7 FAM 250


(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)
(Office of Origin: CA/OCS)

7 FAM 251  Summary

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. This subchapter provides guidance about procedures and documentation required for disposition of human remains.  If human remains or cremated remains are being transported to the United States, consular officers provide assistance and documentation set forth in 7 FAM 258 regardless of the nationality of the deceased.

b. The law of the place where the death occurred governs how quickly disposition of human remains must occur.  Local practice and services for burial and cremation vary from country to country.  When notifying the family of the death of a U.S. citizen abroad, the three-part notification package includes a carefully worded explanation of the death services available in the host country.  This is based on the consular triennial Disposition of Remains Reports.  (See 7 FAM 260).  7 FAM 1820 provides special guidance regarding procedures to be followed concerning disposition of remains when a U.S. citizen is killed in a hostage-taking or kidnapping abroad.

c.  Authority to Determine Disposition of Remains of a U.S. Citizen Abroad:  A consular officer has no independent authority over the disposition of the remains of a U.S. citizen who dies abroad.  Responsibility for the disposition of the remains, including all related costs, rests with the legal representative or surviving spouse or next-of-kin (NOK) of the deceased.  The disposition of remains should to the extent possible be carried out in accordance with the express wishes of the deceased, legal representative, or NOK and in compliance with local legal requirements.  In the absence of NOK, disposal of remains is according to local law of the place of death. 

d. Provisions in a Will or Advanced Directive Regarding Disposition of Remains:  U.S. state laws address advance directives, deaths, and estates, to include provisions regarding a person’s right to direct disposition of remains.  Host country law may or may not accept U.S. wills or advanced directives, particularly if the surviving spouse/next-of-kin disagrees with the wishes of the testator/affiant.  Posts may contact L/CA for guidance regarding U.S. state and host country law on this subject.

e. Disputes between Family Members Regarding Disposition of Remains:  Consular officers cannot act as arbiters of disputes between family members regarding the disposition of remains of a deceased relative.  It should be made clear to families that if they cannot resolve the dispute, the local law of the place of death may require disposition of remains within a specific timeframe due to health requirements.  Posts can assist families by providing them with points of contact in the host country with whom they may address disputed claims regarding disposition of remains.  Posts should alert their ACS Country Officer and note in ACS+ as to any dispute about disposition of remains.  The possibility of disputes between family members highlights the importance of having the Affidavit of Surviving Spouse or NOK duly completed and uploaded to ACS+ so it is clear who put in writing that they were the NOK and on what basis we so dealt with that person.

f.  Disinterment of Remains Disposed of Abroad and Shipment to the United States:  7 FAM 260 provides guidance to posts on preparation of the Disposition of Remains Report concerning host country law and practice.  Some countries have laws requiring disinterment of remains after a specific time, after which the remains will be cremated or may be shipped to the United States.  The provisions in 7 FAM 250 regarding consular mortuary certificates and statements of foreign funeral directors, or comparable authorities would apply to remains shipped to the United States after disinterment.  Human remains would have to be shipped in a hermetically sealed container.


(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. U.S. Laws and Regulations:

(1)  42 CFR 71.55 provides that the remains of a person who died of a known or suspected communicable disease may not be brought into a U.S. port unless the body is:

(a)  Transported in a leakproof container.  A leakproof container, as defined in 42 CFR 71.50, is one that is puncture-resistant and sealed in a manner so as to contain all contents and prevent leakage of fluids during handling, storage, transport, or shipping such as:  

(i)     A double-layered plastic, puncture-resistant body bag (i.e., two sealed body bags, one inside the other);

(ii)    A casket with an interior lining certified by the manufacturer to be leak-proof and puncture-resistant; or

(iii)    A sealed metal body-transfer case.

(b)  Properly embalmed, cremated, or accompanied by a permit issued by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

(2)  There are no Federal public health restrictions on the importation of cremated remains; clean, dry bones or bone fragments; human hair; teeth; fingernails or toenails.  

