14 FAM 430

Managing official vehicles at posts abroad

(CT:LOG-409;   02-06-2025)
(Office of Origin:  A/GO)


14 FAM 431.1  Scope

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The policies in this subchapter govern the use of official vehicles at overseas posts and explain requirements for managing the mission fleet program and the life cycle for official armored and unarmored vehicles at posts.

b. U.S. Department of State motor vehicles provided to contractors (i.e., government-furnished property (GFP)), provided to grantees or contractor-acquired property (CAP), are not covered under this FAM section (41 CFR 102-36).

c.  Requests for information on these policies may be directed in writing to the parent agency offices below:

(1)  State:  Director, Global Fleet Division (A/GO/SP/GF);

(2)  USAID/Washington:  Bureau for Management, Management Services Office, Overseas Management Division (USAID/W - M/MS/OMD);

(3)  Commerce:  International Trade Administration, U.S. and Foreign Commercial Services, Office of International Operations, Overseas Property Manager;

(4)  Agriculture:  Foreign Agricultural Service; Office of Foreign Service Operations; International Services Division;

(5)  USAGM:  For overseas transmitting stations and technical monitoring offices - Office of Technology, Services and Innovation, Operations and Stations Division (T/EOS); for VOA Correspondents – Central News (VOA/N); and

(6)  Other agencies under chief-of-mission (COM) authority:  logisticspolicyquery@state.gov (A/GO/SP/PPA/POL).

14 FAM 431.2  Authorities

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

The authorities for this subchapter include:

(1)  40 U.S.C., "Public Buildings, Property and Works," Chapter 175 - "Federal Motor Vehicle Expenditure Control" (includes 40 U.S.C. 17501 through 40 U.S.C. 17510), requires oversight, cost analysis of motor vehicle operations, and related reporting requirements;

(2)  22 U.S.C. 2700, "Use of vehicles," provides authority to the principal officer of a Foreign Service post to provide for the use of U.S. Government-owned or leased vehicles located at the post for transportation of U.S. Government employees and their families when public transportation is unsafe or not available or when such use is advantageous to the U.S. Government;

(3)  22 U.S.C. 1474(4) provides authority for the Department to pay for insurance on official motor vehicles in foreign locations;

(4)  22 U.S.C. 2396(a)(5) and 22 U.S.C. 2396(a)(9) provide for the purchase of an equal number of replacement passenger motor vehicles for administrative purposes outside the United States and for obtaining insurance for official motor vehicles acquired for use in foreign countries;

(5)  31 U.S.C. 1344, "Passenger carrier use," prohibits the use of a U.S. Government-owned or leased vehicle for other than official use and limits transportation between residences and places of employment;

(6)  31 U.S.C. 3512, "Executive agency accounting and other financial management reports and plans" requires five-year plans and internal controls providing for effective control and accountability for assets; and

(7)  22 U.S.C. 3927(b), "Chief of mission" requires agencies under chief-of-mission authority to ensure employees comply fully with all applicable directives of the chief of mission.

(8)  22 U.S.C. 4802 (a)(2)(D), the Secretary of State's development and implementation of technical and physical security programs, including armored vehicles.

14 FAM 431.3  Other Guidance

(CT:LOG-258;   04-05-2019)
(USAID/Commerce/Agriculture Only)

a. U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS) Operations Manual Section 521, Official Vehicles for Use Abroad, provides specialized guidance on the request, use, purchase, disposal, and inventory of vehicles.

b. Foreign Agriculture Service Overseas Administrative Handbook, Section 9, Official Vehicles, provides specialized guidance on the request, use, purchase, disposal, and inventory of vehicles.

c.  USAID ADS 536, Use and Control of Official Vehicles, provides guidance to post personnel.

14 FAM 431.4  Definitions

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

Certified safe driving instructor:  An employee or contractor certified by the Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management in the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO/OPS/SHEM) to train operators in safe driving techniques and behaviors.

Chauffeur:  An employee hired as a full-time driver by the Department or tenant agency who is under chief-of-mission (COM) authority.  Chauffeurs include motor pool drivers, dedicated drivers for designated mission personnel, and truck and bus drivers if hired mainly for the purpose of driving an official vehicle.

Dedicated vehicle:  Official vehicle funded by and dedicated to a program office or agency (e.g., DS, INL, OBO, etc.)

Emergency response vehicle (ERV):  A vehicle dedicated to the regional security office (RSO) for the purposes of emergency response.  When approved by the COM, DS special agents may utilize ERVs for home-to-work transportation, when necessary, to improve emergency response and for business purposes.  ERVs are recorded using ILMS Agency Code 98.

Federal Automotive Statistical Tool – Vehicle level Data (FAST-VLD):  Required reporting mechanism used by federal agencies to provide specific individual vehicle level data (VLD) every fiscal year.

Fleet Management Council (FMC) (State):  A Department of State-led advisory council comprised of representatives from regional and functional bureaus with vehicle fleet equities that advises domestic and overseas fleet management staff.  The Bureau of Administration chairs the FMC.

Fleet Management Information System (FMIS):  The Department's enterprise system for the management of all fleet operations, a module within the Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS), which captures key operational data on vehicle dispatch, maintenance, and fuel.  This system must be used for all vehicles captured under post's motor vehicle policy.

Fuel:  The energy source needed to power a vehicle.  Examples include, but are not limited to, petroleum, hydrogen, propane, and electricity.

Hands-free technology:  Auxiliary cellular telephone hardware that allows a user to initiate or receive phone calls without looking at or picking up the phone.  Such technology includes an interface that allows for:

(1)  Automatic connection to the cell phone;

(2)  Voice-activated dialing; and

(3)  Single-touch call initiation and answering.

Home:  The primary place where an employee resides and from which the employee commutes to the workplace.

Home-to-work (HTW) transportation:  Use of an official vehicle to transport employee from home to the workplace.  31 U.S.C. 1344 and 41 CFR 102.5 address the limited situations in which the Secretary may authorize HTW transportation.  At overseas posts, 22 U.S.C. 2700 allows the chief of mission (COM) to authorize such transportation in certain circumstances where such transportation may be required.

Incidental operator:  Authorized operators other than chauffeurs who have been authorized to operate or who operate an official vehicle incidental to their primary job duties.  Incidental operators may include personnel under chief-of-mission authority, contractors, or host nation or host government personnel authorized by the chief of mission.

Light truck:  A truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 3,856 kg (8,500 lbs) or less.

Mission vehicle accountable officer (MVAO):  A U.S. direct-hire employee who is designated in writing by the chief of mission as responsible for oversight of all motor vehicle operations at a mission to include constituent posts.

Motor vehicle:  Any vehicle, self-propelled or drawn by mechanical power, designed and operated principally for roadway transportation of property or passengers (41 CFR 102-34.35).

Motor Vehicle Safety Management Program (MVSMP):  Overseen by the Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management in the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations, the MVSMP sets forth safety regulations and guidelines for fleet operations.

Official vehicle:  Any motor vehicle or watercraft owned or leased by the Department of State or other U.S. Government Agency under chief-of-mission authority for transport of personnel and property in the conduct of U.S. Government business.  Any such vehicles should be included in post motor vehicle policies.

Operator:  Any driver of an official vehicle or a privately owned vehicle (POV) on official business.  Includes both chauffeurs and incidental operators.

Other authorized use (OAU):  Use of any official vehicle overseas for transportation of U.S. Government employees and their family members, including those under personal services agreements and their EFMs, for other than business purposes when authorized by the chief of mission because public transportation is unsafe or not available, or because such use is advantageous to the U.S. Government.

Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) compliant armored vehicle:  Any armored vehicle that has undergone DS/PSP/DEAV-required prototype testing and passed in production inspections.  When armored vehicles are required for transportation, only OSPB-compliant armored vehicles may be used for personnel under COM security responsibility.

Preventable mishap:  A mishap, as defined in MVSMP regulations, involving an official vehicle where the vehicle operator, regardless of fault, failed to exercise every reasonable precaution to prevent a collision, loss of vehicle control, or property damage.  The "Guide to Determine Motor Vehicle Collision Preventability," published by the National Safety Council and available on the OBO/OPS/SHEM website, is used in all determinations of preventability.

Reportable mishap:  A mishap, as defined in MVSMP regulations and meeting the definitions in 15 FAM 964, that must be reported to OBO/OPS/SHEM.

Safe Driving Award:  Chauffeur Safe Driving Award (3 FAM 4845.1).

Telematics:  Technology that combines telecommunications and information processing to send, receive, and store information related to remote objects, such as vehicles.

Transportation network company (TNC):  Any business entity that uses a digital network to connect riders to drivers for transportation using a vehicle owned, leased, or otherwise authorized for use by the driver to a point chosen by the rider; and does not include a shared-expense carpool or vanpool arrangement that is not intended to generate profit for the driver.

Vehicle accountable officer (VAO):  Where a mission has constituent posts or agency/program dedicated vehicles, an employee other than the MVAO responsible for oversight of a subset of official vehicles.

Vehicle allocation methodology (VAM):  A federally mandated process to determine appropriate size and composition of U.S. Government fleets based on utilization.

Watercraft: Any vessel used to transport persons or materials on water (41 CFR 109-38.5201). For additional information, see also OBO/OPS/SHEM’s Boating Safety guidelines.

14 FAM 431.5  Responsibilities – General

14 FAM 431.5-1  State Department Offices

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(State only)

a. A/GO/SP/GF:  The Global Fleet Division within the Bureau of Administration is responsible for the development, implementation, and oversight of policy and regulations governing the Department’s overseas motor vehicle fleet.

b. DS/PSP/DEAV:  The Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division within the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) is responsible for the development of policies, standards, and oversight of requirements related to special protective equipment (SPE) and armored vehicles.

c.  OBO/OPS/SHEM:  The Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management within the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations is responsible for oversight of the Department’s overall safety, health, environmental, and environmental health programs, to include safe operation of overseas motor vehicles., operations.

