5 FAM 780 


(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)
(Office of Origin:  DT/E-CISO)


(CT:IM-238;   11-14-2018)

Standard network access control, network use policies, and security requirements are found in 12 FAM 632, Administrative Security, and 12 FAM 633, Systems Implementation.


(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

Offices may install modems in standalone PCs for dialup Internet connectivity without DS or DT prior approval.  Local system administrators and/or Information System Security Officers (ISSOs) may keep a log of such connections at their discretion.


(CT:IM-33;   02-27-2002)

Independent Internet-accessible LANs in Bureaus or at posts must adhere to Department network use policies.


(CT:IM-77;   10-18-2006)

a. Individual access to OpenNet Plus, which includes Internet, may be granted to eligible family members (EFMs) of U.S. Direct Hire (USDH) employees assigned to the post.  This is an optional benefit, not a requirement.

(1)  EFMs for this purpose are those individuals who are included on the assignment orders of an employee.

(2)  The term "employees" applies to USDH employees of all U.S. Government agencies that participate in International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) at post.

(3)  Eligibility for access under this provision does not extend to an individual who is a family member of a contractor, whether U.S. or other nationality, or of a Foreign Service National (FSN) employee.

b. No additional background investigation is required prior to granting access to the EFM.

c.  OpenNet Plus operations, installation, and security regulations apply to the users and workstations used for EFM OpenNet Plus/Internet access.  EFM users must abide by all Department of State computer policies, including but not limited to those set forth in 5 FAM 720, General Policies.  The following additional rules also apply:

(1)  EFMs must abide by all Department of State computer security policies;

(2)  OpenNet Plus and/or Internet access may be provided to eligible members of an USDH employee’s family as described in 5 FAM 784.a (1), above;

(3)  If the post ICASS council agrees to fund this benefit, the infrastructure, maintenance, and support costs will come from post ICASS funds;

(4)  EFMs may access any appropriate intranet site for official purposes only, e.g. Foreign Service Institute (FSI) for distance learning, Family Liaison Office (FLO) for job information.  EFMs will not be listed in or have access to the Department's global e-mail system.  EFMs may access Internet for research, commercial e-mail services, and other sites in accordance with 5 FAM 723, Personal Use of U.S. Government Equipment;

(5)  EFMs are not permitted to store data on the workstation or any other segment of the network;

(6)  Workstations authorized for EFM use should be located where EFMs are less vulnerable to unintentional exposure to classified information and where classified material is not accessible.  In addition, these workstations are to be installed to meet OpenNet security and installations standards and conform to security requirements for physical and network access by EFMs;

(7)  Using Instant Messaging (e.g., MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, or Chat) is not allowed;

(8)  Workstations, peripheral equipment, and any other Government property utilized by an EFM is considered to be property on loan to the sponsoring USDH employee for purposes of 14 FAM 416.5-3, Employee Liability, and related provisions governing employee liability for damaged or missing property.  The extent of the sponsoring USDH employee’s liability for any damage to or loss of property caused by the EFM user will be determined by the property management officer or a Property Survey Board in accordance with 14 FAM 416.5, Reporting Lost or Damaged Property.  Substantiated allegations or occurrences of improper or misuse of U.S. Government equipment by an Eligible Family Member may result in suspension of the privilege to use U.S. Government equipment, and in some circumstances, may subject the EFM’s sponsor to disciplinary action;

(9)  Each EFM user will be required to attend an Operations and Security Training session provided by the ICASS-funded systems administrator, ISSO, and the regional security officer (RSO).  During the training session, the ISSO will review the terms under which computer access is provided and address computer security awareness.  The RSO will address such matters as facility access during both business hours and after-hours, signing after-hours logs, and notifying Post One if on the mission grounds after-hours; and

(10) The sponsoring employee must acknowledge in writing that the employee’s EFM has completed the training session required in 5 FAM 784 c(9), and that both the employee and the EFM agree to the terms under which access is provided. The sponsoring employee must specifically accept responsibility for the equipment used for this service by his or her EFM for purposes of 14 FAM 416 and related provisions governing employee liability for damaged or missing property as described above.


(CT:IM-77;   10-18-2006)

a. Individual access to OpenNet Plus, which includes the Internet, may be granted to members of household (MOHs) of U.S. Direct Hire (USDH) employees assigned to the post.  OpenNet Plus access is a privilege, not a right.

For the purpose of this subsection, MOHs are persons who have accompanied or join an employee assigned abroad and who the employee has declared to the chief of mission (CM) as part of his or her household, who will reside at post with the employee, and who are other than legitimate domestic staff, as defined in 3 FAM 4180.

The term "employees" applies to USDH employees of U.S. Government agencies that subscribe to Information Management and Technical Support Services through ICASS at post.

Eligibility for access under this provision does not extend to an individual who is a family member of a contractor, whether U.S. or other nationality, or of a Foreign Service National (FSN) employee.

b. To be eligible for access, MOHs must first meet the requirements set forth in 12 FAM 442.

c.  OpenNet Plus operations, installation, and security regulations apply to the users and workstations used for MOH OpenNet Plus/Internet access.  MOH users must abide by all Department of State computer policies, including but not limited to those set forth in 5 FAM 720, General Policies.  The following additional rules also apply:

MOHs must abide by all Department of State computer security policies;

OpenNet Plus and/or Internet access may be provided to members of household of an USDH employee’s family as described in 5 FAM 785 a.(1), above;

No United States Government funding will be used to provide or support OpenNet Plus and/or Internet access for MOHs;

MOHs may access any appropriate intranet site for official purposes only, e.g. family liaison office (FLO) for job information.  MOHs will not be listed in or have access to the Department's global e-mail system.  MOHs may access the Internet for research, commercial e-mail services, and other sites in accordance with 5 FAM 723, Personal Use of U.S. Government Equipment;

MOHs are not permitted to store data on the workstation or any other segment of the network;

Workstations authorized for MOH use must not be located where MOHs are vulnerable to unintentional exposure to classified information and where classified material is not accessible.  In addition, these workstations are to be installed to meet OpenNet security and installations standards and conform to security requirements for physical and network access by MOHs;

Using Instant Messaging (e.g., MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, or Chat) is not allowed;

(8)  Workstations, peripheral equipment, and any other Government property utilized by an MOH is considered to be property on loan to the sponsoring USDH employee for purposes of 14 FAM 416.5-3, Employee Liability, and related provisions governing employee liability for damaged or missing property.  The extent of the sponsoring USDH employee’s liability for any damage to or loss of property caused by the MOH user will be determined by the property management officer or a Property Survey Board in accordance with 14 FAM 416, Reporting Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Property.  Substantiated allegations or occurrences of improper or misuse of U.S. Government equipment by a Member of Household may result in suspension of the privilege to use U.S. Government equipment, and in some circumstances, may subject the MOH’s sponsor to disciplinary action;

(9)  Each MOH user will be required to attend an Operations and Security Training session provided by the ICASS-funded systems administrator, ISSO, and the RSO.  During the training session, the ISSO will review the terms under which computer access is provided and address computer security awareness.  The RSO will address such matters as facility access during both business hours and after-hours, signing after-hours logs, and notifying Post One if on the mission grounds after-hours; and

(10) The sponsoring employee must acknowledge in writing that the employee’s MOH has completed the training session required in 5 FAM 724 c(9), and that both the employee and the MOH agree to the terms under which access is provided.  The sponsoring employee must specifically accept responsibility for the equipment used for this service by his or her MOH for purposes of 14 FAM 416 and related provisions governing employee liability for damaged or missing property as described above.