12 FAM 270

Security Reporting Requirements

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)
(Office of Origin:  DS/SI and DS/DO/ICI)


(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. The director of National Intelligence’s (DNI’s) Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3: Reporting Requirements for Personnel with Access to Classified Information or Who Hold a Sensitive Position (SEAD-3) established reporting requirements extending to persons who hold positions requiring access to classified information and persons who hold positions designated as sensitive.  This Directive applies to covered individuals as defined in 12 FAM 271.2, Definitions.

b. All persons who have access to classified information or hold a sensitive position incur a special and continuing obligation to be aware of the risks associated with foreign intelligence operations and/or possible terrorist activities directed against them in the United States and abroad.

c.  Failure to comply with the reporting requirements may affect eligibility for continued access to classified information, continued contract performance, or the ability to hold a sensitive position, and may result in a referral for disciplinary action up to and including separation.

d. Covered persons must cooperate with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) in investigating matters bearing on their eligibility for a security clearance or suitability/fitness for employment.  To the extent that DS identifies a specific security concern regarding an employee or contractor, DS may request an issue that may not otherwise be required as reportable under this policy.

    NOTE:  The required data elements identified in this policy outline basic initial information that should be included if applicable and available.  DS may request additional data following evaluation of an initial report.  Individuals who report information in conjunction with this policy must also include comprehensive relevant data in their subsequent “Questionnaire for National Security Positions,” Standard Form 86.

e. When circumstances arise that in DS’ view may affect an individual’s national security eligibility, DS will conduct an appropriate investigation.  An investigation conducted by DS, the Office of Inspector General, or other government entities may also provide the basis for a review of an individual’s national security eligibility.

f.  Failure of a covered individual to report information required by this policy may result in the initiation of an appropriate investigation, suspension of the individual’s security clearance (which may result in revocation), and/or referral for disciplinary action.  Failure of a contractor to report information required by this policy may also result in that contractor’s temporary or permanent removal from performance on a Department classified or Sensitive But Unclassified contract.

g. Covered individuals should use good judgment and discretion in recognizing and avoiding situations and/or behavior that would call into question their judgment, reliability, and trustworthiness to safeguard information and to hold a position of trust and responsibility.

12 FAM 271.1  Authorities

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. The Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, as amended, (Public Law 99-399;  22 U.S.C. 4801, et seq.)

b. Presidential Decision Directive of August 5, 1993, entitled, “Security Awareness and Reporting of Foreign Contacts” (PDD/NSC-12).

c.  Security Executive Agent Directive 3, Reporting Requirements for Personnel with Access to Classified Information or Who Hold a Sensitive Position, effective June 12, 2017.

d. Intelligence Community Standard (ICS) 703-02, Reporting Requirements for Individuals with Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information, dated August 11, 2016.

12 FAM 271.2  Definitions

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

Agency:  Any "Executive agency" as defined in 10 U.S.C. 105, including the "military department," as defined in 5 U.S.C. 102, and any other entity within the Executive Branch that comes into possession of classified information or has positions designated as sensitive.

ArrestThe apprehension or detention of a person by a sworn law enforcement officer, such that the person’s freedom of movement is restrained, in order to answer for an alleged or suspected crime.  A simple traffic stop does not meet the above definition unless the individual is removed from the vehicle and restrained.

Classified national security information or classified information:  Information that has been determined pursuant to E.O. 13526 or any predecessor or successor order, or the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to require protection against unauthorized disclosure.

Cohabitant:  A person with whom the covered individual resides and shares bonds of affection, obligation, or other commitment, as opposed to a person with whom the covered individual resides for reasons of convenience (e.g., a roommate).  Cohabitants may include, among others, one’s spouse, intended spouse,  domestic partner, or romantic cohabitant, and relatives, as well as nannies and housekeepers, who reside with the covered individual.

Contact:  All manner of personal or impersonal communication and connection, such as person-to-person contact or communication via telephonic means, postal system, Internet, etc.

Continuing association:  Association with an individual that continues to exist after the initial meeting and is more than limited or casual public contact.

Controlled substance:  Any controlled substance as defined in 21 U.S.C. 802.

