7 FAM 400 Appendix B 


(CT:CON-968;   03-16-2023)
(Office of Origin:  CA/OCS)

7 FAM 410 Appendix B  Summary

(CT:CON-643;   03-07-2016)

a. When a consular officer conducts an initial visit with a U.S. citizen who has been arrested overseas, the officer should use the checklist below as a template to ensure that all services and resources are available to the prisoner.  For any questions, officers should consult their CA/OCS/ACS country officers.

b. No list can be all-inclusive, nor cover every conceivable arrest situation.  This sample list should be useful in developing your own post-specific checklists.

7 FAM 420 Appendix B  Sample Checklist For Initial Post-Arrest Visit

(CT:CON-968;   03-16-2023)

Biographical information (name, aliases, birthdate, gender, etc.)

Passport number and expiration.  (The prisoner will not have the passport in their possession.  This information is captured by the consular officer when the post opens a case in the American Citizens Services system.)

Last known U.S. and foreign addresses

Date and place of last arrest

Place of detention

Medical Condition(s)/Health: Briefly describe nature of injury or sickness and what treatment is or is not being provided.  Name (and if possible, contact info for doctor used prior to incarceration).  Ask that the doctor be included on the Privacy Act written consent.

Criminal Charges

Brief status of case: (Appeal pending; bail; expelled; died in jail; escaped; hearing in progress; serving sentence; deported; pending deportation; parole, acquitted; pretrial; released; suspended sentence; charges dropped; executed; pending execution; returned under treaty)

Date of trial and/or hearing, if known

Possible sentence (maximum/minimum), if known

Attorney (yes/no) if yes, name, mailing address, telephone, email, Privacy Act written consent status

Next of Kin/Contacts (name, mailing address, relationship; phone numbers, email)

Spouse and/or minor children of Arrestee in host country (names, ages, location and contact info)

Clergy visit requested (any specific denomination?)

Names of other individuals, particularly U.S. citizens, arrested in same incident

Mistreatment: (all alleged or confirmed cases of mistreatment should be reported to the Department in accordance with 7 FAM 425 and 7 FAM 426).  Include a brief description.

Occurrence: No mistreatment alleged; mistreatment alleged

When: During arrest; during interrogation; during arrest and interrogation; during detention; during arrest and detention; during interrogation and detention; during arrest, interrogation and detention.

Property confiscated/retained

Reading materials requested

Other toiletries requested

Local resources