1 FAM 460

BUREAU OF Energy Resources (ENR)

(CT:ORG-641;   10-23-2023)
(Office of Origin:  EB-ENR/EX)


1 FAM 461.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-641;   10-23-2023)

a. The Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources (ENR):

(1)  Reports to the Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment (E);

(2)  Formulates and implements international policies aimed at protecting and advancing U.S. energy security interests by effective management of U.S. bilateral and multilateral relations in the fields of petroleum, natural gas, biofuels, renewable energy, nuclear, and other energy resources policy;

(3)  Provides, in coordination with the Assistant Secretaries of the regional bureaus and other functional bureaus and offices, an adequate, regular flow of information concerning the U.S. Government's international energy policy, legislative developments, and diplomatic exchanges, especially on matters that may result in negotiations and representations abroad;

(4)  Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 460, Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR);

(5)  Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for U.S. energy policy towards key energy producing and consuming countries, including on interagency efforts relating to global energy development and transportation;

(6)  Coordinates the bureau’s efforts on energy diplomacy with U.S. Government and State Department policy and programs on arms control and nonproliferation, related to nuclear energy; and

(7)  Conducts policy analysis that covers broad areas of our foreign economic policy in five functional areas:

(a)  Hydrocarbon Resources;

(b)  Alternative and Renewable Energy Resources;

(c)  Commercial Nuclear Energy Markets;

(d)  Electricity, Energy Efficiency, and Energy Poverty; and

(e)  Energy Transparency and Resource Governance.

b. The bureau is composed of three directorates, each headed by a deputy assistant secretary and reporting to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources:

(1)  Energy Governance and Access (ENR/EGA);

(2)  Energy Diplomacy (ENR/EDP); and

(3)  Energy Transformation (ENR/ETR).

1 FAM 461.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-257;   02-16-2012)

See 1 FAM Exhibit 461.2 for an organization chart of the Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR).

1 FAM 461.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-257;   02-16-2012)

The following authorities apply, as appropriate, to energy policy and functions:

(1)  22 U.S.C. 2651a and 22 U.S.C. 2656;

(2)  Public Law 110-140, section 931, regarding energy diplomacy and security, and establishing the office of Coordinator for International Energy Affairs within the Department;

(3)  22 U.S.C. 290p, regarding the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA);

(4)  Delegation of Authority 293-2, dated October 23, 2011, Section 2(e)(2), regarding the authorities of Assistant Secretaries; and

(5)  Other authorities, as appropriate.

1 FAM 462  Principal DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR Energy Governance and Access (ENR/EGA)

(CT:ORG-257;   02-16-2012)

a. The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Governance and Access (ENR/EGA):

(1)  Formulates policy recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources and coordinates activities of the Office of Energy Diplomacy and the Office of Energy Transformation to further U.S. energy security policy;

(2)  Coordinates and designs education and training activities for Foreign Service, Civil Service, and locally employed staff to build and maintain subject-matter expertise on U.S. energy security and energy issues;

(3)  Acts as the primary conduit for public diplomacy and public relations between the Bureau of Energy Resources, foreign governments and populations, and domestic and foreign press;

(4)  Implements and oversees strategic initiatives instituted and operated by the Bureau of Energy Resources; and

(5)  Serves as the U.S. member of the Board of Governors of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

b. The following offices serve under the direction of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Governance and Access (ENR/EGA):

(1)  Office of Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (ENR/EGA/PAPD); and

(2)  Office of Energy Programs (ENR/EGA/EP).

1 FAM 463  DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR Energy diplomacy (ENr/edp)

(CT:ORG-641;   10-23-2023)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy (ENR/EDP):

(1)  Develops policy recommendations and has responsibility within the Department for:

(a)  Advancing global, regional, and bilateral engagement with energy producing and consuming countries, including acting as the primary interlocutor for engagement with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), International Energy Forum (IEF), and other organizations and forums that address fossil fuel and related energy issues;

(b)  Developing, executing, and supporting initiatives that promote stable and fair energy markets; and

(c)  Initiatives that further overall U.S. energy security objectives and policies with respect to petroleum, natural gas, and other fossil fuel resources; and

(2)  Works closely with other U.S. Government agencies, overseas posts and regional bureaus, and the U.S. private sector to address and resolve global and regional energy and energy market disputes, including resource conflict resolution, fossil fuel producer, and consumer country coordination, and phasing out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.

b. The following offices serve under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy (ENR/EDP):

(1)  Office of Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and Africa (ENR/EDP/EWA); and

(2)  Office of the Middle East and Asia (ENR/EDP/MEA).


(CT:ORG-641;   10-23-2023)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation (ENR/ETR):

(1)  Develops U.S. foreign policy recommendations, based on U.S. energy security priorities, on the promotion, advancement, and deployment of alternative and renewable fuels internationally;

(2)  Engages in international bilateral and multilateral forums to represent U.S. interests in the development of alternative and renewable fuels and markets, and heads U.S. engagement with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA);

(3)  Develops policy recommendations and programmatic solutions to promote global energy access, particularly in impoverished countries and regions, through energy access and market creation; and

(4)  Promotes energy efficiency, storage, and “smart-grid” technologies internationally to reduce energy consumption in countries struggling with inefficiencies in the production, transportation, and tracking of energy consumption.

b. The following offices serve under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation:

(1)  Office of Alternative and Renewable Energy (ENR/ETR/ARE); and

(2)  Office of Electricity and Energy Efficiency (ENR/ETR/EEE).

1 FAM 465  Executive Director (EB-ENR/EX)

(CT:ORG-641;   10-23-2023)

a. The Executive Director (EB-ENR/EX) directs the provision of the full range of administrative services to the bureau, including organization, budget, personnel, supplies, security, and other administrative services.  See 1 FAM 116.

b. The Executive Director also serves in the same capacity for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB).  See 1 FAM 428.

1 FAM 466  through 469  unasssigned


1 FAM EXHIBIT 461.2 

(CT:ORG-641;   10-23-2023)



ENR Org Chart