3 FAM 7630 


(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Office of Origin:  GTM/OE)

3 FAM 7631  Overview

(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only )

a. The heads of overseas Missions are responsible for providing formal and informal training opportunities for Locally Employed (LE) Staff employees, as necessary.

b. Training is intended to help increase the proficiency, and develop professional capacity, of employees who are already qualified for the positions they hold, whether at the full performance level or training grade. 

c.  According to the needs of posts and the availability of funds, training may be accomplished through distance learning, virtual or in-person classroom work, conferences, workshops, supervised practice, or other methods or combinations of methods.

d. Whether the employee is attending virtual, or in-person, instructor-led training, supervisors must ensure that the employee’s focus is on successfully completing training and that they are not completing their regular duties during training hours.

e. Subject to availability of funds, job-related training may be authorized at Government and non-Government facilities. 

f.  Training may not be authorized by, in, or through a non-Government facility or organization that teaches or advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence, or by or through any individual who, in the course of the training, demonstrates hostility or antagonism toward the United States.

NOTE: LE Staff employed by other U.S Government agencies should follow the instructions of their employing Agency regarding the process for requesting training.



3 FAM 7632.1  Establishing and Administering Training Programs

(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

Subject to resources and funding, each Mission should create a training program for LE Staff under Chief of Mission (COM) authority. This program should be overseen and implemented by the designated Post Training Officer (HR or Post Management).

For guidance on how to establish a Mission Training Program go to the Mission Training Policy Aid on GTM/OE’s SharePoint

Other Agencies’ LE Staff should follow the instructions of their employing Agency regarding training if it differs from the Mission training program.


3 FAM 7632.2  Training Modalities

(CT:PER-1177;  02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

Acceptable forms of training delivery for LE Staff are:

a. Training Facilitated by Government Entities

Formal job-related training open to LE Staff employees at Government expense through government entities mainly conducted by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Regional Training Centers (RTCs), and other agencies of Government through FSI.


b. Training Facilitated by Non-Government Entities

Formal and informal job-related training open to LE Staff employees at Government expense through non-government entities are:

(1)  Details with trade, labor, agricultural, or scientific associations and commercial firms, or with public or private nonprofit institutions for training in particular fields such as, but not limited to, commerce, labor, or administration.

(2)  Attendance at meetings or seminars that focus on job-related functions or activities.

(3)  Participation in training programs offered by a non-Government entity outside the host country only if the training is not offered by non-Government entity available within the host country.

(4) Participation in training programs only offered by non-USG organizations for purposes of understanding matters related to local labor law and/or to obtain locally required job certifications.

(5)  Enrollment in short-term, not degree-leading trainings through colleges or universities on a part-time or full-time basis, or in distance learning courses, as applicable.


c)  Informal Training Programs

In addition to formal and informal training courses, overseas establishments may include in their Mission Training program the following:

(1)  Orientation Programs.  Each Mission should establish an orientation program for newly hired LE Staff that provides all necessary information about working at a U.S. Mission overseas and post-specific information. An available Orientation Program template has been developed and can be found on GTM/OE’s SharePoint.

(2)  On-the-Job Training and Cross Training. It can be accomplished by shadowing an experienced employee with similar or other job duties respectively, mentoring and/or informal coaching.

(3)   English language training. If funding is available and there is a need for employees to become more proficient in English, Post may develop a program that provides local employees with language training as a benefit for LE Staff.

(4)  Other trainings as deemed necessary by Post Management including details to another post or another Government facility. See 3 FAM 7250 “Assignments, Transfer, and Details.”


3 FAM 7632.3  Continued Service Agreement (CSA)

(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

A continued service agreement (CSA) constitutes an employee’s agreement to continue their employment with the U.S. Government for a set period of time following completion of the training.

(1) Post may require a Continued Service Agreement (CSA), if consistent with local law and deemed necessary by Post.

(2) The duration of a CSA is at Post’s discretion but should be reasonable and is suggested not to exceed six (6) months from the end of the training. 

(3) CSAs only apply to Government funded training, formal and informal, held locally, in the U.S. or at another location.

(4) Copy of the signed CSA shall be filed in the employee’s official personnel folder.


NOTE: LE Staff employed by other U.S Government agencies should refer to their agency’s training regulations regarding CSAs.


3 FAM 7632.4  Training Approval Process

(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

a. All FSI training requests must be submitted online via the Student Information System (SIS). Non-FSI training should be submitted via the SF-182 form for Post specific approval – direct supervisor, USDH supervisor and training officer (HRO or Management Counselor).

b. Paid from post funds, unless provided by Regional and/or Functional Bureaus.  Where the need for training is urgent and the post concerned has no funds available, it may request financial assistance from the Regional Bureaus.

NOTE: LE Staff employed by other U.S Government agencies should follow the instructions of their employing agency regarding requests for training funds.


(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

The Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies conduct specialized LE Staff training programs in the United States. Overseas Missions should refer to appropriate employing agency instructions regarding LE Staff employee training in the United States.


(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

From time to time, various U.S. Government agencies conduct specialized courses or seminars overseas, which are open to Locally Employed Staff. Notices of the scheduling of such courses or seminars are sent to appropriate posts as far in advance as possible.



(CT:PER-1177;   02-28-2024)
(Uniform State/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)
(Applies to LE Staff Only)

When a LE Staff employee is in the United States for business or personal reasons, the visit may provide the employing agency an opportunity to give the employee special orientation or consultation at little expense to the Government.  When a post considers such consultation desirable, it should request the approval of temporary duty status from:

(1) For State, the appropriate regional bureau.

(2) For other U. S. Government agencies, the appropriate sponsoring agency bureau or office.

a. Such consultations should be decided and fully coordinated prior to the LE Staff employee departure from post. Such a determination should include:

b. The type of consultation and experience which the post believes would be most beneficial for the employee;

c.  The dates of the employee’s visit;

The contact information where the employee may be reached in the United States; and

d. The point nearest to Washington, D.C., which the employee expects to visit.

NOTE:  It may be possible to pay travel and per diem expenses from the nearest point which the employee expects to visit in the United States to Washington, DC, subject to applicable policy on cost-constructed indirect travel (see 14 FAM 511.3). Other points to consider in making the decision are whether the nearest point is within a reasonable distance of Washington, DC; the availability of budgetary resources; and the benefits to be derived.