12 FAM 500
12 FAM 510
Safeguarding National Security and other Sensitive information
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
(Office of Origin: DS/SI/IS)
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
12 FAM 511.1 Applicability
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
a. Unless otherwise noted, 12 FAM 500 applies to all national security and sensitive information that is owned by, originated by, produced by or for, or under the control of Foreign Affairs Agencies, at any and all Department-controlled locations regardless of physical form. For purposes of this FAM chapter, Foreign Affairs Agencies include:
(1) The Department of State;
(2) The United States Agency for International Development (USAID);
(3) The United States International Development Finance Corporation (DFC);
(4) The Trade and Development Program (USTDA); and
(5) All other executive branch agency personnel located under the jurisdiction of a chief of mission.
b. Nothing in these regulations supersedes any requirement related to “Restricted Data” in the Atomic Energy Act of August 30, 1954, as amended, or Department of Energy regulations.
c. Sensitive compartmented information (SCI), special access programs (SAPs), and communications security (COMSEC) information must be processed and controlled in accordance with applicable national authorities, directives, and policies. (See 12 FAM 530.)
12 FAM 511.2 Authorities
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
(Uniform State, AID, DFC, USTDA)
a. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
b. Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information.
c. Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)—32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2003, Directive No. 1.
d. The Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, Public Law No. 99-399, codified at 22 U.S.C. 4802, et seq., as amended.
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
a. E.O. 13526 provides that the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) must issue directives necessary to implement the Order, under the direction of the Archivist of the United States and in consultation with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
b. The ISOO Director has issued a directive (32 CFR Part 2001) that sets forth, in detail, procedures for implementing various provisions of the Order. This subchapter reflects many of the requirements of the ISOO directive.
c. Code of Federal Regulations may be found at the National Archives web site.
12 FAM 512.1 Responsibilities
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
12 FAM 512.1-1 Senior Agency Officials
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
a. Individuals occupying the following positions are designated as senior agency officials for purposes of this chapter:
(1) Department of State:
(a) The Secretary has designated the Under Secretary for Management (M) to be the Senior Agency Official. M further designated that the Bureau of Administration (A) and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) share the responsibility for implementation of E.O. 13526.
(b) DS is responsible for all aspects of protecting and safeguarding classified information and special access programs, to include SCI.
(c) A Bureau is responsible for other aspects of implementing E.O. 13526, including the classification, declassification, and marking of information classified under the Order as well as training and guidance in classification and declassification. (See 5 FAM 480.)
(2) USAID: USAID Office of Security;
(3) DFC: Vice President, Office of Administrative Services; and
(4) USTDA: Assistant Director for Management.
b. Senior agency officials have the primary responsibility of overseeing their respective agency’s information security program. This includes the requirement to:
(1) Ensure the protection from unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including intelligence information;
(2) Review proposed classified disclosures of an exceptional nature bearing upon issues of concern to the Congress and the public;
(3) Establish a security awareness program to educate employees concerning their duties and responsibilities with regard to the requirements of E.O. 13526;
(4) Receive and take appropriate action on suggestions and complaints with respect to the agency’s administration of the program;
(5) Provide guidance concerning corrective or disciplinary action in unusually important cases involving unauthorized disclosure; and
(6) Maintain liaison with the Director, ISOO, and report as required by E.O. 13526.
12 FAM 512.1-2 Supervisors
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
The responsibility for safeguarding classified information rests with each supervisor to the same degree that the supervisor is charged with functional responsibility for the organizational unit. While certain employees may be assigned specific security responsibilities, such as Top Secret control officer or unit security officer, it is nevertheless the basic responsibility of supervisors to ensure that classified material entrusted to their organizational unit is handled in accordance with the procedures required by these regulations. Each supervisor should ensure that no single employee is assigned an unreasonable amount of security responsibilities in addition to his or her usual administrative or functional duties.
12 FAM 512.1-3 Employees
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
Each employee having access to and/or possession of classified material is responsible for maintaining the security of such material. For the purposes of this policy, the term “employee” includes anyone who is certified and/or authorized access to classified information by virtue of a contract, consulting agreement, detail, grant, appointment to an advisory panel, or otherwise. Each employee must meet the requirements of a “cleared U.S. citizen” (see 12 FAM 013) for access to classified information.