14 FAM 431.5-2  USAID Washington Headquarters Office

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(USAID Only)

a. USAID Bureau for Management (M/MS/OMD) is responsible for providing oversight of the management of worldwide USAID-owned vehicles.

b. M/MS/OMD determines agency-wide policy and criteria for USAID-owned and leased motor vehicles, in compliance with COM policies at post; makes the decisions on missions’ requests to standardize vehicle makes; and compiles and submits USAID’s annual vehicle reports to other agencies (see USAID ADS Chapter 536).

c.  For USAID-owned vehicles that are managed by ICASS, the service provider will submit to USAID - M/MS/OMD specific data on USAID-owned vehicles so that USAID can compile its annual reports submission to FAST, etc.

d. Posts and the ICASS service provider must ensure that proceeds of sales of vehicles owned by USAID are properly recorded to ensure credit to the appropriate USAID account.

14 FAM 431.5-3  Other Agencies

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. To the extent that other agencies have dedicated official vehicles overseas, the in-country operations of those vehicles must comply with the chief of mission’s motor vehicle policy. In cases where another agency's mission necessitates special uses of its dedicated vehicles at post, which would require a specific deviance from the chief of mission's motor vehicle policy, that agency's headquarters must provide written justification that describes the proposed deviance, cites any relevant authorities, and is signed by the agency's headquarters to the chief of mission and the Department of State's MVAO at post (see 14 FAM 431.6-2).  The COM must have the opportunity to object to any proposed deviance from the motor vehicle policy.  If the chief of mission does not object, the motor vehicle policy should be amended to note any special uses, which apply only to the operations of the other agency's dedicated vehicles.  Any disputes should be resolved by agency headquarters and the relevant regional bureau.  Agencies with oversight of their own dedicated vehicles must also designate a Vehicle Accountable Officer (VAO) responsible for those vehicles (see 14 FAM 431.6-2).

b. Other agency legacy armored vehicles, including aftermarket and factory armored vehicles that are already deployed overseas as of January 2020, may continue to be used for the protection of other agency/department personnel under the security responsibility of the COM until January 2026.  Replacements for these armored vehicles must be OSPB-compliant.  Other agencies may not transfer noncompliant armored vehicles between posts.

14 FAM 431.6  Responsibilities – Overseas Posts

14 FAM 431.6-1  Chief of Mission

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. As provided in 22 U.S.C. 3927 and the President's Letter of Instruction to Chiefs of Mission (see 2 FAH-2 H-110), unless otherwise provided in law or presidential directive, the chief of mission has authority over all U.S. Government executive branch employees, activities, and operations (with certain exceptions) in their country/area of responsibilities.

b. Chiefs of mission, in consultation with the heads of agencies at posts, will prescribe the mission-wide written motor vehicle policy for the safe and equitable use of official vehicles for business purposes and other authorized uses in accordance with this subchapter.  See 14 FAM 435.1 for the elements that must be incorporated in the COM mission motor vehicle policy.

c. The chief of mission should also consider the needs of all agencies at post when developing the motor vehicle policy.  The policy, which applies to all personnel under COM authority, must be enforced consistently across agencies and provide for uniform, fair, and equitable treatment.  The motor vehicle policy must be reviewed at least annually and revised, as needed, to incorporate any updates to the FAM or post policy.

d. Each vehicle at post presents a risk to the COM.  It is the COMs who are responsible for ensuring official motor vehicles at post are used and managed in accordance with the motor vehicle policy.  Additionally, COMs should include mechanisms in their motor vehicle policies for agencies to request exceptions to such policies (14 FAM 431.5-3).  The COM policy may be more restrictive than U.S. government agencies' policies to address local conditions.

e. The COM at each post designates a U.S. direct-hire American employee (usually the management officer (MO) or general services officer (GSO)) to serve as the mission vehicle accountable officer (MVAO) to manage both State Program and ICASS vehicles.  In locations where USAID manages its own motor vehicles or is the ICASS service provider for motor pool services, the COM may designate the USAID executive officer (EXO) as MVAO.

f.  At missions with consulates, and where agencies or individual Department of State sections (i.e., RSO, OBO, INL) either own, or are assigned, dedicated Program or ICASS vehicles falling outside of the MVAO's ability to provide daily oversight, the head of each agency or section must designate a Vehicle Accountable Officer (VAO) by informing that individual and the MVAO in writing.

14 FAM 431.6-2  Mission Vehicle Accountable Officer (MVAO)

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The MVAO must be designated in writing by the COM and is responsible for managing the mission-wide fleet program, to include oversight of the programs at any constituent posts.

b. Responsibilities of the MVAO include:

(1)  Managing and operating the motor pool (where applicable) and complying with the Department’s Motor Vehicle Safety Management Program (MVSMP) (14 FAM 433);

(2)  Preparing and submitting required reports including motor vehicle mishap reporting, in coordination with the post occupational safety and health officer (POSHO), as required in 15 FAM 964;

(3)  Formulating policy and operational guidelines for approval by the COM and ICASS council (as applicable) for efficient fleet operations as well as communicating such policy/guidelines, and monitoring for compliance;

(4)  Controlling vehicle use, including a key control system and a vehicle key control log for pooled vehicles showing the operator’s name, tag number, and date/time when keys are picked up and returned, excepting those dedicated program vehicles under the direct purview of a VAO (14 FAM 431.6-3);

(5)  Overseeing overall fleet composition and size to include conducting the Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM) study, and making recommendations on vehicle replacement and fleet adjustments;

(6)  Conducting annual inventories of all State armored and unarmored vehicles using the Integrated Logistics Management System Asset Management (ILMS-AM) module;

(7)  Ensuring use of the Fleet Management Information System (FMIS) to track daily trip reports, record maintenance and fuel costs, and review vehicle and driver utilization, and periodically verifying integrity of data in the FMIS;

(8)  Coordinating and overseeing vehicle disposals; and

(9)  Establishing a schedule of inspections to meet safety, security, and warranty requirements.

14 FAM 431.6-3  Vehicle Accountable Officer (VAO)

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Vehicle accountable officers (VAO) are responsible for compliance with the mission's motor vehicle policy.

b. Responsibilities of the VAO include:

(1)  Managing and operating vehicles in compliance with the Department’s Motor Vehicle Safety Management Program (MVSMP) as required in 14 FAM 433;

(2)  Preparing and submitting required reports including motor vehicle mishap reporting, in coordination with the POSHO, as required in 15 FAM 964;

(3)  Controlling vehicle use (including host government-owned vehicles under USAID custody);

(4)  Providing the MVAO with vehicle and driver information to respond to mandatory reports, conduct utilization analyses, and monitor compliance with post policies;

(5)  Making recommendations on vehicle replacement and fleet adjustments;

(6)  Coordinating and overseeing vehicle disposal;

(7)  Preparing and/or reviewing the trip report, which consists of the driver trip ticket report and the driver's daily and weekly preventative maintenance checklist to monitor vehicle use.  This is especially critical for armored vehicles per 12 FAM 380;

(8)  Reviewing monthly fuel consumption reports; and

(9)  Establishing a schedule of inspections to meet safety, security, and warranty requirements.  This is especially critical for armored vehicles per 12 FAM 380.

14 FAM 431.6-4  Motor Pool Supervisor

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)

a. The motor pool supervisor is an employee with first-line supervisory responsibilities over the motor pool staff who generally reports directly to the MVAO or VAO.  In addition to supervisory duties, the motor pool supervisor responsibilities include:

(1)  Managing requests for motor pool services in FMIS, assigning drivers and vehicles to trip tickets and reviewing daily trip records;

(2)  Managing preparation and/or reviewing required operational forms, to include the Daily Vehicle Use Record;

(3)  Monitoring the accuracy and timeliness of data put into FMIS and preparing fleet reports such as the annual Motor Vehicle Survey (MVS) and Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM);

(4)  Implementing and monitoring compliance with safety program requirements;

(5)  Overseeing preventative maintenance and a repair program for vehicles under the supervisor's jurisdiction; and

(6)  Ensuring vehicles that do not pass all inspection items in the daily and weekly preventative maintenance checklists are removed from service until all items are corrected.

b. If no motor pool supervisor position is established, the duties under paragraph a of this section must be assigned to another employee or assumed by the MVAO or VAO.


14 FAM 432.1  Overview

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. All posts or agencies having two or more vehicles available for general use should operate such vehicles as a motor pool; that is, make them available for the use of all personnel who need a vehicle for official purposes.  Motor vehicles from more than one agency may be pooled with the agreement of the COM or principal officer and the ranking officer of another agency at the post.

b. Official vehicles are authorized to be used for all business purposes described in 14 FAM 432.2.  Official vehicles may also be used for an “other authorized use” outlined in 14 FAM 432.3, but only where the specific use is explicitly authorized by the COM in the mission’s motor vehicle policy and consistent with 22 U.S.C. 2700.  As described in 14 FAM 431.5-3, if another agency has dedicated vehicles at post, the agency's headquarters must provide a written justification for any proposed deviances from the motor vehicle policy, and the COM must have the opportunity to object.

