6 FAH-5 H-390

supplemental icass funding

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Office of Origin:  CGFS/ICASS)

6 FAH-5 H-391  purpose

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

This subchapter contains policy and methodologies for missions abroad to invoice agencies for ICASS services in various circumstances.  Section 6 FAH-5 H-392 addresses the process for incorporating new/growing agencies into the next available budget as well as how to request a target adjustment to address growth/contraction in the customer base.  Section 6 FAH-5 H-393 addresses invoicing agencies with no physical presence at post but which require ICASS services on an occasional or continuing basis.  Section 6 FAH-5 H-394 addresses invoicing agencies not under Chief of Mission authority for ICASS services on an occasional or continuing basis.  Section 6 FAH-5 H-395 addresses the Partial Year Invoice module to be used to invoice for unique or surge requirements.

6 FAH-5 H-392  BUDGETing for agency growth

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

The methodology outlined in this section aims to link expansion and contraction of the customer base with the ICASS target setting process.  To accomplish this, ICASS reports and other tools will be used to support requests for a base increase as outlined in this sub-chapter.

6 FAH-5 H-392.1  Subscribing to Services

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Memorandum of Understanding and Subscription of Services:  When post is informed of a new or growing agency, an MOU and subscription of services is prepared.  Working with the agency, the Financial Management Officer (FMO) will identify the required services and the appropriate modification level in accordance with post policy.  The agency's signature on the MOU represents their agreement to pay their invoice (see 6 FAH-5 H-210).

1.   Posts will enter the workload counts for the new or growing agency in the next available budget, either initial or final, pro-rating the workload as appropriate per 6 FAH-5 H-333.2 b (4).  This will give the new/growing agency a full cost (but pro-rated) invoice in their first year at post.  For cost centers with a cumulative workload count, post will use an estimated usage amount for the first year, approved by the agency.

2.   For a new or growing agency added to the Initial Budget, it will receive an informational invoice and related supporting documents at the same time as all other agencies at post.  This invoice represents the best estimate of the agency's charges in that fiscal year and must be approved and signed by the agency.

3.   For a new or growing agency that arrives after submission of the Initial budget and whose workload is added to the Final budget, post will prepare a "what if" invoice based on the Initial budget for that year; agencies will use this invoice as an estimate of the final costs for the fiscal year.  If the timing of this agency's arrival is within 45 days of the Final budget submission, no "what if" invoice will be prepared and the Final Invoice will be the agency's charges for the fiscal year (see Decision Matrix below).

b. In general, adding new or growing agencies' workload to the budget will have the net effect of reducing all existing agencies’ invoices as the ICASS costs are spread over a broader customer base.  It will also mean that agencies that experience growth or expansion between the submission of the final budget and the end of the fiscal year will not be charged for services provided during that period if post was not aware of their arrival in time to include their workload in the final budget.

NOTE:  Since ICASS is not a funded agency, funds required to support new ICASS positions must be justified and requested in the ICASS budget process.


Decision Matrix

Initiating Event

Action Required

New Position as of October 1 up to Submission of Initial Budget (IB)

Post enters agency workload in the IB.

No PYI is submitted.

New Position arrives after IB Submission up to April 30

Post enters agency workload in the Final Budget (FB); "What If" based on IB is used to create Informational Invoice.

No PYI is submitted

New Position arrives less than 45 days prior to FB submission

Post enters agency workload in FB; no Informational Invoice required.

No PYI is submitted

FB is submitted

Post runs trend reports and analyzes data for possible submission to regional bureau (RB).  If submitted, RB reviews the report for possible target adjustment in the upcoming fiscal year.

New Position arrives after FB submission through September 30

Post enters agency workload to DataCall and/or IB.

Consider if PYI is needed.