(3) If the cause of death is a non-communicable disease, unless the remains have been cremated prior to arrival, CDC requires that the remains brought into the United States be shipped in a leakproof container.

(4) While a leak proof container is the minimum standard required for admitting human remains into the United States, airlines, the local health authorities, or consular office for shipping or transportation of human remains may have additional standards for packaging and shipping human remains due to environmental or sanitation concerns.

(5) Regardless of the cause of death, unless embalmed or cremated, the remains must be accompanied by a death certificate. A death certificate is an official government finding that a death has occurred and provides identifying information about the deceased, including name, age, and sex, as well as the time, place, and cause of death.  The U.S. embassy or consulate should provide a Consular Mortuary Certificate, which should confirm the cause of death was not due to a communicable disease. Alternatively, an importer certification statement may be provided. The importer certification statement must confirm that the human remains are not known to contain, or state why the human remains are not reasonably suspected to contain, an infectious biological agent.

(6)  If required, a permit may be obtained through CDC by calling 404-718-2077 or the CDC Emergency Operations Center at 770-488-7100. 

(7) Remains are cleared for entry into the United States by the CDC Port Health Protection Officer assigned to the U.S. port of entry where the remains arrive upon review of necessary documentation.  This documentation includes the death certificate, which has been translated into English and which states the cause of death, and documentation that the remains have been shipped in accordance with CDC requirements as described in 42 CFR 71.55. Copies of the death certificate (or approved alternative documentation as listed above) and CDC permit, if required, should therefore accompany the remains during shipment.

(a)    In addition, the remains must be consigned directly to a licensed mortuary, cemetery, or crematory for immediate and final preparation prior to burial, entombment, or cremation. The local mortician handling the remains following their importation will be subject to the regulations of the State and local health authorities and may be requested to submit a letter to CDC certifying the appropriate disposition of the remains according to the terms of the CDC permit, if required. (See 7 FAM 334).

b. International Agreements and Instruments:  There are a number of international instruments related to the disposition of human remains.  These agreements and arrangements are similar to the U.S. regulations in that they require proof of the death, proof that the person did not die of a communicable disease, and appropriate preparation and shipment of the remains.  For countries where these agreements are not in force, the standards set forth in these agreements have become common practice to combat the spread of disease.

(1)  Council of Europe, Agreement on The Transfer of Corpses, Signed at Strasbourg, October 26th, 1973;

(2)  Pan American World Health Organization, XVII Pan American Sanitary Conference, XVIII Regional Committee Meeting, Resolution XXIX, adopted in Washington, October 7th, 1966, International Transportation of Human Remains;

(3)  International Arrangements Concerning the Conveyance of Corpses, Signed at Berlin, February 10, 1937.

c.  Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

(1)  CDC Yellow Book: Health Information for International Travel. Death during Travel;

(2)  Interim Health Recommendations for Workers who Handle Human Remains After a Disaster;

(3)  Autopsy and Handling of Human Remains of Patients with Mpox;

(4)  Guidance for Importation of Human Remains into the United States for Burial, Entombment, or Cremation.

d. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA):  Health and Safety Recommendations for Workers Who Handle Human Remains.


(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. Instructions and funds for the disposition of remains are the exclusive responsibility of the NOK or legal representative.  The consular officer acts to assist and facilitate the NOK’s completion of this task.  There are no official funds for this purpose, and a consular officer who makes commitments to local mortuaries or funeral homes without authority and funds from the NOK may be held personally liable for those commitments.

b. When a consular officer is confronted with the need for quick disposition of the remains and satisfied that instructions and funds have been committed, the officer may take some preliminary steps to begin the process pending confirmation from the NOK.

