8 FAM 506
Entitlement to a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA)

8 FAM 506.1

Who is Eligible to Apply for a CRBA

(CT:CITZ-86;   12-02-2022)
(Office of Origin: CA/PPT/S/A)

8 FAM 506.1-1  Who can apply

(CT:CITZ-86;   12-02-2022)

a. A consular officer may issue a form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America, for any child who is eligible for it upon application made at any time before the child’s 18th birthday.  Requests for application for a form FS-240 after the age of 18 should be directed to CA/PPT/S/A (AskPPTAdjudication@state.gov).

b. The child’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must complete form DS-2029, Application for Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America.  If there is no parent or guardian, CA/PPT/S/A in consultation with L/CA, will determine who may apply on behalf of the minor.

NOTE:  This exception is generally limited to extraordinary cases involving death of the entire family, except the child.

c.  If approved, the revised form FS-240 is issued.  The form is a two-part set consisting of the original form FS-240 and a Department file copy.

d. The form DS-2029 is to be executed only by a child’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s).  Either parent, including an alien parent, may execute the application.  No other persons are authorized to apply on a child’s behalf, except with notarized authorization from the child’s parent(s) or guardian, or with specific case-by-case authorization from CA/PPT/S/A (AskPPTAdjudication@state.gov) in exceptional cases.  For abandoned or unaccompanied minors, CA/PPT/S/A may authorize a consular officer to execute the application.

e. The form FS-240, in certain circumstances, now may be amended (see 8 FAM 1001.3) or replaced (see 8 FAM 1001.6).

f.  Custody dispute:  There is no two-parent signature requirement for a form FS-240 with respect to permission to issue.  In the case of a child involved in a custody dispute, either parent may apply for the form FS-240 regardless of which parent has been awarded custody.  In the rare event that separate applications are received from both parents, as in the case of a divorce, approve the application received first.  Once the form FS-240 has been issued, the other parent may obtain a form FS-240.  Direct questions about a Form FS-240 and a child custody dispute to CA/PPT/S/A (AskPPTAdjudication@state.gov).