3 FAM 7760
Locally Employed (le) STAFF TELEWORK
(CT:PER-1207; 01-16-2025)
(Office of Origin: GTM/OE)
(CT:PER-1047; 06-24-2021)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. Missions may establish a telework policy for Locally Employed (LE) Staff. The decision to implement a telework policy for LE Staff falls under Chief of Mission authority and applies uniformly to all agencies at post.
b. The Mission telework policy for LE Staff must be consistent with Department policy (3 FAM 2360) and local law. If local law requirements conflict with Department policy or provide benefits not already authorized in the Local Compensation Plan (LCP), the Mission must seek clearance from GTM/OE before implementing.
c. Telework is not an entitlement of employment, and the Mission retains discretion to determine whether telework is authorized at the Mission and whether individual employees are eligible to participate. If developing a telework policy for LE Staff, Mission management should work with local counsel to include language that reserves maximum flexibility for Mission management to make changes, as needed, to the Mission telework policy and individual telework agreements.
(CT:PER-1047; 06-24-2021)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. If establishing a Mission telework policy for LE Staff, Mission management must follow the Department's overall policies on telework developed by GTM/ER (see 3 FAM 2360) and work with relevant offices to address any issues related to remote access, information security, counterintelligence, and bandwidth, and ensure that there are proper safeguards in place for documents/information used or accessed from the telework site (see 12 FAM 620 and 12 FAH-10 H-174).
b. Prior to implementation, the Mission telework policy should be reviewed by Department-authorized local legal counsel to ensure that the policy and its implementation are consistent with local law. Mission management must work with GTM/OE to resolve any conflicts between local law and Department policy.
c. The Mission’s telework policy for LE Staff must be cleared with the regional bureau’s executive office and all agencies at the Mission. It must then be published in the LE Staff Handbook.
d. Telework arrangements as an accommodation for a disability should be reviewed as follows: for U.S. citizen LE Staff, Mission management must follow 3 FAM 2361.3. For non-U.S. citizen LE Staff, Mission management should follow procedures consistent with local law and, as needed, should consult with local counsel and GTM/OE.
(CT:PER-1047; 06-24-2021)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. LE Staff may be eligible to telework if the Mission has a telework policy in place; the employee encumbers a telework eligible position, i.e., functions of the position may be performed remotely; and the employee has a signed telework agreement in place certifying that they have a safe alternate work site and the necessary technology to work remotely. All telework requests will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
b. In determining whether a position is telework eligible and whether an employee in a telework eligible position should be authorized to telework, Mission management should consider the factors set forth in 3 FAM 2362.2(c). For employees under Merit Based Compensation (MBC), the employee is not eligible if their most recent Employee Performance Review (EPR) has a Total Performance Score (TPS) of less than 100 points. For employees under Within-Grade Increase (WGI), the employee is not eligible if their most recent EPR resulted in implementation of a performance-improvement plan (PIP). Even if an employee meets performance rating eligibility under the MBC or WGI standards above, telework may not be appropriate based on the other considerations set forth in 3 FAM 2362.2(c). Telework arrangements must be based on the employee's work performance, position duties, and mission needs, not on other personal circumstances. In all cases, the programmatic requirements of the office are a major factor in approving telework arrangements.
d. Mission management must ensure that employees eligible to telework successfully complete mandatory telework training available through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) (www.telework.gov) before applying for a telework agreement and, thereafter, at least once each year, e.g., upon renewal of the agreement. If necessary, Mission management should print hard copies of the training and provide translated versions of the training. Managers who are supervising teleworkers must successfully complete the telework training for managers at least once each year.
e. Mission management should consult GTM/OE’s intranet site for the latest telework agreement template. Telework agreements must be reviewed, at a minimum, on a yearly basis and whenever there has been a material change in the working conditions (i.e., change in supervisor, substantive change in portfolio) to ensure that telework is still meeting the requirements of the Mission.
(CT:PER-1207; 01-16-2025)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. The alternate work site, usually the employee's home, must be in the country of employment. Employees are generally not permitted to telework from a foreign country other than their country of employment. Exceptions may be made for U.S. citizen/lawful permanent resident (LPR) LE Staff seeking to telework from the United States. Post management must submit exception requests to GTM/OE.
b. The alternate work site must be within commuting distance of the geographic limits of the employee’s duty station (as defined by 14 FAM 511.3 and the Mission’s travel policy).