12 FAM 512.1-4 Regional, Post, Bureau, or Unit Security Officers
(CT:DS-415; 08-29-2023)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
Employees assigned as regional, post, bureau or unit security officers have the supervisory and/or the oversight responsibility to ensure that classified material entrusted to their organizational unit is handled in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this volume. (See 12 FAM 423.)
12 FAM 512.2 Evaluations, Surveys, and Inspections
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
(Uniform State, USAID, DFC, USTDA)
The executive director of each bureau and each regional security officer (RSO) must maintain the program designed to ensure compliance with the provisions of these regulations. The executive director is responsible for ensuring that the bureau has a designated security officer and must work with that officer to ensure all employees are aware of the security requirements. Within USAID, the Office of Security is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the USAID Information Security Program and ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met.
12 FAM 513 Insider Threat PROGRAM
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
12 FAM 513.1 Policy and Purpose
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
a. Executive Order 13587, Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information, dated October 7, 2011, requires all U.S. Government executive branch departments and agencies to establish an Insider Threat Program (ITP) for deterring, detecting, and mitigating insider threats, including the safeguarding of classified information from exploitation, compromise, or other unauthorized disclosure.
b. An insider is defined by the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards as, “[a]ny person with authorized access to any United States Government resource to include personnel, facilities, information, equipment, networks or systems.” This includes employees, defined as, “a person, other than the President and Vice President, employed by, detailed or assigned to, a department or agency, including members of the Armed Forces; an expert or consultant to a department or agency; an industrial or commercial contractor, licensee, certificate holder, or grantee of a department or agency, including all subcontractors; a personal services contractor; or any other category of person who acts for or on behalf of a department or agency as determined by the appropriate department or agency head.”
c. Insider threat is defined by the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards as, “[t]he threat that an insider will use her/his authorized access, wittingly or unwittingly, to do harm to the security of the United States. This threat can include damage through espionage, terrorism, unauthorized disclosure of national security information, or through the loss or degradation of departmental resources or capabilities.” As noted in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, insider threat may also include a person who has, or once had, authorized access and wittingly or unwittingly commits “a destructive act, which may include physical harm to another in the workplace.” The ITP, therefore, focuses on the trusted insider who misuses his or her access to do damage to the Department.
d. The purpose of the ITP is to effectively and efficiently:
(1) Increase the awareness of current and former employees to the vulnerabilities associated with the insider threat;
(2) Deter employees from becoming insider threats;
(3) Detect employees who pose an insider threat risk;
(4) Provide enhanced protection of classified and sensitive but unclassified information;
(5) Identify the threat of or acts of workplace violence and coordinate with the appropriate office to prevent or mitigate that threat;
(6) Identify employees on the critical path (“A common set of factors and a similar pattern of individual and organizational behavior,” Application of the Critical-Path Method, Shaw and Sellers 2015) and coordinate with the appropriate office to provide mitigation methods to avoid incidents; and
(7) Mitigate the risks to the Department’s personnel, facilities, and information using training and administrative measures; and by making referrals to the appropriate office.
e. The ITP is based on the key pillars of:
(1) Deterring harmful behavior;
(2) Detecting anomalous activity or conduct;
(3) Mitigating through data sources; and
(4) Utilizing these data points for analytical and response support.
f. To ensure ITP activities are conducted in accordance with legal authorities and to ensure that any legal, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties issues are appropriately addressed, Department legal counsel and privacy and civil liberties officials will be consulted regularly. The acquisition and use of personal information to detect and prevent insider threats is authorized under the E.O. 13587, the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards, and other national policies. Collected information is subject to oversight by civil liberties and privacy authorities to ensure that personally identifiable information is only gathered and used for legitimate and authorized purposes; such information must be strictly controlled within the ITP and in accordance with all record retention policies.
