5 FAH-1 H-300

5 FAH-1 H-310


(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)
(Office of Origin:  DT/BMP)

5 fah-1 h-311  summary

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

This chapter contains procedures and format guidelines for drafting and preparing routine memorandums. 

5 FAH-1 H-312  GENERAL

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

a. Memorandums are used for routine communications within and between offices in the Department, posts, and other Federal agencies.

b. This chapter contains procedures and format guidelines for drafting and preparing routine memorandums as noted above.  See the Executive Secretariat InfoLink Web site for guidelines for preparing memorandums to be signed by the Secretary and other seventh-floor principals.


(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

5 FAH-1 H-313.1  Internal Memorandum

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

The internal memorandum is used for administrative or routine operational matters, or for background or other substantive information pertaining to program and policy matters within and between offices in the Department or at post (see 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-313.1).

5 FAH-1 H-313.2  Interagency Memorandum

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

a. The interagency memorandum is used for informal correspondence with other Federal agencies on administrative or routine operational matters.  The format varies according to the level of offices involved (see 5 FAH-1 H-312 Exhibit H-313.3).

b. See the "INTERAGENCY" listing at the Executive Secretariat InfoLink Web site for additional drafting and formatting guidelines for Interagency correspondence.

5 FAH-1 H-313.3  Memorandum to File

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

A memorandum addressed to the "File", documents significant information that is otherwise not documented.  Follow the format of an internal memorandum.  Place the word "File" opposite the "TO" line.

5 FAH-1 H-313.4  Memorandum of Conversation

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

A memorandum of conversation is used for substantive conversations between officers and foreign diplomatic officials, representatives of public and private organizations, Federal officials, or private individuals either in the Department or at post.  Preparers should complete the Memorandum of Conversation on letterhead stationery as follows:

(1)  If classified, show classification level at the top of the first page, flush with the left margin two lines below the seal.  If unclassified or administratively controlled, show "UNCLASSIFIED" or “SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED” at the top, flush with the left margin, two lines below the seal.

(2)  Center and underline "MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION" two lines below the classification.

(3)  Double-space (one blank line) and enter the date.  Line the date up with Washington, DC.  Double-space before beginning the heading "SUBJECT:"  Double-space after the subject before entering the headings "TAGS:”, "PARTICIPANTS:", and "COPIES TO:”.

(4)  Enter the text two spaces (one blank line) below the last line of “COPIES TO:”.  Each paragraph should be numbered.

(5)  Center the classification at the bottom of the page, and add the declassification instructions directly below it on the first page only.  Center the classification at the top and bottom of each additional page (see 5 FAH-1 H-314).  In the lower left corner of the first page only, enter the name and position of the original classification authority on the "Classified By" line, with the agency and office of origin unless it is otherwise indicated.  Directly below this line, enter the reason(s) for classification, citing the appropriate category(ies) from Section 1.4, E.O. 13526, as amended.  Show drafting and clearing information on all copies.  Refer to 5 FAH-1 H-314 for further guidance.  See 5 FAH-1 H-325.9 for declassification and downgrading instructions for memorandums with attachments.

5 FAH-1 H-313.5  Briefing Memorandum

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

a. Briefing memorandums are drafted for the Secretary and other seventh-floor principals to provide them with talking points and other information necessary to prepare them for a meeting or appointment.  There are four basic types of briefing memorandum:

(1)  Office appointments or meetings;

(2)  Checklists for office appointments or meetings;

(3)  Participation in White House meetings; and

(4)  Protocol scenarios (prepared by S/CPR).

b. See the Executive Secretariat InfoLink Web site for additional drafting and formatting guidelines including Appointment Request, Briefing Checklist, Annotated Agenda, and Meet and Greet Briefing Checklist.

5 FAH-1 H-313.6  Information Memorandum

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

Information memorandums are prepared to inform the Secretary or other seventh-floor principals about events, projects or policy matters.  An information memorandum may be generated as a result of matters of interest or in response to a specific request.  Consult the Executive Secretariat InfoLink Web site, Information Memo, for drafting and formatting guidelines.

5 FAH-1 H-313.7  Action Memorandum

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

Action memorandums are prepared for the Secretary and other seventh-floor principals.  These memorandums require decisions from or action by the recipients.  See the Executive Secretariat InfoLink Web site, Action Memo or Action Memo - Split Recommendation for drafting and formatting guidelines.