Covered individual: For the purpose of these reporting requirements, covered persons are those  who perform work for or on behalf of the Department of State and have been granted access to classified information (Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret) or who occupy a sensitive position, for which the adjudicative determination for the security clearance, sensitive position, and/or access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI), was rendered by the Department.  Covered individuals are not limited to government employees and also include, but are not limited to, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, certificate holders, grantees, experts, consultants, etc.:

(1)  This definition applies regardless of assignment, for example: Foreign Service Family Reserve Corps members, fellows, re-employed annuitants (REAs), detailees to other agencies and those on excursion tours outside the Department, as well as contractor and subcontractor personnel performing on Department contracts; and

(2)  Individuals assigned to the Department from another federal agency must adhere to their home agency’s security reporting requirements and additional post or mission requirements.  Reporting information as required under this policy   does not fulfill or diminish the obligation to follow other/additional post or mission reporting requirements.

DrugsAny drug as defined in 21 U.S.C. 321.

Foreign Intelligence Entity:  Known or suspected foreign state or non-state organizations or persons that conduct intelligence activities to acquire United States (U.S.) information, block or impair U.S. intelligence collection, influence U.S. policy, or disrupt U.S. systems and programs.  The term includes foreign intelligence and security services and international terrorists.

Foreign nationalAny person who is not a U.S. citizen or a U.S. National. Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that “the term ‘national of the United States’ means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.” Therefore, U.S. citizens are also U.S. nationals.  Non-citizen U.S. nationality status refers only to individuals who were born either in American Samoa or on Swains Island to parents who are not citizens of the United States.  Because a U.S. citizen is not a foreign national, a U.S. citizen who has dual (or multiple) citizenship with another country/countries would not be considered a foreign national within the meaning of this Foreign Affairs Manual section.

Foreign national roommate(s):  Any foreign national(s) who co-occupies a residence for a period of more than 30 calendar days.

Media:  Any person, organization or entity, other than Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial governments:

(1)  Primarily engaged in the collection, production or dissemination to the public of information in any form, which includes print, broadcast, film and Internet; or

(2)  Otherwise engaged in the collection, production or dissemination to the public of information in any form related to topics of national security, which includes print, broadcast, film, and Internet.  NOTE: Depending on context, media may also refer to physical devices (e.g., magnetic tapes, optical disks, magnetic disks) which information is stored within an information system (see 12 FAM 010).

National security:  Those activities which are directly concerned with the foreign relations of the United States, or protection of the Nation from internal subversion, foreign aggression, or terrorism.

National security eligibility:  Eligibility for access to classified information or eligibility to hold a sensitive position, to include access to SCI, restricted data, and controlled or special access program information.

Sensitive positionAny position within or in support of the Department, the occupant of which could bring about, by virtue of the nature of the position, a material adverse effect on national security, regardless of whether the occupant has access to classified information, and regardless of whether the occupant is an employee or a contractor.

Unauthorized disclosure:  A communication, confirmation, acknowledgement, or physical transfer of classified or administratively controlled unclassified (e.g., SBU) information, including the facilitation of, or actual giving, passing, selling, publishing or in any way making such information available to an unauthorized recipient.


(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. Reporting pursuant to this policy must be done via the Personnel Reporting Tool accessible on the DS Office of Personnel Security and Suitability (DS/SI/PSS) intranet through OpenNet or via email DSDirectorPSS@state.gov.  Foreign contacts under 12 FAM 273.4 must be reported to the DS Office of Counterintelligence (DS/DO/CI) through the DS-1887 form in myData.  Alternatively, a fillable form may be obtained from and submitted via email to ContactReports@state.gov.

b. Questions regarding these reporting policies or reports made thereunder may be emailed to DSDirectorPSS@state.gov.

c.  Additional reporting requirements specific to cleared contractors are outlined in 12 FAM 576.4, Reporting Requirements.

d. Inquiries concerning those SCI-specific reporting requirements and reporting channels should be directed to the DS Office of Information Security, Special Security Operations Division (DS/IS/SSO), at DS_SSO@state.gov. 

e. If in doubt as to whether information is required to be reported, covered individuals should err on the side of caution and report.  Additional guidance on reporting and all required data elements/formats for reporting the various categories of information are located in the Personnel Reporting Tool.

f.  To mitigate any risk to the Department, all Department employees should report concerning behaviors that may be indicative of an insider threat to InsiderThreatReporting@state.gov.

g. Each covered individual involved must file a separate report.  For example, if a married couple consisting of two covered individuals will reside with a foreign national, or are party to a financial anomaly, two reports must be filed.