12 FAM 513.2 Applicability
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
The ITP authorities are applicable to all Department personnel, to include employees, interns, contractors, and anyone under chief of mission (COM) authority, as well as any individuals who access Department facilities and/or information. The goal of the ITP is to manage the risk of harm by an insider.
12 FAM 513.3 Authorities
(CT:DS-373; 01-25-2022)
The ITP implements the following national policies, orders, directives, and memoranda, and refers to the following guides in implementing the program:
(1) Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, Public Law No. 99-399, codified at 22 U.S.C. 4801, et seq. as amended;
(2) 44 U.S. Code Chapter 35, Subchapter II — Information Security, as amended;
(3) 18 U.S. Code Chapter 37 — Espionage and Censorship, as amended;
(4) Section 811 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 1995, Public Law Number 103-359, 50 U.S.C. 402a;
(5) Executive Order 13587, Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information, dated October 7, 2011;
(6) Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, dated December 29, 2009;
(7) Executive Order 13467, Reforming Processes Related to Suitability for Government Employment, Fitness for Contract Employees, and Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security Information, dated June 30, 2008, as amended;
(8) Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information, dated August 2, 1995, as amended;
(9) Executive Order 12829, National Industrial Security Program, dated January 6, 1993;
(10) White House Memorandum, National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs, dated November 21, 2012;
(11) White House Memorandum, Early Detection of Espionage and Other Intelligence Activities Through Identification and Referral of Anomalies, August 23, 1996;
(12) Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-12 Security Awareness and Reporting Foreign Contacts, August 5, 1993;
(13) National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF), 2014 Guide to Accompany the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards, dated September 2014;
(14) NITTF 2017 Insider Threat Guide: A Compendium of Best Practices to Accompany the National Insider Threat Minimum Standards, dated 2017;
(15) NITTF Insider Threat Program Maturity Framework, dated November 2018; and
(16) Committee on National Security Systems Directive (CNSSD) No. 504, Directive on Protecting National Security Systems from Insider Threat, dated February 4, 2014.
12 FAM 513.4 Program Management
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The Office of the Under Secretary for Management (M) designated the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) as the primary Department entity for execution and oversight of E.O. 13587 and the Insider Threat Program (ITP). The DS Assistant Secretary (A/S) designated the Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Cyber and Technology Security (DS/CTS), DAS for Domestic Operations (DS/DO), and the Senior Coordinator for Security Infrastructure (DS/SI) as the Senior Officials with the principal responsibility to provide management, accountability, resources, and oversight of the ITP in accordance with E.O. 13587.
12 FAM 513.4-1 Senior Officials’ Responsibilities
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The Senior Officials will:
a. Establish, maintain, and update a comprehensive ITP and Insider Threat implementation plan for the Department, and ensure the policies and procedures are in accordance with national policies and interagency guidance;
b. Provide annual reports to Department leadership on the progress and status of the ITP. This report should include:
(1) Accomplishments;
(2) Resource allocation;
(3) Program goals;
(4) Challenges; and/or
(5) Metrics.
c. Establish oversight mechanisms and procedures to ensure proper handling of insider threat related information, including restricting access to only authorized personnel who require the information to perform their authorized duties;
d. Provide program management oversight, approve/deny recommendations from the Insider Threat Analytical Cell (ITAC), other matters presented during the Insider Threat Hub, or directly from the Insider Threat Program Director; and
e. Direct the Insider Threat Program Director to manage issues under the mission, vision, and authorities as they pertain to E.O. 13587, as well as oversight and management of staffing, resources, policy, and other logistical and operational aspects of the program.
12 FAM 513.4-2 Insider Threat Program Responsibilities
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The Insider Threat Program will:
(1) Be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the ITP, including deterrence, detection, and mitigation of insider threat related issues;
(2) Provide oversight in the conduct of Insider Threat Inquiries and ensure all matters are in compliance with applicable laws and policies, including but not limited to privacy and civil liberty protections, records retention and documentation, and appropriate Department and Bureau responsibilities;
(3) Represent the Bureau and/or Department on matters as they relate to the Insider Threat Program;
(4) Represent the Department on interagency forums related to ITP;
(5) Act as an advocate and liaison for the program to public and private partners to ensure development and collaboration efforts;
(6) Ensure compliance with all Insider Threat-related policies, to include E.O. 13587, the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards, and any current or future mandates;
(7) Manage the operations of the Insider Threat Analytical Cell; and
(8) Report regularly to the Senior Officials and other Department Leadership regarding ITP policies, procedures, efforts, and inquiries for oversight and support.