c.  Once post receives notice of deposit of sufficient funds (either locally or with the Department) and instructions concerning the disposition of the remains, the consular officer has the authority and responsibility to see that the NOK’s desires, as expressed in the instructions, are carried out without delay.  In following the NOK’s instructions, the consular officer must also comply with all local requirements and any relevant U.S. regulations as expeditiously as possible.  The officer should seek to minimize the stress on the family and friends of the deceased.

d. While the consular officer is required to obtain documentary proof of legal entitlement to release the personal effects of a decedent, no such requirement exists with regard to the disposition of remains.  Generally, when there is a surviving spouse, that person is entitled to make the determination as to the disposition of remains.  If there is no surviving spouse, the decedent’s natural children, then the parents, then the siblings make the decision.  If both parents are deceased and are survived by a minor child, in theory the child’s legal guardian would make the decision regarding disposition of remains on behalf of the child, but this is usually accomplished through a discussion amongst surviving immediate relatives, provided there is no will or other instrument dictating disposition of remains.  As noted above, in case of a dispute concerning the disposition of remains between NOK who may have equal rights, such as divorced parents with joint custody, the consular officer should urge the parties to seek agreement without delay.  Should agreement be delayed, the parties should be advised that local law will have to be followed in the disposition of the deceased’s remains.

7 FAM 254  Responsibility for Government Employees and Seamen

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. Foreign Service Personnel:  In the absence of relatives or other authorized persons or management officers, the consular officer shall make all necessary arrangements for the disposition of the remains of deceased Foreign Service employees at overseas posts pursuant to specific instructions from the Department.  Retired Foreign Service officers who die abroad not on active service for the Department are provided with the same services as other private citizens.

b. Personnel of Other Federal Agencies:  In the absence of relatives or other authorized persons, such as an administrative officer or a representative of the concerned agency, the consular officer shall extend aid and assistance in the disposition of the remains of an employee of another U.S. Department or Agency who dies abroad.  The aid and assistance rendered shall be according to the instructions received at the Department from the concerned agency and provided to post.

c.  Seamen:  Assistance in the disposition of the remains of an American seaman who dies abroad must comply with 7 FAM 760.

d. Responsibility for Retired Military Personnel and Dependents:

(1)  Under the FY 1995 Defense Authorization Act, the remains of deceased military retirees and their dependents may be repatriated on military or military-chartered flights on a space-available basis free of charge, as well as other expenses related to recovery, care, and disposition of remains. 

(2)  Consular officer's coordination with military services is essential when the deceased is a military retiree or dependent.  Consular officers are responsible for providing the NOK accurate information regarding the costs and practicality of using the military transportation option and acting as liaison between the NOK and the military offices abroad.  In doing so, the consular officer should be aware of the following:

(a)  The military will only repatriate remains which have been processed through a U.S. military mortuary overseas.  These mortuaries can assist with air shipment to the U.S. port of entry (POE) and provide other relevant information regarding costs. 

(b)  The NOK is responsible for making arrangements for and paying for all costs involved in transporting the remains from the place of death to the military mortuary, and from the POE or POE mortuary to the final destination (funeral home) in the U.S.  Military transportation may not be the most cost effective option and the decision to use this option is made by the NOK.  Consular officers should inform NOK that the military will not accept remains for shipment until confirmation has been received that onward transportation has been arranged from the POE.

(c)  The NOK can receive verification of retiree status and general information involving deaths of military retirees and dependents from the following office that are staffed 24 hours a day:

ARMY:  U.S. Army Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Division  1-800-626-3317

NAVY/MARINES:  U.S. Navy Mortuary Services 1-866-787-0081  (Monday-Friday 0730 - 1600 CST) or 1-901-634-9279  (Toll Free after hours, weekends and holidays); and

AIR FORCE / SPACE FORCE:  U.S. Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations 1-800 531-5803

COAST GUARD:  USCG Casualty Matters Personnel Service Center 571-266-2375

(d)  The consular officer must in every case serve as the NOK’s initial point of contact and remain helpful and informed about the case even though the military may provide transportation or other services.

