6 FAH-5 H-430
Budget planning in ICASS
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Office of Origin: CGFS/ICASS)
6 FAH-5 H-431 forward planning
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
The forward planning process provides information to customer agencies to budget for their share of ICASS resources necessary to support the ICASS management platform and to inform their annual submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). 6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-431 provides the timeline for the forward planning process in relationship to the current fiscal year.
NOTE: During the forward planning meeting, the Alternate Service Provider provides a comparable planning estimate.
6 FAH-5 H-431.1 Post Process
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
The service provider initiates the ICASS forward planning process through the Mission Resource Request (MRR). The MRR is the first step in the annual Department of State (DOS) planning process (starting with the current fiscal year and projecting through the next two fiscal years) that informs the Senior Review process and culminates in the submission of the President's Budget to Congress. In the MRR each mission identifies its strategic priorities, goals, human and financial resource needs for consideration and possible inclusion in the next DOS budget request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In the MRR, post identifies its ICASS resource needs (staffing and infrastructure) reflective of local issues including changes in customer agency presence or service levels. Post must consult with the local ICASS Council before submitting an MRR that proposes adjustments to ICASS-funded targets or ICASS-funded staffing. Posts should refer to guidance in 6 FAH-5 H-392.2 Reporting Growth and Requesting Resources when preparing justifications for new resources.
6 FAH-5 H-431.2 Headquarters Process
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
a. Once post submits the MRR to Washington, the bureaus review the MRRs to include ICASS resource requests. The bureaus prioritize their post/bureau resource requirements for inclusion in their annual Bureau Resource Request (BRR) submission to the Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP). Like the MRR, the BRR is the bureau’s annual resource request and informs the Department’s request to OMB.
b. Functional bureaus prepare BRRs that may include ICASS resource requests for submission to BP.
c. BP reviews the BRR submissions and, in consultation with the Secretary and senior leadership within the Department of State, establishes an appropriate resource level for the Department of State’s annual budget submission to OMB. Based on its review of the BRRs, BP develops a notional global ICASS forward planning funding level. This funding level is the forward planning figure that is presented to the ICASS Working Group (IWG) at the annual forward planning meeting. The ISC distributes materials provided by BP to the IWG before the forward planning meeting. The forward planning estimate is exclusive of costs related to unpredictable and unknown events such as fluctuations in exchange rates or changes in the security environment.
d. BP provides the forward planning notional funding levels to assist agencies in identifying their share of ICASS requirements for their budget submission to OMB. BP keeps the IWG updated on significant emerging events that may impact the forward planning process.
e. OMB requests that agency budget submissions incorporate the most recent cost estimates for fee-for-service agreements such as the cost for overseas operations as calculated by International Cooperative Administrative Support Services. The ISC uses BP's budget estimates to prepare projections for customer agencies.
6 FAH-5 H-432 INCORPORATING NEW Administrative services in icass
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
This subchapter describes the process by which administrative services are incorporated into the ICASS platform.
6 FAH-5 H-432.1 Criteria for Consideration
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
Section 23 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act (22 USC 2695) provides for the consolidation of administrative services performed in common by the Department of State and one or more other agencies where such consolidation is determined to be more advantageous and more economical. Under this authority, the agencies performing foreign affairs functions share costs for administrative services which have been consolidated under one service provider at posts overseas either through reimbursement or advance of funds. Pursuant to that statute, in proposing costs for inclusion in ICASS, the agency providing the service must:
a. Identify the administrative service which is currently being performed in common by one or more agencies overseas or that will be utilized and/or performed in common by more than one agency;
b. Explain how the administrative service may be performed more advantageously and more economically on a consolidated basis, including an explanation of the advantages and cost containment;
c. Ensure that the service:
(1) Is an administrative service that is not required to be performed or provided to others by an agency pursuant to a specific statute and for which that agency budgets and receives an appropriation or other funding source;
(2) Is clearly defined in the service provider's portion of the FAM or FAH (when DOS is the service provider) and is not prohibited by, nor conflicts with, other FAM/FAH guidance;
(3) Is supported by cost components and analysis;
(4) Includes a process for interagency participation in the prioritization and development of requirements; and,
(5) Has costs that can be distributed and funded centrally (below-the-line process) by a designated office in Washington or be distributed and funded through existing ICASS invoices and allotments at post.
6 FAH-5 H-432.2 Proposal for New ICASS Administrative Services
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
a. The State service provider, in consultation with BP, L, and M/SS, conducts an internal process to identify and document proposed administrative services for incorporation into ICASS, along with the identification of the lead office as the business owner of the proposed service.
b. Following the identification and documentation of a proposed service, the lead office/business owner, through the ISC, coordinates with the IWG Policy Committee to ensure inter-agency awareness of the proposed service.
c. The lead office creates a business case and presentation, and obtains clearances from BP, M/SS, L, the IWG Policy Committee and affected pertinent regional and/or functional bureaus. During clearance, the ISC provides advice and input on the proposals' compliance with this section.
d. The presentation must include a detailed description of the service, a justification for its inclusion in ICASS (addressing the criteria in 6-FAH-5 H-432.1), a detailed cost proposal (initial plus two out-years), and a proposed method of cost distribution. The cost distribution proposal is accomplished through consultation with the ISC, which advises on standard methodologies available, and works with the lead office to develop a proposed cost sharing method.
e. Once cleared by all pertinent offices, the lead office coordinates with the ISC to provide a copy of the presentation and schedule a date for briefing the IWG.
NOTE: For all other agencies with new administrative service proposals, the agency presents their proposal to the ISC for coordination with BP, L, M/SS and the IWG Policy Committee.
6 FAH-5 H-432.3 Interagency Review and Decision-Making Process
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
a. The ISC coordinates scheduling of presentations to the IWG with lead offices, BP, and M/SS.
b. After the presentation and all outstanding matters have been addressed, the IWG Budget Committee meets to review and approve the appropriate cost distribution methodology.
c. Once a methodology has been determined, the ISC develops a cost distribution estimate, by agency, of the administrative service for the IWG. The IWG recommends to the IEB to approve or deny the service, or any individual part of the proposal.
d. The IEB reviews the recommendation from the IWG and makes the final determination on inclusion of the service, considering both the merits and the timing of its incorporation into ICASS.
e. Once the IEB approves, BP will include estimated budget amounts for the new services in the appropriate Forward Planning presentation, depending on the timing for incorporation approved by the IEB.
f. The ISC informs agencies and the field about the newly approved service , including effective date.
6 FAH-5 H-432.4 Incorporation of IEB Approved Administrative Services into the FAM/FAH
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)
Once the IEB approves the administrative service for inclusion in ICASS, the lead office and the ISC (Policy Team) will draft updates or additions to the FAM/FAH and ICASS Handbook, respectively, to clearly define the funding responsibilities and the approved cost distribution methodology. These materials will be reviewed and cleared by BP and M/SS prior to IWG Policy Committee review and submission for publication. These updates must be accomplished within six months of the IEB approval.
6 FAH-5 H-433 through H-439 unassigned
6 FAH-5 Exhibit H-431
Forward Planning Time line
(CT:ICASS-98; 05-04-2020)
(Applies to participating ICASS agencies)