16 fam 600 
designated agency safety and health official (dasho) program

16 Fam 610

administration of the dasho program

(CT:MED-45;   05-19-2020)
(Office of Origin:  MED)

16 FAM 611  Authorities

(CT:MED-13;   01-19-2010)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

The authorities for the DASHO Program are contained in the following:

(1)  Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Act of 1970, as amended (29 U.S.C. 668);

(2)  OSHA regulations at 29 CFR 1960; and

(3)  Executive Order 12196, as amended (February 26, 1980).

16 FAM 612  ROLES and Responsibilities

(CT:MED-32;   01-10-2017)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. The Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM), the Domestic Environmental and Safety Division (A/OPR/FMS/DESD), the Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO), and the Office of Occupational Health and Wellness (MED/CP/OHW) are responsible for the Department of State’s Safety and Health Program.  16 FAM 600 describes the Medical Program’s responsibilities within the Safety and Health Program, concurrently described in 15 FAM 900.

b. The Medical Director is the DASHO and, along with the Overseas Buildings Operations Managing Director for Operations (OBO/OPS) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations (A/OPR), assists the Secretary of State in coordinating the Department’s Safety and Health Program to meet the intent of Executive Order 12196 and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 29 CFR 1960.6a.

c.  The Director of the Office of Occupational Health and Wellness assists and supports the Medical Director in the coordination of the DASHO Program.  The office assists in formulating and reviewing Department policy regarding occupational health risks, illnesses, exposures, and injuries that have potential impact on personnel abroad and domestically.  The office may represent the DASHO in interagency meetings on occupational health concerns.

d. The DASHO or his or her designee coordinates with other U.S. Government agencies and other Department bureaus and offices to develop and implement medical/health policy affecting domestic Department employees and U.S. Government employees abroad under chief-of-mission authority and their eligible family members.

16 FAM 613  occupational health AND WELLNESS program

16 FAM 613.1  Occupational Health Division

(CT:MED-45;   05-19-2020)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Functions and responsibilities of the Occupational Health division include:

(1)  Assess health risks, including those related to environmental exposures, pandemic diseases, and hazardous workplaces, to Department personnel and other Medical Program participants, and assist in monitoring personnel for any undue effects of exposures;

(2)  Provide occupational medical consultation to the Department’s health and safety programs; and

(3)  Provide support to the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) by rendering medical opinions related to disability parking, workplace accommodations, disability retirement, non-medevac travel upgrades for medical reasons, extension of Medical Program benefits, and certificates of incapacity.

b. Clinical occupational health services, including basic medical treatment for on-the-job injuries and referral of patients to local medical treatment facilities when indicated, are provided through the Department’s health units and through contract services.

c.  Work and official travel-related injuries and illnesses may be evaluated and treated at health units.  Mechanisms for reporting and submitting claims of work-related injuries and illness are found in 3 FAM 3630, Workers’ Compensation Program.  “Mishaps” as defined in 15 FAM 964.1 and causing injury, illness, or death, require reporting to the Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM; see 15 FAM 964) and the Domestic and Environmental Safety Division (A/OPR/FMS/DESD).

16 FAM 613.2  Industrial Hygiene

(CT:MED-32;   01-10-2017)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Industrial hygiene staff working within the Office of Occupational Health and Wellness (MED/OHW) coordinate with the Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM) and the Domestic and Environmental Safety Division (A/OPR/FMS/DESD) to address Department-wide safety and health issues.  Functions and responsibilities include:

(1)  Coordinating the preparation of the Department’s annual occupational safety and health report to the Secretary of Labor; and

(2)  Representing the Department in various interagency meetings and working groups relating to facets of occupational safety and health, in collaboration with SHEM and DESD.

16 FAM 613.3  Wellness

(CT:MED-45;   05-19-2020)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

The Wellness Program Manager provides executive and operational support to the Department’s Work Life Wellness Leadership Council in coordination with representatives from the Work Life Division (GTM/ER/WLD) and the Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources (D-MR).  The council oversees the work life wellness initiatives provided by various bureaus, offices, and programs throughout the Department.  Specific functions and responsibilities of the Wellness Program staff include:

(1)  Providing technical expertise and assistance to posts abroad and domestic worksites on the development and function of work life wellness committees at their locations;

(2)  Providing limited health promotion and wellness activities and subject-matter expertise to work life wellness committees seeking guidance on implementing health promotion and wellness activities; and

(3)  Collaborating with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and other Federal, State, and local entities to provide most recent evidence-based resources and wellness practices to Department personnel.

16 FAM 613.4  Occupational Health Services Abroad

(CT:MED-32;   01-10-2017)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Health units abroad have functions and responsibilities similar to those of the domestic occupational health program.  Regional medical managers (RMMs), regional medical officers (RMOs), medical providers (MPs), and regional medical laboratory scientists (RMLSs) are responsible for implementing these functions at their regional posts through mission health units.

b. Health units abroad advise the post community on local food, drinking water safety and food service activities in U.S. Government facilities.  In addition, medical personnel, in coordination with the post occupational safety and health officer (POSHO), address medical aspects of potential workplace hazards and evaluate local hazards including disease outbreaks and environmental hazards.  Findings are coordinated through the Bureau of Medical Services (MED) and the Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (OBO/OPS/SHEM).

c.  Occupational injuries or illnesses requiring investigations or mishap reporting will be reported to the POSHO and to the Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (SHEM); see 15 FAM 964.

16 FAM 613.5  Travel and Immunization Services

CT:MED-32;   01-10-2017)
(Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

As a component of its Occupational Health program, MED provides travel and immunization services necessary to prevent diseases and illnesses related to deployments abroad to eligible medical program participants at domestic sites.

16 FAM 614  through 619 unassigned