6 FAH-5 H-392.2  Reporting Growth and Requesting Resources

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. For informational purposes, the ICASS Service Center will provide each regional bureau with the relevant Report 6-Workload Detail Trend by Cost Center and Agency and Report 7-Workload Summary Trend by Cost Center for each post in its region in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year.  These reports will provide preliminary information on the growth/contraction of each post's customer base and workload requirements that may impact the upcoming initial target setting process.

b. Posts will use Reports 6 and 7 to analyze the impact of changes in the customer base on the ICASS budget and determine the need for any funding adjustments.  Report 6-Workload Detail Trend by Cost Center and Agency provides details on agency-specific increases that could impact funding requirements.  Report 7-Workload Summary Trend by Cost Center report provides the overall total changes to workload counts that indicate which cost centers had the most significant changes.  Each report reflects both expansion and contraction of the customer base and workload counts, allowing for better analysis of requirements.  Posts may also use other documents and resources such as the Rightsizing Review, LE Staffing Analysis Tool, or COMPARE to support their analysis.

c.  If a post determines a funding adjustment is needed, it will submit a request to the regional bureau finance office, accompanied by a justification/rationale for a target adjustment based on post's data and analysis, including a requested dollar amount and positions required (if any).  The regional bureau will advise posts of the due dates for these submissions as part of the regional bureau data call process.  Funding for growth is not automatically included in post’s next fiscal year target, therefore, this communication with the regional bureau is essential in justifying target increases related to growth and/or additional service subscriptions.  If additional resources are not needed, no report is submitted.  If the trend reports show a contraction in the customer base and/or reduced workload, post must do the same analysis and request an appropriate target adjustment.

1.   Report Submission After Final Budget:  As soon as the Final Budget is submitted, post will run Trend Reports 6 and 7 comparing the final workload counts of the two prior fiscal years with the final workload counts of the current fiscal year (example:  FY15 and 16 Final compared to FY17 Final to justify any increase for FY18).  These reports will capture all expansion/contraction included in the current year Final budget and compare it to the two prior year final budgets.  Prompt submission of this report and justification will ensure new requirements are included in the initial target for the upcoming fiscal year.

NOTE:  If a post experiences significant expansion/growth after submission of the Final budget but too late to include in the Initial target setting process, post may consider using a Partial Year Invoice (PYI) as outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-395 for "surge" requirements.

2.   Unanticipated Increases After Initial Budget Submission:  If a post experiences significant growth/expansion after submission of the Initial budget, post may use the same process outlined above to request a Final target adjustment.  Post would use the workload data in the Initial budget compared to the two most recent prior year Final budgets.  The regional bureau will consider such requests for possible adjustment to the Final target.

3.   New Position Requests:  If additional ICASS locally employed staff (LE Staff) positions are being requested, post must obtain ICASS Council approval in advance and support such requests with available metrics and data.  Similar justification and approval is required for all USDH position increases, and post must also ensure that its Mission Resource Report (MRR) supports the request.  Documented ICASS Council approvals and related supporting data must be included with the business case submitted to the regional bureau.

6 FAH-5 H-393  charging Agencies with no physical presence at post

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

In keeping with U.S. Government rightsizing initiatives and related directives to avoid duplicative support platforms, many agencies may be able to meet their mission objectives without establishing a permanent presence at every post.  These agencies may use host country entities, non-governmental organizations (NGO), or contractors to carry out these ongoing programs.  In addition, some agencies have programs or initiatives that require occasional activities or conferences in locations where they have no permanent presence.  In order to meet their mission goals and objectives, these agencies may require various support services provided by the ICASS platform (see 2 FAM 113.1 paragraph c).  This section outlines the policy and methodologies used to charge these types of ICASS customers.

NOTE 1:  Invoicing agencies in this category is not mandatory. Posts should take into consideration the cost of services supplied compared to the level of effort to track and invoice an agency.

NOTE 2:  This chapter covers services provided to entities under COM authority.  For agencies not under COM authority, see 6 FAH-5 H-394.

