15 FAM 760
(CT:OBO-115; 02-24-2023)
(Office of Origin: OBO/OPS/RDF)
15 FAM 761 Procurement Requirements
(CT:OBO-115; 02-24-2023)
a. Procurement of all furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E) must comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the Department of State Acquisition Regulation (DOSAR), and pertinent funding agency procurement regulations.
b. Post-purchased
furnishings, appliances, electrical and heat producing equipment, regardless of
the funding source, must meet either Underwriters Laboratory (UL) or Conformité
Européenne (CE) safety standards. This requirement applies to residences,
offices, and functional spaces. Before purchasing furnishings locally, post
must review the manufacturing data on the item for the or CE
certification marking on it. Questions regarding this
requirement should be directed to OBO/OPS/FIRE.
c. 12 FAM 350, Construction Security Standards, Procurement, and Transit Security of Construction Materials addresses security standards and detail the purchase, secure shipment, and inspectability of items purchased abroad for use within a controlled access area (CAA). These standards are found in 12 FAH-6 H-300, 12 FAH-6 H-500, and 12 FAH-6 H-600.
d. USAID: Overseas Management Division, Office of Management Services, Bureau for Management, USAID/Washington (USAID/W—M/MS/OMD), has a list of approved quantities for the items in 15 FAM Exhibit 781(A). They must also approve the purchase of unlisted items and replacement of unauthorized items. Each USAID mission must have a written policy standardizing FF&E requirements for USAID’s designated residences. USAID missions must not procure items for representational use based on personal preference. (See procurement methods listed in 15 FAM 774.)
e. United States and Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS): All representational items for minister-counselor (MC) residences require approval before purchase by its parent agency.
15 FAM 762 Restrictions on the Removal of U.S. Government-Owned (GO) Items
(CT:OBO-115; 02-24-2023)
a. Representational residences: The Office of Residential Design and Furnishings, Operations Directorate, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/OPS/RDF), must approve the removal of furniture, furnishings, equipment, and other assets from representational residences, regardless of source (purchased, inherited, or donated/gifted). Please refer to 15 FAM 730 for detailed guidance.
b. Other residences, offices, and other functional space: No one may remove or permit the removal of U.S. Government-owned (GO) FF&E, unless directed by the accountable property officer (APO). For detailed guidance refer to 14 FAM 414.6 Authorization to Remove Property from Buildings.
c. Art: The Office of Art in Embassies, Operations Directorate, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/OPS/ART) must approve the removal of any works of art that are part of temporary art exhibitions displayed in Chief of Mission Residences (CMR), and any works of art that are part of permanent art collections in State facilities constructed under the Capital Security Construction Program (CSCP). Please see 15 FAM 740.
d. Cultural Heritage: The Office of Cultural Heritage, Operations Directorate, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/OPS/CH) must approve the removal of heritage objects from any Department of State property. Please refer to 15 FAM 770.
15 FAM 763 Property Disposal
(CT:OBO-115; 02-24-2023)
If post wishes to dispose of any items covered by 15 FAM 700 or 15 FAM Exhibit 732(A), the APO must obtain written approval from OBO/OPS/RDF for any FF&E and sundry representational items. To dispose of cultural heritage objects (antiques, artwork, and/or other cultural heritage objects) post must obtain written approval from OBO/OPS/CH. If selling or auctioning is approved, post should request guidance on funds disposition from OBO/OPS/RDF or OBO/OPS/CH, whichever is applicable, and report the sale using Form DS-132, Property Disposal Authorization and Survey Report.
15 FAM 764 THROUGH 769 unassigned