14 FAM 432.2  Business Purposes

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Official vehicles are authorized for use in the transport of personnel and property in the conduct of U.S. Government business which is defined as:

(1)  Any transportation for the chief of mission (COM), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week within country of assignment, and any transportation of the Principal Officer (PO) within the PO's assigned consular district, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  NOTE:  In instances where the COM or PO utilizes a dedicated vehicle, family members may ride in the vehicle only when accompanying the COM or PO, unless the purpose of that trip is authorized under another provision of 14 FAM 432.2 or 14 FAM 432.3;

(2)  Transportation of U.S. Government employees, including individuals hired by the U.S. Government under personal services agreements/personal services contracts, and U.S. Government property which is directly related to the conduct of U.S. Government business; this provision extends to the transportation of employees in-country to monitor foreign assistance development projects;

(3)  Transportation of U.S. Government contract workers when considered necessary to further the purposes of the contract unless the terms of the contract require the contractor to provide such transportation;

(4)  Transportation of family members in furtherance of an official U.S. Government activity where the presence of a family member will further U.S. Government interests, such as official government functions by or for representatives of foreign nations;

(5)  Local transportation of Marine Security Guards (MSG) for official purposes, including group recreational trips, as authorized in the Vehicle Assignment, Support, and Control Annex of the Memorandum of Agreement between State and the U.S. Marine Corps (12 FAM Exhibit 431(B));

(6)  Transportation of on-call duty personnel outside normal duty hours to perform official business, including vehicles designated for rapid response.  The mission motor vehicle policy may include a listing of those positions requiring such use (e.g., embassy duty officer and regional security officer for after-hours response; regional medical officer for medical emergencies).  Heads of other agencies must provide written approval for home-to-work transportation to the MVAO for positions falling under this provision (14 FAM 432.6);

(7)  Transportation of public diplomacy artists, speakers, grantees, journalists, etc., in support of the Public Diplomacy program; and

(8)  USAGM only:  Transportation of correspondents of the Voice of America and transportation of International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) transmitting station managers.  When a transmitting station is outside of the vicinity of a post, transportation of IBB transmitting station personnel is authorized while in a formal duty or on-call status, as confirmed by their listing as such on the written, periodic transportation plan and shift schedule prepared by the International Broadcasting Bureau transmitting stations.  Approval of such transportation by the COM must be documented in the mission motor vehicle policy.

b. Taxicabs, transportation network companies (TNC), and other means of public transportation may be authorized for business purposes when official vehicles are not available, unless the regional security officer (RSO) and/or emergency action committee (EAC) determines that the use of taxicabs, TNCS, and/or public transportation is not allowable.  The employee may be reimbursed for the authorized use of transportation according to procedures established by post.  Alternatively, post may pay the transportation company directly.

14 FAM 432.3  Other Authorized Use (OAU)

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Transportation for other than business purposes is normally an employee responsibility.  Privately owned vehicles are shipped to most posts at U.S. Government expense in consideration of such responsibility.  The COM, however, may approve other authorized use (OAU) of official vehicles consistent with the requirements of 22 U.S.C. 2700, as enumerated below.  An OAU will only be available where the COM authorizes it in the mission motor vehicle policy.

b. The use of official vehicles for purposes listed in this section is not a mandate or entitlement.  OAUs are subject to the availability and prioritization of post’s resources.  OAUs are also subject to the charges set forth in 14 FAM 432.8.

c.  Under 22 U.S.C. 2700, the COM may approve OAUs where such uses are advantageous to the U.S. Government or where public transportation is unsafe or unavailable.  The following is an exhaustive list of OAU purposes that the COM may authorize in a mission motor vehicle policy:

(1)  Transportation of eligible family member K-12 school children, as defined by the DSSR, to and from a U.S.-sponsored school when transportation provided by the school, or other commercially provided transportation is unavailable, unsafe, or inappropriate, provided that the COM deems use of official vehicles for this transportation to be advantageous to the U.S. Government.  NOTE:  The ICASS council must approve this additional function and associated allocation of resources incurred to provide such support;

(2)  Transportation for employees at post on temporary duty status to and from their temporary quarters;

(3)  Home-to-work (HTW) transportation, depending on available post resources, for U.S. direct-hire (USDH) employees when arriving on assignment or upon departure of assignment for a maximum of 30 days, when such use will be provided equitably to employees whether they have shipped a personally owned vehicle (POV), given that a lack of transportation options would affect all personnel at post.  In lieu of providing official vehicles, post policy may allow approved taxi or TNC services, public transportation, and/or rental cars to meet personal transportation requirements.  For posts with a need for U.S. Government-provided transportation extending beyond the 30-day time limit, see 14 FAM 432.4;

(4)  Home-to-work (HTW) transportation for the DCM where the COM determines that such use is required by diplomatic necessity, security, or safety.  Such usage will incur a charge absent a waiver under the exception noted in 14 FAM 432.8.  Other agency headquarters may authorize HTW transportation for their in-country heads of agency, subject to COM approval.  Such authorization must be provided in writing to the MVAO consistent with 14 FAM 431.5-3;

(5)  Transportation of U.S. citizen employees and/or their family members where such transportation is needed due to driver restrictions arising under local law or custom or where an individual is not permitted to import a POV and alternate transportation options do not exist;

(6)  Transportation of locally employed (LE) staff who are dependent on public transportation for officially ordered work outside regular working hours, and who must travel between an authorized work site and their home during hours of infrequently scheduled public transportation or darkness.  Such transportation must support a specific operational objective and be authorized in advance by the COM, MVAO, or U.S. supervisor on a trip-by-trip basis;

(7)  Post community activities sponsored by the community liaison office (CLO) and approved by the MVAO;

(8)  One-time school orientation visit for which the eligible family member (EFM) student’s tuition is paid by the U.S. Government.  The student will only be transported for this orientation if the legal guardian is present in the vehicle;

(9)  Employee relocation to U.S. Government-provided quarters for interagency housing board-directed moves that are not for the employee's convenience;

(10) Emergency medical requirements when validated by the regional medical officer or medical provider;

(11) Transportation of official residence employee staff in direct support of official events; and/or

(12) When public transportation is formally documented by the COM as unsafe, unavailable, or inherently dangerous (14 FAM 432.4).

14 FAM 432.4  Public or Alternate Transportation Unsafe or Unavailable

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

When the use of official vehicles is justified for nonbusiness purposes on the basis of unsafe or unavailable public transportation, the following additional certifications are required prior to inclusion in the mission motor vehicle policy:

(1)  Public and/or alternate transportation (including taxicabs, TNC, and rental cars) deemed unsafe:  Post’s RSO must submit a recommendation to post’s emergency action committee (EAC), citing the reasons why official vehicles must be utilized in lieu of all forms of public transportation and/or POVs.  Such recommendation must include whether armored or unarmored vehicles must be used and locations/circumstances for such use (which may include home-to-work transportation), and projected length of time for such use.  With EAC concurrence and the COM's approval, the RSO includes language in the Mission's travel and/or transportation security directive outlining the exception to authorized usage.  The security directive will be considered an addendum to the mission’s motor vehicle policy and remain in force until such time as conditions no longer require an exception to policy; and

(2)  Public and/or alternate transportation (including taxicabs, TNC, and rental cars) is unavailable:  Post’s MVAO must submit a written recommendation to post's ICASS council with market survey information showing public or reasonable alternate commercial transportation options either do not exist or cannot serve areas where U.S. direct-hire employees live and work; the parameters of the services that will be provided through motor pool; and the cost to agencies at post in providing such services.  If the recommendation is supported by the ICASS council, the COM must approve the policy and the parameters for usage to be included in the mission motor vehicle policy.  This provision must be reviewed annually by the MVAO for continued need.

14 FAM 432.5  Shuttle Services

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Consolidating vehicle passenger services provides economies of scale and should be used to the maximum extent possible to meet recurring needs for multiple passengers.  Transportation for CLO-sponsored events, personnel newly arrived or scheduled to depart post, and temporary duty (TDY) personnel, should be supported in this manner.

b. Outsourcing shuttle services to commercial entities should be considered first, where the local market can meet the mission’s transportation needs.  Posts may acquire these services through post’s employee association, where applicable.

c.  When alternate forms of commercial transportation are unavailable or unreliable, post may establish a motor pool shuttle service operation.  To the maximum extent possible, posts should use shuttle bus services in lieu of individual dispatch of motor pool vehicles.

d. If shuttle services are provided by post, such usage must be outlined in the mission motor vehicle policy.

e. Charge:  Costs charged to users of post shuttle services must be in accordance with 14 FAM 432.8, Charges for Use of Official Vehicles.

14 FAM 432.6  Home to Work Transportation (HTW)

(CT:LOG-305;   01-28-2021)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Home-to-work (HTW) transportation is for official use only and therefore is not permitted for personal use, or for the convenience of the employee.  Transportation of employees to and from their residences may only be authorized by the COM if meeting one of the provisions listed under sections 14 FAM 432.2, 14 FAM 432.3, and/or 14 FAM 432.4, and documented in the mission motor vehicle policy.

b. In instances where another U.S. Government agency permits HTW transportation for its personnel using its own dedicated vehicles, that agency’s headquarters must provide written approval for HTW to the MVAO.  The authorization must include, at a minimum: the legal authority for HTW transportation; the category of employees to which the authorization extends; and any specific parameters or restrictions on the usage of official vehicles for home-to-work transportation.

c.  All employees authorized HTW transportation through dedicated official vehicles are responsible for meeting all requirements in documenting daily vehicle and fuel usage.  If permitted by post policy to self-drive, employees must meet all U.S. and host-country legal and safety requirements for operating a vehicle in that country.

d. Locally employed staff (LES) are not authorized home to work transportation.

