4 FAM 460


(CT:FIN-497;   01-08-2025)
(Office of Origin:  CGFS/FPRA/FP)

4 FAM 461  scope and authority for travel

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. This subchapter contains the fiscal policy related to contracted charge cards, travel advances, travel claims, congressional travel, educational travel, and gifts of travel expenses from a non-Federal source.  The policy stated herein must be used in conjunction with those procedures set forth in 4 FAM 410, 4 FAM 420, 4 FAM 430, 2 FAM 960, and the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR).

b. 22 U.S.C. 4081 and 5 U.S.C. Chapter 57 contain the statutory authority for the manner in which travel is performed and the expenses for which the traveler can be reimbursed.  Officials responsible for financial management and administrative activities should use prudence and make businesslike decisions when applying these regulations (see 14 FAM 561.2).  Other authorities cited herein govern specific aspects of granting travel advances and accepting payments from non-Federal sources.


(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

This subchapter applies to official travel as defined in 14 FAM 500, Employee Logistics–Travel, for travelers in the Foreign Service and other U.S. Government travelers for whom specific provisions apply (see 14 FAM 511.2-1); volume 1 of the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) for those travelers in the military or assigned to the military who are subject to the Foreign Affairs Manual; and in the Travel and Transportation Reform Act, and the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) (41 CFR, subtitle F) for all other U.S. Government-authorized travel.  Generally, all travel should be processed in the Department’s electronic travel systems and coordinated through the travel management center consistent with 14 FAM 560.


4 FAM 463.1  Mandatory Compliance

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The Department, through the General Services Administration (GSA), authorizes the issuance and use of Government-contracted individually billed account (IBA) travel charge cards to U.S. direct hire (USDH) employees.  Compliance with the following regulations and policies is mandatory for employees who are required to be issued, use, and maintain Government-contracted IBA travel charge cards:

(1)  The Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998, Public Law 105-264, mandates that Federal employees use the Federal travel charge card for all payments of expenses for official Government travel, unless an exemption has been granted in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), 41 CFR, subtitle F;

(2)  The FTR implements statutory requirements and Executive branch policies for travel by Federal civilian employees and others authorized to travel at government expense;

(3)  The Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012, Public Law 112-194, requires all Federal agencies to establish certain safeguards and internal controls for government charge card programs and to establish penalties for violations, including removal when circumstances warrant.  See 3 FAM 4000 for information on disciplinary action for misuse, non-usage, abuse, untimely payment, or nonpayment;

(4)  OMB Circular No. A-123, Appendix B, prescribes policies and procedures to agencies regarding how to maintain internal controls that reduce the risk of fraud, waste, abuse, and error in government charge card programs, in accordance with the below definitions:

(a)  Abuse:  Use of a government charge card to buy authorized items, but at terms (e.g., price, quantity) that are excessive, is for a questionable government need, or both.  Examples of such transactions would include purchase of luxury or deluxe versions of products and services that exceed the government's actual requirements.

(b)  Delinquency/Delinquent Account:  An undisputed charge card account balance that is unpaid for more than 61 days past the statement date.

(c)  Fraud:  Any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the government or corrupt the government's agents.  For the purposes of this guidance, use of government charge cards to transact business that is not sanctioned, not authorized, not in one’s official government capacity, not for the purpose for which the card was issued, or not as a part of official government business, are instances of fraud.  This list is not intended to be all inclusive.

(d)  Government Travel Charge Card:  An individually (IBA) or centrally (CBA) billed government travel account.  It is a travel charge card program used by authorized employees to pay for travel and transportation-related expenses in compliance with the applicable regulations and in support of the Department for official government business.

(e)  Improper Purchase:  An improper purchase is any purchase that should not have been made or that was made in an incorrect amount under statutory, contractual, administrative, or other legally applicable requirements.  Incorrect amounts include overcharges and undercharges.

(f)   Misuse:  Use of a Federal charge card for other than the official government purpose(s) for which it is intended.

(g)  Non-Usage:  Not using the government travel card for official travel expenses while on authorized government travel, absent a valid exemption.

(h)  Waste:  Any activity taken with respect to a government charge card that fosters, or results in, unnecessary costs or other program inefficiencies.

(5)  OMB Memorandum M-13-21 requires the implementation of the Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012; and

(6)  OMB Memorandum M-12-21 promotes efficient spending to support agency operations.  Refer to Section 1 – Travel.

4 FAM 463.2  Applicability

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. All USDH employees who are expected to conduct temporary duty (TDY) or permanent change of station (PCS) travel more than two times in a fiscal year in order to carry out their official duties must apply for and use IBA travel charge cards.  For these employees, all official travel expenses must be paid by an IBA travel card unless:

(1)  A vendor does not accept the IBA travel charge card;

(2)  General Services Administration (GSA) has granted an exemption.  41 CFR 301-51.3 provides GSA exemptions for:

(a) Any employee with an application pending for the Government contractor-issued travel charge card;

(b) Any employee when issuance of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card would adversely affect the mission or put the employee at risk; and

(c) Any employee who is not eligible to receive a Government contractor-issued travel charge card; or

(3)  The agency head, or their designee authorized in 18 FAM 201.3, has granted an exemption.

b. Employees referenced in subparagraph a must apply for an IBA charge card by following the instructions on the Travel Card Program SharePoint site.

c.  Contact the CGFS Travel Card Program Office general mailbox at TravelCH@state.gov for assistance and support of the IBA travel charge card.

4 FAM 463.3  General Contract Information

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Employees, as cardholders, are issued IBA travel charge cards valid for 2 years.  The travel charge card issuing bank will automatically send a replacement card for the expiring card.

b. No interest or annual membership fees are assessed to the cardholder.  Preset expenditure limits are placed on the IBA travel charge card, and the cardholder is eligible for travel accident insurance, lost baggage insurance, and rental car insurance when purchasing transportation using the card.

c.  Where the IBA travel charge card is accepted, the cardholder may obtain cash from authorized contractor-affiliated banks or ATMs up to three business days prior to the start of travel.  Cash advances obtained after the final travel day may be considered misuse.  In those locations where the IBA travel charge card is not accepted, the cardholder may use a personal charge card to obtain cash for or pay official government travel expenses.

4 FAM 463.4  Authorized IBA Travel Charge Card Use

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. An IBA travel charge card must be used according to the travel card cardholder agreement and used for all official government travel expenses as authorized on the Travel Order (i.e., TDY, PCS, Medevac, Evacuations).  For normal and routine travel, travelers must use their travel management center, which has the centrally billed account (CBA) to purchase air, rail, or ship transportation tickets and annual passes.  Authorization is needed from the approving official to purchase air, rail, or ship transportation tickets with IBA travel charge cards.  Verbal approval must be finalized via an amendment to the travel authorization.

b. Misuse, non-use, and/or abuse of an IBA travel charge card may result in its suspension and/or disciplinary action (see 4 FAM 463.9).

4 FAM 463.5  Financial Obligation and Liability

4 FAM 463.5-1  Cardholder

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The cardholder is liable for all authorized billed charges and is responsible for disputing any unauthorized charges with the travel charge card issuing bank and documenting all correspondence.  U.S. Government employees are required to pay their financial obligations in a proper and timely manner.

