(CT:IM-333; 01-08-2025)
(Office of Origin: DT/BMP/SWP)
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities Diplomatic Technology Officers at post.
5 FAM 122 policy OBJECTIVEs
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
This policy outlines DT Chief responsibilities, provides guidance for delegation of those duties, and Diplomatic Technology roles and responsibilities at overseas posts.
5 FAM 123 policy SCOPE
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
This policy applies to post and mission level organizational structures.
(CT:IM-333; 01-08-2025)
a. A Diplomatic Technology Officer (DTO) is a Foreign Service Specialist with the 2885 skill code. DTOs are responsible for carrying out Diplomatic Technology (DT) unit responsibilities. DT is the unit at post where the series of information and communication technology (ICT) projects, and the information security program are managed.
b. The Diplomatic Technology Unit Chief (DT Chief) leads the DT unit and is responsible for post’s information system security program and/or activities and personnel relative to post capacities and circumstance.
5 FAM 124.1 Diplomatic Technology Officer Titling
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
a. Official position titles: The position title for employees with a primary skill code of 2885 overseas is Diplomatic Technology Officer (DTO), Diplomatic Technology Officer (Cyber) (CDTO), or Regional Diplomatic Technology Center Director (RDTC Director).
b. Unofficial post titles (will not be listed in the system): To facilitate communication across the Department, DTO personnel must adopt the following unofficial post titles:
(1) Mission Diplomatic Technology Chief (Mission DT Chief)—the senior DTO at mission.
(2) Diplomatic Technology Chief (DT Chief)—the senior DTO at a post.
(3) DT Infrastructure Chief (DT/I Chief)—the DTO responsible for the infrastructure portfolio.
(4) Diplomatic Telecommunications Program Office (DTS-PO) Technical Element (DT/I DTE Chief) – the DTO serves as the Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Program Office representative at post.
(5) DT Customer Engagement Chief (DT/CE Chief)—the DTO responsible for the Customer Engagement portfolio.
(6) Mission Cybersecurity Diplomatic Technology Officer (MCDTO)—a DTO assigned to post whose full-time responsibilities are maintaining cybersecurity at a number of posts within a a mission.
(7) Regional Cybersecurity Diplomatic Technology Officer (RCDTO)—a DTO whose full-time responsibilities are maintaining cybersecurity for a region.
(8) Regional Diplomatic Technology Officer (RDTO)—a DTO whose primary responsibility is support for a region.
(9) Diplomatic Technology Officer (DTO)—Every other 2885 position that doesn’t qualify for a different title.
5 FAM 124.2 Diplomatic Technology Chief
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
a. The DT Chief is the senior Diplomatic Technology person at post. The position supervises DT services, operations, and the activities of post Diplomatic Technology personnel. At posts with RDTOs, the DT Chief may also supervise staff with regional responsibilities as defined by memorandum with the RDTC and Regional Bureau Executive (EX) offices. The incumbent typically reports to the management officer who is the section chief for Management.
b. DT Chief duties are not limited in scope to those defined in this section and are coordinated with post management. The DT Chief at post is responsible for all DT unit decisions, which may be delegated:
(1) Budget: The DT Chief creates a post-specific DT budget plan that includes, but is not limited to, life cycle replacement costs for all post-funded IT equipment and other assets; current and future projects as identified in the IT component of the Mission Resource Request (MRR); and DT services offered under International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS);
(2) Contacts and representation: The DT Chief serves as the initial point of contact with the RDTC, the geographic bureau’s RDTO, functional Bureaus, and other agencies for all DT matters. The DT Chief:
(a) Is the liaison to host nation authorities regarding telecommunications rights and services;
(b) Represents DT interests in post's counterintelligence working groups; emergency action committees (EACs); and the ICASS councils to promote using DT assets, products, and services by these groups;
(c) Serves as the chairperson on the local change control board, if sanctioned by the Department, which addresses post's DT hardware and software issues. Serves as the contact point for the corporate Technology Review Board (TRB);
(d) Serves as the Department representative at post for telecommunications services provided to client agencies; and
(e) Is an active member of post’s Emergency Action Committee.
(3) Human resources:
(a) Post evaluation and reporting structures vary depending on staffing. The DT Chief is responsible for creating and maintaining an organization chart and is responsible for ensuring the evaluations for DT staff are completed in accordance with Department regulations;
(b) The DT Chief promotes and supports leadership, management, and technical training for all employees in the DT section. The DT Chief must ensure post's CDTO(s) or DTO(s) assigned ISSO responsibilities as an ancillary duty attend ISSO training and refresher courses (see 12 FAH-10 H-212.2 and 12 FAH-10 H-650);
(c) The DT Chief creates and/or updates position descriptions for all DT staff (to include assigning appropriate cyber codes), including locally employed staff (LE staff), to include capsule descriptions used in the bidding process;
(d) The DT Chief works with subordinates to develop an individual development plan (IDP) that meets the subordinate’s training and development needs.
