3 FAM 3190


(CT:PER-1147;   08-08-2023)
(Office of Origin:  GTM/CSTM)


(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

The purpose of this subchapter is to outline the criteria and procedures for determining and authorizing Civil Service travel and relocation expenses for pre-employment interviews, new appointees, Federal employees transferring to the Department, and employees relocating between domestic Department locations.

3 FAM 3192  POLICY

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only

It is the policy of the Department to pay expenses for pre-employment interviews and relocation costs of new appointees and transferees when it is determined to be in the U. S. government’s interest and not for the sole benefit of an individual.


3 FAM 3193.1  Authority

(CT:PER-694;   05-29-2013)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

The following authorities are applicable when paying travel and relocation costs for pre-employment interviews; new appointees and transferees:

(1)  5 U.S.C. Section 5514;

(2)  5 U.S.C. Section 5706(b);

(3)  5 U.S.C. Section 5723;

(4)  5 U.S.C. 5724;

(5)  41 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapter 301, Part 301-75 (Pre-Employment Interview Travel);

(6)  41 CFR, Chapter 302, Subpart A (Relocation Allowances–New Appointees);

(7)  5 CFR 572 (Travel and Transportation Expenses–New Appointees and Interviews);

(8)  5 CFR 550, Subpart K (Collection by Offset From Indebted Government Employees);

(9)  22 CFR Part 34 (Collection of Debts); and

(10) GSA Federal Travel (FTR) Overview.

3 FAM 3193.2  Eligibility

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

This subchapter sets forth the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures applicable for the payment of travel and/or relocation costs for the following:

(1)  Candidates invited for pre-employment interviews for Civil Service positions;

(2)  New Civil Service appointees as defined in 41 CFR, Chapter 302, Part 302-3.1;

(3)  Civil Service employees transferring from other U.S. Government agencies or transferring between Department domestic locations.  This may also include employees separated as a result of reduction in force or transfer of functions who are re-employed within one year after such separation; and

(4)  This section does not apply to Civil Service employees who are entering the Foreign Service.

3 FAM 3193.3  Approval

(CT:PER-1147;   08-08-2023)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. The Bureau Assistant Secretary, equivalent (e.g., Inspector General, Legal Adviser), or designee serves as the approving official for travel and/or relocation costs covered by this subchapter.

b. Additionally, as the approving official they ensure that:

(1)  The payment of expenses for pre-employment interviewees, travel and/or relocation expenses for new appointees, and transferees is in the government’s interest and not primarily for the convenience or benefit of the individual; and

(2)  Procedures are established within the Bureau for approving and authorizing expenses for pre-employment interview travel and/or relocation expenses for new appointees and transferees based on the criteria and procedures contained in this subchapter.

c.  In rare circumstances there may be a need to authorize payment of allowable travel and/or relocation costs for transferees without regard to the criteria and procedures set forth in this subchapter.  Since travel and relocation costs for transferees are centrally funded, an exception can only be authorized by the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent (M/DGTM) or designee.

d. In such instances, the bureau Assistant Secretary or equivalent, (e.g., Inspector General, Legal Adviser) must submit to M/DGTM through the Bureau of Global Talent Management Executive Director a memorandum documenting the basis for the exception.  GTM/EX will then recommend to M/DGTM whether an exception should be approved.

3 FAM 3193.4  CRITERIA

(CT:PER-879;   09-08-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. There are two decision stages in the hiring process during which the selecting official must determine the need to pay the travel and per diem for pre-employment interview expenses; and/or relocation costs for new appointees or transferees:

(1)  Prior to taking steps to recruit; and

(2)  After the announcement closes and/or the pool of highly qualified candidates is identified.

b. The first decision must be made before announcing the job or before considering candidates outside of the vacancy announcement process (e.g., non-competitive eligible).  Refer to 3 FAM 3194, 3195 and 3196 for additional information.  The Assistant Secretary or equivalent or designee must consider  the following factors in making the tentative determination on whether it is in the U.S. government interests to pay travel and relocation expenses:

(1)  The availability of funds;

(2)  The availability of qualified candidates in the “local” labor market;

(3)  The necessity of conducting personal interviews to fill the position;