6 FAH-5 H-393.1  Agencies with Ongoing Requirements

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. An agency may choose to establish a program in a particular country but not establish a permanent presence.  They may use an NGO, a host government entity, a contractor, or some other means to execute their program.  Other examples might include an agency that has an ongoing book and periodical procurement program, or an agency that has certain fees collected on its behalf, requiring various financial services.  Support for these entities would require ongoing services over a multi-year period that may include, but not be limited to, procurement, vouchering, shipping, and customs services.

b. Because the “non-resident” agency is not establishing a permanent presence at a post, no NSDD-38 request is required.  However, because the agency will be using support services from the post, a request must be submitted to the Management Officer (MO) outlining the agency’s proposed program and its anticipated support requirements.

c.  At the discretion of the post, depending on the volume/scope of the ongoing services required, it may be necessary to charge the serviced agency.  Consequently, as with any service provision in ICASS, there must be an established MOU and subscription of services between the post and the serviced agency (see 6 FAH-5 H-393.4 and 6 FAH-5 H-210).

6 FAH-5 H-393.2  Agencies with Occasional Requirements

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Many agencies have international programs that require the support and assistance of embassies abroad.  Some examples might include:  an agency that sponsors occasional international conferences; or an agency that has a government-to-government arrangement that requires the occasional shipping of official materials or samples.  The ICASS support services required might range from procurement and contracting, to shipping and customs, various financial services, travel services, and others.

b. Because the agency is not establishing a permanent presence at a post, no NSDD-38 request is required.  However, because the agency will be using support services from the post, a request must be submitted to the Management Officer (MO) outlining the agency’s proposed program and its anticipated support requirements.

c.  At the discretion of the post, depending on the volume/scope of the services required, it may be necessary to charge the serviced agency.  Consequently, as with any service provision in ICASS, there must be an established MOU and subscription of services between the post and the serviced agency (see 6 FAH-5 H-393.4 and 6 FAH-5 H-210).


6 FAH-5 H-393.3  Agencies with Regional Responsibilities

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Agencies that have an established presence at one post and officially designate their employees with regional responsibilities at one or more other posts, are treated differently.  Typically, such officers with designated regional responsibilities periodically visit their assigned posts on TDY for relatively short periods of time and their support requirements are routine (i.e., individual travel arrangements, motor pool support, etc.).  Such visits are usually of relatively short duration, require routine support services, and fall under the exemption outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-363.2 – Exceptions to ICASS TDY Module Charges.

b. If an agency’s regional representative requires ICASS support services that extend beyond “routine,” post should consult with the agency to reach agreement on invoicing for ICASS support costs.  For example, if a regional representative wished to organize a one-time conference at other than his/her home post and the ICASS support requirements were extensive, post could use the invoicing mechanism outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-393.5 paragraph b.

6 FAH-5 H-393.4  Subscribing to Services

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. ICASS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Subscription of Services:  In order to appropriately charge for services rendered, non-resident agencies as outlined above will be billed according to the methodology outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-393.5.  Like all other ICASS customers, the agency must sign the ICASS MOU and a subscription of services indicating the cost centers to which they will subscribe.  All modifications will be determined in accordance with established post policies.  The agency must provide its ICASS agency code (if known); if the agency does not have a code, it must coordinate with the ICASS Service Center (ISC) to request one.

b. Mandatory Cost Centers:  As with other customer agencies, a non-resident agency would subscribe to the cost centers they require to support their mission.  Because such agencies do not require the same level of services as a resident customer agency, the typical mandatory cost centers (5458-Health Services, 5880-Security Services, 6150-Basic Package, and 6443-Community Liaison Office Services) are not required.  However, recognizing the intent of the mandatory cost centers, such agencies must pay an appropriate share of the basic ICASS platform by subscribing to cost center 6150-Basic Package Services.  The agency will be assessed a workload count of “one” in 6150-Basic Package (BP) with a modification of 0.3.  This BP count would be added to the agency’s other cost center workload counts in calculating its invoice.  Subscription to the other three mandatory cost centers is not required, but the agency may elect to subscribe to them, if appropriate.

