5 FAM 920
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
(Office of Origin: DT/BMP/ITA/CS)
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
Selection of the appropriate acquisition method for obtaining the needed IT is the shared responsibility of the program and acquisition offices. The appropriate acquisition method is dependent upon the dollar amount of the purchase, the availability of funding, the availability of existing contracts, the type of IT product or service required, and priority and time constraints. In addition to considering the reuse, reassignment or sharing of existing IT within the U.S. Government, the following are acquisition methods available to satisfy requirements.
5 FAM 921.1 State First
(CT:IM-265; 04-16-2019)
Offices may transfer money to another agency under the Economy Act or the ITMRA (Clinger-Cohen Act) to effect acquisition after receiving written approval from A/OPE/AQM and in strict adherence to the Department of State Acquisition Regulation (DOSAR). There are times and circumstances when it is better to transfer funding to another agency for acquisition services, such as where another agency has unique expertise that can benefit the Department. Program offices and A/OPE/AQM, as well as the several other domestic acquisition offices, need such flexibility. Nevertheless, transferring money to another agency must be a collaborative process and must follow the DOSAR. (Policy questions can be directed to A/OPE. Specific operational questions should go to A/OPE/AQM.)
5 FAM 921.2 Affirmative Procurement Program for EPA Designated Recycled Content Products and USDA Biobased Products
(CT:IM-202; 08-17-2017)
Executive Order 13693 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade) requires the Department to acquire environmentally compliant products and services when feasible. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated products for recycling and the Department is encouraged to purchase these products to the maximum extent possible. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated bio-based products and the Department is encouraged to purchase these products to the maximum extent possible. This is also a statutory mandate and applies to the Department’s domestic acquisitions, including micro-purchases. Program offices must consider these products during acquisition planning. (Contact A/OPE for additional guidance and requirements on this issue.) (Note: If the domestic acquisition is above the micro-purchase threshold and EPA designated items and/or USDA bio-based items are required but will not be purchased, a written justification must be processed in accordance with Department policy.)
5 FAM 921.3 Recycled Printer Toner Cartridges
(CT:IM-281; 11-02-2020)
Executive Order 13834 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade) and EPA guidelines mandate the use of recycled toner cartridges in all federal agencies. Recycled toner cartridges are available from various sources including mandatory sources of supply, e.g., Unicor and Javits-Warner-O’Day (JWOD).
5 FAM 921.4 Existing Commercial Sources of Supply
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
Existing commercial sources of supply, including Department contracts currently available for use, such as GSA Schedule contracts, or Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACS) may be used to obtain IT. Any order against a contract must comply with the terms and conditions of that contract and any policy/procedures established by the contracting office. The use of GWACS contracts may require payment of a fee to the awarding agency.
5 FAM 921.5 Simplified Acquisitions
(CT:IM-265; 04-16-2019)
a. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) defines simplified acquisition procedures for the purchase of IT up to $100,000 from commercial sources (or up to $5 million for commercial Items). (See FAR Part 2 for a definition of a commercial item, FAR Part 12 for commercial item acquisition procedures, and FAR Part 13 for information on simplified acquisition procedures, including imprest funds, purchase orders, blanket purchase agreements (BPA), and micro purchases.)
b. Micro purchases are not to exceed $3,500 and include the use of the Government Purchase Card. The purchase card can be used to procure IT that is either non-expendable or expendable. There are several restrictions on use of the card. (Contact A/OPE/AQM for more information on the purchase card and the simplified acquisition procedures.) (See also 14 FAH-2 H-212, Simplified Acquisition Methods.)
5 FAM 921.6 Contracting Through Negotiations
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
a. Negotiated procedure is the most common method of contracting, as described in FAR Part 15 (Contracting By Negotiation) for IT valued over $100,000 ($5 million for commercial items). DOSAR Part 615 also contains information on this method.
b. The negotiated method of procurement is utilized since discussions, clarifications, and modifications of offeror proposals are not only desired but essential to the clear understanding of the nature and scope of the IT requirements by both the government and private industry in most cases.
c. The solicitation process, involving a Request for Proposals (RFP) provides full and open competition among responsible sources. The office initiating the action should first make every effort to consolidate the contract requirements with similar ones from other offices when re-competing existing contracts.
d. The office should be mindful of the restrictions on “contract bundling” that may have an adverse impact on small businesses. Contact A/SDBU on this subject as part of the planning process. This contracting method requires the program offices to plan well ahead of time to ensure that the contract is in place when necessary.
