14 FAM 630
(CT:LOG-410; 02-11-2025)
(Office of Origin: A/GO)
14 FAM 631.1 Scope
(CT:LOG-360; 09-13-2022)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. This section pertains to Foreign Service personnel who are transferred from a domestic duty station to another domestic duty station in a different city at least 50 miles from the previous domestic duty station. In addition, 14 FAM 632.2 pertains to Foreign Service personnel who are transferred from a domestic duty station to a location abroad and who, after completing one or more assignments abroad, are assigned from a location abroad to another domestic duty station in a different city at least 50 miles from the previous domestic duty station.
b. These allowances permit reimbursement of certain travel and transportation expenses incident to domestic relocation of Foreign Service personnel for which other employees of the U.S. Government receive reimbursement under 5 U.S.C. 5724(a).
14 FAM 631.2 Applicability
(CT:LOG-410; 02-11-2025)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. These regulations apply to all U.S. citizen Foreign Service personnel of the Department of State, USAGM, USAID, Commerce, and Agriculture, including those employees transferring to public agencies and institutions and private nonprofit organizations. New appointees in any of the aforementioned agencies are excluded from coverage under these regulations when transferring within the United States on their initial assignment (see Federal Travel Regulations (FTR), 41 CFR 302-1.2).
b. The interpretation of these regulations is the responsibility of the Office of Transportation Management (A/GO/OPS/TM) and the
Post Support and Travel / Office of Travel Management and Policy
14 FAM 631.3 Eligibility Criteria
(CT:LOG-394; 04-04-2024)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. The Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent (GTM) has oversight and management responsibility for the implementation of the Department’s bonus and allowance plans (see 3 FAM 3183).
b. Before incurring any obligation of U.S. Government funds under these regulations, employees must have executed a 1-year service agreement in accordance with 41 CFR 302-2.13 of the FTR and Form DS-3045, Service Agreement for a Relocation Bonus.
c. Notwithstanding the provisions of the continued service agreement, repayment is not required if appropriate management officials of the foreign affairs agencies determine that the employee was separated for reasons beyond the control of the employee that are acceptable to the agency concerned. DGTM makes this determination for Department of State Foreign Service personnel.
14 FAM 632 Authorized Relocation Expenses and Allowances
14 FAM 632.1 Various Expenses and Allowances
(CT:LOG-360; 09-13-2022)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. Travel expenses for employee and family: The methods of computing per diem, mileage, and/or common-carrier costs are found in the FTR, 41 CFR 302-4.
b. House-hunting trip: See the FTR, 41 CFR 302-5.
c. Temporary quarters allowance: The items covered and the method of computing this allowance are found in the FTR, 41 CFR 302-6.
d. Transportation of mobile home: See the FTR, 41 CFR 302-10.
e. Miscellaneous expense allowance: The type of costs covered and method of computing this allowance are found in the FTR, 41 CFR 302-16.
f. Travelers are reminded that no expenses should be incurred prior to the receipt of an official travel authorization (TMFOUR) that specifically authorizes the expenditure and/or entitlement. Any expense incurred prior to the issuance of a TMFOUR will be considered unauthorized and not reimbursable.
14 FAM 632.2 Residence Transaction Allowances
(CT:LOG-360; 09-13-2022)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. This section pertains to Foreign Service personnel who are transferred from a domestic duty station to a location abroad and who, after completing one or more assignments abroad, are assigned from a location abroad to a domestic duty station at least 50 miles away from the previous domestic duty station. The provisions of the FTR, 41 CFR 302-11, pertaining to items covered, amounts allowed, title requirements and procedures, apply to this section, except that allowable expenses for the sale and/or purchase of a residence may be claimed only if the employee meets the following five criteria:
(1) Owned a residence at the former domestic duty station;
(2) Occupied such residence when assigned to the former domestic duty station;
(3) Commuted to and from work on a daily basis from such residence;
(4) Retained ownership of such residence while assigned abroad until receipt of a permanent change-of-station TMFOUR for travel to the new domestic duty station; and
(5) Signed a continued-service agreement prior to authorization of this allowance.
b. Sale of a residence at the former domestic duty station is not required to claim allowable expenses for the purchase of a residence at the new domestic duty station.
c. For Commerce and USAGM only: The definition of a domestic duty station for the purposes of the residence transaction allowance does not include assignments to long-term training.