12 FAM 273  Reporting Requirements for All Who Have Access to Classified Information or Hold a Sensitive Position

12 FAM 273.1  Applicability

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

The following reporting requirements are applicable to all covered individuals, defined at 12 FAM 271.2 as individuals who perform work for or on behalf of the Department of State and have been granted access to classified information (Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret) or who occupy a sensitive position, for which the adjudicative determination for the security clearance, sensitive position, and/or access to SCI, was rendered by the Department.

12 FAM 273.2  Reportable Actions by Others

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. All covered individuals have an obligation to report activities of other covered individuals that may be of a potential security or counterintelligence concern.  Persons with information they believe may have a bearing on another individual’s eligibility for access to classified information or to hold a sensitive position must report that information.  This includes, but is not limited to:

(1)  An unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations or to cooperate with security requirements;

(2)  Unexplained affluence or excessive indebtedness;

(3)  Alcohol abuse;

(4)  Illegal use or misuse of drugs or drug activity;

(5)  Behavior that may suggest a mental health issue where there is reason to believe it may impact the individual’s ability to protect classified information or other information specifically prohibited by law from disclosure;

(6)  Criminal conduct;

(7)  Any activity that raises doubts as to whether another covered individual’s continued national security eligibility is clearly consistent with the interests of national security; and

(8)  Misuse of U.S. Government property or information systems.

b. This information may be submitted via the Personnel Reporting Tool, via email DSDirectorPSS@state.gov, or directly to InsiderThreatReporting@state.gov.

12 FAM 273.3  Unofficial Foreign Travel

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. All covered individuals must report the following via the PSS Reporting Tool, regardless of travel destination outside the United States, immediately upon return from travel:

(1)  Unusual or suspicious occurrences during travel, including those of possible security or counterintelligence significance; and

(2)  Any incidents involving foreign law enforcement or customs that are out of the ordinary.

b. Additional travel reporting at the post or mission level may be required for those under Chief of Mission (COM) authority, as determined by the regional security officer (RSO) or post security officer (PSO).  This reporting requirement does not fulfill or diminish the obligation to follow other/additional post or mission level security directives and reporting requirements.

c.  The Department’s policy on personal travel to critical Human Intelligence (HUMINT) threat countries is fully articulated in 12 FAM 264.  This excerpt of salient points is provided in 12 FAM 270 only as a reference to sensitize the reader to those reporting requirements  These standards, which were cleared by the Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB), apply to all Department employees and contractors domestically and those employees of agencies under the authority of a COM, abroad.  Implementation, application and management responsibilities concerning this policy are further outlined in 12 FAM 264.

d. The Department requires prior reporting of unofficial travel to countries with a critical HUMINT threat post and to certain countries with which the United States does not have diplomatic relations, which are all listed in the Security Environment Threat List (SETL).  Prior reporting is required regardless of the threat level at the post where the covered individual is stationed or from which the employee departs.  The annual SETL ratings are distributed by classified ALDAC and can also be found by using the SETL link in the “Directories” section of the Department’s ClassNet homepage.

e. DS/DO/CI directly administers this program for Department employees stationed domestically and indirectly through the RSO or the PSO at a U.S. mission or post abroad.

12 FAM 273.4  Unofficial Foreign Contacts

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. Contact reporting is required if there is continuing association with known foreign nationals that involve bonds of affection, personal obligation, or intimate/sexual contact.  This reporting requirement is based on the nature of the relationship regardless of how or where the foreign national contact was made or how the relationship is maintained (i.e., via in person contact, telephonic, postal system, Internet, etc.).  The reporting of limited or casual public contact with foreign nationals is not required absent any other reporting requirement in this policy.  Reporting of foreign unofficial contacts is not required when there is only an exchange of personal information (e.g., information that can reasonably identify an individual, recorded in a material form or not) .  Following initial reporting, covered persons must file updates regarding continuing unofficial association with known foreign nationals only if and when there is a significant change in the nature of the contact.  These contact reporting requirements are in addition to the reporting required by the “Questionnaire for National Security Positions,” Standard Form 86, regarding foreign contacts.

b. In addition, the Department’s policy on counterintelligence contact reporting is fully articulated in 12 FAM 262.  This excerpt of salient points is provided in 12 FAM 270 only as a reference to sensitize the reader to those reporting requirements.  Implementation, application and management responsibilities concerning the Department’s counterintelligence contact reporting program are fully outlined in 12 FAM 262.