4 FAM 463.5-2  U.S. Government Liability

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The U.S. Government assumes no liability for charges incurred on an IBA travel charge card issued to an employee, nor is the U.S. Government liable for charges on lost or stolen cards.

4 FAM 463.6  Settlement of IBA Travel Charge Card Bills

4 FAM 463.6-1  Payment of Monthly IBA Travel Charge Card Billings

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Payment by the cardholder must be for the full amount billed, which is due and payable as specified in the travel charge card cardholder agreement.  Deferred payments are not allowed.  However, in certain situations such as an evacuation, where an employee needs extended payment terms, the IBA travel charge card can be placed in a “mission critical” status, which would prevent suspension of the card.  In order to be eligible for the “mission critical” status, the account must have been in a current payment status prior to the evacuation.  Payment of travel charge card bills are due in full on or around the 12th or 13th of the month.  A cardholder should contact the Travel Card Program at the first of the month if they are experiencing reimbursement delays.  The Travel Card Program will review the account and place in a “mission critical” status if needed.  Contact the Travel Card Program general mailbox at TravelCH@state.gov to learn more about the “mission critical” status.

4 FAM 463.6-2  Review of Charges

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The cardholder must review all charges to determine those not made by the cardholder and provide the travel charge card issuing bank a signed statement (affidavit of forgery) of any charges considered to be fraudulent; otherwise, all charges are the responsibility of the cardholder.  The cardholder is responsible for contacting the travel charge card issuing bank to resolve any disputes in billings and to assure that any entitled credits are applied.  Contact the Travel Card Program general mailbox at TravelCH@state.gov for assistance with disputed charges.

4 FAM 463.7  Lost or Stolen IBA Travel Charge Cards

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The cardholder is expected to exercise the same care for security of the IBA travel charge card and card number as for their own personal credit cards.  If a card is lost or stolen, the cardholder must notify the travel charge card issuing bank within 24 hours of discovery.  The cardholder will be provided a replacement card.

4 FAM 463.8  Suspension or Cancellation

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Cardholder use of the IBA travel charge card will be suspended by the travel charge card issuing bank when:

(1)  The cardholder has been delinquent for more than 61 days past the statement date and the cardholder has not provided a valid and acceptable reason for delinquency to the issuing bank;

(2)  There is any confirmed habitual misuse of the IBA travel charge card (see 4 FAM 463.1(4) for the definition of misuse); or

(3)  Two or more non-sufficient funds (NSF) payments are received within a 12-month period.

b. The cardholder’s IBA travel charge card is canceled by the travel charge card issuing bank upon separation from the Department.  Separating cardholders must contact their Travel Card Program Coordinator (A/OPC) or the Travel Card Program general mailbox at TravelCH@state.gov to assist with closing their IBA travel charge card account.

c.  A travel advance will not be issued to an employee when use of the IBA travel charge card has been suspended or canceled.

4 FAM 463.9  Actions for Government Travel Card Misuse, Non-Usage, Abuse, and Delinquency

(CT: FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Misuse, non-usage, and/or abuse of a U.S. Government-sponsored or issued credit card, or untimely payment or nonpayment of balance due, may result in disciplinary action (see 3 FAM 4000).

b. Travel card-specific actions the Department will take in response to acts of non-compliance are outlined in tables on the Travel Card Program SharePoint site.  For additional information contact the Travel Card Program office via email at TravelCH@state.gov or toll free at 844-469-9407.  Also, see policies and regulations regarding IBA travel charge cards on the Travel Card Program SharePoint site.


(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

5 U.S.C. 5705 and the FTR (41 CFR Part 301-51) provide authority to grant a travel advance.  The purpose of a travel advance is to provide an employee authorized to travel at U.S. Government expense with funds to meet authorized travel expenses.

4 FAM 464.1  Applicability

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. USDH employees who require a travel advance should obtain and use the IBA travel charge card to advance cash for travel related expenses, regardless of the expected number of trips in a fiscal year, instead of requesting an official travel advance.  A travel advance will not be issued to USDH employees for TDY and PCS travel without prior written justification to the Comptroller, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS) or the Comptroller’s designee.

b. Travel advances may be made available for TDY travel, primarily to locally employed staff, personal services contractors, and on an exception basis to USDH employees.  The exception basis is based on submitting a justification to the Comptroller, CGFS or designee for approval.  In addition, travel advances may be made available for invitational travel and medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) travel for an eligible family member.

c.  Advances for transfer allowances are not permitted.  Travelers must use the IBA travel charge card for transfer per diem and travel expenses.

d. A travel advance must be issued as an electronic funds transfer (EFT) whenever possible.  If EFT is not available, then cash may be advanced.  Travel advances for local employees may be provided on a pre-paid U.S. debit card (USDC) or other similar instruments.  If authorized, a travel advance may be issued to an employee who has proper identification and a valid travel authorization that cites the funds to be charged for the travel.

e. The term “employee” is defined in 41 CFR 301-1.2 as:

(1)  An individual employed by an agency, regardless of status or rank;

(2)  An individual employed intermittently in Government service as an expert or consultant and paid on a daily basis, such as a reemployed annuitant (REA); or

(3)  An individual serving without pay or at $1 a year (also referred to as “invitational traveler”).

f.  Travel advances for Department-authorized travel may be issued to individuals traveling under invitational travel, and to personal services contractors as defined in 3 FAM 9110.  These individuals may be considered employees for the purpose of allowing them travel advances.  The terms and conditions regarding access to and recovery of travel advances to a personal services contractor must be included in the contract.  Other individuals who are not Government employees and who have not been issued invitational travel authorizations may not receive an advance of funds for the purpose of travel.

g. Suspension of an IBA travel charge card because of an employee’s nonpayment or misuse is not a valid reason for issuing a travel advance.

4 FAM 464.2  Calculation of the Advance

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

To calculate otherwise allowable travel advances, the factors in 4 FAM 464.2-1 through 4 FAM 464.2-5 must be considered.

4 FAM 464.2-1  Out-of-Pocket Expenses

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Estimated out-of-pocket expenses are calculated on the type and estimated duration of travel.  Meals and incidental expenses (M&IE), as prescribed in the FTR for travel within the continental United States (CONUS), or as prescribed in chapter 925, Per Diem Supplement to the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) for travel outside CONUS, and miscellaneous expenses for taxis, tolls, parking, automobile rental, checked baggage charges, etc., are considered as out-of-pocket expenses.  See 14 FAM 560 – Allowable Travel and Miscellaneous Expenses and 14 FAM 570 – Per Diem.

4 FAM 464.2-2  Lodging Portion

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The lodging portion is the daily amount designated for lodging for a specific locality as prescribed in the FTR for travel within CONUS, or as prescribed in chapter 925 of the DSSR for travel outside CONUS, unless a lesser rate is specified in the travel authorization.