(4) Internet and intranet:
The DT Chief ensures proper security configurations and service availability of internet and intranet sites within the scope of the Department's guidelines, that are provided by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and Bureau of Diplomatic Technology;
(5) Logistics and infrastructure:
(a) The DT Chief finalizes life cycle replacement costs and schedules replacements in compliance with the Department's replacement cycles. The schedules support funding requirements outlined in the post budget plan and in the MRR, including periodic update or replacement of equipment; and
(b) The DT Chief provides procurement guidance on DT equipment to other mission sections or agencies. The DT Chief is responsible for approving all IT purchases in consultation with customer needs.
(6) Management:
(a) The DT Chief, as the senior DTO at post, typically reports to the post's management officer and oversees all DT operations and personnel at post;
(b) The DT Chief at the Embassy level, in coordination with RDTC, is the first point of contact for all constituent posts for DT issues and assistance. They assess each constituent post’s operations, equipment, and infrastructure by conducting site visits, interviews, document and report reviews, and discussions;
(c) The DT Chief advises post management when staffing levels and workloads warrant requests for temporary duty (TDY) assistance. They also advise post management if staffing levels and workloads permit rendering TDY assistance to constituent posts when requested.
(7) Operations:
(a) The DT Chief is responsible for effective, efficient, and secure Diplomatic Technology operations at post;
(b) As the focal point for all telecommunications issues, the DT Chief oversees the planning of contingencies for all DT programs at post;
(c) The DT Chief is the post's accountable property officer for DT equipment and assets. Working closely with the General Services Office, the DT Chief confirms the accuracy of the relevant inventories, including Consular Affairs IT assets, and ensures all Controlled Access Area (CAA) equipment is ordered and shipped in accordance with regulations; and
(d) Manages the information security program at post per 5 FAH-2 H-128.5 and 12 FAM 600.
(8) Planning and reporting:
(a) The DT Chief is responsible for the post's information technology contingency plan and for ensuring it is fully coordinated with the post's Emergency Action Plan (EAP). In addition, they assist post with site contingency plans and contribute to the IT component of the post’s MRR development;
(b) The DT Chief participates in post's reporting requirements and ensures these requirements are integrated with the Department’s overall IT Strategic Plan; updates Annex A, Communications of post's EAP; and prepares quarterly ICASS reports for DT services.
(9) Security:
(a) The DT Chief ensures that all personnel in the DT section are current on all security regulations, awareness, training, and guidelines as they pertain to DT operations, equipment, data, and infrastructure;
(b) The DT Chief serves as the post's alternate Top Secret control officer or delegates that responsibility;
(c) The DT Chief is the post's communications security (COMSEC) officer and, with the COMSEC custodian, maintains the integrity of all COMSEC assets at post;
(d) The DT Chief ensures proper safekeeping of classified materials and equipment in the DT section in accordance with Department security guidelines;
(e) The DT Chief works closely with the CDTOs, system administrators, and Regional Security Officers (RSO) implementing the Department's Automated Information Systems (AIS) security program on all classified and unclassified Department networks at the mission and/or at constituent posts (see 12 FAM 613, Responsibilities).
(f) The DT Chief serves as the System Owner for post-specific systems in accordance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) and 12 FAM 613.1, 5 FAM 825, and 5 FAM 826.
5 FAM 124.3 Delegation of Diplomatic Technology Chief Duties
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
a. The DT Chief may designate duties depending on post staffing, circumstances at post, and at the direction of the Chief of Mission, Deputy Chief of Mission, or the Management Counselor/Officer. While names and functions of sub-units may vary, the organization structure for larger posts must create IT Infrastructure and Customer Engagement sub-units. As each post is unique, the DT Chief is encouraged to create and maintain a delegation of duties document, if any of the following tasks are delegated:
(1) Budget: Responsibility for assisting the DT Chief with providing input for the following categories of equipment and services; to include but not limited to telecommunications, CAA equipment, non-CAA equipment, software licenses, pouch and mail operations, personnel costs, ICASS services;
(2) Contacts and representation: Responsibility to serve as the initial point of contact with RDTC, the geographic bureau, DT, and other agencies for technical matters;
(3) Circuits: Responsibility for security configurations and service availability of IT circuits within the scope of the Department's guidelines provided by DS and DT. Delegation can be split for different circuits to include but not limited to; telephone, internet, intranet, cellular, or satellite;
(4) Operations: The following list, while not comprehensive, provides examples of operational responsibilities to include in a delegation memorandum;
(a) Data network operations;
(b) Classified network operations;
(c) VHF/UHF radio networks;
(d) High frequency (HF) radio operations;
(e) Telephone systems, including secure phones;
(g) Pouch and mail;
(h) Inventory management;
(i) Security configurations and service availability of internet and intranet sites;
(j) Customer training;
(k) Mobile device/ endpoint management;
(l) Application development/support;
(m) Video conferencing and support;
(n) Remote access management;
(o) Records management;
(p) Event support;
(q) Service desk;
(r) Crisis communications;
(s) Cable traffic management.