14 FAM 432.7  Dedicated Vehicle Assignments

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The following vehicles may be assigned for exclusive (dedicated) use:

(1)  The chief of mission/principal officer’s vehicle;

(2)  The ranking subordinate officer at a diplomatic mission (e.g., deputy chief of mission), if need is designated in writing by COM (14 FAM 432.3, subparagraph (4));

(3)  The Marine security guard (MSG) detachment vehicles for response and recreational purposes as authorized in the Vehicle Assignment, Support, and Control Annex of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of State and the U.S. Marine Corps (12 FAM Exhibit 431(B));

(4)  Vehicles purchased by other U.S. Government agencies and assigned to agencies' representative(s) at post;

(5)  Vehicles funded and controlled by Diplomatic Security for security purposes including:

(a)  Local guard program vehicles;

(b)  Surveillance detection program vehicles;(c) Bodyguard program vehicles;

(d)  Worldwide protective services program vehicles;

(e)  Residential security program vehicles;

(f)   Transit security vehicles;

(g)  Engineering Services Center or Office (ESC/ESO) vehicles;

(h)  Vehicles driven by security personnel on personal protection assignments;

(i)   Emergency response vehicles (ERV) driven by a Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) agent (ILMS agency code 98);

(j)   Vehicles driven by Assistant Regional Security Officer-Investigators (ARSO-I) and authorized Host Nation Vetted Unit (VU) personnel consistent with the applicable MOU for the provision of supplemental investigative services; and

(k)  Mobile Security Deployments vehicles during long term TDY to post.

(6)  Vehicles funded and controlled by the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO) for use by OBO project directors and site security managers (SSMs);

(7)  Special purpose vehicles (e.g., tow truck, ambulance, etc.); and

(8)  The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)-funded vehicles.

b. In circumstances where vehicles are dedicated, the decision to designate chauffeurs to drive such vehicles should be independently assessed to maximize utilization of staff resources.  When not being used for the purposes of driving a dedicated vehicle, chauffeurs should be used to the maximum extent possible in shared motor pool duties or to meet other official driving requirements.

14 FAM 432.8  Charges for Use of Official Vehicles

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Uses of official vehicles for which charges are not collected:

(1)  Any transportation for business purposes as listed under 14 FAM 432.2;

(2)  Transportation in armored vehicles for U.S. direct-hire employees, TDY employees, and eligible family members working in the mission when use of armored vehicles is mandated by post security policy, including HTW transportation;

(3)  Transportation of locally employed staff as described in 14 FAM 432.3;

(4)  Emergency medical requirements when validated by the regional medical officer or post medical provider;

(5)  Transportation of on-call duty personnel for official purposes, outside of normal duty hours;

(6)  One-time community liaison office (CLO) orientation for newly arrived employees and eligible family members; and

(7)  Employee relocation to U.S. Government-provided quarters directed or mandated by the interagency housing board (IAHB).

b. Authorized use of official vehicles for which charges may be collected:  Transportation of temporary duty assignment (TDY) employees to and from temporary residences.  Fees may be either collected or waived at post discretion based on local conditions to include availability of public transportation or taxis.  (NOTE:  If charged, transportation may be funded through the agency or travelers’ orders per post’s TDY/ICASS policy).

c.  Authorized use of official vehicles for which charges must be collected:

(1)  Nonbusiness purpose in-country transportation of the DCM when authorized (i.e., HTW) such use by COM (while a DCM is chargé d'affaires, charges are not collected).  Other agencies must authorize HTW transportation for their personnel, in writing to the MVAO consistent with 14 FAM 431.5-3, and any fees for such use determined by the policies of that agency;

(2)  Any HTW transportation for personnel under chief-of-mission authority (not contractors) and EFMs working in the mission when such transportation is not mandated by post security policy, to include the 30 days after arrival to assignment and prior to departure; and

(3)  Official CLO-sponsored activities.

d. Agency payment in the event of waived charges by COM due to security reasons:  If the charges for OAU are waived, the miles driven for such use will be paid for by the incurring agencies via the ICASS invoice.

14 FAM 432.9  Establishing Charges

(CT:LOG-362;   09-23-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Establishing charges:

(1)  Charges for all OAU must be based on the current IRS mileage rate for reimbursement and be charged on actual mileage driven.  There is no ceiling on cost for such charges except as noted below in subparagraph a(2);

(2)  When U.S. Government vehicles are used as a shuttle service, as per 14 FAM 432.3, paragraph c, a single, standard rate will be established, not to exceed $3.70 one-way.  This includes the transportation of employees within 30 days of arriving or departing assignments; and

(3)  If charges are applied to employees, these charges must also apply equally to contractors, if not inconsistent with the terms of the contract.

b. Collecting charges:

(1)  The collection of charges must be fair, equitable, and clearly stated in the mission motor vehicle policy;

(2)  If tickets are used for OAU transportation, the policy must name the accountable person and/or entity authorized to approve ticket purchases and sell tickets;

(3)  Payments may be made either via the post's cashier services, ticket sales to an authorized entity, or an approved web-based payment system established by the financial management office;

(4)  Fees may be collected in local currency to simplify deposits.  Collections must be deposited by post to the General Fund Receipt Account and reported through the accounting system of the responsible agency:

(a)  The account number for State activities is 19-3220;

(b)  USAID controllers must deposit proceeds to the Miscellaneous Recoveries not Classified Elsewhere Account 72-3220.  Funds collected are not to be applied to expenses of the servicing post or agency; and

(c)  FAS will deposit the reimbursement monies in the FAS Miscellaneous Receipt Account 12-3220.

14 FAM 433  Motor Vehicle Operator and Safety Requirements

14 FAM 433.1  Motor Vehicle Safety Management Program

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The SHEM Motor Vehicle Safety Management Program (MVSMP) provisions in this section shall be implemented to ensure all official vehicles are operated safely.  These requirements also apply to personally owned vehicles (POVs) overseas when used for official business.

b. Specific safe operation requirements for armored vehicles are disseminated by DS/PSP/DEAV in the Annual Armored Vehicle Maintenance ALDAC available on the DS/PSP/DEAV SharePoint site.  Preventive maintenance for armored vehicles must be performed in accordance with these DEAV ALDACs and 12 FAM 386.

c.  As outlined in 14 FAM 431.6-1 and 14 FAM 435.1, chiefs of mission must incorporate MVSMP requirements into the mission motor vehicle policy to address risks associated with all vehicles owned and operated by agencies under COM authority.

d. All stipulations cited in this sub-section pertain equally to contractor employees operating U.S. Government-furnished vehicles under the specifications of a contract.  In these cases, the cognizant contracting officer (CO)/contracting officer representative (COR) has the responsibility for oversight of contractor employees and enforcement of regulations contained herein.

14 FAM 433.2  Failure to Comply with Safety Standards

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Infractions of safe driving standards may result in suspension or revocation of driving privileges, or other adverse actions against chauffeurs and incidental operators.  These include:

(1)  Operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or narcotics;

(2)  Failure to report a collision involving an official vehicle;

(3)  Failure to report to supervisor or health unit any new medication or health concern that may affect their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle;

(4)  Operating an official vehicle in an improper, illegal, or dangerous manner;

(5)  Utilizing an official vehicle in an unofficial or unauthorized manner;

(6)  Involvement in a preventable collision resulting in injury or death of involved parties or significant damage to U.S. Government property;

(7)  Citations for moving violations;

(8)  Failure to comply with Department and post policies for driving official vehicles;

(9)  Causing damage to official vehicles through abuse or neglect of the vehicle;

(10)Suspension or revocation of driver’s license; and

(11)Failure to notify supervisors of any of the infractions listed herein within three business days.

b. Any alleged criminal or administrative misconduct (e.g., driving under the influence) or accident resulting in serious injury or death related to the operation of official government vehicles must be reported to the DS Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI) for review and investigation as appropriate.  This requirement is in addition to SHEM reporting requirements in 15 FAM 960 and other mandatory reporting requirements, as required.

14 FAM 433.3  Operator Qualifications, Initial Evaluation, and Orientation

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Minimum age:  Chauffeurs and incidental operators of official vehicles must be 25 years of age or older.  Exceptions require the MVAO and VAO’s written confirmation of both a compelling need, a statement to affirm the absence of any other option such as local commercial transportation or ICASS support, evidence that the intended operator has had a driver's license for a minimum of five years, confirmation of the intended operator’s clean driving record (no collisions or traffic violations), and a risk assessment that demonstrates that the compelling need justifies the increased risk of collisions associated with younger drivers.  The request must be cleared by post management and approved by the COM.

b. Experience:  Chauffeurs must have a minimum of two years’ professional driving experience.  Incidental operators must have had a driver’s license for a minimum of five years.

c.  License:  All operators must have a valid, current license for the class of vehicle(s) they are assigned or authorized to drive.

d. Evaluation/Orientation:  All prospective operators of official vehicles must demonstrate knowledge of local traffic regulations and pass an on-the-road, in-country practical driving evaluation test.  This is typically done before hire for chauffeurs or LE Staff incidental operators, and during the mandatory safe driver training course for all operators.  An in-country driving orientation may be conducted in lieu of an evaluation test for American self-drivers with verified, valid U.S. driver’s licenses and a current (less than two years old) safe driver training certificate (e.g., from another post).

14 FAM 433.4  Medical Certification

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The MVAO must ensure that all chauffeurs and incidental operators are medically certified for driving official vehicles.  The post health unit makes determinations of medical fitness in accordance with criteria established by the Bureau of Medical Services (M/MED/EX).  Medical certifications are not required for incidental operators only operating POVs for official duties.

b. Chauffeurs:  Chauffeurs must successfully complete post's driver medical evalution (DME) and certification before being hired.  Based on the examination results, certification will be granted for up to two years and must be revalidated at its expiration to maintain employment as an operator.

c.  Incidental operators:  All incidental operators must receive medical certification before driving an official vehicle.  If they provide sufficient information, the post health practitioner may use existing medical exams to determine eligibility for certification.  In the absence of existing exam information, a new medical exam must be completed.  Based on the examination results, certification may be granted for up to four years.  To maintain official vehicle driving privileges, the certification must be revalidated at its expiration.  Exception:  Any incidental operator driving one of the following vehicle types must have a medical exam and certification renewed not later than every two years:

(1)  Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or 11,341 kg (25,000 lbs.) or more;

(2)  Vehicles that can transport more than 15 passengers (including the driver); and

(3)  Vehicles that require placarding for hazardous materials transport.

d. The health unit is authorized to suspend or revoke a chauffeur’s or incidental operator’s medical certification at any time consistent with 14 FAM433.2.

e. The MVAO must maintain records of certification dates and status, and ensure all operators are operating with current medical certification using the "Employees" module in FMIS.