14 FAM 632.3 Lease Penalty Expense Allowance
(CT:LOG-360; 09-13-2022)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. This section pertains to Foreign Service personnel who are transferred from a domestic duty station to another domestic duty station in a different city at least 50 miles from the previous domestic duty station. The purpose of this allowance is to help offset the expense of a residence quarters lease penalty unavoidably incurred by an employee (see FTR, 41 CFR 302-11). The amount of reimbursement shall not exceed the amount required by the specific terms of a rental contract signed by the employee as a prior condition of obtaining the lease, or the equivalent of three months' rent, whichever is less. The amounts as indicated above may be reimbursed only after an appropriate authorizing official of the employing agency certifies in writing that:
(1) The employee's transfer was due to actions by the employing agency and/or to unusual conditions fully beyond the control of the employee; and
(2) The termination of the lease and departure of the employee did not result from any specific actions by the employee to seek a curtailment of the assignment for transfer or promotion; and
(3) The employee was not negligent in promptly notifying the landlord of the intent to terminate the lease after receiving an official notice of transfer; and
(4) All reasonable steps were taken by the employee to dispose of the residence quarters by sublease or assignment to others; and
(5) Both the employee and employing agency made reasonable efforts to avoid the full lease penalty by delaying the employee's transfer; and
(6) The employee signed a continued-service agreement prior to authorization of this allowance.
b. The request for a lease penalty expense allowance must be requested in the employee's TMTWO and authorized in the TMFOUR.
14 FAM 633 Storage of household Effects
(CT:LOG-360; 09-13-2022)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. Transportation and temporary storage: Maximum weight limitations for shipment and storage of household effects are as authorized in 14 FAM 613. Transportation services are to be provided by appropriate transportation offices of the foreign affairs agencies. Temporary storage for household effects authorized under these regulations will be for 90 days.
b. Nontemporary storage: 14 FAM 628 applies whenever non-temporary storage of household effects is required.
(CT:LOG-410; 02-11-2025)
(State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture - Foreign Service)
a. A Personally Procured Move (PPM) is a permanent change of station relocation between two domestic duty stations in the continental United States (CONUS) and may be authorized prior to the execution of a PPM by the Director of the Office of Transportation Management (A/GO/OPS/TM) on a case-by-case basis when it is in the best interest and advantageous to the U.S. Government. The Director may issue a Letter of Non-Availability (LNA) authorizing a PPM when U.S. Government relocation services are unavailable to meet the employees’ primary or alternate pack-out dates. The LNA must be granted, and the travel authorization issued before the employee commences a PPM. Failing to comply with the policy will result in denial of a claim. Articles not meeting the definition of household effects in 14 FAM 611.6 are not authorized in the total weight of the PPM. Reimbursements are limited to the employees’ maximum authorized weight entitlement and will only be reimbursed up to the projected Government cost for the actual weight moved (FTR, 41 CFR 302-7.16). Employees must be aware that performing a PPM does not eliminate the possibility of excess costs at their expense. Employees are not permitted to utilize the PPM program for local moves (14 FAM 611.7, paragraph d).
b. There are no restrictions on the type of privately owned vehicle, transportation service, or equipment used to perform the personally procured transportation of HHE. Use of privately owned vehicles in connection with a domestic relocation will not be reimbursed unless employee demonstrates a POV mileage reimbursement was not received under their travel voucher. Use of Government owned vehicles is prohibited.
c. The U.S. Government is not liable for loss or damage that occurs during a PPM (e.g., vehicle accident, fire, or theft). Any loss or damage is presumed to be the result of the employee's improper packing or handling. Employees should consider purchasing commercial private insurance coverage through a moving company or through a private insurance company to protect themselves from financial loss. Commercial private insurance coverage is not a reimbursable expense.
d. The employee must submit their PPM reimbursement claim within 45 days from the date the move is completed. Failure to submit a complete claims package may result in the Government denying the PPM reimbursement claim. The following documents must be included in the claims package and submitted to A/GO/OPS/TM for audit and generation of a PPM reimbursement memorandum:
(1) Certified empty/full weight scale tickets (FTR, 41 CFR 302-7.104) (e.g., CAT, Penske scales);
(2) Copy of a valid travel authorization;
(3) Copy of the paid receipts for necessary rental equipment, moving aids, and packing materials; and
(4) Copy of the Letter of Non-Availability.
e. As stated in 14 FAM 612.3-1, the constructive weight of seven pounds per cubic foot may be authorized or approved when weight certificates are not available due to the following reasons:
(1) A public or Government scale is not available; and
(2) The HHE was moved commercially, and the carrier or contractor was paid for the move on a basis other than net weight.
14 FAM 635 through 639 unassigned