(5) Planning and reporting:
(a) Post's IT Contingency Plan and the IT component of the MRR;
(b) Inventory of all post-procured software, including all applicable licensing documents;
(c) Emergency Destruction Plan (EDP) and coordination of quarterly EDP drills with the RSO and post management.
(6) Security:
(a) Security procedures for various DT offices;
(b) Safekeeping of classified materials and equipment in accordance with Department security guidelines;
(c) User access policies and procedures;
(d) Implementation of OIG and DS recommendations.
5 FAM 124.4 Diplomatic Technology Officer (DTO) Duties
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
a. The following subsections explain the DTO's general roles and responsibilities. DTO duties are not limited to the scope of these subsections, are coordinated with post's DT management, and include performing system administration, cybersecurity, user support, and project support duties on all networks and DT-based solutions under the Department's authority as required;
b. This subsection refers to DT personnel without supervisory responsibilities for USDH employees;
c. DTOs may have supervisory responsibilities of EFM and/or LE staff, e.g., the mailroom unless the responsibility is delegated to an appropriate officer:
(1) Budget: Not applicable;
(2) Contacts and representation:
(a) DTOs serve as the first point of contact for DT customers. DTOs may also meet with LE staff to ensure problem-free operations; and
(b) DTOs report any daily requirements to DT management as appropriate.
(3) Human resources:
(a) DTOs develop an IDP to satisfy their training and development needs; and
(b) DTOs who are assigned managerial responsibility of an LE staff unit must be familiar with 3 FAH-2 H-100, Supervision of Foreign Service National Personnel.
(4) Internet and intranets: DTOs ensure the proper security configurations and service availability of internet and intranet sites within the scope of the Department's guidelines provided by DS and DT;
(5) Logistics and infrastructure:
(a) DTOs maintain adequate spares and supplies for equipment and notify management of equipment shortages;
(b) DTOs maintain IT inventory records;
(c) DTOs dispose of defective equipment in accordance with Department guidelines; and
(d) DTOs assist with property accounting, inventories, reconciliations, and reporting.
(6) Management: As assigned in work requirements statement;
(7) Operations:
(a) DTOs process daily telegraphic traffic;
(b) DTOs administer and maintain systems in accordance with mission standard operating procedures (SOP);
(c) DTOs test backup systems for usability and accessibility;
(d) DTOs maintain user accounts in accordance with established policies and procedures;
(e) DTOs install and configure new DT equipment in accordance with mission and Department guidelines as directed or required;
(f) DTOs perform radio tests according to established standard operating procedures and 5 FAM 540, Voice Radio Systems, and 5 FAH-2 H-700, Managing Radio Networks;
(g) DTOs prepare and process classified pouch material as directed in accordance with SOPs and 14 FAH-4, Pouch and Mail Handbook; and
(h) DTOs provide assistance to users as required or requested.
(8) Reporting:
(a) DTOs record and report to RDTC and appropriate DT offices any anomalies with the system infrastructure; and
(b) DTOs record and draft outage reports for management in accordance with the mission's escalation procedure.
(9) Security:
(a) DTOs configure and maintain all systems in accordance with Department security guidelines;
(b) DTOs ensure proper safekeeping of classified materials and equipment in accordance with Department security guidelines;
(c) DTOs attend all mandated security training courses in accordance with Department guidance; and
(d) DTOs attend ISSO training prior to assuming lead or alternate ISSO duties.
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
5 FAM 125.1 Acronyms
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
DoS (Department of State)
DS (Bureau of Diplomatic Security)
DT (Bureau of Diplomatic Technology)
DT (Diplomatic Technology Unit at post)
DTO (Diplomatic Technology Officer)
DT Chief (Unit Chief for Diplomatic Technology)
DT/I Chief (Sub-unit Chief for IT Infrastructure)
DT/CE Chief (Sub-unit Chief for Customer Engagement)
ISSO (Information Systems Security Officer)
USDH (U.S. Direct Hire)
RDTC (Regional Diplomatic Technology Center)
RCDTO (Regional Cybersecurity Diplomatic Technology Officer)
5 FAM 125.2 Definitions
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
Service Level Agreement is an agreement between two or more parties, where one is the customer, and the others are service providers.
5 FAM 125.3 Related FAM/FAH
(CT:IM-331; 12-06-2024)
5 FAH-2 H-128.5 (Information Systems Security Officer)
5 FAH-2 H-700 (Managing Radio Networks)
5 FAM 540 (Voice Radio Systems)
12 FAM 600 (Information Security Technology)
14 FAH-4 (Pouch and Mail Handbook)