1 FAM 420 


(CT:ORG-617;   02-22-2023)
(Office of Origin:  EB-ENR/EX)


1 FAM 421.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-573;   03-17-2021)

a. The Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs (EB):

(1)  Reports to the Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment (E);

(2)  Formulates and implements international economic policies aimed at protecting and advancing U.S. economic, political, and security interests by managing U.S. bilateral and multilateral economic relations through negotiated agreements and other initiatives in the fields of trade, finance, development, transportation, communications, agriculture and food, and resources policy.  The Assistant Secretary also provides policy guidance and implementing support for the Secretary's participation in the Trade Policy Committee and related bodies;

(3)  Provides, in coordination with the Assistant Secretaries of the regional and other relevant bureaus, an adequate, regular flow of information concerning the U.S. Government's multilateral economic and commercial policies, policy deliberations, legislative developments, and diplomatic exchanges, especially on matters that may result in negotiations and representations abroad;

(4)  Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 420, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB);

(5)  Has Departmental responsibility with respect to assisting the U.S. business community and developing and implementing policies and actions in international commercial and business affairs;

(6)  Conducts policy analysis that covers broad areas of our foreign economic policy in five functional areas:

(a)  International finance and development;

(b)  Trade policy and negotiations;

(c)  Cyber, international communications and information policy;

(d)  Threat finance countermeasures and economic sanctions; and

(e)  Transportation affairs.

b. The following divisions serve under the purview of the Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs (EB):

(1)  Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs (EB/CBA);

(2)  Cyber, International Communications and Information Policy (EB/CIP);

(3)  Threat Finance Countermeasures and Economic Sanctions (EB/TFS);

(4)  International Finance and Development (EB/IFD);

(5)  Trade Policy and Negotiations (EB/TPN); and

(6)  Transportation Affairs (EB/TRA).

c.  The following divisions serve under the purview of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary:

(1)  Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (EB/EPPD):

(a)  Policy Analysis Team (EB/EPPD/PA); and

(b)  Public Diplomacy Team (EB/EPPD/PD); and

(2)  Executive Director (EB-ENR/EX).

1 FAM 421.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-431;  10-26-2017)

See Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs on OpenNet for a current organizational chart of the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB).

1 FAM 421.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-573;   03-17-2021)

The following authorities apply:

(1)  22 U.S.C. 2651a and 22 U.S.C. 2656;

(2)  Public Law 102-138, 22 U.S.C. 2656h, International Credit Reports;

(3)  Section 802 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958: 49 U.S.C. 40105;

(4)  Delegation of Authority 121, dated October 21, 1970 (E.O. 11539, as amended, Meat Import Controls);

(5)  Delegation of Authority 219, dated October 29, 1996 (functions vested in the Secretary by E.O. 10530, related to transmittal of approval to the FCC of submarine cable landing licenses);

(6)  Delegation of Authority 232, dated April 16, 1999 (functions vested in the Secretary by Section 2225 of Public Law 105-277, 8 U.S.C. 1182d, Denial of Visas to Confiscators of American Property);

(7)  Delegation of Authority 331, dated December 16, 2009 (authority to represent the Department on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to the extent permitted by law);

(8)  Delegation of Authority 337, dated June 24, 2011 (authority to represent the Department on the Federal Interagency Working Group established by the SelectUSA Executive Order 13577, of June 15, 2011);

(9)  Delegation of Authority 293-2, dated October 23, 2011, which delegated the following functions to the EB Assistant Secretary:

(a)  The functions conferred upon the Secretary by the Export Administration Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2404(k) and 50 U.S.C. 2405(k), and the functions conferred by section 1-102(b) of Executive Order 12214, relating to negotiations with other countries, subject to the concurrences required by the Department of State Circular 175 Procedure;

(b)  The function conferred upon the Secretary of State by section 3(b) of E.O. 10900 of January 5, 1961, revoked and superseded by E.O. 12752 of February 25, 1991, ensuring that all functions exercised under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (7 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), and other statutes as amended, are consistent with the foreign policy of the United States; and

(c)  Any functions that may be necessary and appropriate to implement the programs and activities for which the Assistant Secretary is responsible;

(10) Delegation of Authority 214, dated September 20, 1994 (functions vested in the Secretary by 22 U.S.C. 2707, International communications and information policy, and 22 U.S.C. 2370a, Expropriation of United States property); and

(11) Other authorities, as appropriate.

