12 FAM 620 


(CT:DS-427;   07-16-2024)

(Office of Origin:  DS/CTS)


(DT:DS-427;   07-23-2024)

a. To establish the minimum mandatory security policies for managing risk that results from threats and vulnerabilities that could impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) and non-sensitive unclassified information and application systems that support the operations and assets of the Department.

b. The National Institute of Standards (NIST), Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 200, Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems, mandates all agencies implement these policies.  These policies align with the NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Revision 4.

c.  Per the NIST FIPS 199, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems, the Department must categorize its information/application systems as either: Low [L], Moderate [M] or High [H] Impact (See 12 FAH-10 H-332).  The applicability of the security controls listed below depends on the impact level assigned to the system.  For example, if the paragraph has [L,M,H] at the end, it means that the control applies to all systems.  An [M] at the end indicates that the control only applies to moderate impact systems.  For more information on whether your system is categorized as [L], [M], or [H], see the system owner or contact the Office of Information Assurance (DT/IA).

d. The Directorate of Cyber and Technology Security (DS/CTS), in coordination with DT/IA, will annually review and update, as necessary, the security policies in this subchapter.

NOTE:  NIST SP 800-53 security control identifiers may appear at the end of a section heading (e.g., PS-1).

12 FAM 622  SCOPE

(CT:DS-427;   07-16-2024)

a. The entities (e.g., system owners, system administrators, users), who manage, administer, support, protect or access Department information systems must adhere to the policies in this subchapter.

b. Abroad, Department information systems users must also comply with the Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) Standards (See 12 FAH-6 H-540).

c.  Mainframe information systems users must also comply with the Systems Integrity Division (DT/FO/ITI/SI)-issued mainframe operational procedures and guidance.

12 FAM 623  cybersecurity policies

(CT:DS-427;   07-16-2024)

12 FAM 623.1  Access Control Policy (AC-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must securely control and limit [L,M,H]:

(1)  Access to Department information systems;

(2)  Use of wireless technology within Department facilities and the wireless processing and/or transmission of Department information;

(3)  Use of mobile devices (e.g., laptops, smartphones) within Department facilities and the processing and/or transmission of Department information on mobile devices;

(4)  Use of non-Department owned information systems (e.g., contractor laptops, personal smartphones) within Department facilities and the processing and/or transmission of Department information on such devices;

(5)  Connectivity between Department information systems and non-Department information systems; and the extension of Department information systems to offsite locations;

(6)  Use of stand-alone facsimile (FAX) equipment and FAX gateway/servers; and

(7)  Use of digital copiers, printers and senders (DCPS) as well as any other multi-function devices.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-110 implement the Department’s Access Control Policy [L,M,H].

c.  The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-150 implement the Department’s Wireless Policy [L,M,H].

d. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-160 implement the Department’s Mobile Device Policy [L,M,H].

e. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-170 implement the Department’s Remote Access and Remote Processing Policy [L,M,H].

f.  The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-180 implement the Department’s Unclassified DCPS Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.2  Audit and Accountability Policy (AU-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must create, protect, and retain information system audit records to [L,M,H]:

(1)  Enable monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of unlawful, unauthorized, or inappropriate information system activity;

(2)  Meet regulatory and organizational information retention requirements; and

(3)  Ensure that information system users’ actions are uniquely traceable to hold them individually accountable for their actions.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-120 implement the Department’s Audit and Accountability Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.3  Identification and Authentication Policy (IA-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must ensure that Department information systems employ identification and authentication processes [L,M,H].

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-130 implement the Department’s Identification and Authentication Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.4  Systems and Communications Protection Policy (SC-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must monitor, control, and protect Department communications (e.g., incoming and outgoing transmissions) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of Department information systems [L,M,H].

