5 FAM 1300 
Publications & Related Services

5 FAM 1310 

policies for Publications, GraphicS, and Copiers

(CT:IM-279;   08-27-2020)
(Office of Origin:  A/GIS/GPS)

5 FAM 1311  RESPONSIBiLities for Department Publication activities

(CT:IM-279;   08-27-2020)

a. The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (PA) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Information Services (A/GIS) are jointly responsible for overseeing Department of State publication activities.

b. The Office of Global Publishing Solutions (A/GIS/GPS) establishes mandatory policies for the production of printed matter either in-house or by the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) or A/GIS/GPS contractors.  A/GIS/GPS is the Department’s liaison to the GPO, and employees must go through A/GIS/GPS to contract GPO services on behalf of the Department.

5 FAM 1312  Publishing Management responsibilities

(CT:IM-279;   08-27-2020)

a. As the Department’s central printing and publications management organization A/GIS/GPS has responsibility for:

(1)  Coordinating a Department-wide program for the development, production, procurement, and distribution of materials through the use of printing and binding methods, as well as duplication/copying methods;

(2)  Identifying where printing is to be requisitioned based on current Federal law and regulations;

(3)  Assuring the consistent presentation of the Department’s identification in publications; and

(4)  Processing DS-5 forms " Requisition for Publishing, Reproduction, and Distribution Services" in order to receive reimbursement from bureaus for Official Journals of Government publications.

b. The Office director of A/GIS/GPS is also the Department’s publishing management officer.  The publishing management officer coordinates all requests for printing and reproduction where the published documents will be primarily distributed within the United States.  The director assures compliance with Federal law and regulations issued by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing, the GPO, The Smith-Mundt Act, the State Department Basic Authorities Act, and the Office of Management and Budget.  The publishing management officer also:

(1)  Reviews all such requests consistent with prevailing regulations and the U.S. Department of State's Brand System;

(2)  Institutes procedures to assure that substance and content of Department publications are reviewed and cleared by appropriate offices before printing or reproduction occurs; and

(3)  Advises offices on the correct methods to procure printing where the documents will primarily be distributed abroad and hence are not subject to Title 44 and Title 22 restrictions.

5 FAM 1313  Graphics

(CT:IM-279;   08-27-2020)

The following A/GIS/GPS products are mandatory.  For official Department correspondence, the A/GIS/GPS letterhead stationary templates must be used.  For official portraits, the government-issued portraits must be the images displayed for Department usage.

5 FAM 1313.1  Business Cards

(CT:IM-279;   08-27-2020)

a. Posts, bureaus and offices may authorize the purchase of business cards for employees who need them to extend courtesies or conform to social or business custom in the context of agency-related activities.  If approved, in writing, by their office of the executive director (EX office), employees may use their post's management or counselor or bureau's operating funds to purchase business cards.

NOTE:  Employees must not use domestic representation (K funds) for business card purchases.

b. Under certain circumstances, employees may use Diplomatic and Consular Programs (D&CP) funds to purchase business cards to facilitate necessary agency-related communications operations.  Employees should check with their post's or bureau's EX office regarding circumstances that allow for the use of D&CP funds to purchase business cards.  Employees who qualify to use D&CP funds should obtain approval, in writing, from their EX office.

c.  Business cards must be ordered through the GPS portal and my not be shipped to personal addresses.

5 FAM 1314  Multi-funcTION Devices (MFD)/Copiers

(CT:IM-279;   08-27-2020)

A/GIS/GPS is responsible for acquiring and managing small to large volume MFDs for the Department.  Any CONUS office can participate in the MFD program by submitting a completed DS-1863.  The terms of the 60-month lease include all supplies, parts and service at no additional cost. Offices are encouraged to use MFDs as shared printers and scanners on OpenNet in order to save space, money, and energy.  Bureaus will submit monthly meter readings to GPSCPM@state.gov unless their MFD is networked.