4 FAM 464.2-3  Limitation of Advances

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Travel advances are limited to 80 percent of the estimated combined total of out-of-pocket expenses and, when allowed, lodging.  Payments by the U.S. Government to a third party, such as payments for air, rail, or ship tickets, or lodging will not be considered in the calculation of allowed advance amount.  The 80-percent limit includes PCS travel when applicable, and travel to attend training.  The minimum travel advance allowed is $100.  Advances at 100 percent are not authorized except for non-U.S. citizen locally employed staff when the 80-percent limitation would create a financial hardship for that employee.  Advances for non-U.S. citizen locally employed staff at amounts above the 80-percent rate must be approved by the financial management officer at post.

4 FAM 464.2-4  Forty-Five Calendar Days

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

When travel advances are authorized, the total amount advanced to the traveler may not exceed 80 percent of the estimated expenses limited to 45 calendar days of travel status.  If travel exceeds 45 days, travelers must file an interim voucher to claim expenses, liquidate the existing advance and request a new advance not to exceed an additional 45 days.

4 FAM 464.2-5  Outstanding Advances

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

All prior travel advances issued to a traveler must be repaid (by voucher and/or direct refund) before the traveler may apply for an advance for transfer, separation, or further TDY travel.  A new advance is not allowed until prior outstanding advances for completed travel have been settled.  The responsible bureau or post financial management officer must provide authorization for the additional advance if one is justified (e.g., back-to-back TDY trips).

4 FAM 464.3  Travel Advance Application

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Requests for payment of travel advances can be made through the Global e-Travel (GeT/E2) application for TDY travel when the travel authorization is created or after the travel authorization has been approved.  In the rare case that a PCS travel advance is requested, the PCS travel authorization must be approved by the Global Talent Management, Executive Office, Resources Management Division (GTM/EX/RMD) prior to CGFS Comptroller approval.  In addition, Form OF-261, Travel Advance Application, Voucher, and Account, is used by the traveler to apply for advances paid through the cashier.  The fiscal officer uses the form to make the payment and to account for the repayment(s).  The fiscal officer should make note of any outstanding travel advance balances and list them in blocks 8A-8C of Form OF-261.  Form OF-261 is processed in accordance with the following:

(1)  A travel advance must be requested before the commencement of travel.  A supplemental advance may be authorized en route only when an amended authorization extends the period of the travel, if an emergency situation exists, or the post of departure has difficulty in obtaining U.S. dollars.

(2)  Financial management officers are responsible for determining when a travel advance should be made.  The request should be made no more than 14 days prior to departure, but must be made early enough to ensure that the funds are in the traveler’s account before departure.  Advances should be made via direct deposit to the traveler’s account or to a debit card.  In all cases, consider each traveler’s individual situation when making this determination.  An advance in cash may also be made by an authorized cashier from the cashier’s operating cash advance in accordance with 4 FAM 390 and should be requested no earlier than necessary as authorized by the financial management officer prior to travel departure.

4 FAM 464.3-1  Fiscal Data for Advances

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The data required for travel advance requests must include:

(1)  The appropriation fund symbol for which the actual travel is chargeable;

(2)  The appropriate allotment chargeable;

(3)  The obligation number (travel authorization number);

(4)  The estimated date of travel completion;

(5)  The paying office’s Treasury symbol;

(6)  The date paid; and

(7)  The amount of the advance payment.

4 FAM 464.3-2  Type of Currency

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Travel advances may be issued as direct deposit, debit card or cash when necessary.  Travel advances for host country travel are paid in local currency only.  For travel outside the host country, travel advances should normally be paid in U.S. dollars, unless use of local currency is a legal requirement.

4 FAM 464.3-3  Debit Card Travel Advances for Local Employees

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Travel advances for locally employed staff may be provided on a pre-paid U.S. debit card (USDC) or other similar instruments.  This card option is primarily for locally employed staff that do not have bank accounts or access to host country ATM machines.  Travel advances posted to the USDC may be accessed by travelers worldwide at ATMs, hotels, and other point of sale terminals.  The pre-paid cards are funded in U.S. dollars, but can be used at any location where debit/credit cards are accepted.

4 FAM 464.4  Outstanding Travel Advances

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The Comptroller General has defined a travel advance as a loan.  If it is not timely vouchered or refunded, the travel advance represents a debt to the U.S. Government.  The traveler will be notified when a travel advance becomes delinquent according to the Debt Collection Improvement Act, which provides for interest, penalties, and administrative charges to be assessed on the amount advanced on the 31st day from the date of the notice to the employee:

(1)  When the repayment of a travel advance is not made within 30 days of the initial debt notice sent to the traveler, collection will be in accordance with the Department’s debt collection regulations at 22 CFR Part 34 and the procedures set forth in 4 FAM 490;

(2)  If the traveler receives a salary from the Department, outstanding travel advances may be referred to payroll for salary offset;

(3)  Interest, penalties, and administrative charges will be assessed on amounts outstanding on the 31st day from the notice to the traveler;

(4)  Travelers who fail to repay outstanding advances within the required time may be subject to disciplinary action; and

(5)  Travelers will not be able to receive another advance if they fail to repay an existing outstanding travel advance.

4 FAM 464.5  Accounting for Travel Advance

(CT:FIN-497;   01-08-2025)

The following procedures are utilized by the travel authorizing official; approving official; and/or administrative bureau/office fund manager to account for all travel advances issued against allotment accounts or other accounts as provided:

(1)  Outstanding overseas employee travel advances charged to post allotments are recorded in the Regional Financial Management System (RFMS/M) and are also reported in the applicable reporting system.  Responsible post management officers utilize these sources to control and clear outstanding employee travel advances.  Prior to payment of any travel voucher or issuance of another advance, the responsible post financial management officer must check RFMS/M to determine if the traveler has a prior outstanding advance;

(2)  Travel advances issued by post should be recorded in the Regional Financial Management System (RFMS/M) citing the applicable funds that will incur the trip expenses, whether post-held or bureau-based in Washington.  For example, Washington-authorized TDY travel (from post/to post) should be recorded in RFMS/M citing the applicable domestically allotted funds authorized by the bureau;

(3)  Prior to payment of any travel voucher or issuance of another advance for domestic assigned travelers, the Global Financial Management System (GFMS), Travel Advance Query, is checked by the certifying officer to determine if the traveler has a prior outstanding advance; and

(4)  For collection or repayment made by a post for travel advances charged to a domestic-held allotment, copies of the Form OF-261, Travel Advance Application, Voucher and Account, clearly stating the traveler’s name and travel authorization number, is mandatory to confirm issuance.

4 FAM 464.6  Repayment of Advances

4 FAM 464.6-1  Traveler Responsibility

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. The traveler is responsible for timely repayment of their travel advance by submitting a travel reimbursement voucher and/or by direct refund.

b. When travel is indefinitely postponed or canceled, any travel advance received must be repaid immediately.

c.  Travelers are responsible for entering travel advances provided outside of the Global e-Travel (GeT/E2) application in their GeT/E2 travel voucher/claim submission.