14 FAM 433.5  Safe Driver Training

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The MVAO must ensure that SHEM-approved safe driver training is completed for all official vehicle operators, which includes all chauffeurs and incidental operators (including USDH self-drivers).

(1)  Training must be completed upon initial assignment and at least every two years thereafter. 

(2)  Any operator involved in a motor vehicle-related “preventable collision” must receive refresher safe-driver training within 90 days of the collision.

(3)  The VAOs of agencies or individual Department of State sections must ensure compliance with post safe driver training requirements for the official vehicle operators within their section or agency. 

 (4)   Posts must provide a driver training program to support this requirement that includes a resident instructor certified by SHEM's safe driver training course.b. Operators of armored vehicles (AV) must complete both the SHEM approved safe-driver training and DS-approved armored vehicle training. 

c.  Operators trained in motorcade, security, or counterterrorism driving techniques (e.g., FACT, Armored Vehicle Training, BSAC, etc.) do not meet safe driver or AV training requirements, and must complete safe driver training with a SHEM-certified instructor before operating an official vehicle.

d. Records of safe-driver and AV training (student’s agency/section, name, dates) must be maintained by the MVAO using the "Employees" module in FMIS.

14 FAM 433.6  Operational Safety

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Speed limits and other local traffic laws:  All operators must drive within posted or legal speed limits.  Operators must adhere to all other traffic control laws and devices.  Speed limits must not be used as justification for operating at that speed when adverse weather and traffic conditions (e.g., pedestrian traffic) call for lower speeds.  When pedestrians are on, or very near, the road, operators are expected to adjust their speed to 25mph/40kph or below. Operators of armored vehicles must adhere to maximum speed guidelines issued by the Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division (DS/PSP/DEAV).

b. Alcoholic beverages:  No person may operate an official vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.  At a minimum, an operator may not drive for eight hours after consuming an alcoholic beverage.

c. Narcotics and controlled substances:  No person may operate an official vehicle or POV on official business while under the influence of narcotic drugs (whether prescription or over-the-counter), or controlled substances, at any time.

d. Medications:  Operators must advise the health unit if they are on medication that may adversely affect their performance as a driver.  The health unit must inform the MVAO of any individual taking medication known to have an adverse effect on driving ability and inform them whether the individual’s medical certification has been suspended.

e. Smoking:  Smoking is prohibited in all official vehicles.

14 FAM 433.7  Crash Protection

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. All vehicle occupants must wear safety belts while operating or riding in any official vehicle and while operating or riding in any POV being used for official business.  Buses designed for passenger use without seatbelts are exempt.

b. The vehicle operator is responsible for informing passengers of the safety belt requirement.  The vehicle may not move until all vehicle occupants have fastened their seat belts.

c.  Occupant restraints must be serviceable and readily available for driver and passenger use.

d. Passengers must be transported only in the passenger compartment of vehicles.  Drivers and passengers may not occupy seats with malfunctioning or missing seat belts.

e. Children aged 12 and under must sit in the back seat when transported in official vehicles.  Parents are responsible for safety seat use and installation in accordance with the current recommendations of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).

f.  Operators and passengers of official two- or three-wheeled vehicles designed for use on public roads such as motorcycles, mopeds, motor scooters, ‘tuk tuks’ or other modified vehicles that do not have an enclosed passenger compartment, are required to wear long-sleeved shirts, trousers, gloves, hard-soled shoes and a helmet while the vehicle is in motion.

14 FAM 433.8  Duty Limits to Control Fatigue

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. To reduce the potential for motor-vehicle mishaps caused by operator sleep deprivation and fatigue, operators of official vehicles and POVs used for official business shall not normally be required to perform more than 10 hours on duty, and only after a minimum eight-hour sleep period.  Duty time means total shift duration, not total driving time.

b. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as unanticipated security requirements (e.g., there is no safe place to stop), may the duty limit be exceeded with approval of the MVAO/VAO.

c.  Supervisors must plan and staff trips not to exceed the 10-hour limit.  When day-to-day requirements lead to shifts exceeding 10 hours on duty, supervisors must make arrangements for another operator to cover any time that exceeds 10 hours.  This requirement also applies to dedicated chauffeurs.

d. When exceptional circumstances require an on-duty shift greater than 10 hours, the operator must spend 14 hours off duty before returning to driving duties.

e. Local guard mobile patrol drivers and MSG chauffeurs operating GOVs may operate on a 12-hour shift in compliance with MVSMP guidelines as follows:

(1)  An alternate workday schedule is in place (one day on duty followed by one day off duty);

(2)  Within each 12-hour shift, the operator drives no for more than 10 hours; and

(3)  An operator may not work a scheduled off-duty day unless 14 hours have passed since the prior shift ended; and

(4)  An operator may not return for duty until spending 14 hours off duty.

14 FAM 433.9  Distraction Controls

(CT:LOG-409;   02-06-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Operators must not eat or engage in other activities that take an operator’s attention from the road or the vehicle's mirrors.

b. Operators must not wear portable headphones, earphones, or other listening devices while driving.

c.  Operators must not use any hand-held radio or cell phone while driving, which includes situations where the vehicle is temporarily stationary because of traffic, a traffic light, stop sign, or other.  Passengers may volunteer to operate these devices for the vehicle operator.  Otherwise, the operator must stop the vehicle before using a device.  State law enforcement personnel responding to an emergency or participating in a security operation may exercise limited use of this equipment when necessary and they are traveling alone.

d. For emergency communications while driving, an operator who has been authorized to receive emergency calls by the RSO may use hands-free radios and hands-free cell phone devices (Bluetooth) to determine if a call involves an emergency and then a hand-held cell phone or radio may be used to communicate with the caller.

e. Texting and text messaging, including SMS texting, emailing, instant messaging, obtaining navigational information, or engaging in any other form of electronic data retrieval or electronic data communication on any device while driving on official business is not permitted.

14 FAM 433.10  Mishap Investigations and Reporting

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

All collisions/mishaps that involve official vehicles and POVs being used for official business must be reported and investigated according to the requirements of 15 FAM 964.  Any POV collision that results in a fatality, regardless of official use, must be reported to SHEM using the POV Collision Reporting Form.

14 FAM 433.11  Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. All official vehicles must, at a minimum, meet safety standards as prescribed by federal law for the year of manufacture.

b. All official vehicles purchased after 1 October 2009 or leased (for a period of 30 days or more) must meet requirements specified by the Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, including driver and front passenger air bags; integral lap and shoulder belts at every forward-facing, outboard (against the door) seating position, and lap belts or integral lap and shoulder belts for all other seats.  In addition, vehicles must be equipped with electronic stability control (ESC) or its equivalent for all models where ESC is standard or optional equipment.  This applies to the purchase of both U.S.- and foreign-manufactured vehicles.

c.  On topics where no federal statute exists, industry standards and manufacturer recommendations should be followed to ensure the safe maintenance and operation of official vehicles.

d.  Official Department of State vehicles at post cannot be modified or altered without written approval of A/GO/SP/GF.

14 FAM 433.12  Vehicle Emergency Equipment

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Post management must evaluate its need for emergency equipment and what equipment is to be carried in official vehicles.  At a minimum, this must include a first-aid kit and a warning device for a stopped vehicle (road flares, bidirectional emergency reflective triangles, or other disabled vehicle marker).

b. Each commercial vehicle must contain a UL-rated 5 B:C (or more) fire extinguisher and any vehicle transporting fuel must contain a UL-rated 10 B:C (or more) fire extinguisher.  Fire extinguishers must be secured to the vehicle to prevent them from becoming hazards to passengers.  A commercial vehicle means a vehicle:

(1)  With a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 10,000 lbs. (4,536 kg); or

(2)  Used to transport more than 15 passengers (driver included); or

(3)  Placarded for hazardous materials transport.

14 FAM 434  Liability, Insurance, Loss, and Damage

14 FAM 434.1  Operator Liability and Insurance

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Claims2 FAM 281 (for the Department of State) and ADS Chapter 152 (for USAID) outline the administrative authority for the Secretary of State to settle and pay tort claims to third parties for property damage, bodily injury, and death resulting from the operation of official vehicles by their employees acting within the scope of employment.  Post has authority to settle claims for amounts less than $2,500 as specified in 2 FAM 281.5.  Claims exceeding this amount must be reported immediately in accordance with paragraph c of this section.

b. Liability through court action:  The U.S. Government and the individual may be sued in a U.S. or foreign court for damages and injury or death stemming from an individual’s use of an official vehicle.  It is critical that individuals use U.S. Government vehicles strictly in accordance with FAM requirements and the mission motor vehicle policy, and that all required authorizations for such use be properly documented.  Operation of U.S. Government vehicles outside of these policies could result in the employee incurring personal liability for monetary damages.

c.  Reporting:  Report of claims and court action as follows:

(1)  Any claim in excess of $2,500 received by post must be immediately reported to the Office of the Legal Adviser for International Claims and Investment Disputes (L/CID) pursuant to 2 FAM 281.5.  L/CID will provide consultation and guidance to post regarding investigation and is the primary office responsible for adjudication of such claims; and

(2)  Any action in foreign courts or tribunals concerning an overseas vehicle accident involving a U.S. official vehicle must be immediately reported to the Office of Diplomatic Law and Litigation (L/DL) and to L/CID.  See 2 FAM 226 and 2 FAM 284 for more information.

d. Insurance:  The United States Government generally self-insures for property damage, bodily injury, and death resulting from the operation of official vehicles by their employees acting “within the scope of employment.”  Under 22 U.S.C. 2670(a), however, the Department of State may obtain insurance on official motor vehicles operated by the Department in foreign countries and pay the expenses incident thereto.  Adequate third-party liability insurance must be purchased by post where required by local law.  In addition, where the post motor vehicle policy permits the self-drive of official vehicles for specific approved OAU purposes by other than a designated post chauffeur or incidental operator, post is allowed to purchase such insurance.  The MVAO or designee is responsible for determining the amount of liability insurance required and which vehicles to insure, if any.  The MVAO should consult with A/GO/SP/GF as needed for guidance prior to the purchase or renewal of such insurance.  The MVAO is also responsible for advising individuals authorized to drive vehicles for OAU purposes to consider obtaining their own individual insurance to protect themselves against such liability amounts as required by local law or as deemed advisable by the MVAO, other officials, or their own assessment.