c.  All covered individuals (regardless of position or national security eligibility) must report:

(1)  Contact and/or association with persons or organizations who the employee knows or suspects advocate the unlawful overthrow of the U.S. Government; 

(2)  Contact and/or association with persons who the employee knows or suspects is a member or supporter of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) as designated by the Secretary;

(3)  Unofficial contact with a person who the employee knows or suspects is a member of a foreign intelligence entity, regardless of nationality;

(4)  When illegal or unauthorized access to classified or otherwise sensitive information is sought; or

(5)  When the employee is concerned that he or she may be the target of actual or attempted exploitation by a Foreign Intelligence Entity.

d. Reporting contacts with foreign nationals under specific circumstances outlined in 12 FAM 262 provides the Department with an early warning mechanism for protecting the security of the United States by identifying situations involving possible foreign intelligence activities directed against its employees and information.  However, the Department recognizes its requirement to ensure the privacy of employees and their freedom of association.

e. Reports generated by covered individuals as a result of requirements described in 12 FAM 273 and further clarified in 12 FAM 262 must be filed with the RSO abroad or DS/DO/CI domestically.  Individuals to whom these regulations apply must use Form DS-1887, Foreign Contact Report (available on MyData), to report all contacts for which reports are required.  If the official duty station is a U.S. mission or post abroad, the report must be submitted to either the RSO or PSO.  If the official duty station is in the United States, employees and contractors of the Department must send the Foreign Contact Report to DS/DO/CI via MyData.  Form DS-1887 is encrypted when transmitted and is as secure as any online banking transaction an employee may conduct via the Internet.  A paper copy of Form DS-1887 may be scanned and submitted to ContactReports@state.gov when there is no access to the Department OpenNet.

12 FAM 273.5  Cohabitants, Intended Spouses, and Foreign National Roommates

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. All cohabitants (regardless of citizenship), intended spouses (regardless of citizenship), and foreign national roommates must be reported to DS/SI/PSS. (See definition of “cohabitant” and “foreign national roommate” in 12 FAM 271.2) Reporting cohabitants and intended spouses to DS/SI/PSS does not fulfill the obligation to obtain COM and RSO approval for residing in U.S. Government-provided housing.

b. When posted abroad, an employee or contractor must obtain approval from the COM or principal officer (PO) prior to beginning to cohabit with a foreign national or a U.S. citizen, including intended spouses and roommates, in U.S. Government-provided housing.  Seeking approval to cohabit in U.S. Government-provided housing is separate and distinct from declaring a member of household (MOH) to the COM pursuant to 3 FAM 4181.  An appropriate investigation by the RSO and approval to cohabit at post may be required to protect the safety of the post community and facilities.

c.  For all covered individuals, regardless of where the individual is posted, DS/SI/PSS must determine whether an intended spouse or living arrangement involving a foreign national will affect the covered individual’s eligibility for continued access to national security information, which is a determination that requires a background investigation.  DS/SI/PSS may request that the covered individual and/or his/her intended spouse, cohabitant, or foreign national roommate provide additional paperwork or information to make such a determination.  Abroad, the DS/SI/PSS determination occurs separate from COM approval.

d. Required data elements should be reported no less than 30 days in advance of cohabitation and/or marriage:

(1)  Name(s);

(2)  Citizenship(s);

(3)  Date of birth;

(4)  Place of birth;

(5)  Date of intended marriage (if applicable);

(6)  Occupation and employer;

(7)  Nature of relationship (e.g., roommate, relative, housekeeper/nanny, etc.);

(8)  Duration and frequency of contact(s);

(9)  Current status of the relationship(s);

(10) Date relationship was reported to COM or RSO;

(11) Current address;

(12) Employer, including address; and

(13) Contact Information (email and phone).

12 FAM 273.6  Foreign Activities

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

a. Covered individuals contemplating applying for foreign citizenship must report the following data elements when any act is initiated in furtherance of obtaining foreign citizenship:

(1)  Country;

(2)  Basis for citizenship;

(3)  Date of application; and

(4)  Date of receipt.

b. Covered individuals must also report the following data elements concerning application for, possession, or use of a foreign passport or identity card for travel:

(1)  Issuing country;

(2)  Date and reason of application;

(3)  Document number;

(4)  Dates of issuance and expiration;

(5)  Date and reason for possession; and

(6)  Date(s), country(ies), and reason(s) for use.

