3 FAM 9130

PSC Performance AWARDS

(CT:PER-1006;   07-08-2020)
(Office of Origin:  GTM/PC)

3 FAM 9131  Purpose

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. Performance awards bestow recognition on an individual PSC or group that has made significant contributions to the Department’s mission.

b. The performance awards vary in scope and magnitude.  The impact of the act or deed which precipitates the nomination must be carefully examined, and consideration given to whether the act to be recognized benefits the post or bureau, the area, the agency, or the Federal government as a whole.

c.  The PSC performance awards are managed by each individual Department of State bureau or entity with contracting authority to hire PSCs (see 3 FAM 9120).


(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. Nomination process and procedures:

(1)  A PSC award nomination can be made by or through the designated contracting officer’s representative for individual recognition awards or when including PSCs in a group award.  The nominating official should have thorough knowledge of the PSC’s performance.  The nomination should be in the form of a memorandum to the chair of the awards committee and contain the following information:

(a)  Name of the PSC employee;

(b)  Office where the PSC is employed;

(c)  Category of award being nominated for (see paragraph c of this section);

(d)  Justification for the award;

(e)  Type of award being nominated for (group or individual); and

(f)   Dollar amount for cash awards, or number of hours for time-off awards; and

(2)  Upon receipt, each nomination shall be reviewed by the awards coordinator assigned to monitor the PSC awards program.  Nominations shall be reviewed for:  completeness; the date the PSC entered into a contract with the bureau; date and type of last award; and current grade, step, and salary.  The awards coordinator will distribute either hard copies or electronic copies of the nominations to the awards committee for review in advance of committee meetings.

b. Awards criteria:  Generally, PSCs should be recognized with an award for making outstanding contributions that result in improvements to, or significant accomplishments within, their organization, bureau, or Department through the performance of their services.  The impact of the improvement or achievement should be measured in the following categories:

(1)  Exceptional impact – a contribution made by the PSC that outweighs that of other PSCs and other colleagues (including direct hires) or which contributes solely and directly to an improvement or achievement of the highest magnitude.  If the award is for an improvement, the impact must be measurable such as marked cost savings, drastic reduction or elimination, or timesaving in a process.  If the award is for an achievement it should be something rarely obtained such as the completion of a major endeavor and worthy of emulation;

(2)  Significant impact – a contribution made by the PSC that results in an improvement or achievement that is above and beyond normal performance of duties.  If the award is for an improvement, the impact can be measured tangibly or subjectively so long as it results in cost savings, reduction or elimination, or timesaving in a process.  If the award is for an achievement, it should be more significant than the normal performance of duties; and

(3)  Special impact – a contribution made by the PSC that results in an improvement or achievement more measurable than others previously obtained but not of the highest magnitude.  If the award is for an improvement, the impact should be measurable or must be compared to other lesser improvements made in the field and shown to be superior in the justification.  If the award is for an achievement, it should be something not regularly completed as part of official duties such as required reports.  Rather, it should be a special project or significant undertaking.

c.  Scale of cash awards criteria and amount of award:

(1)  Exceptional impact, $1,500 – $2,000:  Superior Performance Award;

(2)  Significant impact, $1,000 – $1,500:  Meritorious Performance Award;

(3)  Special impact, $300 – $750:  Performance Award (individual bureaus may cap the amount of the award within the range provided here).

3 FAM 9133  Superior performance award

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. The Superior Performance Award is the highest award a bureau can bestow on a PSC employee.  In keeping with this, it should be awarded for the highest caliber of service; most exceptional impact made to bureau or U.S. Government operations; or most significant achievement obtained by a PSC during the preceding year.  Examples of superior performance include:

(1)  Contributions that had an exceptional impact or effect on the accomplishment of the bureau’s programs, projects, goals, or mission;

(2)  Accomplishments that substantially contributed to the advancement of U.S. Government interests through the bureau’s mission;

(3)  Exceptional leadership;

(4)  Exceptional performance in one or more areas of the PSC’s official duties as defined in the statement of work;

(5)  Innovation and creativity in accomplishing long-term tasks or projects; and

(6)  Contributions that resulted in increased productivity and efficiency and economy of operations at the bureau level or higher.

b. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Assistant Secretary or other designated official of the bureau and may include a cash award according to the scale in 3 FAM 9132, paragraph c.

3 FAM 9134  meritorious Performance Award

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. The Meritorious Performance Award recognizes PSCs who have made a significant impact in their bureau through outstanding performance of official duties resulting in considerable improvement in operations or an achievement greater than that obtained through regular duties.  Examples of meritorious performance include:

(1)  Outstanding performance in support of a one-time event, activity, or effort;

(2)  Innovation and creativity in accomplishing short-term tasks or projects;

(3)  Outstanding performance in one or more areas of the PSC’s official duties as defined in the statement of work;

(4)  Contributions that resulted in increased productivity and efficiency and economy of operations at the office or bureau level.

b. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Assistant Secretary or other designated official of the bureau and may include a cash award according to the scale in 3 FAM 9132, paragraph c.