6 FAH-5 H-393.5  Invoicing Procedures

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Agencies with ongoing requirements closely resemble a typical customer agency in that their need for services is anticipated over a multi-year period on a regular basis.  Upon arrival at post and determination of the services required for such agencies, their workload will be entered directly in the next available budget and their ongoing workload would be included in the next Datacall.  If they arrive after submission of the final budget, there will be no charges assessed unless post can justify a PYI invoice as outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-395.

NOTE:  While the serviced agency may occasionally visit post on TDY to coordinate its activities, the agency maintains no physical presence at post (see 6 FAH-5 H-393.7 for additional guidance regarding TDY charges.)

b. Agencies with occasional requirements for services are more unpredictable and may need services only once or twice over a long period of time.  In such circumstances, serviced agencies will be billed using the PYI module, with adjustments as outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-395.4 b, each time their event/activity occurs.  In principle, a PYI is prepared at the end of the event/activity.

c.  The PYI invoice is prepared using the current active post budget.  Once the PYI is completed it should be forwarded to post's designated point of contact for signature.  Once signed, it is submitted to Washington for processing.

d. All other guidance regarding the processing of PYIs as outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-395 is the same.

6 FAH-5 H-393.6  Representation at Post

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. ICASS Council:  A non-resident agency with ongoing support requirements (see 6 FAH-5 H-393.1) is entitled to representation on the post ICASS Council according to the following guidance.  As established in policy (see 6 FAH-5 H-222.3-1), if the agency is represented on the Washington ICASS Executive Board (IEB), it is entitled to a seat on the post ICASS Council.  If another entity of the parent agency is already a member of the ICASS Council at post (i.e., FAS is resident at post and APHIS becomes a “non-resident” agency), the resident agency would be the designated representative on the ICASS Council.  If the agency is not a member of the IEB, the post ICASS Council chairperson would represent the agency’s interests on the Council.  All policies and guidance regarding voting and meetings remain applicable.  Post is required to keep the non-resident agency member of the Council informed of all Council meetings (via e-mail) and to provide relevant background material (via e-mail) in advance of the meetings.  The non-resident agency representative is expected to provide timely comments to any issues brought to the Council for review or decision.

b. Budget Committee:  A non-resident agency with ongoing support requirements is entitled to a seat on the post Budget Committee (see 6 FAH-5 H-222.4-1 c).  Post is required to keep the non-resident agency member informed of all meetings (via e-mail) and provide relevant background material (via e-mail) in advance of the meetings.

NOTE:  A non-resident agency with only occasional requirements for post ICASS services (see 6 FAH-5 H-393.2) would not have a seat on the ICASS Council or Budget Committee.

c.  Point of Contact:  The non-resident agency must designate a point of contact, either overseas or at the domestic headquarters office, to ensure timely and accurate information can be provided.

6 FAH-5 H-393.7  Additional Guidelines

(CT:ICASS-13;   09-08-2009)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. TDY Charges:  An employee of a non-resident agency as outlined in this chapter is not exempt from charges related to a post’s TDY policy.  The non-resident agency would be responsible for any direct costs associated with a TDY visit.  In addition, if the TDY visit extends beyond seven days and the ICASS services provided exceed the established $500 threshold (see 6 FAH-5 H-363.1-5), the TDYer would be invoiced under the ICASS TDY module if the module is included in post’s TDY policy, subject to the same exceptions as identified in 6 FAH-5 H-363.2.

b. Provision of Services:  The level of services provided to a non-resident agency is the same as that provided to resident customer agencies.  The ICASS platform does not assume any additional responsibilities for coordinating what would be considered the normal program responsibilities of an agency.  If such coordination is required, post should propose to the agency the hiring of a part-time Eligible Family Member (EFM) or other contract employee to assume such responsibilities.