See:  DOD Directive 1300.22 Mortuary Affairs Policy


7 FAM 255.1  Interment On Instructions From NOK

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. The NOK may instruct the consular officer to have the remains interred locally.  The consular officer should follow the express instructions of the NOK or legal representative of the deceased as closely as possible.  When possible, the consular officer should ensure that the funeral services are conducted in a manner consistent with the religious preference of the deceased, if known.  The consular officer should also notify local friends or acquaintances of the deceased in advance about the services and, where practicable, a member of the consular staff should attend the services.

b. Immediately thereafter, the principal consular officer should send a letter describing the services to the person who instructed that local interment should take place.

c.  If requested, and upon receipt of funds to accomplish it, the consular officer should arrange for a marker to be placed at the grave site, taking care to arrange for only such marker as is indicated by the NOK.  When a marker is placed over the grave, the family may request a photograph of the marker and instructions on the location of the cemetery should they wish to visit the grave in the future.  Also, when specifically requested by the NOK, the consular officer may make arrangements with the cemetery company for the upkeep of the grave.  Complete details of such upkeep should be provided to the NOK.

NOTE:  The consular officer should make clear in a letter to the NOK that the consular officer cannot be responsible personally either for the upkeep itself or for the quality of care provided by the cemetery or other agency.  The consular officer’s role is strictly facilitative.

7 FAM 255.2  Interment Without Instructions From NOK

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. When the NOK or other authorized person cannot be reached or does not respond within the period of time provided by local law for the interment or preservation of deceased persons, the consular officer should seek the assistance of a local U.S. organization, appropriate religious entity, or charity that might provide funds for burial.  Appropriate sources for such funds might be the local American Society or the American Chamber of Commerce.  Other potential sources of funds might be local charities or welfare agencies.

b. In the absence of the NOK or legal representative or the necessary funding, the consular officer is authorized to use the cash resources of the personal estate of the deceased taken into possession by the consular officer (for example, money found among the personal effects, proceeds from the sale of the perishable property, funds received through the collection of debts owed the decedent), and to sell at auction such portion of the personal estate as may be necessary to pay the funeral expenses of the deceased.  If the deceased had a local bank account, the consular officer might inquire whether local banking laws would permit local funeral expenses to be paid directly by the bank to the funeral home.

c.  Other sources of funds, although they cannot be authorized in advance of the interment, are:

(1)  Social Security.  Upon the death of a person covered/insured under the Social Security Act,, certain benefits may be available.  The SSA has more information on survivor's benefits and other payments.  See also 20 CFR 404.390.

See Social Security Survivor's Benefits


(2)  Veterans Burial Expenses VA burial allowances are partial reimbursements of an eligible Veteran's burial and funeral costs.  The allowances differ depending on service-related deaths or non-service related deaths and the date of death.  The Department of Veterans Affairs has more information on Burial Benefits. 

d. If the consular officer is unsuccessful in obtaining private funds from any of these sources, NOK, or friends, there is no alternative but to accept disposition of the remains by local authorities under local law or regulations.  When this occurs, the consular officer should determine as promptly as possible the method of disposition and the place of interment in order to respond to any subsequent inquiry or request for such information.  This information should be made a part of the case file.

NOTE:  If local law requires cremation, the NOK should be informed of the requirement in advance of the cremation in writing.


(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

In the case of cremation, the consular officer must make best efforts to confirm all local laws and regulations are followed.  After cremation, disposition of the cremated remains must also comply with the instructions from the NOK.  If shipment to the United States is requested, only the health regulations in the country of cremation must be met.  There are no CDC or TSA requirements on importation of human remains that are cremated before entry into the United States.  However, local law and/or airlines may require the following documents  to accompany cremated remains:

(1)  An official death certificate;

(2)  A cremation certificate (a document from a crematory certifying that the deceased was cremated on a specific date);(3)       A certificate from the crematory stating that the container holds only the cremated remains (“cremains”) of the deceased; or

(4)  A permit to export (if required locally).