12 FAM 513.4-3 Insider Threat Program Board
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
a. The Insider Threat Program Board is comprised of representatives from the following bureaus or offices:
(1) Bureau of Administration (A);
(2) Diplomatic Security (DS);
(3) Global Talent Management (GTM);
(4) Intelligence and Research (INR);
(5) Diplomatic Technology (DT);
(6) Office of the Legal Adviser (L);
(7) Bureau of Medical Services (MED);
(8) Office of the Inspector General (OIG); and
(9) Other Departmental offices and U.S. agencies as necessary.
b. The Insider Threat Program Board will:
(1) Provide policy and practical advice and guidance to the Senior Officials;
(2) Ensure that policies, guidance, and operational activities are conducted in accordance with standing legal and privacy laws, regulations, and directives; and
(3) Review programmatic and operational issues discovered during the course of Insider Threat inquiries and propose resolutions.
12 FAM 513.4-4 Insider Threat Hub
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
a. The Insider Threat Hub is the centralized board to receive briefings on Insider Threat Inquiries and review mitigation recommendations from the program director.
b. The Insider Threat Hub is comprised of the Insider Threat Senior Officials, Insider Threat Program Director, ITP staff, and stakeholders from the following offices:
(1) Bureau of Administration (A);
(2) Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS);
(3) Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM);
(4) Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR);
(5) Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (DT);
(6) Office of the Legal Adviser (L);
(7) Office of Civil Rights (OCR); and
(8) Bureau of Medical Services (MED).
c. Based on the nature of the incident, the stakeholders may recommend additional action, as it relates to the scope of their office or program.
12 FAM 513.4-5 Insider Threat Analytical Cell
(CT:DS-427; 07-16-2024)
The Insider Threat Analytical Cell (ITAC) will:
a. Be responsible for intake of insider threat reports of anomalous behavior and/or activity, documentation of actions, analysis of relevant information, and recommendation to the Insider Threat Program Director and/or Senior Officials;
b. Act as the initial processing point for potential insider threat information gathered through reporting capabilities and data sources;
c. Use reporting capabilities and data sources to detect anomalous incidents and behavior; document activities and provide analysis through the use of designated data sources outlined in 12 FAM 513.3-7;
d. Refer all data and analytics to the appropriate action office to support the mitigation process for anomalous insider threat behaviors, including recommendations for action to expand the inquiry to resolve the inquiry;
e. Maintain open communication with action offices to provide and receive regular updates on inquiries of insider threat behavior and/or incidents, as determined by the action office director;
f. Meet regularly with other offices to provide updates and recommend actions on insider threat inquiries;
g. Coordinate with subject matter experts trained in relevant topics and regulations as they relate to insider threat issues, including but not limited to the following areas of expertise:
(1) Counterintelligence, law enforcement, and security fundamentals;
(2) Administrative and criminal misconduct;
(3) Department procedures and policies;
(4) Applicable laws and regulations regarding the gathering, integration, retention, and disposition of records and documents collected through the insider threat inquiry process;
(5) Applicable civil liberties and privacy laws, regulations, and policies; and
(6) The investigative referral requirements based on the authorities of other Department offices and government agencies.
h. The ITAC will be comprised of the Insider Threat Program Director, ITP Staff, and stakeholders from the following offices:
(1) Office of Counterintelligence (DS/DO/CI);
(2) Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI);
(3) Office of Protective Intelligence (DS/TIA/PII);
(4) Office of Personnel Security and Suitability (DS/SI/PSS);
(5) Office of Cyber Threats and Investigations (DS/CTS/CTI);
(6) Office of the Legal Adviser (L/M/DS); and
(7) Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR).
i. For incidents requiring urgent attention, the ITP, with the notification of at least one senior official, may convene an “Expanded ITAC,” which may include additional offices from the ITP Hub and/or parties involved (e.g., supervisor, bureau executive office) to discuss an incident that warrants immediate action. If such an incident involves suspected or potential criminal activity, the ITP will consult with the appropriate investigative office and obtain approval for the inclusion of non-investigative entities. Examples of incidents that may warrant immediate action include:
(1) Report(s) of increased risk of harm to persons, facilities, or information;
(2) Escalating displays of insider threat indicators; and
(3) Incidents requiring an immediate and coordinated mitigation response.
