15 fam 930

post safety, occupational health program administration and responsibilities

(CT:OBO-154;   06-05-2024)
(Office of Origin:  OBO/OPS/SHEM)

15 fam 931  principal officer and deputy principal officer

(CT:OBO-154;   06-05-2024)

a. The principal officer at each post has overall responsibility for the safety and health of post employees.  The deputy principal officer at each post is the designated post safety and occupational health administrator (referred to as the “administrator” in this subchapter) and is responsible for ensuring that post’s safety and occupational health programs are funded, implemented, and effective in accordance with Department of State policies.

b. The administrator appoints a post occupational safety and health officer (POSHO) to carry out day-to-day safety, occupational health, and environmental management program implementation.  This person must be a Foreign Service Officer or Specialist assigned to post and is usually employed in the management section.  Within one year of being assigned safety and health duties as the POSHO, the administrator ensures that the POSHO attends (or has attended) the POSHO seminar sponsored by the Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management in the Directorate of Operations (OBO/OPS/SHEM); POSHO training is valid for five years after which further training is required to maintain current qualifications.  If the assigned POSHO curtails, transfers, or otherwise permanently departs post, another qualified individual must be immediately assigned POSHO responsibilities. The administrator also ensures that an interim POSHO is appointed when the POSHO will be on leave from post for an extended period for reasons such as, but not limited to, rest and recreation (R&R) and medical or emergency leave.

c.  The administrator promotes and supports post’s SHEM program and ensures that the annual budget contains adequate funding for the program, including for POSHO training and to abate identified hazards.

d. The administrator ensures that safety, health, and environmental management responsibilities are critical job elements for all individuals and specific responsibilities of the POSHO and supervisors are prominent.

e. If advantageous due to post size or operational footprint, a POSHO Assistant should also be designated.

15 fam 932  post occupational safety and health officer (posho)

(CT:OBO-130;   04-27-2023)

a. The POSHO and POSHO Assistant manage the post safety, occupational health, and environmental management  program, which must meet the requirements of 15 FAM 960 and other related Department of State requirements.

b. The POSHO develops the post administrative procedures and budget necessary to meet SHEM program requirements, goals, and objectives.  The POSHO collaborates with multiple post offices, such as the Health Unit (HU), Human Resources (HR), General Services (GSO), Facility Management (FAC), and Regional Security (RSO) offices, to insure effective implementation of safety and health requirements.

c.  Domestic bureaus are also available to support posts in the implementation of an effective safety, health, and environmental management program, including, but not limited to, Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO), Medical Services (MED), Diplomatic Security (DS), and other bureaus as appropriate.

15 fam 933  post safety, occupational health, and environmental management standing committee

15 FAM 933.1  Purpose

(CT:OBO-130;   04-27-2023)

The administrator establishes a standing committee to assist in coordinating the post program.  The committee facilitates a team approach in dealing with safety, occupational health, and environmental issues; helps to establish post’s program goals and objectives; and facilitates communications.

15 FAM 933.2  Organization and Membership

(CT:OBO-154;   06-05-2024)

a. Each post having more than 25 employees [including locally employed staff (LE staff) and personal services contractors] must establish a post safety, occupational health, and environmental management standing committee.  The committee should meet at least semiannually.  The POSHO will maintain meeting minutes and distribute copies to each member.

b. Committee members include, at a minimum:

(1)  The deputy principal officer or the deputy chief of mission (the administrator), who serves as chair;

(2)  The POSHO, who serves as executive director;

(3)  A management officer;

(4)  A human resources (HR) officer;

(5)  The regional medical officer or Foreign Service nurse practitioner; and

(6)  The regional security officer (RSO).

c.  Other employees may be members, such as a representative of the labor organization holding exclusive recognition at the particular location, or other Department representatives.  Post should specify these other members in the Program Management Notice.

d. A unit safety and health committee may be organized in those instances where a unit safety officer has been designated, consistent with the applicable provisions of any collective bargaining agreement covering Department employees.

15 FAM 933.3  Objectives and Functions

(CT:OBO-43;   02-28-2014)

The committee:

(1)  Assists the administrator in planning and executing Department of State policies and requirements abroad related to loss control, including safety, occupational health, and the environment, and reviews and updates the plan annually;

(2)  Integrates safety, occupational health, and environmental management into the post’s management system, including the delegation of activities and functions as appropriate;

(3)  Monitors progress in meeting goals and objectives; and

(4)  Reviews annual mishap statistics and uses data to establish or modify program goals and objectives.

15 fam 934  supervisors

(CT:OBO-130;   04-27-2023)

Supervisors will furnish employees a place of employment free from recognized hazards that can cause death or serious harm.  They must comply with safety and occupational health standards and ensure that timely action is taken to correct or protect against unsafe or unhealthful working conditions or practices.  Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that:

(1)  Employees are provided with, and instructed in the proper use of, the correct tools and equipment to conduct their jobs safely;

(2)  Applicable safety and health procedures are observed in the workplace; and

(3)  Mishaps are reported promptly to the POSHO.  The HR office is notified when workers’ compensation claims are filed and the health unit is notified when there is a workplace injury/illness even if treatment occurs elsewhere.

15 fam 935  contractors, grantees, and other entities

(CT:OBO-154;   06-05-2024)

a. Contractors involved in OBO-sponsored construction activities will abide by standards in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385) (See 15 FAM 955).  Contracting officers and administrators must clearly define safety, occupational health and environmental requirements.  Other entities conducting projects or programs abroad that are funded or supported by the Department of State must provide their employees with safe conditions of employment in accordance with standards specified in this directive.

b. In all cases, contractor operations and activities, whether sponsored by the post or another Department of State organization, must be closely coordinated with the POSHO during both the planning and implementation phases to ensure that required safety and health standards are included as part of the project.

c.  The POSHO and POSHO Assistant will monitor contractor operations and activities to ensure they are in compliance with safety and health standards that are included as part of the project, except on projects managed by OBO’s Office of Construction Management in the Directorate of Construction and Security Management (OBO/CSM/CM), where CM also manages safety, health or environmental matters.  The POSHO or POSHO Assistant will visit the contractor work site at least daily to ensure compliance.