4 FAM 464.6-2  Advance Refund Responsibility of Others

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. CGFS Post Support Unit, post financial management officers or bureau fund managers will ensure that all outstanding travel advances are deducted from travel reimbursement vouchers.  Post financial management officers or bureau fund managers must notify the traveler by memorandum, requesting that the advance be settled within 10 days if:

(1)  The final travel reimbursement voucher is not submitted within the time prescribed;

(2)  Repayment is not made following travel completion, indefinite postponement, or cancellation of travel; and/or

(3)  The approved amount of the voucher submitted is insufficient to cover the amount of advance outstanding and that the excess advance is due and payable.

b. Certifying officers must determine if outstanding travel advances have been properly deducted before certifying a travel voucher.  Travel advances made against a quarterly or annual authorization are deductible from the final voucher for that period.  Travel advances made against one travel authorization that are still outstanding will be deducted from the claim of another travel authorization.

c.  If settlement of the travel advance is not made within 10 days after the notification has been made, bureau fund managers or post management officers must refer the matter with appropriate fiscal data and surrounding details to the Global Financial Operations Directorate (CGFS/F) for collection action either by salary offset or other collection mechanisms for USDH employees and personal services contractors consistent with 4 FAM 490.  Active employees must note that salary deductions will occur on an involuntary basis.  For active locally employed staff, post management officers must refer the matter with appropriate fiscal data and surrounding details to Global Compensation (CGFS/GC) for collection action by salary offset.

d. Monthly reports of outstanding employee travel advances are forwarded to post management officers and bureau fund managers by CGFS/F.  Notification and collection action is performed at the post or bureau as needed.  Post management officers and bureau fund managers will review the travel advance status reports and inform CGFS/F of errors and/or collection difficulties within 30 days after receipt of the report.

e. Rate of exchange:  A travel advance is repaid by refund or voucher deduction in the same kind and amount of currency in which the advance was made utilizing the same exchange rate.


4 FAM 465.1  Traveler’s Responsibility

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Travel should be conducted in accordance with the approved travel authorization.  Upon completion of travel, each traveler is required to submit an expense report (voucher/claim) within 5 business days from the travel ending date to account for the travel performed and for the related authorized costs.  If the submitted expense report (voucher/claim) is the final expense report (voucher/claim), the travel voucher should be marked as “FINAL”.  Travel is completed when the traveler arrives at the officially assigned post of duty or place of residence.

b. Travelers must include an itemized list of expenses and other information on all temporary duty travel claims.  All claimed expenses incurred during official travel regardless of amount should be listed in the travel voucher.  This list must include:

(1)  Airfare e-receipt which includes flight times, flight duration, seat class, and cost.  The e-receipt statement that the travel management center generates provides this data and is mandatory;

(2)  Itemized lodging receipts with daily rates and taxes charged, with proof of payment, regardless of amount;

(3)  Receipts for TQSE/HSTA meal matrix items are not required for payment, unless reimbursement patterns show trends that suggest invalid reimbursements or improper payments.  In these situations, the certifying officer may request receipts before payment;

(4)  Itemized rental car receipts with proof of payment (see 14 FAM 566.2-1);

(5)  Authorized checked luggage fee receipts, regardless of amount;

(6)  Excess luggage fees receipts, regardless of amount.  Excess luggage is luggage exceeding the weight, size, or quantity limit for “authorized luggage”.  To be reimbursed, it must be required for an official purpose and must be specifically authorized in advance of travel with a justification in the remarks on the travel orders detailing the specific official purpose necessitating the transport and an estimated cost of such transport (14 FAM 568.1);

(7)  Seat selection fee receipts, regardless of amount;

(8)  All other expenses that exceed $75 including daily meals for education travel claims and education allowance claims;

(9)  Any other expense that the bureau or office determines is necessary to complete the claim;

(10) Any other documentation that an approving official, voucher examiner, or certifying officer determines is necessary to complete the claim, to include the ability to request the IBA card statement; and

(11) For long-term lodging, a signed copy of the lease is required during the authorized timeframe.  Lodging expenses must be directly attributable to official travel and be incurred as a direct consequence of the TDY assignment.  Lease periods must be within the official dates of travel, to include periods of leave.  When a traveler takes official days off or annual leave in conjunction with an official trip, the traveler is not entitled to any per diem on days when annual leave is taken (see 14 FAM 574).

4 FAM 465.1-1  When to File

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. A voucher/claim (expense report) for reimbursement of expenses must be submitted within:

(1)  Five workdays after completion of authorized TDY travel;

(2)  Five workdays after arriving for duty on post assignment or PCS travel; and

(3)  Five workdays after each 30 calendar days of extended travel, including Medevac, long-term training or training in conjunction with PCS.

b. Employees are not to postpone this submission until completion of delayed travel by the employee’s family or the delayed transportation of effects by submitting an interim voucher within the stated timeframe.

4 FAM 465.1-2  How to File Your Travel Voucher

CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. TDY travel claims must be submitted through the Global e-Travel (GeT/E2) application.  In those rare instances where electronic voucher submission is not available, approved claims must be submitted on Form DS-189, Travel Reimbursement Voucher to GFSCWOEC@state.gov.

b. PCS travel claims must be submitted through the PCS Travel Claim System via OpenNet.  PCS travel claims (Form DS-189, Travel Reimbursement Voucher and SF-1190, Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report for transfer allowance claims) not submitted through the PCS Travel Claim System may be manually submitted to GFSCWOEC@state.gov.

c.  All training vouchers in conjunction with PCS travel should be submitted using the PCS travel claims application and administratively approved by the FSI Travel Center (FSITravelCenter@state.gov).

d. Each employee is responsible for submitting their travel voucher electronically.  Documentation that substantiates the claim (i.e., lodging receipts, transportation, tickets, fees, travel card statement and other documentation) must be scanned and uploaded to the electronic travel voucher system or attached to paper travel vouchers.  In addition, Form DS-4087, Authorization Request for Premium Class Air Travel, must be downloaded from myData or scanned and uploaded to the electronic travel system, if applicable.  Travelers may be requested to provide a receipt or receipts and substantiate or provide justification to clarify and validate any claimed expense or expenses that the bureau, office, post, or certifying officer determines is necessary to process the claim, regardless of amount.

4 FAM 465.1-3  Approving Official’s Responsibility

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Before a voucher claiming reimbursement of travel expenses is presented for certification by the certifying officer, the voucher must be administratively approved by an official (see 4 FAM 424) who has a requisite personal knowledge that the travel was performed by the traveler during the period claimed or who is responsible for supervising the traveler.  The supervising official is to ascertain that any leave (annual or sick) taken while in travel status is being properly reported on the employee’s leave record and that no claim for reimbursement is being made for the period of leave on the travel voucher.

b. Administrative approval confirms that the traveler made the authorized trip and performed the expected official duties.

c.  Administrative approval of the travel vouchers by approving officials must be completed within 2 workdays of the traveler submitting the voucher.

d. When approving travel vouchers, officials who have been delegated authority to authorize or approve are required to ensure upon completion of travel that:

(1)  The travel was performed as directed;

(2)  The items of expense claimed are appropriate, reasonable, and in accordance with applicable regulations.  The following items should be approved in advance on the travel orders and annotated in the remarks section of the voucher: authorizing actuals, excess baggage (exceeding the weight, size, or quantity limit for “authorized luggage”), use of a rental car, larger size of rental car, early/late check in, and when granted, the use of personal credit card along with the reimbursable expenses and fees;

(3)  Funds have been obligated to pay for the travel; and

(4)  Outstanding travel advances related to the specific travel voucher have been subtracted from the net amount.