(4)  Whether the Department is experiencing difficulty in recruiting qualified individuals in this particular occupation;

(5)  Whether this is an occupation that has been determined to be hard-to-fill or in a designated employment category (e.g., as defined in 3 FAM 3181.3 (3) or the student loan repayment program); and

(6)  Expected duration of employment, (e.g., temporary change in duty station for a long-term assignment).

c.  The second decision must be made once the actual pool of candidates is identified (e.g., after the vacancy announcement or public notice closes).  Refer to 3 FAM 3194.3, 3 FAM 3195.3 and 3 FAM 3196.2 for additional information.  The Assistant Secretary, equivalent, or designee must consider such factors as the following:

(1)  The costs of travel and per diem;

(2)  The number, quality, and qualifications of locally available candidates who applied or are being considered for the position;

(3)  The extent to which the non-local candidate(s) possesses special or unique qualifications for the position; and

(4)  Expected duration of employment, (e.g., temporary change in duty station for a long-term assignment).

3 FAM 3194  Pre-Employment Interview Expenses DETERMINATION AND AUTHORIZATION

3 FAM 3194.1  Making the Determination to Pay Expenses

(CT:PER-992;   05-20-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. Before advertising a particular vacancy and/or considering candidates for employment outside of the vacancy announcement process (e.g., noncompetitive eligible), the hiring official of the position, in consultation with the Bureau Executive Director, must tentatively determine whether it will be necessary for the “Bureau” to pay travel related expenses for pre-employment interviews.

b. This determination must be based on the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4(b), documented in writing, and submitted to the Assistant Secretary or equivalent (e.g., Inspector General, Legal Adviser) or designee for approval.

c.  Upon such determination, the job announcement or public notice must specifically state that pre-employment interview expenses may be paid for the particular position.

d. When a bureau determines there are no circumstances for which the Department will pay pre-employment interview expenses, then the non-availability of funds for these purposes should be expressly stated in the vacancy announcement.

e. A copy of the determination must be transmitted along with the request to recruit or fill the job and is maintained with the employment case file (e.g., vacancy announcement) in the Office of Civil Service Global Talent Management (GTM/CSTM) or by the Bureau or Office with delegated hiring authority.

3 FAM 3194.2  Allowable Expenses

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. Allowable expenses for pre-employment interviews include travel and per diem only.

b. Expenses for travel and per diem are not centrally funded; however Bureaus may elect to pay these expenses based on the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4 (b) and in accordance with procedures set forth in this subchapter.

3 FAM 3194.3  Authorizing Expenses

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. In addition to the criteria previously considered at 3 FAM 3193.4 (b), before interviews begin the hiring official, in consultation with the Bureau Executive Office, must determine the need to pay travel and per diem for pre-employment interviews.  This determination must reflect consideration of the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4 (c) and be approved by the Bureau Assistant Secretary or the designated authorizing official.

b. The signature of the Assistant Secretary or designated authorizing official on the Form DS-1872, Request for Travel Authorization, certifies that the factors at 3 FAM 3193.4 (b) and (c) have been considered and it is in the U.S. Government’s interest to pay the travel and per diem for pre-employment interviews.


3 FAM 3195.1  Making the Determination to Pay Relocation Costs

(CT:PER-992;   05-20-2020)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. Before advertising a particular vacancy and/or considering candidates for employment outside of the vacancy announcement process (e.g., non competitive eligible), the hiring official, in consultation with the Bureau Executive Director, must tentatively determine whether the “Bureau” will pay the travel and relocation costs of a candidate who is outside of the “local” commuting area and is not a Federal employee, i.e. a potential new civil service appointee.

b. The above determination must be based on the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4 (b), documented in writing, and submitted to the Bureau Assistant Secretary or equivalent (e.g., Inspector General, Legal Adviser) or designee for approval.

c.  Upon such determination, the job announcement or public notice must specifically state that travel and relocation expenses may be paid for the particular position.

d. When a bureau determines that there are no circumstances for which the Department will pay travel and relocation expenses to new appointees, then the non-availability of funds for these purposes should be expressly stated in the vacancy announcement.

e. A copy of the determination must be transmitted to the servicing human resource office along with the request to recruit or fill the job.  This information is maintained with the employment vacancy file in the Office of Civil Service Global Talent Management (GTM/CSTM) or by the Bureau or Office with delegated hiring authority.