Cremations in Thailand and other Buddhist countries are normally carried out in local temples and cremation certificates and/or crematory letters stating the container holds cremated remains of the deceased  are not routinely available.  In the absence of documentation from the temple, the consular section may prepare and sign the certificates stating that “we have been informed by the crematory that the remains were cremated on xx date and that the container holds only the cremated remains" if required.



Federal Express and DHL will not ship cremated remains.  APO (Army Post Office), FPO (Fleet Post Office), DPO (Diplomatic Post Office), and diplomatic pouch cannot be used for cremated remains (14 FAM Exhibit 723.2).  Cremated remains can be shipped as air freight on a commercial flight with a consular mortuary certificate.


7 FAM 257.1  Shipment Arrangements

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. When the consular officer is instructed by the NOK or other authorized person to ship the remains to the United States, it is the consular officer’s responsibility to ensure that the remains are appropriately/properly prepared and encased to meet the requirements of the local government, as certified by the local funeral director, the air carrier, the U.S. Federal government, and the U.S. State government for the initial point of entry into the United States (22 CFR 72.7 Disposition of Remains Consular Responsibility).  Once the remains enter the United States, it is the U.S. funeral director’s responsibility to ensure that the preparation of the remains meets the requirements for each U.S. State government through which the remains will travel, up to and including their ultimate destination.  However, the consular officer must inform the U.S. funeral director of this responsibility.  These requirements may involve the method of preservation of the remains, the type of container, whether and how the container must be sealed, and the preparation or submission of all required documents.  Links to U.S. State government contacts are available through the U.S. National Funeral Directors’ Association Web site.  Should you need help determining U.S. State government requirements, contact L/CA.

See …

U.S. State Funeral Directors’ Association

U.S. National Funeral Directors’ Association

b. As it cannot be assumed that the foreign funeral home or other establishment caring for the remains will be fully familiar with the U.S. State or Federal requirements, it is the responsibility of the consular officer to place the two funeral homes in direct contact with each other or to obtain those requirements from the U.S. funeral home receiving the remains and to pass them to the foreign funeral home.

c.  A consular officer is not trained in nor charged with overseeing the physical preparation of the remains for return to the United States.  If, however, the wrong remains are transported to the United States or the remains arrive improperly prepared or unclothed, the decedent’s family will suffer added grief and stress.  The consular officer should make every reasonable effort to ensure that the foreign funeral home understands its responsibility and observes the appropriate American proprieties and respect for human remains.

d. Should the post have a choice, it should select a foreign funeral home known for its skill or past experience to be reputable.  If there is no choice or if the remains are prepared by a funeral home about which the post knows nothing, the consular officer should inform the family and the U.S. funeral home of the possibility that the remains will need further preparation or may not be suitable for viewing.

e. After arrangements have been completed, the post or funeral home should notify the consignee regarding the date and time of shipment, the name of the carrier, and the estimated time and place of arrival in the United States.  Post or the funeral home should maintain the shipment waybill number, enabling tracking should the container be misrouted or lost.

7 FAM 257.2  Working with Air Carriers

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

Air carriers have a variety of services available regarding special handling of death cases.  This may include applying the balance of the traveler’s unused airline ticket to cover cargo shipping costs if the remains are embalmed for return to the United States.  The NOK, consular officer, or the funeral home may query the airline in this regard.

7 FAM 258  Documents to Accompany Remains

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. Under the international agreements pertaining to transport of human remains (see 7 FAM 252(b)), some countries require that human remains are accompanied by a document, a so called Laissez-Passer for a Corpse, which is issued by the competent local authorities.  This document may only be issued after the local undertaker has certified that all legal requirements concerning transportation of human remains have been met.  Many European countries continue to issue a “Laissez-Passer for a Corpse”, but U.S. practice is for U.S. consular officers to issue a “Consular Mortuary Certificate” for remains being transported to the United States, regardless of the nationality of the deceased.  As 7 FAM 259.4 explains, there is no fee for this service for a U.S. citizen, but the Schedule of Fees does provide for charging a fee for this service regarding the remains of a non-U.S. citizen.