14 FAM 434.2  Loss or Extensive Damage to Official Vehicles

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The repair of all official vehicles is a post responsibility and does not require prior approval from A/GO/SP/GF.  Any repair involving the armor or armored vehicles must be coordinated with DS/PSP/DEAV.

b. The MVAO must report motor vehicle-related and shop-related mishaps to the POSHO in accordance with 15 FAM 964.  Motor vehicle mishaps involving armored vehicles must also be reported to Diplomatic Security (DS) through the DS Command Center.  USAID:  the USAID EXO must submit to the POSHO and the USAID/W safety and health officer a copy of all mishap reports involving USAID-related mishaps that involve injury, illness, death, or property damage exceeding $1,000.

c.  For State:  If a vehicle is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair, the MVAO must complete Form DS-132 and follow the disposal process outlined in 14 FAM 436.7 (the MVAO sends Form DS-132 to the Chief, Global Fleet (A/GO/SP/GF)).  For USAID:  After survey action is complete, Form AID-534-1, Personal Property Disposal Authorization and Report, must be sent to the appropriate agency headquarters office in Washington, DC, that owns the vehicle.  For USAID ICASS vehicles:  Submit Form AID-534-1 to M/MS/OMD.


14 FAM 435.1  Mission-Wide Motor Vehicle Policy

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The COM, in consultation with the heads of agencies at post, will prescribe the mission policy for use of official vehicles in a written memorandum.  The policy must provide for uniform, fair, and equitable treatment and applies to all agencies under COM authority.  The motor vehicle policy must be reviewed at least annually and revised, as needed, to incorporate any updates to the FAM or post policy.

b. The policy must incorporate at a minimum the following elements, as applicable:

(1)  Identification of the MVAO, and VAO for each section or agency that operates official vehicles.  NOTE:  Identification by position only;

(2)  The categories of employees authorized to drive official vehicles as defined by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) as either a chauffeur or incidental operator; training, safety, and medical requirements for such personnel to be authorized to drive official vehicles (14 FAM 433);

(3)  The business purposes and other authorized uses for which the mission’s official vehicles may be used.  Any and all offices/positions/categories of personnel permitted HTW transportation (14 FAM 432.6);

(4)  Designated/dedicated vehicle authorizations;

(5)  Determination that public or commercial transportation is unavailable, or unsafe if OAU is authorized by COM under the provision of 14 FAM 432.3, subparagraph (11);

(6)  Availability and use of shuttle services;

(7)  Charges for specific purposes under OAU;

(8)  Motor Vehicle Safety Management Program requirements for both operators and passengers to ensure safe vehicle operation;

(9)  Post insurance coverage for official vehicles; and

(10) Process for requesting a specific deviation from the policy for another agency's dedicated vehicles when the needs of that agency so require.

14 FAM 435.2  Vehicle Inspections

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Preventative vehicle inspection and maintenance must be conducted to ensure operative reliability, to maximize vehicle life cycle, and to reduce factors that can contribute to vehicle collisions and mishaps.

b. Operators of official vehicles must perform vehicle inspections as required in the Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist Daily Vehicle Usage Report (or other agency equivalent form that captures the same information).  The inspection must be completed on a daily basis by the employee operating or servicing the vehicle.  The MVAO must periodically review driver checklists for each vehicle, checking for the accuracy of odometer readings and for any unreported vehicle damage.

c.  All official vehicles must be inspected at least once a year by a qualified mechanic for safety and environmental defects.  If an annual official inspection (i.e., federally mandated) is required for a vehicle that meets or exceeds these requirements, those inspections will be considered in compliance with this standard.  Unarmored motor vehicles that have not received preventive maintenance inspection within 13 months should not be dispatched until the scheduled maintenance is performed.

D. Deficiencies identified in daily, weekly, or annual inspections must be corrected before the vehicle can be placed into service.  Safety-related problems, such as nonfunctioning lights, horns, windshield wipers, brakes, inadequately inflated tires, and tires in visibly poor condition, which the driver cannot correct, must be marked for action by the post mechanic or service garage.  NOTEArmored vehicle tire condition and pressure must be checked and corrected each day before the vehicle is placed into service.  Only tires having the appropriate weight rating may be installed on armored vehicles.  Armored vehicle tires may not be repaired.  When replacing armored vehicle tires, all tires on a single axle must be replaced at the same time.  This information is described in detail in the DS/PSP/DEAV Annual Maintenance ALDAC and includes other tire-specific requirements such as maximum age of tires and the need to keep a manual tire inflation gauge in each armored vehicle.

14 FAM 435.3  Parking of Official Vehicles

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. Official vehicles must be parked overnight at a central U.S. Government-controlled location for security concerns, accountability, and safekeeping purposes unless an alternate arrangement is approved by the MVAO.

b. Armored vehicles must be parked under a covered structure to prevent delamination and other damage to the transparent armor. If covered parking is not available, post must coordinate with OBO/PDCS (Project Development, Coordination and Support) for the construction of covered parking. Until covered parking can be constructed, exterior front and rear sun shields or car covers can be used to temporarily protect transparent armor. Interior sun shields or screens must not be used, as they will damage the transparent armor.

14 FAM 435.4  Diplomatic License Plates at Foreign Service Posts

(CT:LOG-305;   01-28-2021)
(All agencies under COM authority)

a. The MVAO is responsible for the control and issuance of diplomatic license plates, which must be recorded in FMIS for accountability.

b. Posts may only obtain host-government-issued diplomatic license plates (including consular and administrative/technical license plates at missions where the host government makes such distinction) for the following vehicles:

(1)  U.S. Government-owned vehicles;

(2)  U.S. Government-leased vehicles that are solely and directly operated by the leasing U.S. Government agency; and

(3)  Personally owned vehicles of diplomatically accredited employees subject to COM authority.

c.  USAID in Washington will coordinate its requests with the Department.  In advance of posing any such waiver request, USAID EXOs will consult with M/MS/OMD.

d. Noncompliance or expressed unwillingness to comply with the mission motor vehicle policy may result in non-issuance or revocation of diplomatic license plates.

14 FAM 435.5  Vehicle Telematics Program

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. Posts are prohibited from acquiring and installing commercial off-the-shelf telematics equipment and software for any Department of State or ICASS vehicles, outside of Department-approved telematics devices.  Posts with questions about telematics should contact A/GO/SP/GF.

b. OBO/OPS/SHEM implements the Event Data Recorder (EDR) program at posts determined to have an increased risk of serious motor vehicle collisions based on collision history and host-country risk factors.  EDR programs include the GOVs of all agencies under COM authority, with the exception of those owned by the Department of Justice or the Department of Homeland Security and only operated by American law enforcement personnel working for those agencies.  Other outside agencies may apply to the COM in accordance with 14 FAM 431.5-3 for waivers that allow temporary or permanent covering, removal or disabling when U.S. direct-hire, outside agency employees are driving in the conduct of official business that requires enhanced operational security.

c.  All diplomatic-plated official Department of State vehicles will be included in the program, and are not subject to exemption by the COM.

d. AVs in selected countries equipped with mandatory, active DS electronic countermeasure (ECM) devices must not have an event data recorder installed.

14 FAM 436  Motor Vehicle Acquisitions, Disposals and Transfers

14 FAM 436.1  Authority to Acquire Official Vehicles

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. The General Services Administration (GSA) is the preferred procurement source for all Federal Agencies in the acquisition of U.S.-manufactured vehicles and should be considered as the first source for acquiring vehicles (41 CFR 101-26.501-1).  Requests for the purchase of new vehicles must be submitted to A/GO/SP/GF by August 1, requests dealing with extenuating circumstances may be processed after August 1.

b. Locally sourced and acquired vehicles must adhere to the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR), to include required sources and competition in contracting (see 14 FAH-2 H-200).

c. Vehicle replacement, fleet size, and composition are determined by the appropriate program office in Washington, DC and with the approval of A/GO/SP/GF.

d. State/ICASS:  Posts must obtain prior approval from A/GO/SP/GF before acquiring any official vehicle:

(1)  Vehicle replacement, within post's target fleet size, which is established through a Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM) survey, will be approved with appropriate justification.  Requests for new vehicle acquisitions above the target fleet size require thorough justification by post and approval of the A/GO/SP/GF Division Director.  A/GO/SP/GF will coordinate review with post’s regional bureau executive office, or the funding bureau as applicable (e.g., OBO, INL);

(2)  Vehicles acquired for post’s local guard (LG), surveillance detection (SD), and bodyguard (BG) programs are not part of the post motor pool.  They are assigned for exclusive security purposes as directed by the RSO and the Office of Overseas Protective Operations (DS/IP/OPO).  The LG, SD, and BG vehicle fleet size and composition is determined by the RSO and DS/IP/OPO.  Vehicles approved for a post residential security (RES) program are assigned exclusively for security purposes as directed by the RSO and the Office of Physical Security Programs (DS/C/PSP).  The purchase of these vehicles also requires pre-approval by A/GO/SP/GF, which will be coordinated through the DS Washington offices;