1 FAM 422  Principal DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR Economic and Business Affairs

(CT:ORG-573;   03-17-2021)

The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB):

(1)  The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary acts for the Assistant Secretary in his or her absence.

(2)  He or she provides overall coordination and management of the bureau.  In coordination with central management, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary actively participates in the recruitment of personnel to carry out the Department's responsibilities in the areas of economic and business affairs.  In coordination with geographic bureaus and central management, he or she facilitates the assignment of economic officers to U.S. missions.  Oversees the recruitment of officers for the U.S. mission to the OECD.

(3)  The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary supports the Assistant Secretary on other matters as designated. 


(CT:ORG-617;   02-22-2023)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions (EB/TFS):

(1)  Oversees the development and implementation of U.S. economic policies and objectives relating to global and country-specific economic sanctions programs, including coordination with relevant U.S. Government agencies, foreign governments, and multilateral organizations;

(2)  Coordinates Department efforts to develop and implement measures to counter threat financing utilized by terrorist entities and other illicit organizations;

(3)  Supports global sanctions and threat standard-setting, finance standard-setting, including leading engagement on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for the Department, enforcement of standards; and

(4)  Cultivates relationships with the Congress, the U.S. and foreign publics, commercial entities, and nongovernmental organizations to produce greater understanding of the Department’s policies and operational environment, as well as securing collaborative approaches to threat finance, sanctions, and conflict-resolution problems.

b. The following offices and divisions serve under the purview of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions:

(1)  Office of Global Sanctions and Threat Finance (EB/TFS/GST); and

(2)  Office of Sanctions Policy and Implementation (EB/TFS/SPI).


(CT:ORG-431;   10-26-2017)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cyber, International Communications and Information Policy (EB/CIP):

(1)  Formulates and coordinates the implementation and oversight of international telecommunications and information policy;

(2)  Maintains liaison with executive branch departments, agencies, and offices involved with international communications; consults with these departments, agencies, and offices to formulate U.S. positions; and oversees participation in negotiations with foreign governments; and

(3)  Has substantive responsibility for providing communication guidance to U.S. representatives to international organizations, and maintains liaison with representatives and officials of foreign governments on communications and information policy issues.

b. The following offices serve under the purview of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Policy:

(1)  Office of Bilateral and Regional Affairs (EB/CIP/BA);

(2)  Office of Multilateral Affairs (EB/CIP/MA); and

(3)  Office of Technology and Security Policy (EB/CIP/TS).


(CT:ORG-596;   02-03-2022)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Finance and Development (EB/IFD) develops policy recommendations and has responsibility within the Department for:

(1)  Advancing global, regional, and bilateral investment policy and negotiations, including the accession of additional countries to existing investment arrangements and guidelines;

(2)  Developing and implementing strategies to promote improved investment climates worldwide, including the provision of guidance to the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation on investment support, including loans, loan guarantees, and political risk insurance in less developed countries;

(3)  Developing and implementing Department positions as a member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States;

(4)  Developing, executing, and supporting initiatives designed to strengthen the international financial system working with all key international financial institutions;

(5)  Managing international banking and tax issues;

(6)  Negotiating the rescheduling or forgiveness of foreign debts to the U.S. Government and the collection of overdue debts;

(7)  Developing and executing initiatives designed to advance good public financial management and anti-corruption efforts, including through the OECD Working Group on Bribery;

(8)  Developing, executing, and supporting initiatives designed to advance the U.S. development and international economic policy agenda through the G-7, the G-20, multilateral development banks, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank, the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), and the United Nations; and

(9)  Crafting new financial/investment and development programs that further U.S. overseas economic objectives and create additional export opportunities for U.S. businesses.

b. The following offices serve under the purview of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Finance and Development:

(1)  Office of Macroeconomic Affairs (EB/IFD/OMA);

(2)  Office of Development Finance (EB/IFD/ODF); and

(3)  Office of Investment Affairs (EB/IFD/OIA).