For example …

Belgium – Laissez-Passer for a Corpse

Austria – Laissez-Passer For A Corpse and shipment of urns

b. The following documents should accompany the remains.  U.S. Passports Are Not Issued to Deceased Citizens.

(1)  Consular Mortuary Certificate.  This document is designed to control the orderly shipment of the remains and to facilitate U.S. Customs Clearance.  It is similar to the Laissez-Passer for a Corpse provided for in the Strasbourg agreement.

(a)  The certificate indicates how the shipment is marked, the method of transport to the United States, plus the specific place and scheduled time of arrival of the remains at the POE.  The accompanying documents should be affixed to the consular mortuary certificate, and must be signed by the consular officer and impressed with the consular seal.

(b)  Should it not be possible to prepare this document in time to accompany the remains to the United States, notify the appropriate CBP Port of Entry and your ACS country officer prior to the arrival that the remains of a U.S. citizen are being shipped without a consular mortuary certificate.  You may be asked to provide the name of the deceased, the air reservations, and, if possible, the air shipment waybill number.  .  This procedure should only be used in emergencies; it is not an alternative method to relieve the consular officer of the responsibility of preparing the consular mortuary certificate and ensuring that all accompanying documents are in order.  In rare cases, the Department may request that post prepare and submit a Consular Mortuary Certificate even after the remains have been allowed entry into the United States by other means.

(c)  Consular Mortuary Certificate for Shipment of Remains of Stillborn Child:  Posts should make appropriate adjustments to the language in a consular mortuary certificate to reflect that the attached documents accompany the remains of a stillborn child.  Under no circumstances should posts use terms such as “medical waste” sometimes employed by local authorities in other countries (See 7 FAM 200 Appendix C).

(2)  Certificate of Death.  A certificate of death should accompany the remains to the United States.  It should be issued by the local registrar of deaths or similar local authority.  It should identify the remains by name and give the place, date, and cause of death as certified by the attending physician or other competent authority, duly authenticated as required under local law and/or post-specific circumstances such as fraud.  If the local death certificate is not available at the time the remains are being shipped, a statement from the attending physician or civil records from a local official/coroner should be attached if at all possible.

(3)  Affidavit by the Local Funeral Director.  Attach to the consular mortuary certificate an affidavit or sworn declaration of the funeral director or person responsible for preparing the remains for shipment.  This affidavit must state that the casket contains only the remains of the deceased and the necessary clothing and/or packing.  When necessary to comply with any State regulations, the affidavit should also contain a statement that the body has been embalmed or otherwise prepared.  If practicable, the affidavit should be executed before a consular officer.  When this is not practicable, it must be executed before a qualified local official whose signature can be authenticated by a consular officer.

(4)  Transit Permit.  In addition to the consular mortuary certificate, death certificate, and the funeral director’s affidavit, a transit permit may be required to accompany the remains under the laws of the foreign country.  This permit should authorize export of the remains and should be issued by the health authority at the port of embarkation.  The permit should be dated and state the name, sex, and age of the deceased, and where available, the cause and date of death.  If not required under local law to export the remains, this document is not required by U.S. Customs.

7 FAM 259  U.S. Entry AND EXIT Requirements for Remains

7 FAM 259.1  Customs Requirements

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. Remains transported to the United States are considered part of the carrier cargo and a record of the shipment should appear in the carrier’s manifest. The affidavit of the funeral director which is attached to the consular mortuary certificate complies with the customs requirement that the casket and case contain only the remains.

b. If the remains are accompanied by a passenger, the casket may be entered on that passenger’s baggage declaration provided the quarantine requirements have been met.  If the remains are not accompanied by a passenger, a bill of lading must be issued by the carrier to cover the shipment.  The custom house permit for entry into the United States should be obtained by the carrier at the point of departure.