3 FAM 3195.2  Allowable Relocation Expenses

3 FAM 3195.2-1  Allowable Expenses

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. The allowable expenses specified at 3 FAM 3195.2-1 (b) for new appointees (generally individuals who are not Federal employees) are not centrally funded; however, Bureaus may elect to fund specific travel and relocation expenses.

b. When a bureau makes the determination to pay relocation costs, it must pay all of the allowable expenses that follow when relocating eligible new appointees to their first official duty station such as:

(1)  Travel (between the individual’s current place of residence and the new official duty station) and per diem;

(2)  Travel for the immediate family;

(3)  Mileage if a privately owned vehicle (POV) is used;

(4)  Transportation and temporary storage of household goods;

(5)  Long term storage of household goods if appointed to an isolated location; and

(6)  Transportation of a mobile home in lieu of household effects.

3 FAM 3195.2-2  Expenses Not Allowable

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

Expenses not allowable for new appointees include the following:

(1)  Per Diem for family members;

(2)  The cost of a house-hunting trip;

(3)  Subsistence while occupying temporary quarters;

(4)  A miscellaneous expense allowance;

(5)  Residence sale and purchase expenses; lease breaking expenses; and

(6)  Relocation services.

3 FAM 3195.3  Travel and Relocation Expenses Authorization

(CT:PER-915;   08-17-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

In addition to the criteria previously considered at 3 FAM 3193.4, paragraph b, after the announcement or notice closes and/or the pool of highly qualified candidates is identified, the hiring official, in consultation with the Bureau Executive Office, must determine whether it is necessary for the “Bureau” to pay the travel and relocation costs of a non-Federal candidate, i.e., new appointee based on the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4, paragraph c.


3 FAM 3196.1  Determination

(CT:PER-960;   09-30-2019)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. Before advertising a particular vacancy and/or considering candidates for employment outside of the vacancy announcement process (e.g., noncompetitive eligible), the hiring official, in consultation with the Bureau Executive Director, must tentatively determine whether the “Department” will pay the travel and relocation costs of a candidate who is outside of the “local” commuting area and is a Federal employee, i.e. a transferee).

b. The above determination must be based on the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4 (b), documented in writing, and submitted to the Bureau Assistant Secretary or equivalent (e.g., Inspector General, Legal Adviser) or designee for approval.

c.  Upon such determination, the job announcement or public notice must specifically state that travel and relocation expenses may be paid for the particular position.

d. When a bureau determines that there are no circumstances for which the Department will pay travel and relocation expenses to transferees, then the non-availability of funds for these purposes should be expressly stated in the vacancy announcement.

e. A copy of the determination must be transmitted along with the request to recruit or fill the job and is maintained with the employment vacancy file in the Office of Civil Service Global Talent Management (GTM/CSTM) or by the Bureau or Office with delegated hiring authority.

3 FAM 3196.2  Authorization

(CT:PER-915;   08-17-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. In addition to the criteria previously considered at 3 FAM 3193.4 (b), after the announcement or notice closes and/or the pool of highly qualified candidates is identified, the hiring official, in consultation with the Bureau Executive Office, must determine, based on the criteria at 3 FAM 3193.4 (c), whether it is necessary for the “Department” to pay the travel and relocation costs of an eligible transferee, i.e. Federal employee.

b. Once the determination is made that a transferee is eligible for payment of relocation expenses (because the transfer is in the interest of the government and not primarily for the convenience or benefit of an employee), payment must be authorized for all the mandatory expenses set forth in 3 FAM 3196.3-1.  In addition, it is Department policy to authorize the discretionary expenses set forth in 3 FAM 3196.3-2.

3 FAM 3196.3  Allowable  Expenses

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. Allowable expenses specified in 3 FAM 3196.3-1 and 3 FAM 3196.3-2 are centrally funded.

b. Relocation expenses for federal government employees transferring to the Department or between Department domestic locations will be paid only if there is no break in service (one full workday) and the Department determines that the transfer is in the U.S. Government’s interest.

