in the Official Performance Folder.

Meritorious Service Increases awarded at an overseas post may be submitted by telegram (see the following sample format). In these cases, the SF-52 is prepared by the servicing bureau from the telegram.



E. O.:N/A



Block 1.     Name

Block 2.     Social Security Number

Block 3.     Date of Birth

Block 4.     Effective Date (first pay period after date of approval)

Block 5A.   NOAC (894A)

Block 5B.   Nature of Action (MSI)

Block 5C.   Authority Code (37)

Block 5D.   Legal Authority (Sec 406(B) FS Act 1980)

Block 8.     From Pay Plan

Block 10.    From Grade

Block 11.    From Step

Block 12.    From Salary

Block 14.    From Organization/Post

Block 16.    To Pay Plan

Block 18.    To Grade

Block 19.    To Step

Block 20.    To Salary

Block 22.    To Organization/Post

Part B

1.     Justification:(see 3 FAM 3120)

2.     Summary of Performance Rating:

3.     Certification:  I certify that (insert name) has been performing the most important functions of his/her position in a manner that substantially exceeds normal requirements and that his/her high level of effectiveness has been sustained to the extent that it may be considered characteristic of his/her performance. I further certify that I believe, on the basis of past experience, that his/her high quality performance is likely to continue.

4.     Nominated by:

5.     Title

6.     Date Nominated:

7.     Reviewed by:

8.     Title:

9.     Date Reviewed:

10.    Approved by:

11.    Title:

12.    Date Approved:


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

9AF   13 FAM 200

29     Section 704(b)(e) FS ACT of 1980


The regulation which authorizes language proficiency within-class salary increases are found in 13 FAM 200. To be eligible for a language proficiency within-class salary increase as authorized by 13 FAM 200, members must be in a pay system which has steps within a class, i.e., the Foreign Service (FS) pay schedule. Senior level pay plans which include FE as well as chiefs of mission (FA) and ambassadors at large, do not have within-class steps. Therefore, members in these senior level pay plans are eligible only for language incentive pay
under 13 FAM 200, which authorizes monetary incentives as a percentage of base pay.

Effective Date:

The effective date for language proficiency within-class salary increases is the first pay period after FSI certifies that minimum qualifications have been met, except that those who qualify for an increase at entrance on duty in the Foreign Service will be paid retroactively to swearing in (see 13 FAM 200). FSI certification is in the form of a covering memorandum from M/FSI/SLS/Testing Unit and a DS-651, Report of Training, or DS-1354, Language Proficiency Report. This certification is forwarded to GTM/EX/RIM for execution of a SF-50 or, in the case of a new employee, GTM/TAC/REC who will prepare a SF-52 for language increase(s) effective the date of appointment.

A member does not begin a new waiting period based on a language proficiency step increase. However, if the step increase moves the member from step 9 or below to step 10 or higher, the waiting period for the next regular periodic within-class increase is extended 52 weeks, and the WGI field on the SF-52 must be coded to indicate the new date (104 weeks from the last WGI).

Benefit of Increase:

Members should receive benefit of the increase for at least 52 weeks. If a member is promoted less than 52 weeks after the effective date of a language proficiency within-class salary increase, the step to which promoted in the new class must be set at the "rate to which the member would have been entitled had the member received no incentive increase plus within-class salary increase(s) in the new class not less than the dollar amount of the incentive increase(s) granted in the employee's former class." Since yearly Foreign Service and administrative promotions are processed by GTM/EX/RIM, these actions must be reviewed and corrected as required.

As set forth in 13 FAM 200, language proficiency within-class salary increases that cannot be granted when earned because the employee's salary would be above the top step of the class will be awarded as a within-class increase in the new class upon the next subsequent promotion. When preparing actions of this kind, indicate in the remarks section the number of increases due upon the next promotion. This will be noted in the central personnel database and an adjustment made upon the next promotion. SF-50s should be reviewed for accuracy and corrected as necessary.

Remarks (select as appropriate):

Z61   Z62   Z63   113   484


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

ZTT   P.L. 101-509, Sec 302 (IGA)

ZTX   P.L. 101-509, Sec 404 (LEO)

VGR  5 U.S.C. 5304 (locality-based comparability payment)

A locality payment documents the salary, at or above the basic salary rates authorized under 5 CFR 531 that an employee is to be paid based on the geographic location of the position. It includes an interim geographic adjustment, locality-based comparability payment or special pay adjustment for law enforcement.

See Guide to Processing Personnel Actions for additional information.

Remarks (select as appropriate):

P89   P92   P93   P94   P95


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

39     Section 607(b) FS Act of 1980

Remarks (select as appropriate):

Z71   Z72   Z73


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action




Use these natures of action for an employee from another government agency assigned to a position in the Department. Data is added to the central personnel database for record purposes only. Use nature of action code 921 to move this type of employee from one position to another.

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

24     Section 502 FS Act of 1980

Blocks 24 and 25: Tenure:


Remarks (select as appropriate):

180   580   582


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action






Use these natures of action to document temporary assignments and details outside the Department (usually 6 months or less in duration). For assignments viewed as permanent in nature, nature of action code 721 should be used. See Exhibit Part 12 on how to document this type of action.

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

15     Section 503(a)(1) FS Act of 1980

Remarks (select as appropriate):

580   582   701 through 713


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action

972   DETAIL NTE (date)



These natures of action document temporary assignments and details within the Department from one organization to another. No legal authority is required for Civil Service employees.

Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

6TR   Section 704(b)(1) FS Act 1980 (use for training assignments only)




Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action







Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

44     Section 312 FS Act of 1980

9AD   Subchapter 3 FAM 2430

Block 15—To Position Number and Title:

Use Table File, Section DT (Diplomatic Title) for codes and translations

Remarks (select as appropriate)

411   519   520   521


Block 5-A   Block 5-B

NOA Codes Natures of Action


Block 5-C   Block 5-D

Authority Code    Authority

9DB   Subchapter 3 FAM 2620

Remarks (select as appropriate):

Y37—Secondary Skill Code becomes

Y38—Tertiary Skill Code becomes

Y39—This corrects Item 42 (Skill) from    to    

Block 42—Primary skill code:

A primary skill must be entered in this block. Secondary and tertiary skills are entered in the remarks section (block 45).

Multifunctional skill code 0060 will always remain in the secondary skill code position. Employees who qualify for multifunctional skill codes retain their primary skill code.