5 FAH-1 H-313.8  Form OF-41, Routing and Transmittal Slip

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

a. Form OF-41, Routing and Transmittal Slip, is used to forward routine correspondence, documents, and other material for action or information when detailed instructions, explanations, or comments are unnecessary and no record of the transmittal is needed.  Information on the form may be handwritten or typed (be sure to initial by printed name if form is typed).  Users should check one of the appropriate boxes listed or add remarks to indicate the reason for the transmittal (see 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-313.8).

b. Transmittal slips should not be used to record approvals or other important action or information.

c.  Transmittal slips should be copied only when the transmittal office retains a copy for a limited time in case the material is not received.

d. When using Form OF-41 for classified or administratively controlled material (i.e., Controlled Unclassified Information” or CUI), it must bear the same classification or control designation it covers  and must include additional classification instructions identified in 12 FAM 510.


(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

a. Classified memorandums must be classified by an original or derivative classification authority and marked according to section 1.4, E.O. 13526, as amended (see Reference E.O. 13526).  Each element (title, paragraph, section, table or chart) must be appropriately marked (C), (S), (TS), (U), or (SBU).  The overall classification is the highest classification level of any part of the memorandum.  (See 5 FAH-1 H-132, and 12 FAM 510 for more information on marking classified information.)  Subject lines of classified documents should be kept unclassified whenever possible.

b. On the first page, place the classification at the left margin two lines below the seal, underlined in capital letters, directly above the word “MEMORANDUM”.  Center and underline the classification at the bottom, and place the classification at the top and bottom of succeeding pages.

c.  At the bottom of the first page only, directly below the classification, enter one of the following (original or derivative classification):

(1)  Classified By:  followed by the name and title of the original classification authority, and the agency of origin (unless otherwise indicated); and:

(a)  Reason:  followed by the reason(s) for classification with the appropriate classification category(ies) from Section 1.4, E.O. 13526, as amended (see Reference E.O. 13526); and

(b)  Declassify on:  followed by the date of automatic declassification.

(2)  Derived from:  followed by the name, edition, and section of the applicable classification guide (e.g., “DSCG 05-1, B”) or the origin, title, and date of the derivative classification source document; and:

(a)  Declassify on:  followed by the declassification instructions in the declassification guide or on the source document; or

(b)  “Declassify on: Source Marked:” followed by an exemption category as defined in paragraph 3.3, E.O. 13526, as amended (see Reference E.O. 13526).

See 5 FAH-1 H-325.9 for declassification and downgrading instructions for memoranda with classified attachments.  (See 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-314 and 12 FAM 510 for additional information on marking classified information.)

5 FAH-1 H-315  references

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

5 FAH-1 H-315.1  Acronyms

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information)

DS (Bureau of Diplomatic Security)

SBU (Sensitive But Unclassified)

5 FAH-1 H-315.2  Definitions

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

Controlled Unclassified Information is information created or possessed by the government or other entities (e.g., contractors, universities, other designated partners) on behalf of the Federal Government, that is defined as sensitive within the CUI Registry.

Derivative Classification is the process of using existing classified information to create new documents or material and marking the newly-developed document or material consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source information.

Original Classification is the initial decision that particular information requires protection in the interest of national security and could be expected to cause damage if subjected to unauthorized disclosure.

5 FAH-1 H-315.3  Authorities

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

(1) Executive Order 13526-Classified National Security Information

5 FAH-1 H-315.4  Exhibits

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

Please refer to the multiple exhibits noted in the following pages.

5 FAH-1 H-315.5  Additional Resources

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

Executive Secretariat InfoLink Online Templates and Drafting Guidance

5 FAH-1 H-315.6  Related FAM/FAH

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

5 FAM 480 (Classifying and Declassifying National Security Information)

12 FAM 500 (Information Security)

12 FAM 600 (Information Security Technology)


5 FAH-1 EXHIBIT H-313.1  

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)

Seal of the Department of StateUnited States Department of State


Washington, D.C. 20520


MEMORANDUM            October 1, 2002

TO:   DT/APR - Mr. Jonathan Doe

FROM:       DT/APR/IAP - John Dobson

SUBJECT:   Sample Internal Memorandum

TAGS:        AINF

This exhibit shows how to prepare a basic one-page internal memorandum on Department or Post letterhead stationery.

Allow at least one-inch margins on all sides.  Include the date only if the memorandum will be signed the same day.  Place the date on the line opposite "MEMORANDUM" and align with the "W" in Washington, D.C.  Each memorandum must contain "TO," "FROM," "SUBJECT," and "TAGS" lines.

Enter text in block style, single-spaced with double spaces between paragraphs.  One-paragraph memorandums may be double-spaced.  List and describe attachments directly under the heading "Attachment(s):".  Number more than one attachment consecutively.  Show distribution (office symbol followed by a colon, initial(s) and last name) for information copies under the heading "cc:" flush with the left margin, two lines below the last line of text or "Attachment(s)”.

The signing officer places initials on the "FROM" line immediately after the printed name.  At the drafter's discretion, show drafting information on the original, at least two lines below "Attachment(s):" or "cc:".  Include in the drafting information the drafter's office symbol followed by a colon, initials and last name, preparer's initials (if other than drafting officer), and the date prepared.  A separate drafting page may also be used (see example in 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-325.10).