4 FAM 465.1-4  Voucher Review for Leave

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The approving official should review each voucher to ascertain that any leave (annual or sick) taken while in travel status by the employee is being properly reported on the employee’s Time and Attendance record and the Department’s electronic travel system and that no claim for reimbursement is being made for the period of leave.

4 FAM 465.1-5  Voucher Review for Approval

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Prior to certification, each travel reimbursement voucher is examined to ascertain that the following information is provided:

(1)  Dates for expenses incurred:  The travel expenses incurred by the employee or family member, or other traveler are for the period of travel stated in the travel authorization.  When the travel authorization directs attendance at meetings or conferences, the traveler may schedule the arrival for the day prior to and departure for the day after the conference.  Additional days before arrival and/or departure are for personal convenience and will be at the traveler’s expense.

      If the date of departure or return differs by more than 2 days from the date authorized on the original travel authorization, then the travel authorization must be amended.  An amendment to the travel authorization will also be required if the amount claimed exceeds the estimated expenses by $250 or more, and if the increased amount is beyond the traveler’s control, the amendment will state, “additional amounts claimed were erroneously omitted”;

(2)  Claimed amounts:  The amounts claimed on the voucher must be proper and in accordance with the applicable regulations as cited on the travel authorization, provisions of law, this regulation, or other applicable regulations;

(3)  Partial reimbursement vouchers:  Travelers must submit a partial reimbursement voucher for each 30 consecutive calendar days of reimbursable travel or training;

(4)  Amount payable to the traveler:  The amount allowed for interim payment or final settlement of a voucher, less any outstanding travel advance, is the amount to be certified as payable to the traveler;

(5)  Fiscal year charged:  The fiscal year being charged as shown on the travel authorization.

4 FAM 465.2  Prepayment Examination of Vouchers/Claims

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Prior to certification, each travel reimbursement voucher is examined according to voucher audit standards.  These standards include internal audits contained in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software used to automate the generation and processing of travel vouchers, as well as edits and controls present in the Department’s financial management system(s) that process payment data from feeder systems.

4 FAM 465.3  Statistical Sampling

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The audit of travel vouchers may be statistically sampled as required by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).  This includes the Department conducting post payment audits.

4 FAM 465.4  Certification for Payment of Approved Claims

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

All processed travel vouchers are certified for payment in accordance with 4 FAM 430, on Voucher and Schedule of Payments or the electronic equivalent generated by the Department’s financial management system(s).  Certified payments are forwarded to Treasury or the servicing U.S. disbursing officer, according to 4 FAM 434.  Vouchers are payable in U.S. dollars, except in foreign areas, locally employed staff are reimbursed in accordance with local currency laws or prevailing practice.

4 FAM 465.5  Residual Debit Card Balances

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Locally employed staff advanced U.S. dollars for travel outside of their home country, who have U.S. dollar balances remaining on their U.S. debit card must first use the residual balances to liquidate any outstanding advance in accordance with the procedures necessary to settle their travel advance, see Chapter 7 of the Cashier User Guide.  Residual balances owed to the traveler will be paid in local currency.

4 FAM 465.6  Suspensions and Disallowances

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Travelers must indicate on their voucher the total amount being claimed and the amount of any advance to be applied in determining the net amount due the traveler.  The voucher examiner or certifying officer must furnish the traveler an explanation, within the remarks of the Global e-Travel (GeT/E2) application, of any differences between the amount claimed and the amount approved for payment.  Travelers should review the remarks within GeT/E2 for information about disallowed expenses.  When the traveler has evidence (receipt) as support for or objects to a suspended or disallowed amount, the traveler may submit a reclaim voucher to which the evidence or an explanation is attached.

4 FAM 466  Congressional Travel

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. 22 U.S.C. 1754 authorizes using local currencies overseas for transportation, per diem, and other expenses for foreign travel for Members of Congress and congressional staff.  This authority establishes the appropriation to be charged as well as the authorizations and restrictions that are applicable to congressional delegations (CODEL) or staff delegations (STAFFDEL).

b. Particular procedures pertain to congressional travel only and include the rates to be paid, manner of payment, accounts charged, authorizations required, use and exchange of foreign currencies, and related reporting requirements.  For more detailed guidance, please see the Congressional Travel Reference Guide ALDAC, regularly updated by the Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H).

4 FAM 466.1  Authorization and Notification of Funds

4 FAM 466.1-1  Authorization Letter

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. The authorization (letter) required for purposes of 4 FAM 466 may be provided by the:

(1)  Speaker of the House of Representatives in the case of a member or employee of the House;

(2)  Chairman of a standing or select committee of the House of Representatives in the case of a member or employee of that committee;

(3)  President of the Senate, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Majority Leader of the Senate, or the Minority Leader of the Senate, in the case of a member or employee of the Senate;

(4)  Chairman of a standing, select, or special committee of the Senate in the case of a member or employee of that committee or of an employee of a member of that committee; or

(5)  Chairman of a joint committee of the Congress in the case of a member or employee of that committee.

b. The authorization provided is the sole authority for financing the three basic elements of congressional travel (transportation, per diem, and other official expenses).  The authorization letter will specify the members of the delegation and the destination countries.  Changes in delegation composition or the country of destination must be specifically sanctioned in writing by the authorizer.

4 FAM 466.1-2  Notification of Post

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. The Department’s Congressional Travel Office (CTO) in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H/CTO) has been designated to oversee management of funds provided by Congress to support Congressional travel and to provide definitive guidance on all administrative issues related to such travel.  For each visit, CTO will send one or more cables to post which will provide accounting fiscal data and payment instructions for per diem, transportation, and other expenses in strict conformity with Congressional authorization letter(s).  The cable is the sole authority for financing Congressional travel and cannot be transferred between posts.  CTO cannot send the final authorization cable, including passenger manifest and fiscal data, until the Department receives the appropriate Congressional authorization letter(s).

b. The authorization may only be transmitted to posts by H, as the cable constitutes the legal authority to incur expenses to provide the support requested by the delegation.  Posts do not have this authority until the cable has been received from H.

4 FAM 466.2  Funding of Congressional Accounts

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. The Department administers the following congressional accounts at the request of and on behalf of the Congress:

Account Symbol

Account Title


Congressional Use of Foreign Currency, Senate


Congressional Use of Foreign Currency, House of Representatives

b. Although the Department administers these accounts, they are not Department of State funds.  The authorizing statute, 22 U.S.C. 1754, assigns the responsibility for the use of these funds and their accountability to the Congress.  Thus, neither the Department in Washington, Charleston, nor any post abroad may incur any obligation for services to or finances for any Congressional Delegation (CODEL) or Staff Delegation (STAFFDEL) member not covered by a specific congressional authorization.