12 FAM 513.4-6 Insider Threat Deterrence Program
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The Insider Threat Deterrence Program will:
a. Develop and implement awareness and education materials and training on insider threat related issues for personnel;
b. Provide in-person awareness briefings and computer-based trainings, to promote detection and reporting of insider threat related activities or incidents;
c. Coordinate with appropriate offices on Department-wide required trainings, to include but not limited to Counterintelligence (CI) and Insider Threat Awareness Training and Cybersecurity Awareness Training; and
d. Act as a liaison with the NITTF, U.S. Government agencies, and other public/private sector partners on educational and awareness related materials.
12 FAM 513.4-7 Access to Information
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The Insider Threat Program will:
a. Collaborate with relevant Department bureaus, offices, and partners to request all relevant data sources necessary to perform insider threat analysis;
b. Facilitate the sharing of data sources for insider threat inquiries and establish procedures for obtaining this information, consistent with applicable law, policy, and regulation. Data sources include:
(1) Department Records to include human resources and/or security records, as determined by the office director;
(2) User activity monitoring data collected and analyzed to assist in identifying abnormal behavior related to the actions of a workstation user, including the use and access to applications, services, networks, and data in the IT environment;
(3) All relevant network information to include but not limited to:
(a) Personnel usernames;
(b) Levels of network access;
(c) Unauthorized use of removable media;
(d) Network or system logs; and
(e) Other data relevant to the insider threat inquiry.
(4) Open source information - Publicly available information acquired to mitigate an insider threat inquiry specifically to include but not limited to:
(a) Social media activity;
(b) Blogs or electronic postings; and
(c) News outlet reports.
NOTE: This does not include unauthorized data mining of information and is in accordance with current and applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policy;
c. Establish procedures for access requests, and the protection of the information received, by the ITP involving particularly sensitive or protected information, which may require access be provided upon the request of the Senior Officials, such as:
(1) Medical records; and
(2) Information held by special access, law enforcement, inspector general, or other investigative sources or programs.
d. Ensure the ITP has timely access, as otherwise permitted, to available U.S. Government intelligence and counterintelligence reporting information and analytic products pertaining to adversarial threats.
12 FAM 513.4-8 Monitoring User Activity on Networks
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The Insider Threat Program shall:
(1) Utilize and ensure maintenance of a capability to monitor user activity on Department-managed networks at all security domains to detect activity indicative of insider threat behavior, in consultation with the Office of the Legal Adviser (L) and the privacy office;
(2) Implement agreements with service providers within the Department to provide timely and accurate reports acquired from the user activity monitoring (UAM) to the ITP;
(3) Ensure adherence to policies and procedures for properly protecting, interpreting, storing, and limiting dissemination of UAM information and UAM methods to authorized personnel;
(4) Ensure, together with the relevant offices, all users with access to Department systems are properly notified and have acknowledged their activity on any agency network or system, to include on Government portable electronic devices, is subject to monitoring and could be used against them in a criminal, security, or administrative proceeding; and
(5) Ensure classified and unclassified network banners are employed within the Department, informing users that the network is being monitored for lawful U.S. Government-authorized purposes, which can result in criminal, security, or administrative actions.