This exhibit shows a sample page two of an internal memorandum.  Prepare page two on plain bond paper.  Center the page number as shown at least two lines below the top margin.  Begin text two lines below the page number.

List attachments two lines below the text.  Enter the word "Attachment(s):" and number, and describe briefly (do not number one attachment).  Show drafting and clearance information on the original and all copies (at the drafter's discretion), approximately two lines below "Attachment(s)" or "cc:."

The signing officer initials in ink after the printed name on the "FROM" line.  If there is a "THRU" line, the clearing officer also initials after the printed name.


1.     Describe briefly

2.     Number consecutively

cc:  DT/BPC/PRG:JCGoode  10/01/02

Clearance:  DT/BPC/EAP:HABlake




Seal of the Department of State


                Embassy of the United State of America


                                                        Tokyo, Japan




MEMORANDUM    July 15, 2002

TO:   The Ambassador

FROM:       DCM - John A. Doe

SUBJECT:   Sample Internal Memorandum on Post Letterhead

TAGS:        AINF

REF:  Your Memorandum, July 2, 2002

This exhibit shows the format for an internal memorandum prepared on either regular or special letterhead stationery.

Each memorandum should have "TO”, "FROM”, "SUBJECT”, and "TAGS" lines.  If a reference line is needed, show the abbreviation "REF:" two lines below and flush with the "TAGS" line.  Align the reference(s) entry with the "SUBJECT" line.

Include the date at the time of preparation unless the memorandum is to be signed in another office and may not be signed the day it is typed.  Enter the date on the same line as "MEMORANDUM”, flush with the first letter of the printed letterhead.

Enter the text, any attachment lists, and distribution of copies, if any, in the same format shown in the exhibit for the Department.  When memorandums are prepared for signature in another office, the signing officer may prefer that the drafting information not be shown on the original.

A separate drafting page may also be used (see example in 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-325.10).

Keep the number of copies to a minimum, providing a courtesy copy only when necessary.

5 FAH-1 EXHIBIT H-313.2  

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)


Seal of the Department of State        United States Department of State


        Washington, D.C. 20520




MEMORANDUM            June 15, 2002

TO:   DOD - Mr. Frank M. Black

FROM:       ADMIN - Robert A. Brown

SUBJECT:   Interagency Memorandums

Memorandums may be used for informal correspondence with other Federal agencies, usually on administrative or routine matters.  Such memorandums are prepared on Department or Post letterhead stationery.  This exhibit shows the format for an interagency memorandum on post letterhead stationery when it is not necessary to include the titles of the addressee or signing officer.  Align the date with the first letter in the printed letterhead.  Do not put a "TAGS" line on memorandums going outside of the Department or Post.  An example of the format for the "TO" and "FROM" lines for a similar type memorandum prepared on Department letterhead stationery follows:

TO:   DOD/AS/CR - Mr. Richard M. Roe

FROM:       STATE/M/P - John A. Doe

Enter the text in the same format shown in Exhibit H-312.1.  Include the attachment(s), if any, on the original and all copies.  Do not show drafting and clearance information on the original or courtesy copies.  Show this information only on the copies to be retained in the Department or Post.  Always make an official record copy, and restrict the number of information copies to those required on a strict need-to-know basis.  Clear memorandum as appropriate.


1.     Describe briefly

2.     Number consecutively


Seal of the Department of State        United States Department of State


        Assistant Secretary of State

        for Administration


        Washington, D.C. 20520


MEMORANDUM    April 12, 2002

TO:   Ms. Helen M. Jones
Director, Office of Management Planning
Agency for International Development

FROM:       Richard W. Smith

SUBJECT:   Interagency Memorandum on Special Letterhead

This exhibit shows an interagency memorandum on special letterhead stationery.  Those offices that are entitled to special letterhead stationery may use it for either internal or interagency memorandums.  For internal memorandums on special letterhead, follow the format in 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-312.1.  Use plain white bond paper for succeeding pages.  Align the date with the letterhead.  Use either this sample format for the "TO" and "FROM" lines or the informal format in the previous exhibit, depending on the level and/or preference of the signing officer.

Always include an official record copy of an interagency memorandum.  Do not show drafting or clearance information on the original or courtesy copy, if any.

The signing officer initials in ink beside the printed name on both the original and record copy.  If clearances are necessary, clearing officers must initial beside their names on the record copy.  The drafting officer may initial for the clearing officers if clearances are by phone, draft, or E-mail.

Place drafting, clearance, and TAGS information on file copies, or use a drafting page (see 5 FAH-1 Exhibit H-325.10).