3 FAM 3196.3-1  Mandatory Travel and Per Diem Expenses

(CT:PER-694;   05-29-2013)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

The Department is required to pay the following expenses, as set forth in 41 CFR Parts 300 and CFR 302, for Civil Service employees whose transfer is in the government’s interest:

(1)  Transportation and per diem for employee and eligible family members (use of POV is considered advantageous to the U.S. Government; see 14 FAM 566.3);

(2)  Miscellaneous moving expense;

(3)  Residence transaction expenses;

(4)  Transportation and temporary storage of household goods;

(5)  Extended storage of household goods;

(6)  Transportation of a mobile home or boat used as a primary residence in lieu of transportation of household goods; and

(7)  Relocation income tax allowance.

3 FAM 3196.3-2  Authorization of Additional Relocation Expenses

(CT:PER-879;   09-08-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

It is Department policy to provide, in addition to those expenses set forth in 3 FAM 3196.3-1, the following allowances, for Civil Service employees whose transfer is in the government’s interest;

(1)  House hunting per diem and transportation (employee and spouse only);

(2)  Temporary quarters subsistence expenses (TQSE); and

(3)  Shipment of one POV when employee can demonstrate that it is advantageous and cost effective to the federal government.


3 FAM 3197.1  Continued Service Agreement

(CT:PER-879;   09-08-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

Payment for any of the allowable expenses may not be authorized unless the new appointee or transferee has signed a service agreement guaranteeing 12-months of U.S. Government service from the date of appointment.  See Form DS-5052, Continued Service Agreement Relocation Expenses for New Civil Service Appointees and Transferees.

3 FAM 3197.2  Repayment of Travel and Relocation Expenses

(CT:PER-879;   09-08-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

Except as provided in paragraph (b) below, a new appointee who fails to complete the 12-month term of employment in a position covered by the Continued Service Agreement will be indebted to the federal government and required to repay the relocation expenses on a pro rata basis.  The amount to be repaid will be determined by providing credit for each full month of employment completed by the new appointee under the service agreement.

(1)  If an employee fails to complete the 12-month term of employment, the Bureau executive director notifies the employee in writing that relocation expenses must be repaid.  The Bureau forwards a copy of the written notification to the Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS), Office of American Pay and Pension Operations.  Upon receipt of a copy of the written notification, CGFS will work with the bureau to take the necessary steps to recover the repayment of relocation expenses granted to the employee.

(2)  The requirement to repay relocation expenses upon failure to complete a 12-month term of employment does not apply if the employee is:

(a)    Involuntarily separated, (e.g., reduction-in-force); or

(b)    Relocated to a position in a different commuting area after receiving a written determination by the appropriate management official, stating that it is necessary to relocate the new appointee; or

(c)    Granted a waiver under 5 U.S.C. 5514 and 5 CFR Part 550, Subpart K by Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS) that recovery of this debt (in whole or in part) would be against equity and good conscience or against the public interest. Refer to 4 FAM 490 for the Department’s debt collection procedures.


3 FAM 3198.1  General Information

(CT:PER-1147;   08-08-2023)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

a. Travel orders must be issued before commencing travel.  The per diem will be provided in accordance with rates established by the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR), Chapter 301, Appendix A.

b. The Department will determine a new appointee’s residency based on the actual dwelling place of the appointee at the time of their appointment or selection, i.e., where the individual physically resides at the time of selection for appointment or transfer, regardless of intent.  The actual dwelling place of dependent students is presumed to be the same as their parent(s).

3 FAM 3198.2  Pre-employment Interviews

(CT:PER-529;   04-14-2005)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

Once the authorizing official approves the Form DS-1872, Request for Travel Authorization, each bureau is responsible for issuing the travel orders for interviewees.  In the event that pre-employment interview travel is authorized, the bureau must inform the interviewee of the regulations and procedures related to interviewee travel set forth in 41 CFR Part 301-75.

3 FAM 3198.3  Advance of Funds

(CT:PER-915;   08-17-2018)
(State Only)
(Applies to the Civil Service Only)

An advancement of funds for allowable travel and transportation expenses (see 3 FAM 3195.2-1, 3 FAM 3196.3-1, and 3 FAM 3196.3-2) may be paid to a new appointee or transferee.  There is no advancement of funds for interviewees.