4 FAM 466.3  Per Diem and Other Expenses

4 FAM 466.3-1  Per Diem Allowed

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Official Congressional travelers receive a per diem allowance, which is calculated as the sum of the applicable lodging reimbursement, plus the applicable meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rate.  Such allowances are published in chapter 925, Per Diem Supplement to the DSSR (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas).  The authorizing statute, 22 U.S.C. 1754, further specifies that Congressional travelers receive in local currency owned by the United States an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $75 per day per person or the maximum per diem allowance established under the authority of 5 U.S.C. Chapter 57, subchapter I, for employees of the U.S. Government while traveling in a foreign country (the locality of travel), whichever is greater, exclusive of the actual cost of transportation.

b. When no lodging cost is incurred (e.g., the traveler stays in no-fee U.S. Government quarters or in a private residence), the traveler is entitled only to the greater of either $75 or the M&IE rate.  In all instances, a minimum of $75 should be disbursed.

c.  When the Congressional authorizer specifically requests enhanced per diem to cover exceptional subsistence expenses, including lodging, deriving from special or unusual circumstances, the authorization cable must state explicitly the maximum per diem allowance and enhanced rate authorized.  In these instances, the enhanced per diem must be calculated as three hundred percent of the otherwise applicable per diem.

d. When no lodging costs are incurred but special circumstances have led the congressional authorizer to request an enhanced M&IE, the latter must be calculated as three hundred percent of the otherwise applicable M&IE rate or a lesser amount as specified by H in conformity with the Congressional authorization letter(s).

e. When post pays for meals, including in a representational capacity, for Congressional travelers receiving per diem, post is entitled to reimbursement.  However, post should not automatically deduct such costs from individual Congressional travelers’ M&IE without consulting first with the delegation and/or H/CTO.  While Members and staff are expected to pay their pro rata shares for official meals, the time and manner of such payment requires discussion with each delegation, as the House of Representatives and Senate follow separate rules and practices in this area.

f.  Posts are to disburse per diem monies in local currencies for each night spent in the country of jurisdiction.  If U.S. currency is specifically required to pay hotel expenses, or has been specifically provided for or requested in the authorizing cable, posts are authorized to disburse in dollars.  Posts with adequate U.S. dollar reserves may be requested to disburse dollars to the travelers to cover per diem for subsequent stops.

g. Per diem is computed on a full-day basis and is paid at the rate where the traveler is located at midnight.  Disbursements to congressional travelers are not advances and are not paid at the 80-percent limit applied to Executive Branch travelers.

4 FAM 466.3-2  Other Services

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. When “other services” are authorized, expenses for the following may be incurred on demand, without additional specific authorization, and are chargeable to the appropriate congressional account and sub-object code 2168:

(1)  Car and/or bus rental, including support vehicles;

(2)  Taxis, Ubers, and other “for hire” transportation paid by Embassy staff in support of the Congressional visit;

(3)  Control room(s), rental of office equipment (e.g., computers, printers, copiers, scanners or fax machines);

(4)  Supplies and publications;

(5)  Official long-distance phone calls, Embassy tie-lines; Internet access and Wi-Fi;

(6)  Support-related overtime pay;

(7)  Airport expeditors;

(8)  Interpreters and translators;

(9)  Wreaths and flowers for ceremonial purposes; and

(10) Shipping and mailing costs for official materials.

b. Unusual and extraordinary expenses require specific authorization from the congressional authorizer.  Such expenses are:

(1)  Charter of aircraft, including use of Embassy Air assets;

(2)  Purchase of airline tickets on foreign carriers;

(3)  Reciprocal hospitality functions;

(4)  Photographers or security guards;

(5)  Special meeting rooms other than control rooms; and

(6)  Costs for post personnel travel and per diem while outside their duty station in support of Congressional travel.

c.  All anticipated Embassy support costs must be included in a cost estimate prepared for review by the Congressional authorizer of record before the delegation leaves the United States.  To ensure a timely review of the cost estimate, H will advise of its due date via email or cable.  If no due date is provided, post should send its cost estimate to H at least five days before the delegation leaves the United States.

4 FAM 466.3-3  Accommodation Exchange

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Upon departure of CODELs and STAFFDELs, unused local currencies disbursed to travelers from one of the two congressional funds may be converted to U.S. dollars through reverse accommodation exchange.  Final accountability for such conversions rests with the individual traveler.  Unspent monies disbursed and charged against either 00X0188.1 (Senate) or 00X0488.1 (House) may, at the option of the traveler, be returned at post for credit to the charged account.

4 FAM 466.4  Accounting and Reporting for Congressional Travel

4 FAM 466.4-1  Accounting Fiscal Data

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Authorization cables provide the accounting fiscal data for obligating and liquidating charges and consist of an appropriation/allotment/obligation number.  Sub-objects, which are not included in the authorization cable but must be used for post level liquidations and reporting, are:

2167 for per diem; and

2168 for other official expenses.

Posts are to use only the above sub-objects; no other sub-objects apply:

(1)  Voucher documents supporting transactions must indicate full accounting data as shown in the authorization cable as well as the sub-object code; and

(2)  Expenditure amounts must be reported in U.S. dollars only.  For Foreign Service accountability (FSA) accounts, the USDO must process the charges and credits to the proper appropriation(s), as reported on Form SF-1221, Statement of Transactions According To Appropriations, Funds, and Receipt Accounts (Foreign Service Account).

b. Any funds originally charged to 00X0188.1 (Senate) or 00X0488.1 (House) that are returned should be credited back to the proper account and obligation number.

4 FAM 466.4-2  Reporting

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. The Department is obliged to report promptly and fully to the Congress the itemized charges associated with support for foreign congressional travel, in order for Congress to meet its statutory reporting obligations pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 1754.  Posts must report within 15 days all disbursements of per diem or payments for lodging for each traveler, as well as itemizing the expenditures for authorized other services.  All expenditure reporting must be in U.S. dollars.

b. The information must be cabled to the Department: Attention H, with a copy to the Office of Accounting Operations (CGFS/F/AO).  EXCEPTION:  When the travel is incident to travel by members or staff of the State-Foreign Operations Subcommittees of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the information should be cabled to the Department: Attention M, with a copy to CGFS/F/AO.

c.  All supporting documentation must be retained at post and not sent to either the Department or Congress in Washington.

d. The following examples are the required cable report format for all funded Congressional travel:

(1)  Expenditures for CODEL Jones visit to (post name), (dates of visit);

(2)  Per diem—00X0488.1-2089-0H0489-2167 $ 1,900.00:

      (break out Lodging and M&IE by Congressional traveler or provide a chart showing lodging, M&IE, and subtotals by traveler)





Jones, Rep. John

$ 300

$ 100

$ 400

Adams, Rep. George

$ 300

$ 200

$ 500

Jefferson, Martin

$ 300

$ 200

$ 500

Smith, Mary

$ 300

$ 200

$ 500

(3)  Per diem returned unspent (Jones) $ 100.00;

(4)  Other Expenses—00X0488.1-2089-0H0489-2168 $ 3,455.00:

(a)  Control Room $ 225.00

(b)  Overtime Local Staff $ 325.00

(c)  Representational event with civil society $ 500.00

(d)  Interpreters $ 120.00

(e)  Rental of Vehicles $ 485.00

(f)   Train/Rail Tickets for CODEL $ 200.00 (break out by Congressional traveler if possible)

(i)     Jones ($50)

(ii)    Adams ($50)

(iii)    Jefferson ($50)

(iv)   Smith ($50)

(g)  Train/Rail Tickets for Embassy staff $ 100.00 (break out by Embassy traveler is not required unless later requested by Capitol Hill)

(h)  In-country flights (Helo/Airplane) for CODEL $1,000.00 (break out by Congressional traveler if possible)

(i)     Jones ($250)

(ii)    Adams ($250)

(iii)    Jefferson ($250)

(iv)   Smith ($250)

(i)   In-country flights (Helo/Airplane) for Embassy staff $500.00 (break out by Embassy traveler not required unless later requested by Capitol Hill)

4 FAM 467  special travel provisions

4 FAM 467.1  Educational Travel

4 FAM 467.1-1  Scope

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

This section sets forth the policies and procedures for the acceptance and use of payments for the educational travel allowance.  This allowance permits one round trip annually between a school attended and the foreign post of assignment.  This benefit is primarily intended to reunite a full-time post-secondary student attending college (including the post-baccalaureate level), technical or vocational school with the employee/parent serving the U.S. Government in the foreign area.  Educational travel can commence from either the school or the post, but only one round trip between school and post is allowed annually.

4 FAM 467.1-2  Payment Guidelines

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred for educational travel, when authorized in accordance with 14 FAM 532.5, may include actual expenses for transportation for the dependent child, authorized per diem at the maximum applicable rate for the authorized designated location locality rate of the school, and transportation expenses for unaccompanied air baggage (UAB), up to the weight allowance of 113 gross kilograms, or 250 pounds.

b. Employees whose dependents have been authorized educational travel may elect to store the dependent’s UAB at or in the vicinity of the dependent’s school in lieu of transporting the UAB back to the employee’s duty station during visits to post.  Refer to 14 FAM 500, 14 FAM 600, and Department of State Standardized Regulation (DSSR) 285.1 for applicable guidelines regarding the cost of storage that may be claimed.  When choosing this option, employees are responsible for making arrangements with a local storage facility and must pay all fees directly to the storage facility.

c.  Employees should refer to 14 FAM 610 and 14 FAM 620 before electing storage as an option over shipping a dependent’s UAB and must consult with post concerning documentation required for reimbursement.  The employee is also responsible for obtaining an estimate for shipping the UAB to determine the maximum amount of reimbursement of storage vs. shipment of UAB.  Claims for storage of UAB will be restricted to the lesser of the constructive cost of shipping UAB or costs of storing the UAB.

d. The employee should request reimbursement for authorized Educational Travel expenses using the established electronic travel system at post, whenever available; otherwise via Form DS-189, Travel Reimbursement Voucher.  The reimbursement request must include all necessary receipts and reference the authorization detailed on the post assignment travel orders.  The fiscal data charged for paying the claim will be the accounting data on the educational travel orders issued by the post for this post-funded expense.  These data must include the post allotment code, the associated appropriation symbol used to fund the educational travel, the obligation number, and budget object code 2162 (the code assigned to educational travel), as well as other relevant accounting data associated with educational travel orders.

4 FAM 467.2  Certain Gifts of Travel and Travel Expenses

4 FAM 467.2-1  Scope

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. This section sets forth the policies and procedures for the acceptance and use of payments for travel, subsistence, and related expenses from non-Federal sources in connection with official travel of employees at certain meetings and similar functions and on other occasions when travel expenses are paid by non-Federal sources.  Employees should refer to 2 FAM 962.12 for the standards to be used for approving and accepting such travel as a gift to the Department.  In some circumstances, the Department may receive payments in connection with the attendance of an accompanying spouse, as set forth in 2 FAM 962.12.

b. This section does not authorize acceptance of such payments by an employee or accompanying spouse of an employee in their personal capacity.

c.  This section does not authorize solicitation by an employee or the Department from a non-Federal source for the covered travel.  Employees may inform non-Federal sources that there is either no or insufficient travel funds for the employee to participate in proposed travel.

4 FAM 467.2-2  Authority

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. 31 U.S.C. 1353 provides authority for agencies to accept payments from non-Federal sources in connection with the funding of official travel for meetings or similar functions.  Payments can only be accepted from non-Federal sources by the Department if they are for “travel, subsistence, and related expenses,” as outlined in this chapter.

b. 5 U.S.C. 5701; 5 U.S.C. 5709.

c.  41 CFR 301 and 41 CFR 304.

d. 22 U.S.C. 2697 provides authority for the Secretary of State to accept gifts (unconditional and conditional), to include a gift of travel expenses.  In circumstances where gift of travel expenses cannot be accepted under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 1353, the Department may accept them under the general gift acceptance authority of the Secretary of State as implemented in 2 FAM 960.

4 FAM 467.2-3  Definitions

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

Conflicting non-Federal source:  Any person or entity other than the Government of the United States, when a Department-authorizing official determines that acceptance of a donation from such a source under the circumstances would cause a reasonable person with knowledge of all the relevant facts to question the integrity of Department programs and operations.

Meeting or similar function:  A conference, seminar, speaking engagement, training course, or similar event that takes place away from the employee’s official duty station and is sponsored or cosponsored by a non-Federal source (see 2 FAM 962.12, paragraph d).

Non-Federal source:  Any person or entity other than the Government of the United States and includes any individual, private, or commercial entity, nonprofit organization or association, state, local, or foreign government, or international or multinational organization.

Payment:  Funds paid for travel, subsistence, and related expenses by check or similar instrument to the Department or payment in kind.

Payment in kind:  Goods, services, or other benefits provided by a non-Federal source for travel, subsistence, and related expenses in lieu of funds paid to the Department by check or similar instrument for the same purpose.

Travel, subsistence, and related expenses:  The same types of expenses payable under the provisions of 14 FAM 500, and when applicable, 41 CFR Chapter 301 of the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) or volume 1 of the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR).

4 FAM 467.2-4  Delegation of Authority

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The authority to approve acceptance of payment has been delegated to the management counselor at post for travel within the country of assignment and to the relevant bureau executive director for travel outside of a country of assignment and for all travel of employees stationed in Washington, DC.  Any gift for the travel of a person to whom authority has been delegated must be approved at the next higher level.  See 2 FAM 962.12, paragraph b.

4 FAM 467.2-5  Conditions for Acceptance of Payments for Employee Travel

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The authorized agency official must make certain determinations before payment can be accepted for an employee’s travel under this authority.  (See 2 FAM 962.12, subparagraph d(1)).  Further, the Department-authorizing official must determine if the non-Federal source is disqualified on conflict-of-interest grounds.  Relevant factors are included in 2 FAM 962.12, subparagraph d(3).