(3)  Armored vehicle replacements are procured by DS/PSP/DEAV in coordination with A/GO/SP/GF and respective coordinating partners (e.g., ICASS councils, etc.). Overseas posts are required to submit an annual armored vehicle requirements cable to DS/PSP/DEAV, A/GO/SP/GF, and their respective regional bureau and DS regional directorate by October 1 of each year, outlining their armored vehicle replacement requirements for the upcoming procurement cycle (12 FAM 383); and

(4)  Requests for unarmored GSA and local purchase must be submitted through the ILMS Ariba module and meet all Federal Acquisition Regulations.  Requests must be pre-approved by A/GO/SP/GF, with additional approvals from the respective program office and the ICASS council, if required.  Local purchases must be completed within 90 days of approval.

e. USAID:  M/MS/OMD - see ADS Chapter 536 for policy on acquisition of vehicles.

f.  Other federal agencies at post:

(1)  Acquisition of U.S.-manufactured vehicles:  GSA does not allow the Department of State to order vehicles on behalf of other agencies.  Any agency intending to purchase official vehicles from the U.S. through GSA must place an order directly.  Non-State agencies at post requiring purchase of U.S. manufactured vehicles must contact their agency headquarters for assistance; such purchases may not be handled through local ICASS procurement services; and

(2)  Acquisition of non-U.S. manufactured vehicles:  Non-State agencies requesting post to purchase vehicles of any type on their behalf overseas must have approval from their parent agency’s headquarters procurement and motor vehicle program authorities.  All federal agencies are responsible for annual reports to Congress concerning vehicle acquisitions within their agency which include those used overseas; individual federal agencies may also have different policies than the Department of State governing the acquisition and use of their vehicles.  The MVAO and ICASS procurement office may not acquire such vehicles without approval from the funding agency headquarters for these purchases on its behalf.

14 FAM 436.2  Fleet Size, Composition, and Life Cycle

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. The Department uses a standard Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM) survey to set target fleet size based on industry fleet standards.  A/GO/SP/GF works with posts’ MVAOs and the regional bureau executive offices to validate the VAM against post necessity, with special consideration given to armored vehicles and posts with hardship and danger pay allowances.  The Department uses the VAM to control rightsizing and right-typing of the composition of the overseas fleets.  Approximately one-third of overseas posts and domestic bureaus participate in the VAM each year.  Posts and domestic bureaus participating in the VAM must complete VAM surveys in ILMS by October 31.

b. All requested increases to ICASS fleet size and composition beyond the VAM must be approved by the post’s ICASS council (see 14 FAM 436.3) and justified in the ICASS budget.  A/GO/SP/GF and the relevant regional bureau executive office will review and provide final approval for any requests that increase or change the fleet size or composition prior to acquisition of a vehicle.

c.  The fleet size and composition for non-ICASS vehicles is determined by the appropriate funding program office.  The MVAO must be apprised of any proposed changes by the funding office to fleet size and composition to ensure local circumstances (e.g., host-government limitations, availability of parking on official facilities if required) will support the proposed changes to the overall mission fleet size:

(1)  State-owned/managed armored vehicles:  Requirements for the armored vehicle program must be reviewed by post's emergency action committee (EAC). ICASS funded armored vehicles for motor pool must also be submitted for ICASS council consideration annually, (12 FAM 383).  Please consult DS/PSP/DEAV; and

(2)  USAID only:  Any USAID armored vehicle program at post is done in coordination with the post's EAC and RSO.  Refer to ADS Chapter 563 for more information.

d. Posts must develop local vehicle life-cycle schedules that maximize value for the U.S. Government, when considering factors such as resale value, maintenance costs, and new replacement vehicle acquisition costs.  The government’s general replacement cycle for passenger sedans and SUVs is five years or when the mileage exceeds 100,000 miles for standard vehicles and seven years for hybrid electric vehicles.  Posts may choose to diverge from this baseline in view of local conditions, resale values, and maintenance costs.  Utility vehicles and trucks with higher acquisition costs generally have a longer life cycle that should be determined based on a local cost-benefit analysis.  Posts should replace passenger sedans and SUVs over 10 years in age to ensure that the local fleet continues to offer updated standards in safety technology and fuel economy.

14 FAM 436.3  Review of Assigned Vehicles and Usage

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)

The ICASS council, in consultation with post's MVAO, must review the Fleet Insights dashboard to analyze fleet use and composition annually to ensure the right mix of passenger and cargo-carrying vehicles are assigned and used properly.  NOTE:  The emergency action committee (EAC), (12 FAM 383), must also review the armored vehicle program annually and submit requirements to the ICASS council, or the appropriate program office in Washington, for consideration.  If any vehicles are found to exceed agency fleet requirements, the MVAO or designee must notify the owning agency of the need for appropriate disposal, providing the vehicle description, inventory number, condition, age, and mileage.

14 FAM 436.3-1  Vehicle Purchase Methodology

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. State/ICASS only:

(1)  GSA should be considered as a first source for all vehicle acquisitions at post.  All vehicle purchase requests will be submitted to A/GO/SP/GF, who will procure U.S.-manufactured vehicles through GSA on behalf of post; and

(2)  If a U.S. manufactured vehicle available through GSA will not meet local conditions, or mission requirements, A/GO/SP/GF approval is required prior to every local purchase of official vehicles, per the priorities below:

(a)  U.S. company-made vehicles:  Post must first consider purchase of vehicles manufactured by U.S. companies, subsidiaries, or affiliated manufacturers; and

(b)  Foreign-made vehicles:  These vehicles may be purchased abroad by post.  Requests to purchase non-U.S. manufactured vehicles must include justification under one of the following conditions:

(i)     Special requirements exist which cannot be met with a U.S.-manufactured vehicle, (such as right-hand drive, or host-country/mission-specific conditions that U.S. domestically manufactured vehicles cannot meet); or

(ii)    Non-U.S. manufactured vs. U.S.-manufactured vehicles:  A cost-benefit analysis must be submitted to A/GO/SP/GF for review, to determine whether acquisition of a non-U.S. manufactured vehicle is justified.  The total cost of acquisition, life cycle expenses, availability of parts and services, plus suitability to local conditions should be included in the analysis.

b. USAID only:  Refer to ADS Chapter 536 for guidance on criteria for purchasing vehicles.

14 FAM 436.3-2  Vehicle Lease

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. State only:  Posts may lease or rent a vehicle to meet temporary requirements not to exceed 120 days.  Leases in excess of 120 days must be approved in advance by the appropriate funding agency when a vehicle is leased to supplement its respective fleet or by the ICASS council when the vehicle is being leased to support the ICASS fleet, based on the following considerations:

(1)  For reasons of economy, long-term vehicle requirements are normally met by purchase rather than lease.  However, if the MVAO believes that unusual circumstances favor leasing motor pool vehicles, a proposal must be submitted to A/GO/SP/GF with a cost analysis.  The analysis should be made for similar makes and models of vehicles.  The provision of 14 FAM 436.3-1, concerning vehicles of foreign manufacture apply to lease as well as purchase;

(2)  All long-term leased or rental vehicles (more than 120 days) will be recorded in the ILMS Asset Management (ILMS-AM) module, and appropriately coded as a leased vehicle; and

(3)  Armored vehicles may not be rented or leased.

b. USAID only:  Refer to ADS Chapter 536 for guidance on criteria for leasing vehicles.

14 FAM 436.3-3  Vehicle Transfer Into or Out of State/ICASS Inventory

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. State only:  The transfer of an official vehicle (armored or unarmored) from or to another federal agency may be appropriate under certain circumstances and conditions.  NOTE that the transfer of ICASS-funded vehicles must have OF and ICASS council approval as ICASS assets are paid for (gaining post to pay fair mark value) by ICASS customer agencies through ICASS invoices.

b. A/GO/SP/GF (and DS/PSP/DEAV for armored vehicles) approval is required for all vehicle transfers into or from the Department of State and ICASS fleets.  The request for approval (found in the motor vehicle request module in ILMS) must provide a complete description of the vehicle, including standard and optional equipment, accumulated mileage, and condition.  The request must state which vehicle the transferred vehicle is intended to replace within post’s inventory.  If the vehicle is a net fleet increase, justification and a fleet survey report must be submitted as part of the transfer request.

c.  In instances where a non-U.S. Government entity offers to replace a vehicle damaged from local circumstances such as natural disaster or civil strife, the vehicle must be inspected by the:

(1)  RSO, security engineering officer (SEO), or the security technical specialist (STS) for security requirements; and

(2)  MVAO or appropriate employee for suitability and safety requirements.  Then A/GO/SP/GF must approve.  Complete details relating to the circumstances behind the replacement must be provided, including a full description of the vehicle proposed as a replacement, and a copy of Form DS-132, Property Disposal Authorization and Survey Report.

d. For other agencies:  Title (ownership) to other U.S. Government agency owned personal property, including motor vehicles, remains with that owning agency when DOS post property disposal officer conducts competitive sales under ICASS services for the owning U.S. Government agency.  In rare circumstance, when owning agency does not have an employee at post, DOS support staff may take custodial control of the property while conducting competitive public sale.

14 FAM 436.4  Vehicle Standardization Policy

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. Department policy requires full and open competition in all vehicle procurements (GSA-approved sources excluded).  Therefore, vehicles are provided to posts based on vehicle type rather than specific make and model.  Posts that have an approved standardization for a specific make and model (see Department of State Acquisition Regulation - DOSAR 606.370) may limit their acquisitions to that make and model; however, competition must still be sought among various sources that provide that make and model.  A standardization agreement does not exempt post from applicable statutory price limitations pertaining to passenger vehicles (e.g., sedans and station wagons). 

b. USAID:  See ADS Chapter 534 and 536, which provides specific guidance for posts wishing to standardize a particular make of vehicle.