12 FAM 513.4-9 Protective Measures for Sensitive Data Collection
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
All ITP employees, stakeholders, and partners shall ensure the protection of all information, documents, files, and other materials related to an insider threat concern. This includes subject and source identity, accusations of concerning behavior, acknowledgement of other office investigation, and anything potentially damaging to the process, inquiry, or subject:
(1) All information and supporting materials obtained and/or documented in the course of an insider threat action should be held in accordance with current and applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policy;
(2) Oversight mechanisms and procedures shall be followed to ensure the proper handling and safeguarding of records and data, including restriction of access to sensitive information, and will be shared only with ITP employees, stakeholders, and partners with a need-to-know to perform their authorized functions;
(3) ITP policies and procedures will be approved and overseen by the Senior Officials, in coordination with L, Administration Bureau's Privacy Division (A/GIS/IPS/PRV), and any other relevant office to confirm that legal, civil liberties, and privacy protections are properly incorporated and adhered to by ITP employees and stakeholders; and
(4) Any information collected or created by the ITP will follow the Department’s record retention policies to ensure the proper protection, as outlined in 5 FAM 430 and 5 FAM 460 and the Department’s System of Record Notices (SORNs).
12 FAM 513.5 Employee Responsibilities
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
All employees have a responsibility and obligation to protect Department personnel, information, facilities and systems and should be aware of the following:
(1) Indicators of insider threat behavior, to include but not limited to:
(a) Inappropriately seeks or obtains proprietary or classified information on subjects not related to their work duties;
(b) Unnecessarily copies material;
(c) Remotely accesses the computer network while on vacation, sick leave, or at other odd times;
(d) Disregards Department policies;
(e) Works odd hours without authorization;
(f) Unreported foreign contacts (particularly with foreign government officials, intelligence officials, or critical threat nationals) or unreported or frequent overseas travel;
(g) Unexplained affluence; buys things that they cannot afford on their household income;
(h) Overwhelmed by life crises or career disappointments; and
(i) Concern they are being investigated.
(2) The importance of detecting insider threats prior to an incident occurring;
(3) Procedures to report such behavior;
(a) OpenNet (Unclassified) E-mail: InsiderThreatReporting@state.gov;
(b) ClassNet E-mail: InsiderThreatReporting@state.sgov.gov;
(c) JWICS E-mail: InsiderThreatReporting@ic.state.gov;
(d) ITP Intranet Site Reporting Form;
(e) In-person Reports to ITP; and
(f) Reports of behavior to security officer, requesting referral to insider threat.
(4) The importance of reporting other suspected activity to the appropriate action office or security officer, requesting referral to the appropriate action office, i.e.:
(a) Employee Misconduct: Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI);
(b) Espionage: Office of Counterintelligence;
(c) Threats, or potential threats, to Department personnel: Office of Protective Intelligence (DS/TIA/PII).
(5) Methodologies used by adversaries to recruit trusted insiders and collect classified information; and
(6) Security reporting requirements, including:
(a) Foreign Travel and Contact Reporting (12 FAM 262.2);
(b) Personnel Security and Suitability reportable actions (12 FAM 270).
12 FAM 513.6 Employee Training and Awareness
(CT:DS-401; 03-08-2023)
The ITP will ensure the following training and awareness requirements:
(1) Mandatory insider threat awareness training will, at a minimum, be provided to all employees within 30 days of entering on duty (EOD) or following the granting of access to classified information, and annually thereafter, and will address the following:
(a) Explain the significance and impact of Executive Order 13587;
(b) Explain what constitutes an insider threat;
(c) Explain why it is important to detect potential insider threats;
(d) Identify the indicators of insider threat behavior;
(e) Identify the phases of recruiting trusted insiders; and
(f) Explain the procedures to report a suspected insider threat.
(2) An internal network site is established and made available to all authorized users of the network to provide insider threat reference material, including indicators of insider threat behavior, applicable reporting requirements and procedures, and provide a secure electronic means of reporting matters to the ITP office;
(3) In-person briefings for Department bureaus and offices, upon request, to provide in-depth coverage of the Program and mission;
(4) Assistance to overseas and domestic posts and facilities to provide strong defensive educational programs for employees and others under COM authority; and
(5) The Department continues to expand, enhance, and augment its threat briefings and related user awareness products on the nature and scope of insider threats.
12 FAM 514 through 519 UNASSIGNED