(CT:ORG-275;   07-03-2012)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs (EB/TRA):

(1)  Supervises the development and implementation of policies and programs concerning international transportation, including both international aviation and international shipping;

(2)  Leads, or supervises subordinates’ leadership of, U.S. Government delegations in bilateral and multilateral air services negotiations with foreign governments and coordinates U.S. Government activities to ensure that rights secured in air services agreements are fully respected; and

(3)  Develops, coordinates, and applies policies formulated under the auspices of international organizations with transportation responsibilities, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization.

b. The following offices serve under the purview of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs:

(1)  Office of Aviation Negotiations (EB/TRA/AN); and

(2)  Office of Transportation Policy (EB/TRA/OTP).


(CT:ORG-573;   03-17-2021)

The Office of Commercial and Business Affairs (EB/CBA):

(1)  Serves as the focal point for the Department's outreach to the U.S. business community and has primary responsibility in the Department for developing, analyzing, and coordinating efforts to vigorously support and facilitate U.S. business interests abroad;

(2)  Works closely with the Department’s regional bureaus, other U.S. Government agencies, and with Congress to promote support for U.S. businesses abroad, and provides assistance to U.S. firms seeking help with business problems abroad; and

(3)  At the direction of the Secretary, EB/CBA works closely with the White House, the Department’s regional and functional bureaus, other U.S. government agencies, and the private sector to lead the Department’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship worldwide.

1 FAM 428  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Negotiations (EB/TPN)

(CT:ORG-573;   03-17-2021)

a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Negotiations (EB/TPN):

(1)  Develops policy recommendations and has responsibility within the Department for:

(a)  Advancing global, regional, and bilateral trade negotiations, including the accession of additional countries to existing trade agreements; and

(b)  Crafting new trade programs and initiatives that further U.S. overseas economic development objectives and create additional export opportunities for U.S. businesses, farmers, ranchers, and workers;

(2)  Works closely with other U.S. Government agencies, overseas posts, and the U.S. private sector to address and resolve trade disputes, and eliminate trade barriers; and

(3)  Develops and coordinates the Department's strategy and position on trade capacity building, food security, international trade aspects of domestic legislation, operation and extension of existing trade preference programs, development of new programs, textile and apparel trade policy, and import-relief measures.

(4)  Works closely with other U.S. Government agencies, overseas posts, and the U.S. private sector, supported by the Trade Division, to address and resolve trade disputes relating to intellectual property protection and enforcement, including classification of countries under Special 301.  Develops, executes, and supports broad initiatives designed to strengthen intellectual property rights.

b. The following offices serve under the purview of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Negotiations:

(1)  Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs (EB/TPN/BTA);

(2)  Office of Multilateral Trade Affairs (EB/TPN/MTA);

(3)  Office of Agricultural Policy (EB/TPN/AGP).

(4)  Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement (EB/TPN/IPE)

1 FAM 429  Executive Director (EB-ENr-GP/EX)

(CT:ORG-573;   03-17-2021)

a. The Executive Director (EB-ENR-GP/EX) directs the provision of the full range of administrative services to the bureau, including organization, budget, personnel, security, and administrative services.  See 1 FAM 116.

b. The Executive Director also serves in the same capacity for the Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR).  See 1 FAM 466.

c. The Executive Director also serves in the same capacity for the Office of Global Partnerships (E/GP). See 1 FAM 042.4.