5 FAM 921.7 GSA Programs and Assistance
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
GSA’s Federal Technology Service (FTS), including the Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM), the Federal Computer Acquisition Center (FEDCAC), Center for Information Security Services (CISS), the Seat Management Program Office and the IT Solutions Program are a few GSA programs that may be used after considering the State first option.
5 FAM 921.8 Other Agency Programs
(CT:IM-265; 04-16-2019)
Other federal agencies have similar programs, i.e., Commerce, Navy and Air Force Departments. Contact A/OPE and A/OPE/AQM for more information on these and other agency programs.
(CT:IM-265; 04-16-2019)
Domestic program offices must consult with A/OPE/AQM to determine if a Departmental contractual arrangement exists that would satisfy their hardware, software, and/or service needs.
(CT:IM-202; 08-17-2017)
Program offices must also consult with DS/ISP/INB early in the acquisition cycle, regardless of the acquisition method selected for IT, if they require contractor personnel to possess personnel security clearances or to be investigated for access to specifically designated sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information on Department systems. (See 5 FAM 570, Television Services and Equipment and 12 FAM 600, Information Security Technology for more information.)
(CT:IM-265; 04-16-2019)
One of the purposes of the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 is to help Federal managers improve service delivery, by requiring that they plan for meeting program objectives and by providing them with information about program results and service quality. Program offices must complete Form DS-0923, Acquisition Quality Review Statement upon the completion of an IT acquisition. This statement will be used to report lessons learned for future acquisitions and help improve the quality of the acquisition process. The statement must be retained in the permanent files, summarized, and reported to A/OPE/AQM for compilation into a report on acquisition best practices. A/OPE/AQM will determine the reporting frequency for a composite document used by requesting offices for future acquisitions.
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
a. Equipment and services for domestic telephones and telephone systems are obtained through DT’s Telecommunication, Wireless and Data Services Division (DT/FO/ENM/TWD) and funded via the Working Capital Fund (WCF) Program.
b. The Working Capital Fund Price Schedule Manual contains information about domestic telephone costs. WCF prepares this manual and updates it every fiscal year.
5 FAM 925.1 Domestic Voice and Data Systems
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
a. Bureaus must use the Telephone Service Request (TSR) to acquire domestic telephone equipment and services, including wiring and cabling in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area. This form assists bureau personnel in gathering and articulating requirements. Completed TSRs must be submitted to DT/FO/ENM/TWD, with appropriate documentation to include floor plans, button layouts, etc. TSRs must also include fiscal strips and be signed by bureau personnel with the authority to approve telecommunications expenditures.
b. DT/FO/ENM/TWD prepares and distributes instructions for ordering telecommunications equipment and services. The instructions provide guidance on how to complete the TSR. Contact DT/FO/ENM/TWD for information on how to obtain a TSR.
c. Guidance on the selection of telephone sets is outlined in 5 FAM 500, Telecommunications.
5 FAM 925.2 Repair Services
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
Bureaus must contact DT/FO/ENM/TWD to obtain repair services.
5 FAM 925.3 Office Moves/Equipment Relocation
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
5 FAM 925.3-1 contains rules for office moves of less than 25 telephones. 5 FAM 925.3-2 covers moves of more than 25.
5 FAM 925.3-1 Moves Of One To 25 Telephones
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
a. Bureaus must submit a TSR, signed by the Executive Director, prior to the scheduled move. It must include the fiscal data, particularly the allotment, organizational code and funding level, as well as a floor plan indicating current and new telephone jack locations.
b. Bureaus must submit requests based on the following schedule:
(1) A move of one-five telephones - seven working days prior to the scheduled move; and
(2) A move of six-25 telephones - 14 working days prior to the scheduled move.
c. Bureaus requesting telecommunications work to be performed outside of normal duty hours will be responsible for overtime labor charges.