7 FAM 259.2  Transit Label

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

A transit label must be affixed to the outer container.  This label should state the date, the name of the deceased, the date of death, the name of the consignee or escort (and telephone number, if known), any points of transshipment, and a reference to the transit permit authorizing the export of the remains from the country where the death occurred.

7 FAM 259.3  Fees

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

a. Remains of U.S. Citizens:  No fees are prescribed for consular services in connection with the disposition of remains except those specifically noted in 22 CFR 22.1.

b. Remains of Non-U.S. Citizens Being Shipped to the United States:  See Schedule of Fees 22 CFR 22.1 for current fees.

7 FAM 259.4  Shipment of Human Remains from the United States to Foreign Countries

(CT:CON-1018;   06-28-2024)

From time to time, CA/OCS receives inquiries about procedures for shipping human remains from the United States to a foreign country.  The procedures are quite similar to those used to ship remains to the United States.  Inquirers should be directed to the embassy of the foreign country in the United States.  Many foreign embassies in Washington, DC have specific information on their web sites about this subject.  7 FAM 200 Appendix F provides further guidance about deaths of foreign nationals in the United States.

For example:

·         Embassy of the Netherlands – Shipment of Human Remains to The Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba

·         Consulate General of Jamaica New York – Shipment of Human Remains to Jamaica

·         Consulate General of Poland New York – Transportation of Human Remains to Poland

·         Embassy of Zambia – Procedures for Authority to Transport Human Remains to Zambia

·         Consular Section of the Embassy of Mexico – Sanitary Procedures for the Transfer to Mexico of Human Remains

·         Consulate General of Brazil Transfer of Human Remains

·         Embassy of Italy Shipment of Human/Exhumed Remains or Cremated Remains to Italy

7 FAM EXHIBIT 257(B)(1) 

(CT:CON-153;   01-11-2007)

Consular Mortuary Certificate


Name of Country           )

Name of province, state )

Name of City                 )

Name of Consular Post   )

I (Name of consular officer), (Title of Consular officer) of the United States of America in and for the consular district of (City), (Country), duly commissioned and qualified, hereby certify that the attached documents are to accompany the remains of (Name of Decedent), citizen of the United States, who died at (Name of Place) on (Date of Death); that the remains are to be shipped from (Name of Place) on or about (Date of Shipment); that the remains are encased in a container to which is affixed a transit permit; and that the remains are to enter the United States at (City) by (Name of Air Carrier) on or about (Date of arrival).

The following documents are attached and made part of this certificate:

(1) Official Death Certificate;

(2) Affidavit of (Name), (Title), (Location)

(3) A copy of the transit permit affixed to the coffin or container if required under local law.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this (date) day of (month), (year).

Signature of Consular Officer

Typed Name of Consular Officer

Title of consular officer


7 FAM EXHIBIT 257(b)(3) 

(CT:CON-153;   01-11-2007)



State, Province, etc.


Name of Consular Post (Embassy/Consulate)

Before me, (Name of consular officer), (title of consular officer) of the United States of America in and for the consular district of (name of consular district) duly commissioned and qualified, appeared in person (name of affiant) who stated under oath as follows:

My name is (name of affiant).  I am the (title, if any) at (name of mortuary or funeral home) in (city, country).  I certify that I embalmed (or other appropriate preparation) the remains of (name of decedent), a citizen of the United States of America, who died at (city, country) on (date of death); that I witnessed the packing of the remains of (name of decedent) together with the necessary clothing and packing; and the outer container is marked and addressed to (U.S. funeral home, street address, city, state, United States of America.)


Signature of Affiant

Typed Name of Affiant


Subscribed and sworn to before me this (date) day of (month), (year).


Signature of consular officer

Typed name of consular officer

Title of consular officer