(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

Some agencies have employees assigned abroad who are not under COM authority and are therefore not subject to NSDD-38 approval procedures.  For example, an employee may be detailed to work on the staff of an international organization or come under the command of a U.S. area military commander (combatant commander, or COCOM).  In addition, agencies may contract with private or non-governmental entities, not under COM authority, to perform work for them in country.  Agencies may request limited support services be provided by the ICASS platform in order to assist their employees and/or the entities performing work for the agencies.  This section outlines the policy and methodology used to charge these types of ICASS customers.

NOTEInvoicing agencies in this category is not mandatory.  Post should take into consideration the cost of services supplied compared to the level of effort to track and invoice an agency.

6 FAH-5 H-394.1  Eligibility Requirements

(CT:ICASS-16;   10-15-2010)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Services may be provided to agency personnel and entities not under COM authority if all of the following conditions are met:

(1)  Agency personnel are U.S. Government employees; entities have a direct affiliation with a U.S. Government agency or are “sponsored” by a U.S. Government agency and a designated point of contact at the agency headquarters is established;

(2)  The requesting/sponsoring agency has or is able to obtain an ICASS billing code and the agency headquarters agrees to pay ICASS charges;

(3)  The service provider has the capacity to provide the requested services; and

(4)  The COM approves of the provision of the requested ICASS services.

b. Services offered to personnel who are not under COM authority must not include notifying them to the host country government as members of the U.S. mission for purposes of obtaining duty-free privileges, local tax exemptions or other privileges and immunities reserved for members of diplomatic missions.  Exceptions must be approved in Washington (see 2 FAM 221.2).

6 FAH-5 H-394.2  Requests For Ongoing or Occasional Services

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. An agency may request ICASS support services for agency personnel and/or entities not under COM authority.  In such cases, a request must be submitted to the Management Officer (MO) outlining the agency’s program and its anticipated support requirements.

b. At the discretion of the post, depending on the volume/scope of the services required, it may be necessary to charge the serviced agency to cover the cost of the requested services.  Consequently, as with any service provision in ICASS, there must be an established MOU and Subscription of Services between the post and the serviced agency (see 6 FAH-5 H-393.4 and 6 FAH-5 H-210).

6 FAH-5 H-394.3  Subscribing to Services

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. ICASS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Subscription of Services:  In order to appropriately charge for services rendered, a requesting agency will be billed according to the methodology outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-394.4.  Like all other ICASS customers, the agency must sign an ICASS MOU and a subscription of services indicating the cost centers to which it will subscribe.  All modifications will be determined in accordance with established post policies.  The agency should provide its ICASS agency code (if known) or post may request a code from the ICASS Service Center (ISC).  No services may be provided until an MOU is formally approved and the headquarters agency contact is established (see 6 FAH-5 H-210).

NOTE:  Agency personnel and entities not under COM authority who receive ICASS services will be subject to the same policies and regulations governing those services as applied to all other ICASS customer agencies. Personnel or entities that do not accept this limitation will not be provided services under ICASS.

b. Mandatory Cost Centers:  Agency personnel and entities not under COM authority do not typically require the same type or level of services as a resident customer agency.  Consequently, the only mandatory cost center is 6150-Basic Package (BP).  The BP workload count is entered in the “other” factor group, typically with a modification of 0.3.  If the personnel or entity requires more extensive Basic Package services, post may require a .6 modification level.  This BP count is added to the agency’s other cost center workload counts in calculating their invoice.  As with all customer agencies, such personnel or entities would subscribe to the cost centers with the services they require, as appropriate.

NOTE:  Given the often limited nature of the services such personnel and entities require, the service provider should establish a BP workload count that captures an appropriate charge for the requesting agency.  Post should take into consideration the nature of the services being requested, i.e., one time service (shipping and customs, with duties and taxes paid by the parent organization if an exemption is not authorized) versus ongoing services (mail services).  For example, an agency detailing five staff members to an international organization may request only shipping and customs services, which may involve only a few shipments a year (the international organization would have to prepare any necessary duty-free importation documents). The BP workload count for this agency could be established at “1” modified at 3.  Another agency with 10 staff members may only request access to mail services.  Because all 10 staff members would benefit from mail services, their BP workload count could be established at "10" modified at 3.  For agencies requesting a number of services, it may be more appropriate to establish the BP count as the number of staff members being serviced, modified as appropriate.

