5 FAH-2 H-250 


(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Office of Origin:  IRM/OPS)


(CT:TEL-24;   10-11-2007)
(Uniform all Agencies)

SPECAT (special category) is a transmission method used by the military to restrict dissemination of sensitive information.  It is the equivalent of the Department handling designator, exclusive distribution (EXDIS).  Consult your information programs center’s (IPC) user’s manual for specific format requirements.  If the user’s manual has no SPECAT format instructions, use guidance in this subchapter.


(CT:TEL-63;   11-07-2017)
(Uniform all Agencies)

SPECAT EXCLUSIVE further restricts the dissemination of sensitive information.  It is the equivalent of the Department handling designator, no distribution (NODIS).

5 FAH-2 H-252  Automated Message Analysis and Dissemination System (AMADS) REQUIREMENTS

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

5 FAH-2 H-252.1  Handling Instructions

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

The Main State Messaging Center (IRM/OPS/MSO/MSMC) recommends the use of captions and attention indicators with individual office symbols followed by an individual’s name to route the cable to specific offices or officers.  See 5 FAH-2 H-240 for more information on handling instructions.

5 FAH-2 H-252.1-1  Captions

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

a. Whenever possible, you should assign a single caption to route a cable most effectively.  You may list a single special handling caption.  If more than one caption is used, each caption occupies a separate line.

b. You may use STADIS (State distribution only) with EXDIS (exclusive distribution) or NODIS.  The most restrictive caption must appear first. -  See 5 FAH-1 H-232.15 and 5 FAH-2 H-440 for more information on how to use captions.

5 FAH-2 H-252.1-2  Official Informal

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

OFFICIAL INFORMAL must appear on the caption line and on the SUBJECT line followed by an attention indicator for a particular office or bureau.  SMART will then disseminate OFFICIAL INFORMAL cables to the indicated office and Executive Secretariat (S/ES-O).  If a cable carries an additional caption, the dissemination profile for that caption may take precedence over the OFFICIAL INFORMAL dissemination profile.  See 5 FAH-1 H-232.12 - for more information on Official Informal.

5 FAH-2 H-252.1-3  Attention Indicators

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

a. Use attention indicators to narrow the distribution of a cable.

b. See 5 FAH-1 H-232.12 for information on use and format of attention indicators.

5 FAH-2 H-252.2  TAGS

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(State Only)

a. The cable processor examines the TAGS line to use as one of the criteria for dissemination.  TAGS are used in conjunction with captions, attention indicators, and subject keywords to match against pre-programmed criteria sets for different distribution patterns.  When it gets a match, it assigns that distribution pattern to the cable.

b. Program TAGS (K TAGS) may be used only after an initial Subject TAGS entry.

c.  You may use proper names and organizations on the TAGS line only after an initial Subject TAGS entry.  The name(s) must be enclosed in parentheses:  last name, first name, and then middle initial (without a period).  For example:


d. Refer to the 5 FAH-3 TAGS/Terms Handbook, for more detailed information on TAGS and Terms.


(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform all Agencies)

a. The operating signal ZEN indicates delivery of the record copy via other means.  This could be due to the recipient addressee not having electronic communications. - (see 5 FAH-2 H-253.1).

b. The drafter lists the addressee as info or action, as appropriate, preceded by the operating signal "ZEN."

c.  See 5 FAH-2 H-237.2-3 and 5 FAH-2 Exhibit H-253 for an example.

5 FAH-2 H-253.1  Pouch

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)

Pouch is no longer used for dissemination.

5 FAH-2 H-253.2  Fax

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

a. You can send a cable to an addressee by fax.  If a cable is delivered via fax, mark the cable as outlined in 5 FAH-2 H-253.

b. You may send UNCLASSIFIED and SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED (SBU) cables via unclassified fax.  Classified and SBU NOFORN cables must be transmitted via classified fax keyed to a level equal or greater to the classification of the cable.

5 FAH-2 H-253.3  E-Mail

(CT:TEL-86;   06-06-2023)
(Uniform State/USAID)

a. You can send a cable to an addressee by e-mail.  If a cable is delivered via e-mail, mark the cable as outlined in 5 FAH-2 H-253.

b. You must e-mail a facsimile copy of the message either by scanning and sending it as an attachment -.  Do not e-mail the content in the body of an e-mail.  See 5 FAM 440 for information on types of information that must be conveyed by cable.

c.  You may send UNCLASSIFIED and SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED (SBU) cables via unclassified e-mail (see 12 FAM 540).  Classified and SBU NOFORN cables must be transmitted via classified e-mail.