12 FAM 273.7  Other Reportable Information

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

Covered individuals must also report the following activities:

(1)  Attempted elicitation, exploitation, blackmail, coercion, or enticement to obtain classified information or other information specifically prohibited by law from disclosure regardless of means, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Date(s) of incident;

(b)  Name of individual(s) involved;

(c)  Nature of incident;

(d)  Method of contact;

(e)  Electronic address;

(f)   Type of information being sought; and

(g)  Background, circumstances and current state of the matter.

(2)  Media contacts, other than for official purposes, in which the media seeks access to classified information or other information specifically prohibited by law from disclosure, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Date(s) of contact;

(b)  Name of media outlet;

(c)  Name of media representative;

(d)  Nature and purpose of contact;

(e)  If classified information or other information specifically prohibited by law from disclosure was involved; and

(f)   Current status of the contact.

    NOTE: Covered individuals are not otherwise required to report media contacts related to the fulfillment of official duties of their position.

(3)  Any criminal charge of a felony; any criminal charge of a misdemeanor; any arrest (defined in 12 FAM 271.2); or any civil citation for possession of a controlled substance (defined in 12 FAM 271.2) regardless of the legality of the controlled substance under local or state law, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Date(s) of the incident;

(b)  Location(s) of the incident(s);

(c)  Charges and/or circumstances; and

(d)  Disposition.

    NOTE:  All reports must be made within 72 hours and are not to be delayed pending the conclusion of court proceedings or for any other reason.

(4)  Bankruptcy or over 120 days delinquency on any debt, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Type of issue;

(b)  Dollar value; and

(c)  Reason for the bankruptcy or delinquency.

(5)  Alcohol- and drug-related treatment, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Reason;

(b)  Treatment provider, to include contact information; and

(c)  Date(s) treatment provided.

    NOTE: Participation, progress, and/or successful completion of a treatment program are favorable factors that may mitigate security concerns relating to alcohol or drug consumption, involvement, and misuse.

12 FAM 274  Reporting Requirements for Individuals Who Have Access to Top Secret Information, Q Access, or Who Hold a Critical Special Sensitive Position

12 FAM 274.1  Applicability

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

In addition to the reporting in 12 FAM 273 above, covered individuals with access to Top Secret information, Q Access, or holding a Critical or Special Sensitive position are subject to the additional reporting requirements outlined in this section.

12 FAM 274.2  Foreign Activities

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

Covered individuals with access to Top Secret information, Q access, or holding a Critical or Special Sensitive position must report:

(1)  Direct involvement in a foreign business, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Nature of involvement;

(b)  Country/countries involved;

(c)  Name of business; and

(d)  Estimated value of the foreign business.

(2)  Foreign bank accounts, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Financial institution;

(b)  Country;

(c)  Estimated value of the foreign bank accounts; and

(d)  Reason(s) for owning the foreign bank accounts.

(3)  Ownership of foreign property, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Location;

(b)  Estimated value;

(c)  Balance due;

(d)  Purpose and use of property; and

(e)  How the foreign property was acquired.

(4)  Receipt of benefits or scholarships from a foreign government or entity. Provide:

(a)  Type of benefit or scholarship;

(b)  Estimated or known value (including stipends for incidentals, housing, health insurance, etc.);

(c)  How acquired;

(d)  Foreign government or entity provider;

(e)  Duration of receipt (beginning and ending dates).

(5)  Voting in a foreign election, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Date;

(b)  Foreign country; and

(c)  Type of election.

(6)  Adoption of non-U.S. citizen children, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Country involved;

(b)  Foreign government organization involved;

(c)  Foreign travel required;

(d)  Adoption agency or other intermediary; and

(e)  Adoptive parents' current linkage to foreign country.

12 FAM 274.3  Financial Issues and Anomalies

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

Covered individuals with access to Top Secret information, Q access, or holding a Critical or Special Sensitive position must also report:

(1)  Wage garnishment; and

(2)  Any unusual infusion of assets of $10,000 or greater, such as an inheritance, winnings, or similar financial gain, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Type of issue or anomaly (inheritance, gift, etc.);

(b)  Dollar value;

(c)  Reason for the issue or anomaly;

(d)  Source of infusion of assets; and

(e)  Date(s) of occurrence;