14 FAM 436.5  Recording Official Vehicles as Capitalized Assets in ILMS-AM/MV

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. All State Department on-road motor vehicles are capitalized assets, whether purchased through GSA or locally, and must be tracked as accountable property using ILMS.  Motor vehicle assets must be recorded in the ILMS-Asset Management module (ILMS/AM) no more than five business days after State takes ownership, including those received but not yet in service, vehicles acquired without prior approval from GF (including used vehicles), or vehicles exceeding post’s target fleet size.  To the extent possible, the asset records for locally purchased vehicles should be created via the ILMS Final Receipt module by post’s receiving clerk.  For locally acquired vehicles, including transfers from other Federal agencies, post must attach a certificate of origin, title, or similar document containing the vehicle’s identification number (VIN) to the ILMS AM record.

b. All armored vehicles belonging to the Department, as well as to all other agencies and departments under the security responsibility of the chief of mission, must be entered into ILMS.

c.  For post-procured vehicles:  The MVAO or designee is responsible for creating a vehicle’s asset record through the Final Receipt module in ILMS and must validate the data to be recorded, i.e., acquisition cost, make, model, etc.  Posts are also responsible for maintaining purchase documentation for all offshore vehicle purchases including:

(1)  Form DS-2076, Purchase Order, or Form OF-347, Order for Supplies or Services;

(2)  Form DS-0127, Receiving and Inspection Report, or completion of the receiving portion of Form DS-2076;

(3)  Vendor invoice;

(4)  Vehicle title; and

(5)  Waiver justification.

d. For A/GO/SP/GF purchased vehicles:  The Global Fleet Division staff will create the inventory records for all vehicles purchased through GSA AutoChoice and received in Washington, DC. for shipment to posts.  Once created, posts will have direct access to the asset record through the MV worksheet in ILMS and can use it to modify and dispose of vehicles.

e. USAID only:  The Agency must adhere to the reporting requirements established in ADS Chapters 534 and 629.

14 FAM 436.6  Funding for Vehicles

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)

a. State only:  Funding for ICASS vehicles is provided through the ICASS budget process.  For ICASS armored vehicles, ICASS councils are required to fund the base vehicle and shipment to post. DS only funds the armoring costs for ICASS armored vehicles. Armored vehicles for DS programs are fully funded by DS, to include the base, armoring, and shipment costs. Vehicles for non-DS programs are funded by the offices requiring their dedicated use (e.g., INL, OBO, regional bureaus).

b. USAID:  Refer to ADS Chapter 536 for guidance on criteria covering USAID motor pool fleets.

14 FAM 436.7  Disposal of Official Vehicles and Miscellaneous

14 FAM 436.7-1  Methods of Disposal

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

a. State only:  Posts must notify and obtain pre-approval from A/GO/SP/GF and the respective program office (such as Diplomatic Security or Overseas Buildings Operations) to dispose of all program-funded armored and nonarmored vehicles.

b. Normally, vehicles are to be sold on a competitive basis as replacement property.  An exception involves all armored vehicles (see 14 FAM 417.2 and 12 FAM 388).  Replacement vehicles must be disposed.

c.  Disposal of vehicles should be accomplished within six weeks after receipt of disposal authorization from A/GO/SP/GF or assignment of an "eliminate" final action during a VAM study.  If disposal action cannot be completed within two months, the MVAO should notify the owning agency, explaining the reason for delay and describing corrective action.

d. The DS/PSP/DEAV SharePoint site contains standard operating procedures for armored vehicle disposal.

e. USAID only:  See ADS Chapter 534 for the policies and procedures for disposing of USAID OE and program-funded vehicles.

14 FAM 436.7-2  Proceeds of Sale

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)

a. Funds for purchase of vehicles are obtained through Congressional appropriations or indirectly through Working Capital Fund operations.  Sale proceeds must be deposited back into those respective accounts in accordance with instructions provided by the owning agency, or the ICASS Working Capital Fund as applicable.

b. For all State nonarmored vehicles:  Complete Form DS-132 in ILMS-AM as documentation.  The ILMS-AM asset record should show the vehicle as disposed within five business days after possession of the vehicle has passed to the new owner.

14 FAM 437  Records and reports

14 FAM 437.1  Accountability, Use, Fuel, and Maintenance Records

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)

a. Accountability, use, fuel, and maintenance records must be kept on file in ILMS (including FMIS) for all official vehicles, including USAID-owned vehicles under the control and use of a post’s motor pool section.  Post must set up preventive maintenance intervals and schedules in FMIS for all armored and nonarmored vehicles.  This data must be routinely reviewed for effective fleet management and management controls.  All maintenance work orders must be entered in FMIS within 72 hours of work completion.

b. All individual fueling transactions and corresponding odometer readings must be logged in FMIS within 30 calendar days.

c.  USAID only:  The overseas vehicle inventory is maintained in ILMS.  USAID’s annual inventory report is certified by the EXO and/or their designate.  USAID’s CFO requirement for the quarterly capitalized asset depreciation report and M/MS/OMD’s annual vehicle inventory reporting requirements are managed within ILMS.  The vehicle records (formerly Form AID 5-197, Motor Vehicle Record) for USAID-funded vehicles are electronically maintained in ILMS.  All vehicle acquisitions and disposals must be recorded in ILMS within five days of receipt or disposal of a vehicle.  Vehicle disposal documentation (Form AID 534-1) must be properly completed and provided to M/MS/OMD for all vehicle disposals.

14 FAM 437.2  Daily Vehicle Use Record

(CT:LOG-349;   05-25-2022)

Operators of official motor vehicles must use, as required in subparagraphs below, either the Daily Vehicle Use Record (parts 1 and 2) or a Driver Trip Ticket Report to document vehicle use:

(1)  Non-dispatched Vehicles:  Operators of dedicated and ICASS utility vehicles must complete and sign the Daily Vehicle Use Record which consists of Part-1 Trip Record and Part-2 Driver's Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist:

(a)  Program offices with dedicated vehicles and operators of ICASS utility vehicles must return completed Daily Vehicle Use Records (parts 1 and 2) to the office supervisor or designee. The supervisor should review the tickets as needed to confirm appropriate vehicle usage;

(b)  Daily Vehicle Use Records (parts 1 and 2) for all dedicated and ICASS utility vehicles must be retained for three (3) years; and

(c)  Maintenance issues reported on a Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist must be entered onto a work order in the Maintenance Module of the FMIS application for resolution before the vehicle is used again for transportation purposes; and

(2)  Dispatched Vehicles:  Operators of dispatched vehicles must complete a Driver Trip Ticket Report (printed from FMIS or on the mobile app) for each trip and a Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist must be completed daily before operating the assigned vehicle. In cases where a vehicle is unexpectedly used outside of normal business hours and a Driver Trip Ticket Report and Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist cannot be obtained, a hard copy of the Daily Vehicle Use Record (parts 1 and 2) may be used to track the information so it can be entered into FMIS the next business day:

(a)  Operators of dispatched vehicles must return the completed Driver Trip Ticket Report and Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist to post dispatchers by the end of the day;

(b)  Dispatchers must record trip information from the Driver Trip Ticket Report in the FMIS Dispatch Module as soon as practicable or no less than the next business day after trip completion; and

(c)  Maintenance issues reported on a Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist must be entered in the Maintenance Module in FMIS for resolution before the vehicle is dispatched again for transportation purposes; and

(3)  Armored Vehicles:  In addition to completing the Driver’s Daily and Weekly Preventative Maintenance Checklist, drivers must inspect the wheels and tires, to include a pressure check with gauge for each tire, before operation; and

(4)  Agriculture only:  The detailed information required above may be maintained in a hardbound book with nonremovable pages.

14 FAM 437.3  Annual Motor Vehicle Inventories

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)

The mandatory requirements for completing an annual physical inventory of motor vehicles worldwide follow:

(1)  The physical inventory process of all State program and ICASS motor vehicles worldwide must start no earlier than October 1, and the inventory of the on-hand motor vehicle report must be submitted to the Property Management Division (A/GO/SP/PM) by March 15 through the Certification Submission Center (CSC) of the same fiscal year to ensure financial integrity;

(2)  The inventory of the on-hand vehicle report reflects all State program and ICASS vehicles authorized at post and must be generated through the Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS);

(3)  Post personnel conducting the annual inventory must account for all vehicles and where there are discrepancies, they must adjust the MV records through the ILMS-AM/MV module;

(4)  The A/GO/SP/GF regional desk officers review and conduct quality assurance and quality control of the on-hand motor vehicle inventory report through the CSC module; and

(5)  USAID only:  The Overseas Vehicle Inventory is reported online via the Financial Data Collection Tool – Quarterly Vehicle Inventory Report.  The report is certified by the EXO and/or their designee.  This report fulfills the CFO requirement for the Quarterly Capitalized Asset report for vehicles only and the M/MS/OMD annual requirement for an Overseas Vehicle Inventory Report.

14 FAM 437.4  Motor Vehicle Survey

(CT:LOG-408;   01-07-2025)
(State Only)

The MVAO or designee must complete the motor vehicle survey in ILMS by October 31 for all Department of State vehicles annually in ILMS by both the supervisory and constituent posts each year.  The ILMS motor vehicle survey is an online survey form in ILMS that captures the required motor pool data.  The MVAO or designee must complete the motor vehicle survey form for every vehicle that was in service at any time during the fiscal year reporting period (October 1 through September 30).  A/GO/SP/GF uses survey data for the Motor Vehicle FAST reporting requirements.

14 FAM 438  AND 439 unassigned