10 FAM 340
IIP Policy and Information Products and services
(CT:PEC-86; 04-08-2019)
(Office of Origin: IIP)
10 FAM 341 PRINT Publications
10 FAM 341.1 Audience
(CT:PEC-79; 03-26-2019)
a. Each publication is written with a different and specific public diplomacy audience in mind. Publications will address different audiences, by age, interest, specialty, language, etc. Embassies use IIP print publications to inform and influence targeted foreign audiences with content aimed at their specific interests. See 10 FAM 310 for audience information for all IIP products.
10 FAM 341.2 Print Program, Products, and Services
(CT:PEC-79; 03-26-2019)
a. IIP produces a range of print products that include the following:
· books
· brochures
· press kit folders
· paper shows (low-cost mountable exhibitions comprised of up to 24 panels of images, photographs, or illustrations with text)
· posters
b. IIP assists posts in obtaining copyright clearance to publish materials and publications by U.S. authors that embassies believe will help support the Department’s policy objectives.
10 FAM 341.3 Print Publications - Responsibilities
(CT:PEC-79; 03-26-2019)
a. The Office of Editorial Content (IIP/PD/EED) is responsible for producing print publications (see 1 FAM 353.1) that support and address a variety of U.S. foreign policy objectives. Many print publications also help foreign audiences understand American society and values.
In addition to the geographic and thematic offices in IIP, its editors and graphic designers consult with regional and functional bureaus to:
· Conceive new publications
· Write or commission new material
· Buy reprint rights to existing content
· Edit and design these materials for print
b. IIP coordinates its production line with the Department’s regional printing centers, which print and distribute publications, including foreign language versions, to U.S. missions around the world.
10 FAM 342 BOOKS and book translations
10 FAM 342.1 American Publications in Translation
(CT:PEC-79; 03-26-2019)
a. The American Publications in Translation Program of IIP supports U.S. foreign policy objectives by encouraging translation and reprinting of key works in U.S. politics, economics, law, history, and literature for foreign audiences. These books and articles help Foreign Service posts bring a U.S. perspective on issues of bilateral and global concern to decision-makers and opinion-makers abroad. By working cooperatively with foreign publishers and translators, IIP programs also promote observance of intellectual property rights and foster the growth of publishing industries as vital components of civil societies in developing countries.
b. The program may include full-length books, condensed versions, special adaptations, excerpts, short stories, poems, plays, articles, pamphlets and titles already translated into languages other than English. Such materials may be published in book form and as serializations or supplements to newspapers or magazines. Appropriate publication rights must be obtained for all publishing projects.
c. The process to select books, obtain publication rights, translate, print, and distribute them can be lengthy and expensive, and is subject to various regulations and laws. Posts interested in this program should consult the IIP Intranet web site and the regional program officer in the Geographic office before beginning the process of making commitments.
d. The Office of Regional Strategy and Training (IIP/PR/RST) supports requests for publication rights for the Books in Translation Program. The Office of Editorial Content (IIP/PD/EED) supports such requests for translation of articles and non-book materials.
10 FAM 342.2 Youth Book Program
(CT:PEC-79; 03-26-2019)
a. IIP manages the worldwide book program for outreach to primary and secondary school audiences. IIP develops book sets in coordination with U.S. publishers and offers these sets at a discounted rate to embassies for outreach efforts.
b. The book sets contain between 100 to 150 titles and are designed to communicate U.S. history, culture and values. Embassies can purchase these sets with Post funds for donations to local schools, Binational Centers, American Corners and other local initiatives.
c. IIP/PR is responsible for the program. The IIP Intranet site contains program specifics, including book titles, costs per set, and shipping information. Information about this program can be found on the bureau Intranet web site or at the specific page for the “Youth Book Program.”
10 FAM 343 ELECTRONIC services
10 FAM 343.1 Photographic Services
(CT:PEC-84; 04-01-2019)
a. The Office of Digital (IIP/PL/DI), provides a wide range of photographic services to posts abroad and to IIP, including research, acquisition of rights, photography assignments, and creation of digital images for electronic publication and distribution.
b. Photo editors provide research and acquire photo rights in response to specific requests from U.S. posts abroad and IIP. Such requests may range from official portraits of U.S. officials to specialized subjects related to policy initiatives, current events, U.S. studies programs, historical background, or bilateral issues. Using online services and digital cameras, photo editors create or acquire electronic images for use in Web sites, electronic journals, or transmission to missions abroad. Editors can also arrange for photography coverage of events and people both in the Washington, DC area and outside Washington, DC.
c. Photos are delivered to the requesting office as prints, transparencies, or digital files.
d. Copyright fees or costs incurred for photographic coverage of events outside of normal operations are the responsibility of the requesting office.
(CT:PEC-86; 04-08-2019)
INFOCENTRAL is an online resource managed by the Office of Editorial Content (IIP/PD/EED) that brings together on a single site policy information, press guidance, background, outreach tools, and other relevant materials for use by Department personnel in Washington and in the field, as well as other U.S. government personnel who deal with international audiences on policy matters.
INFOCENTRAL also holds the International Events Calendar, a web-based planning device for public diplomacy (PD) professionals. It assists them in developing strategies for specific policy objectives and for significant events that have a PD dimension.
10 fam 344 opinion editorial (op-EDS)
(CT:PEC-86; 04-08-2019)
a. Op-eds are opinion pieces that articulate specific U.S. government policies and views. They are designed so embassy staff may place them in foreign media outlets. Op-eds may be signed by Department officials, or they may be generic articles for adaptation by ambassadors and other mission personnel. IIP coordinates the production of all op-eds intended for foreign placement except those of the Secretary, including obtaining the necessary clearances from all appropriate Department elements. The op-eds may be drafted by IIP or by personnel from other regional or functional bureaus, but in all cases IIP must authorize the release to embassies of an op-ed text.
b. By law, all op-eds written or translated by IIP are designed exclusively for overseas audiences (see 10 FAM 310). If posts or bureaus want translation for domestic U.S. media placement or translation of op-eds, they should consult the Bureau of Public Affairs (PA) and the Office of Language Services (A/OPR/LS).
10 FAM 345 Through 349 UNASSIGNED