9 FAM 303.4

(U) Post-Based Reviews and clearances

(CT:VISA-2124;   02-04-2025)
(Office of Origin: CA/VO)

9 FAM 303.4-1  (U) Statutory and regulatory Authorities

9 FAM 303.4-1(A)  (U) Immigration and Nationality Act

(CT:VISA-1;   11-18-2015)

(U) INA 212(a) (8 U.S.C. 1182).

9 FAM 303.4-1(B)  (U) Code of Federal Regulations

(CT:VISA-1;   11-18-2015)

(U) 22 CFR 41.106.

9 FAM 303.4-1(C)  (U) United States Code

(CT:VISA-1;   11-18-2015)

(U) 22 U.S.C. 4831.

9 FAM 303.4-1(D)  (U) Public Law

(CT:VISA-1;   11-18-2015)

(U) Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-399, Title III); Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995 (Public Law 103-236, Section 140(c)).

9 FAM 303.4-2  (U) reviewing Case Notes and Post Files


(CT:VISA-1611;   09-06-2022)


9 FAM 303.4-3  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-1;   11-18-2015)


9 FAM 303.4-3(A)  (U) Consulting with Other Posts

(CT:VISA-2035;   07-25-2024)

a. Unavailable

(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

(3)  Unavailable

(4)  (U) Visa Reciprocity and Country Documents Finder specifically requires a clearance of applicants from that country.

b. Unavailable

9 FAM 303.4-3(B)  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-2035;   07-25-2024)


(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

9 FAM 303.4-3(C)  (U) Requests for Information from Other Posts

9 FAM 303.4-3(C)(1)  Unavailable

(CT:VISA-2035;   07-25-2024)

a. Unavailable

b. Unavailable

9 FAM 303.4-3(C)(2)  (U) Assessment of Information and Source

(CT:VISA-2035;   07-25-2024)


(1)  Unavailable

(2)  Unavailable

9 FAM 303.4-3(C)(3)  (U) Evaluation of Organizational Membership

(CT:VISA-2035;   07-25-2024)


The remaining content of this Subchapter is unavailable.