3 FAM 9135  Franklin performance AWARD

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. The Franklin Performance Award recognizes PSCs who have made a special impact in their bureau through excellent performance of official duties resulting in an improvement in operations or noteworthy achievement.  Examples of exemplary performance include:

(1)  Superior performance of official duties or customer service;

(2)  Innovation and creativity in accomplishing regular duties;

(3)  Teamwork, leadership, or crisis management;

(4)  Special acts or project work.

b. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Assistant Secretary or other designated official of the bureau and may include a cash award according to the scale in 3 FAM 9132, paragraph c.

3 FAM 9135.1  Computation of Franklin Performance Award

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

The degree of benefit from contributions made determines the amount of cash to be awarded to a PSC or group including PSCs.  Individual bureaus may cap the amount of the award within the range provided below.

Extent of benefit

Amount of Award

Immediate work area


Several divisions, sections, or bureau




3 FAM 9136  extra-mile AWARDS

(CT:PER-944;   05-15-2019)
(Uniform State/USAGM/USAID)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. PSCs at the GS-13 level (or Foreign Service equivalent) and below are eligible to receive the Extra-Mile Award.  The Extra-Mile Award provides on-the-spot recognition for one-time, short-term efforts of special merit.  This award is presented for outstanding productivity, high quality of service, timeliness of service, or for demonstrating extraordinary courtesy to clientele.

b. The cash stipend may be granted in any amount ranging from $100 to $300, in $100 increments, depending upon the extent of benefit (i.e., to the section, division, or bureau).  An individual may receive a maximum of four Extra-Mile Awards per fiscal year.


(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. PSCs at the GS-13 level (or Foreign Service equivalent) and below are eligible to receive Time Off from Duty Awards.  The Time Off from Duty Award recognizes special acts or other efforts that contribute to the quality, efficiency, or economy of U.S. Government operations.  Time off from duty is granted without loss of pay or charge to leave.

b. Full-time PSCs may be granted time off from duty up to a maximum of 80 hours during a leave year.  They may be granted up to 40 hours of time off from duty for a single contribution.

c.  Part-time PSCs may be granted up to the average number of hours of work in their biweekly scheduled tour of duty during a leave year.  For example, an employee with a biweekly scheduled tour of duty of 64 hours may be granted up to that amount of time off from duty during a leave year.  For a single contribution, they may be granted up to one half of the maximum number of hours of time off from duty that can be granted during a leave year.

3 FAM 9138  certificate of appreciation

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

A Certificate of Appreciation recognizes special acts or other efforts that contribute to the quality, efficiency, or economy of U.S. Government operations.  A Certificate of Appreciation is awarded without any compensation or remuneration.  The Certificate of Appreciation shall be signed by the Assistant Secretary (or equivalent), or other designated official of the bureau.

3 FAM 9139  payment/receipt of AWARDs and records and reporting

3 FAM 9139.1  Payment/Receipt of Awards

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

a. Funding of awards:  Each PSC cash award is funded by the office or organization to which the PSC provides services under the contract.  Any and all cash awards shall not exceed $2,000 in each contract 12-month period.  Normally, $1,000 is added to the not-to-exceed total payment for services amount for each contract 12-month period.  If the award exceeds that amount, or whatever amount is contained in the contract, a contract modification would be required to add the additional funds, which in no case shall exceed $2,000 for an award or awards during a 12-month contract period.

b. Presentation of awards:  The presentation of awards provides an opportunity for the bureau to demonstrate its high regard and appreciation for the contributions of its PSCs.  PSC awards should be presented in ceremonies occurring approximately once a quarter or as scheduled.  The Assistant Secretary (or equivalent), or designee, will present the awards.  Congratulatory letters and/or suitable certificates may accompany awards as outlined within this section.

c.  Income tax obligations:  As stated in 3 FAH-1 H-4818.4, all cash awards presented to U.S. personnel, including PSCs, are considered income by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and subject to withholding and other payroll taxes.

3 FAM 9139.2  Records and Reporting

(CT:PER-834;   02-16-2017)
(State Only)
(Applies to American Personal Services Contractors)

The bureau executive office (or equivalent) shall ensure that complete and accurate documentation of awards is maintained to substantiate expenditure of funds, efficient processing, and meaningful program evaluation and inspection.  Records shall reflect the status of disposition of each cash award initiated and processed, including complete justification for final action taken.  Records of individual and group awards shall be maintained for a minimum of 2 years.  Thereafter, records are handled in accordance with appropriate records disposal program schedules.