5 FAH-1 EXHIBIT H-313.4

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)Seal of the Department of State

        United States Department of State


        Washington, D.C. 20520





        DATE:  June 3, 2008

SUBJECT:   Permission For French Military Aircraft To Land In The U.S. (U)

TAGS:        AINF


                        Pierre Cousteau, Ambassador

                        Jacques D-Angneau, Economic Counselor

                        Jean LaFitte, Civil Air Attache

                        UNITED STATES

                        Thomas Caldwell, Office of Aviation

                        Samuel Shrum, Aviation Negotiations Division

COPIES:     EEB/EX      EUR/EX      AmEmbassy Paris

                EEB/TT      EUR/WE     EEB/TT/OA

1.     (U)  This exhibit shows a Memorandum of Conversation.  If the memorandum is classified, enter the classification at the top flush with the left margin two lines below the seal.  Center and underline "MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION," two lines below the seal or classification.  Place the date two lines below the heading flush with the first letter in the printed letterhead.  Use the other headings in this sample, aligning entries as shown.

2.     (C)  Begin text flush with the left margin.  Enter the "Classified by" line, the reason for classification, the "declassify on" line at the bottom left on the first page only.  Show drafting and clearance information on file copies only.  See 5 FAH-1 H-312.4 for additional information.


Classified by:  GBKook, Director, EUR/A, Department of State

Reason: 1.4(b)

Declassify on:  7/15/14


5 FAH-1 EXHIBIT H-313.8  

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)Title: Form OF-41 - Description: Routing and Transmittal Slip form OF-41


5 FAH-1 EXHIBIT H-314  

(CT:CH-77;   11-20-2024)Title: Department of State Seal - Description: Department of State Seal

                                                                United States Department of State
                                                                        Washington, D.C. 20520


MEMORANDUM    June 3, 2008

TO:   All Cleared Employees

FROM:       DS/PRD/IF - J. F. Smith

SUBJECT:   Sample Classified Memorandum (U)

TAGS:        AINF

1.     (S)  This exhibit of a classified memorandum shows the proper format for marking classified documents in accordance with E.O. 13526, as amended.  The policy is to mark each and every paragraph, subparagraph, section, etc. to eliminate doubt as to which portions contain or reveal classified information.  Subject lines of classified documents should be kept unclassified whenever possible.

a.     (C)  It is important to understand portion-marking requirements, i.e., which the recipient of a classified document is entitled to know what the classification of each portion is or that some portions are not classified.

b.     (S)  If this portion of paragraph one contained SECRET information, it would be so marked.  Charts and illustrations also require proper markings in a classified document.

2.     (U) This paragraph is UNCLASSIFIED, as indicated, and has been developed to emphasize that each and every paragraph or part thereof should be marked.

3.     (C)  Enter a "Classified by" line, reason for classification, or the "derived from" line.  Enter the declassification instructions.  Specify a date, event, or exemption category.  Enter this information at the bottom of the first page only.


Classified by:  E. Doe, Deputy Assistant Secretary, A/GIS, Department of State. 

Reason: 1.4(b)

Declassify on:  6/13/14



Title: Department of State Seal - Description: Department of State Seal                                                                United States Department of State
                                                                        Washington, D.C. 20520




MEMORANDUM    June 3, 2008


TO:   All Cleared Employees

FROM:       DS/PRD/IF - J. F. Smith

SUBJECT:   Marking Transmittal Documents (U)

TAGS:        AINF

1.     (C)    This exhibit shows how to mark a CONFIDENTIAL transmittal document with a SECRET attachment.  It also describes how to mark an UNCLASSIFIED transmittal document that has a classified attachment.  Subject lines of classified documents should be kept unclassified whenever possible.

2.     (U)    If an attachment to a transmittal is classified higher than the transmittal itself, the highest classification is entered at the top and bottom of the first page and a notation, such as "DOWNGRADE TO CONFIDENTIAL WHEN SEPARATED FROM ATTACHMENT”, is added to show the classification of the transmittal itself.  A classified transmittal must also be marked to show the classification of its portions, its SUBJECT line, its appropriate declassification markings, and any other additional security markings that are appropriate for any of the information it contains.  When a classified transmittal consists of two or more pages, the second and following pages are marked with the classification of the information appearing therein.

3.     (S)    An UNCLASSIFIED transmittal carrying a classified attachment is marked with the highest classification of the attachment with a notation such as "UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM ATTACHMENTS" on the first page only.  Also include on the first page any additional markings appropriate for the attachment(s), since the transmittal itself contains no classified information.

4.     (U)    Transmittals are always marked with the highest classification of information being transmitted.  Notations, as appropriate, are added to show the classification of the transmittal when the attachments are removed or that it is unclassified upon removal of attachments.


Suggested Talking Points






Derived from:  01 State 12345

Reason: 1.4(b)

Declassify on:  7/13/14