5 FAM 925.3-2 Moves of More Than 25 Telephones
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
Bureaus must identify a point-of-contact to DT/FO/ENM/TWD for moves of more than 25 telephones. Moves may be internal (within the same office locations) on a different floor in the same building and/or a new location in a different building. Bureaus must provide detailed information including floor plans as soon as available.
5 FAM 925.3-3 Assistance Available
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
DT/FO/ENM/TWD will arrange, if necessary, for a person to assist in a local site survey and provide guidance in preparing floor plans. The requesting bureau pays the labor hour costs of these services.
5 FAM 925.3-4 Incomplete Work and Service Orders
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
Work and service orders that cannot be completed due to bureau delays may be returned to the requesting bureau with notification that the work order has been cancelled. Bureaus may incur charges for all labor performed before the order was cancelled.
5 FAM 925.4 Services Charged To Bureau
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
Services charged to a bureau through the WCF Program include the following:
(1) common distributable costs to maintain the telephone network (assessed as a line charge);
(2) a monthly overhead charge for DT/FO/ENM/TWD staff that support the telephone network;
(3) local calls that require dialing "9";
(4) long distance charges; and
(4) direct costs for equipment or services ordered by an individual bureau.
5 FAM 925.5 FTS 2001 Services
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
Bureaus must submit a funded TSR to obtain FTS 2001 service. Designated Agency Representatives (DARs) in DT/DCIO/BMP order all FTS 2001 services on behalf of the Department. This Branch will provide information and guidance on the services available on the current FTS contract.
5 FAM 925.6 CENTREX Services/Special Circuits
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
a. Bureaus must send a funded TSR to DT/FO/ENM/TWD when ordering telephones and local special circuits for domestic applications that are bureau-specific and not provided by the PBX network.
b. GSA bills the bureaus directly through the Interagency Payments and Collections system for all costs associated with GSA CENTREX services, except for FTS 2001. FTS 2001 charges are billed back to the bureaus via the WCF Program. Contact DT/FO/ENM/TWD for the current GSA CENTREX vendors and the local exchange carrier.
5 FAM 926.1 Key Systems and Station Equipment
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
a. DT’s Foreign Post Telephones Branch (DT/FO/ITI/LWS/FPT) maintains a list of PBXs, key systems, multi-button telephone instruments, single line telephone instruments, and other station telephone equipment approved for use by Foreign Service posts.
b. Overseas posts must place orders that are approved by either DT/FO/ITI/LWS/FPT or against existing Department contracts, GSA schedules and with approved vendors at current prices and delivery schedules. The post or Regional Information Management Center (RIMC) must submit copies of procurement requests to DT/FO/ITI/LWS/FPT. Either DS/CMP/TSC or DT/FO/ITI/LWS/FPT must authorize the replacement of existing Key Systems and PBX systems.
5 FAM 926.2 Sensitive Areas
(CT:IM-42; 09-26-2003)
Station equipment installed in Controlled Access Areas (CAA) must meet the standards set forth in the Diplomatic Security Standards manual, which is available through the post security officer or DS/CMP. (See also 12 FAM 600, Information Security Technology, and Post Security Operations for more information.)
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
a. Domestic - Bureaus must contact DT/FO/ENM/TWD to acquire domestic voice and data circuitry services.
b. Abroad - Bureaus must contact the DT/EA liaison office before acquiring voice and data circuits abroad.
(CT:IM-322; 06-14-2024)
a. The Under Secretary of State for Management, on January 17, 2003, directed DT to establish a Videoconferencing Network Operations Center (VNOC) to design, engineer, implement and operate videoconferencing systems. All bureaus and posts must first contact VNOC before acquiring videoconference equipment. DT will review all videoconferencing procurement requests before review by CGFS and A Bureaus. (Contact DT/FO/ENM/TWD for more information.)
b. Classified videoconferencing must meet 12 FAH-6, Classified Information Processing Equipment (CIPE) standards. These standards are classified. (Contact DS/IST/CMP for more information and requirements.)