4 FAM 467.2-6  Payment From a Non-Federal Source Not Sponsoring the Event

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

In addition to accepting payment from a non-Federal source that is sponsoring the event, payments may also be accepted from a non-Federal source that does not have an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or similar function.  The payment must be provided in kind and consist of the types of services the non-Federal source generally provides, such as air passenger transportation services by commercial airline.  Payments can be accepted from more than one non-Federal source in connection with a single event so long as the total of such payments does not exceed the total cost of the trip.  Department-authorizing officials must make independent determinations for each non-Federal entity that is providing travel expenses.

4 FAM 467.2-7  Spousal Travel

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Department-authorizing officials may approve acceptance of payment under this part from a non-Federal source for an accompanying spouse.  Requests must be submitted for approval to the Office of the Legal Adviser Office of Ethics and Financial Disclosure (L/EFD).  A determination must first be made that the spouse’s presence at the meeting or similar function is appropriate consistent with the standards and procedural requirements of 14 FAM 532.1 – Family Travel for Representational Purposes.

b. The accompanying spouse must not be deemed a U.S. Government employee for any purpose other than eligibility for payment of travel, subsistence, and related expenses.

4 FAM 467.2-8  Payment Guidelines

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Payment other than in kind:  Authorized payments from a non-Federal source for an employee and/or accompanying spouse, other than payments in kind, must be by check or similar instrument made payable to the Department of State and should be received by the employee or accompanying spouse on behalf of the Department.  Neither the employee nor the spouse is authorized to receive cash, a check, or a similar instrument made payable to the traveler.

b. Immediately give all checks or similar instruments to the appropriate Department official authorized to accept such payment for approval.  They will promptly forward it to the Department’s banking lockbox operation for deposit to the Department’s credit.  The Global Financial Operations Directorate (CGFS/F) will receive the standardized check deposit memorandum for the deposit and will record the credit to the Department’s financial system as a credit to the Department’s salaries and expenses appropriation or other appropriate account pursuant to the authority in 31 U.S.C. 1353(a).  These deposits will be credited at the appropriation level and will be allotted subsequently to the elements incurring the travel costs.

c.  When the acceptance of payment has been approved in advance, the agency may accept payment in excess of applicable limitations for travel in the continental United States or in non-foreign areas (per diem or actual expense allowances established in the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) for travel in the continental U.S. and by the Secretary of Defense in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) for travel in non-foreign areas).  Under this arrangement, the non-Federal source must pay the full amount of the subsistence expenses at issue, and the accommodation or other benefit furnished must be comparable in value to that offered to or purchased by other similarly situated individuals attending the meeting.  When the applicable limitation will be exceeded, payment should be required in advance of the travel.

d. Payment in kind:  Generally, payment in kind from a non-Federal source may be accepted in excess of the limitations under the applicable travel regulations, provided that the non-Federal source pays the full amount of the subsistence expenses at issue, and the accommodation or other benefit is comparable in value to that offered to, or purchased by, other similarly situated individuals attending the meeting or similar function.  However, employees may not accept first-class, common carrier accommodations unless specifically approved by the Department.

e. Offer of free travel after official travel begins:  In circumstances where an authorizing official has approved the acceptance of a gift of travel, employees can accept additional travel expenses from the same non-Federal source if the expenses paid or provided in kind are comparable in value to other meeting attendees and there was no disapproval by the Department for these particular expenses.  In circumstances where the gift of travel expenses was not approved in advance (e.g., a hotel room is compensated but not known until the employee checks out of the hotel), authorized expenses may be accepted by submitting the facts and circumstances to the approving authority within 7 working days after the trip ends.  If the gift of travel is not approved, reimbursement to the donor will be required as described in 41 CFR 304-3.13(b)(3).

4 FAM 467.2-9  Travel Authorization

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

The employee and the spouse must travel pursuant to official Department of State travel authorizations in order to use payments covered by this section.

4 FAM 467.2-10  Reimbursement to Employee or Accompanying Spouse

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Each employee or spouse on whose behalf a payment has been accepted under this chapter must file a travel claim on an authorized reimbursement form.  The employee or spouse will be reimbursed for expenditures in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulation or analogous provisions of the FAM and Joint Travel Regulations.

b. For purposes of filing a travel reimbursement claim, payments in kind for otherwise reimbursable expenses (such as transportation or lodging) are treated as if furnished by the U.S. Government.

4 FAM 467.2-11  Reporting

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. Semi-annual reports of payments, including payments in kind, of more than $250 accepted under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 1353 (see 2 FAM 962.12, subparagraph d(1)) must be submitted to L/EFD.  That office must submit reports to the Office of Government Ethics by May 31 of each year with respect to payments in the preceding period beginning on October 1 and ending on March 31; and November 30 of each year for payments received beginning on April 1 and ending September 30.

b. For each event where payment in excess of $250 was accepted for an employee, the bureau executive directors and post management counselors should complete and submit a Form SF-326, Semiannual Report of Payments Accepted from a Non-Federal Source, to L/EFD.

c.  The Form SF-326 should contain the following information:

(1)  Each event for which payment of more than $250 is accepted, including the event’s description, sponsor, location, date;

(2)  The names of each employee and spouse (if applicable) for which such payment was accepted, including the employee’s position and dates of travel;

(3)  The identity of the non-Federal source from which payment was accepted; and

(4)  An itemization of the benefits accepted that includes a description of the type of benefit, the value, and whether it was provided by check or in kind.

d. Gift of travel expenses approved under 2 FAM 962.12, subparagraph d(2), do not have to be reported on Form SF-326, but would instead be reported through the Gift Fund Registry.  See 2 FAM 964.  Questions concerning whether travel is reportable should be provided to L/EFD.

4 FAM 467.2-12  Promotional Materials/Compensation for Poor Service

(CT:FIN-487;   10-05-2023)

a. In general, OPM regulations at 5 CFR 2635.204(c)(3) provide that “an employee may not accept for personal use any benefit to which the Government is entitled as the result of an expenditure of Government funds.”  However, there are particular laws and regulations relating to travel benefits.

b. Consistent with the Federal Travel Regulation at 41 CFR 301-53.2 and Public Law 107-107, employees can retain for their personal use any promotional benefits or materials received from a travel service provider in connection with official travel if such items are obtained under the same conditions as those offered to the general public and at no additional cost to the Government.  This includes but is not limited to both frequent flyer miles and “hotel points.”

c.  Promotional benefits or materials you receive from a travel service provider in connection with your planning and/or scheduling an official conference or other group travel (as opposed to performing official travel yourself) are considered property of the Government, and you may only accept the benefits or materials on behalf of the Federal Government.

d. If you are involuntarily denied a confirmed reserved seat on a plane while on official travel, any payment you receive for liquidated damages must be given to the Federal Government.  However, if you are offered compensation in exchange for voluntarily vacating your seat, you may accept such compensation for personal use as long as:

(1)  Voluntarily vacating your seat will not interfere with performing your official duties;

(2)  Additional travel expenses incurred as a result of vacating your seat are borne by you and are not reimbursed; and

(3)  You are charged with annual leave to the extent your volunteering delays your travel during duty hours.

e. With regard to other forms of compensation for poor service as a result of official travel, consult L/EFD and the Office of the Legal Adviser Office of Management (L/M).