3 FAM 2500 

3 FAM 2510 


(CT:PER-1102;   09-29-2022)
(Office of Origin:  GTM/CDA)


(CT:PER-678;   06-22-2012)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service & Civil Service Employees)

a. This subchapter establishes the regulatory basis for separating employees from the service.

b. These regulations apply to:

(1)  All Civil Service employees of the Department; and

(2)  Members of the Foreign Service who are both U.S. citizens and full-time employees.

3 FAM 2512  POLICY

(CT:PER-1102;   09-29-2022)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service & Civil Service Employees)

When an employee separates from the service, the Department is obligated to assure that:

(1)  All government properties charged to such individual are either returned or arrangements are made for satisfying any resulting indebtedness;

(2)  Any outstanding obligations to the U.S. Government are either satisfied or are made a matter of official record;

(3)  Arrangements are made for the clearance of any outstanding obligation which is a matter of official record;

(4)  The employee has surrendered all previously issued valid special-issuance passports for proper disposition per 8 FAM 901.1;

(5)  The employee has returned to a responsible officer of the Department all records and papers containing classified or administratively controlled information and all other papers belonging to the Government;

(6)  The employee will not reveal any classified or administratively controlled information unless authorized by the Department; and

(7)  The employee has completed all performance evaluations for which the employee is responsible.  (For Foreign Service performance evaluations the regulations contained in 3 FAM 2820 and, 3 FAH-1 H-2820 apply).


3 FAM 2513.1  Foreign Service

(CT:PER-989;   05-14-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service & Civil Service Employees)

a. Documentary authority for separation of a Foreign Service employee is a Form SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, or, in-lieu of the Form SF-50, a TMFOUR travel message.

b. The Office of Career Development and Assignments (GTM/CDA) has responsibility for processing and issuing the Form SF-50 or TMFOUR.

3 FAM 2513.2  Civil Service

(CT:PER-989;   05-14-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service & Civil Service Employees)

a. For a Civil Service employee, documentary authority for separation is a Form SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action.

b. Except in case of retirement, the Form SF-52, Request for Personnel Action, is prepared by the employee’s bureau and is forwarded to the Office of Civil Service Global Talent Management (GTM/CSTM) for approval. 

c.  For an employee who is retiring, the Form SF-52 is prepared and approved by the Office of Retirement (GTM/RET).


(CT:PER-821;   06-16-2016)
(State Only)
(Applies to Foreign Service & Civil Service Employees)

3 FAH-1 H-2520 and 3 FAH-1 H-2530 contains procedures and guidelines which must be followed when separating an employee of the Department of State.