12 FAM 275  Reporting Requirements for Individuals who have Sensitive Compartmented Information Access

12 FAM 275.1  Applicability

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

These requirements apply in addition to those outlined in 12 FAM 273, and 12 FAM 274 to individuals authorized access to SCI.  In accordance with ICS 703-02, individuals indoctrinated for access to SCI incur a special and continuing security obligation to be aware of the risks associated with foreign intelligence operations and/or possible terrorist activities directed against them in the U.S. and abroad.  These individuals also have a responsibility to recognize and avoid personal behaviors and activities that may adversely impact their continued eligibility for access to SCI.  These individuals shall report to their Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) via the Personnel Reporting Tool or via email DSDirectorPSS@state.gov actual or planned involvement in any of the activities listed below prior to participation in such activities or as soon as possible following the start of their involvement.  Failure to comply with reporting requirements and resultant determinations made by DS/IS/SSO may result in administrative action to include, but not limited to, revocation of SCI access and denial of future SCI access approval and/or referral for disciplinary action.

12 FAM 275.2  Reportable Activities

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

Covered individuals with authorized access to SCI must report:

(1)  Full or part-time employment, business activities, or participation as an officer or director in an organization, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Name of employer, type of business activity, or name and type of organization;

(b)  Employer, activity, or organization address;

(c)  Point of contact;

(d)  Nature of employment, activity or participation, including duties and responsibilities;

(e)  Weekly hours involved;

(f)   Known foreign associations as a result of this employment; and

(g)  Potential incompatibility with the individual’s intelligence-related employment.

(2)  Any court appearances other than for official purposes, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Charges and/or circumstances;

(b)  Date(s);

(c)  Locations(s); and

(d)  Disposition.

(3)  Contemplated or actual disclosure of information that may contain or reveal intelligence or intelligence sources, methods, and activities, in either written or spoken form (e.g., speeches, books, articles, dissertations, resumes, Internet postings, social networking site, etc.), to include the following data elements:

(a)  Type of proposed public release;

(b)  Name of intended publisher;

(c)  Title of publication;

(d)  Proposed date of publication; and

(e)  Date of submission for pre-publication review.

    NOTE:  Disclosures must be reported to DS/IS/SSO and approved in advance. Additionally, employees should review 3 FAM 4170 Review of Public Speaking, Teaching, Writing, and Media Engagement and 10 FAM 130 Remarks and Writing for the Media or General Public for additional guidance on obtaining clearances from the Bureau of Global Public Affairs.

(5)  Unofficial visits to foreign diplomatic facilities and trade missions, to include the following data elements:

(a)  Country;

(b)  Name of foreign diplomatic facility or trade mission;

(c)  Address of foreign diplomatic facility or trade mission;

(d)  Purpose of intended visit;

(e)  Date(s) of intended visit; and

(f)   Source of invitation, if applicable.

12 FAM 276  Reporting Requirements Matrix

(CT:DS-372;   01-21-2022)

The below summarizes what is required to be reported by each level of security clearance/access to classified information and position sensitivity in accordance with this policy, SEAD-3, and ICS 703-02.  For specifics on exactly what must be reported, please see the individual FAM provisions above.

All Security Clearance Levels


Sensitive Positions


12 FAM 273


Reportable Actions by Others

Certain unofficial foreign travel

Certain unofficial foreign contacts

Cohabitants (regardless of nationality)

Intended marriage (regardless of nationality)

Foreign national roommates

Applying for foreign citizenship

Applying for, possessing, or using a foreign passport or identity card for travel

Attempted elicitation, exploitation, blackmail, coercion, or enticement to obtain classified information or other protected information

Media contacts, other than for official purposes, where media seeks access to classified or protected information

Arrests, criminal charges, and civil citations for possession of controlled substances

Bankruptcy or over 120 days delinquency on any debt

Alcohol- or drug-related treatment

Top Secret or Q Access


Critical Sensitive Position


12 FAM 274


All the above

Involvement in a foreign business or ownership of foreign bank accounts or foreign property

Voting in a foreign election

Adoption of non-U.S. citizen children

Financial anomalies (in addition to above), including garnishment and any unusual infusion of assets of $10,000 or greater such as an inheritance, winnings, or similar financial gain.

SCI Access


Special Sensitive Position


12 FAM 275

All the above

Full or part-time employment, business activities, or participation as an officer or director in an organization

Court appearances other than for official purposes

Unofficial visits to foreign diplomatic facilities or trade missions

Contemplated or actual disclosure of information that may contain or reveal intelligence or intelligence sources, methods, activities