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-140 implement the Department’s Systems and Communications Protection Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.5  Cybersecurity Awareness and Training Policy (AT-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must ensure that [L,M,H]:

(1)  Users of Department information systems are made aware of the security risks associated with their activities and Department policies and procedures related to the security of Department information systems; and

(2)  Department personnel having significant information system security roles and responsibilities are adequately trained to carry out their assigned information security-related duties and responsibilities.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-210 implement the Department’s Cybersecurity Awareness and Training Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.6  Configuration Management Policy (CM-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Establish and maintain baseline configurations and inventories of Department information systems (including hardware, software, firmware, and documentation) throughout the respective system development life cycles;

(2)  Enforce security configuration settings for information technology products employed in Department information systems; and

(3)  Enforce software installation and usage restrictions on Department information systems.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-220 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Configuration Management Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.7  Contingency Planning Policy (CP-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must establish, maintain, and effectively implement plans for emergency response, backup operations, and post-disaster recovery for Department information systems to ensure the availability of critical information resources and continuity of operations in emergency situations [L,M,H].

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-230 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Contingency Planning Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.8  Incident Response Policy (IR-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Establish an incident handling capability for Department information systems that includes adequate preparation, detection, analysis, containment, recovery, and user response activities; and

(2)  Track, document, and report incidents to appropriate internal/external authorities.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-240 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Incident Response Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.9  System Maintenance Policy (MA-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must perform and document periodic and timely maintenance on Department information systems, and provide effective controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct information system maintenance [L,M,H].

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-250 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s System Maintenance Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.10  Media Protection Policy (MP-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Protect information system media from unauthorized access;

(2)  Mark media, as appropriate; and

(3)  Sanitize information system media before disposal or reuse.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-260 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Media Protection Policy.

NOTE:  The security requirements for the protection of hard-copy information (e.g., paper) can be found in 12 FAM 540 [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.11  Physical and Environmental Protection Policy (PE-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Protect Department information systems and media from unauthorized physical access and environmental hazards; and

(2)  Provide Department information systems with the appropriate environmental controls and supporting utilities.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-270 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Physical and Environmental Protection Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.12  Personnel Security Policy (PS-1)

(TL:DS-257;   05-18-2016)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Ensure that individuals accessing Department information systems meet established personnel security requirements;

(2)  Ensure that individuals occupying sensitive information system- related positions (e.g., system administrators) meet established personnel security criteria for those positions;

(3)  Ensure that Department information systems are protected after terminations and transfers of personnel; and

(4)  Employ formal sanctions for personnel failing to comply with Department security policies, controls and procedures.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-280 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Personnel Security for Access Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.13  System and Information Integrity Policy (SI-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Implement flaw remediation; malicious code and spam protection processes;

(2)  Monitor Department information systems and National-level information system security alerts and advisories; and

(3)  Verify the integrity of Department information systems.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-290 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s System and Information Integrity Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.14  System Assessment and Authorization Policy (CA-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Continuously monitor and periodically assess the security controls in Department information systems to determine whether or not controls are effective in their application;

(2)  Develop and implement Plans of Action and Milestones (POAMs) to correct deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in Department information systems;

(3)  Authorize the operation of Department information systems and any associated information system connections; and

(4)  Perform penetration testing.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-310 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s System Assessment and Authorization Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.15  Security Planning Policy (PL-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Ensure that Department information systems have system security plans;

(2)  Provide rules of behavior for Department information system users; and

(3)  Develop an information system security architecture.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-320 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Security Planning Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.16  Risk Assessment Policy (RA-1)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must categorize, perform risk assessments, and perform vulnerability scanning on Department information systems [L,M,H].

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-330 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Risk Assessment Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.17  System and Services Acquisition Policy (SA)

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must [L,M,H]:

(1)  Allocate sufficient resources to protect Department information systems;

(2)  Employ security engineering principles, system development life cycle processes, acquisition processes, and supply chain protection processes that incorporate information system security;

(3)  Obtain the necessary information system documentation;

(4)  Ensure that external information system services comply with Department information system security policies, procedures and controls; and

(5)  Ensure that information system developers employ configuration management; security testing and evaluation; provide security training on the information system; and employ security architecture and design principles.

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-340 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s System and Services Acquisition Policy [L,M,H].

12 FAM 623.18  File Transfer Policy

(TL:DS-243;  12-04-2015)

a. The Department must securely control and limit file transfers on Department information systems [L,M,H].

b. The minimum mandatory security controls listed in 12 FAH-10 H-710 provide implementation requirements for the Department’s Data Transfer Policy [L,M,H].