c.  Limitations on Services:  There are legal and/or policy limitations on the provision of certain ICASS services (i.e., leasing services, accommodation exchange, mail and messenger, and health services, etc.) to personnel or entities that are not under COM authority.  State Contracting Officers have limited authority to sign leases for personnel in this category, depending on the circumstances of their presence in the country (see paragraph (1) below).  In addition, the FAM and FAH contain eligibility requirements for use of accommodation exchange services (see 4 FAH-3 H-362), access to mail and pouch services (see 14 FAM 724.1-1 and 14 FAM 761.3), access to tax-exempt local purchases or duty-free goods from the commissary (see 6 FAM 541), and access to the post medical program (see 16 FAM 120).  If there are any questions regarding these or other services, contact the ISC for further guidance.

(1)  DOD entities not under COM authority that wish to utilize State’s contracting authority for leasing services must first comply with the requirements of 10 U.S.C. 2834 which stipulates that the Secretary of the DOD entity concerned (i.e., Secretary of Army, Navy, etc.) must enter into an agreement with the Secretary of State (delegated to the U/S for Management) to provide housing and related services to DOD personnel in a specific location.  The DOD Secretary’s determination must document that there is a shortage of adequate housing in the country identified and that participation in the Department of State’s ICASS housing pool is the most cost-effective means of providing housing to its personnel.

(2)  For agencies requesting services for personnel assigned to post under the authority of an international organization, refer to guidance in 2 FAH-2 H-116.7.

6 FAH-5 H-394.4  Invoicing Procedures

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. Agencies with ongoing requirements for services will be entered directly in the next available budget in the first year of their requirement and will be included in the workload counts for the following fiscal year.  The agency will receive a "regular" ICASS invoice and will be subject to the provisions on withdrawal outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-016.5 paragraph c.

b. Agencies with short-term or occasional requirements for services that are for periods of less than one fiscal year will be billed in the year services are provided using the PYI module (see 6 FAH-5 H-395).

6 FAH-5 H-394.5  Representation at Post

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

ICASS Council and Budget Committee:  Agencies requesting services for personnel or entities that are not under COM authority are not entitled to representation on the post ICASS Council or the ICASS Budget Committee.  If an agency covered under this section has any issues related to ICASS charges, they should be raised first with the service provider.  If they cannot be resolved, post should seek the assistance of the ICASS Service Center.

6 FAH-5 H-395  partial year invoice module

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

The Partial Year Invoice (PYI) module is the mechanism used in ICASS to capture and bill for costs associated with unique or "surge" requirements. The PYI calculates the cost of services in the current fiscal year and prepares an invoice based on a pro-rated calculation for the portion of the year that services will be provided.  The agency must sign an MOU and subscription of services.

1.   Unique Requirements:  The PYI methodology is used to capture and bill for ICASS service costs in certain circumstances associated with agencies with no physical presence at post (see 6 FAH-5 H-393) or not under chief of mission authority (see 6 FAH-5 H-394).

2.   Surge Requirements:  Workload counts related to growth (including increased subscriptions of existing customer agencies) are incorporated directly in the initial or final budget, as soon as that information is available.  However, after submission of the final budget, if a post experiences unexpected growth that exceeds its capacity (e.g., a new agency arrives unexpectedly with multiple USDH positions and LE Staff and they need a full range of ICASS services), it may be necessary to seek additional funding through the PYI process.

6 FAH-5 H-395.1  PYI Module

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. The PYI module enables a post to receive funding for unique or surge requirements as outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-395.

b. The PYI module produces several reports outlined below:

(1)  Invoice (Partial Year) Report calculates the pro-rated cost for ICASS services for an agency for the current fiscal year.  Once there is a subscription of service agreement between the customer and the service provider, this report will serve as the agency's partial year invoice.