c. During authorized departure (AD), ordered departure (OD), or suspended operations, the Chief of Mission (COM) or their designee may authorize LE Staff to telework from an alternate work site located outside commuting distance of the geographic limits of the employees’ official duty station (as defined by 14 FAM 511.3 and the Mission’s Travel Policy) but still within the country of employment, provided that the requirements of 3 FAM 7762 and 7763, as well as other policies for approving and conducting telework, are met. Such authorizations must have the written concurrence of the Mission’s Counterintelligence Working Group and the regional security officer with consultation with DS/DO/CI, DS/ST/CMP, and DS/CTS/CTAD. Post must also consult with local labor counsel to ascertain that such authorizations are consistent with local labor law and would not create any future entitlements under local labor law.
d. The authorization to telework from an alternate work site located in-country but outside commuting distance of the geographic limits of the employee’s official duty station is temporary and strictly limited to the duration of the AD, OD, or suspended operations. It must be reviewed and reauthorized at least every 30 days by the Chief of Mission or their designee if post continues the AD, OD, or suspended operations status. It is not an entitlement and may be revoked at the discretion of the Chief of Mission at any time, including before AD, OD, or suspended operations status ends, or prior to the 30-day review and reauthorization period. Employees are not eligible for per diem, M&IE, reimbursement of transportation costs, or any other travel-related costs.
e. The alternate work site, whether authorized under paragraph b or paragraph c, must be a safe and adequate place to work. Employees must complete the Department's/OPM's Home Safety checklist (DS-1963). Mission management must review the checklist and determine if the alternate worksite provides a safe and adequate place for the employee to work. Mission management must consult with GTM/OE if local law requirements do not align with Department policy with respect to the designation and certification of the alternate worksite.
f. Regardless of security clearance level, employees are not permitted to telework with classified information at the alternate work site and must comply with current information security standards for remote operations from private residences. Agency security policies are the same when employees telework as when they are in the office and are enforced at the same rigorous level. Employees who telework from an alternate work site need to keep U.S. Government property and information safe, secure, and separated from their personal property and information (See 12 FAM 620 and 5 FAM 840).
(CT:PER-1047; 06-24-2021)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. Teleworkers and non-teleworkers must be treated the same for purposes of periodic appraisals of job performance, training, rewarding, approving leave, setting work requirements, performance management, discipline, recommending separation, and other managerial actions.
b. A supervisor approves the employee's scheduled hours of duty and certifies the time and attendance of telework employees in the same manner as for employees reporting to the official worksite.
(CT:PER-1047; 06-24-2021)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. LE Staff approved for telework should maintain the same work schedule that would apply if physically reporting for duty at their regular work site. Telework is not a substitute for child, elder, or dependent care or for personal appointments (e.g., home maintenance appointments). Employees must not use duty time for any purpose other than official duties and must make other arrangements for care of others while teleworking. Employees must request leave for time spent performing care or personal responsibilities during regular duty hours.
b. Supervisors who contact LE Staff after hours or request that work be completed outside of the LE Staff members’ regular work schedule must be mindful of local law and Mission policies on overtime work. LE Staff must be properly compensated for work outside of their regular work schedule. All premium pay categories (overtime, night differential, weekend/holiday pay) defined by the Mission's local compensation plan (LCP) apply to teleworkers.
b. At its sole discretion and only as needed, the Embassy or employing agency, as applicable, may issue a mobile device/soft token to teleworkers, and it is the teleworker’s responsibility to work with IT to learn how to use issued devices and successfully connect to OpenNet. Generally, the Department/Mission does not have an obligation to provide employees with additional equipment. However, Mission management and the regional bureau have the discretion to provide employees with equipment (e.g., computers, phones, etc.) if they have the resources available and believe they can appropriately manage the distribution and accounting of those resources.
c. If local law requires an employer to cover/reimburse telework expenses, including, for example, internet costs or equipment such as phones or computers, Mission management must receive authorization from GTM/OE to add this benefit to the Mission’s LCP prior to providing this benefit. Mission management may consider such local laws and subsequent costs when considering establishing a telework policy.
(CT:PER-1047; 06-24-2021)
(State and All Agencies under COM Authority)
(Applies to Locally Employed Staff Only)
a. The decision to terminate the Mission’s LE Staff telework policy, with appropriate notice and as consistent with local law, falls under Chief of Mission authority.
b. Supervisors may cancel, suspend, or modify a telework agreement, with appropriate written notice and justification and as consistent with local law if Mission management determines that a position should no longer be telework eligible or if an employee no longer meets the criteria for telework eligibility.
c. An employee may cancel the telework agreement at any time with prior notification of at least 10 workdays or as otherwise consistent with local law. An employee may request an adjustment of their telework arrangement by providing a written justification to their supervisor for consideration.
d. The Mission’s LE Staff telework policy should specify any obligations and procedures for the return of government furnished items or the reimbursement of costs associated with telework (e.g., mobile device, phone) upon cancellation of the telework agreement.