NOTE:  The cost basis for a PYI is different than that for a regular ICASS invoice (see 6 FAH-5 H-395.3 for details on what is not included in this invoice).

(2)  Cost for New Agency (Full Year) Report shows the estimated full year cost for an agency with unique or surge requirements, if appropriate.

NOTE:  This report includes ICASS U.S. Direct Hire (USDH) position-related costs, ICASS residential and non-residential lease costs, local guard program residential and non-residential costs, and furniture pool costs (see 6 FAH-5 H-395.3 b), as well as ICASS Redistribution and Miscellaneous costs (see 6 FAH-5 H-395.3 c).

(3)  Staff Year Requirements Report estimates the impact of increased workload on existing ICASS staffing and projects the requirement for additional positions.

NOTE:  The software methodology for the staff year report is based on the assumption that all staff are working at full capacity, so posts should only use this report in conjunction with a more in-depth analysis of staffing requirements.

c.  The PYI Module reports are prepared using the current active budget (i.e., either the initial budget or the final budget).  If a PYI were created based on the initial budget, post may not create a second invoice based on the final budget.

6 FAH-5 H-395.2  When to Use a PYI

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. The PYI should only be used for unique or surge requirements outlined in 6 FAH-5 H-395.

NOTE:  Since ICASS is not a funded agency, ICASS funds required to support new ICASS positions must be requested and justified in the ICASS budget submissions.

b. The PYI may not be used for capturing and billing for temporary-duty (TDY) support costs (see 6 FAH-5 H-360).

c.  A PYI may not be prepared for any prior year requirements.

d. A PYI invoice must be greater than $500.

6 FAH-5 H-395.3  What is Included and Excluded in a PYI Invoice

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. The PYI is based on an agency’s projected annual workload count in all cost centers to which they will subscribe.  The workload is pro-rated (see 6 FAH-5 H-333.2 b (4)) and may be modified as appropriate.  The start date for this calculation is based on the date work commenced in support of the unique or surge requirements.

b. The PYI module determines the ICASS charges to an agency by calculating a unit cost for each ICASS cost center.  This unit cost is based on all items budgeted in each cost center but excludes fixed costs not affected by other agency growth (i.e., ICASS USDH position-related costs, ICASS residential and non-residential lease costs, local guard program residential and nonresidential costs, and costs for furniture and appliances in ICASS furniture pools).  This revised unit cost is applied to the agency’s pro-rated annual estimated workload counts for each cost center.

c.  The PYI does not include any ICASS Redistribution (see 6 FAH-5 H-380) or Miscellaneous Costs (see 6 FAH-5 H-341.13 or H-342.13) costs.

d. The PYI does not include any Washington “below-the-line” costs (e.g., Bureau of Medical Services, Diplomatic Pouch and Mail, Grants for Overseas Schools, etc.).

6 FAH-5 H-395.4  Processing a PYI Invoice

(CT:ICASS-69;   01-03-2018)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)

a. The PYI must be signed by the authorized agency representative and forwarded electronically to the ICASS Service Center.  As soon as post has an approved budget (see 6 FAH-5 H-395.1 c), PYIs must be submitted no later than April 30 for charges incurred between October 1 and April 30 or no later than August 1 for charges incurred after April 30 through the end of the fiscal year.  Signing the PYI represents the agency’s commitment to pay the invoice.  PYIs received after August 1 will be processed but not allotted until the next fiscal year.

NOTE:  Posts must remember to include the workload counts for the new or expanding agency in the Initial Budget, as appropriate.

b. Upon receipt of the signed invoice, the ISC will increase post’s ICASS operating allowance and bill the customer agency headquarters using a separate invoice before the end of the fiscal year.

c.  For appropriate headquarters invoicing, it is important to use the correct five-digit ICASS agency code when preparing the PYI.

NOTE:  For informational purposes, the ISC will send an electronic summary PYI report to each headquarters agency billing contact in the fourth quarter of each year in advance of the actual invoice.